REVIEW COMMENTS PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-122 TO: Don Jaeger, Building Official ~~ FROM: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director DATE: May 20, 1993 RE: TRANSMITTAL OF APPROVED SITE PLAN FROM THE MAY 18, 1993, CITY COMMISSION MEETING Accompanying this memorandum you will find the approved site plan package for the project{s) listed below. The site plan package will include the following items: 1. A copy of the City issued approval letter 2. A copy of the comments made by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) 3. A set of plans reviewed by the TRC Ambulatorv Surqical and Endoscopv Center: One story medical office building that includes associated parking and landscaping. The Site Plan was approved with conditions by the City Commission at their regular meeting held on May 18, 1993. Bovnton Beach Promenade: Increase of previously approved floor area from 75,130 square feet to 79,318 square feet. The Site Plan was approved with conditions by the City Commission at their regular meeting held on May 18, 1993. CC:ald Attachments XC: (Memo Only) Al Newbold central File Project File A:MAY18.CC ~ Ii. iJ 'v,_'. - PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-751 FROM: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~ . Chr1stopher Cutro, Plann1ng and Zoning Director TO: DATE: May 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Setback Variances for Endoscopy Center The Board of Adjustment, at its meeting of May 17, 1993, reviewed the side setback variances for the Endoscopy Center located at the northwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue. After reviewing information provided by staff and holding a public hearing, the Board voted unanimously to approve the setback variances for this site. Please provide this information to the City Commission as backup to their review of the site plan on May 18, 1993. CC/cmc C:SETBACK y;J J2elr-.J- ~.~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-111 FROM: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~ Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: May 13, 1993 SUBJECT: Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center 2351 South Seacrest Boulevard Wayne puls of Tralis, Inc. has requested a site plan review for a medical building at the northwest corner of Golf Road and Seacrest Boulevard. The building is 4,670 square feet done in a Spanish/Mediterranean style. The site is long and narrow and it will require side setback variances. These have been applied for and will be considered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on May 17, 1993. There was some question of right-of-way dedication, but the County Traffic Engineer has indicated that no dedication will be required from this site. The Planning and Development Board reviewed this site plan at its meeting of May 11, 1993 and forwarded this request to the City Commission with a unanimous recommendation for approval. This site has been scheduled for review and final consideration before the City Commission on May 18, 1993. CC/cmc C:AMSUR ~~ -- n GEE & JENSON MEMORANDUM FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Directo~ & W. Richard Staudinger, PE City Enginf r r--- Endoscopy Center TO: RE: DATE: May 7, 1993 **************************************************************************************************** I have reserved the drainage calculations provided by Cohen, Freedman, Encinosa for the referenced project. They meet the City requirements. This submittal satisfies my TRC comment NO.7. :jer 92025/225 RECEIVED W.V 10 PLANNING Df-PT. II ,i 8Bl AMBULATORY SURGICAL AND ENDOSCOPY CENTER NEW SITE PLAN i I SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION April 29, 1993 Project Name: Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center Applicant: Boynton Endoscopy Center Agent: Wayne PuIs Location: 2351 south Seacrest Boulevard Land Use Plan Designation: Office Zoning Designation: C-1 Type of Use: Medical Building Square Footage: 4670 square feet DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: This is a site plan for a 4,670 square foot medical building at the northwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and N.W. 23rd Avenue (Gulf Road). The development is a one story building in a Spanish/ Mediterranean style. The entrance feature will contain a two story atrium. The structure meets the design requirements for the district and adequate landscaping to meet code is indicated on the site plan. The side setbacks for the structure will need to be varied. Due to a court decision that has rendered the Palm Beach County Thoroughfare Plans invalid, we cannot demand a dedication of right-of-way for 23rd Avenue at this time and we have been advised by the Traffic Engineer that they will not require a dedication of right-of-way for this site. REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS: Comments of the reviewing departments are attached. The few remaining comments will be addressed at the time of building permit. Item #3 in the comments from the Administrative coordinator of Engineering has been invalidated by the letter from the Traffic Engineer of Palm Beach County. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the site plan be forwarded to Commiss ion with a recommendation for approval subj ect comments and subject to variance approval by the Adjustment. the City to Staff Board of A:STAFFREP.P&D MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning and site Reviewer DATE: April 28, 1993 RE: Site Plan Review - New site Plan Second Review Project: Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center Location: 2351 South Seacrest Boulevard File No.: 732 The amended plans for the above referenced proj ect have been submitted and reviewed. The following comments are either comments from the original set of comments that were not satisfactorily corrected on the amended plans or were generated as a result of the review of amended plans. All comments shall be corrected. However, it is acceptable to show compliance with the outstanding comments on the plans that are required to be submitted to the Building Department for permit review. The applicant must understand that the following comments are comments generated for Site Plan Review and that additional comments may be forth coming as a result of the review of the working drawings and documents submitted to the Building Department for permits. All permit documents are reviewed for compliance with the requirements specified in the Boynton Beach code of Ordinances. 1. Building side setbacks do not comply with the required setbacks for this C-l zoned district. The plans show a building side (interior) setback, on the North side and abutting Ridgepoint Villas, of ten (10) feet with a roof overhang (dimension of the overhang has not been provided) encroaching into this setback. Appendix A Zoning, C-l, Office and Professional Commercial District, 3. Building and site Regulations required a ten (10) foot side setback except: when abutting a residential district, side and/or rear yards shall be thirty (30) feet (No overhang). An approved variance is required and/or change the design drawings to comply with the minimum required setbacks for this district. 2. The required perimeter shrub landscaping shall be fifty (50) percent native species. Please provide this information by note on the landscape plans. Identify the landscape material by both common and scientific name and adjust the landscape plans accordingly. ~~ Dorothy Moore . DM:ald C:ENDOSCOP.ALD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-094 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: 2nd Site Plan Review - Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center DATE: April 14, 1993 The change of the dumpster enclosure to 10' inside dimensions leaves Public Works with no further concerns. ~~ Public Works Director REier ItflCEIVED '-, ,'tJI~ 1 G PLANNI/IJG DEP ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-101 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: April 19, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center Planning Department File No. 732 Please be advised that I have reviewed the above referenced plan and do not object to the plan moving forward. 1. The photometric site lighting plan that was submitted in response to my original comments still appears to fall short of complying with minimum City codes, therefore, the applicant is herein advised that a more comprehensive illumination plan must be submitted during the permit review process in order to ascertain compliance with City Ordinances. 2. Regarding the matter of the existing power pole and anchor as depicted on plan sheet A-l, the applicant has not yet provided the requested information relative to guy wires and anchors, etc. crossing a pedestrian sidewalk along the center of the site on SW 23rd Avenue. During the permit review process, it shall be imperative that the applicant prove that the wires crossing the sidewalk are set at an elevation which will not jeopardize the safety of pedestrians. 3. Accompanying the submission was an April 9, 1993 letter from Attorney William R. Boos, III, indicating that it is his position that a required dedication of 15' along the existing north rights-of-way line of SW 23rd Avenue is "illegal and confiscatory". I recommend that prior to a final determination being made in this matter, that the City Attorney be contacted in order for the Technical Review Committee to benefit from his legal opinion and advise. Additionally, Charles Walker, Jr., Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering, telephone #684-4030, should be contacted by the City Attorney in order to provide insight as to justifi- cation for rights-of-way dedication, as well as the application of the result rendered in Palm Beach County vs William Wright, et al as stated within Mr. Boos' April 9, 1993 letter. Should the outcome of the City Attorney's deliberations with Palm Beach County result in a decision to compel the developer to dedicate a 15' wide rights-of-way along the north line of SW 23rd Avenue, the applicant will be responsible to redesign the subject site in accordance with conditions of approval. Prior to sending this matter to the associated review boards, such decision should be rendered in its final form. Should you require any additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 488. J.~c .':\- A :~T Vlncent A. FlnlZlO VAF/ck cc: James Cherof, City Attorney (refer to Item #3) J. Scott Miller, City Manager W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer RECEIVED r\H1 20 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-091 April 20, 1993 THRU: Chris Cutro Planning D~'re tor Don Jaeger Building 0 cial TO: FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS - 2nd REVIEW AMBULATORY SURGICAL & ENOOSCOPY CENTER The Building Department has no objection to the above project being forwarded to the Planning & Development Board since the following comments can be addressed at time of permit: 1. All signs will be required to comply with code. 2. An easement agreement must be submitted. 3. A variance will be required for any setbacks that do not meet code. A~~~ AN: bh AMBULATO RECEIVED APR 2 0 1993 MEMORANDUM Utilities No. 93-164 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning FROM: John A. Guidry, utilities Director DATE: April 20, 1993 SUBJECT: Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center File No. 732 second Review Staff has reviewed the plans for the above-referenced project and foresee no problems related to water and sewer availability which would prevent it from progressing through the review process. The applicant is again reminded that the plan submitted for building permit must comply with all applicable standards. The current plan clearly does not address these concerns. Our approval to proceed through the review process does not release the applicant from compliance, but merely delays the department's comprehensive review, until the time of building permit review. If there are any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Mike Kazunas at 738-7460. jbks Attachment xc: Mike Kazunas Peter Mazzella File RECEIVED AI-'R 20 PLANNING DEPT. . FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-238 WDe TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: APRIL 14/ 1993 RE: AMBULATORY SURGICAL & ENDOSCOPY CENTER 2351 SOUTH SEACREST BOULEVARD PROVIDE A FIRE HYDRANT FOR THIS SITE SO THAT NO PORTION OF THE BUILDING IS OVER 200' FROM IT. /ft':!:;;fl~~ BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT pg P~'~"=?!VED APR 1 4 1993 MEMORANDUM TO Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director DATI: April 19, 1993 "I~. ""OM Sergeant Michael Kirrman SuaJICT Second Review: AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER 2351 S. Seacrest Sir: I have reviewed the second set of plans and make the following recommendations. 1) Verify that pole lights are affixed with electric eye darkness illuminators. I further recommend that after adjustment suggested that this plan be for- warded in system. Respe,tfully, i ,;,,/ ;. J J~ c..--<?" . (> - / ..Michae K r an Sergeant ~ MK:m Attachment RECPIVED APR 1 9 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher cutro, planning and Zoning Director FROM: ~ of{ 1\.) lAJ l"L b IV r::: ,.a DATE: 4-14-93 RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - Amended Plans Proj ect: ,lj /1-113 "1' (. A 1 otxi S"f d\'G, 411 c A.v b fifJ t:J 0$ C J f'1...( Cf ,t;7f( After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended plans for the above __ the dft<.fj;liiio,J <{- P/~~k 'bEPMfH1e-vl that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. C:AMEND1.ALD r-." ,~O c"-""c. \ ,! r.;. f' \,::;;v . . ~~~ , 'j \993 (jft~ &~~ (frJ ll: ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ '" ... ~ ... @ @> @)~J l.h,jHi li~ ! ~ '11' h h~ ~"'~ ~ ~ ~ r:l l"j >l ~ ~"k ;I . i!~tli ~~~ . ~~ ~ lUll ~I!~;' aUI. "~f1~ II ~ ~~ q ~ ~ il ! ,.- .~~ ~~ hi I':w .~ I. II ~I ~..lt.lIr *" @ U~~i; tMUIl . JUii~ ~:!I~ filii bJ~f D Iii" J ,~v~ ~ 11111 , h1 toEW AM8U.ATORY SlMGICAl ^ND ENDOSCOPY aNTER-60YTON BEACH PlANTNG PlAN il~, if 'I liD 05. 07. 93 05:07 PM ""GEE &.. ..JENSON pos n ~eE & JE~SON~ANDUM RE: Chrlstopher Cutro, Planning &. Zoning Directo~ tJ W. Richard Staudinger, PE Cily EnginfJ~ Endoscopy Center TO: FROM: DATE: May 7. 1993 .................................................................................................... I have reserved the drainage calculations provided by Cohen, Freedman, Encinosa for ttle referenced project. They meet the City requirements. This submIttal satisfIes my TRC comment No.7. ~jer 92025/22S ; ',-. J. APR-29-'93 THU 10:52 ID: TEL' NO: .... -~763 P~l ,-,""W OF"F"IO~I; BOOSE CASEY CIKLIN LuBITZ MARTENS McBANE Q O'CONNEL.L. A IOARTNt:IIl5HIP INCI.UCING ..ROFE5SIONAL ASSOCIATIO"'& .JOijEPI'I I.. ""'01\11:1''''''''1\1. .J1'l. ."\,JOE G, I'>I.EllA"IDER. p,/'>.. ""C."IlIL.O .. lit E." iIII. Q..... WILLIAM Fl. Boo.E. Itt, P.A. .JOI1N 0, EloYKIN, P,.... PA1""1CK .J. C"'OE'I', ",..., AL.e.N oJ, CIKL.IN. "'.A hllCHjlol1. W' CONNORS I'lQIl~RT 1... 1;-"'15, ".A. I'lONAI.Cl It. ORt':SCIiNZO W"'V O. ,.IANG Lt':1l: .. GORDON ~'!lI;"L. ~. ~t=l:a::I!NE LYND.e.lJ, ""''''1'115. ~.... O;Il~'" ", .J1I!:t.l"'5, IJ. A. .",...w .. .JO"LVI\l. IO.A. GAB;(JORY S, KINO CM~'III'L.~~~. ...\oI&ITZ, l1li-110. I!ClWIN C. l.YNSFORO "'CHAl'ICl i,.. ~AR"E:NS. P. A. LOUIS Ft. MCI!l........~. ~A ,.I~OTHV P. M~""'R"f'HY. P.Il. C;LAUOIA 101. Mcr;Z::NN'" MORRIS G. (10""1") .<lLL"''' IIIiiIJUA.... e.oI. C'c:,ONNELL I='..A. PHU. P, O'c;g,...Nf!LL, ....R" ,..... oJ. i\.OR'f P'A"I\H\JR~T GHffIIiPT9F2M." .j. 'f'\.YOHE.V JOHN Fl, 'fOUNG, Pi....' LO,""IE 8. ZAN(;RIL..O t;:i!-TM1:"" A, &lAtP.....,..... "H 1..,-'1> D. O.CO......"L..L. SLI'I. 115107-1987) 01' COUNS!l:L ",OI-lN L RE,,",SEN NQRT....!>RloBI!: TOWCt!l I . 19.... FI.OOR 515 NOATH FL"GL.I51 DR,VE WEST P....l.M BIt....CH. F"L.QRIO... 33401 TI!:LI!:"HONr; (41J7) e;)2.5liOOD TO<L..ECQP'"'' (40.,) e33 ..4:!oa MAIt.ING ...~gR!i;gl;i ....0. DI'IAWI[Q 024@26 WE~" ~ALM B~ACM.r JrL. ~~OC."CII!:O April Z;I, 1993 VIA FAXI 738-745' Chris Cutro, Flanning Director city of Boynton Be~ch p, O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl0rlaa 33435 Re: Boynton EndoscOpy center Dear Mr. cutro: Attachad is a gel f-explanatory lette;r; from Ren R09'orAl: of thg Palm Beach county Land Development Divi6ion ~hich ~tatee that palm Beach county will not be requiring the de~ication of additional Right-of- Way for S. W. 23rd Avenue. Please do not hesitate to call me 1:1:: you have any quel!ltione or C!onCllrns. yours, ~ o G5:K/ag Encl. M800-22346 cc: David J. Menkhaus, BsquirQ (407/393-6541) stuart Cohen, A.I.A (305/669-0126) William R. Boose II~, EQquirQ , I Ii II RECEIVED APR 29 PLANNING DEPT. RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-184 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director !<J-If FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center Second Review (Site Plan) DATE: April 26, 1993 My original comments about existing trees remain current. KH:ad RECEIVED APR 2 7 1993 .fIPR- 29- "33 THU t 0 : 5:3. I.D : SENT BY:)(erox re! ecopar 'I02!! i 4"~U-~l:I 'IO;~" IkMd af CoUllty eommt.tlonert Mary MtCuty, awr KII\ L. POIler, Viet Chalnnan ICaren T. Mareu. Carol A. Robtltl Warren H. NeweU Burt Aarcml'.ln Maude !lord Lee TEL NO: ~763 P~v~J08;# 2 COW\ty Admlftiltntor Robert WeItiIl\an Dl!paftmbt f)llawMIl'iftI ...d Publitl Woa. ApzoJ.J. 22, lSUJ3 Ch1:'1. O\l~ro, Ci't.y .1.nn.~ City of Boyntgn ...oh 100 11..0\; Born'ton BeAoh Blv4. l\oyn~gn krach, 1'1. la43. SUB3IC'1'J JOnf'l'ON lilNDOSCOPY CENTER- SOUTHWEST 23RO AVENUE DIlD:CATJ:OK c..1" KX' . cutro I Th1. ofriae haS l'Iaen :r:aqueste4 tQ rtIVi.w tb. road d.a4iea-cozor require..nt.. .tor the proposed Boyn1oon In~".gopy Cent-a;- -;0 b. locat.d. at 23~1 80. saaor..ti BOul.v.~c1 (northw..t QQrn.:r ot SW 2::11:'4 Avenue and 8eacre.t BaulevArcl). 'l'he 1'.1111. JMILQh coun~y ThOl"ouihtare Plan r.rl.ats an ult1aaeo n..a tor Sg f..t ot .!9h~-of-W*Y tor aw 23r4 Av.nu.. How.ver, ~n oon:ormance wi~h recant. court "'.g1.1gn., the County c:annot r.quire the de.c!lClItion of &4d1 ~lona.l rlitl'~-gt-w.y unl... th.ra i. a luftlcient ne~. ~atw..n the project's tratf1Q and tha "..d for additional righ.t-of-way. In this partll:Ullr Cal., no na"uI has b..n ..t:~li.h.d all4 a. a r..ult, pa.lm Belich (!Qunty will not r.quast the 4adication of the additional r1qht-ot-way.' very ~ly ~Gur., ., P,E., Dir.c~o~ lopaen~ b1vi.ion ~.RitDll CliIPY. ara90r.r s. xino, ..q. - 800.., oa.." Clk11n, at a1. uo.rbazo& Alt..nan, AIf.i..a:l\t. County At.t.O%'J"sy Chcu:U.. Walke, Jr., P.l!. Director'" '1'ratfio Division h11 ""'oe,...1, I 10_.._- .,,1'1 BquJl Opportunity- Affirmativtl Attlon Bmployer" BOlC J:aw Welt Palm Beach, Aorid. SH16-12ZP ('07) &l4-tooo Ii RECEIVED ~PR 29 PLANNiNG DEPT. .- -- ....T l~ I I - ---- -- - --~- -.....-- LOCATION M l\P AMBULATORY SURGICAL'AND ENDOSCOPY CENTER ttLl i'l I I I Iliii%;!II!l11I1I1I11I 11I11I1I11i111illllllll!1 I I I,' Ii' Iii j ffiEHiffirl : I I .BffiIEI[ffi . . ~ ..0 'J . 'L r I L . J . , . . I ,I: " Ii '/ ,J ,(' . /, . , . : . . , . --, --+ . T t o 1/8 MILES " "1111'1 ~O .400. '800 FEET Pt.-A /ll1I/.I.fL 'r. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM *93-094 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: 2nd Site Plan Review - Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center DATE: April 14, 1993 The change of the dumpster enclosure to 10' inside dimensions leaves Public Works with no further concerns. t<<l~ Public Works Director REier --..~ -- RECEIVED -; .;t-'H 16 PLANNING DEPr. ~ ! I / ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-101 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: April 19, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center Planning Department File No. 732 Please be advised that I have reviewed the above referenced plan and do not object to the plan moving forward. 1. The photometric site lighting plan that was submitted in response to my original comments still appears to fall short of complying with minimum City codes, therefore, the applicant is herein advised that a more comprehensive illumination plan must be submitted during the permit review process in order to ascertain compliance with City Ordinances. 2. Regarding the matter of the existing power pole and anchor as depicted on plan sheet A-I, the applicant has not yet provided the requested information relative to guy wires and anchors, etc. crossing a pedestrian sidewalk along the center of the site on SW 23rd Avenue. During the permit review process, it shall be imperative that the applicant prove that the wires crossing the sidewalk are set at an elevation which will not jeopardize the safety of pedestrians. 3. Accompanying the submission was an April 9, 1993 letter from Attorney William R. Boos, III, indicating that it is his position that a required dedication of 151 along the existing north rights-of-way line of SW 23rd Avenue is "illegal and confiscatory". I recommend that prior to a final determination being made in this matter, that the City Attorney be contacted in order for the Technical Review Committee to benefit from his legal opinion and advise. Additionally, Charles Walker, Jr., Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering, telephone #684-4030, should be contacted by the City Attorney in order to provide insight as to justifi- cation for rights-of-way dedication, as well as the application of the result rendered in Palm Beach County vs William Wright, et al as stated within Mr. Boos' April 9, 1993 letter. Should the outcome of the City Attorney's deliberations with Palm Beach County result in a decision to compel the developer to dedicate a 15' wide rights-of-way along the north line of SW 23rd Avenue, the applicant will be responsible to redesign the subject site in accordance with conditions of approval. Prior to sending this matter to the associated review boards, such decision should be rendered in its final form. Should you require any additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 488. LL~. ..:\- A :~T Vlncent A. FlnlZlO VAF/ck cc: James Cherof, City Attorney (refer to Item #3) J. Scott Miller, City Manager W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer RECEIVED "PR 20 PLANNING DEPT. ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-091 April 20, 1993 TO: Chris Cutro Planning D~'re tor Don Jaeger Building 0 cial THRU: FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS - 2nd REVIEW AMBULATORY SURGICAL & ENDOSCOPY CENTER The Building Department has no objection to the above project being forwarded to the Planning & Development Board since the following comments can be addressed at time of permit: 1. All signs will be required to comply with code. 2. An easement agreement must be submitted. 3. A variance will be required for any setbacks that do not meet code. A(lC~ AN: bh AMBULATO RECEIVED APR 2 0 1993 P~'~~'\'ED APR 1 4 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: '"3oH.v W.L ~ (Vri;(2 DATE: 4-14-93 RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - Amended Plans Proj ect: ,lj 11-113 '" L A 1 1781 Sot ~Gj A::. A c A..v b t;,V~ os c ;:. (l~( Cf,L, 7R After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended plans for the above _ the 1ft.: Rf.-11 tltJ-ii f" P/VJk h EpMtVZ-1e,v' I that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. C:AMEND1.ALD r-" rEO or::Ct..:\ v- r-.' '0......... . ~tR , '5 \993 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-184 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director !<J7f FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center Second Review (Site Plan) DATE: April 26, 1993 My original comments about existing trees remain current. KH:ad RECEIVED APR 2 7 1993 (', , I' l .) , ;;-' '~i . 1'., : r . '/ l' / /~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-067 April 12, 1993 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director vince Finizio, Engineering Department Richard Staudinger, Gee & Jenson Al Newbold, Deputy Building official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention officer Mike Kazunas, Utility Engnieer Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist -.....-- .~. ~ F1> a FROM: C~istoPher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director RE: Second Review - New site Plan Project Location Applicant File No. - Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center 2351 south Seacrest Boulevard Boynton Endoscopy center 732 Attached is the amended site plan for the above referenced development for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments made previously by your department. If the comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met or must be met by correcting the site plan again, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. Finally we would ask that you recommend to us if the plan should be forwarded to the planning and Development Board/community Redevelopment Advisory Board for review or held for further revisions by the applicant. All correspondence shall be received by the Planning and zoning Department per the following: please return your memo and the amended plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on April 19, 1993. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Dotty Moore at 260 who is coordinating the review of this development. XC: (Memo only) Don Jaeger Ed Allen Charlie Frederick Torn Dettman John Guidry Project File Chronological File A:2REVIEW.WP5 \ ~ ):I :1: .... p,):I m ~ ~ io3 Q>lcT tr:I (1)0 Iii ~ ::a 0 ~~cT:Z: < 0 0 -: ~ p) .. ~ (1)0 Cot till 3: ~:O ~ "1 1-'1::1 till ." ::r' "1 o~n ~IJjOOCJ) ~i030 0'0 n :ic S ~ "1(1)....... .....OOOrt .....~u. 'tS~ io3 "(1) p,f1.IrtlJj~~"",::s~~~ (1) S ::s "::s .......O'<O::st;OrtHl(1)::s(1)O (1)'< cT ::s..... ~::s p, "1 "1 HI 'O::S rt ::s....... f1.I ~s::nt;....... 0 Pl ....... 0 cT::S ::scTOP,::sOtr:l.....~t;::sHl:z: 'tS1Q O.....S \QHI..... (1)rtlQ Pl (1) 0 S):I (1)~'tSS):IS .....cT ::s ....... '0 Pl ):I < ..... 0 (1) Pl 'tS (1) Pl::r' :z: f1.I'tS::Sp'PlPlt;::S::S'O.. ::s....... io3 ):I NX ~):I O:z:f1.It;P,U.rt::scTrtP,..... f1.If1.I "1 s:: 0..... (1)..... .0.......0 s::.......f1.I ....... Pl 10 ::sn '0 JU . 0<Of1.l0"Pl~Nn G5I I:' s:: .......::r' s:::z: "I:'Pl(1)rtl:' I:' ....-0 Pl f1.I f1.I I:'Pl rt(1) ~~ .....<S P,.....l:'cT Pl(1) 51 cT 10(1) '<~ ):1..(1)(1)0 (1) ............ cT5I ....... ..... 'tS .....1:'''1 0 1:'0 0 cT \C Pl 1Jj0 'tS OcTPl O:Z:\QI:' ::r't; rt I:'tr:I s::..... "1 'tS ~ a 0 PlPl Pl p,. .......p, 3::Z: 0 51):1....... a. <I:' ..... .... ..... oC) < (1) 'tS I:' (1).. (1)p' \C en:z: p, ~~ Pl 1:''tS\Q I:' s:: 0 \C .......Pl ..... ..... cTt;f1.I rt "151 HI U1 cT~ ::s o .. f1.I (1) (1)10 10 < 0,< ~ iN Pl (1)0 (1) 0 0 ..... .......s:: < (1) HI 0 < (1) < HI :z::Z: (1) ~ ..... (1) ..... OH :Z::Z:-...J-...J :z: N-...JX xo p,....... 0 ..... n .~ "-"-"-"- "- en Pl s:: 'tS 0 ....... ):1):10.... ):I f1.I 'tS ~ U.cT HI..... 51 '0 Pl \O~ U1.... ::r'PlX 0'tS ............ (1) 51 ..... Ultlll "-"- (1)10 t;Pl ::s I:' (1) IJU \C\C (1)(1)\C cT PlHl cT I:' .):1 U1U1 cTf1.IU1 en....... ............ cT ....~ f1.I I .......(1) p,::S 0 .:z 5151 0 cTl:' "1 ):I (1) (1) 0 (1)cT (1)P, p, fi (1)(1) .... cTp, (1) I;lJ cTcT JU~ "1 ....... :z: (1)0 io3 .............. ....."1 t;n f1.I ::s ::s::s PlO as:: ....... 1010 ::s'O .......51 f1.I (1) 1:'(1) rt 5151 Xt; Pl::s "1 ............ Ort cTcT Pl ::S::S P,....... .......f1.I cT S::S:: .......(1) 0 0 rtrt Hlf1.I ::s "1 (1) (1) ......... "1 f1.I f1.I n (1) PlH 10 cTl:' Pl .......n "1 o . p, ::s ....... ::s 10 MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, zoning and site Reviewer DATE: March 26, 1993 RE: site Plan project: Location: File No.: Review - New site Plan Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center 2351 south Seacrest Boulevard 732 The following comments are in response to the submittal of the site plan for the above referenced project. The comments for the project will be discussed at the March 30, 1993, Technical Review Committee meeting. The site plan was reviewed for consistency with the review standards specified in section 8 of Chapter 4, Site plan Review, Part III, Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances. The applicant shall amend the drawings and documents to show compliance with the following comments: T 1. Building side setbacks do not comply with the required setbacks for this C-1 zoned district. The plans show a building side (interior) setback, on the North side and abutting Ridgepoint Villas, of ten (10) feet with a roof overhang (dimension of the overhang has not been provided) encroaching into this setback. Appendix A Zoning, C-1, office and Professional Commercial District, 3. Building and site Regulations required a ten (10) foot side setback except: when abutting a residential district, side and/or rear yards shall be thirty (30) feet (No overhang). An approved variance is required and/or change the design drawings to comply with the minimum required setbacks for this district. 2. The building side setbacks on the south side (abutting the ci ty right-of-way, S. w. 23rd Avenue) have not been provided on the plans. The minimum side setback required for this location is ten (10) feet (no overhang). t\' _ lOll 3. There also is an ultimate road right-of-way of eighty (80) feet as per the Palm Beach county thoroughfare right-of-way protection plan for S. W. 23rd Avenue, a designated county collectors road. The intersection of all thoroughfares intersecting at grade shall have right-of-way protected to provide for an expanded intersection with II special lanes. Ii This right-of-way shall be detailed in the special intersection treatment drawings. Note: The county engineer shall have the discretion to waive the expanded intersection requirements where he determines that existing development makes the requirements unfeasible. please provide a letter from the county engineer waiving the special lane as described on the thoroughfare map (See attachments). The ultimate right-of-way lines will have to be considered :n . i) when determining building setbacks. /:. c.. 4. The height of the building is not shown on the plans. However, the application states the height is twenty-nine (29) feet. The building and site regulations for the C-1 zoning district required a maximum structural height of twenty-five (25) feet. An approved variance is required or change the design drawings to comply with the maximum height of twenty-five (25) feet (from finished grade to the highest ridge point). j 5 . The dimensions for the dumpster enclosure have not been provided on the plans. The inside dimensions for the dumpster enclosure shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet long by ten (10) "{. feet wide, including gate hardware and gate (s). Please provide and show on the plans. To: Christopher cutro Re: Ambulatory & Endoscopy Center Page Two 6. The required perimeter landscaping shall be fifty (50) percent native species. Please provide this information by note on the ., .# .., e;' landscape plans. Identify the landscape material by both \ common and scientific name and adjust the landscape plans ,-1..'" '/, " ,./ accordingly. /" '., " (," . ..,..,~, - I , d 4- ,,:;'7, -. ? ~~ Dorothy Moore "/(,' '1 DM:ald C:ENDOSCOP.ALD , i i i , 1 1 1 , ..' ~ . ~. , , , . . . . . . . . . III III i I . - -I I :. ;:!I I~ I GLAOES ....~.... - .....- , 1 I I I ~,- : ~ll I 1 I 1- ~II L i I I , t I I , I . . . 1 I 1 1 , .'1 . ':;1 . 0' . ~I '."II------~----_t-~ ST . ,,' ,-. 0, I. I - \:1. I il. , .INT ,. DR p...u,H no . .. . " - s w 18th THOROUGHFARE RIGHT OF WAY PROTECTION MAP 1""'"1 SCALE .. --1 I MILE NOTES' PROPOSED 'ACILlTIES INDICATE CORRIDOR NUDS ONLY. LOCATIONS TO '1 DETU.,NID IT SPICIFIC CORRIDOR & DISIGN STUtIIS. ".1.14 REVISIONS NO. DAn I NOV. 1989 2. .....R.20.19..0 -THE IHffRSEl;fION OF ALL TOOItOU<iHfARE5 fNTER5fCTlNG AT 'RAPE SHAll HAIlE atQl.l Of -WAY PRQ1[tTtD TO PRO"IDf FOR AN E1PAflJEP INTERSECTION WITH .SPEEIAl. lHS. THIS RIGHT-Of-VA'l' SHALL BE AS OEU,ll[Q 1" lKE SP{(:IIll IMlEISEtt11lM lIUl~lIf ~~~;~~;l~":[~:~:~~:: ~J~1:~~11H~~~S~:U~:S ':EV"tL~WTE =~= RE'QUIREMENT IMF[ASlSlE.. 989 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ,. .' .' , .' AW'~lttl__d A.l1$~3^, NO . . . : . . . :;; ..: . . . .. . . .." ~ . . . .. ... .. . . . . .. - .. . -. =9 . . : ~ -........ NlNNrn m _ N ~ m 0 N ~ X 0.. q O. 0, 0... O. O. O. ~ m (II (II :e ,. -< C) :JI ,. C m C :JI III ,. 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AU't!I1," .. ,. . < .. --- -- -------------- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-070 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center DATE: March 22, 1993 The present dumpster location at this site shows a 9' dumpster area. As per Ordinance #81-22 this must be 10' and enclosed on 3 sides. ~~~// Robert Eichorst Public Works Director REier '::!',. 1t( ~r7""->~--....". ~li.,\ ./-1' "I', 1!~. "-~.'-'.'- ..,I ~ ..~~ -'. '. ~. . 'I' FIAt,to ~r',. '~i"j:... NJ. ~ ,.'''' ~ .~~. n GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc. MEMORANDUM One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director W. Richard Stau~7.n ~ City Engineer \f UL \ March 19, 1993 TO: DATE: RE: TRC Comments Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center No comments on the plan at this point, however, the applicants are to be notified that at the time of permit plans, complete drainage calculations will be required to insure that the 3-year, 24 hour storm as noted in these plans is contained within the site. WRS/bf cc: Vince Finizio 93-049 -"~ RECEIVED' .II1AR 22 PLANNING DEPT. .. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-080 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director ",,-" .... '.~ -,..... ...'.;.......~'~~ FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer RECElVED~ RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center 2351 South Seacrest Blvd. Applicant/Boynton Endoscopy Center Planning Department File No. 732 t.4AR 22 PtANNtNG DEPT~" ....... DATE: March 22, 1993 ~ The City Engineer and I have reviewed the above referenced plan and herein provide the following staff comments: 1) The applicant is herein advised that the site lighting plan as depicted on sheet EM-I, does not comply with minimum City standards and will require a complete redesign. Deficient areas include minimum allowable illumination levels, required photocell activation notations, including a comprehensive photometric plan depicting levels of illumination within the parking facility as well as associated pedestrian walkways in accordance with City Code of Ordinances. I recommend that the applicant obtain a copy of our Parking Lot Ordinance, specifically Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", Section 5-142(a) and (b), "Required Parking Lot and Pedestrian Walkway Lighting", including the associated Appendix which describes required lighting standards. 2) The applicant's landscape plan as submitted does not provide for the development of fully sodded and irrigated swales within the public rights-of-way of SW 23rd Avenue and SW 1st Street, therefore, the plans shall be revised accordingly. The applicant may obtain copies of City standards for the development of swales and sidewalks by contacting the Engineering Department at (407) 738-7487. 3) The existing power pole and guy wire with associated anchor situated at the new sidewalk area along SW 23rd Avenue may conflict with the pedestrian walkway relative to encroachment in the sidewalk area as depicted on plan EM-I, including a potential hazard for pedestrians, reference guy wires crossing sidewalk areas. The applicant (if conflicts exist) shall be responsible to relocate the subject pole to a more safe location. 4) The submitted plan sheet EM-l conflicts with the submitted site plan sheet A-I in that A-I depicts a continuous sidewalk along SW 1st Street through the ingress/egress approach, but sheet EM-l depicts a sidewalk which terminates at the intersection of SW 23rd Avenue at SW 1st Street. Revise plan sheet EM-l to depict the continuation of sidewalks along SW 1st Street. 5) The applicant shall revise plan sheet A-I to provide a handicap access sidewalk connection at the radius of the intersection of SW 23rd Avenue at SW 1st Street, similar to the connection depicted on the submitted plan sheet designated as EM-I. 6) The depiction of sidewalks on plan submission sheets A-I & EM-l are unclear as to the construction of sidewalks along SW 23rd Avenue. Plan sheet EM-l indicates new sidewalks along the entire length of SW 23rd Avenue and plan sheet A-I provides no information regarding sidewalks. The Engineering Department has conducted an on site inspection of the existing asphaltic concrete pathway and Technical Review Committee Comments/Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center Engineering Dept. Memo No. 93-080 March 22, 1993 Page #2 have determined that the area should be reconstructed as it currently exists, at an elevation far below the edge of pavement. Such condition has resulted in severe flooding during moderate rainfall warranting the redevelopment of a continuous concrete pedestrian walkway at an elevation matching the center line of road. The plans shall be revised to correct plan conflicts and provide for the installation of a new concrete pedestrian walkway along SW 23rd Avenue. 7) The applicants are to be notified that at the time of permit plans, complete drainage calculations will be required to insure that the 3-year, 24 hour storm as noted in these plans is contained with the site. 8) SW 23rd Avenue is on County Thoroughfare plan - requires additional 15ft. dedication or letter from Palm Beach County indicating otherwise. lv. 1].JJ ~.J.~ W. Richard Staudinger, P. E . CJt:... City Engineer VAF:WRS/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-065 March 22, 1993 FROM: Chris Cutro Planningf: D"r tor Don Jaege Building 1cial Al Newbold Deputy Building Official TO: THRU: RE: TRC COMMENTS - SITE REVIEW AMBULATORY SURGICAL & ENDOSCOPy CENTER The Building Department has the following comments on the above referenced project: 1. The structure is located on lot 45 of Westchester Heights (zoned C-l) which abuts a residential district known as Ridgepointe Wood Villas (zoned PUDlo This would require a 30 foot setback, not 10 feet as shown. There is also a 10 foot minimum setback required on S.W. 23rd Avenue. 2. The maximum height allowed is 25 feet. 3. All signs should be shown on the site plan so they can be approved for location, etc. 4. Submit an easement agreement at the time of permitting. AN:bh AMBULATO RECEIVED MAR 2 2 1993 FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-232 WDC TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: MARCH 29, 1993 RE: AMBULATORY SURGICAL & ENDOSCOPY CENTER 2351 SOUTH SEACREST BOULEVARD PROVIDE A FIRE HYDRANT FOR THIS SITE SO THAT NO PORTION OF THE BUILDING IS OVER 200' FROM IT. 4/;~~~ WILLIAM D CAVANAUGH, FPO I BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ pg RECEIVED MAR 3 0 1993 MEMORANDUM Utilities #93-133 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director ~~~~c~~rG~~d~ri11t1es ~~~ ~ .;n:; FROM: DATE: March 29, 1993 SUBJECT: Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center File 732 First Review Staff has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project and foresee no problems related to water and sewer which would prevent it from progressing through the review process. Attached for the applicant's information is our General Plan Review Criteria. Plans will be reviewed prior to the issuance of a building permit for compliance with these and other City standards. The applicant should be aware that not all City criteria are contained on the list nor are all those on the list applicable to every project. The applicant is advised to contact the Utility Department for a courtesy review of this specific project prior to his submission for building permit. If there are any questions regarding this, please contact Mr. Mike Kazunas at 738-7460. 19b Attachment xc: Mike Kazunas Peter Mazzella File Utility Engineer - 2 hours Admin. Assistant - .5 hour RECE1\/EO MAR 3 0 1993 M E M 0 RAN DUM #93-058 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Donald I. Thrasher Lieutenant Community Relations Division DATE: 22 March 93 SUBJECT: Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center I have reviewed the above listed site plan and I recommend the following: 1. Stop bars and stop signs at ends of parking isles. (City Ordinance #5-142C) 2. Directional arrows painted on the pavement. (City Ordinance #5-142C) DIT/dmj RECEIVED .. 22 PLANNING DEPT. ATTEN: APRILLE DAY MEMORANDUM RE: John Wildner, Parks 3)~~J93 / j Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - 1st Review Project: AMI3i-f,C. A rO~f S<-tRG(c.v4 ( -r Erubos C cfy c~~t~ Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director Superintendent ~ TO: FROM: DATE: The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced proj ect. There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project. RE'C~,vtD MAR 2 2 1993 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-137 FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist fC~ ~ Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - 1st Review Project: Ambulatory Surgical & Endoscopy Center TO: RE: DATE: March 22, 1993 There are three mature Slash Pine trees on the site which must be addressed in accordance with the Tree Preservation Ordinance #81- 21. KH:ad RECEIVED MAR 22 PLANN\NG DE.PT. - ~ ~4~ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, utilities Engineer Vincent Finizio, Engineering Department Richard Staudinger, Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: March 23, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 30, 1993 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 30, 1993, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "CI' (West Wing) to discuss the following: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION 1. PROJECT NAME: Shoppes of Woolbright P.C.D. AGENT: Kilday & Associates LOCATION: Home Depot/Garden Center Commercial Area East of S.W. 8th Avenue FILE NO. 733 Please see attached letter from Chuck Yannette, Kilday & Associates, dated March 19, 1993, their project No. 421.1/945.6. 2. PROJECT NAME: Shoppes of Woolbright Road AGENT: Kilday & Associates LOCATION: Commercial Area West of S.W. 8th Avenue FILE NO. 734 Please see attached letter from chuck Yannette, Kilday & Associates, dated March 18, 1993, their Project No. 421.1/1070.1. ; I ~ c ,\p" J- 1 I 0 or: ::: '.\Dl ~; I'-I _ ~ ~ tl )083 RS --- or ~ I~ II /'2. ~......... ./ :/ - - ~ 7'> (,0 r' * '/.'# 20 ,q ,g ,1 Ib ,5 .. ~. "" ./ ./ ..., -"" ....- .-" ./ ~ -J ...J -::::. ~ o 39 \to} ;;> l~ '-'- -:l '-- () 1;>.... ~ a ~ -.. -1 f."<M~"e a:e 1A:.:.. ~' -----.X / ~ " ',SE:ACREST BOULEVARD .,/ {, .--:: ; ~~ , ~ 1M ::1 Z W > C (II) J " ~ e ~1' ~ ONE STORY I MEDICAL CENTER I i'liO.!L tlIV. .t','t~ ! r---- I I I I I I I I I I I lIe1i~ I I wu;. I I L___. . . ~. 12. . If":); ~'. ,~ 4d . ....!:e.~.. ~'i ,Ci t ," -, b'lO'2"O'! 14 -'"i .~'~..~ \ . -/ ...'" , C . ,---- ~ · 01...:.:... ~~. ":a'~ MUt l'lIoHr L.EGAL. DE5CRIFTION, L.OTS 44 AND 45. u.E5TC~5TER IoEI6l-IT5. ~1NCs TO T..E PLAT TIoEIIlEOF IIlECORDED IN PLAT eaOK 24, PA6E 211Z' OF TI-'E !"'I,;eL:C /O!ECORDS OF PALM BeACH COI..NTT. FL.ORIDA. L.E55 AND NOT INCL.UDING T~AT PARCEL DE5CRlBeD IN OIlIOER OF TAKIN6 RECOI'lDED IN a:FIClAL ~CORD BoaK 2m. I"AGeS 124~ TO '2:'1> iNCL.USIVE. OF T~E P"IJel.IC RECORDS OF PALM eEAC~ Cour-.7Y FLORIDA. --_._- @) - --. .-- -'- J." I~'Q- . '1: o' t~- I ~ -<a.- Il~ ,. I i ~'q' ',r. ~.1i r .rtl4 ';# 'i:o~ t .-t....f~........, ,~ - " c;'''~:.:ao. ~--_. n;.(f TYP1CA:L HANDICAPPED PARKtNG SPACES N. T .s. ~EA CALCULATIONS Sl t. At.... 9ulldln9 Area P.....ed Ar.. We1 .......ys = ::9937 S.F. = 4,670 S.F. a ~. ~~;I ~:;: .527 + ACI'e '--- SW 1 STREET SITE PLAN 1/16- SCALE Tota 1 Imperv lOYS Tot.l PervIOUS '"" 13,7'5' S~F. *' 9,187 S.F. = bl)'1. = 40% F'.,.~ lnq f,"eoq\,'lred l r...r I ;Qf;t 5. F. '" 407') - ;:l~";' T ct.t Sp.c~s -= :4 Car's == :4 (.;olt'C ~'",....~ tnq IndJcated := :4 Spaces ::: STD. ":' ~iC. j d I~ HlnOu j c<n':: I:? L~p de p ~l: . rJ J" _. - PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-751 FROM: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~l' d Chr~stopher Cutro, P ann~ng an Zoning Director TO: DATE: May 18, 1993 SUBJECT: Setback Variances for Endoscopy Center The Board of Adjustment, at its meeting of May 17, 1993, reviewed the side setback variances for the Endoscopy Center located at the northwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue. After reviewing information provided by staff and holding a public hearing, the Board voted unanimously to approve the setback variances for this site. Please provide this information to the City Commission as backup to their review of the site plan on May 18, 1993. CC/cmc C:SETBACK ~ " _ fJ1ie City of tEoynton 13eacfi f~~7~ Planning & :::..oning 1JepartmLnt 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beach 'Boulevard P.O. 'Bo:r.31O 'Boynton 'Beacfi, 7forida 33425-0310 {40i} 738-7490, 7:U: (407) 738-7459 May 19, 1993 Mr. Wayne PuIs Boynton Endoscopy Center 4800 N. Federal Highway suite 209A Boca Raton, FL 33431 Re: Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy center Dear Mr. PuIs: This is to advise you that on May 18, 1993, the city Commission of Boynton Beach approved the Site Plan for the above referenced project. The approval of the Site Plan was subject to the following conditions: 1. To the maximum extent possible, you will adjust the site drawings for drainage, such as deepening the swale on Gulf Road and deepening the setback area along Seacrest Boulevard. 2. Correction of plans to incorporate applicable staff comments included in the City commission backup. The Si te Plan approval entitles you to develop the property as shown on the approved plans. If you wish to modify the plan prior to submission of your building plan, please contact the Planning- and Zoning Department. Modifications during the building permit process will be handled as part of that process. The approval of the site Plan remains in effect for one year, until May 18, 1994. If an extension is needed, please forward your request to the Planning and Zoning Department 30 days prior to the expiration date. .1mencas gateway to die guijstream ;, ,,-,;-~-- . 'I - ~ h ! l "'~::':.' \ . t', .....".. \ , \ ~, "'~ \ '\ (3)\ . / . \ /. t: t- N ., " - " '\ "- ~. , . t... . . 'I ~ t..P1" ~\$ : ?::I .-^. "'\ ~ ...... . .~ .~ (X) ------- -~ -Ill"":: ---- ~ENwt::- n3~? ~ _---- q V"\ . t- --- .~,,,",\ [[J "'~;'f'''''''::1 'OJ - " :"<;:,:~/" :~ ~ z ~ 1:- Z I: -. 8 :0 m z p ... ~ -. . -j:;Z:{~;. -~ . c_.;:;~~~'f}:=~":,. .-.."-..". ,.. 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