REVIEW COMMENTS 7Al THE ATRIUM PLACE PARKING LOT VARIANCE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: A:STAFFCOM.7Al STAFF COMMENTS THE ATRIUM PLACE PARKING LOT VARIANCE See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-043 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) THRU: J. Scott Miller, City Manager J~'(l'~Z,:~ Tamb~i J. ~d~senior Planner . ~ A d ~~ O. ~ Z ''''~,-- --h"'L- {J(.'\.I ~fu - Q~c- ClirlstopherJCu~pianrl1ng andv2:oning-Oirector TO: FROM: DATE: March 13, 1992 SUBJECT: The Atrium Place Parking Lot Variance (driveway distance) Attached is a letter from Do~~inic M. Desiderio, Jr., owner of The Atrium Place located at 2755 South Federal Highway, requesting an appeal of the February 11, 1992 Planning and Zoning Board decision relative to the above-referenced request. The variance requested was to allow a two-way driveway onto Federal Highway, 121 feet north of the intersection of Federal Highway and S.E. 28th Circle, a distance less than the required 180 feet. As indicated in the attached minutes from the February 11, 1992 Planning and Zoning Board meeting, the Planning and Zoning Board approved the variance for a driveway within 180 feet of the intersection, subject to staff's recommendations (see attached staff comments) which include limiting the driveway to one-way, right turn only, and to the City Engineer reviewing an inlet only design of the driveway. Staff and the Planning and Zoning Board cannot reconsider the variance request without the submittal of additional information which justifies granting the variance or indicates that a hardship exists. As stated in the attached Engineering Department Memorandum #92-051, a traffic study is what would be needed to enable staff to reconsider the request for a two-way driveway. Therefore, with regard to the appeal before the City Commission, staff's original recommendation stands. CC/jm Atts. A:PM92-043.JM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-051 TO: Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas City Engineer #L~ ReceIVED HAR f 1 1992 t;lTe DE\lEt 1OVNr~8EACH,FI._ DATE: March 10, 1992 RE: THE ATRIUM PLACE - PARKING LOT VARIANCE FILE NO. 660 STATUS REPORT The Engineering Department investigated the criteria used by both Florida Department of Transportation and Palm Beach County Engineering to determine the justification for the installation of a "No U Turn" sign at the intersection of Federal Highway and S.E. 28th Circle. Mr. Walton Lashley with the Florida Department of Transportation, who has jurisdiction over this intersection and must give approval to the "No U Turn" sign, stated that unless the geometry or traffic safety prohibits a u-turn then a "No U Turn" sign would not be allowed. The geometry of this intersection, two through lanes north and south, two parking lanes and a center turn lane provides adequate width to allow vehicles to u-turn. An investigation of the accident reports at this intersection show only one accident during the past year. Based on this information F.D.O.T. would not consider this a suitable site for a "No U Turn" sign. Palm Beach County uses a similar criteria, such that u-turn are routinely allowed wherever three lanes exist as is the case at this intersection. Some questions raised by the Planning and Zoning Board at the last meeting suggest additional clarification is needed regarding the issue of how an addition of a two way drive can adversly effect the functioning of the existing intersection at S.E. 28th Circle. The City's concern is that vehicles exiting the site to northbound Federal Highway will use the proposed exit instead of S.E. 28th Circle. This circulation may cause a hazardous weaving pattern because of the short distance provided to cross both lanes. A further concern is that when S.E. 28th Court, a one lane road, has a vehicle turning onto northbound Federal Highway any subsequent vehicle may cut through the lot to take advantage of the unobstructed right turn at the proposed exit. This movement may result in a reduced level of service in the intersection as the cut through cars fill the available gaps in southbound Federal Highway traffic. These observations are intuitive but can be quantified by undertaking a traffic study. No traffic study is necessary if a entrance only is accepted. If the developer is willing to prove, by the undertaking of a traffic study, that no reduction in the existing level of service of the S.E. 28th Circle intersection, then this department will reconsider the two way entrance request. "~ f(la-cS<- PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-029 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~ FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director DATE: February 12, 1992 SUBJECT: Planning and Zoning Board Meeting February 11, 1992 Please be advised that the Planning and Zoning Board met on Tuesday, February 11, 1992 and took the following action: 1. Continued the pUblic hearing for the Cedar Grove P.U.D. rezoning to March 10, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. due to the Technical Review Committee's determination at the January 28, 1992 Technical Review Committee meeting that the revised master plans submitted by the applicant were incomplete and did not address unresolved issues, therefore could not be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for action. (PM92-032) 2. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously approved the parking variance request for Atrium Place, subject to proviso. The motion was made by Mr. Lehnertz and seconded by Mr. Collins. 3. Unanimously approved the request for a one year concurrency exemption time extension for the Boynton Nurseries P.U.D. as submitted. The motion was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mrs. Huckle. (PM92-011) CC/jm A:PM92-029.JM M E M 0 RAN DUM POLICE #90-013 TO: Mike Haag Building Department FROM: Lt. Remchuk Police Department DATE: 31 January 1992 REF: Atrium Place As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting on 28 January 1992, I am recommending the following: 1. Right turn only off So. Federal Highway - no exit from this location onto So. Federal Highway. 2. Directional arrows painted on the pavement - city Ord. S-142C. 3. Do Not Enter sign posted at the east entrance - City Ord. S-142C. ~\e~~ Police Department DR/jb RECEIVED FEB 4 1992 . ~.,..:.',::L L-o:.,. I I ~; .":~,,i ~:-.--\:.. \'!. :~~..,:lliOA PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-024 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning and Zoning Board ~~ FROM: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director DATE: January 31, 1992 RE: Atrium place Parking Lot Variance - Driveway Distance File No.: 660 Section 5-145 (c) (4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested, the Technical Review Committee must forward a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Board. The recommendation is to be made part of the public hearing proceedings. This memorandum is forwarded to you, consistent with section 5-145 (c) (4). Dominic Desiderio, owner, has requested a variance to Section 5-142 (h) (3) "Driveway" of Article X-Parking Lots which states, among other things, that "no parking lot driveway may be constructed closer than 180 feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along" collector or arterial roads "as shown on the city or county thoroughfare plans." In this particular instance, the applicant is requesting approval of a two-way driveway onto Federal Highway/ an arterial road, from the existing site that has a 19/200 square foot two (2) story office/retail building. The proposed driveway is to be located 121.98 feet north of the intersecting right-of-way lines of Federal Highway and S.E. 27th Way. The intersection is non-signalized. The closest driveway is located approximately 50 feet north of the proposed driveway and is on the adjacent property (Loraine Motel). The accompanying site plan drawing illustrates the location of the proposed driveway. Additional details concerning the nature of the requested variance and the variance justification are outlined in the attached Notice of Public Hearing and Parking Lot application form. On Tuesday/ January 28, 1992/ the Technical Review Committee (TRC) met to review the plans and documents submitted for the variance. After review and discussion, the board made the following recommendation regarding the variance request: The Committee unanimously recommended that the request be approved with the condition that the driveway be limited to a one-way, right-turn only/ into the site from Federal Highway as described in the attached Engineering Department and Police Department Memo No. 90-013. Also, find attached comments from the utility Department, Memo No. 92-039, regarding concerns relating to the construction of the proposed driveway. If the Board rules in favor of the variance request, the Technical Review Committee encourages the Board to include the previously identified recommendation as a condition of the approval. The Technical Review Committee feels that the recommendation is a safeguard to eliminate the possibility of accidents as a result of vehicles exiting the site and the driver attempting to go north on Federal Highway by cutting across south bound traffic and making a u-turn at the S.E. 27th Way and Federal Highway intersection. Attachment XC: Technical Review Committee CC:ald C:ATRIUMPL.ALD MEMORANDUM Utilities #92-039 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: January 29, 1992 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Atrium Place (Parking Lot Variance) We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions. Call for utility location prior to construction or as needed at 738-7460. Existing Water Main is A.C. pipe. Exercise extra care during excavation and compaction. 19b xc: Mike Kazunas File OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Chris Cutro Planning Director DATE: January 29, 1992 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Planning & Zoning Board Mtg. of February 11, 1992 Attached please find Notice of Public Hearing in connection with the request made by Mr. Dominic Desiderio, Jr. for a Parking Lot Variance at Atrium Place. This request has been scheduled for the February 11, 1992 Planning & Zoning Board meeting. This Notice has been mailed to the applicant and will be advertised in the Boynton Beach News on Thursday, January 30, 1992. ~~/J/~ SK:slb attachment cc: City Manager REC.Efv'IID JAM 29 PLANNiNG DEPT. .- .... -. -...---.,-------..- l ~CAiION M.~P .... ,. ,ATRIUM-PLACE: lEe .. :.:'.ii