APPLICATION SCHARF & ASSOCIATES, INCORP-UED 3407 N.W. 9th Avenue Suite ,-VO FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33309 #AA.C001427 [1~uu[]:l @[? u~[?;!]@[M]Duu&[1 (305) 566.2700 TO ?c'ANN\"-\~ ~ tOH\Nb D6f'Mt"i1MGtl{ -IC9D ~r ?o~~Tb~\ ~~ ~uO e.o\{~ ~t,..~4-"Z..S-o~ID DATE 1-I-q~ ATTENTION VVt 1 (L'E1 RE: JOB NO. (6?"Z.. 1H ~t:!t\ ~"l~ aNDV. ~\W pq..", f\~n;;l)~ O'4N~ PtA CDN6fl-~< Me Boymn1J ~ta'~+t > WE ARE SENDING YOU 'j..Attached 0 Under separate cover via o Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans the following items: o Samples o Specifications o Copy of letter o Change order ";- COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION \ 41: ~ pt+z,l?;:>~ DF' ~. t"'"... Tt NC:., ~~(?(~ C. C~Te/2.. I Dcrrrt\1~L , e/~,\~ / 61 ~I~"'f--rl THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: > o For approval ~For your use ~AS requested o For review and comment o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Resubmit copies for approval copies for distribution o Submit o Returned for corrections o Return corrected prints o REMARKS o FOR BIDS DUE fw~"6 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ctft,v \e5'lte(l.~ Ave A"~lY GV~\1QN". COPY TO SIGNED: {CW~ ttt ~~ (M RECYCLED PAPER: ~e Contents: 40% Pre-Consumer. 10% Post-Consumer If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.