LEGAL APPROVAL SENT BY: 6-30-94 15:1~QS~~S & ~!.gEN. P.A.~ Boynton Bch fax;# 2/22 , If .I.~ 17 ''I" _ BMAN'f. MOORE. SApP, M.c.c:OONALD & WELLS, P. A. ATT6I1Uolr.Y$ AtlD CCUIll5&LW.. IU ''I'I :1100- ",IINETT CillTi- IKi HQIIlT" ioAlIM .'I'M~' penT grrn;t IIC>>l ...... .JA(:KSQNVU.U:. "'1.01lt1~ .:!l~ to I - ......... .. Oftt'J:'1 ,.......... .00'. L aI.....,;H.. ftoltill,..... lII, IlIlfrlt l:I~1) T. AIUV.wr.w ....l',., ~. ~t.CT'Ctillt 1'0"'1;'1' p, .NII-...cKI[" .JAW n. "'*co"'Mle~ oIEf'F'RE"' ~. ~1,I&:*o dQ..... I, ..........\.IttNI;, IH DOI'hloLC t, "'r.au:RO, II WII ~1.lAIOi L. ".""_.. ~ 0.. .to-tlJ~. .).. oeao..l.l!l ". 1<l:L.l.L"l'. JR TlCLlfOHOllt 1.041 a..;t'3IQc Yt,..UAM P. _"",,"T "1'l!.IIIIl1Y.... IolClgfllll: "I II: ~'lAl~ lC. ..,..... .JOHN .. NAl:j)OIj.....~ T.............. l.aCl-f'r .... - I I". AI. L. .c.....t.1Dt:R 0" eOUNX'. June 22. 1.94 v;.. 'l'!II:LD'AX JAm.. A. cberof, E.qu!r$ J08.1ae . GG:I"en 3099 B. C~ero1.1 aoul.~ard S\lL't. 200 Fo~t Lau4.~d.le, ~lor1da 3JJOa "e t Draft. C~Q..-Acc... I"......nt AqreltJl\fint between Boynton Plaza Shopping C.nt.ar, Inc. and Barnet.t Bank of Pal. ...en C.ounty tt..r Mr. Cl\arof! On June 13, 1994, we telefaxtG to your offiee 4 dratt cro..~ AaC:tlIIB 1&lIement Aoree..nt. which we under8tond had been requested by the Cit.y. A revlew of our record:!! baa revealed that there j,. an tUd8tinCJ ace... HfJeaent which ..r"H t.his property. That eal8unt 18 recordtKi in Off1cldl Records BolJK 7012, beginning at page 1573, a oop~ of which 18 att.ached heretlJ fOr you.r Inforaatton. When I d1IJc\unJa~ this Matter with Mike II..J, IIY recollection w._ that there was .081. concern req<<rdinQ t.he l!l f feet! ven._ of this ori91nel easement .~....nt. However, I thought it apprQprlate to provide you. wl th . OOPY of this in connect.1~m with the :t"8qu..t which we have ..do tor your approval of aD ea8~ent agr.ement. It you find that the .xi.ting 19ree.ent 1M acceptableJ ~n.n I assume that no tu.tther agrMments \tould be necessary ana would 8S,k .imply that 10U confirm thil to lbe appropr1at8 offielal. so that the perm! tUn9 procu 8 may qo forward. It I however, you IwIvu concerns regat'CUnq the euecuven... or tn9 oJ:1qlnal agre..,nt., pleaee .Clv.1a. m. ot'.ny conc.rn. \lhlch you. may have on ths dr4ft prQ~10u81y forward&a ~o you 80 that I ..Y addrB.. th06. concern., m ~ D W ~ m JUN 3 0 1994 SE:'oiT BY: 6-30-94 J.... A. CM%:of, Z8QU1rtt Ju.De 23, U94 '.9. 3 15:18 ;JOSIAS & GORE~. 'P.A.~ ..-- - B'Yl:::.BCh f.x;# 3/22 w. ~.cj,.t.e YOIolZ' ....lotangn iA 'thu IIUItte~. If 1 can pro....i.d. Aft' infoftlat!on t.o you O~ an....>>" any q:UQfFtionlf in the lII.ant;.~e, pl.... '..1 free to oal1. J:JlfA/.t.a ~Ol 'oftal >>.\.1 .6n 8oa91101. ~".1 V.ry truly yourl, ~~~~ 07/18/94 11' 2,b tt 904 798 0416 Brant Moor~ Sapp I4J 03 1_."._._ ~ parcel of 1.n4 beinq & portion of ~ot. aD- and .t~, of Block 3a. Palm leach r.~ms Company PlAt No. I, of Section 30, township .5 South1 Range 13 Ea.t, ~ccordin9 to the plat on tile in the pu~11e Records ot Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 5. Paqe 73, said parcel being more particulurl:, described AS fo'llows I ' Commencinq at the NortheAst corfter of section JO; Township 45 South" P.ange ~3 EastJ thence 'Witham assumed bearin9 of S. 0.57'29- E. alonq the 1:ast:. line of Section 30 and the cQl\terline of Con9ress Avenue o!l dlstuce of 322.06 feGt:. t,) a point, thence with eo b~Arl~s of S. 97. SS'17"W., a dh:tance of 6').00 feet to A point on the West ri9ht-of-way line of CQng~e~s Avenue; thence with A bear1n~ of S. 0 .S" 29-S. along the West rillht-of..way line ot Con9ress Avenua a distance of 758.30 feet b) a point; said point be1n9 the Point of ae<1innin~H "thence cont1nul~ alon9the aforementioned course a distance of 125.00:teet to & ~o~~tt lC5.00 feet North of the South line of Lot }::t, 'Block :32; theHce with a bearinC] S.870S4t37"W.' along a line lying' 105.00 feet North of. and p:uallel to the South ~ine of Lot E, a .distance of lBO.OO feet to a point: thence 'With a bea.rlnq of N. OD57)29HW., a di$t~\nce of 125.00 feet to a pointr th@nea wit.h a bearing ot N.87054'~,7"E. a dist.!'Jrlce of HHLOO feet. - more or less to the Point of neginrdnq. Containing 22,500 square feet' rnorf, or le~s and t;ubject ott.o ealte- .ments and rights-of-way of ~ecor4, " ~ . 6c.t4Ae.f t A ~lb-r€.S // -. ~, t-Jw e, 1~ A'JE. - t/ FT .l.,b~~l.e. J fL ~~~ , AUG-16-199~8: 17am 94-279070 ORB' 3388 P9 908 II 1..1. 11111 1111 III III 'J ':i) I! I I . ';r, 1. ' UNIT)' or TITLE In consideration of the issuance of a permit to Barnett Bank of Palm Beach County, N.A. for the construction of addition and renovation of Boynton Plaza branch located at J05 North Boynton Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426, in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, the Undersigned hEreby agrees to restrict the use of Lot(s) 'Parcel "B", Parcell & 2, Block(s) 32, Subdivieion Palm Beach Farm Co., Plat Book 5, at Pagels) 73 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, or pre.perty being otherwise described by mete and bounds, addressed as follows: See Exhibit "A" Attached , in the following manner: 1. That said property shall be considered as one plot and parcel of land, and thut no portion of said plot and parcel of land shall bE' sold, transferred, devised o~ assigned separately, exe'ept in its entirety as one plot or parcel of land. 2. The Undersigned furthe;~ agrees that this condition, restriction and limitation shall be deemed a covenant running with the land, and shall remain in full force and effect, and be binding upon the undersigned, their heirs and assigns. Release of this Unity of Title must be approved by the administrative head of the Boynton Beach Building Department and ratJfied by the City Commission. 3. The Undersigned further agrees that this instrument will be recorded in the PublJ.c Records of Palm Beach County. Signed, executed and ackncMledged on this 12th , at 8~A- Beach, Florida. -"Pompano day of .rint ...: Julie erard ~~ d_--=<~ ,l'!nt .....: Boh Hendertilo Witnesses ~~ 'taut H....: Ronald P. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF :OOVAL- BROWARD BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, appearedRpnald P. SCaql iClla who is personally known to me or has produced personally known as identification, this ~ day 0:: August , 1994. , ;P~-l~ C. })~ Ptint N.lle: Lorra~ne c. Maas' .... Notary Public State of Florida At Large Commission NO.1 . /',~_. My Commission Expires.!,-" ..--;:;:.; \~'"' ..'.l:.... LORRAINE C. tAMS 61 .~. ~" ,."....-ION , cc 1932.. 1~~-''7t~ MY _111- ..... io: !. !lCPIAEI: May 18. 1..... . ,~. ..... eandId 1IW IIDWY Nlk ~ ", ,R ~" r ~ .; ; ~. I' ~ .... 47196.1 L~Dfi' 4 ,DARCeL I (../COvK/?/ /t//V 13 // . (AS FV'R$~#e.o) 0: 8388 P9 909 DOROTHY H WILKEN CLERK OF THE COURT - PB COUNTY, FL A parcel of land being a portion of Lots "D" and "E", of Block 32, Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8, of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, according to the Plat on file in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 5, Page 73, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; thence with an assumed bearing of S 00057'29" E: thence East along the East line of Section 30 and the centerline of congress Avenue, a distance of 322.06 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of S 87055'17" W, a distance of 60.00 f~et to a point in the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue; thence with a bearing of S 00057'29" E along the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue, a distance of 908.30 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of S 87054'37" W, a distance of 204.00 feet to a point, 'said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue along the aforementioned course, a distance of 114.22 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of N 00057'29" W, a distance of 150,00 feet to a point; thence with ~ bearing N 87054' 37" E, a distance of 114.22 feet to a point: thence with a bearing of S 00057'29" E, a distance of 150.00 feet, more or less" to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Less and excepting therefrom the South 25 feet thereof. P,4RCcL ./ A parcel of land being a portion of Lots "D" and "E", of Block 32, Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8, of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; according the Plat on file in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 5, Page 73, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 30, TownShip 45 South, Range 43 East: thence with an assumed bearing of S 00057'29" E along the East line of Section 30 and the centerline of Congress Avenue, a distance of 322.06 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of S 87055'17" W, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue; thence with a bearing of S 00057'29" E along the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue, a distance of 758.30 feet to a point, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue along the aforementioned course, a distance of 125.00 feet to a point, 105.00 feet North of the South line of Lot "E", Block 32; thence with a bearing S 87054'37" W along a line lying 105.00 feet North of and parallel to the south line of Lot "E", a distance of 180.00 feet to a point: thence with a bearing of N 00057'29" W, a distance of 125.00 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of N 87054'37" E, a distance of 180.00 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCc/ 2 Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; thence with an assumed bearing of S 00057'29" E along the East line of said Section 30 and the centerline of Congress Avenue, a distance of 322.06 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of S 87055'17" W, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point in the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue; thence with a bearing of S 00057'29" E along the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue, a distance of 883.30 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 105.00 feet North of the South line of Lot "E", Block 32, Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8; thence with a bearing of S 87054'37" W along said parallel line, a distance of 180.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; thence continue S 870 S4' 37" W, a distance of 24.00 feet; thence N 00057'29" W, a distance of 125.00 feet: thence N 87054'37" E, a distance of 24 feet; thence S 00057"29" E, a distanc& of. 125.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. --~"---_.----_.__.__."- -- -4 RECEIVE BRANT, MOORE, SAPP, MACDONALD & WELLS, F. A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL.L.ORS ~~6, 0 8 1994 :-~ if .. ~:,' ,..'. y' SUITE 3100-BARNETT CENTER 150 NORTH L.AURA STREET POST OFFICE BOX 41548 .JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32201-4548 ~ ,;\ ll.GHARF 8. ASSOCIP y- WIL.L.IAM P. BRANT TERRY A. MOORE MICHAEL. K. SAPP ..JOHN B. MACDONAL.D S. GRIER WEL.LS SCOTT L.. GLAZIER THOMAS M. REITER DAVID T. ABRAHAM BABETTE L.. FL.ETCHER SIDNEY F. ANSBACHER ..JAN D. McCORMICK ..JEFFREY R. L.UDWIG ..JOHN I. FISHBURNE, III DONALD E. TESIERO, II WIUJAM L.. FINGER ALAN C. SHEPPARD, ..JR. GERALD P. KELL.EY, ..JR. ffP",r ,. q~-if81s' TELEPHONE (904) 3153-3100 TEL.EFAX (904) 3153-1 use August 4, 1994 #;. .s.C'_. c" ,'!"!i ok drJ i'i. 1-.- .1.-...... WI...' 1. (; AUG 1.; 111994 .. ~ BUl~ ~ DEPi.~, . 0# BE"'~ CP- AL L. SCHNEIDER OF COUNSEL. VIA AIRBORNE EXPRESS Mr. Tom Hamilton Director of Operations Boynton Plaza Shopping Center, Inc. 4300 South u.S. Highway 1 Jupiter, Florida 33477 Re: Modification to Declaration of Covenants, Easement and Restrictions for Boynton Plaza Shopping Center Dear Mr. Hamilton: Our firm represents Barnett Bank of Palm Beach County and in connection therewith, have assisted them in their request for site revisions for the Barnett site referenced above. The City of Boynton Beach has required that as a condition to the issuance of the permits for this project, the existing Declaration be amended to confirm that the easements of the Declaration are intended to benefit the Barnett property as it will be revised pursuant to the revised site plan. To accomplish this, the City has agreed that we may enter into a modification of the existing Declaration, replacing the recorded site plan of the Barnett Property with the revised site plan attached. Accordingly, we have drafted the attached Amendment to the Declaration to achieve same. I would be most appreciate if you would please execute both copies of the Amendment and return same directly to Ronald P. Scagliola, llOl East Atlantic Boulevard, Pompano Beach, Florida 33060, for execution on behalf of the bank. Thereafter, the document will placed of record to reflect the modification. l'~. '. 'wJ; ~~",,'l .;...l- .- , ",~' '. \. *,<~'..;'~,'>" ~~::,~ p ,', '. .^ ~ . j/. " '. /,...." f-4i-..~ l-~ -~9Jl~"'. \ ~ ~'''';I,;; .. . '" It AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS, ~:?;. --::~;:;-~-'~~'~:~~::vi COVENANTS, AND RESTRICTIONS \.~,:"" . ; ,-.. . . - ~ r!-:~~ '// ~ THIS AGREEMENT shall amend that certain Declaration of Ease- , ' '. "\.~ .' ments, Covenants, and Restrictions made and executed the first day of November, 1991, by BOYNTON PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER, INC., a Florida corporation, as Grantor, and BARNETT BANK OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, a Florida corporation, as Grantee, which Declaration was recorded in Official Records Book 7012, beginning at page 1573, of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida (the "Declaration"). R E C I TAL S: l. The Declaration was recorded to create certain easements, covenants, and restrictions on the use of the respective properties governed thereby, including that certain outparcel owned by Barnett Bank of Palm Beach County ("Barnett"), as described in Exhibit "B" of the Declaration (the "Barnett Property"). 2. Barnett has requested approval from the City of Boynton Beach to make certain modifications to its site plan of the Barnett Property. 3. As a condition to said approval, the City of Boynton Beach has required that the Declaration be amended to incorporate the revised site plan of the Barnett Property. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten and No/lOO Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the receIpt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1 2 \~- . . .,. . . . , \ , ,.. . \ . \ I \ 111' . , .... '. \ 1 \ . \ i\li \ ~ \ , \ \ 'II' · , , a I '~......... , \ . . N~ - ~ ::.: ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ -- -- .- ~ f* ~ \..-- ... __ .. _ __ .... ... J ~ t . tl f\1 . t , \ i ~ , "\~ , .J (1\ .J .... I r ~. c:O .IIfiF ~ cPO ~ · N.(,)~1'1."I"W ,iSeiJ'. SE:\iT BY: 6-30-34; 15;18 ;JOS1AS & GOREN. P.A.4 Boyn:on Bch rax:# 4/22 I - .- _. e. -.... '1YILL. CALL. DRAWeR '_d14, IHIS INSTRUMENT ~PA.ED &y AND RETURN 1'0: JAYNl REG8STU BARKDULL, 2;50., LEVY A KNEEN, BOYES f WI ElfER, GOLDSTEIN & KORNPELD, P.A. l~OO C~ntr.p.rk Boulevard Suite 1000 West PalM Seaeh. Florida 33401 (407) ... 18-4 100 . . ~\i-05-1991 Dt:~6P. 91-315646 O~ 7012 p, 1573 Ct~ri. e M\lf:~RKD~[PB COOOy, FL'W t>8CLAAATION 01' pSDmI(fl:. Q)VEMAR1'''.~ AND BJSTRICTtO.~ This [).cl~ rat;Lon o~ IUaemc.nts.. Coyeftant. and a..triation., made and executed this L'~ day 0'= Ho"ember. 1991 by BOYNTON PI.AZiA SHOPPING CSNTER, INC. t . Florida corporation (hereinafter refetted to as "GRANTOR") .n~ BARNETT SA".: OF PALM B!ACH COURTY I . f"lori48 corporation (here104ftet UtferI"cd t.D .. -ORAI1'nE-) ft 1 i I I It It I :l HI WHEREAS. GRANTOR 11 the OiWuer 'Of the a-..1 property (berein.fter referred to a5 -tbe f~opptng Centor-) more particularly dcuctibed OD Exhibit A, ann.zed to and fOlminv . port h.~eofl .nd WU!~a...s. ORAM'f.'!E il abouf: to ecqui te the ~..1 prop&J4:)' (hflreine!ter refert'ed to 31 lithe Outparcel") more perticulal')Y de8cIib~4 on Bzhiblt a, annexed to and forming a patt hereof] end mlSUIiS, in order to provide a coonHn.tea .nd. 1ntc9ratecJ development of the shoppift9 C.ftter ~nd GRANTEE'. improvement of the outparcel, tbe pGttiea her.to desire to create perpetuBl, non...exclus1ve 1n9reS84' e9re.. anI! accel' easements for both vehicu lftc and pede-atria" traffi.e and I nOr'\-.xclus~ ve parking easement for t.en (10) cont19uOUB parking spaces on the parkinCJ ant2 cpnunon Iteas located "11 thin the Shopping Centar; . and to ~rovic1e for certain covenants and Iestrictions respectinq Koch easeMents. NOW TK!REt~RE. for anO in consideration of the premlae., the Qaqem~nts. covenants, conditione Bnd restrictions herein cteate~, an.d ot:hor Q'ood and valuable conai4etltiQna in nand paid by each of th(t parties hereto to the Oth81, GRAHYOJt ft,nd GRANn. ao hereby ~.ol'rQ th.~ the Shopping Center and the ~tpa~cel are .nd ahall be held, transferred. Bold, conveyed; usea and occup1.~ &ubjeot to the easement.. ~ovenant. ~nd r8Strict1onl herelnaft.r ~et forth. 1. QX8nt 4f Ea.emeats. ". GRAIflQR does bClf(l!lby Qrenl Uftta GRAltl1 aDd to the successors and ~ti&i9nl of GRANTEE. a perpetual nOD-exclusive easement tor ingres5 end egrelll and acesss and. a non-eaClUB1ve\ perkin; easement for ten (10) conti9uo\l& parking specea tiS shown (lJl . Exbih~t IOC" attacheO hereto fo~ the "'.. .nd benefit: of GUlfTBI, itlil customers. inviteea, liceruseeal le,nee... 8mploYlIIes, successors and assiqn., for vehicular palkin9, v~hicular and pedestri4~ ingress and egress. Over # upon 800 8Cr0811i th~l!Ie portion. of t.he parking areas and common 8r~~s of t~~ Rhnpplng C8nt~r. SENT BY: 6-.30-94; 15:19 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A.-l . Boyn:on Brh fax;# 5/22 I. C1.'!1:1'!'C'~ ,..,~.~ 11 ~ a I". "he :d - t to raa.."tl\at.e i:." location of such ten (10) par);! no 8pac::e.l 1lI~ ur. \'.: n~.~ ~!I 1~~~NT('r~f. ~"'l~ difCl:,"~Htm ~rh~i~.'idj However, tlUlot anY of .3H~~- p~u'k;l.n<J .p'Cti5 DO 1..r:a~~.l..;J1CII.~ l!Ultl,l,l. oa couti.9uOUI c:.u tuu.u I'.H.U'l:l" .... shall be in the ar.al marked by Ol'oI8-hateb11l9 on (l;xhllJit lie. ,nlle.ea hecatO and forming a part hereof. Do other alteration, modiflc.t1on or chenQ6 "hall be ltI..a. to th.e fClreoolng intra.., eVE.'S; ace._ aRlS parking e.._menta arl4 to ~h. eonrDOn areas within one hundred (100) feet of tbe .ort;bern BoaDd.ry at: the outparcel or tne Rorthern Boundary of the oa~ ecul\l; ..1'nl~t;.t parcel loeated east of the ovtpzrcel and described Oft IK,dhit -D- annexed hereto aftd "I~. I part hereOf', without the pdor written approval of GRAIT!I, itl OCJOOd/005"d~1 SE'iT BY: 6-30-34 15:19 ;JpS1AS & GOREN. P.A.~ Boynton Bch fax:# 6/22 i j. succeSBOfS or ...igna which IPproval will not De unr...onably withheld. The non-exclucive ..lensnt Qranted to CRANTEE herein foe such ten (10) contiguous parkinq sp.dsa shall immediately termin.te in the event that ORAN1'2E,. ita IllCC8iUltUS or .aligns Iba 11 use the Barnett P.leel (8S de.cr1b~d on Eablbit -0- anne~ed hereto end made a >>art hereOf) for any other PUIJO.. than .a I bankin; fact U ty ot for general oftiee use.. 2. P(obfbi~ion AQA1pst Bc~rl.~. A. GRARTOR an(l GRAUTEa, fo:ro Lheln...1v.. and fer their resPQctive grantees, .uccessorl ajl0 BIZSigus do her.by covltnant and 89~eei one with the other, that nb curb, barriol', fence or hedQe shall be 100ate6 on the eOftlflOD bo1Jndlry between the Shopping Centel' and th.~ Ou.l;paro.l or elsewhere i.1l the Shopping CentsI' .0 IS t.o unreasonably int.~for. with or ob!truet (1) peoestrian or v.h1eular invreslI end egr... betw.en the Sho~~pi tkCJ Cefttat anO the outparcel, or (it) the visibility of tb. out,arcel Ind GRANTB!"s i~proYement thsteto trom tho Shoppinw C.nt.~ ot the rights-of-way ez1Bting at or abou.t the Outparc..:J. 0% the SboPp1ftll Cent:.r. B. GRAln'OR en4 GRAN'tlla acknouledge and Igree thet the l?ar...-ier. contemplated on OAAll'rJli'. .t te olan annea(ld hereto as E:J:hibi t *!- and forming . ,ll'lrt h.ereof do not .lo1ate the prohiDitions again.t barrier. .et !orth 1n paragraph 2.A. hereof. :I. Rallt[~qtlo.n Q.D, pse .aLO\ltvarc,l. GRANTEE Icknowled;el and 3Qr&ea that the OUtparcel bo1n9 ~onvQyed to GRANt!! i. oonditioned upon the restriction that tbe Ou~paro.l may only be u.~ .. . 8~tfaoA level parkinQ lot. 4, G~~.r~l provlai~s. A~ The invalidaticn of any of the p~ovislon. of thl. Decl.rceion by jud~mAn~ or eourt order shall in no woy .fleet eny of ths other p~ovll1ons her.of 8Qtl sueh rem'1nin~ provilions shall continue in full fOtce and eff8et. 5. Tbo ealSoment... eovenantl, resttietloft5, benef1ta iJncl oblig8t104' ltstabli.h6~ h~r.jin9r .hall run with the lam" and shall b1.ftO Ine Inu~e to the be-n..fit of. the parties her.to~ thefr respective beirs, pereon.l ~.pl...nt.tives. leasees.. 5UceeSlorti, grantees anO assign., e.capt to ~h. eztent the Bane mer be terminBte~ purJua~t to the terms f~d conditions eontained heretn. C. Tnt. Peclareti.>n ahall be: construed .n~ enforced in accordance with the lawB Qt thEI Gt.t. ~t Florld... P. In the event of any liti~atloft betw..n the part i95 heteto arisin; out of thi. Deal.ration of J:..em.ntJ~ Cov.n.l'\t:s 2nd R&st:.rietions,. the ;uevailing party .,hal1 b. entlt led ~o r.cover its r.llon.ble attorney. fee. .~d cost. through all levels of procee~lng. from the other pile}'. E. This Declarat1)n atI.y be e.xec:tuec1 in one 01' more eounte~p.rt .19n.tur.l~ IN WITNESS WHEREOP. GRAN'rea and GRANfltB have cauaed th... - _____4.... ....... ha ..Iillt'!Ut-M and th~if respect 1 yEt corporat:e Beall SEt\T BY: PTIJbCI1l.D ,.... __ hereunto .ffice4 2:.:3..o,:~4 L- 13:.~O ;JOSlAS & GOREN. P..4.-> . i..' .l1_~ 4>01" of .,~(.~~. ~ ggl . Boynton Bch fax;# 7/22 :Deliv""*"d Print 0900d/06S.o&d1:2 ROYRTO. PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER, INC. .. ilorid~~ COt~ratiOD ,. I, I '"~ BYI .' ., -I .. ..-'. ;' W. ..~ic BAJlRMt; Treasurer , '- (COIlPORArE SKAL) SENT BY: 6-30-94 15:20 ;JOS1AS & GOREN. P.A.~ Boynton Bch fax;# 8122 ~. ~ -. -- C-A7/'~1::;' - Pd.nt nante! ~.I'J~n' p/ii:-: ~lYrib) Pl'in~u i:iIir"1J; vW ---: 81.t Plint {it A.. \Jr..iddnt. ...... "'... '. ..+ ",.:.. ,. 'coaPORA~!.,S~r;... ~I' .... . ".1", . .' , , STATI OF FLORIDA ) COUtlTt or ~\M ~L~ OSf .,~ r HIRIBY CERTIFY that on thll: day# before file, an offi.cer. duly authori&ad in the State iIIfore..icl and in the Co nty I re.ald to take acknowledqe.ntl, ptltlone11:! .PP4l.red well known to me to be the ptnaon d.uletibed in and who e:xeclI ad the foroQoino instrument &, 1r"CfLi"i'f4r" ~!.W..1l of BOYNTON PlAZA. SHOPPING C2M'1'ER, INC., a Florida CQrporatlcn, and he ack,.awlec3oed before me that he e~ecuted the S~8 in the pre..nce of two subscribing witn..... freely and voluntarily ~Dder authority duly v.&te~ 10 hi. by aa1cJ corporation end tha.t: the se.1 effis.ed lher.to Is the true corporate seal of slid corporation. " ~. 'a' 'J!I I . "" WITNESS ntt,. J1.Jad ftnd official seal in the County al'lc!l St:at. I.at ::81fbre'lI111i4 tltl. ~ day of .ffoi~t,~ 1'1. I.:~.. ," ",;:.' O!"~bW ~ ." . ." ..' -- : ,".', ',:' .'.". t:ctary Publ c (UOTARIAL 1MPRESBIOH SBAL) NJ Commission Ixpifea: ., ".,.AlW .uaLle. 'TAfl 01 florlDA. 1l1f. . ,'l t\tMN1iUUI llI'IUS, c':C. 1\1. 'HI. STAT~' 'OF 7,Mil tI. (,4."J ) .c.ollOD&;1 "'taU -..,,'II' .UIII.IC ~,jl'Y""W~ltr"., J. ) 88: couln OF fatm ~UJ- ) I HEREBY CEITIFY that on th5.a day, before mil. In officer 4ul,. a.uthorized in the Stet" aforesaid end i.n th~ County a[oresald to take aCMowledQemefttl, per$On811~' .ppeared /LII/.~L/ fl..lJiIl..uft:., well kno-voln to me to be the pejeonJ described in ana .a(o~ executed the tnllglit~~L.!~=;;trunael'lt IS ~~ v'. I? president of 8i'.RHrn' BARK or PALM that he ..Ii.cute" the lane in r ~'he .t1'.JmI,""-V'OQWJ'I"wt.k.t~~r~ me witne".. freely anO voluntarily lnder authority duly vested in him by 8ei~ '..oci~tl0ft. WITQBSS ~. b~ft4 end officiA: .aa1 in the County and Stat. l.at aforesaid 'tills ~ clay of ~~. 19~ ~_ - C;-~L2UU, ~ Ibtaf1:P Ie .- (NtjTAR1AL !MPRESSIOPJ SEAL) Mr Connl..ton lhrpi res ~ . .. ,;. . -",-:' ~ . .~, . I ." "! ....:' ~ ~I \. "i~~..a~~ .,' " .'j -.<: ~ .;.?~~'~.. ":' \'; . "-- ~' ~ II '\ .' '~4?r-'4' d ~y..~4. -.. ,-' ,;;~, . ;..;~;.':.~.'o" '~:,,;,, ....:...'.' ..,.':Ij. lOT. ",..~t S7Alt " PLGlIM IY CCJJlISSJOI U,. "lINE '.'. "'0 r... ..IM. I ItS . .. SENT BY: 6-30-94 15:21 ;JOSJAS & GOREN. P.A.~ Boynton pch fax:#10/22 I '- CQlaEtfT AID rJOllUP PkllfCIPAL MU1'UAL lo!FE IIISURAIICE COMPAIIY, an low. corporation, the ownSI ond holder of that eert"in Mortgage dated July 13, 1990 and reOOtGed July 1', 1"0 in Off ~ei.l aeeords Book 65615, Pag. 237 tooetner with ~n Aal!9n~nt of RSfttl tnd teases recorOeO in Official Rec:orc!s BOOk 652', 1'.9. 262 and l)fflcial Records BOok 6568. P."e 1933 in the pUblic Records of pa tll Beacb Count)", Florida. he'.by conl.nt, an4 ,oins in the fOE:',~goino Oet:laration of Basement, Covenant., .nd RBstrlctiofts. ~""'-tl (~t\~~ r" Dated thie ~ aay ot 8eYeri8ert 1,,1. ~i9n.d, S..led and Delivered in the Pr...nea of . . ,. 1 'f' ";. '1('/[1 (, '. . / f l .. I, , '\}~,. I' ;..1 1'""......... I to" 1'1"" (.' ~_ Tn: paINCIPAL MUTUAL LIYI!; IISUItAItCI CQMP~, an Iowa corpo,atioft e,.: :\~~, ..~ I t l12t name: _ _A. lL..~ ,..... (, ~ .-1" Its ~,.It..f.'r_ j i .....i t-k\.~--. "" 11~'~ Print name. ..;:..,''":.. ',_ ),,,,.,...,.....1 (CORpORATE IJEMa) STATE or "1" b ,oJ I.. COUNTY OF p,. \ \( ) ) S8. ) I HER!BY CERTIfY that on th:.1I "ey, befor. tae. an oltie'f duly .\.Ithol:':l~.d in f;he State afOte.a1,] aDd, in tnA Coupty afore..id to talk. aeknowledCleraent., perlonelI ( appellrefJ 5..F. ~~ , well kno.1/tr\. tQ. ... to be the per,ol1s (elllC rlbed in .M who e.1:&out.':ed the foc-egoing inat:rument 1Ss&'U~Ih!l.MtJtr.~.l-Pr8C.l0..~ of PRINCIPAL MU1'UAL tIrE IltSORAftCIl: COMPAIIY I an 10'11' (!orp~~ation. anCS be ockllowle4;ea be:tore me bh.t ho executed the same in the plesenC8 of two 8ubJcti~ino wi tnes... freely and yoluntari ly under author! ty duly velite.s in him by said bODoeiation. WITftESS ~.EAnd ana ofi\~lJJ seal in the County and stete l.at aforelai4 thia ~. day of ~f. 1991. ,; , (NO'l"ARIAL Il'iJPRESSIOJl SEAL) ~ . f . '. .. ,; SENT BY, 6-30-34; 15:22 ;JOSJAS & GOREN. P.A.~ Boyntnn Bch fax;#13/22 paQe 1432: C'olllmenoing a~ t.h~ lI"r~l.lt*.t. c;~C\.rne'e of IIsct.ion 30, 1f00000blp ~S South, R.ani- ,,:) last, thenoe vi t.h an acs\UII4lId bearing' of SOUt.:1 C deg.tUlS ~7' 2'M Ea.t aloft9 the, Eattt line ot said SQctit>n 30 And ......~ ...i;I'Ji'i;.e.11ne OL C~H~...~.;.llt 1""'WH~Cf tt. ~i..t:ance of ~241. Ub .Loal t--.) a p01nt, thence w1th . :bear1ng Df #Qutb .7 d4)~.. 55' 1.,.- Waot., a distanc. of 60.00 t"..t too a p)i..nt in the W..t. right-of-war 11... ot Congress AYenUe1 thence wl~~ IS. bear1n9 oC South 0 4e,r... ", 29" East along the West right-of-way l1ne of COft9r... Avenue, It distane. or 183.30 teet to a point in a l1ne parallel with aDd 105..00 teet Korth. of the sout',! l1nct of Lot "E", Block 32, '11.. Beach Farr.s company Plat Mo. s! thence with a beat'iJt9' of South .7 degr~.. 54. 37ft W Alo~9 .aid ~ar.rl.1,~lne, a distance of 180.00 tOQ~ ~o th. ,PQint of 8oginnin9 or ~h. herein described easoment: t.hencQ oontil'u.~. Sout.h an d.9:~ee& 54. ),. West:, a di.tance or 2..00 teet; I thonCl. lior'th l') ci.9::ees 51' 2Dff West'., B distance of SENT BY: ~ . 6-30-94 15:23 ;JoSIAS & GOREI\i. P.A.-' Boynton Bch fax:#14/22 I t' I . 125.00 featr thence Morth 11 d.~re.. 54' 37M East, . dlatanca 01 24 t..t; thence Sout:h 0 <legre/!s :51' l'OC ~stt .. di.1o.no. of 125.00 f..t ta tbe Point or Buq!lnlng. UD further .xcepting' the:refro:ll tha following paroel or land bein9 a portion of. the land c:cnvey.d by that deed reeo:rdec1 in Oftieial ~.co~. look 4062, paqa 250: A parcel of land ~eiJatt a pOniflft of Lots "0" and "E", of Block '2, Pall. 8each Penna company Ple.t. 'No.8, of S.et:ioft 30, Township 45 South, :Range 43 East, a.cc.orcU.n9 to the plat: on tilA in th. PUblic Records of P.l. 8...c1\ CQUnt.y, Florh1.a, in Plat aook S, page 73, aa1cl parcel being BOre particularly d..Gri~ea .. tollow.: Co.anc1ng a.t the Iforthellat coC'ner of section JO, Town.bip 45 south. Rang. 43 East: thence with an asauaed bear1ni of 8ou~h 0 dagr..s 57' 29- East, along ~ East line of section 30 and th. cRnterline of COl\Q~... Avenue a diatanoe of 322.. 0' teet to a point: tb.nce wi~h a bearinq of south 87 4aQre.s 551 17" ..at, a di.~.nc. c~ 60.00 ~..t to . poJnt on the Wast rlqbt-of-way 11n. of Con9r... Avenu.r tbence'with a b..rina of South 0 deare.s 57' 29'* kse, alof141 the w..~ r19ht.-of-way If". of convre.. Avenue a dl.t.rance of ,o...~o r..t:. 'tQ a pc-illt, theW:8 with . bearing of 30\Jth 87 degrees s.' J711 w.~~, a di.~anc. o~ 204.00 t..t to . point, ..id point beihg th~ Po:~~ of Ba9innin,: ~hefte~ eontinue along- th. etl."or...ntion.d cour.c _ dl.t;an.,. of 114.22 feet. 'to . point, thence with. bearin9 of ~ortb 0 devr... 111 2P" w..t, . distance of 1::iO.OO feet tQ a polnt, thence with . bearing of North 87 degrees 54' 37" East, II distance of 114. 32 t..~ to . point; thence with abear1nv ot 50uth 0 de,t... :J7' 2'" Z..t., a di.tanee ot 150.00 faet ~r. 01' leas to the point or 8e9innln9t 1... th-r.troa the South 2~ feet, thereot. AND turthar .~ceptin9 th.r~fram the I. at 35 feet ot ..i~ Tracts 2 and 32 alii convey.d for :E-l)ad r;.ght-of-way purpose. tor Con9reS8 Ave. by those d.ed. ~.cord.a in Offioial R.cor~. Book 1116, paq. 178, O~~:lalal Reoord. !look 111.., Stag. 190, and. Official Recorda Book 254', Pe9* 119G. Anti further excwpt1nv tbar..t1;'QII t:be.t poroel of land t:ak.n by ~.1J1. &9<<Qb County tor 81\"'804 by that Order of 'l'akin, record.d .1n Qtf1cial lteOorti. BOCk "~6, PagE! 19'1.. ' --....~... ._____a~...",..................._,........ --...-........". ~,..# ......., ,.1'" '. . . ~. .. ....... ...... o. ,t SENT BY: 6-30-94 15:24 :JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A.~ BoyntGn Bch fay;#16/22 r.xtt t l!I J ~~"A · ~ DKSC:KlfTIOI A percel of land beinq . port ion of Lots w.o" and liE'", of Block. 31, Palm Beach Fallis Corapany ~l.t No, 8, of Section 30, Township 4' South, Range 43 EastJ according tc the Plat thereof, as recorOeO 1n Plat Book 5, Page 73~ Ilid pareel being mote partiCUlarly described as follows: Commencin9 .~ the .o~the.st oo~n.r 01 Section 30. Township ~5 Soutb, Range ..3 B..t; theM_ with aD a!l8UI1l8c! bearino of South 0-57" 2'. E..t, along the i:a8t line of Section 30 an.d th. centerline of Con~r.sl Avenue a 4i~tenc. of 322.06 feet to . pointJ thence with I heario9 of South 87'"55'17" weot, D 4ist_noe of &0.00 feet to a point on the wsst r;i~ht-ot-W'T lioe of Con,re., "".Bue; theAce wlth . belting Of South 0"'7' 2'" Eit~t, ':.01119 the He:rt ri9ht-of~".y line of Congress Avenu~ a 01stlnce of J08.30 feet to . point; ~h.noe with a beating of South 87.~4' 37'" West, a d1at.n<:e o! 20-4.00 feet to . point, said point b81n; the I'011t of lSeg innl ASJ i t.hetl.cc eoatitlue along the aforera.l1t.ion8(l cour... . dil!tanc. of 11" .22 f$et:. "0 a point, thene. with. belrinq of M3rth O.'7'Z'R W..t, a dietance of 150.00 feet to a point; tbence u1th . bea:dnw of Korth '7.S"~37" East, . distance of 114.22 feet to I pOint, tnence with e b..ring of Soutb 0.57. 2910 Seat I I cUltanee of 150.00 lIlore or leis tc) the Point of Begin.nino. LESS and excepting therefrom the Sl)uth 25 feet: thereof. SENT BY: 6-30-94; 15:24 ;JOSIAS & GOREN, P.A.~ Boynton Bch fax:#18/22 ...u ~ __ ~ _~__. ~ 1 _UI .. --- ~ tEjJ Ti-:~EOD<?!i.E Eo__DAV!S. AIAJ P.A. ~~)) ARCHITECT AND ASSOC1A1ES ~. 0;159 N. MltlAnY '''All. f\.41M Oll\Ci I G^t10N.fS, noalOA 33~ SO ~ I:J ~ iA i ~ ~ )lC .... ~ ,.:, t... .- . .... . H . H' ..,---. , ~ 'aJ1grv~ . ~ Ci .~ c..~ r~ a ~ ~~-- -- .--. -<. ~ ..- ctct--. -. .--- ~ -S!. ~ '1\ ~::: .:.... _'M ==. _:: ~. ~ --!f. ~ ...___IliIIII...... -- -~ - '-" : .... --(, _ r ,.,.. Jr.'''.... ~ - - . .t. . . =,JIUA1111-:- == 4~~~=. =1 UAMwAiII. -- H ':::;J == U ~- --- -t" HDi 'M." - ~, -.;.. u" ........- -. '1'_...... -':'1' II · .. ..OCllt - II_Jrji;';\,,, == = ..:;;ijiiir == ::I" ,... ". - ~ ~.. '-. ~ ,...... r n I . L I .. r I" P- e' -It . I. ~ A~ 11~~OO ..... \\\\\~\\\\\W~\\~\) - -- WlffiW'~f;!f~~~ = ~~~~~~ ., r>1~5}~}7~7?f~ R{~(~~~~(~ (?W5ftlifl~~~ff5fj . ' r.~ ~~~<~~~~\~\~~~~\~ ,.~, (n~ J (<II/l/1 . L" ! ~;~ 111/llJ ~ g.ill [~\~~ - a" ~ ,r? ~-H+H-H+H-{J U+t+H+I-f} O~lrNrVr\-ltHhIIIIJn-~O : . -- --..... ._ ....1 ..... l' L '" - - ~ .- " e .. p ,. '" II '" .' ~ '" Z to: III _ T~ - ~ III c: " lit,. !~ "M ,.. ... J r NORTI-I.AMEIlICAN PLCQUISITION CO 1\1) , _ 1lIIU~.ti._..._.______~ ~ 1 J ----.....-.-.- . ........ EJCYNTClN ",FJLAZJ-\ ElC.YNTCJN EJIEACH tI FL-DRIClA EX1+I:J3 rr "e #I (" '~I . ....- IJMA 'lIT - 6-30-94; 15:25 :JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A.~ ,. "-- ,.) ~ ~ ~... :::} , t \.._ L ' I r I\...;. -- ~ Boynton Bth fax;#19/22 - .---:-~f1\.. ucn" . OU' II AC II IH.4-.1. I. 'P<l'~" .... lIIIF ~ _..~ ___ It,d -=-~ :-::--- ~ ... .............-.=--- T -, .......t. l1li' -- """ ~~-- .a J .... - Lbf_l I~ t '10____~....A~J __ - SENT BY: 6-30-94 15:22 :.Jp~IA$_&. 9.9.REf\i._I\~..:__.. >>.9,Y..1lton Bch fax:!fO!22 I "^.''''~6. '" FbI I A par~.l of land being a portion of Loti -Ow and -I., of Block 32. P.l~ leach FarDs CompAny Plat No. I, of Section 30, Township 15 Sout.h, 1l'1'19t: .3 EAlt, accordin9 to t.he plat: on fil. J.ft the Publi~ Records of Palll aeach County, r lor!.!., in PIa' look 5, P&91 7 J, ..id prlreel beint) more partieultarly d.aczoJ.bed .a. follow.. ~ommencJ.luJ .. th. NoJ:'~heo." ~g~D.r ':It SeiCt!.gn ~O, Township .., South, Ran._ ., IcultJ t.beftce with &;1 ".~UlM!d b..rin9 Of s. O.~7'l'" E. alchf the z..t liAe of S.ction 3) and ~h8 centerline of convress 1won",. . dio~o.neo of 322.0' f.. \. LO .. poir.\.1 Ul"~lt wLt.h . JJ...r 1h9 01 s.. 9'1. '5') '7'W., a (11.tan~. of 10.00 teet to a polnt on the 1.1..1: rlght-of'-woy line of CQng%... ;\VenUcl thence with a bearing of S. 0.,,'29-8. along tb.'We.~ right-of-way lift8 of Congr... Avenue a dlstanc. of 758.30 f~t to & point; ..Ld point being tht Point of Be9inninq I "t.hence continue aloDi the afoX'.mentioned course .. cllatancit of 125..VO; feet. to .. ~ltn, lC5.00 feet' No~th of \11. Sout.h line of Lot EI. 'Block 32, t.henl~e 'With a h~arin9' 5.8'.54'37."+ along A lin. lying 10'5..00 feet North 01 and II:1.r&11.1 to the South 11ne of Lot I, . ~1atance of 110_00 f@.~ to a poin~, thence wi~h . bearing of N, 0.57.29." Of' A diatal\c. of 125.00 teet; t.o & point.. thence with G b..ring of N. 87.S.'3~". a 4i.taae. of 180.00 f..t - FftOl"e or l..s to th. 'obit of aeg.t.nn.ift9. Containinq ~2t~OO squ.~. f..~'more or leaa and aubie~t4to ea.e~ .mentg and r!9hel-of-way of ~.co~d, ( .. .. I.'. vi , .,.. .' L. , 't-- ~, " SE~T BY: ~ , ... ~ . ~ t .. '-- ~ 'II .... 'C. I 'Ii " k ~ ~ .1 ~ , , ~ .... \. ~ \'II !I ! I ,"- I , . 6-30-;)4 15:26 ;JOSIAS & GOREN. P>A.~ Boynton Bch fax;#Jl/22 . ' ~ II I ~ :C \ _ t '! \ I ~ , :c\ .__~: - ~~. , ! - '( \ .) \. _I L----,:.:L/l ~.~- ~., ...J.._ . .' -. ~ ~ . .' ... ,. L'., IW.I:'ll .J")......... ...,L .t~I\.;.: : j\.~-~:. ~:~14. ..-'w. .. '," :: ~,r' ' '. '; .1- ~ '1' - '.' \' ; '\, ., " ... -I; ~ '. tl~i .,' ,.';---tJ' ,,- I~ "p ,. !! ..J ; . .;~ iS~' NUl" "t \r~~'''~-- ; , . . ff" I - .', I \ ;t ~~l" lf~ L:...:-. .~ @" ;..',' ", '1' . @ @' . ..' i.. , , v rr.. . 'I i ;" '. 14 . Ii1 :._- ,. ('I .. t;-.. '1' . , :r. . .:f,.J ;'1 - ,', ". I '._ ~.t ~.' ';II)~. I'; ';-, 'f., ""i'.~" " ."...~.. - ~ 1" . , .... . . t t' !~.... · r ' I . , . . .... I ~ .. i .t~:.r~. .in" -''j 'l t ........ ~ l'I"!:!:' , ". .. t- t I .,......... ~ - . ~ .-i' ; ~.. . . , I . ,. · .., I " '''ri -- ;L.:~~_.~t " ' . . " . I' I;.j , , ;I o' -sr 'I". Ii' H<<~j ,... . - -- @ w wi I L :~f;~;.-;;;;N;~O~'- t._.. ''I " J..~..~~ . ./'/IIir"....,. ~. -d'-~-~ " . II '-',> '1 L. JIJ ". I -..~~.......--....I 1... _ ;"r--L: . "- ...1 I j" I I I I f 1 r.~-,b, , . Harnelt ,llaru\. J . . LUlJJJ .__li_ &:r-"'--' I"" " c ... EXHI'IT '.E ~ \, ~. 1-1 U Q to.. " ... "'" . ,( tl<>yNTDH I, . . PI.AZA I' ,A /1"'-' "; .. . ...... ... ,.:. @. SITe 'r PL.A.N -