CORRESPONDENCE SEP-28-1994 15:20 SCHARF 2 ASSOCIATES INC. P.12I4/04 SCHARF &A&SOCIATES lNCOR.PORATF.D ARCHITECTS. PLA."'NERS AA-C001427 FROM: PA)( - M E M 0 R A B DUM - 1'0 ~7) "5..t:,,,qO 4~~ ey.. -Z 8... 'f 4. LMe'f' C-.ANJLl?t2.., Cr:/'fNWf../. ~~H ~NG ~ePT~ a~~eT;-k;ffH4-tvN1 P,l).&;(/~ i-14-M-A&-f?12- ~m f!.vfN~ JIJ-:Z:)YN'/"&'JV f'tft:2..4.1 CoV/--I"/t)/v ~ ~/flfrtF f/i'cJJ. 1t I ff?> ~ /, 05 DATE: TO~ Ri:: m uNDE1?57AADIJ../G OF J"1'Ie O)X(J~Slt>1J$ t3e11vf3J;!A1 YfI2.. -?~ ~ I~Ai/:iiTT A1JD He ff1f/5 t:F ye:v,e t?fflce /6 71f;fr (~A-ie 1":> PrZef~"A: Pf11t1fi 11 j'PV(7)rze Y7'Z Ff.A1.l 7!) ~ 7lfe t:#mNtE !f!'Irfr8/j!(/? n A~tf1H~r-ro 7ife ,&'#-J"f71\Jc!J ~ ~5 AC~.D A~eJ.JT: PItS ~ /~ ~' TO ~ ;tt;.'1t41AJJ$7fi!rlmUeL-'1lrffkJJep J. r ' ,-n"".{\ ' If " lJ;ur {'lor E!!T.BCthr::;;;v ~y &j12J1/gg: I1V~ /6 77#r'r t;j,t.ffr!3l{t;; , CO~ NPr 11./0rCIr't15,ltfJ'1 OOJO/orP ~~I',.ff2K.11l6 ~~te fZe!;;il/(i..e!) fH CI:X?d, 7711:5 P~I /Hr;~ 57 ?1tJ;~J.j.6 ~P4C&5, z. c:P ,wfffcH It&.)w ee(lefj}lll/2.Tit:.) jZ:J ee #,h- 1l~ ~;;nN6 tPr~"w -:-rrtr Ptit'N :~ -z;:; ~Plt~ .(J.Z+I), o",e. eulWf~ t>>ILY 'e~U/~ ..zZ5P'.4LE5,. r,f€ A;~1fe:t) pJ?"pP,tJ~etJ ~7 '5r';fce)r~ PVrJ..l v.i:t)O(./} PPOClW" TJf'e ~'7 S"P~ f?;l;r WPr IN '17tt1 CPA; Ff6ll/J.4.r7tJ1..-f "/f)J" ~ e:#fte'r lle'\ f'A.t!(lt.O i7f7Fr ~ 4CC.I!.f1'JT)ffj~ .t " t)1!. IPO{J~ (.utE! I/t4urp 1D /Z f.?tJ:t?O A A1aU C(Jd!6 A-C'~ ,4Gl/!.t::Y'Tt:NT JV-trH Tlfe JJ1 'Sf~' Tlfe ..,;fDfPIN~ ~~ f-1/tNA6f;;I4EiJ.,ii (;X;(;U) P#t>~y 516!~ 77:f-?4r ~~tuT; ~ '-sr rte )CN{;1W4 ' CL, ,I!;JI ~"'.. t!~W~U:6t~ :~.f07 ~v. ~tt.h Avenue . Suite- 2(){}' furl 141Udl:Tdal~. Flnriria 3330!-) . ;J1l5-;,fili-2iOU TOTRL P.04 1J ~\l .~~~\~ N \~I~r \.. i .."", -' - \OC-,~~ti~'~; .~...>.:., ..J. .' .,- \'" ' ." . r' .. ..\ 'II .It ,.' . 'f.-. '- . ; _' ',t ~" .'t' .... . ~ .' " " .. ~ . i 't " 1 '" 'Il .... 'l \ ~ " ;.;. ... ~ ..... i\ .; I ..,~ Ql"'~ :. , .1 , @'_: of .'. . '-~&.o , 'l(C.1 ....~.i , .,..~:;.,~.~ . 1 ".1. '( .. .' .... J,",.\ , ~...... l ." .:" I . ",...:- . ti. l ~ I "'I , ., r i '" " - ".~ *'f' f..'" I*<<lIi . ~ .-- @ ,.. .\ ~\i ,\ ~\ \\ , . -=-r:..... .....~ - -... - - ::: - . ,-. \ 1.; .,..,u>'''* ~rJ." i'-" 1 ~ ' qt \ , ." ~~rt.rlf44 \ ',.. -.;_ _-" .' . " I. \ t\' ' L'- .....-...-- _J. , c ..' - . .... 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I . _....__. r- \ \ \ , t \ ,,,~_l,,. , @. r ... ~\ \':,' ~~". ~ ./----/------------------- - --,..~_...-,.-----.- SCI-\ARF ~ AS';OC 1 A1E.S n.\C. ~ ,~, ~ \ c:;:: .--.. \ ~t'\. ~~\ ~. c~""~- ~ -\ ~~ ~ \ I~ \ ....~. ~ {JVw.~4-?~7.,; ..-" \~ - - ,--' .. .,' ."'\ ,,/ . " :.:.-_ __.--.. ......-._'_.- - . L . .-'- -.." ~ Q \ I -?-. .--: \\ \, \ -++- \ \ \ ' \ \\ \ \I \ \ ~.,-- ..\ .i'\i"~\' , ,'. . ~ c:-"'....- \\ ~ j 1 ,', -=,-.. i i , \ , i ~P_29-1994 lb~19 \ ~ .' ._~- ... .- ~.- \~ b~ \ \).~ ~~- r' \ \ \ '\ , l i\ \\ , \ \, \ , \ \ I \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c "'0. !'~1'""" --"''''''"-- / . '''"''''' ",....,.f ',. '"''''f'''~ ~ l "''''.,. ,...,""'r",'-_....L(~ "''''''~ ,:. ~"- /' """.,>, ....~ / """,.". .,,,( ""''''-' ..../"""""'-,..,- ..,'".........1 ". -:':." "'''71'<.--,.", """':;;,.." 1l """""-.,.., ~::~ I ~. __ f'-' '''''- -~, ii' .,~, .,-"",.,..../. ' ""'>~.". .<">0-,-. II ...",.~ "'<.. :' "'~" '....."...i. 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'<'~""..JI .-.,. '-- ..\"'~/'~."",..~ ~. l~'-"'''' , --..1. ., ~ """'1"' ..........,~ ..::-... ...". "~.I/",-..".~ ,'...., l'>"'" .. "':.::t:.:. II ':-'~ "--""'.,.J ".., <"'~- / ......":.:.~:.. ,,'.,' t ~'... \ ;~i~ ar;;\~ i~\j ~ c~-:i ~~1J ~~':l ~l' g~ i \ \ "'=..:... _------J '\ ===-" , \ \ ." ...J "1 J , "~ -' '<. ~, ,....-,~~~;:=:;;;.. ={> \ -=-.-::;r;.=~~~~ \ \ .-:=-~:;::;~~;;:;:\ ~) \ \ r~:~~ ~f~""JH6 Afff0l1fit/) 'B/~ ,~~ .,pp.c.B'-> (j.-z..., I) -..--"--'--- @ c-:i " , .' .ROM ~QNT ~ assoc. ~S.~2. 1994 11:~1 P. I Santiago & Associates undscalle Ardirecnn Design 13;4 E.. ~ 0Iie Bh:1. rQtl 1...11uW:~. rl., 33301. 3crs.5'2,5.2~9, r'31. 305.'7fO..956 Marvin Scharf Scharf & Associates Inc. RE: OllR FILE NO.: 93095 8/2/94 3407 N.W, 9th Av. Suite 200 Ft. Laud. FI- 33309 Re: Barnett Bank Boynton Brauch Dear George: On Monday, I spoke with Mik.e Haag, with tbe City of Boynton Beach regarding the l..'OO1IllenL<; (~pccifiC3Uy 4. & 5.) from your fa.-.; dated 7/31 i94. Rather than submit new plan!; I am sending you a fa;~ of the ootOO areas and authorize YOll to change the drawing for bidding purposC'5 and :Mr, Haag to red line the drawing on file with the City. Notc: 4 Contractor shall install a !ihrub to match existing hedge where there is a gap greater than two feet Si7.C and s}X:(:ies <Jf the new material sbaH match existing hedge. Note 5: Tbe pla,llt material Liriope (maximum height at maturity IS +/-20M) specified for the island meets axle due to the elemtion increase of the island ranging rmm (1 '0" -3'0") above grade If you have any questions plt'.ase e:aH me RespectfuU)' submitted, ~ Kim Vinol Zimmerman Santiaao & Associates. Inc. ce:; Mike Haag. >~(}ning & Site Development Administrator /h G 4R<L r!~r'f ~fl- I Nt.-. CJl j c;.JAAJ&6 LI.te./tpe '7b CA-~ I ~~Ih...., !4k-j)~'-" / g V t<H . d- 't?"~n, ftl ~;+t ...'",.. 2. ..s~ac. FROM ~..<<, .-LJ iP !lit ~Q.1iI2.1994 III ~2 ~i .-1t:t1 o?S i~ ~ .. i -J~ ~~~' ~.~ .'" 3.~~ ,...-t. flk'i ~~4l. S~ ~~,3,: .L~~ 0-0 '- C Ita ~. ~ t"\ ..,.i ~~ t~O -t~ t:.~~ '"'~ "',. ~iln~ 0; c:..a ...... '> ..., f::: -. 'j~ _~i> -;$ :L '\ u 1ft 8~a~ 3 ~ --i~.-1 ~,~~ :i~!o ~tn?;~ ,....cie;n en >~ ~ ,. ~ ; ~,., c::: ~ '-2- 1'.)0 ~ ~C,Il 3 ,....CI) 2 ~ .. ..'" ~~~ ....(1'1 ~r~ 3 ~.,~l -" ~,,~~ " , C'-' iI , :tV;1t , , i ~atJ I I , , 1!hcr , I' , ~~ c::;> f'".~0I1: ~~ .,,~ ~.-:;::::::EE ,~ ~~ ~~ - ~~,... ,,-s~ ~ ....~~ S6 ..s. + Q~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ 0 a.!) \~l~ ~ ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ t' ....""'..,,,\--\0......... hie. 'The City of 'Boynton tJ3eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadr. 'Boukvartl P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Be.adi., %nitfa 33425-0310 City 9IiJ[[: (407) 375-6000 ~JU: (407) 375-6090 July 8, 1994 Mr. Marvin Scharf 3407 N.W. 9th Avenue suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 RE: Expansion to Barnett Bank Boynton Plaza Office Dear tll-. Scharf: The attached package will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on JUly 12, 1994 (see attached agenda) and then to the City Commission the following week (July 19, 1994). The applicant must understand that the permit plans shall be amended to comply with the attached staff comments and that additional comments may be generated by staff following their review for technical compliance of permit documents that are required to be submitted for development of the project. For the applicant's convenience, attached is a list of documents req~ired for permit submittal. An approval of the site ~lan by the city Commission shall be valid fer one (1) year, unless a building permit from the Building Department is secured. If the applicant fails to secure a bUilding permit in tha~ time, all preVious approvals shall become null and void. Administrator !a:pa.1bfCC~:t.':::I!:- i'tH/j; J{merli;a s (jateway to tlie (juIfstream B U I L 0 I I. d DEPARTMEN SUBHIrrAL DOCUMENTS Congratulations on receiving Site Approval for your proposed construction within the City of Boynton Beach. We appreciate your choosing to build within our City. In order to ensure a tt.ely permitting process, the following documents are required to be submitted in two (2) sets. Each set must be stapled together to fona a single package. Incomplete sets can not be accepted. I. A signed and sealed survey (not over six (6) ~nths old) by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida indicating: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. t. J. K. All property lines North arrow Existing structures and paving Existing elevations Rights-of-way, with elevations Easelllents on or adjacent to the site Utilities on or adjacent to the site Legal description Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre Location sketch of property Surveyor's Certificate II. A site plan properly dimensione~ and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing Itructures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all Itructures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of the structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent propertiel including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site G. Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the site H. Location of fire hydrant. on or adjacent to the site I. Location of dUlllpster enclosure and details of construction III. A paving plan in confo~e with the Parking Lot Code (Chapter 5, Article X of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances) indicating: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Calculation. for the number of required parking stalls (see Appendix A-Zoning, Section 118) Cross sections indicating parking lot construction Raised curbing meeting City Standards Double striping meeting City Standards Conformance with the Sidewalk Ordinance (Chapter 22, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances) Handicapped parking ltalls in conformance with the State Imndicapped Code Dimensions for all parking stalls, back-up areas, driveways and traffic lane. traffic control devices and .igns IV. A drainage plan for the entire site including: A. B. C. D. Fini.h Brade and pavement elevation. Drainage calculations DetaU. of the drainage system. If total site area exceed. 25,000 square feet, plans ....t be prepared by a Florida registered engineer and must be sealed Inlets .u.t be placed in g~assy swale areas V. A landscape plan showing confonaance with the Landscape Code (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances) showing. A. Complete final landscape construction drawings B. Autollllltic irrigation Iystem plans with 100% coverage (no City water to be used) C. Plant IlIlltertal IDUSt be keyed according to species, size and quantity D. Site valls and fences IDUst be indicated on the plans E. Location and contours of proposed be~ VI. A lighting plan for the building exterior and lite lighting includingl A. Exterior security lighting and pedestrian lighting B. Lighting for drivewa1s and parking lotI 1. Location of lighting 2. Fixture types 3. Lamp typel and lizes 4. Photometric plan sbowing illuaination level. in footcandles 5. Lighting polel designed for wind loadl in accordance with Chapter 12, Standard Building Code VII. Construction docUlll8nu (aU doCUlll8RU _t, be signed, sealed and elated) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. J. K. L. H. H. O. P. Floor plan. for each proposed structure (indicate use of space) Elevation. for eacb proposed .tructure (indicate exterior materials and colors) So 11 tests Energy calculations plus one (1) cover sheet Foundation plan typical wall sections Electrical plan view drawings and riser diagram with calculations Plumbing riser diagram and plan view drawings Air conditioning plan truss layout Proposed finish floor elevation identified on the plan Board of Health Departmen~ stamp (where applicable) Copy of D.E.R. andlor D.E.R.H. perlllit and plans (where applicable) Copy of ArIIIY Corps of Engineers permit (where applicable) Copy of Lake Worth Drainage District pereit (where applicable) Copy of South Florida Water Hanagelll8nt District permit for surface water ma.nagement or water use (where applicable) bh - 3/92 A: SUBHIIAL. DOC r" ZIIIDb ~3() ?~, /}If..-t/ Board of 8uperv11011 C. SlBnIey Weaver Kermit Den John I. WhllWarlh III SeclwtaIyIMII18ger WilHam G. Wlnlers Alalllanl "'''''''4l'' R/chan:I S. Wheellhan Anomey Perry & Schone, P.A. LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL OELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 May 6, 1994 Mr. Terry McCaghren DeRose & Slopey Consulting Engineers Inc. 150 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 305 Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Dear Mr. McCaghren: Subject: LWDO Permit # 94-2200D.01~ Boynton Plaza - Barnett Bank Parking . Lot Addition (Modification) Upon reviewed of the information submitted for the above referenced project, it is concluded the modification will not adversely impact the lake Worth Drainage District system. Please be advised the modification has been approved and filed with the Inspection Department. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. If you have any further questions, please call. Sincerely, .1"".""'''f1#'~t1:~ 0?R.rrnnnrr'1]i)1 . 'HI(' ::1{ ,: I'~'l 1 1. 1994 : ~ I , i ."...., '... '.' ~ PAM:CAC:r1 c: Shaughn J. Webb, Chief Inspector, LWDD 2200<J.al.1lr Delray Beach & Boca Ralon 498-5383 . Boyn"n Beach & Wesl Palm Beach 737-3835 . FAX (407) 495-9894 c- c South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road. P.O. Box 24680 . West Palm Beach. FLM4I6-4680 . (407) 686.8800 . FL WATS 1.800.432.2045 CON 24-06 9307'7 N/;r May 6, 1994 Terry McCaghren DeRose & Slopey Consulting 150 South Andrews Avenue Suite 350 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 E ineers, Inc. ~r {c@{rOOfllr-f :: HAY 11 1991 W I ': .."t .. I, I " ' ,. ... . .' L '. . J -',' " , '..'," J . , --...--..... '0" Dear Mr. McCaghren: ...-....--.-- Subject: Barnett Bank, Boynton Plaza Office, Application #940418-13 Palm Beach County, S30/T45/R43 District staff has given a cursory review of the information submitted on April 18, 1994 for the above referenced project. Pursuant to Rule 40E-40.041, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), it appears that your project qualifies for a "No Notice General Permit". Any off-site impacts, changes in land use, or future modifications to the activities may require review by the District. A copy of Rule 40E-40.041 is enclosed for your information. Please use this in the determination of notification requirements for future projects. This does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining all necessary Federal, State, Local or special District authorizations prior to the start of any construction. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact Carlos De Rojas at 687-6505. Sincerely, &Z~ Beth Colavecchio, Supervisor Permit Applications Regualtory Administration Division Regulation Department BC/jp Enclosures Governing Board: Valerie Boyd, Chairman Frank Williamson. Jr,. Vice Chairman Annie Betancourt William Hammond Betsy Krant Allan Milledge Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed Leah G. Schad Tilford C, Creel. Executive Director Thomas K. MacVlcar. Deputy Executive Director , ~\ .. 40E-:40.041 No Notice Gf. .'31 Permit for Construction, All .tion or Operation of Surface Water Management Systems. Persons constrUcting. altering. operating or maintaining -surface water management systems for land uses and activities listed below and who meet the conditions specified in rule '40E-40.302 qualify for a general surface water management permit without filing a notice to the Disnict: (1) On-site eanhwork or drainage pipe alteration/relocation which moves the same quantities and quality of water internally to the same off-site discharge. provided no wetlands are impacted. (2) Road grading which involves no change in surface elevation. (3) Pavement resurfacing. .'- (4) Manual removal of vegetation for fence or survey lines. (5) Installation of culvens. 24 inches or smaller in diameter. across unpaved roads which maintain existing ditch flow. provided no wetlands are impacted. . (6) Single family dwellings or duplexes with less than 0.5' acres of isolated wetland impacts. This criteria is applicable only to propeny subdivided prior to (effective date of this rule). .c-- (7) Livestock watering ponds less lh:an 0.5 acres. each pond: total pond area not to exceed 5 acres. (8) Drainage structure and pipe replacement with like structure or pipe at the same location and elevations. (9) Minor agricultural suppon facilities such as tractor sheds or pole barns that have , no water resource nor wetland impacts. \ . , (10) Projects with a total land' area less than 10 acres. 'with less than :! acres of impervious surface. where no activities will impact wetlands or existing waterbodies. Storm drainage facilities cannot include pipes with diameters larger than 24 inches or the hydraulic equivalent. and shall not utilize pumps in any manner. . Specific Authorit~' 3i3.044. 373.113 F.s. law Implemented 373.406(5). 373.413( 1). 373.416 F.s. History-New ':'-2(\,,94.