M E M 0 RAN 0 U M
June 3, 1992
TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director
FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning and Site Plan Reviewer
RE: Boynton Amoco - Retail Service Station with convenience
food store and car wash
The amended plans for the above referenced project have been
submitted and reviewed. The following comments from the original
set of comments have not been satisfactorily corrected on the
amended plans. The deficient comments shall be corrected.
However, it is acceptable to show compliance with the outstanding
comments on the plans that are required to be submitted to the
Building Department for permit review.
1. Provide setback dimensions for the pump island canopy roof
overhang to the property line.
2. Provide setback dimensions for the freestanding 1.0. sign at
the southwest corner of the site. All signage shall comply,
at permit time, with the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances.
3. Plan sheet #C-l calls out "C.B.S. retaining wall - See C-3."
There is no information shown for the retaining wall.
Please correct the inconsistencies.
4. Permit plans submitted to the Building Department shall
address all Environmental Review Board conditions of
5. Prior to building permit the applicant shall submit executed
deeds to the Engineering Department for dedication of
land necessary to construct Boynton Beach Boulevard and
Winchester Park Boulevard.
Dorothy Moore
Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director
Carel Fisher, Assistant Public Works Director
May 22, 1992
This will advise that sight plan appears to be acceptable to
Public Works, as far as locations an accesses, however, we
are not clear on "Dumpster Enclosure" dimensions and overhead
clearances, wires etc;
Building permits should explain Dumpster Enclosure, clear inside
dimensions, exclusive of any obstructions and gate hangers, and
should indicate any overhead obstructions.
Otherwise we recommend that the approval process proceed as
Thank You,
CC: Files;
MAY 2 2 l~~l
TO: Christopher Cutro
Planning & Zoning Director
FROM: Michael E. Kazunas
City Engineer
/11~ ~
~ ~
DATE: May 26, 1992
RE: Boynton Amoco #60617
Second Review Comments
We've reviewed the above project submission and agree it can proceed
subject to the following comments. All comments must be addressed
prior to issuance of a building permit. The approval does not
relieve the developer from compliance with all City of Boynton Beach
Ordinances and Standards which will be enforced at time of issuance
of building permit.
1) Developer must obtain all related permits and approval including
S.F.W.M.D. exemption, L.W.D.D. permit, F.D.O.T. entrance permit
and any other permits/approvals necessary to complete the work.
2) Details of the site lighting plan, including photometrics and
wind load certification, will be reviewed at time of building
3) Staff concerns regarding site traffic circulation have been
addressed in the amended site plan. Internal circulation could
be improved if the west entrance, onto Winchester Blvd., was
moved 10' to the south. This location would comply with both
the old and new service station ordinances. If this recommen-
dation is adopted, the change can be shown on the building permit
set of plans.
cr. C
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TO: Christopher Cutro
Planning & Zoning Director
FROM: Vincent A. Finizio
Administrative Coordinator of Engineering
DATE: May 26, 1992
RE: Amoco Oil Company
1. The applicant for the above referenced project shall submit a
site lighting plan consistant with the requirements set forth
in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida Code of Ordinances,
specifically Section 8., "Review Standards", Subsection 8.3.4,
in order for this reviewer to determine whether or not proposed
levels of illumination will create glare and therefore conflict
with the provisions set forth in Subsection 8.3.4.
Section 8.3.4 states that the site shall be, "Designed in such
a manner so as to serve the uses in the proposed development
and not create incapatible visual relationships". The sub-
mittal of a photometric site lighting plan is a necessary sub-
mittal in order to determine incapatible visual relationships
with adjacent rights-of-ways and adjoining properties.
2. The applicant shall confer with the City Engineer relative to
the submittal drainage plan, sheet #C-l, which depicts drainage
structures as part of the asphalt area in violation of our City's
Code of Ordinances. In reviewing this site plan, this reviewer
has noted that there is adequate grassed areas in which to place
the drainage structures and therefore there should be no reason
why they could not be located into grassed areas in order to
better facilitate the pretreatment of storm water. Historically,
this City has prohibited prior applicants from installing
similar drainage structures for obvious environmental reasons
and concerns: the City Engineer pursuant to Chapter 5, Article
X, possesses the authority to waive this requirement should he
deem that action practical and reasonable.
cc: Michael E. Kazunas, City Engineer
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MAY 2 0 1992
Utilities #92-208
TO: Christopher Cutro,
Director of Planni
FROM: John A. Guidry,
Director of Utilities
DATE: June 3, 1992
SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - Amoco 011 Co.
Winchester Park Blvd. - Amended Plan
We can approve this project subject to the following conditions:
1 .
The capacity reservation fee
of City Commission approval.
the convenience store, a fee
(Sect. 26-34(b)).
must be paid within 30 days
Based upon a 3/411 meter for
of $194.04 is required
2. All water and sewer utilities to be owned and operated
by the City shall be constructed in accordance with City
standards (Sect. 26-33(b)).
3. Provide fire flow calculations or test data for this
site. Water mains must be sized to provide adequate
fire flow (Sect. 26-16).
4. Show the on-site easement proposed for the water main
(Sect. 26-33(a)).
These items can be addressed as noted or at time of permittina.
Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of
this office.
bc: Roger Kuver
xc: Peter Mazzella
Time: Asst. to the Director - 4S minutes
Eng. Inspector II - 4 hours, 30 minutes.
JUN 03 1992
Congratulations on receiving Site Approval for your proposed construction within the City of Boynton Beach. We
appreciate your choosing to build within our City.
In order to ensure a timely peraitting process, the following documents are required to be submitted in two (2)
sets. Each set must be stapled together. to form a single package. Incomplete sets can not be accepted.
I. A signed and sealed survey (not over six (6) months old) by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida
A. All property lines
B. North arrow
C. Existing structures and paving
D. Existing elevations
E. Rights-of-way, with elevations
F. Easements on or adjacent to the site
G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site
H. Legal description
I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre
J. Location sketch of property
K. Surveyor's Certificate
II. A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing:
A. All proposed structures
B. All existing structures that are to remain on site
C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical
wall of the structures
D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies)
E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn
lanes and driveways
F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site
G. Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the site
H. Location of fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site
I. Location of dumpster enclosure and details of construction
III. A paving plan in conformance with the Parking Lot Code (Olapter 5, Article X of the Boynton Beach Code of
Ordinances) indicating:
A. Calculations for the I1\IDber of required parking stalls (see Appendix A-Zoning, Section IlH)
B. Cross sections indicating parking lot construction
C. Raised curbing meeting City Standards
D. Double striping meeting City Standards
E. Conformance with the Sidewalk Ordinance (Chapter 22, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances)
F. Handicapped parking stalls in conformance with the State Handicapped Code
G. Dimensions for all parking stalls, back-up areas, driveways and traffic lanes
H. Traffic control devices and signs
IV. A drainage plan for the entire site including:
A. Finish grade and paveMRt elevations
B. Drainage calculations
C. Details of the drainage SyatM. If total site area exceeds 25,000 square feet, plans must be prepared
by a Florida registered engineer and must be sealed
D. Inlets must be placed in grassy swale areas
V. A landscape plan showing conformance with the Landscape Code (Olapter 7.5, Article II, Boynton Beach Code
of Ordinances) showing:
A. Complete final landscape construction drawings
B. Automatic irrigation syst811 plans with 100% coverage (no City water to be used)
C. Plant material must be keyed according to species, size and quantity
D. Site walls and fences must be indicated on the plans
E. Location and contours of proposed berms
VI. A lighting plan for the building exterior and site lighting including:
A. Exterior security lighting and pedestrian lighting
B. Lighting for driveways and parking lots
1. Location of lighting
2. Fixture types
3. Lamp types and sizes
4. Photometric plan showing illumination levels in footcandles
5. Lighting poles designed for wind loads in accordance with Chapter 12, Standard Building Code
VII. Construction documents (all documents must,be signed, sealed and dated)
Floor plans for each proposed structure (indicate use of space)
Elevations for each proposed structure (indicate exterior materials and colors)
SoU tests
Energy calculations plus one (1) cover sheet
FOWldation plan
7ypical wall sections
Electrical plan view drawings and riser diagram with calculations
Plumbing riser diagram and plan view drawings
Air conditioning plan
7russ layout
Proposed finish floor elevation identified on the plan
Board of Health Department stamp (where applicable)
Copy of D.E.R. and/or D.E.R.H. permit and plans (where applicable)
Copy of Army Corps of Engineers pemit (where applicable)
Copy of Lake Worth Drainage District permit (where applicable)
Copy of South Florida Water Management District permit for surface water management or water use
(where applicable)
bh - 3/92
. ",""",T.,." f'\I'"l'"
rz1ie City of
^ 'Boynton 'Beacli
100 'E. f}3oynton f}3eada. f}3ou!evart{
P.O. f}3o~310
f}3oynton f}3eada., 'fforitia 33435-0310
City:Jlaf[: (407) 734-8111
'f!JlX: (407) 738-7459
May 27, 1992
Palm Beach County
Traffic Engineering
Box 2429
West Palm Beach, Florida 33402-2429
Attention: Dan Weisberg, P.E.
Senior Registered Civil Engineer
Re: Amoco Service Station
Boynton Beach Boulevard @ Winchester Road
Dear Mr. Weisberg:
The Winchester Amoco Service Station has submitted a site plan for
the northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard at Winchester Road.
Our records indicate this site was previously found in compliance
with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards (2/12/92).
The recent site plan submitted is for a service station, convenience
store and car wash, while the original approval was for a fast food
restaurant, the result being a net decrease in 834 tpd.
We send you this information to keep you appraised of developments
effecting traffic. Because the effect is a decrease from a pre-
viously approved study, we will not be requiring a new study from
the developer. If you do not agree with this evaluation, please
contact us so the additional study can be performed.
Very truly yours,
Michael E. Kazunas, P.E.
City Engineer
MAY 2 9 1992
cc: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director
Jlmencas (jateway to tlie (julfstream
Engineers · Planners. Consultants
March 12, 1992
Job No. 92-13A
Amoco Service Station Facility No. 60617
Boynton Beach, Florida
The subject parcel is located in the northeast quadrant of the
intersection of Boynton Beach Blvd. and Winchester Park Blvd. and
contains approximately 0.84 acres. The site is currently
approved for a 4000 S.F. fast food restaurant with drive-through.
A Traffic Impact Analysis. prepared by K.S. Rogers, Consulting
Engineer, Inc. addressing the traffic impact of the proposed fast
food restaurant was also previously approved. The owner of the
parcel has requested a revised site development scheme. Proposed
site improvements consist of a service station with 1248 S.F.
convenience store and car wash. The purpose of this report is to
address the additional traffic impact (if any) of the proposed
improvements over the previously approved development scenario.
Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90-
40 requires that a proposed development meet two "tests" with
regard to traffic. Test 1, or the Link/Buildout Test, requires
that no site specific development order be issued which would,
during the buildout period of the project, add project traffic at
any point on any major thoroughfare link within the project.s
radius of development influence if the total traffic on that link
would result in an average annual daily traffic volume that
exceeds the adopted threshold level of service during the
buildout period of the project.
Test 2, or the Model Test, requires that no site specific
development order be issued which would add project traffic to
any link within the project's model radius of development
influence if the total model traffic on that link would result in
an average annual daily traffic volume, as determined by the
model, that exceeds the adopted level of service. For the
purposes of this analysis, the construction contemplated in the
Modified 2010 Plan shall be used.
This study will verify that the proposed development's traffic
impact will meet the above Performance Standards.
4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415
Telephone (407) 965-9144
Traffic Impact Statement
Job No. 92-013A
March 12~ 1992 - Page Two
The traffic vested to the site by the previously approved fast
food restaurant has remained unchanged from the previously
submitted report and can be calculated as follows in accordance
with the I.T.E. Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition and passer-by
capture rates accepted by Palm Beach County Engineering Traffic
Fast Food Restaurant (4000 S.F.)
4000 S.F. x 632 tpd/1000 S.F.
2528 tpd
Less 30% Passer-By
(758 tpd)
1770 tpd
The revised scheme of
calculated as follows:
development will
generate 936 tpd
Service Station
Service Station
748 tpd
Less 587. Capture
(434 tpd)
314 tpd
Convenience Store (1248 S.F.)
1248 S.F. x 887.056 tpd/l000 S.F. =
1107 tpd
Less 37% Purchasing Gasoline =
(277 tpd)
Less 45% Capture =
(374 tpd)
456 tpd
Car Wash
166 tpd
936 tpd
Traffic Impact Statement
Job No. 92-013A
March 12, 1992 - Page Three
The proposed service station facility will generate 834 tpd less
than the currently approved fast food restaurant calculated as
1770 tpd - 936 tpd = 834 tpd
The P.M. peak hour turning movements at the
(access via one connection on both Boynton
Winchester Park Blvd.) for the fast food
summarized as follows:
project entrances
Beach Blvd. and
restaurant are
Peak Hour
Directional Split
Fast Food
The P.M. peak hour movements for the proposed service station
facility are as follows:
Use Peak Hour Project Directional Split
Factor Trips ( In/Out) ,
Convenience Store 5% 1107 28/28
Service Station 57- 748 19/19
Car Wash 5% 166 4/ 4
TOTAL 51/51
The access driveways
hour turning movements
are less than those
restaurant. Due to the
at the project access
have remained unchanged and the net peak
for the proposed service station facility
for the previously approved fast food
above, P.M. peak hour turning movements
points have not been included with this
The proposed service station facility will generate significantly
less trips per day at project build-out in 1993 than the
previously approved fast food restaurant. This above methodology
is in conformance with the requirements of the Palm Beach County
Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. o. This site is
therefore approvable with regards to tr pe~ ce.
rrFiu:ity of
'Boynton tEeacli
Pfanning & Zoning 'Department
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead;' 'Boulevard
P.O. 'Bo;c310
'Boynton 'Beacft., '.Fforitia 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490, '.F.9lX: (407) 738-7459
February 20, 1992
Kieran Kilday
Kilday & Associates
1551 Forum Place, Building lOOA
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
RE: Initial Review Comments - Boynton Amoco #60617
File No. 665
Mr. Kilday:
The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the
site plan for the above referenced project. Attached are comments
made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of
your pro.j ect .
In order to complete the review process, the site plan and
documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90
days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not
submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.)
When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are
not applicable to the approval of the project or will be
addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply
with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for
each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return
the explanation with the amended plans and documents.
After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12)
complete sets of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department.
When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the
Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the
reviewing departments for a second review and the reviewers will
recommend if the site plan will be placed on a board approval
schedule (see attached). If there are major comments not
addressed by new plans or the reviewers recommend that the plan
not be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board, this office
will notify you on your alternatives regarding the site plan as
soon as possible.
51merica~'i yateway to the yulfstream
%e City of
~oynton ~eacli
Pfanning & Zoning 'Department
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard
P.O. 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Beadi, ~foritia 33425-0310
(407) 738.7490, ~5lX: (407) 738-7459
January 31, 1992
Kieran Kilday
Kilday & Associates
1551 Forum Place, Building 100A
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(407) 689-5522
RE: Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents
New Site Plan - Boynton Amoco #60617
File No. 665
Dear Mr. Kilday:
On January 31, 1992, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the
above referenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been
determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted
for further processing. Dorothy Moore will be responsible for the
review and coordination of your site plan thru the remainder of the
site Plan Review process.
The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review
Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review
standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations,
Chapter 4, site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections
of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The results of the review
will be forwarded to you within twenty (20) days of the date
identified in the first paragraph of this letter.
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Very truly yours,
~~ CL~
Christopher cutro, AICP
Planning Director
XC: Central File
Chronological File
Project File
5lmerica's (jateway to the (julfstream