REVIEW COMMENTS 7Cl BOYNTON AMOCO NEW SITE PLAN I SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION Applicant: Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher and Schroeder Agent: Kieran J. Kilday of Kilday/Kilday and Associates Location: Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard Land Use Plan Designation: Commercial Local Retail Zoning Designation: C-3 Community Commercial District Type of Use: Retail service station with convenience store and automatic car wash Number of Units: N/A Square Footage: Site: Building: 36,716.99 or 0.8429 acres 1,213.16 or 3.30 1/10 of site Description of Project: The applicant on behalf of the owner has proposed to erect a combination service station/convenience store/automatic car wash at the Northeast corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard. The present site is an undeveloped 0.8429 acre site. The proposed plan was submitted to staff prior to first reading of the new service station ordinance and was reviewed under the old service station ordlnance. This code section was recently replaced by the City Commission. The following paragraphs will address the criteria in the old City regulation and the ability of the applicant to meet this criteria. 1. There shall be a minimum distance of one thousand (1,000) feet between the nearest property line of the lot or plot of land upon which the proposed service station is to be constructed, and the nearest property line of a lot or plot of land upon which any other gasoline service station, church, public playground, hospital, public school or similar public or semipublic place where large numbers of people congregate, is located. Such distance shall be by direct airline measurement. This code requirements was deleted for the project by a court settlement and agreed to by the City Commission. 2. The minimum size plot of land shall be seventeen thousand five hundred (17,500) feet in area with a minimum frontage of one hundred seventy-five (175) feet, on all abutting streets. The minlmum required site size is 17/500 square feet and this site is 36,716.99 square feet. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-138 June 26, 1992 TO: FROM: Don Jaeger, Building Official ~}~~ ChrIstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director RE: TRANSMITTAL OF APPROVED SITE PLANS FROM THE JUNE 16, 1992, CITY COMMISSION MEETING Accompanying this memorandum you will find the approved site plan package for the project(s) listed below. The site plan package will include the following items: 1. A copy of the City issued approval letter 2. A copy of the comments made by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) 3. A set of plans reviewed by the TRC 4. The original color elevation view drawing(s) and the associated color samples 5. Photographs of ~xisting sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property 1. Bovnton Amoco #60617: Service station with a convenience store and an automatic car wash. The new site plan was approved by the City Commission at their regular meeting held on June 16, 1992. 2. Bookstop: New 11,772 square foot building with associated parking and landscaping. The new site plan was approved by the City Commission at their regular meeting held on June 16, 1992. 3. Waste Manaaement Mulchinq Facilitv: Vegetative mulching, wood chipping and transfer facility restricted to vegetative waste only. The new site plan was approved by the City Commission at their regular meeting held on June 16, 1992. CC:ald Attachment XC: (Memo Only) Al Newbold Central File Project File PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-125 June 11, 1992 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~ FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director RE: Boynton Amoco - Site Plan This site plan is a request to allow a convenience store with gas pumps and a car wash to locate at the northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard on a .85 acre site. This site plan was submitted prior to the amendment of the service station regulations in January and for that reason was reviewed under the old regulations. It should also be remembered that this property is subject to a legal settlement between the owners and the City, allowing the owners to have the proposed use on the site. The staff of various City departments have reviewed the site plan and found that the site plan complied with the development standards for the C-3 zoning district, Parking Lot Layout, Landscape Code and the Community Design Plan. The Plannlng and Development Board at it's meeting of June 9, 1992, reviewed the proposed site plan and forwarded the plan to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. This item has been scheduled for City Commission review and final consideration on June 16, 1992. CC:ald C:B-AMOCO.ALD MEMORANDUM June 3, 1992 TO: Christopher cutro, planning and Zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning and Site Plan Reviewer RE: Boynton Amoco - Retail Service Station with convenience food store and car wash The amended plans for the above referenced project have been submitted and reviewed. The following comments from the original set of comments have not been satisfactorily corrected on the amended plans. The deficient comments shall be corrected. However, it is acceptable to show compliance with the outstanding comments on the plans that are required to be submitted to the Building Department for permit review. 1. Provide setback dimensions for the pump island canopy roof overhang to the property line. 2. Provide setback dimensions for the freestanding I.D. sign at the southwest corner of the site. All signage shall comply, at permit time, with the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 3. Plan sheet #C-1 calls out "C.B.S. retaining wall - See C-3." There is no information shown for the retaining wall. please correct the inconsistencies. 4. Permit plans submitted to the Building Department shall address all Environmental Review Board conditions of approval. 5. Prior to building permit the applicant shall submit executed deeds to the Engineering Department for dedication of land necessary to construct Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard. ~~) Dorothy Moore DM:ald PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM '92-129 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Carel Fisher, Assistant Public Works Director DATE: May 22, 1992 SUBJECT: SIGHT PLAN REVIEW; RE: BOYNTON AMOCO #60617 This will advise that sight plan appears to be acceptable to Public Works, as far as locations an accesses, however, we are not clear on "Dumpster Enclosure" dimensions and overhead clearances, wires etc; Building permits should explain Dumpster Enclosure, clear inside dimensions, exclusive of any obstructions and gate hangers, and should indicate any overhead obstructions. Otherwise we recommend that the approval process proceed as usual. Thank You, C CC: Files; RECEIVED MAY 2 2 l~~l . . . . . :")k,":i ;9 4>" ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-137 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas City Engineer /11~' DATE: May 26, 1992 RE: Boynton Amoco #60617 Second Review Comments We've reviewed the above project submission and agree it can proceed subject to the following comments. All comments must be addressed prior to issuance of a building permit. The approval does not relieve the developer from compliance with all City of Boynton Beach Ordinances and Standards which will be enforced at time of issuance of building permit. 1) Developer must obtain all related permits and approval including S.F.W.M.D. exemption, L.W.D.D. permit, F.D.O.T. entrance permit and any other permits/approvals necessary to complete the work. 2) Details of the site lighting plan, including photometrics and wind load certification, will be reviewed at time of building permit. 3) Staff concerns regarding site traffic circulation have been addressed in the amended site plan. Internal circulation could be improved if the west entrance, onto Winchester Blvd., was moved 10' to the south. This location would comply with both the old and new service station ordinances. If this recommen- dation is adopted, the change can be shown on the building permit set of plans. MEK/ck '-=0 '- f'(;". ' .-' \::.. t 1 0 \':i~ ~\"'\ fJ;e.cJC.\\JeP ",,,1 '2. ~ -. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-135 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: May 26, 1992 RE: Amoco Oil Company 1. The applicant for the above referenced project shall submit a site lighting plan consistant with the requirements set forth in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida Code of Ordinances, specifically Section 8., "Review Standards", Subsection 8.3.4, in order for this reviewer to determine whether or not proposed levels of illumination will create glare and therefore conflict with the provisions set forth in Subsection 8.3.4. Section 8.3.4 states that the site shall be, "Designed in such a manner so as to serve the uses in the proposed development and not create incapatible visual relationships". The sub- mittal of a photometric site lighting plan is a necessary sub- mittal in order to determine incapatible visual relationships with adjacent rights-of-ways and adjoining properties. 2. The applicant shall confer with the City Engineer relative to the submittal drainage plan, sheet #C-l, which depicts drainage structures as part of the asphalt area in violation of our City's Code of Ordinances. In reviewing this site plan, this reviewer has noted that there is adequate grassed areas in which to place the drainage structures and therefore there should be no reason why they could not be located into grassed areas in order to better facilitate the pretreatment of storm water. Historically, this City has prohibited prior applicants from installing similar drainage structures for obvious environmental reasons and concerns: the City Engineer pursuant to Chapter 5, Article X, possesses the authority to waive this requirement should he deem that action practical and reasonable. VAF/ck cc: Michael E. Kazunas, City Engineer ~ ~~ ~ "'~ ~ ~ ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-133 May 22, 1992 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director THRU: Don JaegerA/~~ Building O~icial FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS - BOYNTON AMOCO STATION 160617 The Building Department has no comments on the above referenced project. The review time, including typing, was 2 1/4 hours. AN: bh RECEIVED I"'AY kO PLANNING DEPT. " . AMOCO. DOC MEMORANDUM Utilities #92-208 TO: Christopher Cutro, Director of Planni FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: June 3, 1992 SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - Amoco Oil Co. Winchester Park Blvd. - Amended Plan We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1 . The capacity reservation fee of City Commission approval. the convenience store, a fee (Sect. 26-34(b)). must be paid within 30 days Based upon a 3/411 meter for of $194.04 is required 2. All water and sewer utilities to be owned and operated by the City shall be constructed in accordance with City standards (Sect. 26-33(b}). 3. Provide fire flow calculations or test data for this site. Water mains must be sized to provide adequate fire flow (Sect. 26-16). 4. Show the on-site easement proposed for the water main (Sect. 26-33(a)}. These items can be addressed as noted or at time of permittinq. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. 19b bc: Roger Kuver xc: Peter Mazzella File Time: Asst. to the Director - 45 minutes Eng. Inspector II - 4 hours, 30 minutes. REceIVED JUN 03 1992 FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-230 WDC '1'0: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FRON: FIRE DEPA_R'rMEN'I' DA'J'E: fvlA Y 1 9: 1 9 9 2 RE: BOYNTON AMOCO 60617 EOYNTON BEACH BLVD. & WINCHESTER PARK BLVD. PROVIDE FIRE HYDRANT SO THAT NO PORTION OF ANY BUILDING IS OVER ;~:O( i AWAY. THIS PLAN MAY GO FORWARD, HOWEVER, FIRE HYDRANT MUST BE SHOWN ON CONSTRUCTION PLANS. d~~ '~&~/~tt~L:/L I' v ~,~ WILLIAM D. CAVANAUGH, FIRE DEPAR'I'MEN'r REPRESENTATIVE bamoco. \'vdc pg RECEIVED MAY 2 0 1992 I - I I ~ I L__ NO"re: l.AlC!SCAPW t"fD1'-N TO ~ pj;!OVIOEO WITH TEl1'ORN<!.Y 1li!li!IG"TION lNIll. PLot.NT MATfl1I~ IS EST..a.IMO ----- BOYNTON BEACJ..1 BL VD ~ NOk'T~ 0204060 ~--, SCALE: '"=20'-0" LP-1 ......- "'- -- r -----=AD r CloE IS Si ~ tll SI "'Df'NCI'reS P\.AN1' "'A~lAl. IlEQUlREP TO ru-r l.AlC!SCwt: COOf. AJ..:. OTf6! I.AlC!SCAPINC IS Sl.f'Pl.f:l"&IA:. TO ~111f:O. it !:i s ltl ~ ~ ~ ~ ! I , ! I i (Q.LY II vIe 11faJl0fl) _ COOf) I I I I i ~ ~ l!! ~ u ~~ CATCH - IlASIN M'OCO I.D. SIG:N ~ lpl i~ va _.._.,_.._.,-,._.._.._~. .. .'-"l L.Mr VOIm< DRAI~ DISTRICT"S 11f:Q.J1~ f2./W Fa< W\TEi1Al. C1>>W.. *14 :~ AS SHOVN ON SlftT 63 OF 240 SlftTS I Q D..1f:O MAY _ ~ 1'l3.q4. N. 67"3747' E. .c.J ftlU M' _51Alll.li RfoTAINlrc \lAU. 6 t'lN. NOTES _ CU:AA VISI61L1"f'f SI-W.L ~ pj;!OVlrol: ~T\Vf:f:N 30' AtC! ;; AT AJ..:. S1>J'f: SIG:<lT C~. _ ,m:; Of- SttaflS AtC! Tli!ef:S SI-W.L ~ NATIVO SA:CIf:S. - m Pf:R1~Tfl1 P~-.,.rTINC sw.u. ~T COI'1"l..NITY 0f:S1c;;N SPf:C1f:S f2.f:aJlf2.f:tENTS. _ NO SI-Rl.5S TO ~ PLANTED WI THIN .1 Of- INCf2.f:SS / f:G:li!f:SS. _ PLANT MATfl1IA:. QJANTITY AtC! SIZE MAY VAAY Fl1a1 THOSE- StlO'tIN cu: TO PLANT "V"Il.A6Il.ITY, "V"Il.1\lll.f: PLANT SIZES, OR ~)(F'ECTED SITE CQIoVITI0N5 ..T TI-t' TIn; Of- COlIl5TlWCTION. AT NO Tin; St-l/IW. THOSf PLot.NT5 NOTf:O AS f2.f:aJll1f:O !lY CODE ~ SI'IAW.f:R THAN TI-t' CODE PERM: T5. *"'_ __lO__ClIIIIft NTE:RIOR PROPE:l<iY saee'H"o.c. - NiE:RIOR PO...MiING - - NOTE: EXISTlNC F'..(RA ON SITE COlIl5ISTINC Of- M?"~UCA AtC! !lli!~Il.IAN pf:Pl'f:li! LANDSC.L='= DATA ~ ~OVII:JeD PL.ANTING ADJ,;ctNi iO RIGHi Of \VAY 18!:5 . I PEiIt 4D L..f. e M (ft<<pc:g~) s-.. . H' O&. .. f51 L.I~ PL.ANiINC ... '"' D . N ... on N -' e ~:: . ... CD C ... C ~ " c .... .L ~~ .!;.. .21f o"u u.. 0 l~ ~ L~ :..2 UN ~~A. ~~ E III on "lc~EJ. Ii X .ee: : :!!];;~iii~ it j ~~l ! a- ..... =>> = =>> - s:lI o .... .. . .. GO 4D G .... Il S-... ..-.: 4D~ GO..: <.l s:: _"" -,,- Gale. OS::l!J SO - I11III: i ~ 0_ lIle. - I hi r-: Ii i , ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM 92-115 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Police Department Communtiy Relations Division DATE: 04 June 92 SUBJECT: Amended Plans - Amoco - Winchester & Boynton Beach Bv I have reviewed the above site plans and find them to be satisfactory. R~fUl Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Police Department Community Relations Division DIT/dmj ~cE.\\JE.O ~ )11" \\~-- RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 192-198 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ~~ New Site Plan, Boynton Amoco, File ~6~7 FROM: RE: DATE: May 20, 1992 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the new site plans for the Boynton Amoco site plan. There are no recreation-related issues on this project. We will not need to review these plans again unless major changes in the scope of the project involves residential development. JW:ad Processing Time: Parks Superintendent: .25 hrs. Secretary: .25 hrs. RECEIVED MAY 2 t 1992 RECREATION , PARK MEMORANDUM #92-203 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist 1)Yff RE: Boynton Amoco #60617 NE/Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard DATE: May 26, 1992 The applicant must provide an irrigation system to provide water to the trees and sod in the Boynton Beach Boulevard median. The City recommends the sod be changed from bahia to the FX-10, which is more drought-tolerant and presents a more appealing condition to the public. [See attached policy and procedure manual]. KH: ad Processing Time: Forester/Environmentalist: Secretary: 15 minutes 15 minutes RECEIVED lIIt/>.'( 2.7 PL~NN\NG DE.P1". ---- - \ POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL MAJOR ROADWAY MEDIANS This manual applies to roadway medians within the following arterials in Boynton Beach: 1. U. S. Highway *1 2. Congress Avenue 3. Boynton Beach Boulevard 4. Woolbright Road 5. Hypoluxo Road 6. Lawrence Road, Seacrest Avenue (if applicable) These guidelines are for developers who are required by the City Comprehensive Plan to landscape and provide irrigation to roadway medians adjacent to their project site. The plans must be included as part of the Technical Review Board review performed during project site plan submittal to the City staff. The landscape plans designed by the applicant meeting the following requirements, will be submitted to the Planning Department together with the site plan. A copy sent to the Parks Division Urban Forester. 1. Developers will submit landscaping plans for medians in accordance with the following guidelines: A. Shade or flowering trees every 40 lineal feet (50% native species) in center of median. B. Flowering bushes and/or groundcover plants located on terminal ends of medians (30% native species). C. Grouping of shrubs/bushes located in sporadic clumps rather than long continuous hedge line. D. Grassed path of minimum 60" wide to allow riding mower to pass from one end of median to other. E. A two foot (2') wide mulched area along inside perimeter of median to provide walkspace for maintenance personnel. Area can be sodded as an alternative to mulch. '- F. Type of sod used to be determined at time of review. G. An irrigation plan depicting location of heads, valves and controllers submitted with landscape plan. H. Three inch (3") Melaleuca mulch applied to all planted areas except sod. 2. Plans shall be reviewed by the Parks Division, Urban Forester and approved as part of the Technical Review Board and Community Appearance Board process. 3. The landscape plans must be consistent with the Community Design Plan criteria for the area of the City where the project site is located. 4. The applicant must apply for a permit to the appropriate State or County agency to perform the work in the median. 5. The appropriate City person must sign the completed permit to allow the Parks Division to assume perpetual maintenance after installation. 6. The developer shall bear all costs of installation, including curbing, plant materials and irrigation. Installation shall include: A. Spraying grass areas with chemical to destroy all grasses two weeks prior to installation of plants/trees. B. All dead grass removed from site, not plowed under soil, additional spraying performed to destroy residual grasses. C. Any existing irrigation system changed to provide adequate water to newly planted materials from outside curb edge spraying into center. D. All existing shellrock or road construction debris excavated from planting areas to depth of tree/plant rootball. E. All trees/plants installed lower or level to existing soil grade, using topsoil and Terra-Sorb granules as backfill mixture. F. Trees/staked where necessary. G. Contractor to request landscape inspections to the Parks Division for items B, D, and E. H. The Parks Division will notify the Building Department landscape inspector upon final completion of the median. KJH:ad DOC:A:MEDMANUL MIHJWUI( UTILITIES 0EPAR'Dmfl' NO. 92 - 198 TO: Olristopher cutro, Planning and Z P"RCM : John A. Guidry, utili ties Director DATE: May 20, 1992 &JBJECT: Site Plan review - Arooco Oil Co., 1Vrended Plan We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: I} The capacity reservaticn fee I1'IJSt be paid wi thin 30 days of Ci ty Catmission approval. Based upoo a 3/4" meter for the convenience store, a fee of $ 194.04 is required. (Sect. 26-34(E)) 2) All water and sewer utilities to be owned and operated by the city shall be constructed in accordance with city standards. (Sect. 26-33(b)} 3} The location of the water main serving this site does not agree with the plans subnitted by Rossi and Malavei for Dept. of H.R.S. permits. The fire hydrant location is also not the same. Please explain which plan is intended for review. 4} Provide fire flow calculations or test data for this site. Water mains nust be sized to provide adequate fire flow. (Sect. 26-16) 5) Irrigation water for this site shall be obtained fran a nan-potable source and the meter for irrigation water deleted fran the plans. (Camp. plan policy 3c.3.4) 6) Show the on-site easement proposed for the water main along the west side of the parcel. (Sect. 26-33(a)) Iten) nUJj:)ers ~ ~ and ~ nust be addressed satisfactoril y before this plan is forwarded to the Planni.nq and Develoanent Board. All other items can be addressed as ,noted, or at time of panni. ttillCJ. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/TNM be: Peter Mazzella xc: File TIME: Asst. to the Director - 45 minutes RECEIVED MAY 2 1 1992 oIL:: }: ;>: A ,,/ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Asst. to Utilities Director Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, City Engineer FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: May 18, 1992 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 26, 1992 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 26, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" (West Wing) to discuss the following: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Boynton Beach Commerce Center: Request to add sixty-nine (69) parking places and associated landscaping along the southeastern property line of the subject property. The proposed parking spaces will be located within the peripheral greenbelt. NOTE: Return plans and comments for the Master Plan Modification to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department by Friday, May 29, 1992. , ... Technical Review Committee Page 2 REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENTS APPLICANT FILE NUMBER: Boynton Amoco #60617 Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard Kilday & Associates 665 PROJECT: LOCATION: Due to the significant changes shown on the amended plans in contrast to the original submittal, the project will be reviewed at the Technical Review Committee meeting. ~ Dorothy Moore DM/jm cc: City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Steve Campbell, Fire Department Central File City Commission Project File Chronological File A: TRCAGDA.JM ... -. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-103 May 18, 1992 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Mike Kazunas, City Engineer Al Newbold, Deputy BUilding Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utility Director Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kev~ H~I~ahanJ-, ,orester 0Env~onmenta~~. i ~ f <.~ -Ac.-71JL^I..<.- . ti~ ~tL,- ~. ~tL.-L-~ ~'- ff~~/ .~~- ChristoPheJ)cut;~ PI~nnin~ Zoning irector ~ a:I~-r).- FROM: RE: Second Review - New Site Plan Project - Boynton Amoco #60617 Location - Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard File No. - 665 Attached is the amended site plan for the above referenced development for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments made previously by your department. If the comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met or must be met by correcting the site plan again, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. F~nally we would ask that you recommend to us if the plan should be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for review or held for further revisions by the applicant. Please return your memo and the revised plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on May 26, 1992. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Dotty Moore at 260 who is coordinating the review of this development. xc: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger Ed Allen Charlie Frederick Edward Hillery John GUidry Project File Chronologlcal File C:2REVIEW.SDD ~M. -- .,0# ,- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-086 TO: Grady Swann Finance Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas City Engineer d€Q- DATE: April 13, 1992 RE: AMOCO STATION/WINCHESTER PARK BLVD. This applicant submitted a request for a waiver of platting and the corresponding $400.00 fee. Investigation of the submittal revealed platting was never a requirement, so no fee should have been collected. Please accept this 121 and issue a refund in the amount of $400.00 to Simmons & White, Inc. Please route the check to this office and we will forward to the developer. MEK/ck attachment cc: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director ..e~T;-::?C' ~lVED \ J;..:. I }..:o .).,~ ' yR 14 .' \ - NNH~G DE.Pt~, pLA _ MEMORANDUM February 21, 1992 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning and Site Plan Reviewer RE: Boynton Amoco - Service station with food store and car wash (Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard) The following are comments in response to the submittal of the site plan for the above referenced project. The project is scheduled for review of comments at the February 25, 1992, Technical Review Committee meeting. ( ~ } '.)' , . \ .~. '(. ,/ -\; 3. 4 . \ /' , ,...; 5 . \C 6. 1 . An approved variance shall be required from the Board of Adjustment due to the fact that the location of the property line of the proposed service station is within 1000 feet~of the nearest property line of the lot or plot of land upon which a "Shell" service station is located at 301 N. Congress Avenue. The site is located in the II. Mediterranean/Spanish Design District. Colors for the exterior elevations identifying color by name, manufacturer and model or architectural style have not been submitted or identified on the plans in compliance with the Mediterranean/Spanish Design. ~- A clearly defined vehicular circulation system may not be workable due to the possible cross traffic of vehicles exiting the car wash and the service station and vehicles entering the service station of the southeast driveway off New Boynton West Road - State Road 804. Moving the car wash building further north on the site may eliminate possible bottle necking. The car wash building may be encroaching into the FPL utility easement at the southeast corner of the building. No building or structures including overhang shall be allowed to encroach onto a utility easement. Pro;i~e setback dimensions from the pump island canopy roof ove~ang to the property line. Provide horizontal controls between car wash building and pump island canopy. Provide setback dimensions for the freestanding I.D. sign at the southwest corner of the site (the minimum setback is 10'0"). The I.D. price sign should be designed as an integral part of the development complying with the II. Mediterranean/Spanish Design District. ~) Dorothy Moore DM:ald C:BOYNAMCO.SDD PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM NO. 92-015 TO: CHRISTOPHER CUTRO - PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR FROM: ROBERT EICHORST - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1992 SUBJ: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES Site Plan Review - New Site Plan Project - Boynton Amoco #60617 Location - Northeast corner,Boynton Beach Blvd. and Winchester Park Blvd. Applicant - Amoco Oil File No. 665 Public Works approves the plans for this site but, Public Works has to be called to inspect the dumpster site prior to the form- ing of the dumpster pad. This stipulation is to assure that there are no obstructions which will prohibit the sanitation vehicle accessibility to the site. ... ~/ RECEIVED I"tb .) PLAf..;..il'~G DEPT. RE:he cc: file - .. , I .. . ~ Department to resolve the pretreatment volume issue. MEK/ck RECEIVED FEB 1 8 1992 SiTE OEVEL. IOVNTONIEACH.~ 0\" l - r rJJ-~~ -- FEB 11 ~ UTILITIES DEPAR'lMENr NO. 92 - 057 FRCM: John A. Guidry, utilities Director TO: DATE: February 10, 1992 SUBJECT: Si te PI an review - AIooco Oil Co., Winchester Park Bl vd. We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1) The capacity reservation fee must be paid within 30 days of City Carrni.ssion approval. Meter sizing information or a tabulation of expected daily flow rrust be provided nCM to allow calculation of the reservation fee. (Sect. 26-34(E)) 2) All water and sewer util i ties to be owned and operated by the city shall be constructed in accordance with city standards. (Sect. 26-33(b)) 3) The water main serving this site III.1St be extended along the south and west property lines, to allow for future extensions. We believe Dept. of H.R.S. permits will be required. (Sects. 26-11,-12) 4) Appropriate backflow preventer(s) will be required on the danestic water service line. (Sect. 26-107) 5) Provide fire flow calculations or test data for this site. mains must be sized to provide adequate fire flow. (Sect. Water 26-16) 6) Indicate the points of connection for water and sewer service to this site. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM be: Peter Mazzella xc: File M E M 0 RAN DUM Police #92-023 TO: Chris cutro Planning Department FROM: Lt. Remchuk Community Relations Division DATE: February 6, 1992 REF: Boynton Beach Amoco After a complete review of the site plans, I am . recommending the following: 1. stop bars, stop signs and right turn only signs at all exits - City Ord. 5-142C; 2. Directional arrows painted on the pavement - City Ord. 5-142C; 3. Must comply with Convenience Store security - City Ord. 90-55; 4. Parking lot Ord. 5-~, 14 ')., lighting to be photo cell activated - City Public safetY'L r.;:..J ~ ~. I2If:.-/ IV ~e. 5h~d ~ J, Respectfully submitted, Ll.~~ Lt. Remchuk Community Relations Division DR/jb ~~ RE~IVED FE &,<:,7 1992 s'f~..~L. BOYNToN MACH. flORIDA ~T)(,l RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 192-044 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Site Development Division John Wildner, Parks Superintendent J~ Boynton Amoco #60617 ~. ATTEN: RE: DATE: February 6, 1992 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the site plan for Boynton Amoco. No recreation related issues appear to apply. My phone number is: #738-7443. JW:ad RECEIVED FEB 6 1992 SITE OEVEL. BOYNTON &EACH. R.~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 192-060 TO: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning ~H- FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Amoco Oil - Site Plan DATE: February 13, 1992 1. The applicant must prepare a landscape plan for the grassed median on State Road #804 (Boynton Beach Boulevard) and Winchester Park Boulevard (if applicable). [Camp. Plan Policy 2.4.5, p. 42). 2. The applicant should make a comment on the surveyor landscape plan in reference to the existence of flora and fauna. [camp. Plan Policy 4.3.5, p. 67). 3. The applicant should meet the FP&L guidelines for small trees planted under any existing or proposed overhead power lines. [Attached FP&L letter and list]. KH:ad RECEIVED FEB 1 3 1992 SITE OEVEL. BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA G F=PL ~ RECEIVED ''"' "- " \. . ~\ . I - ! " ; April 23, 1990 ADD ? ~ 4~n.o . r\ Tr.'" !, I~. .--/ '. .of ; f To Whom It May Concern: It is a well known fact that trees and shrubs add a great deal of beauty to any landscape, but the wrong tree planted in the wrong place is likely to be a costly safety hazard to the community, and cause troublesome electric service interruptions, as well. FPL I S vegetation management program helps manage tree and brush vegetation in a safe, reliable and economical manner. Thus, at every opportunity we encourage special care to be taken in the selection and placement of new trees to be planted in the vicinity of power lines. Our newest effort is the enclosed Guide to Landscape Planning, designed to aid in the selection of trees to be planted in the vicinity of power lines and promote energy conscious tree plantings. This book, directed towards homeowners, is available in quantity by calling Sandy Andres at 305-552-2789. Please feel free to contact me, or your local FPL Line Clearing Supervisor on any tree related issues. Sincerely, . (j>~ iW ;iJi// Christopher W. Wile~ FPL Overhead Distribution Services P.O. Box 029100 Miami, FL 33102-9100 (305)-552-2849 ~ 1 ~ r)! .1;- d i.j:J . * Any of these trees can be planted directly under powerlines. MEMORANDUM February 14, 1992 TO: FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Asst. to Utilities Director Lt. Dan Remchuk, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, City Engifieer Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer RE: Technical Review COlIIDittee Meeting Tuesday, February 25, 1992 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "C" (West Wing) to discuss the following: REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENTS SITE PLAN 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: Boynton Amoco #60617 Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard Amoco Oil 665 APPLICANT: FILE NUMBER: ~-r~ Dorothy Moore DM/jm cc: City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Parks & Recreation Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Christopher Cutro, pianning and Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Steve Campbell, Fire Department Central File City Commission Project File Chronological File A: TRCAGDA.JM rJAC^( , ' b I ~ ,~ v PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-023 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Vincent Finizio, Admin. Coord. of Engineering Al Newbold, Deputy BUilding Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Mike Kazunas, Utility Engineer Dan Remchuk[ Lieutenant John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Richard Staudinger, Gee & Jenson ~~ FROM: Christopher Cutro[ Planning & Zoning Director DATE: January 31, 1992 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES Site Plan Review - New Site Plan Project - Boynton Amoco #60617 Location - Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard Applicant - Amoco Oil File No. 665 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above referenced project. Site Plan Review approval for this project will be granted by the City Commission. To ensure that the project stays on line with the review time frame, I request that the plans and exhibits be reviewed and formal comments transmitted to the Site Development Division of the Planning and Zoning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on February 14, 1992. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 to review and formulate comments. (Refer to Memo No. 92-020) 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete based on the submittal requirements identified in Section 7 of the Site Plan Review Ordinance. However, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards, additional data should be requested by the reviewer through the Planning and Zoning Department. To: TRC Members R~: Boynton Amoco, Memo # 92-023 Page Two of Two 3. Each comment shall reference the code section and include the language of the submittal requirements and review standards that require the data to be submitted for review. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. C. If a TRC member finds the plans aCG2ptable, he/she shall forward thp. plans and a memo, within the time fraw2 stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director stating that the plans are approved and they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review. All comments shall be typed and addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director and transmitted to the Site Development Division for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memo. The Site Development Division will send to the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and submit to the Site Development Division within 90 days twelve (12) sets of amended plans for review. When the Site Development Division receives the amended plans, they will distribute the plans with a cover memo to all TRC Members for review and approval. Attachment XC: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Parks & Recreation Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, utilities Director Project File Chronological File C:AMCOrvw.SDD c- r~ ,~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM January 24, 1992 TO: W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers ~ Chris Cutro, Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: PROPOSED AMOCO SERVICE STATION EXCEPTION TO PLATTING REQUEST Please review the attached exception request to platting requirements and place your recommendation(s) on the next available Planning & Zoning Board agenda. ~.~..h VA? Vincent A. Finizio I ~ 1r'l. ~--_..- 'L:.I r":" i' J.l'.~_l'~:' \ . VAF/ck attachments cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager f hln< < , ~~~:::.f<"""'a.~~.". _.,...."'____. , .-..r J ("'1", :":; /-;"J ,/ J '.- , ~~, (,. ~'....... ... ~u~.c-y)> l,jlo &~~ A /.....0 ,- I I f..J ,:;, , J, Q v,,"- ' pp!. /" . I, j.,:, Jwo LJ~":...::. :' . , ...1 ,.....,/.?~ r (:' : ' I 7< " 'C) Ocz. d . (,)(,.._- ;,'j,~' )- < C.- '10.(:,3 L0 lv', 'Z.., d c- I.... iJ Lh"c-' ,~, tJA , " ~(' , . , , -i: ',> '" ) } n P,,,J.,.--i ';"'. EO (0 l.v-k CA t. e. . I r.'; ..~^.-;~.~ p;, Y' 2A. tv' ". <..... ,,-\ ~f: --...;, ~:... ~ I ~J C '..... 0-";{'::"",,' P h..'" ~~ '-" "'.j ,),-- ~,.,' ,h.Je ; ~~1 C. U ':". -;- ::...~ I '" C .:::-'(-..j~ t-J '_JE_ i :\"":\ , '(7 (i ~ :~/ i:Y, , ~\J 1 ).J::> ~-k-" , J....(~ ( J:;. tJ f";" I~~' , ..", Pi c:z. (~ ,.,.. ,=,1:-",.~ ,.:...;;; .7 --.. # ) ,,;1:..; tiT -S-;J. J '2 t~( { i.))/ 'l~ . ,-- ~/.. t> _ ..",) f-,J0 I,.,PUJJ.,;?/iIlt"A) rj ,,U. ({...!. fr" .!p'v iJr. 'Ie:- .. " January 21, 1992 Job No. 92-013 AFFIDAVIT OF EXEMPTION Proposed Service Station Northeast Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard And Winchester Park Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida I, Robert F. Rennebaum, P.E., certify that the following described parcel of land is owned by Winchester, Winchester, Zerher and Schroeder, a Florida General Partnership, and I am authorized on their behalf to act as authorized applicant for submission for an Exception of Platting: A parcel of land lying in Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Said parcel being a portion of Tracts A and B, Block 3, of "PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST", according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Said land being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner 'of Section 3D, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; Thence with a bear I 09 of S. 87032' 47,1 W., 'a long the .North II ne of ~a I d Section 30. a distance of 60.00 feet to a' point on the West Right-of-Way line of Congress Avenue; Thence continue along the aforementIoned course extended a distance of 733.74 feet to a point; Thence with a bearing of S. 01018' 43IE.. along a I ine lying 120 feet West of and paral lei with the East line of said Tracts A and B. Block 3, of the abov~ described Plat of IPALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. ai, a distance of 25.00 feet. to the Point of Beginning of Parcel of land hereinafter to be described: Thence continue along th~ afore- ment i oned para II e I II ne, a d I stance of 191. 04 feet to a po I nt of I n'tersect i on with the North Right-of-Way I ine of Boynton Beach Boulevard (now kno~n as New Boynton West Road - State Road No. a04J; Thence with a bearing of S.a7032;47IW., al~ng the North Right-of-Way I ine of Boynton Beach Boulevard, a distance of 168.43 feet; Thence with a bearing of N. 46052'58'W., a .distance of 35.71 feet to a point of intersection with the East Right-of-Way line of Winchester Park Boulevard; Thence with a bearing of N. 01'1a;.43'W., along the Easterly Right-of- Way line of Winchester Park Boulevard, a distance of 165.54 feet to a point; Thence with a bearing of N. 87032; 4JDE. I along a line lying 25.00 feet South of and parallel with the North I ine of said Section 30, a distance of 193. 94 feet to the Pointef Beginning. Lying and being situated In Palm Beach County, Florida. . -1- .. .... .... . c J:t >>, . ~ .. ... n D!lI ~n!ll~ ! Iliff 1'-"'& !Jin 11 , ~i J ,- ti en 0 ~ ~L ~ ~~~ o . .- S ----- - - MEMORANDUM FROM: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning~~ ~ James A. Cherof, city Attorney ~~- Code Interpretation, Parking Lot Driveways for Service stations TO: SUBJECT: DATE: March 1, 1991 You have asked me to examine an apparent conflict between section 11 L 5 of Appendix A of the Zoning Regulations and section 5- 142 (h) (3) as they relate to setback requirements for driveway entrances from intersecting right-of-ways. Stated differently, you have posed the following question: Should the requirements of the Boynton Beach parking Lot Regulation be applied to the construction of driveway entrances for service stations? The question is answered in the negative. There are several principals of statutory construction that must be applied: 1. The principals of statutory construction apply to zoning ordinances which are issued by cities. Rinker Materials Cor~. v. city of Miami, 286 So.2d 552 (Fla. 1973). 2. The general, and most persuasive rule of statutory construction is that whenever possible, the Courts will, and must, attempt to construe related statutory provisions, if conflicting, in such a way as to harmonize them and give them both full effect. Palm Harbor Special Fire Control District v. Kellv, 516 So.2d 249 (Fla. 1987): Villery v. Florida Parole and Probation Commission, 396 So.2d 1107 (Fla. 1980): District School Board of Lake County v. Talmadge, 381 So.2d 698 (Fla. 1980). 3. Where a statute is passed wi th knowledge of prior existing laws, construction is favored which gives each statute a field of operation rather than a construction that would leave one statute meaningless or released by implication. State Department of Public Welfare v. Galilean Children's Home, 102 So.2d 388 (Fla. ~ DCA 1958). 4. law and Since zoning ordinances are in derogation of the common deprive owners of th~jf<:~r -property, any MAR lq6 PLANNI::G DEPT. 04 l \ ambiguities which may arise from conflicting zoning ordinances should be resol ved in favor of the property owner. Thomas v. citv of Crescent Citv, 503 So.2d 1299 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987). 5. Courts must also give specific terms and provisions precedence over those terms and provisions which are more general in nature if the two provisions conflict. Lake Barrington citizens Commission v. Villaae of Lake Barrington, 312 NE.2d 337 (1974) . In applying the above rules of statutory construction to the question posed I conclude that the two provisions of the Code are not in confl ict and can be read together. The parking lot regulations should be generally applied to all parking lot construction unless a more specific ordinance of the city exists, such as the one which applies to service stations. The Boynton Beach parking lot regulation does not apply to the construction of driveway entrances for service stations. Section 11 L 5 of Appendix A controls the distance requirements for parking lot entrances for service stations. Ilms LIB CUTROMEM cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official Vince Finizio, Administrator Coordinator of Engineering ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-029 TO: Christopher Cutro, Director of Planning FROM: Michael E. Kazuna~, City Engineer ~Ca- DATE: February 18, 1992 RE: Technical Review COIDnlittee Comments Amoco Oil Company State Road #804 at Winchester Park Boulevard File 11665 In accordance with the review standard Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8, the applicant is requested to submit the following information or address the plan deficiencies as follows: 1) The site lighting plan as submitted is acceptable for conceptual approval. Additional information regarding levels of illumination, wind load certifications, photocell activation and light standard details will be a prerequisite for permit approval. Compliance with code requirements may require plat modifications. 2) Pavement and curb details, as submitted, are incomplete. These details will be reviewed at time of building permit. Please contact the office of the City Engineer if you need information regarding City of Boynton Beach standards. 3) Driveways shall be constructed in accordance with Florida Department of Transportation standards Index #515. City codes allow drives with a minimum turn radius of 25'. Article X, Section 5-l42h(2). 4) Sidewalks shall be constructed at grades to allow for future 6" curbs and ~" per foot slope across the grass shoulder. 5) Parallel parking stalls shall be 25' in length per City code. Chapter 5, Article X, "Appendix". 6) Minimum vehicle turning movement requirements do not allow for unconflicting internal circulation. Vehicles entering the NW drive conflict with vehicles leaving the center pump stalls, and vehicles exiting the car wash conflict with vehicles entering the SE drive. 7) The applicant shall comply with the Palm Beach Traffic Performance Ordinance. 8) Submission of a soil report will be required as a prerequisite to permitting. 9) The applicant is responsible to obtain all necessary Federal, State or local authorization for the work described, including but not limited to L.W.D.D. permit and F.D.O.T. entrance permit. 10) Drainage plan addresses pretreatment by exfiltration trench with overflow to the existing L.W.D.D. outfall. This is an adequate conceptual design, however the drainage calculations appear insufficent in accordance with City of Boynton Beach standards. Article X, Section 5-l42(f). City Comprehensive Plan Drainage Element requires the surface pretreatment of storm runoff prior to discharge into an exfiltration trench. The site topography and soil conditions appear adequate to accommodate draiange. The applicant should contact the Engineering Department to resolve the pretreatment volume issue. MEK/ ck RECEIVED FEB 1 8 1992 SITE OEVEL. IOYNfONIlEACH. ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-043 February 13, 1992 TO: Chris cutro Planning D1j;.'r ctor THRU: Don Jaeger Building 0 . ial FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: BOYNTON AMOCO STATION #60617 The following Building Department comments must be addressed prior to the issuance of a permit: 1. The parking lot layout must comply with Section 5-142(i) and (1) of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 2. The lighting poles must be installed in such a manner as to provide a safe environment (see Section 5-142(a) and the Security Code). In order for you to install on-site light poles in the easements, you must obtain approval from the Utilities Department and Florida Power & Light Company. 3. The building plans must be State approved. 4. Department of Environmental Regulations approval is required for gasoline and oil tanks to be installed. Palm Beach County Health Department approval is required for food service. 5. All signs must comply with the Sign Code (see Section 21-25 for size and number and Section 21-23 for setbacks). The signs as shown are too large and some are too high. 6. The Handicap Code requires that an accessible route to public streets or sidewalks be provided. See the Handicap Code, page 39 regarding entrances and service entrances. ~/. Al N ,-" bOl - ."IS AN: bh RECEIVED~ AMOCO. DOC ~EB 18 '1 PLANNlNG OEPT~ - - FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO 92-205 woe TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 1992 RE: BOYNTON AMOCO 60617 BOYNTON BEACH BLVD AT WINCHESTER PARK NO PORTION OF ANY BUILDING SHALL BE OVER 200' FROM A FIRE HYDRANT. NO FIRE HYDRANTS OR WATER LINES ARE SHOWN ON DRAWING. 4~- flra /{ WILLIAM D. CAV.NAU~ TRB REPRESENTATIVE BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT xc: chief Allen File trbamoco.wdc pg RECE'VED fEB 1 2 \992 Sf(E. DEVE,1.. BOVNfatBEACK. ~ '. ' .. I fu~ther certify in accordance with Appendix C, Subdivision and Platting Section 1.A. and 1.B. the following: the City of Boynton Beach Regulations, Article VI, A. The land to be subdivided is to be divided into no more than three (3) contiguous lots and 1. No unusual conditions are recreated by ownership or development of adjacent lands. 2. The land concerned is not isolated or re- mote in its relationship to other platted or improved lands. 3. The necessary infrastructure to serve the parcel is immediately adjacent to the site, i_e. paved roadways, drainage outfall, potable water and sanitary sewer, and is substantially in accordance with the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Ordinance. The waiving 01 the requirements for platting would not conflict with the purpose and intent 01 this ordinance. B. The site is not surrounded by parcels 01 unusual size or, shape containing unusual conditions. It is also understood that determined that platting is not shall be submitted to the city engineer shall reserve the right and easements, reservations connection with platting under posting of a performance and necessary to carry out the intent if, pursuant to the above, it is necessary, a certified survey engineer's office and ,the city to require dee~ed rights of way or improvements required in this ordinance, including the maintenance bond, as may be and purpose of this ordinance. Based on the above, it is respectfully requested that the requirement for platting be waived. F. Rennebaum, P.E. a Registration No. 41168 -2- i ;r,.... . 1--- . I ~ ~PARK8LKl f::::' Ie -a 'e pI 3~ I~ ... ~ .... o CD em e+o III ..... .... o ~ II 4- H:= .':'~~ - : I . I I I ~ n_,ol :') iii 2$1 . Ilii i ~ !ad 0 !"" I'llv ,I : ~ ._~-;:~~-~~.._J JII&(N' So orl/l".3' I!...... ~ . . I IIn h~ " =r l!lll" 8~p fa luRI; ;r , I I' m a II l!!I~ . .. ! .. i~l~ := Il l 11 ~ i~ . I a !c: ......n D!lI !t"!C~ -mI' : Iii · en 0 0 :Pf ~ ~6 8~~ 7 to.) ~5 6 .- . .- 5 -.---.--.-."-- i ~----_.- / ~ MEMORANDUM No. 91-112 May 7, 1991 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director . James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~ Service Stations/Required Frontage Code Reference: Appendix A Section 11 L 2 FROM: RE: You have referenced code measurement for essence is: requested clarification of the above section with respect to the points of determining frontage. Your question in When a service station is located on the corner of two intersecting streets should frontage be measured from the point of intersection of the property lines at the corner? Your question is answered in the affirmative. Section 11 L 2 of Appendix A provides that the minimum frontage for service stations is 175 feet on all abutting streets. No specific method of measurement is provided. However, the Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, adopted after Section 11 of Appendix A, provides guidance for purposes of interpretation. Section 5-142(h)(3) deals with driveway set-backs and provides that the measurement is "from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets". This appears to be a practicable approach to the measurement of frontage since lot configurations are variable. Accordingly, this method of measurement should be used to calculate frontage. For purposes of clarification I have attached a diagram. If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager