CORRESPONDENCE .! WAYNE E. VENSEL ARCHITECT, INC. November 27, 1989 Architecture Planning Mr. Jim Golden Assistant City Planner CIty of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Site Plan Approval Application Boynton Beach Car Care Center Congress and 30th Avenue Dear Jim: Enclosed you will find the following: Site Plan Approval Application Form, Check in the amount of $ 300.00. Six (6) copies of site plan drawings, landscape drawings, civil drawings, survey. Please schedule us for the next Technical Review Board meeting. If any additional drawings, etc. are required pleaser contact me. / J SI)i~ il i / / / / /. 1550 Madruga Avenue Suite 235 Coral Gables, Florida 33146 (305) 662-1690 b) Article X, Section 5 of Appendix C-sub- divisions, Platting c) Section 5-142(f) "Drainage" of Article X-Parking Lots 4) The existing stormwater retention proposed to be filled and paved as parking lot and site cannot be fOllowing reasons: basin which is a portion of the utilized for the a) Tract "A" is shown as a 60 foot wide easement on the plat of Lawson Industrial Park and is dedicated to the Lawson Industrial Park property Owners' Association and members thereof for maintenance for drainage and landscaping, including the control of aquatic weeds, vegetation, debris and other noxious materials and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association. In addition, note no. 4 on the plat cover sheet states that flThere shall be no buildings or any kind of construction or trees or shrubs placed on drainage easements". In order to change the status of this easement, the plat would have to be modified and the members of the asso- ciation would have to agree to this change. b) The Lawson Park subdivision was designed with retention basins such as Tract "A" in ord~r to accommodate and pretreat storm water ..runoff in accordance with the requirements of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. In 'addition, Tract "A" also accommodates and pretreats stormwater runoff from S. W. 30th Avenue. The project engineer has not indicated where and how stormwater runoff from other properties and S. W. 30th Avenue will be pretreated prior to discharge in accordance with the requirements of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. The above issues must be resolved before this site plan can be processed for review by the Technical Review Board. , );;;1.- ~ JJG:frb Bbccare SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. Engineers · Planners · Consultants November 30, 1989 City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Attention: Mr. James Golden Planning Department Re: Car Care Center Lawson Industrial Park Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Golden: Enclosed find six (6) sets of plans for the above referenced project. The water/sewer portion of these plans has been revised based on my recent telephone conversation with Mr. Pete Mazzella. Please replace the originally submitted plan sets with the enclosed. I am sending Mr. Mazzella two (2) sets for his review by copy of this letter. Very truly yours, JML/js 89-087A Enclosures cc: Mr. Peter Mazzella w/2 encl. Mr. Wayne Vensel w/4 encl. 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 MEMORANDUM November 30, 1989 TO: Douglas F. Long Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director r-~ THRU: FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner RE: Boynton Beach Car Care Center - Site Plan With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1) The site plan is designed in a manner which allows for numerous overhead garage doors to be visible from Congress Avenue. There is a policy in the 1989 Compre- hensive Plan which prohibits garage doors that face Congress Avenue in this area of the City for aesthetic reasons (see subsection 8.e of Planning Area 8 under Section VIII, entitled LAND USE PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUN- ITIES of the Future Land Use Element Support Docu- ments). In order for this project to be approved as designed, an application for a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan must be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the City Commission prior to si te plan approval. State law, however, only allows the City to amend the Comprehensive Plan twice a year. The next deadline for submitting and processing an application for a text amendment is April 1, 1990. 2) Restaurants are permitted only as an accessory use in the M-1 zoning district (see Section 8.A.5.6(9) and the definition of "Accessory Use" in Appendix A, Zoning). An example of a restaurant serving as an accessory use to a lawful principal use would be an employee cafe- teria in a manufacturing facility (i.e., Motorola). Considering that the proposed sub shop with a drive- thru window would cater primarily to passing motorists on Congress Avenue and to workers and residents in this area of the City, the proposed use functions as a principal use and would not be permitted in the M-1 zoning district. The final determination, however, must be made by the Building Official. It should be noted that the Comprehensive Plan (Policy 1.16.1, page 29), allows restaurants only as an accessory use in the industrial land use category. Therefore, the Comprehensive Plan would need to be amended to allow restaurants as a principal use before the City could take any action with respect to the site plan. -- ----- J - the project engineer has not indicated where and how stormwater runoff from other properties and S.W. 30th Avenue will be . I I ',Dec~emtH:?l'"' i.~.:L '::?i:Y;:' \ Mr. James Golden Senior City Planne~ City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida HE!: Ti"2\Ct f~. 1....i...I(,}bC)I\~ INDLJ~3T'HIAL.. F' ,::~ i::;~ 1< ',' U [\\ I T 1 Deat~ Mr. Golden: It has come to my attention that the owner of Lot 1. LAWSON INDUSTR1AL PARK, UNIT 2 has pLlrc:hased that Dortion of Tract A to the east of his let. He Wlsnes to change the canal ft~om its; pt'esent de:~ign. I l"li::,\\liE2 ~:srJokr,:.'n to IVlt', I::;:ick Rossi with the engineering firm of ROSSI ~ MALAVASI who designed and developed the subdivisIon. He inolca~ed that the canal, as shown on the plat, and the enqlneerlnq cal~ulations for development show the m1nimum size of the canal for water retention. Any decrease in the capacity of the canal for water retentIon or reductIon 1n tne permeability by placing the water in pipss would bE detrimential to the design, thereby not fulfIlling design (:: t'i tet'i a. Thf: SOUTH FLC'JR I D('.~ Wi-".tTEF~ l~if~ti'\iPlC:il::J"I:::I"IT' i", ,',\S: iE' J 1"'0:~c:~dy approved the current design and I would hate to see anythIng change that would detrimental to my property In the LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK. In the Plat of LAWSON INDUSTFIAL FARK, UNIT 1 recorcec in Plat Book 42 pages 134 & 135 It states as a aedicatIon as '1'ollows: 1'2. TRACT "A" sh'1wnhet'eon i:\<:; c:\ 6\:1 'ToDt r;.'fiO':\sr;.':;i11,:.:!!,"It: 1'C)!'" dl'~2.~j.n;;~.ge and water retent~on purposes is hereby dedIcaTed solely to the LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK PROPERTY OWNEhS A0~OCIATION AND MEMBERS thereof for maIntenance for orainage 3nd lanoscapIng, including the control of aquatic weed, veQetaclon.oebris and othet~ r'lON i OI.IS ma t e t~ i a 1 ~s r,,-nd I~; th(-;,' p (.:,:' t".p F:.' t u,;:<. 1 f'(I:::'. i n t "'::'1'1 i:~.nc: e cJbligation o'f said assoc iO':d; ion. II \ If approval is given to change the canal anD anj property owner has trouble with water baCKUp or receiVIng approval from any governmental agency to use ~ne canal for water retention~ the City of Boynton Beacn woulo be liable for 3ny damages. Also, any changes allowed by the Ci~y of 8oynton Beach, the LAWSON INDUST~IAL PARK PROPERT~ OWNERS ~350CIATION AND MEMBERS would be relieved of the perpetual maintenance obligation as stated in the plat. .. I. S i r1C (~H'e 1 y , DAV I D l'1ACf:::EY J. I I Lawson Industrial Group Let 1, LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT 1 .~......o:r:llp..'l":""l"".:t..V'..'. '~T 't ,_ "..v,....,.,"'.r...- .~... ,...... ,. r - ..-...~I''t'r:~:''': '''-''.'-' .,. _'"' '---~"1"""~'. ! ~ J ,t ,,' ~ Jt >' i~~' . ~-~~{ . ,i~;, ': ~,.r~..~ ';'....I\i :::1;~ MEMORANDUM : ;1, December 5, 1989 i,! TO: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Development Compliance Administrator RE: SITE PLAN FOR BOYNTON BEACH CAR CARE CENTlm Upon review of the above-mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton ~~- Beach City Codes: 1. Proposed use of a sub shop as an accessory use does not meet the Zoning Code requirements of an accessory use to your principle use. , 2. South Florida'Water Management District Permit is required. '. 3. i Lake Worth Dr~inage District Permit is required. 4. " ,Tract ItA" is dedicated to the Lawson Industrial Park Property OWners Association. The use of tract "A", other than as stated in the plat document dedication, will require modification of the plat document and written approval from the Property OWners Association. 5. Proposed use will require an Environmental Review Permit prior to the approval of the site plan. 6. State that!the existing nonconforming sign located on the west property line will be removed. 7. Indicate two' foot (2') on center spacing is mandatory for all required shrub and hedge landscaping. 8. Show the location of five (5) handicapped parking spaces. Indicate the direction of the handicapped accessibility route leading to the entrance of each building from the handicapped parking space. Show and identify the following using the Standard Building Code 1985 edition, Ordinance 86-55 and the handicapped code as a reference: a. Elevation of each handicapped parking space. b. Location, width, length and elevation of the level platform required at the entrance to each building and/or tenant space. , c. Location, width, length and elevation of the level platform required at the beginning of all handi- capped ramps. d. Location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required when a handicapped ramp ~ I , .'~~ ":~~: ," :" l.~.. . ~,.4~;> __ ....._..Ji~.;!...J.~J~';lr..:.i.:..:.I:.....~ ;.r I 1._~ .;.;...{~ . J · , Memo to Timothy P. Cannon Re: Car Care Center December 5, 1989 Page Two e. f. g. h. -. i. is longer than thirty feet (30') and/or when a ramp changes direction. Width, length and slope of each ramp that connects to a level platform. Ramp material and skid-resistance factor. The handicapped accessibility transitions create a smooth flush path. Location, height, type of material, material size and appropriate rail configuration for handrails and/or guardrails, when required. Spot elevations when handicapped accessibility path passes through a parking area and/or travels along a sidewalk leading to the entrance to building or tenant space. ' j. Location, height and type of handicapped parking sign. k. Handicapped parking space striping must be four feet (4') wide and painted blue in conformance with city codes. 9. Identify the type, size and spacing of the west and southwest required landscape strip vehicular use landscape screening material. 10. Dimension the size of the access point landscape cross visibility sight line a ten foot (10') triangle at property line is req~ired. Also state that a vertical clear space of thirty inches (30") to six feet (6') is required within the sight line area. 11. Dimension the size of the landscape visibility sight line for the public right-of-way intersection at the corner of the property, a thirty-five foot (35') triangle is required. Also state that a vertical clear space of thirty inches (30") to six feet (6') is required within the sight line area. 12. Provide landscape, site plan and paving and drainage drawings showing all identified components matching, such as: dumpster location, handicapped parking space location, landscape area shape and location. @?~ E. Haag I. meh:eaf xc:Don Jaeger CARCARE. SnD ~ ,------......-....,.-- ,.-. - - - - --- '.i:;'. t',;:,,, ;' .. ~'" 10(,. .>-. , "~ '/T, ~;' jl.~~. ..~ 1.:~1 t:%Ij.~t:' THRU: FROM: , ! ~ I. . I ~;t~ 1:; I ; r i f) l {~t r. , ,;!; , ~, .~. MEMORANDUM ;. November 30, 1989 F. Long Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director r-~ James J. Golden, Senior City Planner Boynton Beach Car Care Center - Site Plan .' .,.-' ,- -. I r~spect t? the above, please be advised of the following: ~. The site, plan is designed in a manner which allows for numerous ove~head garage doors to be visible from ,Congress Avenue. There is a policy in the 1989 Compre- hensive Plan which prohibits garage doors ,that face Congress Avenue in this area of the City for aesthetic reasons (see subsection 8.e of Planning Area 8 under Section VIII, entitled LAND USE PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUN- ITIES of the Future Land Use Element Support Docu- ments)., In order for this project to be approved as designed, an application for a text amendment to the . Comprehensive Plan must be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the City Commission prior to site plan approval. State law, however, only allows the City to amend the Comprehensive Plan twice a year. The next deadline for sUbmitting and processing an application for a text amendment is April 1, 1990. ! '~,' '\'~' ':~" 2) Restaurants are permitted only as an accessory use in the M";l,zoning district (see Section 8.A.5.6(9) and the definition of "Accessory Use" in Appendix A, Zoning). An example of a restaurant serving as an accessory. use to a lawful principal use would be an employee cafe- teria in a manufacturing facility (i.e., Motorola). Considering that the proposed sub shop 'with a drive- thru window would cater primarily to passing motorists on Congress Avenue and to workers and residents in this area of the City, the proposed use functions as a principal use and would not be permitted in the M-1 zoning district. The final determination, however, must be made by the Building Official. It should be noted that the Comprehensive Plan (Policy 1.16.1, page 29)~ allows restaurants only as an accessory use in the ind~strial land use category. Therefore, 'the ComJ>rehensi ve Plan would need to be amended to allow,.;:~, res;taurants as .a principal use before the City could" tak;e any action with respect to the site plan. 'j.. ~ I,; I." c.,.,,~_.,.,,",=~~ . ,~:,:.t~ "t':"""~"-'< .J:i~.; C, ,,;,ci~.c ;"cl ' t'~~,: ' '.~i'"l: ii, ' I 'r;~,'::t~ ":"t~,l~~qposed on-site drainage system does not provide ;S?ct;,;pr~treatment of stormwater runoff prior to. enter-i Jlgs~nil,et st;:ructures and. does not meet the des~gn re~'li, '~{~'1;f~:jr,Of. the follow~ng: 'J[.';cfli;r ,;, ' : a) ~Comprehensive Plan pOlicies for pretreatment' i """of stormwater runoff 'If u ...;-'" ;~"'_. }. 4) b) il: H c) 'Article X, Section 5 of Appendix C-sub- divisions, Platting 'Section 5-142(f) "Drainage II of Article 'X-Parking Lots The existing stormwater retention proposed to be filled and paved as parking lot and site cannot be following reasons: '!i.:' !.: , i',:.>" .' ,,' , ~_.~__"__..__ i basin which is a portion of the utilized for the a) Tract "A" is shown as a 60 foot wide easement on the plat of Lawson Industrial Park and is dedicated to the Lawson Industrial Park Property OWners' Association and members thereof for maintenance for drainage and landscaping, including the control of aquatic weeds, vegetation, debris and other. noxious materials and is the perpetual maintenance o~ligation of said association. In addition, note no. 4 on the plat cover sheet states that "There shall be no buildings or any kind 'of construction or trees or shrubs placed on drainage easements". In order to change the status of this easement, the plat would have to be modified by legal instrument, and "evidence would have to be provided that the property owners' association has approved this change. The Lawson Park subdivision was designed with retention basins such as Tract "A" in order": to accommodate and pretreat stormwater runoff in accordance with the requirements of · Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. In addition, Tract "A" also accommodates and: pretreats stormwater runoff from S.W. 30th Avenue. The plans do not show how the pipe' which carries stormwater from S.W. 30th, Avenue will be culverted and connected to the drainage system on the site. In addition, the project engineer has not indicated where and how stormwater runoff from other properties and S.W. 30th Avenue will be b) . I ; ~-':'l~ " ~ l ~ I I - I " I, ;j.; ~ . , . ') i" ,. ./ pretreated prior to discharge in accordance with the requirements of Appendix C-Subdivi- visions, Platting. Drainage calculations must be submitted for the entire subdivision which show that the remaining open ditch system will accommodate drainage from all of the lots and rights-of-way in accordance with the requirements of the South Florida Water Management District, the Lake Worth Drainage District and the City's subdivision and platting regulations. The above issues must be resolved before this site plan can be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board by the Technical Review Board. JJG:frb Bbccare . , - ~t- J;M, ES 6 . GOLDEN ~ ~ ~ _ ...~.........,..._.....__...... ,;:0-:._ --- _....5..__ .,,, t ; ... - MEMORANDUM TO: Tim Cannon Acting Planning Director DATE: December 6, 1989 FROM: Joe C. Swan, P.E. for John A. Guidry Director of Utilities Jd-; e~/,P~ ~../1iG SUBJ: TRB Review Boynton Beach Car Care Center Site Plan We offer the following comments on this project: 1. Add a 6" VCP cleanout on the existing sanitary servi::e at the property line. 2. The 411 DIP water service line should end with a mechanical joint plug and thrust block unless a future extension is anticipated. 3. City ordinance requires all points on every building to be within 200 feet of a fire hydrant for this type of develop- ment. Please relocate or add hydrants as necessary to meet this requirement. 4. Sewer cleanouts are required at a maximum spacing of 75 feet for the on-site 611 services. Also, please specify materials to be used on-site. 5. Show all utility easements. 6. Fire hydrants conflict with large trees at both locations. Please re-design as necessary. Large trees are not permitted within utility easements. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella ..... , RECEIVE'D DEe ? J989 PLANNING DEPT. - -- .-. . _~,,,,,,,,,____,,___ _ __ _____,_. A~.-.--..~" ~ . ....,~"'".J...J-.,l.~..~::..--..J:."i..,>..p;JIOI.~,';.~...'J..... TO: THRU: FROM: RE: MEMORANDUM November 30, 1989 Douglas F. Long Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director James J. Golden, Senior City Planner Boynton Beach Car Care Center - Site Plan With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: , '~--'~~'"",'..:.,,,,.C_~'Ux~rz.,~..~~.c~'::.,~-:,"~' - 1) The site plan is designed in a manner which allows for numerous overhead garage doors to be visible from Congress Avenue. There is a policy in the 1989 Compre- hensive Plan which prohibits garage doors to face Congress Avenue in this area of the City for aesthetic reasons (see subsection 8.e of Planning Area 8 under Section VIII, entitled LAND USE PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUN- ITIES of the Future Land Use Element Support Docu- ments). In order for this project to be approved as designed, an application for a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan must be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the City Commission prior to si te plan approval. State law, however, only allows the City to amend the Comprehensive Plan twice a year. The next deadline for submitting and processing an application for a text amendment is April '1, 1990. 2) Restaurants are permitted only as an accessory use in the M-1 zoning district (see Section 8.A.5.6(9) and the definition of "Accessory Use" in Appendix A, Zoning). An example of a restaurant serving as an accessory use to a lawful principal use would be an employee cafe- teria in a manufacturing facility (i.e., Motorola). Considering that the proposed sub shop with a drive- thru window would cater primarily to passing motorists on Congress Avenue and to workers and residents in this area of the City, the proposed use functions as a principal use and would not be permitted in the M-1 zoning district. The final determination, however, must be made by the Building Official. The proposed on-site drainage system does not provide for pretreatment of storm water runoff prior to enter- ing inlet structures and does not meet the design re- quirements of the following: a) Comprehensive Plan policies for pretreatment of storm water runoff 3) .! WAYNE E. VENSEL ARCHITECT, INC. Architecture November 27, 1989 Planning Mr. Jim Golden Assistant City Planner City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Site Plan Approval Application Boynton Beach Car Care Center Congress and 30th Avenue Dear Jim: The site plan submission package you received yesterday inadvertently omitted the check. Enclosed you find a check in the amount of $ 300.00. ,:1 Sinc~r~~l,y,t /"_~y' 1 ,// : ' ! I' ,li: ,.. .' I ?J'I / waynee Vens 1 ' ARCHITECT RECEIVED l'IOV 28 1989 PLANNING DEPT. 1550 Madruga Avenue SUite 235 Coral Gables, Florida 33146 (305) 662-1690 '" 5) 6) 7) 81 :. ~{~I . 9) :~". .". . MEMORANDUM I December 7, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior City Planner FRCM: Roger Kuver Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE. , . ' 'IRE Carrrents Boynton Beach Car Care Center , ! . I I I) 'Site plan as! sutmittedconflicts with platted drainage easement (Tract ,A) which is dedicated to the Lawson Industrial Park Property OWners Association .. and l'll3mbers thereof. Note #4 of the plat states, "There shall be no , ,!,,' buildings or' any kind of construction or trees or shrubs placed on drainage easements". ' I" ! 2) No construction will be approved in Tract A with the exception of drainage outfalls des~gned to take advantage of the natural retention capabilities i of Tract A as platted. I 3) Sul:mit a revised drainage design ,that locates catch basin inlets in grassy areas. S~ swale section details and curb cut locations to facilitate drainage frcm paved areas. Raise inlet grades to approximately 4 to 6 inches above swale grades to enhance pre-treatrrent of storrrwater prior to I entering system. I ! 4) Additional traffic, control devices are required. Directional arrows ; (traffic flow, ,internal) and stop signs where painted stop bars are presently I indicated~ Right turn only signs should be installed at exits that warrant those concH tions. Directional arrows (paverrent markings) should be consistent with signage. Fire lane stripipg and signage are required along "front" of building. Refer to Article X, Parking lot Specifications. Driveway approach radii Imlst be shown on plan, swaled approaches do not meet City standards. Sheeting stormwater offsite is prohibited. Palm Beach County pennits required for work perforned in Congress Avenue right-of-way. Concrete sidewalks to extend through driveways. Construction details and dimensions to be shown on plans. Parking lot striping detail is incorrect. Revise detail to conform with Article X. Handicap provisions, striping, sign detail and location to be shown on plans. i con't....... - !~~~i"'..., ,JlO. , ........,:..:{~ . ~O'~ ~r ... . "l, ..' To: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner Re: TRB Caments-B.B. Car Care Center December 7, 1989 Page #2 10) Architects plans and Engineers plans differ in parking lot layout. II) Handicap rarrp locations and details to be provided on plans. 12) Dumpster pad location and enclosure detail missing. 13) South Florida Water Management District pennit required. ~ --- Roger Kuver RK/ck " ~ ~ ...---.~.. ~~"'7 ,""". ~ .- __ ~ I. 'ft~_..~~.~:4'" _ ,r:l!= 1\1\ I r.. ',' -! .\ .~ ~'" ~/, ~ r,1 ~ Ii ~ \ -" Xi; (!)i - ::z: t; L&J 0:: o ~ w en lU - )( - o ,'lm:a.~~'l'H~:,;;,%\g" ;&;: ';I~'W" 1:"'\\iY~:~.: : NOTES.'~ ' ",' ! ",:, , '.1. PE:R,MAN~NT 'REFERENCE MONUMENTS' ARE DESIGNATED THUSLY: _ i: .' . !"" ':2~", PERMAN'Er4T"CONT'ROl> POINTS' ARE DESIGNATED THUSLY: -e- !.' . : :\* >J~"" . :(L:, I" \,;,,~, f.:..,.'~ ~,~.; "_ 13., BtJILDING:SETBACK LiNES SHALL BE AS REQUIREO BY OROINANCES OF I THE CIry OF ,~OYNTONB~ACH. '., , ~j::~:~!~~:~~:~~t;fi~~:~:::R:!N~~:E:l:!:::~:~::T:~::;:NO:R I'.:.:;: UTILI!;X' 7AS~~E~S~kl" I' '. .1" ,',.'.' .... 'I:" .... . ,~ . 1'6.;' XU INSTANCES"WHERE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS INTERSECT THE" I' 'AREAS OF INTERSECTION ARE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASD1ENTS. CONSTRUCTION, ,,:',' OPERAT,ION AND MAINTENANCE OF UTILITIES IN THESE AREAS OF I,'HERSECTION '.' SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND I~AINTENANCE OF ; 'Y. DRAIN~~E-JACIUTIES LOCATED THERE IN. ;~'; ~... , 7~: BEARINGS CITED HEREIN ARE IN THE t1ERIDIAN OF THE FLORIDA STATE PLANE, COORDINATE SYSTEM. . : I ..;, ~ ,,';:;.....;. '.~';: . '''': ~ :!..~~~ . :Jl... ,:/,,,-, ~' ,"."." ATLANTIC i ' ., I', ~*";'L~';:'" 0' ~;; C:47j~~' W 1;;1" .i,'~' " :. ' MAP , ! ' , I , t ,C ,I. , ~.' '." ,;\ ~ ; ... ;, ~ .~ I ." . -;;', . "'; - ..r '~.',. . / ...- , .. I ../.. ( \. .... .,.. I .:.. '''.-'f''", It),,~''''' "' ," ( oJ.' ~, .' . ., '....v ~ ' . .....:~. ~. l' '} ''*'":..' , -~t 'J,. , 'Y :. ~'. ..~~ ~ " '~: :1 ~~>""l :~t:" . ,t.,' o':,l.i, .~ . ':.t;( .,~':i~{. ~'~f}~'. ;, i 'it':""~ \;~:'~~.t1> t . ',,:- " < ~~. '';.,0!j:!~fii ' . ~, , ".' ," ' ~ .' ,; " '.:,:;,J ~, : ' -,;' ''C'- ~' ;.. . ".' '. J," . . '~ ;' L\.~ , , I , ;:~\; ~'I'-i":'.'/, .' '; '.4~,' >\~r:~ ,j ,..,,$/, , 1~' ~1:~:ir;:: '~f;." , ::im~ . . 't~\" "t .'," . :':.,',,'" ~. ~tJ;:: : {it "~' r.t>:" !Idrf'i':, ,...,~ ,.::a~':'", ' '~~tl" ' ~:~~~~~: , ,:~,,'i" Itf , '!j!bi,..~;, ' . ~,'" " . ,I';'.~:, ,j : 1'+"';,1 I'~~~~:j ":;';~f~':';:\ \'''';~~I: .'; \1):~, .,! I j:~::;'~,;: !, i:~,jt1 i \:s.{, , ..i:"':~'}, :~, .;,~:.~~t I',',! J{~ :~~; , <t.~ 3. NORTH 870-29' _35" EAST I A dISh I. OF 999.88 FEET: "I~f"' , "".,~, .\ ;:;~~~f. ..-, ..~t..",.., .", ',1""" ~. ~,.. "-s$-" . ...:~~f,~:i , /\,},,:~,;.:., " ' " :":1 !! ~X'I '\"1 ~. ' 'i" if, . ';': 5. SOUTH 00-01 '_45" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 299.37 FEET: ! SOUTH 870-291-35" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 226.17 FEET: I " ,.6. SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 278.13 FEET: ,7. ,SOUTH 880:,,511-451\ WEST, A DISTANCE OF 286.19 FEET: \:: L I 8. ,'SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 850.01 fEET: ,,: , " -,1'.....< 9. I SOUTH 880_511-45. WEST, A DISTANCE OF 547.09 FEET: 10. NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 1843.98 fEET: TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. , COUTAIU1NG 23.6787 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. LESS THE RIGHT-Of-WAY FOR S.W. 30TH AVE., AS RECORDED IN ORB.252l ^'.<.\I' . ' "'.' "J.~,~ ','., .,)/'. -1.9462 'ACRES . NET ACREAGE = 21.7325 ACRES. . I' .f',,' "'~:' ": .' .,&,:,~ '; 'HAVE ,'CAUSED THE SAME TO BE SURVEYED AND PLATTED AS SHOWN HE~Olij~\!; , AND 00 HEREBY DEDICATE AS FOLLO\~S: '".'~~!f'~'Vt: '. i'- ' \ ;: ~::~' J"" THE STREETS SHOWN HEREON AS S.W. 13 PLACE AND S.W. 14 PLA ARE HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE eIT 0 B B, ,0 .' FOR THE PERPETUAL USE OF THE PUBLIC FOR PROPER PURPOSES AU HIE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH HEREIN AGREES AND ACCEPTS THEPE'; ,; P\~iUAL t1AINTENANCE OBLI GATION OF THE ?AME .j_ ';' X;~' ,'2, " TjRACT "A' SHOWN Hf;REON AS A 60 FOOT EASEME~T FOR' DRAI~~', ',' , ,,:' ~~i, " '. '::~ ~ : "":,:, WATER RETENTION PURPOSES IS HEREBY DEDICATE SOLELY, T:O'~, . ,~~ ,;: ,,::~ ,;;.\ ,': Ii" '~i""LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION;\t\I~~:; l,l'.;"."kjR,;/';';.,,; i\~"::;r ~EMBERS THEREOF.. FOR MAlfHENANCE FOR DRAINAGE AND LANP~\:, :iiii\;, ':'~'}.~,'"I,,',..i' ," ',t. i:',:,,;: ';:, SCAPWG, INCLUDING THE CONTROL OF AQUATI C WEEDS, VEGETATI"O, N "~;~~.'.'.' <".\i)~/:' :. ~if';'" DEBRIS AND OTHER NOXI.OUS /1ATERIALS AND IS THE PERPETUAL;r~;r ">';':';~'#:~:"'" 'r''-: ,t1AINTENANCE OBLIGATION OF Sl\ID ASSOCIATION. :,':tt . ,~,;; l ~ ";;/i';' ,!' r,' " " ' ' ' ,':,"'r'.\'''~'i, J+::~!~t,'.." /: <3; T~ACT ' liB". IS HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON ~ltta~ '~. 1-:.~ :rf~~'f:Y' FOR THE, PERPETUAL USE OF THE PUBLIC AS A LIFT STATION SITE ,', ',',:',l,t ',::c '',4, UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF BOYNT9~t,~~E '; ..,. :i,,~, ',' WATER AND SEWER LINES. ";"l':; '" .<,<~:~i., IN WITtIESS WHEREOF, THE UNDERSIGNED 00 HEREUNTO SETTI { ""," )~","'~" HAND~' AND SEALS THI~ /;z. 0(., DAY OF fjPr'CCr! " ..:,~. 1n81. ~ " :;'<J' ~ 'j' :r;:4' '., . f(" . . . ." . \:,~::' ~<.,;':~.. >', . ,~.:. ,\.:. " , ' " " .t:r~ ..'~.-- ,--,7 /'~' ------ .C~- ~~.r G. A RS , US E:; , ;I,7~ 'f "t" .}' I .J,.',<' ; . . f2f!f jI. -r; J'-'" WlTNES - '.~~~ /";Y'\'~ . ,I :,J.:~I~~~~ " , ',-, .,'. '.:. I . ~I{"'.' : ! ,..,~ , ' ", "~1:,,; ~;~" .",' ,,:.-::> .,'. ' ~ ',J;, .', .~~'.~' --'. :' '<:, :.'....',., 'tCc- .. , ,:;i ,:,' 1 WITNESS. .' ;::, . l", .'; .,;;':t;,; : iD,EDICA~!?; ACKNOW~DGEMENT . i., :.;; ;~"j:"I,'.:,,; .I'STATE pF FLORIDA '!,' ,., ~'/:i~ ., ..; i," : :' ~>' ,S S : ....,,:,. ~:':':~)t,~ So:'1 ':", ;COUNT'y....,OF PALM BEACH ' \ r,\,:(;,~",i: '. 'Ii, " '" " ;, . "'... .~j~ ; :.;....~ ;r--: , '.; "'~ . . .~./ . . . " : 'j ,', ~,h ~i~-" t;i~FORE ME. PERSONALLY APPEARED ROGER G'.:'~A8ERSON ANQ":J~ '~,f~,'~"" ':' .,' 'f ,'.,' "'!."'::(~,a~t: A\UL "M~'P.LUNKETT ,TO ~E WELL KnOWN '\W' !<NOWN' TO ME TO BE.~'ftiE !~~ :"~('" ,:;,;),:~~,"~SON$~:.DESeRIBEO IN ANt" ' '" y- ,..~'-' ':~, . ~";"'("'~~...,,-,~~"';;,.~-, <.... , --- ~' --' c:~ .b - ~ ( -- ---.j " PAUL M. PLUNKETT , , ~ , -.. ~...... < .. ~ ...~ _._. ._~ ".._.,..._..:r.lO.;...........L.. 1. -...,.....#'... -O'...............*...1-~...."....~~...N.-~;P.l.";I...rJrn.xn...~.. I r..r ~ ........ ~ ~..'T'\-.1.~.~.~: ~..~ SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. I Engineers · Planners. Consultants November 3, 1989 South Florida Water Management District P.O. Box 24680, 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida: 33416-4680 , Attention: Mr. Jeff Needle Re: Lawson Industrial Park Permit No. 50-00692-6 (Mod.) Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Needle: The following is my understanding of the items relevant to the above referenced project that were discussed anq agreed upon when I met with YOU, Mr. Ken Tarver, and Mr. Ed Yaun at you~ office on November 3, 1989. 1. The above referenced project received a surface water management permit in 1979 (including 42.5 Acres) which was subsequentialy modified in 1981. 2. The subject parcel (containing 3.4 t Acres), as shown on the attached photocopy of survey drawing marked exhibit 1 is within the area of the existing permit. 3. Tract "A" (see exhibit 1) was included in the existing permit as a drainage and water retention area. 4. The proposed canal cross section as permitted is shown on the attached exhibit 2 (figure 4). 5. The existing permit calls for the retention of the first 1" of rainfall in the canal in Tract "A". 6. Our Client desires to use Tract "A" as parking area for a proposed development. 7. The use of Tract "A" by, our Client is conceptually acceptable if the following conditions are met. a. Client owns and/or controls that portion of Tract "A" which is to be filled and has legal right to use same for parking area. b. A Conveyance Culvert of adequate design is constructed to convey runoff from the existing permitted 'area to the system outfall at Lake Worth I Drainage District L-28. 4623 Forest HIU Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965.9144 NOV 2 7 108q ..-- . . - ----- , Mr. Jeff Needle November 3, 1989 - Page Two , c. Adequate exfiltration trench will be constructed to retain that portion of the first 1" of rainfall now being retained in the area of the canal which is to be filled. d. Additionally, exfiltration trench and/or open storage will be provided in excess of the 1" quality requirement, if necessary" to prevent a signifioant change in stage storage elevations relating to the entire 42.5 aore permitted area. 8. A modification of existing permit no. have to be approved by the South Management Distriot Governing Board to project. 50-00692-5 will Florida Water construct this Our Client is preparing to submit a site plan to the City of Boynton Beach showing a portion of Tract "A" as paved parking. This submittal will involve considerable time and expense. Since the site plan oonfiguration is direotly dependant on the above items, please advise if your recollection differs from the above or if you believe any of these items to be incorrect. If we do not reoeive any comments from you concerning this matter the site plan will be submitted substantially as shown ,on attaohed exhibit 3. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. Very truly yours, JML/ts 89-087 CC: Mr. Wayne Vensel w/enclosure Mr. Doug Long w/enolosure Nav 2 7 1989 ~ '. . i:" . ~ " \.1\ ~ ~ '- ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ....... \- \.,.J , ~ ~ .' ' / )1 ~';:. . ~_,/i " ------- - -",-- - ,------ J---~~..~ ~u~, ~,' ' I ... 1ST tJitIID c!;>($(J' r<IW) , ,"' .~,~1JI..! . ' ,', -- ." ." . _.-- I' ' ' ,7.1' ' ' . . 11 "," _--~ fO.O ,20"';0 ..,., ti \!I' %" .' ~ ~ ~ ,., - ..- ~ " ~ ~. <f) % "-\ .' __- _--.':3:: n t"- , h ~ ~ ~ 1 C) . \\~,~~ \~ ~ \,\ ~"5 I ' :' i\t "\tA i , \. ~\\ ~:--\ ,,~~ ~ ':ti , ll\\~);. ~. l' , ~ ..... .. \ ~ ~ .'\ \ \ . \ I · \ I \ \ I . 40) I ~ x. ':t: ..... ..... Q\ "- '\ , ;",1"1' (/ \ \ , \ \ ~ \ ~~' \ ~.; :or. \ t,T.\ {J' \ \ r- ~ ~ ~(J) '?r. C) ~c::: -I~ r- -a 'l\ ~ ~ t::l 1">\ ~. .,.: ~ ~' ; ""i ~, t:;:, ~~ ~ I.!'\ h ~ ~Z;s; ~ ~ ..... ~ ' ." fo.' 1 ""i ~ . ~~ . ~~ ll.:::; !:'';\ .:::. ~., k ~ ~~ .~ .~:A ~ ~9 ~ ~ ''l' .>. (\ ,~ ,'\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ """ .~ ~ -...I ... \~ ~ 'i:::'Jo \ ':\:' , .... \ ~ ' \ . \ , \~ ~ '---, \,\ \" \V> \1\, \ ;, ~~(I) . .,..-_--7 \ ~ h ,: .. ~ ~\ \ \~ \ \ t't1 ~ ~l\ \.~ \~' " \ \ ~ ~. ~ \.' ~ 27 I ~ \~. '. ~\ \' \ \ ~\ \ !'\ I ...... i U\ \ \ 1 ~~ ':>1~ ~.~ -r.~ 1J~ -~ N 81'Z1'35''[ 293.'28 ' ~ ~. >- C ':"% <() 1.55' ---- ". ---'''-';'. .....-.....-" - ~ '-...... ~ :--. ~) ~ ~\I\~ ~ .... 6;~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ . ~~ -+ ~~ _ ~:tJ ",. ~ ~l:S 233.22' ~~~. 60 JI,.. 2"''1 28 .b.. ",,""'" .uo . 7029''15''E ;7V' ~ \~ _ ___ ._ \ N 8 " " ~ ~ ,.. ,.." ~: ~ ~. !jffj!1Ul".!. }!~~ _ J, . . __"- _" . _ ." ~Il'. D. D CfllVfI,[. [. .as ~ ~ r80'/?/W) -\"" ---- --- -- \ "",~'.) .-,,/ --- ---. ~;: \ :. ~ ~l _..------- ,"~---~...""...')I..4.J'..t.'.. ..,..~ ~~.'"'-.~_.~~. ( '!I "4!', " ~ ~ ) ... + \ I I I , I , I o I , I . I , I o I o . I . L~.---{ I ~ .--....:. ~~:-i-.___.~:.....:...,;:..:1~'i~:VXm- .:~-:::~~r.~':f't';..l~~~~:c:c~r. -: ::~~-~:Z~!'!. :.0__=?t:.-i::~Z~':.~~:~ ~ I o I , I o I . I . I o I , I o I I I o I , I I I . I , } I I ( !!l :;i i ) . ; ~ -'Cbl.I.D 'II . . i , l.?\'QJ.;I; ,Q, .u. I ;;;;; . ~ !::: w ~ > <! (f) ffl Cc: g j! o I! ii "'I .ow G E' ~ 0 I $! Z 3 0' ( i <! frl -1 ~ 0.... t- :r ~ ~ m ~ :i. W b ~Ii o 'I ~ ~ f- 6 ill l(l~ ~ - <t lil~lil ~ O! ~l;; ~ ' (f),: <t '" .l ) 0 O! <t ~ 0 .~ .~ .u. Sl ~ . ~5:> I ~ . .{~~ w (f '. ~ ~;~ I I . <? c: ':"~ ~s . 'l?-9.J)o J1'~ (/, !r~~ ~~ ~" MEMORANDUM TO: Tim Cannon Acting Planning Director DATE: December 6, 1989 FROM: Joe C. Swan, P.E. for John A. Guidry Director of Utilities Ja e:?ul1l4 p~ ~JIIG / I SUBJ: TRB Review Boynton Beach Car Care Center Site Plan We offer the following comments on this project: 1. Add a 6" VCP cleanout on the existing sanitary service at the property line. 2. The 411 DIP water service line should end with a mechanical joint plug and thrust block unless a future extension is anticipated. 3. City ordinance requires all points on every building to be within 200 feet of a fire hydrant for this type of develop- ment. Please relocate or add hydrants as necessary to meet this requirement. 4. Sewer cleanouts are required at a maximum spacing of 75 feet for the on-site 611 services. Also, please specify materials to be used on-site. 5. Show all utility easements. 6. Fire hydrants conflict with large trees at both locations. Please re-design as necessary. Large trees are not permitted within utility easements. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella ." RECEIVED DEe ? 1989 PLANNll~G DEPT. - - fiC; ~I d ' MEMORANDUM --------- December 7, 1989 TO: Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director .. /' Sharon Randolph, Interim City Manager~ Raymond Rea, City Attorney THRU: FROM: RE: Consistency of Development Plans with Adopted Comprehensive Plan I have reviewed your Memorandum dated November 27, 1989, received in this office on December 1st, and provide you with the following response. Although your interpretations of Florida State Statute 163 appears to be substantially correct and your evaluation of the apparent conflicts between the site plan proposed by Doug Long with the Comprehensive Plan policies and objectives, I must remind you that it is not within the Planning Department's authority to summarily reject an application or refuse to process an application based upon these issues. The Planning Department can only accept or reject an application for purposes of processing on completeness. The Planning Department can make comments as to how a particular site plan complies with the Comprehensive Plan or various zoning regulations. The ultimate determination as to whether to reject a project rests upon the City Commission after evaluating the Planning Department comments and Planning & Zoning Board's recommendations. In summary, the Planning Department's function is simply administrative in nature. They are to accept or reject the site plan based only upon whether that project has technically complied with the application procedure. The Planning Department can make comments to the Planning and Zoning Board relating to how the project complies with the Comprehensive Plan and zoning regulations. The Planning and Zoning Board can accept or reject the Planning Departments recommendations followed by the City Commission having the ultima~itY. ~ ~~~-~ Raymond Rea, City Attorney RR/r ~c"'~~u 0._ ~C g )... ,...... O~~i. uH\~\,; ~v." MEMORANDUH , 'I Novembel- 27, 100';) I;! , I !:I TO: Raymond. Rea city Attorney THROUGH: Ann Toney Interim city Manager . ..i. , Timothy Cannon Interim Planning Director Con$istency of Development Plans with Adopted Comprehensive Plan FROM: , RE: '~" .. A number of issues have arisen regarding a site plan which has been submitted by Mr. Douglas F. Long for a 3.39-acre parcel ~ located on sobth congress Avenue. The property is located in the ':l M-1 Light Industrial zoning district and is sht)wn in the ];-!"Industrial land use category on the Future Land Use Map contained !~ ' ~:~in the comprepensive Plan. The uses proposed for the property ~include automObile service and repair, a car wdsh, and a 3,000 square-foot freestanding restaurant (see attached copy of site plan). The issues outlined below involve the application of the :City's Comprehensive Plan to the developement of the site. The ";": issue of the application of the Compr'ehellSivt:' PIall ~ill come IIp ...._~I!..j~,.,i_.,.;,',~ innumerable times with repect td site plans, subdivisions, . conditional uses, variances, and other applic~tions for ,~L: :1 'development approval i therefore, these issue;,: [ieed to be resol '/ed '~~j, _::::~:~~~. in addition to being resolved for the site plan in i',F An initial re'view of the site plan and an e:c':I,mination of the II:':' 'adopted comprehensive Plan reveals three j_nc()n~)istencies with t.he 1 adopted plan. The relevant sections of the Plan are as follows (underlining has been added): " ';'~ ',;;'01 I . ~~i:~~.'i I ~ . ~~,1,. .' ..'~'~~~,:~V i 'y '-j~ ~. ;~r'l(r' ~ . ~: \1:;1i, I' ~~~ ,IHK" '" '.~',i'~'1 I :~ .~.~ ~~: . ,~'{~~:" Land Use Problems and Opportunities (SectitlL 1.'111 of Future Laild Use Element support Documents, page 93): This is a highly visible corridor which lie2 dcross the street from a low-density residential development; therefore, approval of site plans along this frontage should lnclude strong consideration of aesthetics. In particular !J_}racre doors and loadinq ares should not be permitted to fac'= Conqress Avenue... ~ Policy 1.16.1 (uses allowed in each land use category) Industrial: 'j 1 ~ The uses allQwed in this land use category sL.s.Ll be limited to. but shall not necessarily include, the foll<y,lJijJ: J1.".i I ,,~, . ..'. . . offices and :resta...urants which are acceS~:(JI<L t,o t.he above ~ !. ...': j r;:' ;iir ,;.1, .,.uses... . ~i;.~.ii : ';POl1CY 3B. 2 . 2 i Appropri ate s tormwa ter m anagemen t fa c il it ie swill ~:F'il' ;,'include, but pot limited to, those that emphas lze the fll terlnc :'~"'::I'! ,:of stormwateri and the reduction of the peak runoff rate, runoff , J:;,,; 'volume, and water pollution, particularly sediment. j' ,.. I ':{ :, I .. ':,1' I 'r'" I '\::!<',;J ';:'policY3B. 2.3; SUbsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land ;1',:,) . ~ development regulations so that rainwate~~ nll1o~f ~ill b~ !~~J":mi~imized by Fequirinq site plans to maXlmlze lnflltratlon bv ~," :r : ",percolation ipto qrassv swales. medians, golf courses, landscaped }; ; ;J I .! areas. nurser!ies I parks, lawns, etc. The use 0 f soakinq pits t,:';,\il'.,1 beneath ilnperyious sla-faces such as pa~ed parkinq ,lots will be i~:;. ;:./,>, minimized. A}; least the first flush WJ.ll Q~._..requJ.red to pass :\:)1' I .; throuah a arassv area if possible. ~~:;:~"~1:1 I ';tl, _:f! ! ;fiit:i!1 i . The site Plani proposed by Mr. Long is incon~:jstent vlith the "j' ' :!' . adopted Plan 'in three respects: Firs t, tll.? i l.'eestanding ., 1. restaurant is' not an accessory use to th'3 pr lie ipal llses on site. , An accessory use would be an employee cafett:jll or similar use. 'Since "accessory use" is not defined in the Plan, it is necess,-,.ry to use the definition in the city I s zoning c(Jde, whi cll def ines . accessory use as "A use that is customal'ily .llh~idelltal to the principal use and so necessary or commonly tll be expect8d that it cannot be supposed that these regul at ions ilHL l1c1.ed t,) preven t ", t. Accessory uses, unless otherwise provided, ciil,Ll be located on the same premises as the principal llse." Second, the site plan shows garage doors faclll~ Congress Avenue on both the main bUilding and car wash. Tl10 l'ecoll11\\.?ndations f()r Area 8. e. specifically prohibit garagl:! dool':: \~ll:i.cll f ace COl1gre~;s Avenue, for aesthetic reasons. The r8commendations for Area B.e. are incorporated by reference into the Plan t,lrotlgh Folicies 1.16.4 and 1.17.3. Third, the inlets for stormwater runoff are not located within , grassy swales or landscaped areas, which is required by Policies '3B.2.2 and 3.B.2.3. section 163.3194, Florida statutes describes the status of the .Plan with respect to development orders and permits. Section 163.3194(1) (a) states that "all actions takell in regard to ~development ~'rders by, governmental agencies in regard to land ~covered by s ch plan or element shall be consistent with such ~;\:; plan or elem nt as adopted. II "Government agency" is defined ,;;zunder Sectio 163.3164(8)(c) as including "AllY local government, ." ,::,rtl;; ,-,,~. I >~. I ~".; ,,"",r . :J.i 2 ,'1 ~ ~~1 .,+. Section 163.319'(lJ(~) ~tates that until land development regulations which implement the plan are adopted, It,. .the provisions of the most recently adopt~d comprehensive plan, or , ~element, or p4rtion thereof, shall govern any action taken in ~I"~l: I ' 'Fegardto an application for a development order. 11 , '1:;;~"1 ~~ections 163.J194(3)(a) and (b) state that development orders ~ ~1'1 ,~shall be cons.istent with the comprehensive plan if the land . +;;:~~ I ~uses,' densiti,s or intensities, and other aspects of t~e . ~ ~developmentare compatible with and further the objectlves, ~policies" lan~ uses, and densities in the comprehensive plan and I . , ~,I 11f it,meets a~l other criteria enumerated by the local "),!':< /.tfgoVernment. II I j~ln~l~~id~i: statukes clearly prohibits the City comml~sion, any hoard 1;1 ~of thee City, or any city staff or committees conSIstIng of CIty ~.f~,.rf:i t.:rstaff f:rom approving any land development permits or orders which '; ;,.~jt:,~"are inconsistent with the Plan. The question \'lhich arises is 't tl:-~I !"'whether boards, committeesl or staff members ';:::1n recommend ".'I~;;:',ji' approval, partiCUlarly since 163.3194 refen.; t', ".., all actionE f. : ,! taken in reaard to development orders. . ," (ukh.>rlining added), ',W:>'! Therefore, I am asking your opini.on wi th l-l?:-::P :'I,~t to the following ~~l1 r,,:~ questions: .~;~~k , ~J;fl, : . ,'. ~.:.,., ' .' 7;,,:i~f.-.4 .~. .' ~t,;i )~1';1 .~.' ' jJ~i~:;t,:~' :i: : ~H1 ,',: J1/'~' .[ '<r1". ' ,}i}(:' i !tf'{I' , ' ..;.1"I.~..1.'~.~:.:' .1.. ;, ~,'~k i ' :\, t<; I' ,';k +;; , i:'J\:{-,.., '~, :~..~, 'I ,i as defined in. this section, or any clepartmell L! ,.;ommis::: i021, agency, or instrumentality thereof.tI Can the City staff accept and process applic0tions for land development which are Clearly inconsistent w~th the adopted plan? Can the City staff, Technical Review Board Ol- ,)ther commi ttee consisting of city staffl or appointed City bOdrd recommend approval of an application which is inconsistent ,with the Plan? If approval is recommended I would such a recoll.lilenclation be required to specify the inconsistencies, an~ illclude a stipulation that all inconsistencies with the Plan be removed? Can such applications be rejected and be required to be resubmitted in a form such that inconsistencies with the Plan EIre deleted, particularly if the revisions which would be necessary would alter the development plan to such an extent ~hat review of the original plan for compliance with the City's codes and policies is not possible? ;Z'~ ,Jq" ~<1~ Timothy P. Cannon -- :';~ .. '~~i:~ ~ !i.:" .:~ ;k, :';~, ':,~i~ ~ ~. ... .:.: ;i 3 ( i ..-..-_.__.-.._--~~..._.__._-_.~-----.,------_.,------- \Ol <.}. \ "~ " I \ . \.< - ' ",,---- -" ----- -- () "'& /~ I! ~ .:..-------- \ ~...-c,--~.-' -~-- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,\-4 A \JENJE-- ~~ 'If,~. - 'I>'~. (>. til ,) <' ,~ /, .--- \ () ,,;--,\ ,. 'C~?~ ~ I' \ r~1 '} . -" . Ie .~ ~:} :L s' "(~::~j) ~~ ,~ \ ~";-q .~~ -. ~t -I, .=-.- ~~ \8 -; ,_ ~2 Z .~'~ ~ m (J) (J) ~ ~ ~ 0<, ( 0 ~ TN 0 ~ . a ~c )::> ~~ 10 "'v> rn ~ 1" () ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ...... !;B ! ,<> I ... ~ 'ftI1 \l '" .., . lA .' <!\6 ~" q" ~ e' ,'. \l1~ ~l. ~ tI.~;"l;. t ( ~ !!l t ~ ~ ) ~ t 3- ~ ~ \ \ \ , \ , i , \ , \ \ . \ \ , \ , \ \ . \ \ \ . \ , \ \ \ \ l' _.._-,-,--------'-_.---~- MEMORANDUM December 7, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior City Planner FRCM: Roger Kuver Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: 'IRE Comnents Boynton Beach Car Care Center 1) Site plan as suhnitted conflicts with platted drainage easerrent (Tract A) which is dedicated to the Lawson Industrial Park Property Owners Association and rreml:ers thereof. Note #4 of the plat states, "There shall be no buildings or any kind of construction or trees or shrubs placed on drainage easerrents" . 2) No construction will be approved in Tract A with the exception of drainage outfalls designed to take advantage of the natural retention capabilities of Tract A as platted. 3) Suhnit a revised drainage design that locates catch basin inlets in grassy areas. Show swale section details and curb cut locations to facilitate drainage from paved areas. Raise inlet grades to approximately 4 to 6 inches above swale grades to enhance pre-treatrrent of storrrwater prior to entering system. 4) Addi tional traffic control devices are required. Directional arrows (traffic flow, internal) and stop signs where painted stop bars are presently indicated. Right turn only signs should be installed at exits that warrant those conditions. Directional arrows (paverrent markings) should be consistent with signage. 5) Fire lane striping and signage are required along "front" of building. Refer to Article X, Parking Lot Specifications. 6) Driveway approach radii must be shown on plan, swaled approaches do not rreet City standards. Sheeting stonnwater offsite is prohibited. 7) Palm Beach County permits required for work perforrred in Congress Avenue right-of-way. 8) Concrete sidewalks to extend through driveways. Construction details and dimensions to be shown on plans. 9) Parking lot striping detail is incorrect. Revise detail to conform with Article X. Handicap provisions, striping, sign detail and location to be shown on plans. con't....... To: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner Re: 'IRE Comrents-B.B. Car Care Center December 7, 1989 Page #2 10) Architects plans and Engineers plans differ in parking lot layout. 11) Handicap ramp locations and details to be provided on plans. 12) Dumpster pad location and enclosure detail missing. 13) South Florida Water Management District permit required. ~ --- Roger Kuver RK/ck I'/lj.... ;, . I . :jj: a(1ecl{..la1',~',:,' ~ nas -, ,. t' C, I"l ;:::' ~::, U 1" F. (:,',1 , . ,..,," ."1 ,::\ ,"j j :." iri Fl::' . . I"'. i. ~ L. '. ,,:'J." 'i',.,',~ ,"',' ;.,'".".,' '!\~J;;~;:,~ i \c:' en' " t ", E' . ,. . L " f? " ,'" ') . ,i:C; r: ~ 'i' !,:' ,',,, id." c' . .,'" t E' " '1 ,,,_,,,,,n~;" ,-' ~," '; i "', ~ iJ (:::' 1" j::' . ':. t .,..,,,, " ;:::. (:. F: ;....::'::.: ;::; ;;:J. ::,~..,','I::~;',:, ~':,~::: ~,:.~ ,i' ,:' T i'" ,,:::';T, .. ,. .. ,"" n ',:c fj c: " "!1) ~,;;;,) :~~; '~ ~ ~'~ ,.,,',:,'.,( ,;~"..',1, \/ :.:'i. n c:. l..\( i I.!': t. l''',' .,.,..::.1. q ;:, t: ,i c::< n ',' \.., J;';':" ("j c1 ,I:,,. ".', I:::, t:. 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Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR December 13, 1989 Park Place Development Group, Inc Attn: Mr. Douglas F. Long One Park Place, Suite 325 621 N.W. 53rd St. Boca Raton, FL 33487 RE: Boynton Beach Car Care Center Dear Mr. Long: Enclosed you will find the site plan approval application and your check in the amount of $300 for the above-referenced project. As previously outlined, the Planning Department cannot process this application as it has been determined to be incomplete and is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan policies and the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances (see attached copy of the staff comments and plat restrictions for a further clarification). Concerning the proper procedure for modifying the plat dedication and note (restrictions) for the drainage easement (Tract "A"), the Planning Department will confer with the City Attorney as to the procedure that should be followed and will advise you accordingly. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYN~;UO~. B.EACH J f ,'i..., // 4l'-v' c_, () _ ./ .r JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:frb Encs cc: City Attorney 3) The proposed on-site drainage system does not provide for pretreatment of stormwater runoff prior to enter- ing inlet structures and does not meet the design re- quirements of the following: a) Comprehensive Plan policies for pretreatment of stormwater runoff b) Article X, Section 5 of Appendix C-Sub- divisions, Platting c) Section 5-142(f) "Drainage" of Article X-Parking Lots 4) The existing stormwater retention proposed to be filled and paved as parking lot and site cannot be following reasons: basin which a portion of utilized for is the the a) Tract "A" is shown as a 60 foot wide easement on the plat of Lawson Industrial Park and is dedicated to the Lawson Industrial Park Property OWners' Association and members thereof for maintenance for drainage and landscaping, including the control of aquatic weeds, vegetation, debr i s and other noxious materials and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association. In addition, note no. 4 on the plat cover sheet states that "There shall be no buildings or any kind of construction or trees or shrubs placed on drainage easements". In order to change the status of this easement, the plat would have to be modified by legal instrument, and evidence would have to be provided that the property owners' association has approved this change. b) The Lawson Park subdivision was designed with retention basins such as Tract "A" in order to accommodate and pretreat stormwater runoff in accordance wi th the requirements of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. In addition, Tract "A" also accommodates and pretreats stormwater runoff from S. w. 30th Avenue. The plans do not show how the pipe which carries stormwater from S.W. 30th Avenue will be culverted and connected to the drainage system on the site. In addition, the project engineer has not indicated where and how stormwater runoff from other properties and S.W. 30th Avenue will be pretreated prior to discharge in accordance with the requirements of Appendix C-Subdivi- visions, Platting. Drainage calculations must be submitted for the entire subdivision which show that the remaining open ditch system will accommodate drainage from all of the lots and rights-of-way in accordance with the requirements of the South Florida Water Management District, the Lake Worth Drainage District and the City's subdivision and platting regulations. The above issues must be resolved before this site plan can be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board by the Technical Review Board. );;~ ",' . GOLDEN JJG:frb Bbccare CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ \iJ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. 80x 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR March 27, 1990 Park Place Development Group, Inc. Attn: Mr. Douglas F. Long One Park Place, Suite 325 621 N.W. 53rd St. Boca Raton, Fl 33487 RE: Boynton Beach Car Care Center - Traffic Impact Analysis Dear Mr. Long: On February 1, 1990, Palm Beach County adopted the Municipal Implementation Ordinance to the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, as outlined in the attached correspondence dated February 2, 1990. The ordinance requires that a traffic impact analysis be submitted for any project that generates over 500 net trips per day. In accordance with the above, the Planning Department recently amended the site plan application and fee schedule to incorporate the requirements for submittal of the traffic impact analysis and reimbursement of costs for review of the traffic impact analysis by the City's traffic consultant. A copy of the revised appli- cation is attached (see item No. 28 on Page 7). With respect to the above, the site plan application cannot be approved until a traffic impact analysis has been submitted to the City and forwarded to Palm Beach County for review and approval in accordance with the procedures outlined on the site plan application and in the County Ordinance. However, I will TO: Mr. Douglas F. Long -2- Mar. 27, 1990 place the site plan on the Technical Review Board agenda for April 3, 1990 for review and comment. You will be notified when these comments are available. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:frb Encs cc: City Manager Timothy P. Cannon Tambri J. Heyden A:BBCarCtr , I : , ) MEMORANDUM " , April 5, 1990 TO: Applicant/ Boynton Beach Car Care Center FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: Courtesy comments Boynton Beach Car Care Center Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments have been provided as a courtesy with the applicant's full knowledge that there will be a full review made when the project's site plan is placed on a Technical Review Board agenda: 1. Number each parking space shown on the site plan drawing. The minimum number of parking spaces must equal parking space requirements as described in Appendix A zoning section 11 H. 2. Show on the plans the location and size of the required loading zone. 3. Show on the site plan, paving and drainage and landscape plan drawing the location of the appropriate number of handicapped parking spaces. Distribute the handicapped parking spaces to adequately serve each building. Show on the plans spot elevations along the handicapped accessibility path leading to the entrance of each tenant space from the associated handicapped parking space. Where the handicapped code requires a handrail identify the location and height of the ra i 1. 4. Show on the site plan, paving and drainage and landscape drawing the location, width, and proposed type of material for the handicapped accessibility path leading to the each building from both public rights-of-way. 5. Show on the plans the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the ~ntrance to each tenant space. 6. Specify the width, length and slope of the handicapped ramps shown on the plans. 7. Show on the plans a regular and handicapped parking space typical detail drawing. Drawing to include the width and length of each type of parking space. Identify the color, size and configuration of the pavement markings. Specify the height of the handicapped parking space signage. 8. Show and identify on the plans that each tenants maximum allowed office space is 25% of the total area of the individual tenant space. 9. Uses as identified on the plans will require an environmental review permit prior to final site plan Sign-off. 10. South Florida Water Management District permit or letter of exemption is required. 11. Lake Worth Drainage District permit or letter of exemption letter is required. Memo: Boynton Beach Car Care Center April 5, 1990 Page 2 of 2 12. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify type, size and color of the material proposed for the sides of the enclosure. Specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components required for the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify the overall height, width and length of dumpster enclosure. Show th~ clear width of the enclosure opening <clear width to be C\t'ea inside of gate and post material) required minimum width is ten <10') feet. 13. Identify on plans the total setback distance property line to the face of each building. dimensions to meet the allowable setbacks as Appendix A Section 8. from each All setback described in 14. Show on paving and drainage plan drawing the horizontal control dimensions through each parking spac~, handicapped parking spaces, landscape islands and driveways for the entit-e site. 1~. Provide a total count of each species of trees, shrub and ground cover plant material and show computations providing an overall percentage of each type meeting the required count of 50% native species. 16. Identify grade of plant material <Florida #1 or better is the minimum required). 17. Identify that all landscape areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation water supply system. 18. Identify the size and spacing requirements for each species of tree and shrub landscape material that meets the requirements of the landscape code. 19. Specify the location and type of proposed grass ground cover. 20. Show required accent landscape shrubs around the dumpster enclosure. 21. Identify the width and length of all landscape islands. A minimum of twenty square feet landscape area is required for ~ach interior parking space. 22. Specify on the plant list the size, type and spacing of plant material identified as LD. 23. All signage must comply with the sign code. CAB approval of a sign program. Submit plans for 24. I dent i fy on the plans the "on center" spaci ng of the trees bordering the perimeter of public rights-of-way. 25. Show and identify a continuous vehicle use area landscape screen along the east side of rear vehicle use area with maximum spacing of shru~ landscape material of 2.0' o,c. 26. Extend the vehicle use area landscape screening to form a continuous ~isual barrier with a maximum 35' unlandscaped area at ingtess and egress locations only. 27. Color elevations drawings must be submitted matching all the ~2~_:aCh building. ~ael E. Haag cc: Timothy Cannon Don Jaeger