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CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Planning Depa~~ent 100 B. Boynton Beacb Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 FAX NUMBER (407) 738-7459 OFFICE NUMBER (407) 738-7490 FAX TRANSMIftAL COVER LETTER J/-/O~fd Fax Number Transmitting To: Time: To: From: (including cover letter): ~ Number of Remarks: ' "\ -,I' . I " , ' . ( MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-214 ... "; ,',\ h. '; ~ If r-a TO: Timothy Cannon Interim Planning Dir~c or John A, Guidry Director of Utilities ? FROM: DATE: April 4, 1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Boynton Beach Car Care Center Site Plan We offer the following comments on this pro1ect: 1. The on~site 6" sewer main should be redesiqned as an 8" sewer to the City's standards. Note that the City will own and maintain only the 8" main line, and will require ease- ments for same. 2. Show all easements for the on-site utilities, including fire hydrants, main lines and water services up to and including the water meter. 3. Reduced pressure backflow preventers will be required on the water services due to the type of cross-connection hazards posed by the projected uses. We recommend dual units, mounted in parallel, on each service so as to allow for un- interrupted flow. 4. Show the fire line connection. A double check valve assembly may be required on this line. 5. Loop the 6" water main. 6. Provide fire flow calculations. 7. All water and sewer utilities to be owned and maintained by this department must meet our adopted design criteria, Please alter your details accordingly. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella EN3INEEERIN3 DEPAR'IMENT MEMO NO. 90-079 March 27, 1990 TO: J. Scott Mil1er City Manager FRa.1.: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: T .R.B. Carrrents Car Care Center VanderPloeg and Associates In confonnance with Chapter 19, Article II, "Site Plan Review and Approval", Section 19-17 "Plan Required" and Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, Article X, Section 5-142, "Required Irrproverrents", the applicant shall sutrnit the following information, data and pIan corrections. 1. Provide a current survey which is a sutmittal requirerrent for the site pIan review and approval process. Section 19-17 (k) "Required Technical Data" . 2. Provide a construction detail depicting luminaire (lighting fixture) types, including a staterrent that the lighting system shal1 be activated by photo.cel1s. Section 5-142(g) "Lighting Standards". 3. Raised continuous concrete curbing as shown on section/detail sheet does not carpI y with minimum City standards. Raised continuous concrete curbing shall re 13~"x6Ix8" as specified within Section 5-142(g) "CUrbing Standards". Place raised continuous concrete curbing at the extrerre N.E. parking stall, the extrerre N. W. parking stalls and the extrerre S. W. parkiling stalls. Note: One :foot wide curbing interruptions may re utilized to facilitate stOnTlW"ater drainage. 4. Stormwater inlet grates shall be set at an elevation approximately 0.5 I above the invert elevation of grassed swale/retention areas to facilitate the percolation and pretreatrrent of stOnTlW"ater. Provide swale elevations on plans, 5-142 (g) "Drainage and Construction Standards". Percolation test data and drainage calculations are required. Section 5-142 (f) "Drainage" . 5 , The southwest ingress/egress approach is closer than the minimum allowable distance of 180 feet to intersecting rights-of-way lines for Congress Avenue and S.W. 30th Avenue. Section 5-142 (h) Driveways, Subsection (h3). 6. Clarify how the erosion of soils adjacent to the east edge of the facility, will be prevented, when stormwater appears to be sheet flowing into tre 60 I Drainage easement fran the parking lot. Section 19-17 (k) "Technical Data". 7. Insufficient free back up space (27') at nurrerous parking stall locations. Section 5-142 (g) "Construction Standards and Appendix", 8. Minimum parking stal1 length shall re 18 I. Revise plans accordingly and provide a striping detail for handicap and standard stalls in compliance with Section 5-142 (i) "Parking Lot Layout", Section 5-142 (k) "Handicap Requirerrents", Section 5-142 (1) "Parking Lot Striping" and Section 5-142 (g) "Standards". 9. Provide fully sodded and irrigated swales within the public rights-of-ways in confonnance with minimum Engineering Departrrent Standard A-80033. ~~~A:-L · Vincent A. Finizio ~ VAF/ck cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner ENGINEERING DEPAR'IMENT MEMO NO. 90-085 March 30, 1990 TO: J. Scott Mil1er City Manager FRa.1: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: T .R.B. Carrnents Boynton Beach Auto Care Center Amended based upon Traffic Irrpact Analysis The Engineering Departrrent for the City of Boynton Beach has received the above referenced Traffic Report on 3/30/90. The following items listed below shall augxrent the staff carrnents contained in Engineering Depa..rtrrent Memo No. 90-079. 10. The north driveway onto Congress Avenue shall have a separate 12 foot lane for right ingress and right egress traffic. 11. The south driveway onto Congress Avenue shall have a separate 12 foot lane for right ingress and right egress traffic. 12. No northbound right turn lanes onto Congress Avenue because of the low right turn volume and due to the arterial having three northbound lanes. 13. The driveway onto S. W . 30th Avenue shall have a separate 12 foot lane for egressing and ingressing traffic. 14. S. W. 30th Avenue shall be reconstructed to develop a rredian opening pIus left turn lane to acccmnodate the developrent traffic. 15. All driveways shall be constructed so that an adequate sight triangle is provided. ~ ~A~. . · n+ ~.r Vincent A. Finizio VM'/ck cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner MEMORANDUM April 5, 1990 TO: Applicant/ Boynton Beach Car Care Center FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: Courtesy comments Boynton Beach Car Care Center Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments have been provided as a courtesy with the applicant's full knowledge that there will be at full review made when the project's site plan is placed on a Technical Review Board agenda: 1. Number each parking space shown on the site plan drawing. The minimum number of parking spaces must equal parking space requirements as described in Appendix A zoning section 11 H, 2, Show on the plans the location and size of the required loading zone. 3. Show on the site plan, paving and drainage and landscape plan drawing the location of the appropriate number of handicapped parking spaces, Distribute the handicapped parking spaces to adequately serve each building, Show on the plans spot elevations along the handicapped accessibility path leading to the entrance of each tenant space from the associated handicapped parking space. Where the handicapped code requires a handrail identify the location and height of the rail. 4. Show on the site plan, paving and drainage and landscape drawing the location, width, and proposed type of material for the handicapped accessibility path leading to the each building from both public rights-of-way. 5. Show on the plans the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the ~ntrance to each tenant space, 6. Specify the width, length and slope of the handicapped ramps shown on the plans, 7. Show on the plans a regular and handicapped parking space typical detail drawing. Drawing to include the width and length of each type of parking space. Identify the color, . size and configuration of the pavement markings. Specify the height of the handicapped parking space signage. 8. Show and identify on the plans that each tenants maximum allowed office space is 25% of the total area of the individual tenant space. 9, Uses as identified on the plans will require an environmental review pefmit prior to final site plan sign-off. 10, South Florida Water Management District permit or letter of exemption is required. 11. Lake Worth Drainage District permit or letter of exemption letter is required, Memo: Boynton Beach Car Care Center April 5, 1990 Page 2 of 2 12. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify type, size and color of the material proposed for the sides of the enclosure. Specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components required for the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify the overall height, width and length of dumpster enclosure, Show the clear width of the enclosure opening <clear width to be area inside of gate and post material) required minimum width is ten <10') feet. 13. Identify on plans the total setback distance property line to the face of each building. dimensions to meet the allowable setbacks as Appendix A Section 8. from each All setback described in 14. Show on paving and drainage plan drawing the horizontal control dimensions through each parking space, handicapped parking spaces, landscape islands and driveways for the entire site. 1~. Provide a total count of each species of trees, shrub and ground cover plant material and show computations providing an overall percentage of each type meeting the required count of 50% native species. 16. Identify grade of plant material <Florida #1 or better is the minimum required). 17. Identify that all landscape areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation water supply system. 18. Identify the size and spacing requirements for each species of tree and shrub landscape material that meets the requirements of the landscape code. 19. Specify the location and type of proposed grass ground cover. 20. Show required accent landscape shrubs around the dumpster enclosure. 21. Identify the width and length of all landscape islands. A minimum of twenty square feet landscape area is required for ~ach interior parking space. 22. Specify on the plant list the size, type and spacing of plant material identified as LD. 23. All signage must comply with the sign code, CAB approval of a sign program, Sublni t plans for 24. I dent i fy on the plans the "on center" spac i ng of the trees bordering the perimeter of public rights-of-way. 25. Show and identify a continuous vehicle use area landscape screen along the east side of rear vehicle use area with maximum spacing of shrub landscape material of 2.0' D.C. 26. Extend the vehicle use area landscape screening to form a continuous visual barrier with a maximum 351 un landscaped area at ingress and egress locations only. 27. Color elevations drawings must be submitted matching all the ~~~::_:aCh building. ~ael E. Haag ec: Timothy Cannon Don Jaeger --, MEMORANDUM RECEIVED APR 4 1990 I PLANNING DEPT. - -- POLICE # 90-041 TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: Car Care Center DATE: April 3, 1990 As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 3 April 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. Stop Bars and Stop Signs at points controlling internal ~ traffic flow. 2. Stop bars at exits.~ 3. One Way and Do Not Enter signs to control." 4. Comply with Security Construction Ordinance. I: VokS ~ Lt. Dale Hammack DH/cm FIRE DEPARTMENT M~~ORANDUM NO. 90-204 W~C Tt'-'l* w. JIM GOLDEN. PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: WILLIAM D. CAVANAUGH, FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: APRIL 5, 1990 RE: C,AR CAF-'E CanER SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE THERE IS INSUFFICIENT PARKING SHOWN AT THIS LOCATION, USE OF DRIVEWAYS, ETC., TO ALLEVIATE A PARKING SHORTAGE HAMPERS FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS, ::;HC)ULD A TIRE :3TORE e.E Cc'tna1PLATED F()R TH I~:, LC"-::/.:\TI'Al, THE DEVELOPER SHOULD BE FOREWARNED THAT FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AND HH1HER R/\THH:i:3 Fe'R FIRE \.'A,LL~; :3HALL BE PEG;~UIRED. !1W!~Av~B/~~i=- FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I \.IDClP9 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM *90-182 FROM: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist ~ TO: SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Car Care Center DATE: April 4, 1990 The following comments pertain to the landscape plans for the above project: 1. The applicant must submit a landscape and irrigation plan for the medians of Congress Avenue and SW 30th Avenue (attached guidelines). 2. Non-potable water must be used for landscape irrigation. 3. All road R.O.W.'s must receive irrigation. KJH:ad t \ POLICY AND PROCEDURE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING The landscape plans designed in accordance with the following requirements will be submit~ed with the project site plan to be reviewed by the Parks Division representative at the Technical Review Board meeting. The approved plans will be part of the Building Department site landscape plan kept on file. The median will be included in the Community Appearance Board inspection for the site requested by the applicant to the Building Department. 1. Developers will submit landscaping plans for medians in accordance to the following guidelines: a. Shade or flowering trees every 40 lineal feet (50% native species). b. Flowering bushes and/or groundcover plants located on terminal ends of medians (30% native species). c. Grouping of shrubs/bushes located in sporadic clumps rather than long continuous hedge line. d. Grassed path of minimum 60" wide to allow riding mower to pass from one end of median to other. e. 3" thick Melaleuca mulch in all bedding areas. f. Irrigation system installed for all planted and grassed areas where none exists. g. Sod installed in median (type sod to be determined at time of, review j . 2. Plans shall be reviewed by the Parks Division, Urban Forester and approved as part of the Technical Review Board and Community Appearance Board process. The Building Department permitting set of plans shall include the approved median landscape plan. 3. The developers shall bear including curbing, plant Installation shall include: all costs materials of installation, and irrigation. a. Spraying grass areas grasses two weeks plants/trees. with chemical to destroy prior to installation all of b. All dead grass removed from soil, additional spraying residual grasses. site, not performed plowed under to destroy c. Any existing irrigation system changed to provide adequate water to newly planted materials from outside curb edge spraying into center. d. All existing shellrock or road construction debris excavated from planting areas to depth of treelplant rootball. e. All trees/plants installed lower or level to existing soil grade, using topsoil and Terra-Sorb granules as backfill mixture. f. Trees staked where necessary. g. Contractor to request landscape inspections (items b, d, e) by City . h. ci ty shall perform a Community Appearance Board landscape inspection, together with site landscape inspection (Building Department). 4. The City shall assume all maintenance, property loss, and liability responsibilities upon acceptance of installation. cc: John Wildner, Superintendent, Parks Division KJH:ad MEMORANDUM TO: Doug Long FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner DATE: April 5, 1990 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Car Care Center - Site Plan With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. The site plan is deficient 30 parking spaces (Section 11.H.16.d(4) of Appendix A - Zoning). Automobile service bays cannot be considered parking spaces (Section 11.K of Appendix A - Zoning). 2. Access aisle width must be increased from 24 feet to 27 feet for ninety degree parking (Design Requirements of Article X - Parking Lots). 3. South driveway on Congress Avenue cannot be located within 180 feet of intersecting right-of-way lines (Section 5-142 (h)(3) of Article X - Parking Lots). 4. The site plan is designed in a manner which allows for numerous garage door openings to be visible from Congress Avenue. There is a policy in the 1989 Comprehensive Plan which prohibits garage doors to face Congress Avenue in this area of the City for aesthetic reasons (see subsection 8.e of Planning Area 8 of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents). 5. An Environmental Review Permit is required prior to the issuance of a building permit (Section 8.A.3.6.3 and Section 11.3.C.6 of Appendix A - Zoning). The Environmental Review process should be done concurrently with site plan review. Please contact me for further details. 6. Loading zones (12 by 35 feet) have not been shown on the site plan (Section 11.J of Appendix A - Zoning). At least one loading zone should be provided to serve each wing of the building. Loading zones must be separate from parking spaces and vehicular access areas (Section 11.K of Appendix A - Zoning). 7. Color schemes and materials of exterior surfaces have not been indicated on the blueprint elevations (item no. 14 of site plan application checklist). \ 8. A signed and sealed survey dated within 6 months must be submitted with each copy of the site plan (item no. 19 of site plan application checklist). 9. The information on the site plan application does not correspond to the site plan. In addition the site plan application checklist was revised in March. A copy of the new application is attached. Please note item no. 29 on page 8. 10. Freestanding signs require site plan approval, if any are proposed (Section 21-9 of Sign Regulations). 11. Details on the type of lighting proposed and the fixture proposed must be shown (item no. 26.d. on site plan application checklist - also see design requirements of Article X - Parking Lots). b;J-J~EN JJG:cp Enc. A: Douglong . ~ CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO: Tim Cannon DATE 3/3/90 DEPARTMENT Planning Department APPROPRIATE ACTION ~ EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [J FOR YOUR FILES [J FOR YOUR INFORMATION o o o NOTE AND RETURN OTHER ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJEC'r: Auto Care Center Attached hereto please find a letter dated February 22, 1990, to Mayor Gene Moore from Park Place Development Group, Inc. regarding their proposal to construct an auto care center on Congress and 30th Avenue in Boynton Beach. For my information, what process must the applicant pursue in obtaining approval to include food service as an accessory use to a car care center? Your prompt attention to this inquiry is appreciated. Thank you. , l. i' ~~ J. fcott Miller ,City Manager JSt-:1 : cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Central File RECEIVEO MAll () %190 fLANNING D~f)T, I -- -........--- RESPONSE: The Building Official has previously determined that the restaurant which Mr. Long had previously proposed was not an accessory use and therefore was not permitted in the M-l zoning district (see attached pages 1874 and 1934.9 from zoning code). policy 1l6.1 of the Comprehensive Plan also limits restaurants to accessory uses (see attached p. 29 from Plan). If the restaurant is in fact, a legitimate accessory use, then it could be approved as a part of the site plan for the property; otherwise, an amendment to both the Comprehensive Plan and zoning regulations would be necessary. Date (Action Completed) ~!/~/ ~,/ ~h ---h~'- . / .~ j.// ?" SlgnatU1';e :?,~..~?{( /"", .-d~":'/"rl \-. - - -...---- ~ .,~. ......._,...,_.~. ,.._~...__.,..__...,..''Iil'"~~~-.,~~_"",,,;~ ...'..;.-'_h;"....."..,.;"".~. _. ~. '. . /' /(407) 997-2169 . FAX / (407) 241-5030 OFFICE PARK PLACE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. ONE PARK PLACE SUITE 325 621 N.W, 53rd STREET / BOCA RATON. FLORIDA 33487 ;."( /- ;( )'Y iX' \ i:/ -0\ \\ ~'! February 22, 1990 Mr. Gene Moore, Mayor City of Boynton Beach 639 East Ocean Avenue P.O. Box 910 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0910 Dear Mr. Mayor: As we discussed, I am planning to build an "Auto Care Center" on Congress and 30th Ave, in Boynton Beach. There is no zoning category in Boynton Beach for "Auto Care Center" but a number of the uses are included under the M-1 zoning category. I have patterned this Center after a number of upscale successful Centers in California and the Midwest. I've enclosed some site background on some of these Centers. It is essential for the success of the Center, as in any other development where you are accumulating a number of users who also can stand alone, to provide a synergy that works for a successful business environment. Shopping Centers do it with food courts, upscale Car Care Centers do it with fast food or in line food service. If you are having your car serviced, most people prefer waiting on site as long as there is an opportunity for a meal in a pleasant environment. Few people enjoy waiting in the repair service waiting area. Other people prefer to rent a car for the day and drive nff. There are a number of car rental agencies who specialize in renting during auto service. 11.1J C: J::' :;' ~; r r~ rj MAR ? 1890 CIT\! ;'~;l-i;\'~f:~(~: ~ . .,:!~:, {~; t'r"iei: / /' // , Continued Page (2) Mr. Gene Moore, Mayor City of Boynton Beach More women are becoming car owners and are taking the responsibility for auto servicing. Whether they work or have families to care for women prefer the convenience of an "Auto Care Center" and require an acceptable environment for waiting or a convenient auto rental. Most women would consider food service as an accessory use to an "Auto Care Center" as a convenient place to wait. We want the citizens of Boynton Beach to enjoy the convenience and pleasantness of a property planned "Auto Care Center." I hope the City of Boynton Beach will be helpful in this effort in granting site plan approval to include food service as an accessory use to the "Boynton Beach Car Care Center." Thank you for your consideration. Very truly YOU7 . ~o .~,,/ Douglas :Q LO&' DFL/kb Encl. Sec. 1 BOYNTON BEACH CODE the word "lot" shall include the words "plot and tract;" and the word "shall" is mandatory. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of these regulations, the following terms or words shall be used in interpretation of the purpose and intent: ABUTTING PROPERTY, See "Contiguous." ACCESS. The principal means of ingress and egress of abutting property from a publicly dedicated right~of-way, ACCESSORY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. A detached, subordinate building, the use of which is clearly incidental and related to that of the principal building or use of the land, and which is. located on the same lot as that of the principal building or use. ACCESSORY USE, A use that is customarily incidental to the principal use and so necessary or commonly to be expected that it cannot be supposed that these regulations intended to prevent it, Accessory uses, unless otherwise provided, shall be located on the same premises as the principal use. t i-'" following the section amended. The absence of such citation indicates that the section has not been amended and is as originally enacted by Ord. No. 75-19. References in Ord, No. 75-19 to specific provisions of the previous Code of Ordinances of the city have been changed in the text to refer to the appropriate provisions of this Code of Ordinances. Words and phrases have been added in brackets [] by the editors in the interest of clarity. Pursuant to Ord. No. 87-4, ~ 1, adopted Feb. 3, 1987 (see ~ 2-1.1, Code of Ordinances) the term city council is changed to city commission as pages are pulled through the supplement service. Cross references-Code enforcement board generally, ~ 2-72 et seq,; board to enforce this appendix, ~ 2-75; location of heverage establishments, U 3-6, 3-7; keeping livestock prohibited, S 4-10; building regulations generally, Ch. 5; limits where bulk storage of inflammable liquids in outside aboveground tanks prohibited, ~ 9-16; junk and junkyards, Ch. 11; special provisions governing licensing of used car lots, S 13-20; hours for noisy commercial or industrial activities, S 15-8(i); planning and development generally, Ch. 19; site plan review and approval procedures, S 19-17 et seq,; regulations governing parking and storage of recreational vehicles, boats and boat trailers. Ch. 20; trailers generally, Ch. 25; number of trailers on a parcel of land, S 25-9; subdivision to have appropriate zoning classifica- tion, App, C, Art. VIII, S 1. Supp. No. 35 1874 ~~----- ( I, ) ( , ) ( ') .- APPENDIX A-ZONING Sec. 8 ( (29) Drop forging. (30) Chemical cleaning or etching of metals as a prin- cipal use, or any chemical de scaling of metals. (31) Coal or coke fired kilns and furnaces; coke ovens. (32) Mining or quarrying, including removal of rock, sand, muck, marl, soil, gravel, or shellrock, except as incidental or necessary for construction on the premises. (33) Aerosol filling and packaging. (34) Liquid, oil, or chemical electric transformers, man- ufacture or rebuilding, b. Storage, distribution, wholesale, retail, and services, as follows: (1) Any retail display or sale, not specifically allowed elsewhere in this section. (2) Farmers' markets. (3) Flea markets, sales bazaars, swap shops, trading posts, and the like; sale or display of used retail merchandise, other than completely rebuilt or re- finished merchandise where such uses would be ( allowed in accordance with section 8,A.l, (4) Crematoriums and the like, (5) Explosives, ammunition, matches, and fireworks. (6) Bulk storage, bulk distribution, or bulk sale of f chemicals and allied products. (7) Compressed chlorine, fluorine,. ammonia, hydro- gen sulphide, sulfur dioxide, or toxic gases. (8) Bulk storage, bulk sale, or bulk distribution of pesticides, herbicides, or agricultural chemicals. (9) Offices or restaurants, except as an accessory use to a lawful principal use. (10) Agricultural fertilizing, and chemical pest, disease, weed, or soil treatment services. (11) Truck stops or automobile service stations. (12) Boarding kennels; guard dog kennels and train- ing services. (13) Any open storage or display, unless adequately screened, except that growing plants which are stored or displayed shall not require screening. Any exterior storage of motor vehicles or boats in ( Supp. No. 35 1934.9 ! ! I I \ I t ( '- All uses allowed in t'- Local Retail Commercial land use ca~egory, plus wholesale of non-hazardous commodities, business services, vehicle and boat storage; household storage; shops for fabrication, rebuilding, and repair on a custom basis. Industrial: This land use category shal1 consist of all M-l and Planned Industrial Development zoning districts, and any other industrial zoning districts which may be established, , provided that all of the abovementioned zoning districts are shown on the Future Land Use Map within the Industrial land use category. The uses allowed in this land use category shall be limited to, but shal1 not necessarily include, the following: l' \.. Industrial uses, research and development, wholesale and distribution, business and repair services, warehousing and storage; transportation, communication, and utility facilities, retail sale of home improvement goods, tools, machinery, and the like; trade and industrial schools; major recreation facilities such as racetracks, arenas, amusement parks, exposition halls, and the like; offices and restaurants which are accessory to the above uses; temporary amusements, revival tents, and the like; uses allowed in the Office commercial, Local Retail Commercial, and Public and Private Governmental/Institutional land use categories, if approved as such in a planned industrial development. ; provided, however, that all of the abovementioned zoning districts are shown on the Future Land Use Map within the Industrial land use category. ~. , Agriculture: This land use category shall consist of all Agricultural zoning districts7 , provided that all of the land within this zoninq district is shown on the Future Land Use PIan in the Aariculture land use cateaorv. The uses allowed in this land use category l 29 ~,w, L';> NU, ~"C.NU~ ;S , c:t :r t /t: (!) L.W, 0.0, CANAL - :r )0- il ~ a: PROJECT .... ~ UI W - L&J - ...J a: )( f' r/~ - :2 0 - c:t 0 W UI LAKE Ii AVEN U E ATLANTIC ~ I ) MAP , LOCATION NOTES,: 1. PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENTS ARE DESIGNATED THUSLY: _ 2. PERMANErn: CONTROL POINTS ARE DESIGNATED THUSLY: -&- 3. BUILDING SETBACK LINES SHALL BE AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. . ~. THERE SHALL BE NO BUILDINGS OR ANY KIND OF CONSTRUCTION OR ~. TREES OR SHRUBS PLACED ON DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. 5. THERE SHALL BE NO BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES PLACED ON UTILITY EASEMENTS. 6. HI INSTANCES WHERE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS INTERSECT THE AREAS OF INTERSECTION ARE DRAINAGE AND UTI L ITY [ASD~ENTS. CONSTRUCTI ON. 'OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF UTILITIES IN THESE AREAS OF HHERSECTION SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION. OPERATION AND tlAINTENANCE OF DRAINAGE FACILITIES LOCATED THEREIN. 7. BEARINGS CITED HEREIN ARE IN THE t1ERIDIAN OF THE FLORIDA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. J. .-11 .. . . , .' L \..~ ( J .~;' . '. t' . '. ',~" "O~, . '", ~\. . I. .f, "\f~ll:( , '~V~I~:.. "':>t:., ": . '.I\;;:~: :~.~~.,-~-.,1Y':~' ,i ..', .>:,.... :~\'~:'''~''J /f.<~,ti. r:. . "'. '. ,...~. .~. A';).' ~.~ '..,c .......:;'". .' I " n~} j 'I ... .. _~ ,..."\........~, ..."',J:: ~,').. "'.l'~" ~ ~ " . >,'\\ lb~' "~ :',,::'"-" "'~/" :'.JIII\O..', . .. ,,~v', .~: .... .: _~ :...... v~'. . '. . : ..~ II&.VJ,/ ""'\. " . , '. .'.' ""'ill' ~..~ '. " . ; . ....'J ..,~" ,l . ... ... #fa...... , . < .. I I \ \, ..4" . ..... I ~ . .....:. ..' It).:...... ". ..' (""J J_ . ~....:> , .";.4 ~, J:''''' . ~'.. I"~ .i:, J. 3.. ~ /30 y NToJJ 13 Ek{ f~ )rCA To ('k R t C Ell/T ~x /. +)J{c/v5:r_~Tf)JT (;\/-Tfrt (r:;:/i? PLA-JI/ Pi "'~"j A v" q ) 5, c t~" ~ A- N D {) r ~ 0' f< T It IV + T 4 t- S t?'f f Ii\. 2 E' i I: 1M,' v' f 5' ~1/,y(j.o v f /) G ( VL (;,\.1.. 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