REVIEW COMMENTS Building Department Engineering Department Police Department Forester/Horticulturist STAFF COMMENTS BOYNTON BEACH LIBRARY SITE PLAN See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo Memo to be distributed at meeting MEMO'RANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATI: August 4, 1987 'fL. Don Jaeger Building Department SU.JlrCT Site Plan Review: Boynton Beach Municipal Library PitON As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. The handicapped parking stalls on the south side of the library should have an adjacent ramp to allow accessibility to the sidewalk. 2. The building plans should detail handicapped accessibility into the structure. DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell nof};Fr M E M 0 RAN DUM August 6, 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Boynton Beach Library, Site Plans Comments: 1. A memo from Bill Flushing, dated August 3, 1987, is included here. 2. Drainage calculations were not included. ~ - V&-- Tom Clark TACjck attachment tj_...._.. ~...__..t".1 n.__...~:::t.__.J3__..___e______~______Q.._____W.____!:"1 August 3, 1987 (MDnday) TO: Tom Clark FROM: Bill Flushing RE: Boynton B8ach Municipal Facility (LIBRARY) 1 . The drainage for the south side proposed SE 1st Ave. near Seacrest clear, it seems that water will be there. A cross-road swale is required. of the is not trapped 2. stripping in proposed SE therlf,oplastic. 1st Ave, should be 3. The proposed modifications to the existing Library south parking lot should show, stripping, stop sign, a handicap stall, and a drainage system. 4. Subgrade could be compacted instead of calling for stabilization, this would be a substantial savings 5. The debris baffle should be eliminated from the ca+ch basin detail to provide jet-vactor mCiintenance b ...- T I, <= '- w '''1-' d L- L .i W. J , I U L ~ ::. R 9 U lab t!:! J~ f: l'.'l 0 .' c d f,... f} .... -t h ~ ]j r .:l i n f i (? 1 d d c t .:l i 1 . Iq u r mal m eLl. '" n i c .:. 1.-. ....!:n....p.::>r-t-; nn rrgCEEiu. <=~ ::;,i.oul d b!! u.~t::.J. ~ ;--/6(81 7. The lighting plan should show the light intensities in candle power on the pavement surface. 8. Drainage from the west side of the proposed East parking lot should not flow onto SE 1st Ave. Bill Flushing 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEMORANDUM TO Planning Department Attn: J. Golden OATI: 05 August 1987 "'L~ ....OM Lt. D. Thrasher SU.Jt:CT Boynton Beach Municioal Facilities - Library As per the discussion on 04 Aug. 87, the following are recommendations: 1) Do not enter sign on east side of library. 2) Stop sign at exit point in existing parkin0 lot Lt. D. Thrasher Police Dept. DT:gg MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato, Planning DirectorC\\,'~ ~ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilitie~ Fro~: Date: June 1, 1987 Subject: TRS Review - Library We have the folloWing co~~ents regarding the above-referenced project: 1. We reco~~end that groundwater be used as an irrigation source. Revise the sizing of the new water service as needed. Z. Utilize the City's standard criteria for the water service. d~t xc: Peter Mazzella MEMORANDUM TO DATil: Mr. Jim Golden June 3, 1987 Pl anning Dept. ""L. 1'; 11'''0'' Lt. Dale S. Hammack SU8J_CT TRB - L ibraItECEIVED Police Dept. JUN 4 1987 PLANNING DEPT. I ' As per our discussion at the TRB meeting of 2 June, 1987, ~ Mm rPQuesting the fo 11 owi ng: 1. Stop sign to be maintained at the exit onto S.E. 2nd St. 1- Jl 2. One way and Do not enter signs be erected on the one-way drive. 3. No parking, stopping, standing signs be maintained on West side along S. Seacrest Blvd. ~ #wL .....Lt. Dale S. Hammack Police Department DH:as TO: FROM: RE: '/ 1 . 'J '"7. .6-. /? -' . ? 4. ~. -~- ?) 5. pt... 3p-~ ,~~ 6. ......1 CJ . ,..t-"X.," .6 D_. JJ M E 1":1 r...... r.av 29. 19B7 (Fridav! Tom Clark Bill Flu:.hing Boynton Beach Municipal Facility (LIBRARY) Drainage de:.ign include for exfiltration trench The calculations must the percolation tests. calculations are required. the results of The drainage far the proposed SE 1st Ave. clear~ it seems that there. :.outh S1 de near Seacre:-t ..J ate r ~--J i I I b e of the 1 s not trapped condition with the in front of the old and corrected. The hazardous sidewalk existing pol~ and guy W1re library should be addressed The Seacrest entrance to the parking of the old Librarv should be closed bound traffic must make an illegal enter. lot north as south turn to Stripping in proposed thermoplastic. SE 1 st Ave~ should be The proposed modifications to Library south parking lot stripping, stop sign, a handicap drainage system. the e;-:isting should show, stall, and a 7. Subgrade could be compacted instead of calling for stabilization, this would be a substantial savings 8. 1 The debris baffle should the catch basin detail to maintenance be eliminated from provide jet-vactor continued CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Engineering Department 9 . U."E C S .1'I-p ~ '- l .i. U I I II U L c ~ I, u u 1 J u e t i=;,,"':". ~ j r I '-un- t I ,eo- Dot- '" .i. n j- .i. '=':;. .J ....; l::' i.. cU I . - Nor In aIm ~~a n i c a 1 . ~c~o~~~.s~l.ould be used~~~ 10. The irrigation plan should show the existing irrigation system and the points that are going to be removed due to the new construction. It should also show how the remaining portions of the existing system will continue to operate. 11. The lighting plan should intensities in candle power surface. show the light on t.he pavement 12. Drainage from the East parking' lot Ave. ~"\Iest side should not of flow the proposed onto SE 1st Bill Flushing 2 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH M E M 0 RAN DUM June 3, 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Planning Department RECEIVED FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer JON 3 1981 PLANNiNG DEPT. RE: Boynton Beach Library Addition Conunents: I. Drainage to contain 2.5 inches of rainfall from the first hour of a 3 year storm shall be provided for all new con- struction or improved areas. 2. Inlet grates in paved areas should be bicycle proof. 3. The roadway center line should be located with dimensions, bearings, curve data, etc. 4. Will the new street be a dedicated public right-of-way? If so, the right-of-way lines should be shown in plan and in cross-section. 5. A memo from Bill Flush.img I dated May 29, 1987, is included here. ~---y~ ~J~ Tom Clark TAC/ck attachment Arr ( ^ r {, '~ Ii~ BOYNTON BEACH LIBRARY - SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS j, ~. 1. Zoning regulations require 92 parking spaces, therefore there is a deficiency of 33 parking spaces. 2. Colored elevations indicating materials and photographs of adjacent buildings need to be provided. 3. A five foot landscape strip is required adjacent to S.E. 2nd Avenue. (Sec. 7.5-35(d)(1) of Landscape Code.) 4. Rear yard setback at Southeast corner of building does not meet requirement of 25 feet from designated property boundary. This issue should be clarified on the plans. 5. It is recommended that a minimum average of one footcandle per square foot be provided for general illumination and safety. (Sec. 5-141(a) of the Parking Lot Ordinance.) 6. Provide manufacturer's specification on lighting fixture. 7. will dumpster be needed? If so, provide location and details showing minimum 10 foot by 10 foot pad and 6 foot high CBS wall to match building color. i 8. i> V <J~" . e. ;0 ( 1 ~ ~ ,.. Provide detailed information on existing construction for parking lot on south side of the library. This information is needed to determine compliance with parking lot regulations. 9. No sidewalk is shown on S.E. 2nd Avenue. 10. Drainage calculations are required. 11. Signed and sealed survey is needed. 12. If Civic Center and Madsen Center/Recreation area parking lots are to be used for additional library parking, they must meet requirements of parking lot regulations. Detailed information will be needed to determine compliance with parking lot regulations. /3. T R Jr-r rFc pc 0 LV {to'CFLt= J f f'- P (;: Jt <l L f If 0 Jv f [MY (+ Ie R- ) fl-):-C /5 fle/'(~ F~o ^ /0 A MEMORANDUM 6 August 1987 TO: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist RE: Boynton Beach Library - Site Plan 1. Two of the tree species, Eugenia foetida and Hibiscus rosa - sinensis must be eight (8) feet at time of planting. 2. An irrigation system for the landscape areas should be shown to allow the Parks Division to have plans for follow-up maintenance. 3. The issue of a water supply for the irrigation system should be addressed. 4. A variance should be requested to place landscape material in the City R.O.W. where applicable. (~~~~~ I EVIN ~ HALL /bks BOYNTON BEACH LIBRARY - SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 1. Zoning regulations require 92 parking spaces, therefore there is a deficiency of 33 parking spaces. 2. Colored elevations indicating materials and photographs of adjacent buildings need to be provided. 3. A five foot landscape strip is required adjacent to S.E. 2nd Avenue. (Sec. 7.5-35(d)(1) of Landscape Code.) 4. Rear yard setback at Southeast corner of building does not meet requirement of 25 feet from designated property boundary. This issue should be clarified on the plans. 5. It is recommended that a minimum average of one footcandle per square foot be provided for general illumination and safety. (Sec. 5-141(a) of the Parking Lot Ordinance.) 6. Provide manufacturer's specification on lighting fixture. 7. Will dumpster be needed? If so, provide location and details showing minimum 10 foot by 10 foot pad and 6 foot high CBS wall to match building color. 8. Provide detailed information on existing construction for parking lot on south side of the library. This information is needed to determine compliance with parking lot regulations. 9. No sidewalk is shown on S.E. 2nd Avenue. 10. Drainage calculations are required. 11. Signed and sealed survey is needed. 12. If Civic Center and Madsen Center/Recreation area parking lots are to be used for additional library parking, they must meet requirements of parking lot regulations. Detailed information will be needed to determine compliance with parking lot regulations. - ~ ~ ;: " -~~~ :::/:::: ~~~~ A -- ::,' ; ~?~l = ::::~r :: ~ ~?i ~::7: ;... , ,~ - /' -, // ....; / ./ ./ / / i: I '1 I Iii -//~ t \], / ",' ~~ / / /--::-' ~,," ~ - ~_~~/ /~/ ->4,,,:",, "" . -" , }:.~.<~. "- ", , I " ''I.''~'''i..: "- , Ll"~~~':.~<~''"::' \.. rr---~.::!/::'i~ \ . "'z- S...,:.{/?..!J , : ,', 'iii I",~",''J.:,,'F~\ :D )> :D -< " )> o S! ~ .;, -, ~ - r- eo :D :0- !~I II I ., ' ~, _ __.1 - @:::.~ , ~ ; . -. . I i "!: I' I \ " '- \ 1 ~: ) , ! lc ;- r--' ~ ~-- f~ t=! ~-- ;~ ~_ I t: j- =r- o " .., '" .., LF=-- - ~ :-----t I )c - - --<t-- ~ i(?- - % . ' , ,.. ~ i ~ (' --, " :: r I r- t: LOCI, 1 tt)[\j rViAIJ LIB~=iARY Iri '/1-""'-- ~-~~.~.-,+--~y~ I/;r~ R1 , ~~' II, i'; ';mm' 1"1< ill" c,....v ;-,u : 811:' I III Ill_F I r;;.;;--~-EE'.I-.:--:: ~ - - L:l ~)~-=- L,::__l.~ ,', I" "'j.jlli.L 'I' m..- . ---< ~f- " C':-,,-"" - i ~--'. . ,..,.~' I L ': : ,: I" . ""'I!: I -1~!' 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