REVIEW COMMENTS , I t '...... .. 7Bl COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN APPEAL BOYNTON BEACH PROMENADE PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 93-162 TO: Members of the Planning and Development Board ~~ FROM: Christopher cutro, planning and zoning Director DATE: July 6, 1993 RE: Community Design Plan Appeal - Median planting for Boynton Beach Promenade Max Developers, owners of Boynton Beach Promenade, are asking the Board to review their request (see attached Exhibit llA", appeal request by Reese A, Jarrett) to appeal Section 7,5-75 of the communi ty Design Plan - Appendix III, Boynton Beach Landscape Standards, The current modification and expansion of the Promenade project deems the improvements specified in the community Design pIan applicable to the project, section 7,5-75 of the design plan specifies required off-site landscape improvements for projects that are adjacent to rights-of- way that will allow landscaping, The subject property is located in the Modern Design District and is adj acent to congress Avenue. Records indicate the Congress Avenue frontage adj acent to the project consists of a median island that has approximately 400 lineal feet of pervious planting area that is between 12 and i5 feet wide at the widest point, The present median area is not irrigated and contains six (6) trees and limited lawn grass. Find attached a copy of Appendix III which lists choices of different species of landscape material acceptable for the Modern Design District, These species shall be incorporated into the design of the right-of-way landscape plan in accordance with the city ilpolicy and Procedure Manual, Maior Roadwav Medians,li off-site right-of-way planting is reviewed for compliance by the Forester/Environmentalist, see the attached Memorandum No, 93-264 from Kevin Hallahan. Recent projects near the subject property that have installed median planting in the adjacent right-of-way are the Target Shopping Center and Shoppes of Boynton, CC:ald Attachments Exhibit "A" R1IAX ITJ)IEVIEIL(Q)JFIEm.~9 IINCCa Apr.il 19, 1993 MR. CHRIS CUTRO DIRECTOR PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 RE: ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL - LANDSCAPING BOYNTON BEACH, PROMENADE - MAX DEVELOPERS, INC Dear Chris: By this letter please be advised that the above applicant is seeking relief from compliance with the City of Boynton Beach Median Planting requirements. As you are aware, as the new owners of the Boynton Beach Promenade, we have invested significant dollars into an extensive renovation of the shopping center. Due to our efforts, we are turning a failed project into a successful, job generating and tax revenue source for the city of Boynton Beach and its residents. We have to date commitments from major national tenants such as General Mills Restaurants, KMart' s OfficeMax, Motorola, and Heal thSouth. We have accomplished all of this while complying with all the Cities codes and ordinances with the exception of the landscape ordinance. The current City Median Planting requirements place an inordinate financial burden on the project. The Owner is seeking relief from these requirements due to this financial burden. Further, the owner feels that any improvement work in the median should incorporate a significant segment of Congress Avenue so as to create a uniformed Landscape treatment within a.particular Design District, and the financial burden should be spread over all adjoining property owners within the designated District. Thank for your consideration in this matter and if you should have any questions please feel free to contact me. RECE.\\IE.O JU~ , ~ \993 cc: John J. Hoecker MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. 1101 North Congress Avenue. Suite 201 · Boynton Beach, FL 33426. (407) 731-1630 Sees. 7.5.75. Required improvements. (a) All applicable sites shall comply with the community de- sign plan standards for architectural style and streetscape land- scaping (Appendixes IT and ill) following this article. (b) All applicable sites which have adjacent public rights-of-way and median islands and which meet the jurisdiction agency's min. imum size requirements shall comply with the community design plan standards for median and right-oC-way landscaping (Appen- dix Ill) following this article, (Ord. No, 90-33, ~ 2, 9-18-90) APPENDIX III. BOYNTON BEACH LANDSCAPE STAN- DARDS All applicable projects shall comply with the design standards as follows: All the requirements of the Landscape Code are ap- plicable. The species identified as harmonious with the architectural style shall be incorporated into the on-site streets cape landscaping and off-site right-of-way and median landscaping plans for the project. I Coastal Village II Mediterra- nean/Spanish Big trees/palms: Coconut Paurotis palm Washington palm Gumbo limbo Cassia * Red maple* Sabal palm Chinese fan palm Royal palm Southern magnolia * Triangle palm'" Eucalyptus tree Yellow Poinciana ... Supp. No. 46 638 III Modern Queen palm Mahogany Oaks Canary Island date palm Senegal date palm Senegal date Red cedar'" Hong Kong orchid ... Tamarind ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION I Coastal Village Small trees/palms: Thatch palm Sea grapes Sivler buttonwood* Pitch apple Wild guava Geiger tree* White and pink crape myrtle* Carpenteria palm Non-drooping bottlebrush * Callophyllum Windmill palm Tree ligustrum Phoenix roebellini Shrubs/bushes: Cocoplum* Wax myrtle Silver buttonwood* Ligustrum Faxahatchee grass Supp. No. 46 II M editerra- nean/Spanish Jerusalem thorn* Wild tamarind Texas silver leaf'!' Spanish stop- pers Weeping bottlebrush * Pigeon plum Green button- wood Bald cypress Fire bush * Green button- wood Viburnum Philodendron selloum Jatropha* Pittosporum Coontie Croton Dracaena 639 App. III III Modem Paradise tree* Tabebuia * Pitch apple Tree of gold* Yellow elder Alexander palm Wild coffee Pindo palm Dahoon holly* Chalkas Barbados cherry Surinam cherry Indian Haw- thorne Dwarf balgan Pentas False arelia * Cordyline* Ixora * Dawny jasmine Shiny jasmine Fountain grass* Bird of Paradise * Variegated shell ginger* App. III BOYNTON BEACH CODE I Coastal Village Vines: Coral honeysuckle Coral vine* Marine ivy Ground cover: Beach sunflower* Silver sea oxeye Liriope Lantana * Annuals * *Denotes plant with color. (Ord. No. 90-33, 9-18-90) Supp. No. 46 II M editerra- neanlSpanish Bougainvilla* Mexican flame vine * Confederate jas- mine Dwarf lantana* Artillery fern Mexican heather* 640 III Modern Allamanda* Passion flower. Pandora vine,. Mandevilla Juniper Ferns Dwarf ixora* African lily. Pile a fern [The next page is 647J ;" I \. f , RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-264 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director K~ if- FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Administrative Appeal - Landscaping Boynton Beach, Promenade - Max Developers, Inc. DATE: June 28, 1993 This memorandum is prepared to assist the Planning and Development Board Members with the requirements to landscape the Congress Avenue grassed median abutting the project site. 1. The requirement is stated as part of the City Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.4.5, p. 42. (Attached). 2. The Parks Division Policy and Procedure Manual outlines the specific requirements to create a uniform landscape treatment along this roadway corridor. (Attached). A. The median in review presently meets the requirements of *1, A,D,E, but must meet the other requirement of *1, B,C,F,G,H. B. *3 provides for meeting the requirements of the Community Design Plan. This document provides for a variance procedure. 3. There are several roadway medians throughout the City now landscaped as a result of these requirements that would not have been accomplished without developer participation. The City Parks Division oversees the maintenance of these medians upon completion by the developer. 4. There have not been any variances to these requirements granted in the past for similar projects. 5. In all previous projects accomplished, the resulting median landscapelirrigation improvements required additional financial commitments from the developer and the City of Boynton Beach. Attachment(s) KH:ad CC: Charles Frederick, Director, Recreation & Park Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Mike Haag, Zoning/Site Administrator RECEIVED J~~ HI --~ ~-~~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-176 FROM: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~h~tro, Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: July 15, 1993 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade Landscape Appeal The owners of the Boynton Beach Promenade have requested relief from the requirement for median planting on Congress Avenue. At the present time there are trees and grass in this median but no other plant materials. The requirement to plant the median has been a condition to the site plan since early 1990. The owners of the Promenade feel that the cost of irrigation is prohibitive and that the policy of first one to develop must do the entire median is unfair. The Planning and Development Board reviewed this appeal at its meeting of July 13, 1993. Since the owners of the Promenade are willing to plant landscape material the Planning and Development Board proposed the developer work with the Urban Forester and the Planning and Zoning Director to come up with a drought tolerant planting plan for the island. Some members of the Board express a desire to look at the plan upon its completion. The owner agreed to this proposal. This item has been scheduled for final consideration by the City Commission 7/20/93. CClcmc C:BBPROM RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-264 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director KJ-1t- FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist RE: Administrative Appeal - Landscaping Boynton Beach, Promenade - Max Developers, Inc. DATE: June 28, 1993 This memorandum is prepared to assist the Planning and Development Board Members with the requirements to landscape the Congress Avenue grassed median abutting the project site. 1. The requirement is stated as part of the City Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.4.5, p. 42. (Attached). 2. The Parks Division Policy and Procedure Manual outlines the specific requirements to create a uniform landscape treatment along this roadway corridor. (Attached). A. The median in review presently meets the requirements of #1, A,D,E, but must meet the other requirement of #1, B,C,F,G,H. B. #3 provides for meeting the requirements of the Community Design Plan. This document provides for a variance procedure. 3. There are several roadway medians throughout the City now landscaped as a result of these requirements that would not have been accomplished without developer participation. The City Parks Division oversees the maintenance of these medians upon completion by the developer. 4. There have not been any variances to these requirements granted in the past for similar projects. 5. In all previous projects accomplished, the resulting median landscapelirrigation improvements required additional financial commitments from the developer and the City of Boynton Beach. Attachment(s) KH:ad CC: Charles Frederick, Director, Recreation & Park Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Mike Haag, Zoning/Si te Administrator RECEIVED JUN 2 81993 J.Qca.L cr). ter ia, spacing, cross access controls and development for minimum access point access easements or other ass?ciated with engineering reV1ew procedures, 42 ~ .." Policy 2.5.2 Policy 2.5.3 Policy 2,5,4 Objective 2.6 Policy 2,6,1 Policy 2.6,2 Policy 2.6,3 ~' '----- Subsequent to PIan adoption, the City shall continue to require in the land development regulations the provision of handicapped parking facilities when reviewing development proposals. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to require the conveyance of right-of-way or easements consistent with the City's Traffic Circulation Element, the Palm Beach County Thoroughfares Plan and with the plans of the Florida Department of Transportation and or Palm Beach County when corridor right-of-way maps are filed with the Palm Beach County Official Records Division, Subsequent to Plan adoption, review the land development regulations and modify if necessary to provide safe and efficient on- site circulation and sufficient on-site parking for motorized and non-motorized vehicles, The City shall provide for private sector responsibility to implement project related transportation improvements. Measure-Amount of private sector highway improvements. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to continue to require a traffic impact analysis for any development project anticipated to generate 3,000 or more additional vehicle trips per day or 250 trips in the AM or PM peak hour. Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall continue to require improvement of roadways to mitigate the impacts of development as a condition of development approval. The City shall, wherever feasible, require the construction of transportation improvements in lieu of impact fee contributions, Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall continue to require reservation andlor conveyance of right-of-way consistent with the City's Traffic Circulation Plan or the County Thoroughfares Plan as a part of the review of development plans, 43 'The City of 'Boynton 13eacn ~y~ Pranning 6" Zoning 'Departmtnt 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BelUn 'Boulevani P.O. 'Bo:{JlO 'Boynton '13elUh, 'ltorida 33425.0310 (40i) 138.,490, 'f:U: (40i) i38.,459 July 21, 1993 Mr. Reese Jarrett, Pres. Max Developers, Inc. 1101 N. Congress Ave., Suite 201 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Reese: On July 20, 1993, the City Commission denied your request for relief from installing median planting and irrigation in that portion of Congress Avenue median adjacent to the Boynton Beach Promenade. Based on this denial, you will need to install the irrigation and landscaping in the median prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Olive Garden Restaurant. We would suggest that you meet with Kevin Hallahan as soon as possible to discuss the planting plan with him so that the work can be completed in the near future. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me, Sincerely, (1~p ~ Christopher cutro ACIP Planning & Zoning Director CC/jm cc: Don Jaeger, Building Kevin Hallahan, Parks & Recreation A:PROMENAD.JM :1merica oS qauzlJa!! to the (ju(fstream .~ POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL MAJOR ROADWAY MEDIANS This manual applies to roadway medians within the following arterials in Boynton Beach: 1. U. S. Highway #1 2. Congress Avenue 3. Boynton Beach Boulevard 4. Woolbright Road 5. Hypo 1 uxo Road 6. Lawrence Road, Seacrest Avenue (if applicable) These guidelines are for developers who are required by the City Comprehensive Plan to landscape and provide irrigation to roadway medians adjacent to their project site. The plans must be included as part of the Technical Review Board review performed during project site plan submittal to the City staff. The landscape plans designed by the applicant meeting the following requirements, will be submitted to the Planning Department together with the site plan. A copy sent to the Parks Division Urban Forester. 1. Developers will submit landscaping plans for medians in accordance with the following guidelines: A. Shade or flowering trees every 40 lineal feet (50% native species) in center of median. B. Flowering bushes andlor groundcover plants located on terminal ends of medians (30% native species). C. Grouping of shrubs/bushes located in sporadic clumps rather than long continuous hedge line. D. Grassed path of minimum 60" wide to allow riding mower to pass from one end of median to other. E. A two foot (2') wide mulched area along inside perimeter of median to provide walkspace for maintenance personnel. Area can be sodded as an alternative to mulch. " F. Type of sod used to be determined at time of review. G. An irrigation plan depicting location of heads, valves and controllers submitted with landscape plan. H. Three inch (3") Melaleuca mulch applied to all planted areas except sod. 2. Plans shall be reviewed by the Parks Division, Urban Forester and approved as part of the Technical Review Board and Community Appearance Board process. 3. The landscape plans must be consistent with the Community Design Plan criteria for the area of the City where the project site is located. 4. The applicant must apply for a permit to the appropriate State or County agency to perform the work in the median. 5. The appropriate City person must sign the completed permit to allow the Parks Division to assume perpetual maintenance after installation. 6. The developer shall bear all costs of installation, including curbing, plant materia Is and irrigation. Installation shall include: A. Spraying grass areas with chemical to destroy all grasses two weeks prior to installation of plants/trees. B. All dead grass removed from site, not plowed under soil, additional spraying performed to destroy residual grasses. C. Any existing irrigation system changed to provide adequate water to newly planted materials from outside curb edge spraying into center. D. All existing shellrock or road construction debris excavated from planting areas to depth of tree/plant rootball. E. All treeslplants installed lower or level to existing soil grade, using topsoil and Terra-Sorb granules as backfill mixture. F, Treeslstaked where necessary. , G. Contractor to request landscape inspections to the Parks Division for items B, D, and E. H. The Parks Division will notify the Building Department landscape inspector upon final completion of the median. KJH:ad DOC:A:MEDMANUL RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-288 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director J/ II / c:'-/ Kevin J. Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist ~ f / FROM: THROUGH: Charles C. Frederick, Director C~~ Recreation & Park Department ~~ Administrative Appeal - Landscaping/Irrigation Boynton Beach, Promenade - Max Developers, Inc. Congress Avenue Grass Median RE: DATE: July 15, 1993 The results of the variance request to the Planning and Development Board directed the applicant to landscape with additional acceptable xeriscape plants while eliminating the installation of an irrigation system for the above project. The use of xeriscape landscape design involves seven principles, one being use of efficient irrigation, rather than the elimination of water usage. The proper system heads placement and low volume design is normally included in a xeriscape landscape plan. All previous landscape designs submitted to the Parks Division as xeriscape plans, have been reviewed to meet the seven principles (planning/design, limited turf, efficient irrigation, mulching, lower water demand plants, appropriate maintenance). The Parks Division in keeping with the Policy and Procedure Manual of 1990 recommends the variance be denied to eliminate the landscape and irrigation requirements for this median. However, if the irrigation system is not required to be installed, the Parks Division recommends the plant materials not be required to be installed. This would leave the existing trees and grass to fulfill the landscape requirement. The Parks Division also notes that granting this variance request (to require the landscaping/irrigation) would affect future projects along public road right-of-ways. KH:ad CC: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent r- ! I ~ I .. - ~;..",..... ... .' -", ~ ....;;;.... , :', ~ ~:~~ The Seven . ".. ,~\1. Xeriscape Principles . ~ ~_._~ 6 .. . Planning and Design . Limited Turf Area; . Efficient Irrigation . Soil Improvements . Mulching . Lower Water- Demand Plants . Appropriate Maintenance The diversity and placement of plant materials in this re3idential Xeriscape in Denver allows for ease of maintenance as well as good looks. Policy 2,4.4 .)tPOlicy 2.4,5 Policy 2.4.6 Policy 2,4,7 Policy 2,4.8 Objective 2.5 Policy 2,5,1 methods of minimizing or eliminating future problems. The City shall continue to support the construction of sidewalks and/or designated roadside bikeways in all land development and road improvement projects which shall include ample signage and pedestrian signalization provisions to designate and promote routes. The City shall continue to require unobstructed sight lines and non-obtrusive landscape plantings along medians and at development driveway/street locations. Plantings within and along roadway rights- of-way should emphasize the use of native vegetation. At a minimum, the City shall continue to program and budget roadway maintenance for City maintained streets funds at least existing levels. Subsequent to Plan adopt ion, modi fy the land development regulations to include access criteria such as minimum spacing of driveways, requirements for exclusive turn lanes and signalization. Implement the recommended bikeway system as stated in the Traffic Circulation Element, When reviewing development proposals, provide for the protection of existing and future right-of-way from building encroachment, provide for minimal negative impacts associated with driveway locations, and provide for safe and efficient on-site traffic circulation and parking, including provisions for handicapped users. Measure-number of of development projects permitted subsequent to performance review; number of handicapped parking spaces provided. The City shall continue to support State or County requirements, or more restrictive local criteria, for minimum access point spacing, cross access easements or other access controls associated with engineering and development review procedures, 42 Policy 2.5.2 Policy 2,5,3 Policy 2,5,4 Objective 2,6 Policy 2.6,1 Policy 2,6,2 Policy 2.6.3 .."", '-' Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall continue to require in the land development regulations the provision of handicapped parking facilities when reviewing development proposals. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to require the conveyance of right-of-way or easements consistent with the City's Traffic Circulation Element, the Palm Beach County Thoroughfares Plan and with the plans of the Florida Department of Transportation and or Palm Beach County when corridor right-of-way maps are filed with the Palm Beach County Official Records Division, Subsequent to P Ian adopt ion, review the land development regulations and modify if necessary to provide safe and efficient on- site circulation and sufficient on-site parking for motorized and non-motorized vehicles, The City shall provide for private sector responsibility to implement project related transportation improvements. Measure-Amount of private sector highway improvements. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to continue to require a traffic impact analysis for any development project anticipated to generate 3,000 or more additional vehicle trips per day or 250 trips in the AM or PM peak hour. Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall continue to require improvement of roadways to mitigate the impacts of development as a condition of development approval. The City shall, wherever feasible, require the construction of transportation improvements in lieu of impact fee contributions. Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall continue to require reservation and/or conveyance of right-of-way consistent with the City's Traffic Circulation Plan or the County Thoroughfares PIan as a part of the review of development plans, 43 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-264 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist }<~ 7f- RE: Administrative Appeal - Landscaping Boypton Beach, Promenade - Max Developers, Inc. DATE: June 28, 1993 This memorandum is prepared to assist the Planning and Development Board Members with the requirements to landscape the Congress Avenue grassed median abutting the project site. 1. The requirement is stated as part of the City Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.4.5, p. 42. (Attached). 2. The Parks Division Policy and Procedure Manual outlines the specific requirements to create a uniform landscape treatment along this roadway corridor. (Attached). A. The median in review presently meets the requirements of *1, A,D,E, but must meet the other requirement of *1, B,C,F,G,H. B. #3 provides for meeting the requirements of the Community Design Plan. This document provides for a variance procedure. 3. There are several roadway medians throughout the City now landscaped as a result of these requirements that would not have been accomplished without developer participation. The City Parks Division oversees the maintenance of these medians upon completion by the developer. 4. There have not been any variances to these requirements granted in the past for similar projects. 5. In all previous projects accomplished, the resulting median landscapelirrigation improvements required additional financial commitments from the developer and the City of Boynton Beach. Attachment(s) KH:ad CC: \Charles Frederick, Director, Recreation & Park Department ,John Wildner, Parks Superintendent RECEIVED JMike Haag, Zoninglsite Administrator JUN 2 8 1993 methods of minimizing or eliminating future problems. Policy 2.4.4 The City shall continue to support the const~ucti~n of sidewalks andlor designated roadSlde ~lkeways in all land development ~nd road lmprovement projects which shall lnclude ample signage and pedest ' s' 1" . . rlan 19na lzatlon provlslons to designate and promote routes, ~pOlicy 2.4,5 The City shall continue to require unobstructed sight lines and non-obtrusive landscape plantings along medians and at devel~pmen~ ~riveway/st~eet locations. ~;~~::n~:~~~~h~~_:~~,~~o~~ roadway_rights- Policy 2.4.4 .)f:policy 2,4,5 Policy 2.4,6 Policy 2,4,7 Policy 2,4,8 Objective 2,5 Policy 2,5,1 methods of minimizing or eliminating future problems. The City shall continue to support the construction of sidewalks andlor designated roadside bikeways in all land development and road improvement projects which shall include ample signage and pedestrian signalization provisions to designate and promote routes. The City shall continue to require unobstructed sight lines and non-obtrusive landscape plantings along medians and at development driveway/street locations. Plantings within and along roadway rights- Of-way should emphasize the use of native vegetation. At a minimum, the City shal1 continue to program and budget roadway maintenance for City maintained streets funds at least existing levels. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to include access criteria such as minimum spacing of driveways, requirements for exclusive turn lanes and signalization. Implement the recommended bikeway system as stated in the Traffic Circulation Element. When reviewing development proposals, provide for the protection of existing and future right-of-way from building encroachment, provide for minimal negative impacts associated with driveway locations, and provide for safe and efficient on-site traffic circulation and parking, including provisions for handicapped users. Measure-number of of development projects permitted subsequent to performance review; number of handicapped parking spaces provided. The City shall continue to support State or County requirements, or more restrictive local criteria, for minimum access point spacing, cross access easements or other access controls associated with engineering and development review procedures. 42 Policy 2,5,2 Policy 2,5,3 Policy 2.5.4 Objective 2,6 Policy 2.6.1 Policy 2,6,2 Policy 2,6,3 w 'WII , Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall continue to require in the land development regulat ions the provision of handicapped parking facilities when reviewing development proposals. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to require the conveyance of right-of-way or easements consistent with the City's Traffic Circulation Element, the Palm Beach County Thoroughfares Plan and with the plans of the Florida Department of Transportation and or Palm Beach County when corridor right-of-way maps are filed with the Palm Beach County Official Records Division, Subsequent to Plan adoption, review the land development regulations and modify if necessary to provide safe and efficient on- site circulation and sufficient on-site parking for motorized and non-motorized vehicles. The City shall provide for private sector responsibility to implement project related transportation improvements. Measure-Amount of private sector highway improvements. Subsequent to PIan adopt ion, modi fy the land development regulations to continue to require a traffic impact analysis for any development project anticipated to generate 3,000 or more additional vehicle trips per day or 250 trips in the AM or PM peak hour. Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall continue to require improvement of roadways to mitigate the impacts of development as a condition of development approval, The City shall, wherever feasible, require the construction of transportation improvements in lieu of impact fee contributions, Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall continue to require reservation andlor conveyance of right-of-way consistent with the City's Traffic Circulation Plan or the County Thoroughfares Plan as a part of the review of development plans. 43 \ POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL MAJOR ROADWAY MEDIANS This manual applies to roadway medians within the following arterials in Boynton Beach: 1. U. S. Highway #1 2. Congress Avenue 3. Boynton Beach Boulevard 4. Woolbright Road 5. Hypoluxo Road 6. Lawrence Road, Seacrest Avenue (if applicable) These guidelines are for developers who are required by the City Comprehensive Plan to landscape and provide irrigation to roadway medians adjacent to their project site. The plans must be included as part of the Technical Review Board review performed during project site plan submittal to the City staff. The landscape plans designed by the applicant meeting the following requirements, will be submitted to the Planning Department together with the site plan. A copy sent to the Parks Division Urban Forester. 1. Developers will submit landscaping plans for medians in accordance with the following guidelines: A. Shade or flowering trees every 40 lineal feet (50% native species) in center of median. B. Flowering bushes and/or groundcover plants located on terminal ends of medians (30% native species). C. Grouping of shrubslbushes located in sporadic clumps rather than long continuous hedge line. D. Grassed path of minimum 60" wide to allow riding mower to pass from one end of median to other. E. A two foot (2') wide mulched area along inside perimeter of median to provide walkspace for maintenance personnel. Area can be sodded as an alternative to mulch. " F. Type of sod used to be determined at time of review. G. An irrigation plan depicting location of heads, valves and controllers submitted with landscape plan. H. Three inch (3") Melaleuca mulch applied to all planted areas except sod. 2. Plans shall be reviewed by the Parks Division, Urban Forester and approved as part of the Technical Review Board and community Appearance Board process. 3. The landscape plans must be consistent with the Community Design Plan criteria for the area of the City where the project site is located. 4. The applicant must apply for a permit to the appropriate State or County agency to perform the work in the median. 5. The appropriate City person must sign the completed permit to allow the Parks Division to assume perpetual maintenance after installation. 6. The developer shall bear all costs of installation, including curbing, plant materials and irrigation. Installation shall include: A. Spraying grass areas with chemical to destroy all grasses two weeks prior to installation of plants/trees. B. All dead grass removed from site, not plowed under soil, additional spraying performed to destroy residual grasses. C. Any existing irrigation system changed to provide adequate water to newly planted materials from outside curb edge spraying into center. D. All existing shellrock or road construction debris excavated from planting areas to depth of tree/plant rootball. E. All trees/plants installed lower or level to existing soil grade, using topsoil and Terra-Sorb granules as backfill mixture. F. Trees/staked where necessary. G. Contractor to request landscape inspections to the Parks Division for items B, D, and E. H. The Parks Division will notify the Building Department landscape inspector upon final completion of the median. KJH:ad DOC:A:MEDMANUL ~- --- ---.1...--------....,----.--- '-"---'J ,..,.... .l.VJV MIAK lLDJEVJEILCQ)JFJElli~9 IIl~~CCo April 19, 1993 MR. CHRIS CUTRO DIRECTOR PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 RE: ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL - LANDSCAPING BOYNTON BEACH, PROMENADE - MAX DEVELOPERS, INC Dear Chris: By this letter please be advised that the above applicant is seeking relief from compliance with the City of Boynton Beach Median Planting requirements. As you are aware, as the new owners of the Boynton Beach Promenade, we have invested significant dollars into an extensive renovation of the shopping center. Due to our efforts, we are turning a failed project into a successful, job generating and tax revenue source for the city of Boynton Beach and its residents. We have to date commitments from major national tenants such as General Mills Restaurants, KMart' s OfficeMax, Motorola, and Heal thSouth. We have accomplished all of this while complying with all the Cities codes and ordinances with the exception of the landscape ordinance. The current City Median Planting requirements place an inordinate financial burden on the project. The Owner is seeking relief from these requirements due to this financial burden. Further, the owner feels that any improvement work in the median should incorporate a significant segment of Congress Avenue so as to create a uniformed Landscape treatment within a particular Design District, and the financial burden should be spread over all adjoining property owners within the designated District. Thank for your consideration in this matter and if you should have any questions please feel free to contact me. RE.CE.'Ve.O jU~ , ~ \993 cc: John J. Hoecker MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. 1101 North Congress Avenue · Suite 201 · Boynton Beach, FL 33426. (407) 731-1630 OOAX ill)JEWJEIL(Q)JFJE~~9 TINea April 19, 1993 MR. CHRIS CUTRO DIRECTOR PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 RE: ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL - LANDSCAPING BOYNTON BEACH, PROMENADE - MAX DEVELOPERS, INC Dear Chris: By this letter please be advised that the above applicant is seeking relief from compliance with the City of Boynton Beach Median Planting requirements. As you are aware, as the new owners of the Boynton Beach Promenade, we have invested significant dollars into an extensive renovation of the shopping center. Due to our efforts, we are turning a failed project into a successful, job generating and tax revenue source for the city of Boynton Beach and its residents. We have to date commitments from major national tenants such as General Mills Restaurants, KMart' s OfficeMax, Motorola, and HealthSouth. We have accomplished all of this while complying with all the Cities codes and ordinances with the exception of the landscape ordinance. The current City Median Planting requirements place an inordinate financial burden on the project. 'The Owner is seeking relief from these requirements due to this financial burden. Further, the owner feels that any improvement work in the median should incorporate a significant segment of Congress Avenue so as to create a uniformed Landscape treatment within a particular Design District, and the financial burden should be spread over all adjoining property owners within the designated District. Thank for your consideration in this matter and if you should have any questions please feel free to contact me. f\E.CE.\VEO jUll \ It \993 cc: John J. Hoecker MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. 1101 North Congress Avenue · Suite 201 · Boynton Beach, FL 33426. (407) 731-1630 /1~- /I'L,C611J "j ;? / IJ,;oJ Tr',V (., /;J /7 L-OI'J 6/U:_,; & f'V1-J~ /+' r-'A' ..- I ~:>-"1,..-, /, N /, [i~: \ 1...- "'. 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