CORRESPONDENCE LAW OFFICES MOYLE, FLANIGAN, KATZ, FITZGERALD & SHEEHA 625 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE. 51TH FLOOR WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 POST OFFICE BOX 3BBB WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (407) 6551-7500 FACSIMILE (407) 659-17B9 PETER L, BRETON GREGORY D, COOK JOHN R, EUBANKS, JR, E, COLE FITZGERALD, m JOHN F, FLANIGAN MYRA GENDEL LYNN G, HAWKINS MARTIN V, KATZ WILLIAM B"KING RONALD K, KOLINS PAUL A, KRASKER STEVEN A, MAYANS LINDA R, McCANN VIA TELECOPIER 407-375-6090 TALLAHASSEE OFFICE TELEPHONE (904} 681.3828 FACSIMILE (904) 681-8788 STUART OFFICE TELEPHONE (407) 288.1144 FACSIMILE (407) 288-1499 .PALM BEACH GARDENS OFFICE TELEPHONE (407) 625.6480 FACSIMILE (407, 625-5979 Writer's Direct Line: (407) 822-0305 February 22, 1996 Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Heyden: Re: Boynton Beach Promenade ~ rn @ ~ D ~J m~ . FE- - : I tl ',I j.' /c.' ~ j I .I l. l) ,} , . i I' PlMJNltJGtTiiJ-'" ./JQ~.S.,.~.!:!Q!'J1Ni: DEFT JON C, MOYLE, JFr-"-~' JODY H, OLIVER MARK E, RAYMOND THOMAS A, SHEEHAN. III MARTA M, SUAREZ-MURIAS WILTON L. WHITE OF COUNSEL: uTHOMAS A, HICKEY 'WILLlAM J, PAYNE .. ADMITTED IN NE.W YORK ONLY As we discussed earlier, please accept this letter as Max Developer, Inc. 's request to be placed on the March 7, 1996 City Commission Agenda. The purpose is to discuss ,and seek a clarification of Condition Number 5 of the Zoning Department Memorandum dated January 7, 1994 relating to the Weiver of! Plat approved by the City Commission on February 1, 1994. This request is made with the understanding that only the cross-parking easement issue will be discussed and that this will not reopen the conditions generally. Please call me if you have any questions. JFF : j d 6548E John F. ~rJ fJJie City of 'Boynton 'Beacli ! ! i! I ' , "l,' ''is I 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead.. 'Boulevara P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'BUJlh., ~foritfa 33425-0310 City:Jfal(: (407) 375-6000 ~JU: (407) 375-6090 , I , !I " , VIA FAX (713)-785-9933 February 29, 1996 Banc One Commercial Loan Origination Corporation c/o Margaret Gay 3030 South Gessner, Suite 280 Houston, Texas 77063 RE: Boynton Beach Promenade 901 North Congress Avenue - Suites A, B, C and D Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Dear Ms. Margaret Gay: The Boynton Beach Promenade, located on a parcel on the west side of North Congress Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida, more specifically described in the above-referenced address and in the legal description in Exhibit "A", is zoned C-3, Community Commercial. The uses within this shopping center (retail office supplies, a realty, doctors' offices, a hair salon, a dentistry, business and professional offices, financial services and instruction for office occupations) are permitted within the C-3 zoning district. The property is in compliance with all zoning code regulations pertaining to minimum lot frontage, minimum lot area, maximum lot coverage, maximum structure height and structure setbacks. As to parking, the main shopping center building parcel, the Olive Garden restaurant parcel and the Carney Bank parcel cumulatively provide 388 total parking spaces, which is ten spaces more than required. When each of these parcels within the Boynton Beach Promenade are evaluated separately, the Carney Bank parcel has an excess of twelve spaces, with the remaining portion of the shopping center having a code deficiency of two spaces. I trust that the above information addresses all your zoning verification letter requirements necessary for refinancing the Boynton Beach Promenade. Sincerely, tjh Attachments xc: John J. Hoecker; Max Developers, Inc. Ron Kolins; Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, Fitzgerald & Sheehan, P.A. A:PromZong Tambri J. Heyden Planning/Zoning Director .9Lme,ua's (jateu'ay to tfie (julfstream PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ~94-004 FROM: Chairman and Members of the planning and Development Board Tambri J. HeYden...-LPu: Q _7L.~ Acting Planning and Zoning ~i~or Michael Haa~~~ Site and zoni~evelopment Administrator January 6, 1994 TO: THRU: DATE: RE: Max Developers - File No. 800 Waiver of Plat NATURE OF REQUEST: Mr. John Hoecker, agent for Max Developers, Inc., owners of Boynton Beach Promenade, is requesting City approval to SUbdivide the promenade property to create th. carney Sank property. Boynton Beach pCQm_n_de 18 located at 901 North Congress Avenue. BACKGROUND: Boynton Beach Promenade is an outparcel to the Boynton Beach Mall. The original Promenade contained approximately six point five (6.5) acres. The Promenade site is located in a C-3 zoning district. On August 10, 1993, the Planning and Development Board approved a waiver of plat to subdivide the Promenade site to create the Olive Garden Restaurant site. The Olive Garden site is approximately .53 acreS. The proposed carney bank site will be approximately 1.02 acres. ANALYSIS: This request is being forwarded to the Board in conjunction with the requirements set forth in Article VI of Appendix C Subdivision and platting RegUlations. The proposed site will not have a direct ingres./egre.8 to the site from Congress Avenue. Access to the site will be provided by an access easement through the promenade site. The Carney Bank property, as described on the attached survey, is not in compliance with C-3 community Commercial District regulations specified in Appendix A-Zoning Code, however, modifying the property to comply with the Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 reference File No. 800, will bring the property into compliance with the regulations. Ther. i. water and sewer service provided to the site. See Utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. RECOMMENDATION(S): The Technical Review Committee (TRC) met on December 28, 1993 to discuss th~ request. The consensus of the TRC was to recommend approval of the request 8ubject to the staff comments identified in the previou8ly identified Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 and Utilitie. Department memorandum NO. 93-134. MEH/jm Att. A:MAXDEVEL.JM ~ ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haag~~ Site and Zoning De~sPment Administrator January 7, 1994 TO: DATE: RE: Waiver of Plat - Boynton Beach Promenade File No. 800 The following comments are in response to the review of the documents submitted for the request by Max Developers, Inc. to subdivide the Boynton Beach Promenade property to create the proposed Carney Bank site. The applicant shall understand that the Waiver of Plat is not final until all conditions of approval are complied with. 1. On the survey, adjust the location of the south property line to the degree that tne proposed new property includes park1ng spaces required to support the use of the Carney Bank building and not include parking spaces that are allocated tor the Promenade project. Note the following code requlred parking ratios: Boynton Beach promenade-Shopping Center: One (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross leasable floor area. Carney Bank BUilding - Financial institutions and services: one (1) parking space per two hundred and fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area. and Offices and office build1ngs not l1sted elsewhere; One (1) parking space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. Sub.it a t.bula~ .u...rv th..t thaI i..n'~'i'l ~h. ood. required parkin; .pac,. for 'aoh u.. and ..Iociated area for the Carney Bank building and the Boynton 'Be.ch Promenade Shopping Center. Include with the aummary the code required ratios and computation.. 2. On the lurvey, po.iti~n the w..t prop.~ty line 10 that the rear .etback for the building on the new ait, 1. in oompliance with the rear setback specified in the code for the C-3 zon1ng district. Minimum rear yard - 20 feet. Show on the survey all setback distances. The setback dimensions shall be in compliance with C-3 zoning requirements. 3. Submit for review a survey of the new property that includes all eXisting improvements including showing and identify1ng the following: easement. [their size and type), bUilding configuration with lengths of each side dimensioned an~ ..~b.ck. d1m8n810n8d from eech corner of the building (lead1ng edge of the building overhang) to the adjacent property line, total Qro.. floor area of the bu1lding, number of .torie. and over.11 height, parking Ipac.. including hand1capped spaces and s1ze of regula~ and handicapped spaces, location of curbing, access aisles including width, dump.ter enclosurel. sidewalk. including width, water and sewer connection at the property line, drainage structures, fire hydrants, FP&L poles and street lights, both parking lot lights and public right-of-way lights, and landscape areas including \'Tidth, Boynton Beach Promenade - Waiver of Plat Page 2 Note: The surveys required for comments numbers 3 and 4 will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the city Commission, however, the Waiver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved survey has been recorded wltlJ Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to tne Planning and Zoning Department. 4. Submit for review a survey of the entire Promenade project inCluding the Carney Bank and Olive Garden property. The survey shall include the items identified above In comment number three (3) . 5. Submit for review a cross access and cross parking easement agreement. Ensure that the agreement is 1n perpetuity for the Promenade and Carney Bank property. Modify the easement agreement to include a clause that covers the responsibility of maintenance and repair of common improvements that are located 011 one site, but serve as required improvements for the other site, such as: site lighting, irrigation, drainage. and other services or utilities. Include all easements on the previously identified surveys. Note: The easement agreements and responsibility clause will be reViewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the City Commission, however, the Waiver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved agreement has been recorded with Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. MEHjjm Att. ~ A:PROMPLAT.JM MEMORANDUM Utilities No. 93-534 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Acting Planning & Zon FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: December 30, 1993 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade (Sale of Carney Bank BUilding) Request for Exemption from Plat by Max Developers, Inc. Staff has reviewed the above referenced item and offers the following comments: Max Developers, Inc. should notify new owner of the Carney Bank Building that the sanitary sewer service to their property is privately owned and maintained by others, not by the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department. It is our recommendation that this item proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 315-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 315-6404. /bks xc: Clyde "Skip" Mllor Peter Mazzella 13. File 00 DEe a 0 . m ~ MINUTES - REGULAR ~ TY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 1, 1994 Commissioner Walshak thought a second motion was necessary to authorize the City Engineer to issue a penmit. Attorney Cherof advised that such a motion would be out of order because staff cannot be directed to do something in violation of the Code. , VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS A. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Beach Promenade ...................... TABLED John J. Hoecker Max Developer, Inc. West side of Congress Avenue approximately 1,875 feet north of Old Boynton Road Exception to Platting: Request to subdivide Carney Bank from the Boynton Beach Promenade parcel without platting Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to remove this from the table. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. Tambri Heyden made the presentation and reminded the Commission that this item was tabled so that staff could work out some of the problems which have arisen. Ms. Heyden explained that the parcel boundaries, as recorded, do not meet the setback requirements and there are unique problems with maintenance. The parcel is part of a previously-approved shopping center which had the building as a leased-out parcel. It was designed as a unit with the infrastructure serving all of the out buildings and main structure. Since the parcel has been carved out, the infrastructure crosses the parcel boundaries. ' The City Attorney, City Manager and staff have discussed the problems and no consensus has been reached regarding how the zoning, functioning and maintenance of this common infrastructure is impacted by the waiver of plat. Ms. Heyden said the Commission's action on this request will indicate to staff how they would like outparcels to be treated. She pointed out that there has been an increase in the number of exceptions received. The reasons for that are as follows: 1. platting is expensive and time consuming. It takes about three to four months for processing as compared to exception processing which takes approximately four to six weeks; and Z. the outparcels are not penmitted their own freestanding signs; however, platted outparcels are. r Historically, subdivided outparcels which were approved as part of the center had been required to meet aJ1zoning and parking requirements independently. A change in this philosophy would encourage subdivision of more outparcels in a center. " - 14 - ----~._--~-~-----------,--~----~--~--_._~ , ,- * MINUTES - REGULAR Cl COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 1, 1994 Staff has also discussed whether or not the City should be responsible for doing cross-access agreements. The City was requiring them when an outparcel had to rely on the main center for access to their parcel. Staff recommends approval subject to staff conditions stated in Utilities Department Memorandum No. 93-534 and Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum dated January 7, 1994, and if they are to be imposed~ the comments would require that the parcel boundaries be reconfigured to meet the zoning and parking requirements. Vice Mayor Aguila questioned how staff could write a memorandum full of so many cautions and still recommend approval. Ms. Heyden explained that with the recommendation, staff recognizes that exceptions to platting are a viable means of platting outparcels. However, they believe the zoning and parking require- ments should be met. Vice Mayor Aguila feels Boynton Beach has too many outparcels and would support any legislation to stop them entirely. Further, he will not support any outpar- eel which comes forward without standing fully on its own. Mayor Hanmening pointed out that this has already been recorded. It subdivided without going through the City's processes. It was done when the Olive Garden went through the process. As a condition of that approval, a cross-access agreement was required to be turned in. That agreement was submitted two months ago and it was noted that the Carney Bank had been subdivided. Mayor Hanmening agreed that outparcels should be handled differently than they have been handled. Approximately three waivers of plat have been approved by the Commission recently. Vice Mayor Aguila questioned how this property can meet the parking and setback requirements. Ms. Heyden said the legal description was overlayed on the last site plan on record. It appears that the rear setbacks are approximately 2' short. In looking at the south boundaries, it appears the outparcel was created without recognition of the underlying parking areas and access isles. Vice Mayor Aguila asked if the property line could be reconfigured. Mayor Hanmening said an amended tract can be filed. In response to Vice Mayor Aguila's question, Ms. Heyden said that if this is reconfigured, the remaining issues are lighting, irrigation, and utilities. Mayor Hanmening pointed out that there is a potential for conflict in any of these areas. Maurice Rosenstock feels no request should come before the Commission if it can- not comply with the regulations. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved approval subject to all staff conditions. Walshak seconaea tne mOtlon. Conmissioner Commissioner Walshak said that although the City has laws and the applicant should be made to comply, common sense must be interjected. If the applicant's - 15 - MINUTES - REGUU' -- ':ITY COIIUSSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FL~aIDA FEBRUARY I, 1994 feet are held to the fire and they decided they cannot do it, they will walk , away and the City will be left with an empty building which will not be main- tained and will be of no use to anyone. This is a Catch-22 situation for the City. .~ The mot ion carri ed 5-0. Mr. RosenstocK pointed out that this request was approved with a freestanding sign. G. Constder request sublttted by Wltenmark Group. Inc. (Cttrus Park, PUD) reference Recreational Fee Credtt Issue Vince Finizio said that on subdivision of platting, the City Codes require a developer to provide dedicated land for a park, give a fee in lieu of a land dedication or, in some cases, that he construct five approved amenities. If he constructs the five amenities, the developer can get half credit on his fee. The developer is not sure of the marketing stance his company will take relative to this subdivision. Mayor Hanmening realized that the developer's request is for a guarantee up front that he will get half his money back if he decides to build recreation on site. Mr. Fin1z1o said the developer 1s willing to pay the entire fee up front in order to comply with Codes. City Manager Miller referred to Recreation & Park Memorandum '94-031 which states conditions and comments from Mr. Frederick. Commissioner Katz disagrees with Mr. Frederick's comment '2 and suggests the City take the cash up front and use it as a bargaining chip. Motton Vice Mayor Aguila moved approval. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. which carried 4-0. (Commissioner Walshak was away from the dais.) C. Constder request sublitted by American Legion Post 164 for a watver of the fee required for site plan review Motton Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. (Commissioner Walshak was away from the dais.) D. Discusston regarding Citrus Glen Commissioner Walshak said that on August 26, 1993, a special City Commission meeting was conducted. In researching his records, he could not find any indi- cation that he was ever advised of the meeting. He and Vice Mayor Aguila were absent fram that meeting. The City Clerk stated there was no indication that either he or Vice Mayor Aguila were contacted. That meeting dealt with the fact that a signed Stipulation Agreement ended the lawsuit with the developers of Citrus Glen and the dropping of a counter claim between Citrus Glen and the City. The Stipulation Agreement released $276,000 - 16 - .~.,__,-:><m.~ .-. ___._~...- rrFie City of $oynton $eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'B~1i 'Boulevartl P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'BeacIi, ~foritfa 33425-0310 City 1la[[: (407) 375-6()()() ~jifX: (407) 375-6090 IfJIfJ{AJflT/ VIA FAX (713)-785-9933 February 29, 1996 Banc One Commercial Loan Origination Corporation c/o Margaret Gay 3030 South Gessner, Suite 280 Houston, Texas 77063 RE: Boynton Beach Promenade 901 North Congress Avenue - Suites A, B, C and D Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Dear Ms. Margaret Gay: The Boynton Beach Promenade, located on a parcel on the west side of North Congress Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida, more specifically described in the above-referenced address and in the legal description in Exhibit "A", is zoned C-3, Community Commercial. The uses within this shopping center (retail office supplies, a realty, doctors' offices, a hair salon, a dentistry, business and professional offices, financial services and instruction for office occupations) are permitted within the C-3 zoning district. The property is in compliance with all zoning code regulations pertaining to minimum lot frontage, minimum lot area, maximum lot coverage, maximum structure height and structure setbacks. As to parking, the main shopping center building parcel, the Olive Garden restaurant parcel and the Carney Bank parcel cumulatively provide 388 total parking spaces, which is ten spaces more than required. When each of these parcels within the Boynton Beach Promenade are evaluated separately, the Carney Bank parcel has an excess of twelve spaces, with the remaining portion of the shopping center having a code deficiency of two spaces. I trust that the above information addresses all your zoning verification letter requirements necessary for refinancing the Boynton Beach Promenade. Sincerely, Tambri J. Heyden Planning/Zoning Director tjh Attachments xc: John J. Hoecker; Max Developers, Inc. Ron Kolins; Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, Fitzgerald & Sheehan, P.A. A:PromZong !iImeriG4's (jateway to tM (julfstream LAW OFFICES MOYLEt FLANIGANt KATZt FITZGERALD & SHEEHA 625 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE. 9TH FLOOR WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 POST OFFICE BOX 3SSS WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (407) 659-7500 FACSIMILE (407) 659-17S9 PETER L, BRETON GREGORY D, COOK JOHN R, EUBANKS. JR, E, COLE FITZGERALD. ill JOHN F, FLANIGAN MYRA GENDEL LYNN G, HAWKINS MARTIN V, KATZ WILLIAM B, KING RONALD K, KOLlNS PAULA,KRASKER STEVEN A, MAYANS LINDA R, McCANN TAL.LAHASSEE: OFFICE TELEPHONE (904) 681-3828 FACSIMILE (904) 681-8788 STUART OFFICE TELEPHONE (407 J 288-1 144 FACSIMILE (407) 288-1499 .PALM BEACH GARDENS OFFICE TELEPHONE (407) 625-6480 FACSIMILE <407) 625-5979 Writer's Direct Line: (407) 822-0305 February 22, 1996 VIA TELECOPIER 407-375-6090 Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Promenade Dear Ms. Heyden: ~ ~@nlH,~ FEB 2 ~ 'I . 61996 ,d.l J~~ PLANNING AND ./tQ~ c, MOYLEi'ONING DEPT. JON C, MOYLE, JR. - JODY H, OLIVER MARK E, RAYMOND THOMAS A, SHEEHAN. ill MARTA M, SUAREZ-MURIAS WILTON L. WHITE OF COUNSEL: "THOMAS A. HICKEY "'WILLIAM J. PAYNE "ADMITTED IN NEW YORK ONLY As we discussed earlier, please accept this letter as Max Developer, Inc. 's request to be placed on the March 7, 1996 City Commission Agenda. The purpose is to discuss and seek a clarification of Condition Number 5 of the Zoning Department Memorandum dated January 7, 1994 relating to the Waiver of Plat approved by the City Commission on February 1, 1994. This request is made with the understanding that only the cross-parking easement issue will be discussed and that this will not reopen the conditions generally. Please call me if you have any questions. John F. 2(rJ JFF : j d 6548E FEB 22 '96 05:34PM P.U2 I.AW Cl....'CU ..C1't.. \", .~ON QIIEGOPIY G. COOK "'OHIo! ... EU_N_. JIl_ t:. CO~ "'TZQE_~. m ..JOHN 1", "u.NI~N MY_ OSHDI:L. 1...._ O. HAWlUNa __'1'0 v. _TZ WlU.JAN.o K',.,G _N.-.l.D 0<. _~N. PAUL A. K~IU:" 8TIN'EN A. MAYAN5 101"'1)"" ... "'"CAIoIN MoYLE, FX...unGAN, KATZ, FITZGERALD Be SW1'r."FI'.'R" A. "'4", P.A. .215 NCllltTH "~GLE:A DRIVE. .TN FI..OOA WEST PAI.M J5EA.C!l, F.LOlUDA. l5G4001 POST OFFICE BOX :J..., WEST PAJ:.X B....cx. FLOamA GG400SI TI!:"I:~HONI: 14.0.,.18151i1-78oo ..ACSIMILI; (..07] ....17.. -~~--,..._....--'- ~l0LS[i "'ICI1~ ...- ,JON , \~J b 11.1.11:" EB 2 3 t998 . .It. TAU.A.....u OPP"ICC _NC 1_''''_', ,......iMiL.C t.,..) """7" ..IOD'1' ,OLJ ER .- T A. .HI:E......pudlNING Il.NO MAroT .... eU....._M~G DEPT. WILT ........In D~"'~II: ~_ 1407J ....,,~ "AQa'WfU l..a:rl _I".. 01' COUNSEL.: -TIolC..._ A, HICKEY "WIUo.'AM oJ. .......,NE 00,.,.....<\ H. STINSON .....DMI".I:D IN NItW "'Oltl( 01'11.'1' ......""" _0" ...._. cl"I"'CII: Tll.UMONr. ('10'" .._ 1""'=-""1.& 1_' ........ 2 2-22-96 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET 407-375-6090 From Fax Numoer: (40~) 659-~?OO TAMaRI J. HEYDEN CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH JOHN F. FLANIGAN Direct Line: (407) 822- 0305 File No.: (Including Cover Sheet) Time Sent: 4:45 P.M. To Fax Number: Recipient: Firm/Company: Sender: File Name: Total pa.ges: Da.te Sent: Document: Mesl:lage: TELEPHONE NUMBER IN CASE OF TRANSMISSION E~~OR: (407) 659-7500 eT,RlU;E DELI)1ER IMMEDIATELY THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS TRANSMISSION IS ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL. IT IS INTENDED ON!.. Y FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR 4ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIl'IED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COpy OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR I PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATE~Y BY TELEPHONE COLLECT AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA T"'.dE U. S. PoSTAL SERVICE. WE n......... lU!I~HDunOD 1l0U li'rlti' 1f'Y~'RN'RF:R. T1W1K yOU. Cl \lIl'CO<:S\FOIU'II.l'IP'1t FEB 22 '96 05:35PM P.2/2 PE:TE:~ I.. .RILTON G",r::GOR'" t), COOK .JooHN R. EUaAN.... .JA, E, COL.E: F'ITZOI!:AAL.O.1lI .Joo...",', F'1....NlOAN ........... GENDE!. LYNN G. I-IAWKINS ",.....TIN ..... KATZ WII.Li""M Ia.KING h'OHALD 1<, KOLIN. .....ULA. KR""SKE:R 8TEVLN"'. IIotAV""NS liNn. " ""...r.1'I1"11"1 ~ LAW OFF'ICES MOYLE, FLANIGAN, KATZ, FITZGERALD & SHEEHA.N, P.A. ea!l NO"'TH FL....aLEA DRIVE. ~T" F 1..00 Fl. WEST P.....LM BEACH, FI.O:RIO..... 094001 POST OF'FICE: BOX :ill.. WEST PALM DEACH. FLORIDA 33402 T!:LI!:.P"HONE: (407) 659-71!100 I"""C.IM'l.,1: (407) elS9-I?. T,A.Lt....HAI!!I!I~E o...rlCE Tltu:,,.HON! ..004) "'~... .....e.''''ILI: ,1041<181..78. .JON C. MOYLE JON C. MOVU:, .JA, JOOV H. CUVEA M...FlI< 1:. .....y...aNO THO",,",S A, llHItI:HAN. JU MARTA M, SUAREZ.MuFlIAS WILTON L, WHftC STUArt":' OJ'1l1CC .,t\.EI'HQHt: t4a?) i!eS.II...... '-"'C81"'ILE (040711.'-101" OF COUNSEL: "THOI'M5 II, HI~K!;v 'WlLL..IAM ..J. p""VNE "AC"'UTTED IN NE.W VOIn< CNL.... I PAL.M .~e"" aARDI:N5 O""ICI: l'ELE"HD.n:(0407) el!."~.o ,..~ce'MILl!: ''''C''~ .a.-a..,.. Writer's Direct Line: (407) 822-0305 February 22, 1996 V~A TE,LECOPIER 407-375-6090 Tambri J. Heyden Planning & zoning Director city of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton B~ar'h ~ FT. 1~4 7.1-0::n f1 Re: Boynton Beach promenade Dear MS. Heyden: - As we discussed earlier, please accept this letter as Max Developer, lnc.'S request to be placed on the March 7, 1996 City Commission Agenda. The purpose is to discuss and seek a clarification of Condition Number 5 of the Zoning OepRrtmp.nt Memorandum datec'l. January 7, 1994 relating to the Waiver of Plat approved by the city Commission on February 1, 1994. This request ia m~do with tho UndQIEtanding that only thp r'rnRR-pRrking easement issue will be discussed and that this will not reopen the conditions generally. Please call me if you n8V6 0. n:r- _..__.L'; ___ "tu''W..JI ....,L."""..I..... JFF : j d 6548E ~ PETER L, BRETON GREGORY D, COOK JOHN R, EUBANKS, JR, E, COLE FITZGERALD. m JOHN F, FLANIGAN MYRA GENDEL LYNN G, HAWKINS MARTIN V, KATZ WILLIAM B, KING RONALD K, KOLINS PAUL A, KRASKER STEVEN A, MAYANS LINDA R, McCANN LAW OFFICES MOYLE, FLANIGAN, KATZ, FITZGERALD & SHEEHA 625 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE. 9TH FLOOR WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 POST OFFICE BOX 3888 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 TELEPHONE (407) 659-7500 FACSIMILE (407) 659-1789 JODY H, OLIVER MARK E, RAYMOND THOMAS A, SHEEHAN, m MARTA M, SUAREZ-MURIAS WILTON L, WHITE TALLAHASSEE OF"FICE TEl.EPHONE (90....) e81-3828 FACSIMILE (904) 6BI-8?ee STUART OFFICE TELEPHONE (407) 288-1144 FACSIMILE (407) 28S-1499 OF COUNSEL: "THOMAS A, HICKEY 'WILLIAM J, PAYNE .PALM BEACH GARDENS OFFICE TELEPHONE (407) 625-6480 FACSIMILE <407J 625-5979 "ADMITTED IN NEW YORK ONLY Writer's Direct Line: (407) 822-0333 February 15, 1996 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Boynton Beach Promenade Max Developers Dear Tambri: Pursuant to your telephone conference with John Flanigan, Esq., and Ca'rrie Parker, on Tuesday, February 13, 1996, please allow this correspondence to address the issues you identified concerning the zoning confirmation letter for Boynton Beach Promenade. I offer to you the following information on the cross parking easement as well as the other concerns you raised in your discussion: 1. The original Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions ("Declaration") for the applicable property was executed on July 7, 1993 and recorded on July 9, 1993 in Official Records Book 7819, Pages 1119 through 1134. The first modification to the Declaration was executed on November 1, 1993 and recorded on February 14, 1994 in Official Records Book 123, Pages 423 through 425. 8013Z Olt::.rtl tiT. 1-2Q-9f;l 2 :46PM Boynton Bch f&x~ ?1a 7~1 396SI' 2 tJ1U City of ~~ton 'lJeQl,n 0-'1 Nr . /11". "~l.r 'L I ....."\ \ ~.. ;.,l'0 '''/'< ' :, ." 'J ".j ,-- ,,'l. 100 ~ .,.. ~!ltnJ.kfJlll'li ~.o.~JZO ~ ~ ~ JJtfU.QJJ.O CUy:HJJJr: (401) J1UIJtJD ~ (4tJ1) J'fHlJl() o Jq, V~ ~AX (713)-785-9933 ~anuary 26, 1996 Bana One Commercial Loan Origination Co~oration 0/0 Ma~~arat Gay 3030 South CQ~gn.r, Qu1ta 290 Rou.ton, Texas 7?O~3 Rlll : Jic;yntOft 8eac;:h Pre1l\.naa ~01 Nor:h Congra&8 Avenu. . Suites A, S, C and 0 ~Qynton Beach, ilorida 33426 Dear ~G. Margaret Gay~ The Boynton Beach Promenade, looated on a pa~cel on tha wemt side of North Congress Avenue in Boyntcn Beach, Florida, more specifically described in the above-referenced address and in the legal description in Exhibi~ "Aft, is zoned C-3, Community Commercial. The uses within ehis shopping center (retail office supplies, a realty, doctor8'off1~es, a hair salo^. a dentistry. bU81ness ~ p~ofessio~al offices. financial eerviges an4 in.t~e~ion for office occupations) are ~ermlttad wi~hin the C-3 zoning district. Th.p~operty is in compliance with all zoning code regulations pertaining eo minimum lot froneage, minimum lot areiil, maxi~m lot. coverag-e, maximum atruetu:re height and' structure setbacks. JIJIuU:' ,..., tQ eM fJu.(fnrclm SE/E'd , JO,Joa WdSZ: 90 36, 1 E t'-lt::l[