REVIEW COMMENTS i",,""~-4--....... ......" '. i "\ r.:l i:j- -~-~ [: i · '" " I',) I.' I, " I:, :. . ! \ I ' , 1 . ~ ., ~ I.!, . ;' !: I ! ; 'I ! I' t"!1 :," 1 ~l : q I ','f" !I ;,jIJ~~ PLANNING AND 1 ZONING DEPT. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEEnNG AGENDA March 5, 1996 I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor 6:30 P.M. B. Invocation - Rev. Henry Ackermann - Congregational United Church of Christ C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Pro Tem Lynne Matson D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made: APPOINTMENT TO BE MADE IV Matson IV Matson IV Matson IV Matson III Jaskiewicz IV Matson II Bradley I II III Mayor II Bradley Jaskiewicz Taylor Bradley BOARD Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Adv Brd Children & Youth Code Enforcement Board Board of Zoning Appeal Education Advisory Board Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Adv Brd Children & Youth Education Advisory Brd Community Relations Brd Board of Zoning Appeals Recreation & Parks Board Community Relations Board III. CONSENT AGENDA LENGTH OF TERM EXPIRATION DATE Alt Term expires 4/96 Alt Term expires 4/96 Alt 1 yr Term to 9/96 Reg 2 yr term to 1/98 Stu Term expires 4/96 Alt Term expires 4/96 Alt Term expires 4/96 Alt Term expires 4/96 Reg Term expires 4/98 Reg Term expires 1/97 Reg Term expires 4/98 Reg Term expires 4/96 TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED Matters in this Section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Minutes 1. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of February 15, 1996 2. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of February 20, 1996 B. Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1995-96 Adopted Budget 1. Award bid to Awnings by Jay, Inc. to purchase/install 8 new and unused awnings to replace existing worn/torn awnings at the Racquet Center in the amount of $4,930,00 2. Award bid for Aquatic Plant Control to Aquatic Vegetation, Inc: In the amount of $8,400 per year C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No, R96- RE: Request the 1996 Florida Legislature to provide adequate funding for the preservation and repair of the State's beaches and to recognize the need for funding non-federal projects 2. Proposed Resolution No. R96- RE: Authorize execution of a tri-party development project grant agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection and Palm Beach County in pursuance of a project approved under the Florida Boating Improvement Program 3, Proposed Resolution No. R96- RE: Bond Reduction - Nautica Plat 1 4, Proposed Resolution No. R96- RE: Final plat approval for Nautica Sound D. Approval of Bills E. Request refund of cemetery lots 74 A & B, Block N, Boynton Beach Memorial Park F. Authorize disposal of records - Human Resources Department G, Approve additional work in the Microbial Remediation Process - City Hall/Fire Station #1 in the amount of $7,693.00 H. Authorize purchase (replacement) of tractor/backhoe from State Contract (Ford New Holland) in the amount of $32,811.00 for use at the Cemetery I. Authorize purchase of one additional police from the Sheriff's Department bid J. Authorize purchase of Ford Workman Turf Truckster through GSA contract (local dealer Hector Turf) in the amount of $11,130,67 for the Parks Department . IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A. Announcements 1. Joint City Commission/Chamber of Commerce workshop - March 18, 1996 - 7 :00 P ,M. in the Boynton Beach City Ubrary Program Room B. Presentations 1, Swearing in of Police Chief Marshall Gage by City Clerk Sue Kruse 2. Proclamations , a) Boynton's Great American Love Affair (G,A.L.A.) - March 22 - March 24, 1996 b) BookFest of the Palm Beaches at South Florida Fairgrounds - March 22 - March 24, 1996 V. BIDS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 PM OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTE PRESENTATIONS 2 VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: A. PROJECT NAME: Papa Johns TABLED APPLICANT REQUESTED TO BE TABLED UNTIL MARCH 5, 1996' AGENT: Interplan Practice, Ltd, OWNER: Papa Johns USA LOCATION: Northeast corner of N,'N, 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCRIPTION: NEW SITE PLAN: Request for site plan approval to construct a 1,142 square foot take-out pizza store on .22 acres DESCRIPTION: Boynton Commercenter PID TABLED Frederick Roth, Jr. PE - Michael B. Schorah & Associates Boynton Commercenter, Ltd, Approximately 700 feet south of the southwest corner of Woolbright Road and 1-95 USE APPROVAL - Request to amend the Boynton Commercenter PID list of allowed uses to include communication towers B. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: C. Height exception for Boynton Commercenter for 100' communication tower for A T & T TABLED D. Height exception for Palm Beach County Cellular Telephone Company to erect a communications tower at Little League Ball Park IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. Set date for Special City Commission Meeting to receive the March 12, 1996 certified election returns and newly elected members to assume office (Must be within three (3) days of March 12th) X. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1, Proposed Ordinance No, 096-04 RE: Adopt amendments to the General Employees Pension Fund 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 096-05 RE: Adopt amendments to the Police Pension Fund B. Ordinances - 1st Reading: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 096- 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 096- RE: . Residential Appearance Code RE: Rezoning - Hills of Lake Eden C. Resolutions , 1. Proposed Resolution No. R-96 RE: Authorize execution of Lease Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County Cellular Telephone Company to erect a communications tower at the Little League Ball Park D. Other XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Cemetery Issues TABLED B. Consider request from Max Karyo, Esq. for an extension of time to demolish the Sandpiper Motel 3 XII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: XIII. OTHER: XIV. ADJOURNMENT: NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MAlTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S.286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (407) 375-6013 AT lEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. 4 PL~~ING AND ZONING DEPAR_AENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-109 Agenda Memorandum for March 5, 1996, City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager PROM: Tambri J. HeYden~,L Planning and Zo~i~irector DATE: March 1, 1996 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade - ADAP 96-001 (Carney Bank) - Waive previous condition of approval Please place the above-referenced request under Development Plans for the March 5, 1996 City Commission meeting agenda. " INTRODUCTION John Flanigan, agent for Max Developers, is requesting Commission reconsideration of one of the conditions of their February 1, 1994 conditions of plat waiver approval; specifically comment 5 of the attached January 7, 1994 Planning and Zoning Department memorandum. The original staff report, all staff conditions and the minutes of the February 1, 1994 meeting are attached. Briefly, the plat waiver allowed the Promenade to subdivide off an existing outbuilding (Carney Bank) that was constructed on the Promenade property when the Promenade was constructed. In other words, the shopping center and outbuilding (not on its own lot of record) existed for eight years before the subdivision was desired. This approval was subject to conditions which were never satisfied. Two years have gone by since the approval and it wasn' t until the Promenade requested a zoning verification letter for refinancing purposes did this lack of satisfaction of approval conditions come to light. Mr. Flanigan'S contention is that despite the discussion of the Commission on February 1, 1994 and the presentation by staff at this meeting indicating that it was the intent to require code compliance (setbacks, parking, etc.) on all the parcels being created, he believes their cross access and parking agreement exempts the Promenade and Carney Bank parcels from having to meet their own parking requirements independently. Staff's position is that such agreements when approved by the City only allow each of the parties to use one anothers' parking and does not, in and of itself, exempt them from meeting code. RECOMMENDATION Since the 1994 approval, the Promenade sold off the parcel to Carney with boundary lines that created a setback violation for Carney and a six space parking shortage for Promenade. Mr. Flanigan informs me that their intent is to hopefully get Commission consent to waive their parking problem, leaving Carney on their own to solve their setback problem. I've been told that Carney has no interest in solving their setback problem, unless the City requires them to do something now. Since a favorable action on the applicant's request would put the City in a position of encouraging applicants to not address approval conditions promptly in the hopes of time making conditions go away, it is recommended that the Commission not approve this request and further require a revision to the second modification to the agreement, recently received, to delete a clause in it that could be concluded to allow Promenade and Carney to not meet code parking requirements independently. TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File a:CCAgdmem.Pro PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDU~ #94-004 FROM: chairman and Members of the Planning and Development Board Tambri J. Heyden ~J~b-1.'-- (2 ;1<.;jlei>..../ Acting Planning and Zoning ~irector Michael Haa~.:.~''''Y site and zonilvevelopment Administrator January 6, 1994 TO: THRU: DATE: RE: Max Developers - File No. 800 Waiver of Plat NATURE OF REQUEST: Mr. John Hoecker, agent for Max Developers, Inc" owners of Boynton Beach Promenade, is requesting City approval to subdivide the Promenade property to create the Carney Bank property. BQyntol1 Beacll Promenade is located at 901 North CCl11gress Avenue. BACKGROUND: Boynton Beach Promenade is an outparcel to the Boynton Beach Mall. TIle original Promenade contained approximately six point five (6.5) acres. The Promenade site is located in a C-3 zoning district. On August 10, 1993, the Planning and Development Board approved a waiver of plat to subdiv~de the Promenade site to create the olive Garden Restaurant site. The Olive Garden site is approximately .53 acres. The proposed Carney bank site will be approximately 1.02 acres, ANALYSIS: This request is being forwarded to the Board in conjunction with the requirements set forth in Article VI of Appendix C subdivision and Platting Regulations. The proposed site will not have a direct ingress/egress to the site from Congress Avenue. Access to the site will be provided by an access easement through the Promenade site. The Carney Bank property, as described on the attached survey, is not in compliance with C-3 Community Commercial District regulations specified in Appendix A-Zoning Code, however, modifying the property to comply with the Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 19~4 reference File No. 800, will bring the property into compliance with the regulations. There is water and sewer service prOVided to the site. See utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. RECOHHENDATION(S): The Technical Review Committee ~TRC) met on December 28, 1993 to discuss the request. The consensus of the TRC was to recommend approval of the request subject to the staff comment. 1dent1C1.d in tpe previou81y identified planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 and Utiliti88 Department memorandum No. 93-534. MEH/jm Att. A: tfAXnEVEL. .TM PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haag~~ Site and Zoning De~~ment Administrator January 7, 1994 TO: DATE: RE: Waiver of Plat - Boynton Beach Promenade File No. 800 The following comments are in response to the review of the documents submitted for the request by Max Developers, Inc. to subdivide the Boynton Beach Promenade property to create the proposed Carney Bank site. The applicant shall understand that the Waiver of Plat is not final until all conditions of approval are complied with. 1. On the survey, adjust the location of the south property line to the degree that the proposed new property includes parking spaces required to support the use of the Carney Bank building and not include parking spaces that are allocated tor the Promenade project. Note the following code required parking ratios: Boynton Beach Promenade-Shopping Center: One (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross leasable floor area. Carney Bank Building - Financial institutions alld services: One (1) parking space per two hundred and fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area. and Offices and office buildings not listed elsewhere; 0118 (1) parking space per three hundred (300) square teet of gross floor area. Submit a tabular summary sheet that identifies the code required parkl11g spaces for each use and associated area for the Carney Bank building and the Boynton Beach Promenade Shopping Center. Include with the summary the code required ratios and computations. 2, On the survey, position the west property line so that the rear setback for the building on the new site is in compliance with the rear setback specified in the code for the C~3 zonln9 district. Minimum rear yard - 20 feet. Show on the survey all setback distances. The setback dimensions shall be in compliance with C-3 zoning requirements. 3. submit for review a survey of the new property that includes all existing improvements including showing and identifying the following: easements [their size and type], building configuration with lengths of each side dimensioned and setbacks dimensioned from each corner of the building (leading edge of the building overhang) to the adjacent property line, total gross floor area of the building, number.of stories and overall height, parking spaces including handicapped spaces and size of regular and handicapped spaces, loca~1on of curbing, access aisles including width, dumpster enclosures, sidewalks includinq width, water and sewer connection at the property line, drainaQe .tructures, fire hydrant., FP&L poles and street lights, both parking lot lights and public right-of-way lights, and lalldscape areas including width. Boynton Beach Promenade - Waiver of Plat Page 2 Note: The surveys required for comments numbers 3 and 4 will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of plat by the City Commission, however, the Wa1ver of plat will not be finalized until the City approved survey has been recorded with Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. 4. Submit for review a survey of the entire Promenade project including the Carney Bank and Olive Garden property. The survey shall include the items identified above in comment number three ( 3) . 5. Submit for review a cross access and cross parking easement agreement. Ensure that the agreement is in perpetuity for the Promenade and Carney Bank property. Modify the easement agreement to include a clause that covers the responsibility of maintenance and repair of common improvements that are located on one site, but serve as required improvements for the other site, such as: site lighting, irrigation, drainage, and other services or utilities. Include all easements on the previously identified surveys. Note: The easement agreements and responsibility clause will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the City Commission, however, the Waiver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved agreement has been recorded with Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. HEH/jm Att. ~ A:PROHPLAT.JM MEMORANDUM Utilities No. 93-534 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Acting planning & zon FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of utilities DATE: December 30, 1993 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade (Sale of Carney Bank Building) Request for Exemption from Plat by Max Developers, Inc. staff has reviewed the above referenced item and offers the following comments: Max Developers, Inc. should notify new owner of the Carney Bank Building that the sanitary sewer service to their property is privately owned and maintained by others, not by the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department. It is our recommendation that this item proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. /bks xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzell a it. File rn IJI:C 3 0 . 00 ~ ", :';,.".- ~ - jll5LlJ- - · SPACS I 'ilf " ..,' " ; __~~} IllJ; ~ I 1. . rrJ":'~ ...l.!....~.~:-;:~..:.....lt-:::,f.."'~~ct.6~o. rH1 ! :, ! I ,_,....0 ~ ,,;" H;.., A~V"" .......,r' ... I...~~.......~. 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Cj/F'.-j Re"o~o PNO ~ .........'" '1\3 "- Tho... r. C.1'''''', .rl'.. .r.."ulre / . 1101 )lnth Conan.. Avcftlle. 1200 -14-t~4 4:53". 94-05:;1979 10y"UOft '~,,~h. rL 31426 I in...r.i.iil."--iiil. SECONO MODIFICATION OF OECLARATlON OF EASEMENTS, COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS SECOND MODIFICATION OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS A.ND RESTRICTIONS Is made this 2.i.. day 01 February. 1994. by Max: Developp.rs, Inc. ("OWNER-). a Flprida corporation whose address is 1101 Nonh Congress Avenue. Suite 201. Boynton Beach, Florida 33426. ' WITNESSETH WHEREAS, OWNER made a Declaration of Easements. Covenanit, Conditions .nd Restrictions dated July 7, 1993 and recorded July 29, 1993 in the Public Records Of Palm Beach County, Florida at Records Book 7819, Page 1119. as amended by that certain Fir'$t Modification of Declaration of EBsements. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions dated .:TU I.. Y l) ~, 1993 and recorded at Records Book Y!!.1( Page .11L ~ (conectively, .OEClARATIONN): WHEREAS. OWNER has conveyed portions of tt'le ShoJlping Center described on ExhibIt "A" hereto to General Mills Restaurants. Inc. (NGMRIN) and to Camey Bank ("CARNEV"'); and \NHEREAS. OWNER desires to further modify the DECLARATION as herein provided and to provide evidence of the consents of GMRI and CARNey. NOW. THEREFORE. for IInd In consideration of tl'l. covenants, conditions and restrlt;tiC)ns ".rein contained. Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other 900d and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged. OVIINER hereby declares as follows: 1. Paragraph 11 Is ~ereby .mended by adding the following to 1h. end of the paragraph: No amendment or modlflcallon of Ihl, Deelar.tion, which eliminates or dimlni,h,. the easements created for Ingress, egress, and parking. shall be ,ffectlve unless the City or Boynton Beach Is provided with written notice of the amendmettt or modlficeliOn. The Notice to tha City of Boynton aald'! shaU be In wrlllng Shill be pfOVicled by certifl.d mln, return . .. receipt requested no less than lixty (eO) daYI prior to ttte eft'ectlve dlte of the amendment or modlflCalion. The notice muSt be a=omp..ued by ell doeutn."" whJch would, by their e"eCI constitute an amendment or modifiealion of Ihls Declaration. , ., IhfI DectlI'IItio" Is modified or .mended 10 .liminate or dllnlnll".... J ....m-"tI ereat.d herein, .aGh parcel identified .,.reln .h.1I be requlre~ to cornpIy, with aa IPPlicable regulltions of Ihe City of 8oynton B..ch al ' they relat. to p.rtcing. ingre...and .g,.... . 2. All d.nned te"", "'ed here," ..,.11 hi"" the .."'. ",..nln, .1 Nt forth In the De"c1al1llion. . 3, This HCOnd Modlflcetlon m.~ be .IC.cuted In two (2) or moM counlerpa". each of which Ihan be deemed to be an original and all of which together .h,1I c;o".tltule one (1 J and the .eme instNfl'lel'lt. ~ . 0 ~~~ I ,~to- tu,lA/'~ J.~ tl~~\ v.-~ ~ \~.! ';aI, ~ ~ 4 h~-t1. ) * vi tJ (vfe,s( ~ e,~~1s ~;'/1~ JOlJ08 Wd01:20 96. E08]j ......::,.. .. q /1'" I ORe 8123 PI 94c;J. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties tlave let thel... hand. and 1e.II to this SECOND MODIFICA1l0N OF DEClARATION OF EASEMENTS. COVENANTS. CON~mONS AND RESTRICllONS this _ day of Februaty. 1994. WITNESSES: *=< /..:Z. --- ":.rf_'''--'; A ~~- . M'4-~ 'F. c "~...,c:.t , ~ \/YITNESSES: ....".- ...... - By: . Florida . . v.f,t~, MAX DEVElOPERS. INC.. . Florida ~rporation By. REESE JARRETT Praident THE UNOERSIGNED HEREBY CONSENT TO THlS SECOND MODIFICATION OF DEClARATION OF EASEMENTS. COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. AS OF THIS ..LL. DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1994. WITNEsses: .. ~~ ~tt-' , ___.h rH""lf-j L?r'f't'zl J!", 'J..I;'e!'"v S' tJ~?;I'J"" . ..... -, E. . L liB IV ~ /\. lJnJ;! ~ WITNESSES: "2i-16" ( _J'II. \'1Jk,-,r}..', .... _ lhull ~,.".,~" "c.-",. ,I, . ~~~~ , - - ~.,.,'.. If. A1,."d CARNEY BANK Ii, By: C. BERNA 0 J as Chairman of lh" eo.rd. carney Ban1l P.O. BoX' 3219 Boynton Beach, FL 33424.-3219 By: " . /. ::! , :~. , - .,.,.. .~ .~ , . I ::) . . ..;t,. , " , .\ ':~ 1 t I )OlJ08 Wd01:20 96, E0 83~ ... -"~ --- ....., r- i H l ~~.,_.. ~; \ ~\ R I ~)!. \~'. \. f ~ ~~ i1\:~ \ 1 '-~~ . lli'i: .\,\'1 i, ' ~ . .. ~ I ~i \'\ \ ~,~\ltl\ \\~... \ ~\\,~\ \\~\\ I . t i ..". ~ ~, ~ \=\~l~\~\ \\~\ ~;\~ ~\\ \\1 ~ ES,'\'O\ ""1\ ,\\~ "i~\' '\ \ . '4\ t'A \. '1- "9 IS ~\ \~ \\ \i\'~~l\ \\\\} \1\\. \\t \\ \ \\i \\ \\\\\\\i \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\ \\ . --...... 0:0 '.1; 4. ~tl\\ ~~\h ~ ~\ \~\ ~ .__ w (.) ~~~ ~ :; ~':.:..:.~".... ..~., $ M:;; \.11 .i... _t- -.~ a r . r . % I\~ \', \ \\\\ \,\ -~ ~ '3t~\:la SS1'.)\~ ,,~V'I 1'I1'tl0l-l u.. u.. \ ....------~ MINUTES - REGULAR' 'Y COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOrt.LOA FEBRUARY 1, 1994 feet are held to the fire and they decided they cannot do it, they will walk ~ away and the City will be left with an empty building which will not be main- tained and will be of no use to anyone. This is a Catch-22 situation for the City. k The motion carried 5-0. Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that this request was approved with a freestanding s1gn. G. Consider request sUblttted by Watennart Group, Inc. (Cttrus Park, PUD) reference Recreational Fee Credit Issue Vince Finizio said that on subdivision of platting, the City Codes require a developer to provide dedicated land for a park, give a fee in lieu of a land dedication or, in some cases, that he construct five approved amenities. If he constructs the five amenities, the developer can get half credit on his fee. The developer 1s not sure of the marketing stance his company will take relative to this subdivision. Mayor Hanmening reaiized that the developer1s request is for a guarantee up front that he will get half his money back if he decides to build recreation on site. Mr. Finizio said the developer is willing to pay the entire fee up front in order to comply with Codes. City Manager Miller referred to Recreation & Park Memorandum '94-031 which states conditions and comments from Mr. Frederick. Commissioner Katz disagrees with Mr. Frederick's comment '2 and suggests the City take the cash up front and use it as a bargaining chip. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved approval. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. which carried 4-0. (Commissioner Walshak was away from the dais.) C. Consider request subllttted by Merican Legion Post 164 for a waher of the fee required for site plan review Motion Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. (Commissioner Walshak was away from the dais.) D. Dtscusston regarding Citrus Glen Commissioner Walshak said that on August 26, 1993, a special City Commission meeting was conducted. In researching his records, he could not find any indi- cation that he was ever advised of the meeting. He and Vice Mayor Aguila were absent from that meeting. The City Clerk stated there was no indication that either he or Vice Mayor Aguila were contacted. That meeting dealt with the fact that a signed Stipulation Agreement ended the lawsuit with the developers of Citrus Glen and the dropping of a counter claim between Citrus Glen and the City. The Stipulation Agreement released $276,000 - 16 - MINUTES - REGULAR CI.. COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACHt FLORIDA FEBRUARY it 1994 , Staff has also discussed whether or not the City should be responsible for doing cross-access agreements. The City was requiring them when an outparcel had to rely on the main center for access to their parcel. Staff recOlmends approval subject to staff conditions stated in Utilities Department Memorandum No. 93-534 and Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum dated January 7, 1994, and if they are to be imposed, the comments would require that the parcel boundaries be reconfigured to meet the zoning and parking requirements. Vice Mayor Aguila questioned how staff could write a memorandum full of so many cautions and still recommend approval. Ms. Heyden explained that with the recommendation, staff recognizes that exceptions to platting are a viable means of platting outparcels. However. they believe the zoning and parking require- ments should be met. Vice Mayor Aguila feels Boynton Beach has too many outparcels and would support any legislation to stop them entirely. Further, he will not support any outpar- cel which cames forward without standing fully on its own. Mayor HanmeRing pointed out that this has already been recorded. It subdivided without going through the City's processes. It was done when the Olive Garden went through the process. As a condition of that approval, a cross-access agreement was required to be turned in. That agreement was submitted two months ago and it was noted that the Carney Bank had been subdivided. Mayor Hanmen1ng agreed that outparcels should be handled differently than they have been handled. Approximately three waivers of plat have been approved by the Commission recently. Vice Mayor Aguila questioned how this property can meet the parking and setback requirements. Ms. Heyden said the legal description was overlayed on the last site plan on record. It appears that the rear setbacks are approximately 21 short. In looking at the south boundaries, it appears the outparcel was created without recognition of the underlying parking areas and access isles. Vice Mayor Aguila asked if the property l1ne could be reconfigured. Mayor Hanmening said an amended tract can be filed. In response to Vice Mayor Aguila's question, Ms. Heyden said that if this is reconfigured~ the remaining-issues are lighting, irrigation, and utilities. Mayor Hanmening pointed out that there is a potential for conflict in any of these areas. Maurlce RoselStock feels no request should come before the Commission if it can- not comply with the regulations. Motlon ' ~. Vice Mayor Aguila moved approval subject to all staff conditions. Commissioner --1\ Walshak seconaea the mOt10n. . Commissioner Walshak said that although the City has laws and the applicant should be made to comply, common sense must be interjected. If the applicant's - 15 - - 14 - MINUTES - REGULAR TY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACHt FLOh1DA FEBRUARY it 1994 Commissioner Walshak thought a second motion was necessary to authorize the City Engineer to issue a penmit. Attorney Cherof advised that such a motion would be out of order because staff cannot be directed to do something in violation of the Code. , VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS A. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: BoyntOl. Beach Promenade ...................... TABLED John J. Hoecker Max Developer, Inc. West side of Congress Avenue approximately 1,875 feet north of Old Boynton Road Exception to Platting: Request to subdivide Carney Bank from the Boynton Beach Promenade parcel without platting Description: Motlon Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to r8lOve this from the table. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. . Tambri Heyden made the presentation and reminded the Commission that this item was tabled so that staff could work out some of the problems which have arisen. Ms. Heyden explained that the parcel boundaries, as recorded, do not meet the setback requirements and there are unique problems with maintenance. The parcel is part of a previously-approved shopping center which had the building as a leased-out parcel. It was designed as a unit with the'infrastructure serving all of the out buildings and main structure. Since the parcel has been carved out, the infrastructure crosses the parcel boundaries. The City Attorney, City Manager and staff have discussed the problems and no consensus has been reached regarding how the zoning, functioning and maintenance of this common infrastructure is Impacted by the waiver of plat. Ms. Heyden said the Commission's action on this request will indicate to staff how they would like outparcels to be treated. : She pointed out that there has been an increase in the number of exceptions received. The reasons for that are as follows: 1. platting is expensive and time consuming. It takes about three to four months for processing as compared to exception processing which takes approximately four to six weelc.s; and 2. the outparcels are not penmitted their own freestanding signs; however, platted outparcels are. Historically, subdivided outparcels which were approved as part of the center had been required to meet all zoning and parking requirements independently. A change in this philosophy would encourage subdivision of more outparcels in a center. - 14 - BOYNTON BEACn PROMENADE DOCUMENTATION PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #94-004 FROM: Chairman and Members of the Planning and Development Bnard Tambri J. Heyden ~J~1.I..- (2 ;.L<-;Jili-~ Acting Planning and Zoning ~irecior Michael Haa~!'~~ site and Zoni~~evelopment Administrator January 6, 1994 TO: THRU: DATE: RE: Max Developers - File No. 800 Waiver of Plat NATURE OF REQUEST: Mr. John Hoecker, agent for Max Developers, Inc., owners of Boynton Beach Promenade, is requesting City approval to subdIvide the Promenade property to create the Carney Bank property. Boynton Beach Promenade is located at 901 North Congress Avenue. BACKGROUND: Boynton Beach Promenade is an outparcel to the Boynton Beach Mall. The original Promenade contalned approximately six point five (6.5) acres. The Promenade site is located in a C-3 zoning district. On August 10, 1993, the Planning and Development Board approved a waiver of plat to subdivlde the Promenade site to create the olive Garden Restaurant site. The Olive Garden site is approximately .53 acres. The proposed Carney bank site will be approximately 1.02 acres. ANALYSIS: This request is being forwarded to the Board in conjunction with the requirements set forth in Article VI of Appendix C subdivision and Platting Regulations. The proposed site will not have a direct ingress/egress to the site from Congress Avenue. Access to the site will be provided by an access easement through the Promenade site. The Carney Bank property, as described on the attached survey, is not in compliance with C-3 Community Commercial District regulations specified in Appendix A-Zoning Code, however, modifying the property to comply with the Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 reference File No. 800, will bring the property into compliance with the regulations. There is water and sewer service prOVided to the site. See Utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. RECOMMENDATION(S): The Technical Review Committee fTRC) met on December 28, 1993 to discuss the request. The consensus of the TRC was to recommend approval of the request subject to the staff comments identified in the previously identified Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 and Utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. MEH/jm Att. A:MAxnr.VEL.JM PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and zoning Director Michael E. Haag~~ Site and Zoning De~~ment Administrator January 7, 1994 TO: FROM: RE: Waiver of plat - Boynton Beach Promenade File No. 800 The following comments are in response to the review of the documents submitted for the request by Max Developers, Inc. to subdivide the Boynton Beach Promenade property to create the proposed Carney Bank site. The applicant shall understand that the Waiver of Plat is not final until all conditions of approval are complied with. 1. On the survey, adjust the location of the south property line to the degree that the proposed new property includes parking spaces required to support the use of the carney Bank building and not include parking spaces that are allocated for the Promenade project. Note the following code required parking ratios: Boynton Beach Promenade-Shopping Center: One (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross leasable floor area. carney Bank Building - Financial institutions and services: One (1) parking space per two hundred and fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area. and Offices and office buildings not listed elsewhere; 011e (1) parking space per three hundred (300) square teet of gross floor area. submit a tabular summary sheet that identifies the code required parklng spaces for each use and assoclated area for the Carney Bank building and the Boynton Beach promenade Shopping Center. Include with the summary the code required ratios and computations. 2. On the survey, position the west property line so that the rear setback for the building on the new site is in compliance with the rear setback specified in the code for the C-3 zonin9 district. Minimum rear yard - 20 feet. Show on the survey all setback distances. The setback dimensions shall be in compliance with C-3 zoning requirements. 3. Submit for review a survey of the new property that includes all existing improvements including showing and identifying the following: easements {their size and type], building configuration with lengths of each side dimensioned and setbacks dimensioned from each corner of the building (leading edge of the building overhang) to the adjacent property line, total gross floor area of the building, number of stories and overall height, parking spaces including handicapped spaces and size of regular and handicapped spaces, locaC1on of curbing, access aisles including width, dumpster enclosures, sidewalks including width/ water and sewer connection at the property line, drainage structures, fire hydrants, FP&L poles and street lights, both parking lot lights and public right-of-way lights, and landscape areas including width. Boynton Beach Promenade - Waiver of Plat Page 2 Note: The surveys required for comments numbers 3 and 4 will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the city Commission, however, the Walver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved survey has been recorded with Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. 4. Submit for review a survey of the entire Promenade project including the Carney Bank and olive Garden property. The survey shall include the items identified above in comment number three ( 3 ) . 5. Submit for review a cross access and cross parking easement agreement. Ensure that the agreement is in perpetuity for the Promenade and Carney Bank property. Modify the easement agreement to include a clause that covers the responsibility of maintenance and repair of common improvements that are located on one site, but serve as required improvements for the other site, such as: site lighting, irrigation, drainage, and other services or utilities. Include all easements on the previously identified surveys. Note: The easement agreements and responsibility clause will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the City Commission, however, the Waiver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved agreement has been recorded with Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. MEH/jm Att. A:PROMPLAT.JM MEMORANDUM Utilities No. 93-534 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Acting Planning & FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: December 30, 1993 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade (Sale of Carney Bank Building) Request for Exemption from Plat by Max Developers, Inc. staff has reviewed the above referenced item and offers the following comments: Max Developers, Inc. should notify new owner of the Carney Bank BUilding that the sanitary sewer service to their property is privately owned and maintained by others, not by the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department. It is our recommendation that this item proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. /bks xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella CL File 00 UI:C 3 0 . 00 PLANNING AND ZONING EPT. fl 1'. ILPI \:p ,0, ~ II I, i' , -~ .............. . .... ~_if- ~ ~ .,tm p. C . P . J~ 359~. . . -0 ~ I I o"J JI 0 Q , I S 00 5~ 39 ~,o(7\ U)' 'b~ 6 ~ ~ l'... ct t') 10' I..' 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WALK ''r'' .,-..,.. ~ .", ~i" ~ SPA CS ~ 'I , ~ : l.,. k f- .... .. , . ._1""-0 .t....................~..~1.~ ... . ASPHAL ,. ~ . . .' .:C.O.N.C....'" , . . - ------ --<.:-.CQJ..l::REOJ': .. C~ ..\.::;;illn '. cellle ,-CONC.--- . ~ ' - . .;; 5210 ,CJ.YNfj r!xi11l!<- ~ BANK / OFF ICE 2-STORY BLDG. -F'Pl,TIlAHS , PAC! f.,~ ~LllllH' 16.50 P.M. 840787 PLANT E A 4.6'........ C 74~ ' 4~ 73'.. ' I ' 3.45 -_ c.n' e 17' 4.70' (8EtJCHtvfA~\< > '. PLAN TER 44.7' I-~ . PLANTER ~ -,... ,.~\.. en ~~\\V -; PLANTER '2.00 too "f. 71 aa~ :: c.. (/) ct J~ ,. sp. CES r I, O. '=>0 CL.ll:l.e.~_.- 'T'1 p.-' " .CA.:.....c+l l. ".-") .~ 1 8.........:. !' j- 36 !5 SACS .;h.....; . ^ ;.', -,f"f-i\. '--J 1"< . GRAPHIC I PROPOSED PARCE~UNDARIES TW~~..~r;:~~.~_.3C.f=:!-7.5. T Lreco_~,-.tL:4- ~::i . J S e. A.d-;---;=J ... -:Y !I .. , ~ [~,.'". .. .J. t:[E 1"", ," I ~Z.20' 'I} - .. C t,t "t;'~' ~ ,- ,.I. J // --- . . ~' l~i c ~~- t (.. 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AND RESTIUCl"IONS THIS DECLARATION OF , COV NANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS (this "Declaration") is made this :I..LlL day of ..L6. . 1993. by MAX DEVELOPERS, INC., a corporalion organized and existing l}nder the laws of the Slare of Florida with hs principal place of business at (and (he mailing address of which is) 1101 North Congress Avenue, Suite 201, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426, ("Owner") for its benefit and for the benefit of its successors and assigns. '\, ) 1 , r; rr. ....._~ -f ,_ . :: . -: ~..:~ .~ ~.1 J. \. , '-:".' :~. . ~ ."',.'" ~ -; ~1 ~t ~.-; p~ :~ .t t ~? H ~ !~ ~ #, '" ~~ j1(jl ! ?i ~~t1 WITNE~S&IH WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of three adjoining parcels of real properry (individually, a "Parcel" and, collectively, the "Parcelsff or the "Shopping Cemer") in Palm Beach County, Florida, described in Exhibit "A"J which is attached hereto, (the "Control Parcel"); Exhibit "B", which is attached hereto, (the "Olive Garden Parcel"); and Exhibit "C", which is attached hereto, (the "Carney Bank Parcel" and, with the Olive Garden Parcel, collectively, the "Outparcelslt); upon which Shopping Cenler the Owner and/or its predecessors or tenants have constructed and maintained and intend to construct and mahltain various improvements and/or to sell parcels or parts thereof to others (the "Future Owners"); and WHEREAS, Owner desires (0 declare, establish, grant, and reserve for Owner and for its successors and assigns, including the Future Owners, reciprocal, non-exclusive easements (i) for ingress and egress, (ii) for limited common parking rights, (Hi) for rhe provision of utilities, (iv) for drainage, and (v) for signage; and WHEREAS, Owner desires to declare and establish for Owner and for its successors and assigns, including the Future Owners, certain restrictive covenants as to the use of Shopping Center; NOW, THEREFOREJ for and in consideration of (he easements, covenants, conditions, and restrictions herein contained, Ten and No/lOOths Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the recejpt and legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Owner hereby declares as follows: -1 1. Grant of Easement (or [nfiess and E2{'ess and Parkini, Owner hereby declares, establishes, grants, and reserves for the benefit of each and every person, partnership (whether general or limited), corporation, or other legal entity hereafter owning the Shopping Center or any parcel or part (hereof, including the Ou(parcels, and their respective licensees, invitees, employees, agents, !uccessors, Dnd assigns,! a nOI}. :~~u.t::;.e;"":'=~.S.-i'~. .~~~~~~~,~~~.'.!~~~~. e.1~n.. :rn:.!~:~t~:l~J~:~r:~: -:' mi4,.patking indden18t;tIteret~'Il.anidJpOll':all:1iaewalK,1j(~"'h~1l'are'. and 'shall be forJ peclestri8lt',use . onJy),"~setvice ,'roads,~~dtive\!ays,;..~d ,parkingM.area~~(collectively, the uCommon Areas") loca"tecrrtonftime tc)'dme upon the Shopping Center:.The intent of this Paragraph 1 is to allow free access to and from the public roads and highways abutting the Shopping Center to the places or business constructed upon the Shopping Center. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the fee simple owner of the Control Parcel shall have the right to construct, reconstructJ and relocate buildings, sidewalks, service roads, driveways, (C:\~SO\COAST'ED.IOY\DEClARAT.OOZ:070693:13S5em> "" SE/02'd JOlJ08 Wd80:~0 96, lE N~I ;: ""-' i..':1P' '--..' I ~ J -;'i }1... ~ 1 ~'"\ ~ ~ and parking areas in such a way as to affect such free access, and the non-e~dusive easement, license, right, and privilege granled by tlus Declaration shall then apply only to the sidewalks, service roads, driveways, and parking areas as constructed, reconstructed, relocated, and existing from time to time; provided, however, that any such sidewalks, service roads, driveways, and parking areas shall continue to provide access to and parking for the Outparcels comparable to that existing prior to such construction, reconsrruction, or relocarion and,. to the extent required by go":rnmental authorities, shall conform with all applicable regulations promulgated by governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Shopping Center. Notwithstanding allY provision in tillS Declaration to the contrary, no curb, fence, hedge, or other barrier shall be constructed or maintained on the cornmon boundary between the Outparcels and the Conlrol Parcel or elsewhere on the, Shopping Center so as to unreasonably interfere with or obstruct existing pedestrian or vehicular ingress and egress from the public roads and highways abutting the Shopping Center to the Control Parcel and the Outparcels or between the OUlparcels and the Control Parcel or, in the judgment of the fee simple owner of the Conlrol Parcel, impair the visibiliry of the Control Parcel, or any of the places of business constructed thereon, from the public streets and highways abutting the Shopping Center or from the Outparcels, without the prior written consent of the fee simple owner of the Control Parcel. 2. Grant of Easement for Utility tines and Storm Draina~~. Owner hereby declares, establishes, grants, and reserves for the benefit of each and every person, partnership (whether general or limited), corporalioll, or other legal entity hereafrer owning the Shopping Center or any parcel or part thereof, including the Outparcels, and their respective licensees, invitees, agents, successors, and assigns, a non-exclusive easement (the "Utility Easemen(') upon~ over, and/or across an area five feet (5.0.) on either side of any and all existing utility lines serving the Shopping Center, including, but not limited to, existing water, sewer, stann drainage, electrical. and telephone lines (the tlUriJity Unes"). Any installation aud maintenance of such Utility Lines shall be done in- \ 5uchd a madnner as to cause the least interference wilh the operation of the businesses being __:) con ucte upon the Shopping Center and new Utility Lines shall be installed only with the prior written consent of the owner whose parcel or pan of the Shopping Center or Outpaccel is being affected by such installation. Such owner may condition its consent on, by way of ilIustt.ation and not limitation, the time or times during which such Utility Lines are to be installed, maintained, or replaced. Any such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or denied and shall be given or denied within thirty (30) days after receipt of a request therefor, in default of which such consent shan be deemed given. Notwhhstanding~ the foregoing, the fee simple owner of the Control Parcel shall have the right to enlarge or relocate the Utility Easement, and the utility lines therein; provided, however, that, to the extent the Utility Easement is then being used by the owners of the Outparcels, the relocation of the Utility Easement does not materially reduce the benefit of the Utility Easement to the owners of the Outparcels. 3. Grant of Easement for Landscaping Bnd Signage. (Intentionally omitted.) (Cs\WP50\~$TfeD.IOT\DECLARAT.002:071393=13SS~) 2 SE/tZ'd JOlJOa Wd80:l0 96. IE N~I > ''--'" ;\1"1.1 '.;" ;.;7, :1, -'::' f;:.~ J ,1 '..,. .' P\ \ "- -' '. 4. Affinnarive Covenants with Respect to All Parcels. The fee simple owner(s) of the Shopping Center and any parcel or part thereof, including the Outparcels, shall be bound by the following affirmative covenants; (a) No building or other structure of any kind or nature shall be constructed, erected, or othezwise located on iI..:,; ponion of the Conunon Area without the prior written consent of the owner of the Control Parcel, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that lhere may be conslructed and maintained upon or over said Common Area a canopy or canopies projecdng from the building areas and doors for ingress and egress projecting from such building areas, and si~ approved by the owner of the Control Parcel and government authorities having jurisdiction over the Shopping Center, which may be placed upon said canopy or canopies so long as said signs do not obsrruct [he signs of any other owner or owner's tenant. No signs, including, but not limited to, the signs provided for hereinabove, directional signs, and pylon signs, shall be erected or maintained upon the Shopping Center without the prior written approval of the owner of the Control Parcel. NOlhing contained herein shall be construed [0 require the owner of any Parcel to obtain the consent of the owner of any other parcel except for the owner of the Control Parcel prior (0 the inslallation of a pylon sign on such owner's Parcel. If only one pylon sign is permitted to be erecred upon the Shopping Center by any governmental agency having jurisdiclion over all Parcels, Owner reserves to the owner of the Control Parcel that right to erect said sign upon the Control Parcel. (b) Any construction being performed upon the Shopping Cenrer shall not unreasonably interfere with the .operation of any business conducted upon the Shopping Center, (c) The Common Area shall not be used for any purposes other than the parking of motor vehicles during normal business hours and their ingress and egress, (he ingress and egress of pedestrians, and drainage without the prior written consent of the owner of the Control Parcel. Without the prior written consent of the owner of the Control Parcel, no motor vehicle or trailer may remain continuously parked upon the Cornmon Areas for more than twenty-four (24) hours, nor may such vehicle or trailer be used for advertising purposes upon the Shopping Center or to conduct sales. No obstructions of any kind shall be pennitted without the prior wriuen consent of the owner of the Control Parcel. Cd) The area provided upon the Shopping Center for the parking of automobiles shall be sufficient to accommodate no less than five (5) automobiles for each 1,000 square feet of gross building area upon the Shopping Center, with spaces double striped on 10' centers for each automobile, and, in any event, the number of parking spaces provided upon each Outparcel shall never be reduced, unless a reduction is consented to by the owner of the Control Parcel and approved by all appropriate governmental authorities. The number of parking spaces within lhe Shopping Center as a whole shall always remain at a minimum of 380 spaces, as shown on Exhibit "0"; provided, however, that the owner of the Control Parcel may make a nominal reduction in the number of parking spaces where necessary (0 comply with requirements imposed by governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Shopping Center (such as those contained in the Americans with Djsabilities Act) and not merely to comply with existing building or zoninl codes, where reasonable efforts are made to provide ellemalive parkin,lpaces within the Shopping Center or the Outparcel or parcel thereof affected thereby. (e) The ponion of the Shopping Center indicate.d by cross-hatching on the site plan anached hereto as Exhibit 1'0" shall not be used for the operation of any restaurant of over 6,000 square feet in gross leasable area, movie theater, bowling alley, dance hall, night club or cocktail lounge over 4,000 square feet, grocery slore (excluding convenience type markets), or any high density user whose operation would substantially diminish parking in the Common Area of l:he Shopping Center. A high density user, for the purpose of this provision, shall mean a user whose building or zoning code parking (e:\VPsO\CO~STFEO.loY\DICLA~AT.OO2t071]93z1]55em) 3 SE/22"d JOlJOB Wd60:l0 96, lE N~f ~ ,-,' I"QO -or ~ 'i ,""' f 1 1 .., ."! .J t::. ......"... '- "..1 "":' t''''' ." M. .,' ..- requirement is substantially lower than the parking such user would actually \L2 in its reasonably foreseeable operations. (f) No portion of the Shopping Cenrer shall be used for the sale of or display of pornographic material, or the operation of any pornographic business, including without limitation, massage parlors, adult theaters, and adult bookstores. (g) No Parcel owner shall modify (he curb CUlS or driveways as shown on Exhibit "0" without a document or instrument, executed by [he owner of the Control Parcel, evidencing the prior written consent and approval of the owner of the Control Parcel, being recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (h) All sidewalks shall be concrete and all semce drives, parking aisles, driveways, streets, and parking area shall be graded, leveled, and paved with concrete or asphalt, clearly marked with painred lines, which shall be repainted as required. There shall be unobstructed use of sidewalks, driveways, and roadways for molor vehicle and pedestrian traffic to and from each building upon alllhe Shopping Center and all adjacent public streets and highways. There shall be no charge of any kind for use of the common facilities or any additions thereto. All of the common facilities, including any signs owned by the owner of the Control Parcel or permitted by rhe owner of [he Control Parcel, shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner and shall be maincained by the owner thereof, at its sole cost and expense, ill an adequate, sightly, and serviceable condition. Such maintenance shall include, without limitation, keeping the same reasonably clear of foreign objects, paper, debris, obstructions, and standing water and supplying adequate illumination during normal b4siness hours and for a reasonable period prior and subsequent thereto. (i) nte parking lot shall be ground level only and will remain as shown on Exhibit liD" unless the prior writren consent is obtained from the owner of the Conrcol Parcel for any change or alteration. The owner of each Parcel shall maintain ingress and egress facilities to public highways in the number and substantially the locations depicted on Exhibit "0", subject to unavoidable temporary closings or relocations necessitated by public authority or other circumstances beyond the respective owner's conlrol. No business shall be conducted on the parking lot. G) The owner of the Control Parcel shall have the right to approve all exterior architectural plans and malerials prior to the cOlnmencement of any construction within the Shopping Center so as to insure confonnance with the site plan and the character of the overall developmenf of the Shopping Center, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. In addition to general structural and aesthetic standards, the owner of the Control Parcel may require that the following standards be met: (1) All garbage dumpsters and other garbage collection facilities shall be shielded from view structurally or by landscaping; and shall be maintained in conformance with the requirements of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Shopping Center; and (2) All roof-top mechanical equipment and other equipment protruding through the roof or located on the roof of any building shall be architecturally and structurally shielded from public view. . (k) The buildings to be constructedr;hall be constntcted within the footprints sbo~n on Exhibit "0" unless a deviation or change is approved by the owner of the Control Parcel and a document or instnunent, ex.ecuted by the owner of the Control Parcel recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (C:\YPSO\~ST'ID.'OT\DEClAlA'.0021071393:'355em) ~ SE/E2'd ~Ol~08 Wd60:L0 9~, t~ ~H[ > --- q~~i'j ~.. ;"1 'f .:: I".... l ( ," ~.:; "Il~ \~., ".' .. :. ," -. ... , . . . (1) The owner of each Parcel shall have the righ.r, at its own tJ;:>t and expense to erect and maintain signs advertising its business on the exterior of any building upon its respective Parcel. Any such signs shall be its or its tenant's standard sign as indicated on guide plans and shan conform to the requirements of the owner of the Control Patt~el and governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Shopping Center. (m)' No pylon signs shall be erected without the prior written consent of the owner of the Control Parcel. TIle owner of the Control Parcel shall not be required to erect a shopping center identification pylon sign; however, jf such a sign is erected, the owner of the Control Parcel shall not be required to permit the owner of any particular Outparcel to erect ils sign upon lhe pylon sign structure, even if the owners of other Outparcels are pennitted to place Lheir sign on the pylon sign structure. Notwiihstanding the foregoing, if, after any conveyance of the Olive Garden Parcel by Owner (0 General Mills Restaurants, Inc., General Mills Restaurants, [nc., is unable to obtain the necessary approval of all governmental agencies havingjurisd.iction over the Shopping Center to erect a freestanding sign fronting on Congress Avenue, General Mills Restaurants, Inc., shall have the right to place its sign on the existing pylon sign structure in a prominent, but not the most prominent, position; provided, however, that in placing its sign on the existing pylon sign structure, General Mills Restaurants, Inc., shall comply with the requirements of aU governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Shopping Center. (n) The owner or each parcel shall insure the "entire premises" against loss by fire or disaster, for the actual cash replacement value thereof. A copy of such policy or certificate thereof shall be furnished [0 the owner of the Control Parcel upon request. In the event any building on any p~rcel is partially damaged or totally destroyed by fire or other disaster, the owner thereof shall promptly cause the same to be substantially restored; provided, however, that the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel may, in the event the building thereon is partially damaged or totally destroyed by fire or other disaster, elect, in lieu of substantially restoring said building, to return said Parcel to its graded and levelled condition. (0) The use made by the owner of any Outpar<:el shall not conflict with any then-current exclusive rights or privileges for the rendering of services, or the sale of products, theretofore granted by the fee simple owner of the Control Parcel in existing leases for other partS of the Shopping Center. (p) The owner and occupant of each Outparcel agrees to indemnify and save harmless the owner of the Control Parcel from and against any and all claims and demands whether from injury to person or loss of life, or damage to property occurring within the respective Ourparcel, excepting, however, such claims or demands as may result from any injury DC damage caused by acts or omissions of the owner of the Control Parcel. (q) Owner reserves for the owner of the Control Parcel the right to impose upon any of the parcels or parts of the Shopping Center then owned by the owner of the Control Parcel additional restrictions by lhe execulion of amendments hereto or by supplemental declarations; provided, however, thlt with respect to amendments or s,upplemental declarations made pursuant lO this paragraph, tbe owner of the Control Parcel shall first obtain the consent of the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or denied) by notifying the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel, in writing, of its inrention to make such amendments or supplemental declarations. The owner of the Olive Garden Parcel shall have twenty (20) days from the date of receipt of such notice to notify the owner of the Control Parcel of their reasonable objections to such amendments or supplemental declarations, failing which the owner of the Control Parcel may proceed with such amendments or supplemental declarations (of which the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel has been notified) without the c.onsent of the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel. No such amendments or supplemental declarations shall materially adversely affect existing access to and parking for the Outparcels, or otherwise materially adversely affect the other subSlantive riChts of the owner. or the outparcel$, whether with respect to the easements declared, established, granted, or reserved by this (C:\UP50\COASTFED.IO~\PEeLARAT.002:071393113S5em) 5 cp /!7? . rl JOlJ08 Wd01:L0 96, 1E N~i " """.1 i \:.~ J . - ~.. " ~.. .' '-" "'-" Declaration for the benefit of the owners of the Out parcel or otherwise. For pu: roses r:f the foregoing provision, no amendment shall be deemed to materiaUy adversely affect existing, access to and parking fnr the Omparcels if the Declaration, as amended, continues to provide access to and parking for the Outparcels comparable to that provided before the amendment. Amendments or supplemental declarations made pursuant to this paragraph need only be execured by the owner of the Control Parcel. (r) The easements, licenses, rights and privileges established, created, and granted hereby will be for the benefit of, and restricted solely to, the fee simple owners or their assigns of all or any portion of the Shopping Center, as their interest as owners of the dominant estates set forth above may appear; however, any such fee simple owner may grant the privilege or benefit of such easement, license. right, or privilege to (ts tenants. s~btenan[s, agents, guests. invitees, customers, and licensees; provided, however, that the easement and rights granted herein will, in no event, be construed to create any right in or for the benefit of the general public. 5. Overation and Maintenance of Common Area. (a) . Areas to be used for motor vehicle parking purposes by employees of occupants of all Parcels may be designated within the Shopping Center from time (0 time by the owners of each Parcel. . (b) The owners of the Outparcels shall pay all taxes and assessments prior to delinquency on the building area owned by them and 011 the common area within such owner'~ parcel. If either of such. owners shall fail to pay said taxes and assessments prior to delinquency, the owner of the Control Parcel may do so, and may then bill the defaulting owner (or the expense incurred. If the defaulting owner shall not pay said bill within fifteen (15) days, the owner of the Control Parcel shall have a lien on the property of the defaulting owner for the amount of said bill, which lien shall attach as of the date of the recording of a Claim of Lien under this provision, plus the costs and a reasonable attorney's fee incurred in any legal action brought to enforce such lien, which amount shall bear interest at the highest rate allowed by law, until paid. (c) The owner of the Control Parcel shall operate and maintain or cause to be operated and maintained the Common /\rea of {he Shopping Center and shall keep the same, or cause the same to be kept, in good condition and repair, with adequate lighting, and shall maintain the surface area thereof in a level and smooth condition, evenly I " covered with the type of surfacing material originally installed thereon, or shall cause the same thus to be maintained. As a part of said operation, the owner of lhe Control Parcel shall obtain and maintain general public liability insurance insuring all persons who now or hereafter own or hold portions of the Shopping Center or any leasehold estate or other interest therein, as their respective interesls may appear. (provided, however, that the owner of the Control Parcel is notified in wriLing of such interest) against claims for personal injury, death. or property damage occurring in, upon, or about the Common Area. Such insurance shall be written with an insurer licensed to do business in the Stare of Florida and shall have a combined single limit of $5,000,000.00. Cd) The owner of the Olive Garden Parcel shall pay a portion of the costs and expenses associated whh the common areas of the Shopping Center, as follows: (1) The owner of the Olive Garden Parcel shall pay, in addition (0 any real estate or tangible personal property taxes and assessments and the like levied or assessed against the Olive Garden Parcel and any improvement or tangible per5~nal property thereon or used in connection thelewit};l, lwenty percen[ (20%) of the followmg: 0) the total amount of any and all real estate taxes and assessments levied or assessed against the COlltrol Parcel (tbe "Shopping Center "axes") attributed by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser to the land, as opposed (0 the improvement' thereon, and (Ii) thirty percent (30%) of the Shopping Center Taxes attributed by lhe Palm Be~ch County Property Appraiser to the improvements on the land. The owner of the Ohve Garden (t~\WP50\COAS1FEO.80Y"EClARA,.002:071393:'S55..) 6 SE/SZ'd JOlJOa Wdll:l0 96, lE Nbi ',.' i 1~" ! .' '--. "--" Parcel shall not be required to pay any tangible personal propetty taxes auobutab!c to the Conuol Parcel. If, in any calendar year (the "year in question"), the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser fails or refuses to auribute portions of the total amount of the Shopping Center Taxes to each of the land and the improvements thereon, the portion of the Shopping Center Taxes attributable to each shall be determined by the percentage of each wirh respect to the total amount of the most recent assessment for which such information is avaiJable. " (2) The owner of the Olive Garden Parcel shall pay twenty-two percent (22%) of all costs and expenses (other than real estate taxes and assessments) of operating) managing (including administrative COSlS and expenses, which shall pot exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total of the costs and expenses associated with the common areas of the Shopping Center), equipping, maintaining, repairing, replacing, and policing the common areas of the Shopping Center, including, without limitation, the costs and expenses of casualty and liabiliry insurance; the costs and expenses of all materials, supplies, and services purchased or hired therefor; the costs and expenses of landscaping, gardening) planting, and irrigation; the costs and expenses of cleaning, painting) decorating, paving, repaving, and sealing, and lighting; the costs and expenses of sweeping the sidewalks, parking areas, access and service roads) and driveways and (he provision of other sanitation services (but excluding fees for garbage and trash collection and disposal imposed by public utility authorilies, whether governmental or private); and the costs and expenses of all utilities used in connection therewith. For purposes of this provision) "common areas II shall mean all areas, space, faciliries, equipment, signs, and special services from time to time made available by the owner of the Shopping Center for the common and joint use of the owner of [he; Shopping Cenler, the owners of the Outparcels, and the other tenants and occupants of the Shopping Center and their respective employees, agents, subtenants, concessionaires, licensees, customers, amI invitees, which may include (without representarion as to their availability) sidewalks, parking areas, access and service roads, driveways, landscaped areas, and ramps. ee) The owner of the Carney Bank Parcel shall pay a portion of the costs and expenses associated \o\ith the common areas of the Shopping Center, as follows: (1) The owner of the Carney Bank Parcel shall pay, in addition to any real estate or tangible personal property taxes and assessments and the like levied or assessed against the Carney Bank Parcel and any improvement or tangible pers011al properry thereon or used in connection therewith, a percentage (to be derennined subsequent to the execution hereof and indicated in a supplemental declaration) of the following: (i) the total amount of any and all real estate taxes and assessments levied or assessed against the Control Parcel (the "Shopping Center Taxes") attributed by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser to the land, as opposed to the improvements thereon, and (ii) a percentage (to be determined subsequent to the execution hereof and indicated in a supplemental declaration) of the Shopping Center Taxes 8nributed by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser to the improvements on the land. The owner of the Carney Bank Parcel shall not be required to pay any tangible personal property taxes attributable to the Control Parcel. If, in any calendar year (the "year in question"), the Palm Beach ~unty Property Appraiser fails or refuses to atl1ibute portions of the total amount of the Shopping Center Taxes to each of the land and dle improvements thereon, the portion of the Shopping Center Taxes attributable to each shall be determined by the percentage of each with respect to the total amount of the most recent assessment for which such information is available. (2) The owner of the Carney Bank Parcel shan pay a percentagt (to be determined subsequent to the execution hereof and indic&ted in a supplemental declaration) of all costs and expenses (other than real estate taxes and assessments) of operating, managing (including adminislrative costs and expenses, which ~h811 not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total or the costs and expenses associated with the common areas of the Shopping Center), equipping, maintaining, repairing, replacing, and policing the common areas of the Shopping Center, including, without limitation, the costs and (C:\YP,O\COAS1PED.801\DICLAR.t.OO2:07'393.,35Seml 7 SE/9Z"d JOlJOa WdTT:L0 96, IE N~[ , ? '-' '-" expenses of casualty and liability insurance; the costs and expp.nses of all lIl~terials, supplies, and services purchased or hired [herefor; the costs and expenses of landscaping, gardening, planting, and irrigation; the costs and expenses of cleaning, painting, decorating, paving, repaving, and sealing, and lighting; the cost~ '.nd expenses of sweeping the sidewalks, parking areas, access and service roads, and driveways and the provision of other sanitation services (but excluding fees for garbage and trash collection and disposal imposed by public utility authorities, whether g0'.'emmental or private); and the costs and expenses of all utilities used in connection therewith. For purposes of this provision, "common areas" shall mean all areas, space, facilities, equipment, signs, aud special services from time to time made available by the owner of the Shopping Center for the common and joint use of the owner of the Shopping Center, the owner of the Carney Bank Parcel, and the other tenants and occupants of the Shopping Center and their respective employ- ees, agents, subtenants, concessionaires, licensees, customers, and invitees, which may include (without representalion as to their availability) sidewalks, parking areas, access and service roads~ driveways, landscaped areas, and ramps. 6. Restrictions as to Competition, Owner agrees that, for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of any conveyance of the Olive Garden Parcel by Owner to General Mills Restaurants, Inc.~ and provided that General Mills Reslaurants, Inc., or its successors and assigns operare upon the Olive Garden Parcel a food service establishment featuring or specializing in the sale, at retail, of prepared italian food, Owner shall not lease, sublease, or otherwise operate or contract, by conveyance or otherwise, within the Shopping Center, for a food service establishment featuring or specializing in the sale, at retail, of prepared italian food in a manner similar to General Mills Restaurants, [nc, Featuring or specializing in the ~ale, at retail, of prepared italian food, for the purpose of this provision, shall mean that prepared italian food shall be identifiable as predominant menu items in terms of sales volume or public identification. The aforesaid restriction shall not be applicable to any Cood service establishment not featuring or specializing in the sale, at retail, or prepared italian food or any purveyor of unprepared foods intended for future, off-premises consumption. 7. Covenants Run With the Land. Each easement, covenant, condition, and restriction contained herein shall be appurtenant to and for the benefit of all portions of the Shopping Center, and shall nm with the land, and shall be binding upon each and every successor-in-interest of Owner, regardless of whether the deed or other instrument of conveyance by which such successor-in-interesl acquires title shall recite that the Shopping Center or any part or parcel thereof is subject and subordinate to the terms and provisions hereof. 8. Privity of Contract and/or Estate. This Declaration will create privity of contract and/or estate with and among all grantees of the Shopping Center, their heirs, successors, executors, administra[Ors, representatives, and assigns. In the event of (he breach of any of the tenns, covenants, or conditions hereof, anyone or more of the fee simple owners, or their mongagees, of any pordon of the Shopping Center will be entitled to full and adequate relief by all available legal and equitable remedies from auy consequence of such breach, and all costs and expenses of any suit or proceeding for enforcement, including reasonable attorneys' fees, will be assessed against the defaulting owner. 9. ~atioQ. Except as otherwise provided herein, each easement. covenant, condition, restriction, and undertaking contained in lhis Dedaration shall exist iq perpetuity,.unless the owners of all of the Parcels agree, in writing, to the cOJ1:trary. .,./~ l se..L. J1U'til r-l-tC' 10. Iniunctive Relief. In the event of any violation or threatened violation by any Ctl owner, tenant, or occupant of any portion of the Shopping Center of any of the te~s, covenants restrictions and conditions cOlltained herein, in addition to the other remedles herein p~vided, any ~r all of the owner5 of the property included within the Shopping Center shall have the right to enjoin such violation or threatened violation in a court of (C:'VP50\COAST'ID.~~ECLARA'.OO2f01'393113S5Mft) 8 SE/LZ'd JOlJOa WdZ~:L0 96. ~E Nt_ ~ . . It !Jf" . It ~ .j ";' f" :. 1; :,'" l ,. v '-" competent jurisdiction and shall be entided to recover the costs ~nd a reasonable an'crney's fee for bringing such action. 11. J\!nendrnent and Modification Provision. Except as provided elsewhere herein, this Declaralion may not be modified ill any respect whatsoever, or rescinded, in whole or in part, except with the consent of the owner of the Control Parcel and of all Parcels affected by the modification or resciSSIOn at the time of such modification or rescission, and then only by a written instrument duly executed and acknowledged by the requisite owners, dUly recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Any tenant of all or any portion of the Shopping Center is hereby put all notice that this instrument may be released, subordinated, modified, rescinded, or amended without the necessity of obtaining its consent. ' In addition to any other rights reserved herein, Declarant reserves to the owner of the Control Parcel the right to amend this Declaration without the joinder and consent of any other Parcel owner, lessee, or mortgagee as to the rights and duties of the owner of the Control Parcel or for the purpose of: (a) Correcting scrivener's error; andlor (b) To comply with any reasonable requirements and guidelines of institutional mortgagees, as that term is commonly used (including, but not limired to, banks, savings and loans, mortgage brokers, morlgage bankers, insunJDce companies and their subsidiaries, heirs, administrat9rs, successors, and assigns); and/or (c) To comply with the laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations of the United States, the State of Florida, Palm Beach County, and any other government body having jurisdiction over the Shopping Center; and/or (d) To ~reate a new Out Parcel (any such amendment may include changes to various provisions of this Declaration as may be appropriate to reflect the creating of this new out parcel [i.e, provisions pertaining to signage, easements, common area maintenance, redefinition of the legal boundaries of the Control Parcel and other matters affected by such an amendment or appropriate for consideration]); provided, however, that with respect to amendments pursuant to clauses (b), (c), and Cd) of this paragraph, the owner of the Control Parcel shall first obtain the consent of the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or denied) by notifying the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel, in writing, of its intention to make such amendments. The owner of the Olive Garden Parcel shall have twenty (20) days from the date of receipt of such notice to notify the owner of the Control Parcel of their reasonable objections to such amendments, r.dling which the owner of the Control -Parcel may proceed with such amendments or supplemental declarations (of which the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel has been notified) without the consent of the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel. No such amendment shall materially adversely affect existing access to and parking for the Outparcels, or otherwise malerially adversely affect the other substantive rights of the owners of lhe Out parcels, whether with respect to the easements declared, established, granted. or reserved by this Declaration for the benefit of the owners of the Outparc.els or otherwise. For purposes or the foregoing provision, no amendment shall be deemed to materially adversely affect existing access to and parking for the Outparce1s if the Declaration. as amended, continues to provide access to and parking for the Outparcels comparable to that provided before the amendment. 12. Not. PubU~ Dedication. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any portion of the Shopping Center [0 the general public or {or the (t;\WP50\COAST'ED.80'\DEtLARAT.OOZ:07'393:'35S~) 9 SE/82'd ~OI~08 Wd21:L0 96. 1E ~ . ;I~ ;~ tl 'J .~;' j". '~ :.( ~'..~ ~'t:!~ ~ "-'" '-' general public or for any public purposes whatsoever, it being the intention of D'?darant that tIus Declaration shall be strictly limited to and for the purposes herein expressed. 13. Breach Shall Not Permit Tennination. No breach of this Declaration shall entitle any owner to cancel, rescind, or otherwise terminate this Declaration, but such limitadon shall not affec:t in any manner any other rights or remedies which such owner may have hereunUer by reason of any breach of i.~Js Declaration. Any breach of any of said covenants or restrictions, however, shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith for value, but such c:ovenants or restrictions shall be binding upon and effective against such owner of any of said property or any portion thereof whose tille thereto is acquired by foreclosure, trUstee sale, or 9[herwise. 14. Severabiliti. If any clause, sentence, or other porLion of this Declaration shall become illegal, null, or void for any reason, or shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be so, the remaining portions thereof shall remain in full force and effect. 15. Enforcement of Lien. The liens provided for in Paragraph 5 above may be filed for record by the party entitled thereto as a claim of lien against the defaulting owner in me public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, signed and verified, which shall contain at Jeas t: (a) A statement of the wlpaid amount of costs and expenses; (b) A description sufficient for idenlification of that portion of the property of.the defaulring owner which is the subject of the lien; and (c) The name of the owner or reputed owner of the property which is the subject of [he aHeged lien. Such lien, when so established against the real property desc:ribed in said lien, shall be prior and superior to any right, title, interest, lien, or claim which may be or had been acquired or attached to such real property after lhe time of filing of such lien. Such lien shall be for the use and benefit of the person ruing same, and may be enforced and foreclosed in a suit or action brought in any courr of competent jurisdiction, but such lien shall not be enforceable against any owner acquiring title through foreclosure of the lien of any first mortgage. Any such lien shaU be subject to and subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage on any of the parcels. 16. Common Ownership of ShOpDin2' Center. 1"he ownership of the entire Shopping Center by the same party shall not effect the termination of this Declaration. 11. Consent [n Writilll. Wherever this Declaration requires the c:onsent. written consent, or prior written consent of the owner of the Conlrol Parcel, such consent shall be deemed to have been given only when an instrument duly executed and acknowledged by the owner of the Control Parcel and expressly indica ring the required consent has been duly recorded among the public records of the county in which the Shopping Center is . located. 18. Notices. Any notice required or penniued under this Declaration shan be deemed sufficiently given if givell personally or by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, at such party's address in tbe Shopping Center or at such other address 8S the party shall designate by written notice to the other parties. Any notice to Owner shall be given at the following addre5s unless Owner gives written notice to the other parties that such address has changed: MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. 1101 Nortb Congress Avenue, Suite 201 Boynton Beach, Florida 33426r (C:\UP50\CO~SlFED.'OY\D!CL~AT.OOZ:07'393:'355em) 10 SE/52"d JOlJOe WdEl:L0 95. lE N~~ . . ~ riaLi\. _ '.~' ;,",- j .''''. ",'" '". '.; ,'I: ", ~ 0 ~.,~:......,.. "I..' . Any notice to the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel shall be given at (he following address unless the owner of the Olive Garden Parcel gives wriuen notice to the other parties that such address has changed: GENERAL MILLS RESTAURANTS, INC. 1751 Directors Row Orlando, Florida 32809 An'n: Legal Department IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has caused (his instrument to be e~ecu[ed on the day and year first above written. \, (C:\UP50\COlSTFED.IOY'DECLARAT.OOZ:070693:13SSem) 11 SE/0E'd JOlJOH WdE!:L0 96( !E N~_ '-' i~fP. ...,~1 ~.~ Ij ~.? ~~~ j f '~',-l J '. . \ . WITNESSES: MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. ~al9~/ ~0 (Sitn on dill line) . 1')o'-'jiF_ c!"HCr" (Legibly print name on lhis line) I // , ,/ /./' // ....,,// ,/ ~,ItI.J '') \ ~\ By:'" 'r'r' ,1,'1' l/ ",~~,,,,h}\ ( 1m on Ihir lind . . 't<c.cr ." c ,~.;:.\ \ ~~~\ . "'\(" t:": ~ \" !Lcsibly print name , lhis li~) 1tS r'.. \If I c.\.,\. =-. (l.<<!gibly print Litle on lhis line) STATE OF FL~A ) COUN1YO~ '1/AA~L) The ~regolng !",tp'meni was acknowled~,\ before me this 2. 0' day ot2-, (<-.:1-- 1993, by , I' . . ~L ~ . ' , as fL-J(.. oJ (,' K>'/C /. of MAX DEVELOPERS, INC't a co ration organi ed and existing under the laws of (he State of Florida, on behalf of the corporation, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who odid I'ldid nor take an oalh. L-' .P ~/. . e~-rt,//<1.~~,~) (SI'I\ on this linEj e;'ZBBN .<;: A.07//AlC.' (Lq1"'Y print name 011 1his Ihle) NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida COMMISSION NO.:[Y? ,,;2..~.j-O~ ~ R" EXPIRATION D^1"E: /-/ K- ~'7 . (SEAL) onlel" NOTARY SEAl. EII.Ef.N S NC7TARO N01AItV rUBLlC Sl'Alt\ 01, fLORJI)A COMMISSION NO. C0.50,..e MY COMMISSION EXI'. .18,1997 (C:\WP50\CQASTFED.IOY\OlCLARAT.OO2:070693:1355em) 12 SE/IE'd JOlJOa Wdvl :L.0 96, IE '. \jl~f~ -?[!.O!'.:_ i~" ; '.~ ~.~~~ "-" .,,' Exhibit "A" to Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (Legal Description of Control Parcel) A ponion of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Conler of said Section 19; thence North 00. 59'39" West along the East line of said Section 19, a distance of 2,728.11 feet to a point; thence South 89. 00'21" West, a distance of 60.00 feer to a point on the Westerly righr-oC-way line of Congress Avenue, said point being the principal point and place of beginning of the following description: Thence South 43. 32'54" West, a distance of 28.51 feet to a point; thence North 00. 59'39" West, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point; lhence South 88. 05'26'1 West, a distance of 32.00 feet to a point; thence Soulh 00. 59'39" East, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point~ thence South 88. 05'26" West, a distance of 418.00 feet to a point; thence North 00. 59'39" West, a distance of 609,99 feet to a point; thence North 8S. 05'26" East, a distance of 430.00 feet to a point; thence South 46. 27'06" East, a distance of 56.11 feet to a point on the Westerly right-ot-way line of Congress Avenue; thence South 00. 59'39" East along the Westerly right-oE-way line of Congress Avenue, a distance of 529.99 feet to the principal point and place of beginning. LESS THE FOLLOWING DESCRlBED PARCELS: (Legal Description of Olive Garden Parcel) A ponion of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as foJlows; Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 19, thence N 00. 59' 39" W along the East line of said Section 19, a distance of2,728.11 feet; thence S 89. 00' 21'W, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point of intersection with the West right-oE-way line of Congyess Avenue and the Point of Beginning; thence N 00. 59' 39" W along said West right-of-way line, a distance of 123.61 (eet; thence S 89. 00' 21" W, a distance of 186.00 feet; thence S 00. 59' 39" E, a distance of 116.57 feet to a point that is 50.00 feet North of the North line of that 90.00 foot wide access easement for "Boynton Beach Mall Access Road Oil, as recorded in Official Records Book 4814, at page 279, of the public records of Palm Beach COWlty, Florida; thence N 88. OS' 26" E and parallel with said North line of "Boynton Beach Mall Access Road 0", a distance of 117.62 feet; thence 5 01. 54' 34" E, a distance of 50.00 feet; thence N 88. OS' 26" E, a distance of 15.61 feet; thence N 00. 59' 39" W, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence N 88. 05' 26" E, a distance of 32.00 feet; thence 5 00. 59' 39" E. a distance of 10.00 feet; thence N 43. 32' 54" E, a distance of 28.51 feet to the Point of Beginning. (Legal Description of Carney Bank Parcel) A portion of Section 19, Township 4S South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more panicu1arly described as (ollows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Secdon 19; thence N 00 .59'3911 W along the F..st line of said Section 19, a distance of 2,728.11 (eet; tbence S 89. 00'21" W, a distance \ 'of 60.00 feet to a point of intersection wilh the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue; thence N 00. 59'39" W along said West right-of-way line, a distance of 367.79 feet to the Point of BegiriiUng; thence continuing N 00. 59'39" W along said West right-ot-way line, a distance of 162.20 feet; thence N 46. 27'06" W, 8 distance of 56.11 feet; thence 5 8S. 05'26" W, a distance of 201.00 feet; thence S 00. 59'39'1 E, a distance of 141.15 feet; thence N 89. 00'21" E, a distance of 24.97 (eet; thence S 00' 59'39" S, . di.tanc:e of 57.20 feet; thence N 89- 00'21" E, a distance of 216.00 feet 10 the Point of Beginning. (C:\UP50\coAST'ED.lOf\DEC~A_~T.OOZ:07'393,1355em) SE/2E'd JOlJ08 WdvI:L0 96. IE N~[ - ' '-" Ij~n '-'r A '( .;,~ ~,... f 'f T'" \.., t a-' . 'I. .. . '.' ..- "" ~ . . Exhibit "B'I to Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (Legal Description of Olive Garden Parcel) A porlion of Section 19, Township 45 South; Range 43 East, Palm Beach Counry, Florida, being more panicularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 19, thence N 00. 59' 39" W,along the' East line of said Section 19, a distance of 2,728.11 feet; thence S 89. 00' 21"W, a distance of 60.00 feel [0 a point of intersection with the West right-oC-way line of Congress Avenue and the Point of Beginning; thence N 00. 59' 39" W along said West right-of-way line, a distatlce of 123.61 feet; thence S 89. 00' 21" W. a distance of 186.00 feet; thence SOD' 59' 39" E, a distance of 116.57 feet to a point that is 50.00 feet North of the North line of that 90.00 foot wide access easement for "Boynton Beach Mall Access Road Oil, as recorded in Official Records Book 4814, at page 279, of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence N 88. OS' 26" E and parallel with said Nonh line of "Boynron Beach Mall Access Road 0", a distance of 117.62 feer; thence S 01. 54' 34" E, a distance of 50.00 feet; thence N 8S. 05' 26" E, a distance of 15.61 feet; thence N 00. 59' 39" W, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence N 88. 05' 26" E, a distance of 32.00 feer; thence S 00. 59' 39" E, a distance of 10.00 feet; thence N 43. 32' 54" E. a distance of 28.51 feet [0 the Point of Beginning. (C:\WP50\tOASTFED.~\Dlt~"AT.OO2:07'393:1355~) SE/EE"d JOlJ08 Wdvl: :2.0 96. tE "J' '''--'' i ~C\l~ '=-'" ;:.~ f .,: ~ ..~ -. '. 1.. , .~ .....,... - I:' .. '" . " I ".' ,"," Exhibit "C' to Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (Legal Description of Carney Bank Parcel) A portion of Section 19, Township 45 Soutn, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: . Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 19; thence N 00. 59'39" V'f along the East line of said Section 19, a distance of2,728.11 feet; thence S 89. 00'21" W, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point of intersection with the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue; thence N 00. 59'39" W along said West light-oC-way line, a distance of 367.79 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing N 00. 59'39" W along said Wesr right-or-way line, a distance of 162.20 feet; thence N 46. 27'06" W, a distance of 56.11 feet; thence S 88. 05'26" W, a distance of 201.00 feet; thence S 00. 59'39" E, a distance of 141.15 feet; thence N 89. 00'2111 E, a distance of 24.97 feet; thence S 00. 59'39" E, a distance of 57.20 feet; thence N 89. 00'21" E, a distance of 216.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ~. ': (C:\WP50\COASTfED.IOJ\DECLARAT.OO2:07'393:1355em) SE/vE'd JOlJ08 WdSI:l0 96, IE N~ 1-1I ., ~1~ I ;', j~l -.--::: i ,I " ._.._~ - ~ I ;, : I "...' an..t .............,." iIi' Ji ,I U:_ ..__ _. ...._.;. _.__ '!: ~..~:.. .......:.:.. I". ~'i'-i:I.""t.- F::' I. ;i:.l!" "I' .~ 'p~.i t ~ r ..."' =~ ! ! . : ;.: ;:1 - ..' ... -- .,' j' .;" '.-:?, ';;:'J ~ I . (. .,:. ! . 1 .. ;. I I .t :' j I II rr . , I i ~ I' ,~. I :: ':1 ~.;. ., 11 r ~ lis', I ,I :i i '. it " I! \~ l" ,~ '. :y. : "~.~ i ; a , :.j I. : I J 'Uil"f" -; ,: ..f :.10 '!1ttl ,=! .iL",'1i I' 'Yill' '11 1~~;Frh' -: -.. ,. ..' ... {,'ii* i.-:;. ..,... fI.. - " :. {.::ii"c:;" ..... I. .:mh, Wllil.. .'Ii t~~ filii:;; !(.lli ~:.'fl'l C':. {. ., :1' to. ~ 11 ! ;j!i' J "'" } ,. i ~.; : r~ :1 ~z H ii :~ Ie if ~; H n 'I , 'f I' :' .r ;:i~ ie' 'f ;:l ~;~.. Fr-. cf'~ . .f. iilt.. tj~~~ ., I., l' ..... .'"' ; z ... ~ Cl ::0 ... ... '" .. .. ... . .: . e, e CAlUUU. .... -.f" ,".: to . ~ ,10. f~~ ~ ~.~;: I ~~jl !t~ J =-,. I' Declaration of Easementsl Covenants, Conditie and Restrictions Site Plan of Sho in Center __ ,..c... ___ ........ ...~ (...., . I . rt- tj----., t::~I"" . -- ~_.... --..- ::- -,., . I 'UIi1!faufl:.sH~. J . . 0 . 0 ' . . . f Iii I' Iii. I~ 1_.- . I'" l ~s' ;r-L.:.~.:, .;;! ,1 f~,.,I:.. flii: I; lfii'fnfHi'i:1 'i;~t !iP!i:i~ i;:~: j; Ijrh?Jlii Ttl ;g: 'l~rl~; tl lUll,: f:ill{1 ,I,I, : Iii! ail:';'.':,' if:':i Ii; i Illfrif; .....J OLD BO .it:, !II.'~." I{ f, F. "= i '..J li!1 J .in,!: Ji~!r I[ ~ l!fJ! ,'(:I=t;! ~ cl:. ftl'~!~h~i a!:,:" i 11.11 If}; ! 2 III! a~!i'~J! IFf; If ;" I,; It ~ ~ .! . Ii:: flliiil,:l ;,,~ ji Ill: In i II I r~ illl i:lt!il!!; IIi.! !I : ! iii II , ~ I~ lD1 ~ ";'.'1;"',;..:,:,...1 Q;~ ... C"I..~~tl" u~ /r - :. -.: ~ ..J " // -- .. . ,. - ~ ,. .; 1. ,j : f /' :1 'I I , I I 11 II ; ........ ... ~I~.. - l"f'~ ,. 1 .~~ .' w: 11 .. . if I ~ , ~,r ~.! - --... -"- ~ -........ I L.. : . 2 t .. . . .. r to ; r e.~ I U . "'!';", I j 1'1"1"1'~~"1 (r....:....' ....... .~..., ....i.. -,.., I .' ... . .-. : - :..,....-~.....,..-:-....,. I -.....~ .. 1; I. I I ' . I .' : , ' I , ; i ;; I ill; , , ~ ~ I I J I,!:" I I I _. ..~ L ~ . . t i.: I ': "1' 1'! r.. !:..~ !-I-~l :r! ; . , 1 ,., . ,l! I I I Ii! ! I I I ! I ft! I I j- I IJ '... l _.. t . ii T ", I.:' " If.. I;. I"~ I:" , I; \ . '~:~~..~ 'r '"'"y--, , I . I~ "II it~t'll!t(~'lli'. ~ :1~J'fl'lll;fnl: , .. ,.. : ,. i ' t.. Ii' C .. ... .. . .. IS-' ..., I,o'.:ii '.~ ,: f.....al r"i';c . '.,To ... s..H..'.: "r.j' "'I""i' I' "f.:. .. .': I' -11 .,'i" ~cL~.~.1 - I:. ~i, '!Iil~.f-. : : "; I; ~~r'ltll 1":': I=,I"",I!. ;c.J:': 11.,,;.( 'I L"f''": II,c~I'r If . , .. ,.",,,, 'l'~ I' c.", . !;:i~! 'ii:~'lf~' I f',~~i !II~J III i it. '. ,n:"., il II!t'~ 'l'=~lli' I 1I1'I~illi~'f,1 '.! ~':i:!i Ili~l! ~! . " I.. lal' I" 'I h .. 11,ft: i:1!"fl ( .l it;. Ili!';l tJ It.. ~ It w' I tr.l, CI'.'" J _tl:t Itl1:.. c ,It'. I' ia.. ' ii!: IJ~;!' I 1:1'; !,.,;' ,f .:, .' ~..:: I. I MO ""r'.:.. . I. . ". ...... .... ...~.... ...... f,' I .. ,r-':'" - - >> '" .... ,~ t= .0 ;z ." o Z o . 1. ~S - ..-..-. ... . ..... I ....... PAlM BEACH P~OMENADE BOUNDARY SURVEY .Bon:rOl'l Buell. FLOItIDA _J1r -...... ....'" IV...- _,. .'''.'~IC'f( ... '.-" ~::::~~... ., -". .... ""t" - ...,. ..... .' ._. I..., lit.. ..,..... ~C"'U&.fo'2&J)" "'"Iau,," '/'fe. ,...""".,..., .. ,.,..,.., ......-~ . ...,..,.. ,. . . .... . . . ...11.. ~ ...... ..... .... . .....;:... ~~...,..; . . WA .....~... SE/SE'd (Cc\~50\~STfED.80Y\DEeLARAT.002:07139]:13SSem) .. ...... ..... Me ". III .. ......c, ,... JOlJOa WdSI:L0 96, IE ~[ ...; ,~IHDRETURNTOI- . .. ..... ..... OJ 1"1 --=- ,...,. CIm8). Jr.. lea. ~:.J. 1Ot"ODIrJIflAv.ftOO ~ BoynIDft elf n. FL'" ... . I'DS'I JIODInaT!.Olf or DE~01f 01' ZJb;~6 _ OOV'INAJrJ'8.1. eoRDt'l'IONS. AKD R.BS'l'RrCT1'~RS .... "= ......~.. . . . -- r-EB-lit-1994 .3:43'11 94-05373.2 ORB ~. 123 p, 423 I 11111.....,1 . ....,11 III . !CodIfication 0.' Deolaratlon oe us.ment.a, oaveft61lt.s, conOlt1onl and ~.8~riG~lon. 4a~.4 ~~ly 7, 19t3, and ~.aorded i~ offlolal _.cord. Book '819, at. Page 1119 of ~.b. .\&1)110 .eoord. of Pa1.Ja ,..Db county, Florida. 1. Parafraph 1 1- h.r.~y ,mended by adding the ~ollowlnq .an~.ftc. at the end ot the paragraph' ~ SE/L1"d 3. #.. . "Kor shall the owner. of the control pA~c.l construot a our~, fence, be4qe. vall or other barrier on the comaon boun4a.y between tb. oontrol ~arcel and the out paTe.l. vh1Ob, 1ft ~b. ,u4ge..nt or ~h. tutuxe OVfter of tbe out p&%C.lf i.pair. the visibility o~ the ou~ parcel aftected, vi~ouc the >>~10~ WTlt~.n consant or the future owner of the Oll~ ,areel .0 affected.. par.,r.ph tea) i. hereby ..ended to provide the tol1ovtnfl ..otwith.~.ft4ift; an, o~h.r provl.1on in tbJ. D.ol.~ation, nOChlnq cont.lne4 h.~.in .hall ba construed to requ1~. the own... 0' any ou\ pareal to o1:)t.aln tbe ooneeftt o:e the ovne~ 'o~ ~h. eon~~ol parce1, tor a1tnl atfixed to face the i.mprove..nta l.oeabc1 on the eN' p4!'eel.. Ja1"a~aph 4(a) 1. turt:ha:- ..ancSe4 a. ~ollow.t For purpol.. ot this para;r,pb. the tera w41r.c~lon.l 81gna" ,ball DOC Iftclude any signa LadLeatiftf ~b. route oz dlreoCion ~o 'he DDrtv.-~hru. window. .i~ua~e4 on ~h. ~mey laftlt parcel. Paragrapb t(lI) 1e ...nde4 ~o ad4, at any plloe where the .own.~ 01 ~. Olive Gardan jll"cel. the addtticnal pb~al. .0" ~. CM\er of the earney lank parool.. 'a~.lnph "(OJ 1. a04itie4 a. fo11oV. (1e. Mint u. expr... ift~.ftt ~b.~ tho ooft~~ol ,~rc.l .ball have ~o~ ~. .~~i\1, th%augb the Irantinf of exclusive ~ifb~. o~ p~lvil.... fo~ tha ~.n4e~1ftg of .ervi... O~ ~a. .a18 of prodQot. t4 in~.~t.re v1~, O~ oth.~l.. i.>>a1~ O~ ~..~zic~ ,~. OYft.~ 01 'he Carn., lan~ p.~c.1 tro. le.,ln. .pac. 1a 'he ,.\&114iI\9 .1~.a'.4 on 1:~. CaZ'I\.J Ban" .&1."..1), ...tvith.tandiftf any ota.~ provi.ion .ontain.' b...An, exo.p~ v1~b re.p.ot to the exala.i~e ~lgh~. O~ ,Elvileg.. 3. 4. .. 1 , JOlJOa Wdl0:l0 96, !E ~~f I~ 8-'.... I I. 7. I. TUE 9=14 THOMAS CARNEY p.e3 , ~. ORB ~'.....23 P9 424 tT.n~.d by the owner ot the Control Parcel which exist a~ the ti.. ot the conveyanoe ot the Carney >>ahk Parcel to Ca~GY Bank p~r.uant to an Option Agre.aant by and between Carney Sank ~n4 Max Developers, 4ate4 Wovember S, 1112, Carney Bank shall be permitted to le... .pac. to any individual or e~tlty, whether or sa14 entity or individual i. or enqa;e8 in the saMe (or .1_11a,) tYi. of bU8ine.. act1Y1~y or enter.pri.. (including tho rendering at .ervic., O~ the .ale of ~~cd~o~.) .a an .~1.tln, t.nan~ of ~b. Shopping center or Control Parcel. ~h. frantinq of .XOIU81v8 riQhts or privileges tor the r.nd.~ln9 ot .."lc,. or the .ale ot produots I)y the ovn.zo of tbe . Ihopp1n.q een~er or the Cont.rol Parc61 to a t.uaan..t or tutu.,. cwn.~ of .ftV part of the Control ..rcel, .hall be null and void and without .ttQa~ with ~..p.ct t~ eny lea... by and ~.tV..A 'be ownor ot the Ca~n.y aank Parcel aDd i~. -ceftaftta". ~a~.wraph I(e) 18 amen~.d ~. tollows: (e) (1) 1ft place of the phrase .(~O~. detenainec! .Ub..qu.n~ ~o the execution bereof and 1~dlo.~e4 1n a .uppl..anCal 4aala~._ion)- the fOllowing phra.. .hall be tft..rt.d. -.evenc.an (1") pe~C8nt. 'Ce)(3) I' berebf d.l.~.d. .aragr.~h . 1. h.r.~y ..ended b7 .441ftf ~~. fol1ovinf J.~aCJl".pbl PricZ' ~o Ja1\Uarr 1, 2000, O-.moZ' agre.e \bat. tor .0 10ng .s earnel laftk, ita .voc...ora or as.19ft., op.~at.. , -Bank- en the earn.y Bank p.r~e1, o~ .hall ~~t 1...., .ublease, or o~bervis. aperate or contraot, by conveyance or otherwise, to anotohe1" b&ftJc oZ' ..v1nV8 In.t:i~utleA (vhetheE' ohU'tere4 1:Iy the stat.. of '101'14. OJ:' bJ' ~. uniucS SUUs). the ~ena -SanJc- shall riot JiaGl\14. .OR9&"- cOllp.a1.., financ. eO&J.n1.. O~ .1.11': ooapanl.. w~tab do no~ accep\ deposit.. . 'ara9raDb 11 L. 'aroby ..anded to provide, ift each In.'.nee where ~. pua.. 'the owner of the Olive Garden pa~a.l. the .44~tiaDal ph~I.. &hall be e.4.4 -and tha ovfter of the C:aney IaD1Ii pucal.- l' I I ., " . C!=' /l=lT".-I Inl~08 WdL0:L0 go, 1E N~[ ",~'A- ;[1- .,.LJ~ 9':~'" ..,.""O",,~$ Cpfltr'6.... · ... O~ 81Z3 pt .4-Z~ .....",,' . ~l>..1C .....na. ..na . ..c'l'~.. l>.". ...~ 011 09 ....,.;J~. . 11' ~'tPlI.,__::vs3~o>I :,$o~r;'-. .~ 4"'1 01 ~~~~'1~Oll.. ~ ,.,'1 . 1l~'--' ."..S. . . ~....' tCOn01:." ....11,,,.. ,. ..,.",\,: .... ;v ~}"~'l ....\\ . .~.\'~...~. ..; ~ ~~..: \\,~ "' ;'S"-':" .. '..... )',4\! i, ,.' M' t \. U J' tl~J;:"~ ',_ ": ; ~\f" t .\ . . .. ..' !, ~~ : ~ " .~ .",'- . ,~~~~~:. ~\\. . .:~., . " 1 .!t":" :f~ I .. ..''Il t.. ,~~., '! ,. ."'l...~ ,s. ".,. ,~~9 (,'t t'~ Q.~ ~... 0 ~-' Sf' A . ~ a cr...lJ:ID.a1\ ot 0..s"",1 pt\lL' .,.0- .,- ,'1' ~ytlt.o~ ...~, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , . , ')01')01:1 Y1d80~l.-0 '3 -~ .,. 9/E'd Re~C1~o pN'D ~ ~".'" ~ "- Tho... r. Carney. ,11'.. 'r..t'Jutl'C1 / . 1101 lIorth COlltr'" A1Icnue. 1%00 .-J4-!~4 4:53,.. 9"'-05~979 loy-neon 1Irltcll, tL ]11026 I ~..I.wil,~cri. seCOND MODIFICATION OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS, COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THlS SECONO MOOlFICATION OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS, COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS is made this ~ day of February, 1994. by Max De...elop~rs,lnc. ("OWNERNI. a Flprida corporation whose address is 1101 North Congress Avenue. Suite 201. Boynton Beach, Florida 33426. . WITNESSETH WHEREAS, OWNER made a Declaration of Easements. Covenants. Conditions and Restrictions dated July 7. 1993 and recorded July 29, '993 in the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida at Records Book 7819. Page "19. as emended by that certain First Modification of Declaration of Easements. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions dated .::TU~Y tJ:f. 1993 and recorded at Records Book~( Page.11L~ (conectively, .OECt..ARATIONW): WHEREAS. O\NNER has conveyed portions of tne Shoppin9 Center described on Exhibit "A" hereto to General Mills Restaurants. Inc. ("GMRI') and 10 Camey Bank, ("CARNEr): and WHEREAS, O'NNER desires to further modifv the DECLARATION as herein provided and to provide e\/1dence of the consents of GMRI and CARNEY. NOW, THEREFORE. for and In consideration of the covenants. conditions and restrictions tlerein contained, Ten Dollars (510.00) and olher good and valuable cotlsideflltion. the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged. O'NNER hereby declares as follows: 1. Paragraph 11 is ~ereby amended by adding the following to the end of the paragraph: No 8mendment or modification of thl, Declaration, which eliminates or diminishes the easements created for ingress, egress, and parking. shall be effective unless the City 01 Boynton Beach is provided with written notice of the amendment or modification. The Notice to the City of Boynton Belch shiH be In writing shill be provided by celtlfled mill, return . ... receipt requested no less than sixty (60) days prior to the errective date of the amendment or modific.tion. The notice muit be accompanied by I" dOC\l""nts which would, by their .ffect constitute an amendment or modificalion of this Declaration, J If Ihis Declaration Is modified Of' amended to lliminate or diminish the .asements erelled h,rein, each parcel idenlified herein shall be requlre't1 to comply, with all applicable regulations of (/'Ie City of 8oynlon Seach IS they rellte to partcing. Utgr.ss .and .gress. 2. All d.nned tann, used herein ,hall have the Mme ",..nln, .. .., forth 'I' lhe Decl,retian, . 3. This aec:ond Modification may b. execut.d In two (2) or more counterparts each of which ahan be deemed to be an original and arl of which together ,hall eonstitute one (11 and Ihe ..me instrumel'lt. .' .~ ., , l> f,1-o-:~ I + l'- (,vH.A" . c\- \ CL; v\ il v.--0 \ \\1l ~l. v\ ~ 'i h~~-0~ J . *~ VIO 1d-~5 ~ I CcJ1'1l'1'1fsS, ~i -f"'trrv JOlJOa Wd01:20 96, E0 a3J -.:.... .. 9/17'd . /. ;':~ ":~. ot:le 8123 PI 94Q. . - .""!" .~ .;\ . . I ::).:':'.;, '.:r,. .., . '" IN WITNESS 'MiEREOF, the parties have fe! theIR hand. 8nd 1e81a to thla SECOND MODIFICATION OF DEClARATION OF EASEMENTS, COVENANTS. CONDmONS AND RESTRIC"ONS Ihls _ day of February, 1994. . - WITNESSES: ~ /!:C ~. -..-'~........ I rtV,.~ t: . c "~41C.t , ot1t. WITNESSES: Polrol_ PMI_ .\ .,: 8y: . Florida . . V.f-t~. MAX OEVELOPERS. INC., . Florida c;orporation By. REESE JARRETT President THE UNOERSIGNED HEREBY CONSENT TO THLS SECONO MODIFICATION OF OeCLARATION OF EASEMENTS. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AS OF THIS..LL DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1994. WITNESSES: 47~ ~tt-' PMI_ ,h '(1fi.'" ~ L?r-'rC'd J:, 'J..t:'8/V ~ t/I)?:&~" . MlI_, E. 'lli"61V ~ It. {J'-"'I! ~ WITNESSES: ~'1I~i -/(/. \~~.. II ... _ ,,.,.,,, ~."..;f "",../l.. I, . {~4'U;~~~ . - - ~..,.,.c.. if. A1',."tJ. CARNEY BANK Ii, By: C. BERNA D J as Chairman of ..,.' Soard. Ctlmev Bank P.O. BoX' 3219 Boynton Beech. FL 3342"-3210 By: ~ RICHARD D. Senior Va Pr..ldent 1 j I JOl)Oa Wd01:20 96, E0 a3~ -' ... ... q/c',-j ORB a 1 23 p, 950 NOTARtZATlONS FOR THE SECOND MODIFICATION OF OECtAAATlON OF EASEMENTS. COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ':.1 . .)} '. ,I The foregoing instrument was aclu1ow1edged befor8 me this y d8'1 of Feburary. 1994. by John Hoecker, the Vice President and ChaIrman of (he 80erd of Max DewlopefS. Inc.. 8 Florida corporation on behalf of the corporation. He" ~.1Iy _",own (0 me Of' has prod!lced as ldentfficdorl and 411! (did nOI) lalCe an oath. . ~~ Jf"~Si\fnature) . (Print or Type Nolme) ~ Public (Tille or Rank) (SerialfCommission Number) My Commission Expires: STATE OF FlORIDA COUNTY OF ~il1~~ OFrJCIAl SE.'l '~II~' UTON III, lOfii....II.... ~.. \~ .,... A.I 'ell. 1. 1"' ....~~.. c-.... No. CC 2511" The foregoing Instrument was ICknowledged before me this _ dty Of Febural1'. '994. bV Reese Jarrett. the President of Max De.,elopers. Inc. 8 Aorida eotpOf'8tJon on behalf of the corporation. He is personaRy known to me or has produced as identification and did (did not) take an oath. (Signature) (Print or Type Name) (11tfe or Rank) (SeriaVCommisslon Number) . . t:I~~ Public My Commission Expires: (NOTARY'S SEAl) .. .- STATE OF .&..!illr COUN1'Y qF AI..._ d"...., I~ The foregoing Instrument wet acknowledged before me this .LL day of February, 1* by C. Bemard Jac:obl. the Chalnna" Of the Board of C.mey Bank, IJ c:orporafion on behalf of the corporation. He'~ .!!. Dtf8Ol'lalty known to me or has produced 8S Identification 8nd _(dlCl not} lake an 0Idh. The rOf1llOIng Instrument wu acknowledged before me this _ day of Febn.ty. 11M. by RIchard D. H.hnnan. the Senior VIce Prnide"~ of G.n....' MIlia R....ur.nls. Inc., a Florida COf1)Ofallon. on behalf of the corporation. He Is per.on.'~ known to me end did not take 1ft oath. ~:'YJ 1i:~J~' t' "- l... D. une Not.1V Publts: AA7121BB My Commi..ion Expire,: ~~~ · ~ " L' (SIgnature) . (Print or Type Name) ~.lY eubtic crdle or Rank) (SerlaVCommlsslon NUmber) My Com~lssio" expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE (SignMut'e) (Print or Type Name) (TMIe 1M' R_nll' (S.rialfCommisslon Number, ~~ ii ~....olNC * ." ...~a:_ ..._ 0.0. 00. ,.., .....J" '~OP'FJCIAI. S~l. ... 11tO"'.S IATON ,*,,,1..1011 r...... 1:8", 1"1 ~ ._.~ ........ .......... . (NOTARY'S SeAL) J01JOa Wd0t:20 96, E0 g]j ':0 '1' :l> () ':C '1J :lJ () :2" ,.=- rn '-,. I~ :l> , I I;:OJ II rn ,I ~ \ i I ! \i i ~ \ i : \ I ~ II Iii I' ~~.~~ ; ~: i 'II ~ i fi 9 ',' I :: N AI '" - :: ~ ~;I ' I ~ j i ~ 11 I (') c: JJ JJ m z -I C/J C :D !rii -< OJ C) ,...' '2~ :..~ o '-" Ie:. ;;;:;i [lill' d II , Ji : illt '.1 _. i II- , ! l j , . , ~ r;.,~~~ ~ : i ~ ~ S ~ 1 ~ :; ~ t t \) A lJl .. t ~ B = ~ ,~ ~ ~ c: ! . ~ Gj alO o ~lI -i all z ~o p 'im TJ~ f- a)> ;u q liP'" j'lI ~~ I! :IZ . I ~Vl I'I'I'I-i 10 ;v ILl'" l!f~::: -r ZfTI O;v - CJ . ""'-/ {...... ~'- '" -;::;= I~ ~ ..:.. 0 I :N -' I I I In I 0 z Cl ::0 r-r: U1 VJ :l> < 1'1 -". C rl II I' I ; I I I , I \1 I I I I J 'Wt'~n ~i!/ /,/ / . / /, /' // ~. -, ~;: /1' ..oJ' // "'OtO =:m -=.;~~,Y/Vl~~// \ ~i\ ~.-J - -[0' ~~^ ~/ n, f- WU ~ -< "- / / r - -, Yff"" 11:= ~ N III J :n. '/// ./ ~;I I _ .. 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TO m DC ~~LL REMAIN Rll3l~0NLSEVATIONS SEE:: E r ----. ~- --) .~. r \ I I \ -fWl TltH :_5~iT ~:i\ --()' 63' 16.L flL-- .-.- .__ -.. E3U ~etf~e ex, sting AlhI NO TO RE..M . ~D.r1 CIIANGES 1 LE V. 1)l.AN AND I . r' 3 L C=-- " "-. - -=--- ~ . _. ..~..- I CONCRETE~[D 'IER c~~g, iIRELI. Ifl AS _ L LJ_ r- r ~ ~ . . .~' ..~ .;. " . t.,,~ ~ . ---~ . --' - POSED 't(IDENING . ~t.jEcg~G~~~S AVENUE. CURRENT-SURVEY ~ - --- . _ /J/J --i-I. _ ~JuL d'o~~ _ ~ /l.Vfi'e<<J'" IV-"- -I "'- I ~ . f (p1i\...~1A-.J' . - ~ -ke- ()1~ t;- -I~ folkry ot/b- a- C/tPU C(.(~ r~ ~ L ~ ~7' tu;!L 4.. 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I ~') 11--r t; / 6..- . / wrtBJA'1)E. . ~0r w/?o;~ ~. CUl't"eAAt ~{~ r'~ ~ / \0\\ \~ ~r\bri~lE. ~-\-VI. ~~~ 'f~.) ~~ f 5pL-~, .>krl.: . . \ . I- u~W- ~ rDlt.e- of-tk v...ftt. "5 Is ~ fk1J ~ ~ I~ fu;t ~ ttO-tj,~ >1:.sf'J...;c,..,..e.(j 7 . 3 - f-t{A~ ^~ e~ ~w-A.~ ~ ~t ;k Jlww7 ff-r-eA r;o~ li"\L w..:to,,\ ~ oft""-- DSC 22- I qq,,? N \J "Y q- ~ ofk ~L~I~! );;Y:~% - I {S\ . r ~ .~ ~;~ . 1 . ~ ~~v. !ll! \.... , . t. " .. 'r> , ',' J . ~ ; J ... DEP AR TMENT-------:~~/.:l '1JJ 96-102 '---- ,. ""-\..\>~ 5:-_Q j' " PLANNING AND ZONING MEMORANDUM NO. TO: FROM: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS Carrie Parker, City Manager Bob Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Building Division Ken Hall, Department of Development William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning Department William Hukill, Development Department Tambri J. HeYden~ Planning & Zoning Director DATE: February 23, 1996 SUBJECT: Administration Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday February 27, 1996 at 9:00 A.M. On February 27, 1996 a staff only meeting will be held to discuss the projects below at 9:00 AM in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, Room 201, Mangrove Park School. (Please disregard the February 16, 1996 cancellation notice for this meeting which was scheduled for a regular TRC meeting for which we received no completed applications.) Documentation related to the projects is attached for your review. 1. Project: Description: Location: Village Royale on the Green (VRG) Request for entrance closure to Emerald Green Condo and additional no parking signs along east side of N.E. 1st Lane. Northeast corner of N.E. 1st Lane and Gateway Boulevard. 2. Project: Description: Boynton Beach Promenade - Carney Bank Request for City Commission reconsideration of one of the 2/94 conditions of approval (cross access/parking agreement) that has not been satisfied. 1101 N. Congress Avenue Location: Attachments TJH:bme xc: Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities DirectorCentral File Central File a:TRCSPECL.227 -~ ill'il"~ ',' . :,vi' ~ r -'--~"'"-"'~ I n dll FE8 -51996 (/U 'L... / Y ,~ ~ 'c~' \\) ..~ \y J ~ lJ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. .eJ ~l (QJ ) 9J Bane One Commercial loan Origination Corporation rom: ..f\\ ~ q Total # of Pages \ \1 TO:~ffi~,~ ~~ Company: CfD7-.~~~O I ' To: '.\())...~\P.~~ Company: ~(-~s<1'=Y7~ To: ~~'f' ~~-et \:-e f'\ .._ Company: 4C7-S8h..os-76 To: ~~e.s~, C'~ To: Company: \o.lS!-bqq-cr&s":;- Company: To: P"\\-e\'.-~~L-~b\~_ To: Conipany: Comoanv: -~ # - To: Company: o aI3/91, Date; To: Company~ d To: Company: I ! I , II II, J 1'1 -.-,1 II I i I : i I II !I'I I , I I 1 I I . , l I i To: Conlpany: To: __. Co,': lpany: ImnortjlnT: This meSSo:Joe is im~~nde~: on)\, tCl.LIhe u,Re of tn...8 indi\ii~or entity to whip_h it is addressed and mr.l..\'_CQ.!J1';:;il1-.1nrOrm21,':O:i fhat \$ G..Q.nfiden1I~. If the reader O~' '[his message is (lOt the lntenoGd mcipier.l; or the person ff.sponsible for delivering tile message to the intend~d recipient, you ere hereby nOl.ifiod that any c(JpyinQ or distributioil of tiiis cOPlmunlccn:i(ln IS si:rictly prohibited. If you hClve receiv':d this communication in error, please Ilotify U.) imrnediatelY by tcleDhon8 anc dGstroy This communication, Thank VOlJ. ~F TRANSMISS:Oi\l FAILS PLEASE CALL: {713} 785-6639 AX r~JIJMB_ERJ_~?_.i7j 3) ~L85-993.3 ~-~....... 9/l'd I I , I I I I II i I I ! I I JOlJOa WdV0:~0 ~6, E0 a3~ Bane One C:OIDDJerdal Loan Origina1ion COlrpo~on 3030 South Gessner Suite 280 Houston TX 7701)3 Tel 713 7M 3131 Fsx 713 786 ~$ A 1IANC.0IIEw February 3, 1996 VIA J'ACSltJaLJ: 'rambri J. Heyden Plannin~/Zonin9 oirector city ot Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Bou1evard Boynton BQach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Boynton Boach Promenade 901 North Congress Boynton Boach, Floric1a. 33426 ("Propert.yt') Dear Ms. Heyden: ,In follow-up t.o my letter to you of January 31, 1996, enclosed please find the Second Modification of Declaration of Easement, Covenants, Condi~ion~ and Re~triction~ dated February 8, 1994. I apologize for forwarding this information piec~eal, but I have just reoeived the comple~e ~itle infor.mation package. As indicat.ed on t.he enclosed, the purpose of the Second Modification was to inaura not.ice t.o t.he City of Boynt.on Beach with regard to any changes t.o the easements or parking. Hopefully, t.his will aid in your review of this ~ituation. We hope to olose this transaotion shortly. Reoeipt of your revis9d zon,inq letter t.Tould expedite this prooess and would. be 9reatly appreciated. Should you require anythinq 'further please contact me at (713)785-3089. Thank you for your oooperation in t.his matt.er. LOAN ORIGlHATION CORPORATION q Supervi::llor co: Clay Wr1.9' t Michael J. spoor Reese A. Jarrett (via fDcs~ile) John J. Hoecker (via facsimile) Ell=n R. Stebbins, !&q. (via facsimile) John Fl~ni9an, E5q. (via fac5imile) o 1DD% ,.,ydcGIlI_ 9/2'd JOiJOa WdS0:Z0 96, E0 a3~ -'~ ,~ 9/E'd R...()~o P>N'Q ~oh....... 1\1 '. Thoma. r. c.~"ey. .Tr..,&..,utrCl / . 1\0\ North I;Qn_....u A..."...... ,,~OO -14-!~4 +:i:iilrjll4-~~""7'" .oynEllft lI~~ch. FL :nlo2li I .,.1 ,l:I..liill SECOND 1VI0D&:ICA TIQN Oi= DEClARATION OF eASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONOITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS SECOND MODIFICATION OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS IS made tnls 2.i. Clay of February. 1994, by MBl[ ~Iap~rs, Inc:, ("O\NNER"). II FIl'ricfa corporation wt'!Olle IIddleSS ~ 1101 North CongrMllI Avenue. Suite :101. Bomfon Be~ct'I, Floridlo1 33426. ' WITNESSETH VYHEREAS, OWNER made a Declaration of Easements. Covenants, Condhions and Restrictions dated July 7. 1993 and recorded July 29. 1993 in the PlA:Jlic Records Of Palm Beacl'l county, Florida at Records 8001( 78151, Page "'9, as emended by thal ~rtillin F~ Modifk;atiQn of Oel;l.rilltion of Enemenb, Covenants, Conditions and Reelriclio.,s d.1ed JULI;! l1..;t. 1993 I;Ind recorded at ~AOOrcfs Book ~(Page.11L~ <cchectNeIy, ~DEiCLARATION'); Wl-lEREAS, OWNI:!R has conveyed portions of tl'le ShoJ'ping Center described on Exhibit "AN hereto to Genetal M~ls Restauran1s. Inc, ("GMRI") and to Carney Bank ' ("CARNEr); fjRd WHEREAS, OWNER desires to runner mOCSlfy tne DECLARATION as hereIn provided and to provide evidel'lce of the col'\se"t, of GMRI I!md CARNEV. NOW. THEREFORE. for and in consideration of the covenants. cond"ltions and restrictions herei" contained, Ten Dollars ($10.00) and olher good and valuable consideration. the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, O'I'JNcR hereby decleres as follows: 1, Pl!Il1!lIsraph 11 is ~eby amended by sdding t"e following to the end of the plJt8graph: No amendment or mQditication of thkl Declaration, which eliminates or dininishe. the ea..ments created for ingres5. egress. and patting, shan be efl'edive unless the Cily of Boynton Beach is provided with written notice Or the amendment or modification, The Notice to the City or Boynton Beach shall be In wrlllng snail tle provlc:1ed by CIIrtlfled mall, return , - receipt requested no len then sixty (60l dl!lYiS prior to the effectjye date or tho amendment or modification. TI'l. nQ\iC41 must be ;1I:comp;lniltd by ;lit documl!!nts which wauld, by their IlffQct constitute an amendment Or mcdiflcalion of Ihis Oeclaration. If this Declaration Is modifIed or amended 10 eliminate or diminish the easements craatetJ herein, eaen parcel 100enUneCl flereln shall be requlre'tl Ie comply. with all appliCi;lble regulation$ of the City of Boynton ee..dl 85 they relate to p8~il'lg. ingreu,lInd egress. ~~ . ,<~j! . ,,.. ,(:.~ : :~~ . ".l~"' " .~:.~.~: , . \~.:,; " " , .6 ( , t!f.ft(') /;l'f"I ! ", ;uvvf / I ;(lj1~{ > ~r/Cu 2, "I delined terms used herein shall have tt'le same meilning iI$ set forth in the Oeclaration.. ' 3. Thia seeond ....odification may be executed in two (2) or mors eounterpans: oacl'1 of' \NhICh Iha" tie deemed to be an original and all of wnlcrl togelner shall consUMe one (1) iIInd the s.rne in6INme"t. JOlJOa WdS~:2~ 96. E~ a3J . i -..... 9/S'd ORB 8123 P9 950 NOTARIZATIONS FOR THE SECOND MODIFICATION OF D&eLARAllON 01=' EASEMENTS, COV&NANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS STATE OF FLORIOA COUNTY OF The fOregOIng Instrument W8$ IIc;knQWledged before me (hi:! ?' dtI1 of Febur4lf)', 1994, by John Hoecker. ttle \flee Pre.ident .r:d Chairman of the eo.rd of Max Dewlopent. Inc.. . Flortd.\l ~tion on behalf of the col'llOfation. $ I:I..DeI'Ional1y !l:ruwm 10 me or has Qroduced as identification .ftd & ((lla not) lake an oath. .~~ ~~signature) (PrInt or Type Name) (TIUa or Rel'lk) (Seri41llCornmiuion Number) tI5dIlD. Public My Commiuion ~irQS: STATe OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF .:~ 1 , . '.'1 ": ~;; ~ . ," ~m --..., II). rATON ~11t"" ~lr... \.~ "'1." ,.... ?, I"' ....!':~. ~"'. No. CC 257..1 The faregolng in$trumenl Will ecknowl8dged before me this _ dly of Febura~, '99.... by Reese Jerre<<, the President 01 Msx Developers, lne. II Florida eotpOI'atlon on b.half of the corporalion. He is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did (did not) take ill" oath. t!2tftX Publie My Commission Exgires: (Signature) (Print or Type N.me) (T'rtIe or Ral1k) (SeriallCommisslon Number) <,""OTARY'S SEAl) .. ," STATE OF ,~~ COUNTY qF Ahl'lf iIf'~ ~~ The fClfegoing Instrument was acknowledged before me lhis iL day of Februi.llry, 1Sl94 by C. Bemarcl Jac:obs, the Chairman of the Board of Camey Bank. e corporatlon on behalf of the eorporation. HelS. ~ De_raonally Imawn to me or has produced as identfl'lc:atlon and -'(010 nOll'BKe an ~. '9~....-. ;::-Gign*ture) . .... (Print Of Type Name) Natluv Public (Title or Rank) . (SeriallCommission Numbti!r) My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE Gi"-~OFFlCIAI. SEAL H. T. "'OMAS tAlOIl ~"II'ID. E..... ~Jf.U91 ~~~. ClIt'II....... I;C 251t18 ....-..... The fCt'egoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day or February, 1994. by Richard O. Halterman, the Senior V.ee President of Gene/1ll Mils Relllllurents, Inc., a florida corporation, on behalf of tne corporation, He IS personally I<naiVn to me end did net lake .n oath. ?1\Yt ~(?(;';','''. Ll.. O. Lan. Nllt.rv J:lut:llkl AA1127S9 My Commission EXJlires: (Signature) (Print C1r i~ Name) (title or Ranll;) (Serial/Commission Numberl ~~ . ......-. ,. ..L. .1' II .. -........ I,.."UIII,". ~.., --.,,~ (NOTARY'S SeAl.) JOlJ08 Wd~0:Z0 96. E0 a3~ -.' ,4GIIJ ,"XI ..e tlJlDt TO;"'" . .. -:0 I.... '-' 1-' M ::. J~~ ' ...... 0Mter. tJr..I!sQ. ~.; 101 K~_AV.IIOO - BoyNan 1IIih...... .. I"Dft mDXno.nOlt OJ' D:ecIARATXOlf OP BAS~.. 00VD.\JrJI8. t!OlI~'l'TOlf~, AKD RRS'l'RI'C'l'T~ SE/ L 1 . d -j " . I , - ~ ~EB~4...iCJCf4 ..J:t,JPI 94-:0=r3~732 ORB : t23 p, 423 I III' ......, f .1.1.. r I III I - Xodltlcatle3 o~ ~ealarat1on of easemant., oovefta~t., con41t1onl .~d rastrioeiona datAd ~Uly 1, 1193, and ~.oo~e4 in offl01al ..cor46 BOOk 'Ill, at Page 1119 or ~~. J~lid .eoorda of Pa1m .eaoh CoUftty I "01'14&. 1. Paraf~I" 1 11 h.~.~y .m8n~ed by .dding the ~0110Wlft~ -ant.nc. at tJ:l,e end of 'the pilraqraph; a", #'" . "Hor shall the owne~g of the ccn.ro1 'A~oel con.~~ot a curb, tenaa, be4ie, wall or other ba~~i.~ Oft tha eoason ~Uft4a~r ~.tv..n ~b. oont~ol patcel an4 the out p.~c.l. wblQb, lQ ~h. ju4~e..n~ o~ ~b6 ~~~V~. OVft.~ of tb. OU~ p.~e.!f 1.pal~. the Y1a!h11ity o~ thA out ~el attected, v1~cut; 't~. >>.10., 1ai,'.JS. eon9aRt of the tot.ur. owne" cf the out ,arcel 80 &ft.ot"~. Pt.....paph 4 (a) i. Mraby a.~t\d&4 to provida the tol1owlntJ '"otwi~h.~.~~inq any o~h.r provision in th!. CeQlaratlon, ftothlnq oontllned herein ahall ba construe4 to re~1r. th. 0,.,.".11 of any aut. parcol to obtain tb. ocnse.nt o~ e.. oWf:r 'O~ ~~. acntrol D.~oe1, tor aitns .tti~.d to tac. ~~. 1m.prov.lIent. lceated. on t.he out 1'4tcseL" 'ara;%aph 4 (a) 1. turthel" Ulende4 a. ~ollowtu For ~urpos'Q 0: this para~r.p~. the t.~ .4ir8e~1~n.l .1tn&n &bIll ftQt 1nclu~. any sign. 1~dicatin9 ~o ~ou~e o. <<lJ:aot.son to the "OJ:'iV.-Tbx-u. window. aJ.""uat.ect on t:h. C;amey Baftk parcel. paraqreph ten) 1- amenda. ~o a44, a~ any ,I14e whora tho .owner ot ~e Ollve ~a~4.n "~c.l' th. ..4f~!cnal pb~a,. "o"C" the awn~r 0' th. ~me.r laM '.'tOol.. ..~agraph 06 (0) i.. _Hif!" .. fo11.0"'. (te. .bA11\G the expr.... in~.nt th&~ ~. 06n~.1 ,~ra.l _hall have not ~. a~~it1, ~augb tb. 9ran~i~~ e! .xelu~lv. ~i;bt. or pr1vile... fo~ the r.n4.~1aq of Rervi~.s or ~h. ,ala of prod~ot. to !nto~t.r. v1~, or oth.rwise i.~a1r C~ raatrict tb. ~Vft,~ of ~. Carney Bank >>Jrcal from 1...!ng .pace 1ft the 1>'1114i.lt' .1~uat.cI OD the earn., '.nk pal'eel) I '.otv1tb.tand!nf any 4tber >>ro~1.1on ODftt.1n.~ ~.~.!nt ..oept with r..,eot to the exal~.1ve ~lgh~' ~ pEivl~.,.. 3. 4. I. 1 ~ JOlJOa WdSE:90 96, lE N~I ItS_9~ '"!""LJe: '!io =:1.... THOr....A5: CA~NEy ~.~a ..- ORB ~'......a3 p! -424 , qTan~.d by the cvner of the Control Parcel which .x!.~ at the tl.e of tb. conveyanoe of tha Carnay Dahk Paroal to carney sank purauant 'to an Opt10n Agreu.on~ ~7 and b6t:veeD Carnel 84nk Jn4 Max Developers, date4 WOVeaber 6, 1'11, Carney Bank .hall be perm1tte4 to le... .pace to any Jnd!.Idual or ent!ty, whether or 5~1d .ntLtr or individual i. Qr .n~ai.. in the 8~Me (Q~ simiiaF) \yp. of bQ~ine8S a~elYi_y or &nt.r.p~~.. (1^cl~d1ng ~. reDderlng o~ .ervice, O~ ~h. ..1. ~~ t~.d~a~.) aa ~~ 6Kl..1nf c.nan~ of ~b. shofPln; C.nt.r or CODtrol 'arc.l~ th. ,ran.1n9 of .XO n.ive ~i9h~. O~ p~i~il.9.Q to~ _h. ~.n..~ln9 of ..~vl~.. or tha .alA of produots ~, th. ovn.~ o~ t~. ahopJ)l114 Center 01." the eClIlt.rol P1lr~61 to a ~8.Ii~ or futur.... . ownel' of ...~y pa.t't of the e~ntrol '1l~.1, shall be null and voi4 an4 without ,ttGo\ with r.lp~ct tQ any lea ,e. by and ~.tw.,ft tbe ownor of the carney 8an~ Parcel and it. Ul\ant.- . I. Pa~a~&ph I(~ 18 a.~nd.a ~. follows: (.)(1) 11\ Plac. ot the phrase. ..('to be dete~1n.e4 .\1!)I.4.UAn~ to the .xecu~lon her.of an4 1~Olca~e4 in a .uppl..an~al 4.al&~&~lon). the tol1ovinq phra.. .hall be In.eft.41 .a.y.ft~.n (17') pe~8n~N '(e) (~) .1. hen!)y 4e.1.t:od. 7. Pa~auraph' i- ~Ar~hy aaeftded by adding ~b. t~llew!ng '.I'&'JI'qh. Prior to JanuaIY 1, 2000, Ovnor agreal that" tor 80 Ion; .. Carney Bank. ita '~oae..~t. or assign., o~.r.t.. a "BankW on th. earney lank >>ar~el, O~ shall not 1...., .ublease, O~ otherwise operate or eont~aot, by eOhv.y.n~. or otherwise, to anothe2:' bank oZ' 'avlngfJ 1nstitut!ea (whether Ohartere4 by the state of flGr:L4!a ~ by the Unit.lt! At.aus) , Tfte ~.~ .,ank- shill not ~cl~4. .o~~~aq. eoap&3i.., fin.~ea eom>>~n1Gs Qr Ita1.*r ~pant.. Wb1cb do no~ aec.p~ d..it.,. 8. Parag'rapb 11 is herQby amen4e4 to provl~e, in each inslanee vb.X". tha p!:a;r-&S8 tithe owner ot th. Ollv. Garden peJ"Clel. the a441ttonal phr... .hall be e44ed -an4 the owft.r ot the Ga=ney ~ pe~c.l.. I ~ , " II< SE/81'd :JO-':J,?~ Wd9E: 90 96 , 1 E t~tJr r-: '. ,- .. 1/ I f ---- 9:14 THOMAS CA~~-Y ORe"" a 123 Pi 425 -rUlE 4 %M WI~."S WK2R10., th. ~a~l.s have ..t tbalC band. .n4 ..al. to thl. ,tRA~ WODX'ICA~XO. OF D8Ct&R&TXOB OP SASBHlMTS, COVDAftS" CCIID%lJIIORS, AJlD USTI.1CfIONS tills IfJ"'- 4ay of .~._.z, 1193. .- SE/61'd,' ."~K_t ~ - (pr1ftt nDe 01 lU"u...) - (P~l1'lt D6.....ot Wl~S) wrl'HiSSES I $. 7d ~ r ~"/A'A". , . it:!. AI .... ~ (,... PI' n naa. .. ot t.n...) -. c.umn ~I >>.0. ~ 321i Bayn1:.0ft Beach, 3 . JOlJOa WdLE:90 96, lE N~r Bane One C{)mmcrcW l<um OrigiDaUOn Corporation 3030 South Ge.5:Jner Suite 280 Houston TX 77003 Tel 713 785 3737 Fa'! 713 786 9933 IIANC'OIIE 3anuary 31, 1996 V:J:1 I'AC8:EIII:LIl Tambri 3. HQyden Planninq/Zoning Direotor City of Boynton Beaoh 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beaoh, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Promenade 901 North Con~ress :Soynton BQach, Florida 33426 ("P:r-opert.y") Dear Ms. Heyden: Thank you very much for your letter of J~nuary 26, 1996 with regard to the zoninq Bta~us of the Property~ In tollow-up to the second para~aph of your letter, which pertained to the parking situation at the Property, enclosed ple~$e find the following ror your revig"z 1) Declaration of Easement, Covenants, Conditions an~ Restrictions dated July 7, 19~3; and 2) First Modification of Deol~ration of Easement, Covenants, Condition~ and Restrictions d~ted November 1, l~'J. It i~ my undQrs~andinq that the enclosed 'resolve~ the parking iaSU8Q raiQQd in your letter. After your review and approval or Item Nos. 1 and 2, please forward a revised ~oning 1etter to my attQntion. My faosimile nu~ber is (?~3)785-9933. Should you require anythinq fur~er please cont&ct me at (713}765-3089. Thank you for your oooperation in thi~ matter. CIAL ~OAB ORIG:J:BATI05 CORPO&ATI05 Processing Supervisor CCt Cloy W'riqht Hichae1 J. Spoor Ree.. A. J4rrett (via tacs1m1le) John J. ftoecker (via facsimile) Ellen R. Stebbins, Esq. (via facs1mile) John Flaniqan, Esq. (via facsimile) O'O!lI<fllO)ellCl_' SE/Z'd ~ol~oa Wd8Z:90 36, 1c. N~r ;)1:.111 ~y; 1-29-96 2 :4SPM Boynton Soh fax~ 713 751 aSaSi, 2 t1Ji.e City of 1J~ton fJ1ed oUoJr /i1- ....-'~. , '\ v.' 'L / - .......\ \ o 'Q' \T "t;..,. ,'Ab: \~/.j'~" 'J l.ODf:"_~~ ~.o. ~"tD ~~~,j.JtUS.W1.0 CUy:Hll/L' (.1) 31UIJIJtJ nIX: (40" J.,s.6(JI() V1A FAX (113)-785-9933 ~anua~y 2G, ~99G aano One CQmmeroial ~Oah Originat~cn Oo~crat~on 0/0 Ma~~ar.t Gay 3030 South ~Q~gn.r, Su~t~ 280 ROU8ton, Texa. 7?O~J IU!! : ~yntOft 8eac:h l'%'01'I\enad.e ~Ol Nor~h Congra&8 Ave~u. . Suites A, s, C and ~ ~ynton aAaah, Florida 3~426 Dear MG. MArga~et Gay~ The Boynto~ Bea~h Promenade, looated on a paroel on the west side of North Congress Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida, more specifically described in the above-referenced address and in the legal description in Exhibit "An, is zoned C-3, Community Commercial. The uses within this shopping oenter (retail office supplies, a realty, doctors' offices, a hair salon. a dentistry, business and pxofessio~al offices. financial services and in.t~ction for office occupations) are permitted within the C-3 zoning district. The'property is in compliance with all zoning code regulations pertaining to minimum lot fron~age, minimum lot are~1 maximum lot ooverage, maximu~ atrueture height and structure setbacks. With respect to parking, the property contains a portion of numerous pa;r;king spaces that. are partly within the pl"operty boundar1es of the SQ~ton Beach Promenade and partly within the property bou.ndaries of the adjacent outparcel~ Carney Bank. Tbis situation is not permitted aM assignment of the parking spaces cannot ~e split between two different property owners. In addition, there has never been a crOSB access agreem~nt ~ecordQd to allow the outparcel to traverse the Boynton Seach Promenade p.operty and use their driveway for acca~s to th@ outparce:. City ~ondition8 of a 1993 approval to eubd1vide the Carney Bank property from the Boynton Beach Prome~ade in order to create the outparcel are in ZXhib1t. "Ii" for r.:l:arencB. I;Ompliance wi~h these condit1QDS, whLch hay. not y.t occurred, would e11m1nace t:hi. .1tuat.1Qn. ~:. c;.t&.,. CD tIN fJr4fstrlflm SE/E'd JOlJO~ Wd82:90 96, lE N~r SENT BY: , -2Q-U 2: 4~PM Boynton BCh fa~~ '71S '7~' ~sas;, ~ TO: Me. Ma~aret Gray -2- January 26, 1996 Bxbib1t "CQ 1nc~udea the applicable Sections 11.l.~ (NQnoQuformLng St~ctu~eB) ana P (Reconmtruct1on or Removal) ot the Boynton Beach Zoning Code, .. requ~st~4 and also Section ~. Scop~ of th= c1cy'. p..k~~9 lot regulations that outline unde~ what circumstances the above non-pe~mitted sit~ation could no long exist. I ~r~e~ ~h~e the ah~e 1nformation .ddr.eee~ ~ll YQQ. zQuing verification letter requirements neees8~~Y for refinancing the BQyntQn Beach ~~mefta~e. t~h Attaabmant. Sin=e~t;l;lYI ~~O..rlt~~ Tamb:r~ ;;. ~y;;;;?i Planning/Zonin~ nirector x~: ~Qhn~. Hoeoker, Max ~.v.lopers, ~nc. A ~ PromZong SE/J;"d JOiJoa Wd6c:90 96, lE N~r 6ENT BV: 1-28-i5 2:47PM ~oyn~an ~en ta~ 11: 1~1 ~~O~I~ 4 E X H I BIT nAil SE/S'd JOlJOa Wd6Z:90 96, lE N~I ::il:Nl tsy: ; 1-2S-S5 i 2:47PM; 6oynton ac~ fa~ 713 751 3SB&;, 5 . : :,;" ~ ..~.. '1~:':r.';'. .&..... _~l^."lito ~~"I'.' .' . .. ,. '., . . IUiWc ~A' . ceclll&Atll3 ~\on:1 DIlnM CLEM OF III eMf - 'PI eounv. Fl ~ I. .. Q.epI DuCd,lilll or CiOCII'01 '1Ial) . ~ pard6ft of Salloa 19, T..W, 411oudl, RaftIe'" Ian, ,11m IaKh Ceunty. FlorJ4a, ..., more pardcuIIzb' 4~ IS la11owr. . , ' CGmnladft,at th& leu..... Coat. of..... See&aa,10: rhwe N~nh 00' 59'31" West .JoAa tM .." Uu 01..4 .... 19, . 6._ ., 2.721.11 fut to . pola.r: chlhe8 "Lam .,. GO'Il- WUft . dJ.CIl'R at 00.00 lac .. . ""'t .. eM W.tll'l)' ripNl.way Uaa DE ~_ Avtft*a IIi4 poinr IlllAr 1111 ,dad'" paint aad pltcc qf M,wun. 01 the .foIIoWmI aecn,u,u ThCI\CI ,..... 41. 12'S+' \Yea" . dlIttftCe of 21-11 tl.e to . fOW_ mlUlCl NIIft.k 00. In,.. w... . dlItmce rJll0.oo fcCIIO . polm; III... So.nh II' DS'2S- WeI~ . diltancl .'12.00 fteC 10 . polftr, dlacllaUrb. GO' .9'3'" lair. . diltat at 10.00 tete 10 .. ,00n~. \UNI '0\1. 18 t. 05&26- Wilt, . 4is~ 1St 4JI.00 teet to I paine; "-c. Nofth 00. S,afll,w.\. ~ "'Of." Ita, IO. point; d1ene. HortA .1. QS'26'1aft, . dJlWlct at ..,0.00 fa'C to . """; d.tnc. "\lib ..,. J?'Of" 'In. .lJltanG' of 55.11 1M! to. pobu CHl1l1. wenerll ril~.gf'"'Wll UN! Dr eo... A'hM\Cj mace Sou. 00' 1"'''lur I10ftl the Wllter]y ftl!\C.of.Wl7 IJne of ConIT1S1 Avenue. . cli5t1M1 of 529," lar co the ,rlAdpal paint .. ,1.ce of ",mnia.. · LUS THE IOUoOWlNG b&SeJJBID 'Mew: CLtpl Ducdptie.1I of OU.,. GIftlea. Puul) ~ pcmJDII gf Indo" ", TowNh'p ..S So\llh, J.inp 41 laic, PM 'udt Ceunty. IIlaridl, De1.nr mON pBni'W"ly ~ U roUaWli . C,lNftll'U:lftl al d\e South.. ccmtr of Sii4 SlcUon t 9. Chenu N CO. 59' st" W lIanr the 1..1 be ohahlS.cdoll't _ clLlCllN:I ot2,'~a.11Ie.tj ~_I.lp. 00' 21"\'1, a m.CW& 0160.00 leer to a "t DE ln1....lio~ wll1\ chi Wat n,hI-of..wa71in& 01 COll~ AYlftM IN 1M pcQt .r ItIlMf,lam d\IrlH N DO. ... 39" W 111011,1114 wile dllu.ot.wl, Une, I ....,.... "l23.'"luc. tUnM 110' 00' 21' w.' di.tanU 011.8'.00 tUt; thence a 00- 'f' ,... It. 4J...... .1 lII." talt ta a pelltr thae la ID.oo teer Nt!ltth. ot d\e North Line .1 chae to,OO.1oM vdM ..... ......, ,. ~_ leach MI11 Mil.. ....4 D". ... record.an QA1citJ ~ ~k "'1<4, It.... a,,, .,.. ,\lWlcnCl....f'alm au. CoWllYt P1orS4a; mncc N ea- OS'" B ....,ItIUcJ With .114 Nonh 111\1 II ...rDA ..IOA Mall ACCeII Road 0". I dJtuncI ot 117.61 Inti ch=cc 8 0\' 14\' ,.." E. I dUtuc. .150.00 ""; CSIIMI N II' OS' 261'... 4I.eana "1.,'~ t.rj ~ N 00. I' J,II W. I eIi'II"" Gf SOtOQ fee1i cheract N 18' OS' U" E, . GiS... " 12.DC! tlte; ~I& S 00. 591 irl. . ~ at IG.oo flee; Ih.. II 43. 3.' 1'- It . 4lIw\et 0111.'1 telc 10 &hi ' 'olnr ot'''~I. (LepI o...l,... ., Camtt' aaNc Puul) A....." of 8eedoD ". TowNW,~. ....Ih, ..,. 41 11ft, PaIa\ I... Co\IAt)', '101111., WIll IDMI pardlNlul7 -=bc.. " toDaWI: ~ IE dle IcJu....C corur 0I.11d au:al. 1'1 .,... NOD- "'" W,1ISq .. But line oli814 llerlDa ". l4JltlMCofJ,731.11 ru~ Iit_el.,. 00'1l1W, .cUa~IDCI .f ao.oa lilt 10. _, ............. -.d6 the w.,.sfm"way IiM .,.eo~ Aytl'iUla ..... HOG' ..... W I1IIlllalCW..& dill...., . dltfInce ofl61.1t ,..~ 10 lA. ,.dAl ......... ... un." N 00. .9'''' W III'" W_If....,...,., UN, a IUJtiftc& 011'2.10 _ ~ II 41' l7'06n ~1. ........ oI16.111c.q ~ I I" Clrll- W. . ~ Ir ID1.aa feIC; .... . go- war.. . IlINaftM .r 141.11 feci; ~ N 19' 0Cft1. B. . tiltaaM of 14.'7 r.ri.-dtllCl I CO, 59'1"" .-dilflZ\Ce cf 1'.Je:'...~.!\au N U' aG'21' L."'" o1.aI'.oo fur to IhI PaW if I...,...,.. C....NWtlU.."'a........tNftll.... . Reulra' 'ill r... a. 5: 31'11 SE/9'd . :JOl:JOEi l.Jdl2lE: 90 96 I 1: E Nl;jr cn:rn ~ T ; '-28-86 I 2t48PM ; Boy"to" Beh f.~~ 713 751 SiSil' 8 Ii X BIB I T nsn SE/l.,"d JOlJOa WdlE:90 96, lE N~[ ~~Nl en; 1-n-95 ,j 2151PM Boynton Beh f'~1 1~3,~51 ae$8;#~2 ':'ARlnlia AR IClN%NCJ 11IU.'nW'I'l' MZliCC)1t.MD1Il4 *,.-009 '1'0: ehai.nlaft u4 H.ldlwU Dr ille Pl..mu,n, u4 OevalOJlU". ..N1I If.....t ,. .wrcen~' Q Ik ~~ MtiA~ PlaM:!~, ... a9ALD' 4ir.~- KL~~..~ ft'I~~ Itte a~d l'ft~~1'''lDt Adai~~.~a~o~ JUUIUY 6, It,. Max D,Y.l~er. . I.i. RD. ,gO WdYeI' of 'lu 'lMI.U: rlClJU Mil. I III unu or llQUlI" I M~. ~ ......~. ."D' I~ ~ OtY.1o,IEa, lao.. ...... .f B07D~ ...~~ ~~........ ,. ~~"~lftt C~tr "".v.~ 'I ~lvl" Cb. ,...tna.. pr.p."~ to .,.". _aw .A~ .... ,r~rt,. .~... ....a .~....... 18 i..aLl' ., '01 Na~tb G.-ore.. AV..Yi. IADM.koVam I BOFfttOD a..cb ~a48 ~e aQ Q~~oel ta the 1000to~ ,.&~h M...u. The odgtu.l 'Z'OIIlIJuuiA ..ni.e.' ..,pnX1.MILttlr .i~ >>QUit Ilv. {'.S),aore.. fbe 'r..'Dada 8tla is 10..... in _ g.~ lom1~, 41.t!';'C~. on ~uV\ln :r.G, Ull,Che 'l&aDin, and Dev.1Clpll8M a.U'd &pprfve4 . NJi~.r ef pl.. .. ~~vi" ~e 'fOIlnlda .ite ~o Gz,.ee ~be Ollve oarden R....Uraa' .i'., ~ aliYl Oa~D ,11A I. ...~Lm.~.ly ,13 .o~... ~. pro~... ca~a.? ~"A .~~. w111 J=e ~UI.'.~J' ~ .01 .cr... ' AJQ4Vau. ~1' re.u..~ 18 betD. !orw....4 .0 ~ ...r. in conjunctlo~ with t~. nqun..e.nts eel:. fOl'tb ~D Al't1ah VI.' ,.,....lUac c: Subd1v~aS.ft ~ p~ae~119 "~lltionl. fhl >>~.. .,.. ~&11 Dot bav, a d1~ec~ 1D;~...I'rre.. ~o the Ii,. f~ ~lr8Ja ~Yenu.. Acets, to ~h. .1~e -111 be provi4ei ., ID Ie.... ,aliment throuoh l"- nCllllen..~. .i,u. ')at CU'ftey luk ~:rDlltlI"', .. ....nt.e4 on tha a~,..~.4 '~~.Y. ,. no~ 1~ loapli&DCt .1~ ~-l OO..~i.y c~rc1.1 Di.~~lel ...u1.~~~. "tett'.. iD Ap,.~diX A.IOD1n~ ~olSao, however, .ocl~!y:lZl' tha pre.....y uo 1;011'17' "i~b 1M nSn.A1D.' and SOALn, DQP.I~eDt ma.Dr.n~ dle14 ~&au.:r, ., It'. ~rtre.c. 1'111 No. '00. " ~.l _tnv '!:he Phpe&'~ 1.~. C1011J1Uaace ws.';, c.. r8vuh,ts,olla . ':bare 1. ",un nli ..... "Z'Ylc. ~ov1do. ;0 tbe .,~.. II. ut~11~1.. D8partmen, ........UM M_. .~-1'4. RICOMMINDATZDWCI} I TU or.ebDio&l JUlva... CIOIfta~n.. ITRC) Ii.to oa De~__r 18, UU 1:10 d1.CU81 Cb.. rl!~..t. ft. V...III' 01 ehe TIC ." '8 rlllOllll.'" lPP~ova1 ~e the ~lqU..l .Qbj... ..,'~. .s.c, .....bt. ideatif!e4 ~ QA. p~,vloa.1J idAAtiti.. Pl"Dia, .n. ...,., D.plrtaBnt ~....aal~. ..... ~anuarr I, 11.4 aDd ~11i~~.. D.,&>>~. Ie.o~&ftd~ N6. 'S..~4. MIX/jlll A'la. .I\:HMDIVSI:t..1M __ ,,\ . .......,._ 'I" ~~ . ~OI~05 WdlE:30 96, lE N~r SE/8'd ::iCNI ~y; '-29-98 2:52PM Boynton Beh fa~~ ?i3 76~ 3;6;i#13 PLAMHINO AND ~O)l;MCI ..'/UtTHIN'%' ICIMOlABPUH I'Ot T"'I'i. ,. Sudan AC.L~' p~.R81.i 4ftd ZoninQ ~1~.o~or MjDhl.l I, Ka.,___~ ai'. a" IOD&DI~c~~m.Q~ A"iD1!~r...~ .7aA1&lrr 1. '1991 Wai..r 0: ...t - "YD~OD ...db 'rom~Da.Q rUt Mill. ICla 1'",",,: DA'7I: II; !hi t~11o~1n. o....n;. &r. in rea;Oftla ~o the rayt~w of GA8 dOc~.at. .~itt.d lo~ ~e ~~..~ ~y M&X Dev~lope~.. t~~. \0 ,YbA1Yld. tbe lO~tOft ..ach '~aaa4Q .r..6l~' ;0 oraat. the prop..ed C.~.Y BIDA .~,.. ~. IPp11eanc .hall u~4e~.s~4 ~ha~ t~. W'1v.1' of .1., ia AO~ ~~al un~11 all conditiona of &ppr9va. I~' o~,l~t4 witb. 1. o.~. '1"'"-'. "Il'~." the 4ocaUoD of t.he AdUtlh fl:o..r1:.Y l~ne to tbt 4..~.. aha. ~. p~op...d new .roperty 1no ua.. ,a.._1ft, ."oe. ~.c~ir.4 ca &u...~, ~e UD. af tQI carney Blnk ~U'~~D. ~d n.' Lacl~4. p.rt1~O .D&4.s .a.~ ..e,&llgc&;'~ tor tb. PPD..._Aa ...~.c~. "st. ~h. tollow1~9 lOa. ~.~~i..d ,.~k'nt ratioll .O~e= leach 'l'os.aad...lhonift9 ~liU'~ I On. (1 I ..~k1n, .pace pt~ two b~:.C (200) ~ara !Q.~ .i If 011 lea.abl. j~~ .~=.. ~A'Y lank luil4inl · '~I.nc111 1na~tt~'iofta and ..rv1..., ona C11 p.~Ai~' space per two h~a4r.a an" f~fty (110) ~.~. i... of ~a.' flDO~ .~... 1ft. O"i5.. _ad O.t~c. ~ui141n,. not 11&t.. .l..wh.~el ~. fll p.rk~,..a~. per ~.. b~n~~e4 j3001 ,.~.r. faat _f ,roll floo~.~... ~it . t"Ul~ '~".rr oh..~ tbat 14Cft~~!ie. Ihe ..4e r.~Lre4 D.~~~.. .pae.. for ..., ~.. ID4 ..,oei4tea el'e& fol' tAl eUIl.Q BaI\Jl. lraUliil.., .acl 1;1\& IClynl:OJa .each .rama~la. I~oppift; can~8t. %ftclud. W1CA ~e .u~n.ry thl .... ~equi~" ratio. an4 c~tat1oft.. I. on * IUrv.,. poaUitan ~e ..n FI'''--I' 1.1.. .0 ~li.' Ce r... ..~ ~.~ Ibl bUl14iD' oa 'be nww .1la il ta e",l~..~e _ith ~ ...~ ..~..k ....ill.a ~ ebe =odl for ~he ~.3 ZOn1DQ 4illr~eil. Miti.a ~." pr4 ~ JO "01;. ,hOW Ia~ ~h. lI'Un'e, a1l. ..~agk Gl'~..~", Tha ..tb'c~ 4i1enB18ft5 ,hall ~. ~n ~omplllAc. wi~ c-) ."~I. ~~ir..'nt.. I. tCbe1t for'ra.~'w I .u~.p.f ~~. new p~op.~~Y ~b.C lnel~4.e all .x~.'~m. ~y~..,. t~cl~nv .bowin, aft4 t4ene~fy1n, C~t IoUo"i", I ..."_.",0 r Q11" .tali q4 'enl ] ~ nUdlh' Go~flv.r.'10D wi~~ ~.n.e~. a' ..ob .~..-al.'n.1o~.4 and ..~A'~. .l..n,iea.. tr.. .ath cor... De tb. ~~11~tft. (1..41., 14" o. ~. ~.il.1ft' ~..aa.1 ~. the .d~'O'D' p~QperlY ~1nl. ~8~a~ ,~o.. f1o~r ar-a o. I~a ~usl~1 .~ef of .~orl.s an4 o~.r.~l heltht, p.I'Klnl Ip.=e. 1Ddlud1n9 hID41~.pp.d epao.. .a~ 11~e of r.;u~~ ~ ~aa~8.ppe4 ep&4.., ~.~atioft of carbiQV. lee"i .i.l.. i~G.~1Dg N1d!h, ~ftC~ elclOlurel, 8t4ewa~kl InaluQin~ W~~~A, waZ$r and ....~ C~ctiOb at \b. .~p.rcy l1A', G~.inlve .~~wr.., f~r. nraran;., "at 101e. an4 .tr.., 119h~', ~o;h PlrkLft~ ~.. 119ft__ and pibl1c r1ah~..f.~.1 lag~~.. aft' l&~4...p. &fOal 1~clu'1~a wi4th. .---..-.......-.,.".. ~Oi~OB WdTE:90 30' TE N~r SE/o'd ~CI" I :)T' 1-;llll-n 2:52PM Boynton Ben f'~~ 713 151 396Si.'4 BoIn~oa aeaeb P~..-a.4e . waiver Qf Plat "a". a Note: '1'he su!t'U'.V- ...quireo tot l:onel).tlJ nUlllb.re .1 ami 4 ",aU l:le ravi.wea ~y the C1ty followtn, ...~vv.~ Of ~h. Wa1ver Qf 'l~t by t~e c~~V C~.1s.i&~. hQWe~.r, the W&1v~r .. Pla~ w111 no~ be f~~ali..d uncLl ~. ~i~V approve4 .~ry.y h~ Daen re~ozde~ w1~h Pal~ Beach ~OUGty an4 _ e~~y of same aub~itt.d to th~ Plann1n~ .a~ 10000g Depar~.~~. .. SuHtt .101' reV1efJ . n.rvey o~ the ent1ril l't'O\llUBda 'PJ."o h en: 1DeluclUa9 tlle earney .... aD' OU,va Gar4aD proP.ft:y. Tbe survey ab-.11 ~DC~ u4e U8 U... 11ltn1:.HiAd Uov. 111 QQIll1JleQ~ number ~:l:i;r" 13J, 5. aabBit EQ~ ~,view a er08~ aec.se ~D4 ero.s parking 81'I$ent -nun.tlt. Insure -ell U 'the IgreMlUl. t s... :I.n ~rpe1:QUY fo.' t.h@ Pt'MI..... _a c::anl.' Bank proper'C.y. "QQify 1:118 au_ICtAll .qr.~~' to ifte1u4. a Gl.u.. ;~_t cover. :h, reaponaib111~ of .&~ntenane. and t.pa1z Of e~"oa 1.p~QV~.n~B ~b.~ are lccAte4 eft oae p~~', ~U~ .arva as requ~r.4 1m~tcv~ft.. E.r ~h. c~ne~ atts, ,,IIuch lUl ...tl~~l~l:'iQ~~jMh_arjlj.A_i'..and D~hil1f' .el'~.1.::ItCl ~~~~.!IiIl~~_ :Uu:l\Ula .tr....lle.nts on ehl )r8Y'husly 1lienUf1ed ftOte: 'I'll. ",..__e 1Ig'l'naentl an4 r..t:lOIl.t1bil1ty clau.. W1U l>e ~Y1.W8d b, tba City follow1_. ~~Qval of the W.lu.~ of 'l.t by ~b. C1;J COIS1aa1on, ~ow.~.;, ~ Wa~y.r o~ ~~.~ ~14 not b. !i~a11... ~~~~ ~D. C1C' .p,~.t 'Ire...nt b&8 ...A r..o~~.d wl~~ P.~. Staab c...., ... . CO" 0 .... .~m1tte4 to ~b. Pl~iB' aa4 lonin9 DRP.rc.eae- MIH/j_ AU. AI,aOM'Ult,JM JOIJoe ,WdZg:ge 95, 19 N~r -.-,......1._. SE/el'd ~C:1\l1 13T. 1-29-es 2:53PM Boynton 6ch f.~~ 713 7~' ~SCS;'t5 MBMOMlU)VH U~111~1'8 ~Q. t)-b3. '1'Q I '1'blbr1 ~. H*"'8l1\, Act1ng plA~~~g '&Q~ q D1r5~~OP 1'2OM I .John ~. Clu.1 dry. D1rec~ of Ut~1!t1.. I>A't.lli = Dee.~U ~ 0, 1993 SUB.rIC'!': !lO~toD ....ell JlII'CIIIl.na4_ (1I_1.c /;If Q.;I;ney lIank Su.a.llilnliIl '-qu..~ for ..~~ti~n fr~ 'l~~ b? Wax bAv.lo~.~g, ~n.. &~.Ef ba. ~ey~ew.. ~be ~ov. rerer.nced 1~8m an~ Qffer. ~h. fcllOWinR co...ntl: MaX D'~e.O)er., In~. sbould notify ~w OWfter of the Q~~ B~nk SuildinQ ~h~~ ~~e 5an1tary .ewe: service tQ ~bair pro>>.~ty 1. pr1v.~.lV ~.G a~4 ..1D~61n.~ ~f o~ers, no~ ft~ tb* C~tv of aQ~tcn I..on Ut11i~y Dep.t'~IIA11 t . I~ 1. e~r r.~~en4at1oD ~~at ~~~. L~.. p~o..e4 ~h~Qu~h tha 1'.",1_ ,roc.... r~ VQU ~.V. &By ~..ei... ~.v.~d~ tnL. .~J'C~, plaa.. aOft~a~t 8k1p H1Lor ., 31'-"01 or tater ~a.a.l~a a~ ~7i-I.C4. ~~. XCI Clr4, .'k1p~ Xllor Plt.r MI,.elLa 6- I'U. .. SE/n'd JOlJ08 WdZE:90 95, lE N~r ~I:l' I t.lT' SE/2 f ' d '" 1-2S-llS ~:5'PM Boynton Bch f.~~ 713 751 ageS;.11 B X H I BIT IIC" "... .-.... '-"-""'-"'-". ,,- JOlJoa WdEE:90 96, lE N~I ~tl~1 DT; '''2Q-;B 2:49PM Boynton Bch fa~ ?1a 751 SSSS;# 7 11.:1...1. 1) . lfONCONPOItM%1'tG osss 01l' mt1C'1'UJlBS. 1. 1'h. UODc:ontOrmUl.9' 1,lse or a tnJ.11CS:lDg or o~heX' . ~nu:t'U;r:e 1DI.y be axt.eDC1ed tbrougbouC any part at the ~ilc1i.n9 Gl: lIt.nlc:t.\Int WhiCh was cJ.early des~sne4 &ftC1 in~.~ tor BUch u.. a~ ~ da~. o~ t.he .tt.Q~1ve adopt~QIl or amendm8nt ~ tM.. zwgulae1cns. Any nonc:ODfona:Lzw W1e which oec:gpie. iI. portion of a b\l;LldiA9' or other ac:zoucture DOe originally c1e",ignel1 or iAcllN:le4 for suCh u.s. 111:1&11 ~ be extended to "~y oehe:r part of the bu.ildiDS ~ .truc:t1,lI'e. No nonC:OAfomlftg 'Us. My ~ .-eacled. to oCC;:UPY any land outllid. .. builcUq O~ st:2!:'\Icn:,un, ftO~ an,. addJ.t:i.OIUll ~u114Lng or Qt~oture OD tbe Game ptat, ~hiah was nac ~88d tor .uab ftOftaon'O~9 u.. at the efEective da~e of ehe adopt-ioll or ...ncl'lleJlc of tu.. Z'&g'U.laticma. :2 . No .el'\ar;~are u.eeI 'oZ' a Doaaea:!oz-ias u.. .ba~l. tle .ZlolaqM, exteAciecI, Z'.CQl:Ultnot.H 011" .truClt:.u~al1y .1~.~, UDl... the u.. i. cbaas-d tc 'OQ. wbich compli.. wick ebe p~i.ieft8 of ebi. ohapc.r [o=iAanee3 _ .oveVU', '*C!:LAazy ftIpdZ'., 1I\&j,z.~eDaIlt:. 8!1d. i1llpE',(ft~e., .U9 U plU1lhiDg' or viritts. replaeemeat of :rlOftbearing Vall., f~U.re8 or otMr int.arior alt..rae.1oDJI, .hj11 be pu:mit.e.ed eaeh year in an UlOW1t: aoc co ese.8d t:weD.tY'..:!ive (25) percent. of ehe a....HCl value: Qf thII,lmilcli.r:lg 01: Icruct:ure for Chae YHZ' u detarm.t..fttN! bV t.tl8 Palm BeaCh County Property APPn1..:r, IlUbjeet: eo ebe pJ:ovla1ons of the preeed.t..DCr JlU'agnph U1Cl pzoOYidad such work does cot inc:eaae ~ ~ic volume of tbe atructu:e. the !lQor ar.a. dWft1t.ed to the 1UmCcm.f0Z'llling u.. or t.he nv.d)er of dwelliJIII units. ."thilll iA thee. ngulat1.ons ,hall preV8l1t lXlIII'lianee with applicable lawl or orc!iDanc:es relative to the ..r.ty aDd .a:aitar:1on of a wilding occupied by I:IaI.cOllforiiliD, v.a.. .' B. NONCOIO'ORMDG lTRC.1\:lVAIS. Tbe law,,,l ex18t.nce of a. 8tn~tur. 0:1:' bIlilcU.ng a~ the effeot:1ft daee of the ac!optioA 01:' ~t to theM ~.tione, althou.gh such stnetun or ladleU. does Dot coDfOl'll to the bu11aing aDd .ite regulatione ot the.e x.gulati0D8 fo~ a1a1mum lot area aDCl dJ..-uIionl I minimum ya:r:d ..t.bar:Jc requirements, -.ax1111.U1l bIl.l1cs.t.ag be:.t.gbt I total floor area requ1rement'.1!I. Ol" oChe&" characteristic. of the ft;ructU%"e, OJ: 1t8 location on tbe lot ~ may be C:OD,1:1nueo. fig long as it remalna otheR".. lawful. A l1oaco.nfOzm;U1g It.Nct:ure or lN11.cUn~ (a. opposed ~c . 8t.NClture ar bu11c1;1,ng ust!4 tor a noncontozm.:1.Al' use> may tl8 _1Dr..1ned aDd rep&:I.~ed, b'U.t. 11: _ball. not. );Ie adc:ltld Cog Qr .1~end in . fa.hloon .0 .. eo 1nc~.. ~ ~ent CD wlacb t.he .~nct.u.ftll .. 1D\ai14i.n. !.. !n viol.~!on of epplicab18 re;ulat10G8. A no~confo~ng ~'.pl.' a'~L~ " il.l. ~..&..... '11-'. ...1... ~.12a SE/El'd JOlJO~ WdEE:90 96. lE N~r SENT BY~ 1-29-ge ~:4iPPol Boynion Sch ta~~ 713 751 3669;' a 11.1..1 .~ructure or ~11dinl may be added or &lee~Qd if such al~.~t~~ &~ a4di~~oD dO.. noe ~n ie8.1r con8t1tuee a further y1o~.~iOA of eKi.eiAg %egulatiocs. J'. RBCOD'rRUCTI01l 0It UJ4OV.U.. tf' anf nonc::onfo:rming IItnc:1:.\l:r. or C~Dg Itruct1.1r; clavct.;c! t.o a ncnClccfonaiAg u.. is cJ..troye4 to aueh an exee:n.t that t.he co.~ of r8bui14i~t r-,pair 2ftd r.Qon~eTU~tioa will axeeed a8venty (?O) pereeDt of it. eurr_ftt aGa...ed valuacion a. ~.e.rmined ~ ~h8 9alm Beach ~Qunty ProP8~Y Appraiser, or for any reuOll ia ftKW8d any distance. :i. t ahall not. sga~ ~ u.ed or Z8COD8t~Cted except in eonformity with the provi.iCDB of 'these lonin; re;ul.ationG. G. COlft'nm>>rC.I. J):tsQCll'1'ZRUA:Mt:I OR CBANGB 0'1 NONCONFORMING 011. 1 . A. nom:gnform:i.DS' u.. Qf land. or 8tru.cture shall not l:)@ changed to atII otber use except OM wh;i.cb would be pezmittec! .. a co~cmnin, us. in the d.istr.ic:t in which the laal or builcu'ftf is loc.~.d. Hovever, no Change 8ball b8 r~ire4 ~ the plan., COD8truce1on, or d..1gned ... of any st.ructure for wl:l1c:h .. build1ng ~rm1c va. l.-fully 1..ue~ purauane to Chapter 20 oC the Lu4 nevelOJIIIU!mC aegulat10!l8, ...,eI upon w!'l.1cn conBtzuet.1OD IIu actu.a.lly ~gun prior to t~. effaecive date of tb.e aCSoptiOD oX' .~t of these regulatiQIUI. 2. AAy part o! a .tructure or laneS occup1ecl by a nOllccmfoZ"&IUIg .... which ill Changed; to 0:- occupied by a confom1Dg .... IIba1l nOI: ther..~~.r ~. used o. oeeup1eC1 ])y a DOACQutorm1.Dg WI.. 3. :If t= any ~ a. noncOACgz:ming u.e of land, .cruc~ur. a~ -.r paxt th.~.of ~...e. or is .cUlilccmt:.iwecS ~ a p82:'1od of more than a:i.:ac. (G) c:on..w1;:L'Y1I ~!uI,.exc.p= when goven=ent .eticn ~. ace... ~tO, tbe laAd .hall ~ee the~e.feer IiMt ulHlCl for . '~~orm.i.ng "'.0. K. STATDS 0'" IIXISTDtG _lIS uQU%I.%WG COKD%"1'tOJaL USE APPJ.OYAL. A1:fy \I8e .. .1::t1:I.cture ift lawtul exilJeeftca at:. t.he 1:1._ of _opei... .. amel1d1tJane o! th..e .oniftg resu1at1oes V~O. ~ tbe~..rt.~ ~~iZ8 . aoAd~tional u.. .pp~ 41114eT' 'it:.. P2:'OVi.:L.08aIJ' aU11 _ conatrued to be .. rlCmaorl.lonalDsr ... Su.oh \l8811 CJ: utruet.ures may beG'" atmfo~.... applioae,tOQ. reviav, and approval .e a condicloft&1 ... aceoriiS19 tel ~he proc:At!ures and st;adal:'da ..t: f~ in eh... zcmiftg :nJgulatiolUl for aODd:l.t101lal ".. ~.. Hotrever, if BA'rcval of: a coadicioaa1 ~.. ia BDe ,ran~ed for Bueh use or atructg~e, thea :l.e. .ball C!0Ift:~ ~a be ecm.e.J:'\uld .. Zlolleonfon\ing. ~ .ftla~eMR&~r ~Ie. .xteDs1oD. or 1Dt.n.i~~~.t1on ....... A'~.~ ., .~.., ...,..... ,..-,. a..... ... 2-121 SE/171 'd ~01~08 Wd17E:90 96, lE N~I .31:111 DT. l-:lII-litl 2:~OPM Boynton 8ch rzX4 713 75' SSeSi# 9 AzC. I, 11 CDAP.rBR 22 PARl:mI :tR1'S IJ& ....n1 Requin4 %mprowtllll-.D AltTJ:CLJ1 1:. II(~ Sect-toa 1. ~.e" abi CtCIt.:L.,.8. Axt.:J.c:J. e I. A:l:'ticle :r~. A. Pu.:rpo.. . The pu.%"po.. of c.h:l.1I d:l,apt.~ .i.a to. >>rov~9 a set. at: regu.J.at~on. to. govezon tha cIaa1p a!U! eonstruet.i= of park:i.ng lC)~. ",ithia the City ot. Boynt:t.m BeaC!h. It is int:.~d that tha.. repla'tloD8 pZ'ov!de . minimwl .Ilt of 8~an4ard. to ~. followed ~ parking lota are eOllatrueeed Ui o:l'der eo pl'Ot'ACt. the health, safety and veltare of r.he publie. Purthermo.ra. the City of Boynton Seac~ ~.aogni2.. ~ba ralat:iftRAhip of the.e're;ula~ions to t.he QQiU.IlI iJ1d abjactives of tlle cCll>>r'8bensiw plan. a . Otl~ act! y.. . The ot>>:ie~1YeIil of tll... :ega1atianl include, Q\1t are nQt limit8d ~O. the fol~aw1ng: sect1cm z. 1. , 't'c pravicie a maxialuDl 4..... of .~.ty an4 pt'Otection fClr the _lie through eM o~1"ly d..:1.gn of parking lot.: '1'0 1)~:i.4e fOZ' . .tand,Pd ~or cout:uction wbic:h :-eault8 i,a a zoelatively dlaable u4 mUs&nCI!! free' parkiBg lot 1 'to reduce tu negative 81lYi:-omI8ntal impacts which may n.ul t tl'Ol\ pp'king lot. CO'Il8t.:UCt10D; To pz:avi&l feZ' ItOnl w.te: r8CeAtiOD OIl 111 te; To pravide !o~ park1ng lots wI11Cb ar8 C01'18t.ruc:teCS in luch a RGVfter ~hat the pAy.1c.~ly handicapped are no~ 4i.crtaliDAte4 aga.1ut; iIIIG TO pem1t tu lanc1 oweE' to DeUflt. from h:1.. OWl1.Nb~p "y prov:i.dilli fO!:' orderly parx1ng' lot de.1gn ADd CQD8tzuction C0ft81lelDt with the public bealth, lafety &ad welfare. .2. 3. 4. 5. 6. scape . 1"he.. reguJ.ac.s.cms ella11 ~ app11c:ab1e eo all pe~ent parlt1.ng lOt.. ccmacZ'UcCecl or J:.ecmac~t.4 in ~h. c:~ty. b:l. olC'cler co c~ar1ty che appl~Cab111ty of ~ ~la~i~, ~omp1i~ge is ::equ1red UDd.et:: aay Q~ 1:11.. foJ.lowi:D.g c:c;IISdic.J.ooe; A.. WbeD. pUking' lot. .=ve8 _ exi..t::i.n.g W11dLng(8) whe~e .aid W~ltiA.(.}, i. pnpc." .. __ a.l..... or WMn u add1tioaal ~i.4~(.) 1. pcapo.ed '0 ~ eoft8~ruet.d; Aa..... ~.~l1 ~. l.... .~.~..... D.,-.. ...10... 43-1 SE/Sl 'd ~Ol~oa Wd~E:90 96. lE N~r _ tf) or. 111 22'4 ~ =-1\ o. ""~ COae> ---1\ "C/>o<l.,J~" I..\,{~') r \ . SA.oJII(" I 51"..! \ \ till "J~" ,,J ___ ' I, n~u<-'l? S I<:>w " \ 7. S' 1...--' - ~C. . \" -\ \ , 6 Sp~CES \ D " " o --I} 59 'If . ASP" culZ8 cv1 12: fPL TI\AKS pAO .:;; or. 60 n' t-~ BANK / OFF\CE 2- STORY BLDG. .'fIN h.OUR: 16.50 P.N. 840787 PLANTER CONe. WALK (6'NC~"""A"\IO 4.61~ 0,74, 4.73.......'-, 3.45' ' . 077' 811' ...1' u.; 60.0' u 4 rJ) W (f) f l.f) It) 59.7 73.02,0/5 PLANTER ~ - V~" ~..~ 52.00 '36 !I Sp CES .0 o ... ... ;. o o . III o ... .. f:I~ .... ... '7 SP CES . ' ~ ~ "",, ...'" GRAPHIC scALE ~. o - S .. ~ <3 ~:r t<)~ 0\ 4 .V to .;" '1"; :" ,,~.,,~, '. ,...~ t:....~.:...,. .~..~..~. . " I :Jt'7:'''....r~- .,u.'" ." r;if~.\.:::Jt-;:..:.:-::-:....;.:- ..' t ...C"~~...~~'.\':"c .. '.'. . -". " ".. :11:. ....1Wl.., , ,. ~,' .,.'~ __:~~:;f.:.H,,U~:;;:~,;'~7';i...- .",-,., .',. ,",...."'~ J'C...~.",T~tt':.;::;::;::. :.;..':c:.:..... ~ ....."0. --------~.~ ":'- .ft.ft .,. z fJ) U <{ ~ o ~, ~p ~ ~ 0 <t : i- v.. CIoi " ~ .~ \,\ ~z\EI ;J\ ~~ u.I ("') .' en ( ~~ o tIl sa! C7' tIl ....1 w u u w (/') <1 u.I (/') (/') w u U 4 \ \ . .~ ~\ ~1 33.: ro 1-->- . ~ <1 -Z <13 .:t: 0 \\~~ .=---"'" fjo p.c p ( J~,z~ADA6,,2 ' . .' -"'- .~, - beNI ~y: 1-2ij-9S 2:50PM Boynton 6ch f.x~ 713 751 396S:#10 Art. It 12 8. lfllen a cnange 1A tn111C1M' occ:upancy oc:cu.rs as detined in ehe Standa~4 su1141ng cOde; . C. wnen a ~fe ~D use occurs VD1Ch ~Iult. in'a44itional parJt1ng .1Miftg requ.irec1 a. DOted. U1 Chapter 2. Sec:eion 1~.B_~6 Of these Laa4 cevelopMent Regulacions; c. When compliance nth the lll'~9("aping code is required.; I. Reserved.; F - When an ex18~1ng parJC1ng 101: 18 bpa.nd&d ltY c.wenty-tive ( 2! ) per a.At QZO more in pam,iDg scalls I).yond. what was c:r:.i'~Dal1y approved; and. Q. Wheft any Dew p&:t:'Jciftg' .call8, ck:Lv..ay.. ilCQeSa aisles o. parking 10c. a:e Fopo-ecS, tUlle newly conast.ructea a~ea.8 ~.e c~ly wLeh ebe requLrement. Q~ ~bi. chapter. Seat:.i.oD. :1 - .. I.... ":I.aIur ... vad.aac:... A. ExetllptiOftlJ . nose resulatioft8 shall noe be appl.ic:&b1e \lAd.e~ the following oo~tioaai 1, When eompo&-azy of:flc:e e~ailerll are proposed whe:t:'e the ~:i.c ia ftat. lnvit:ed, 2. When t:llIIIpo~ ccn't:~e1:.i... or eeor8,e 'tJ:'ailers a.re propo..d Ww". the publ~g :L. !lOt !l'1v:i.t:a41 3. Nhea ch. paz'kiDg of 8qU.ipment. or von veh.:i.c=l.. O:E' !::he 8~cr&Q$ of mat.ria~. ie propo.ed1 and 4. _ When th. auJllbfll~ of pazoJe1q' IiIca11. in an .xi.eing ~ldJ1g ~ot i. apaDded. by 1... ehan t.venty..fi'W (25) per cent baycmd what va. originally approved aM no tluildiDg ell) i. 1'I'opOled r.o be enlarged ar c:ona'tructedf tM exieting per1!.!.t'm of t.hs p~king lot nsed Dot eamply with tha requiramant. o! this chapter. However, illy DMr~Y eOftat.ru.ctecl areal muse comply vitA the Z'8~r.1II8Il~s of this chapter. !. lIhe a lII11~1..fam11Y 'Z'a.ldmt.1al project ie p,rogcsed UI4 18 4811gned to iael\lde units conea1n:i.ng garages Mrved by driveways. tha the.. unitlJ shall be exsmr,)t: frail the reQUiremeatl Of Chi-a cbapt.U. This ex8llDt101l .hall not apply to 1lII1lt:i-ta1ftlly units that 40 net c:cmtaill g&l"agel. 6' . When PZ'OP01e<l lIOCSific;atiOZUl or NAOYati=1 would Dot !ucrea.. the number of dwelling units 1n an existing re.idaatial p~oi.ee. B. variances. 1.. Val"1anc.. authorized. 'l'J18 C1t:.y CODIIIi..:LOD of ~ City Of BOynton BeaCD may ITlUlt var1ance. cc an.y AA..... I.~,~ ., l.... .r.ia.... ot,-.. ....u.. :il3-2 SE/91'd JO'Joa WdSE :9121 95, lE Ntlf, %e City of tlJoynton tlJeacft 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead;' 'Boulevard P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadt, 1"fori4a 33425-0310 City?lofl: (407) 375-6()()() 1'J1LX: (407) 375-6090 VIA FAX (713)-785-9933 ~ January 26, 1996 Banc One Commercial Loan Origination Corporation c/o Margaret Gay 3030 South Gessner, Suite 280 Houston, Texas 77063 RE: Boynton Beach Promenade 901 North Congress Avenue - Suites A, B, C and D Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Dear Ms. Margaret Gay: The Boynton Beach Promenade, located on a parcel on the west side of North Congress Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida, more specifically described in the above-referenced address and in the legal description in Exhibit "A", is zoned C-3, Community Commercial. The uses within this shopping center (retail office supplies, a realty, doctors' offices, a hair salon, a dentistry, business and professional offices, financial services and instruction for office occupations) are permitted within the C-3 zoning district. The property is in compliance with all zoning code regulations pertaining to minimum lot frontage, minimum lot area, maximum lot coverage, maximum structure height and structure setbacks. With respect to parking, the property contains a portion of numerous parking spaces that are partly within the property boundaries of the Boynton Beach Promenade and partly within the property boundaries of the adjacent outparcel: Carney Bank. This situation is not permitted as assignment of the parking spaces cannot be split between two different property owners. In addition, there has never been a cross access agreement recorded to allow the outparcel to traverse the Boynton Beach Promenade property and use their driveway for access to the outparcel. City conditions of a 1993 approval to subdivide the Carney Bank property from the Boynton Beach Promenade in order to create the outparcel are in Exhibit "BII for reference. Compliance with these conditions, which have not yet occurred, would eliminate this situation. Jlmema's (jateway to tlie (julfstream TO: Ms. Margaret Gray -2- January 26, 1996 Exhibit IIC" includes the applicable Sections 11.1.E (Nonconforming Structures) and F (Reconstruction or Removal) of the Boynton Beach Zoning Code, as requested and also Section 2. Scope of the city's parking lot regulations that outline under what circumstances the above non-permitted situation could no long exist. I trust that the above information addresses all your zoning verification letter requirements necessary for refinancing the Boynton Beach Promenade. tjh Attachments Sincerely, ~..O ikv?~ Tambri J. ~yden" Planning/Zoning Director xc: John J. Hoecker, Max Developers, Inc. A:PromZong E X H I BIT II All . : : ~ I 4 ..'.. .;~.:.... ; : ,t .: r.."\.. ..\". _ _ ~ _ .:. ;."\ _ Ft g '- .... K ..... I:. -1 .' . '" '" '1' ~" Exhibit to AN ORa 8123 P9 -951 ~f.CORO ~{RIFJEO DOROTHY H UILkEN CLERK OF HE COURT - fB COUNTY. A.. . . ' lLeial Desc:rlption of Concrol Patel) , ~ A portion 01 Sec:tiof\ 19, Township -45 South, Range 43 Ean, palm Beach County, Florkia. being more particularly de$cribed as tonows: Commendng at the S01.1theast Comer of said Section 19; thence NOM 00' 59'39" West alon, the East Une of said Section 19, a diStance of 2,728.11 feet to . poi11rj thence South 89. 00'21" Wen, I distantc of 60.00 fce:.&: to . point on the Westerly rlgbt..gf,wI)' line of Congrc$S ^venue, said point being the princlpal point and place of beginning of the followinr desctipdon: . ThCtlce South -43- 32'54u West, a distance of 28.51 feet to a point; thence North 00. 59'39" West, a distance of 10.00 leet to a point; lh~nce South 88. 05'26- We:s~ a distance: 0132.00 feet to a point; wnce South 00. 59'39" fast. a distance of :50.00 teet 10 a point; thence South 8S.. 05'2611 West, a distance of 418.00 feet to a point; thence North 00- 59'39" West,. cUstance of 609.99 feet to a point; thente North. 88. 05'26" Eastl 8 distance Q! -430.00 feet to. point. thence South ~6. 27'06" East, D distance of 56.11 feet to a point on the Westerly right.ot.way line of Congress Avenue; thence South 00' 59'39- East along the Westerly rizht-of.wa}" line of Congress Ave,1ue, a distance of 529.99 feet to the principal point and place of beginning, Lf.SS THE POU.OWING DESCRIBED P MeELS: (Lezal Description of Olive Garden Parcel) ^ portion of Section 19J Township 45 South, lUnge 43 East, Palm Beach Countyl FloridaJ being more partic~arly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 19, thence N 00' 59t 39" W along n-.e EGct line of said Section lP, a cUstw.n.ce of 2,128.11 feetj then:e S 89" 00' 21 'W, a di$tanee gf 60.00 feet 10 a point of interse~tio.,. with the Wat right-of-"'-.Ilyline. of Con~ Avenue and the Point of 8epnning; theJ1c;e N 00. 59' 39" W along said West righloOt-way line, a distance 0(123.61 feet; thence S 89. 00' 21" W. a distance of 186.00 feet; thence 5 00. S~ 39" E, . distance of 116.51 feet to a point that is 50.00 feet North ot the North line of that 90.00 (oot wide ecces. e8.5ement for I'Boynton Bea~h Mall Access R.oad D'\ a. recorded in OfflclaJ R~ords Book 481-4, at pale 279, of the pubUc records of palm Beach County, Florida; thente N 88. OS' 26U E and parallel with said North line of "BoyntOn Beach Mall Access Road D', a distance of 117.62 feet; thence SOl' 54' 31" E. a distance of 50.00 feeti thence N SS. OS' 26" E. a dj'tance of 15.61 feet; th~e N 00. 59' 39" W, a disl8J\ce of 30.00 leet; thence N as' OS' 26" e, . cii5t8.n,e 01 :92.00 feet; thence S 00. 59' 39" E, I distance of 10.00 feetj thence N 43 - 32" 54J" E, . distance of 28.51 (ee[ [0 the Point of Beginninr. (Legal Description of Camey Bank Panel) ^ portion of Secdoft 19, TOWNhJp 4S South, !\anle 43 !ut, Palm Beach County, f10ri48, beinS more partieularly described as follows: Commen~ln& at me Southeast comer of said Section 19; thence N 00. 59'39'1 W along the East line of said SettlOR 19, a distance of 2,1Z8.11 feetj thence S 89- OO'21.W, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point of mterstcaOD 'With the Wesc nshl.cf-way line of Coops Ayenue; thane. N 00 - 59'391 W alonlsald Weat riSht-of.wIY line. . distance of 367.79 feet to the Poml of BesinninSi thence continulnJ N 00' 59'39" w alon...J4 West "Ihc-of.way Une, a c:U:itence. of 162.20 feet; IDIlI'K:e N 46. 2ro6" W, . diStance 01 56.11 feCI; the.nce S aa- 05'26" W, . c.ti.t8J\(a of 201.00 teet; thence S 00. 59'39" E. . d1$luca of 141.15 feCI; thence N 89' 00'21" E, . distance of 24.97 feet; thence S 00' 59'39" E. ...distance ot 5'.20 feet; Ihente N 80' 00'21" 2, :II dUitll\ce of 216.00 feet to the Point of Begi.nn1nr. (Ct\VPSO\CCAIT'lD.to'~iCL'lAT.ooz,or13tJ,I"5..) Reel i ud Tilll. r.b. :4. 5:38Pl.! E X H I BIT liB" Sll.l D. NONCONFORMING USES OF STRUCTIJRBS. 1. The nonconforming use of a building or other structure may be extended throughout any part of the building or structure which was clearly designed and intended for such use at the date of the effective adoption or amendment of these regulations. Any nonconforming use which occupies a portion of a building or other structure not originally designed or intended for such use shall not be extended to any other part of the building or structure. No nonconforming use may be extended to occupy any land outside the building or structure, nor any additional building or structure on the same plat, which was not used for such nonconforming use at the effective date of the adoption or amendment of these regulations. 2. No structure used for a nonconforming use shall be enlarged, extended, reconstructed or structurally altered, unless the use is changed to one which complies with the provisions of this chapter [ordinance]. However, ordinary repairs, maintenance and improvements, such as plumbing or wiring, replacement of nonbearing walls, fixtures or other interior'alterations, shall be permitted each year in an amount not to exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the assessed value of the building or structure for that year as determined by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser, subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and provided such work does not increase the cubic volume of the structure, the floor area devoted to the nonconforming use or the number of dwelling units. Nothing in these regulations shall prevent compliance with applicable laws or ordinances relative to the safety and sanitation of a building occupied by nonconforming use. E. NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES. The lawful existence of a structure or building at the effective date of the adoption or amendment to these regulations, although such structure or building does not conform to the building and site regulations of these regulations for minimum lot area and dimensions, minimum yard setback requirements, maximum building height, total floor area requirements, or other characteristics of the structure, or its location on the lot, may be continued so long as it remains otherwi.. lawful. A nonconforming .tructure or building (as opposed to a structure or building used for a nonconforming use) may be maintained and repaired, but it shall not be added to or altered in a fashion so as to increase the extent to which the structure or building is in violation of applicable regulations. A nonconforming AcSoptecS Apr11 4, 1"5, OrcSinence 0"-03 ReVl..CS 2-120 ~11.1 structure or building may be added or altered if such alteration or addition does not in itself constitute a further violation of existing regulations. F. RECONSTRUCTION OR REMOVAL. If any nonconforming structure or conforming structure devoted to a nonconforming use is destroyed to such an extent that the cost of rebuilding, repair and reconstruction will exceed seventy (70) percent of its current assessed valuation as determined by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser, or for any reason is moved any distance, it shall not again be used or reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of these zoning regulations. G. CONTINUANCE, DISCONTINUANCE OR CHANGE OF NONCONFORMING USE. 1. A nonconformiug use of land or structure shall not be changed to any other use except one which would be permitted as a conforming use in the district in which the land or building is located. However, no change shall be required in the plans, construction, or designed use of any structure for which a building permit was lawfully issued pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Land Development Regulations, and upon which construction has actually begun prior to the effective date of the adoption or amendment of these regulations. 2. Any part of a structure or land occupied by a nonconforming use which i8 changed to or occupied by a conforming use shall not thereafter be used or occupied by a nonconforming use. 3. If for any reason a nonconforming use of land, structure or any part thereof ceases or is discontinued far a period of more than six (6) consecutive manths, ' except when government action impedes access thereto, the land shall not thereafter be used for a DOnconforming use. H. STATUS OF EXISTING iUSBS RBQUIRING CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL. Any use or structure in lawful existence at the time of adoption or amendment of these zoning regulations which would thereafter require a conditional us. approval under its provisions'shall be construed to be a nonconforming lISe. Such uses or structures may become conforming upon application, review, and approval as a conditional use according to the procedures and standards set forth in these zoning regulations for conditional use app~vals. However, if approval of a conditional use is not granted for such use or structure, then it shall continue to be construed as nonconforming. Any enlargement, increase, extension, or intensification Adop~.d April 4, 1"5, Ordlaaac. 0'5-0. ReVl..d. 2-121 Art. I, Sl CHAP'l"BR 2 3 PARKING LOTS Article I. Article II. In General Required Improvements ARTICLE I. IN GKNBRAL Section 1. Purpose and obj ecti ves. A. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a set of regulations to govern the design and construction of parking lots within the City of Boynton Beach. It is intended that these regulations provide a minimum set of standards to be followed when parking lots are constructed in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. Furthermore, the City of Boynton Beach recognizes the relationship of these regulations to the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. B. Objectives. The objectives of these regulations include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. To provide a maximum degree of safety and protection for the public through the orderly design of parking lots; 2. To provide for a standard for construction which results in a relatively durable and nuisance tree parking lot; 3. To reduce the negative environmental impacts which may result from parking lot construction; 4. To provide for storm water retention on site; 5. To provide for parking lots which are constructed in such a manner that the physically handicapped are not discriminated against; and 6 . To permit the land owner to benefit from his ownership by providing for orderly parking lot design and construction consistent with the public health, safety and welfare. Section 2. Scope. These regulations shall be applicable to all permanent parking lots constructed or reconstructed in the city. In order to clarify the applicability of these regulations, compliance is required under any of the following conditions: A. When a parking lot serves an existing building(s) where said building(s) is proposed to be enlarged or when an additional building(s) is proposed to be constructed; A4op~.d Apr11 4, 19'5, O~d~n.no. 0".03 aev1...c1 23-1 -'\.. Art. I, S2 B. When a change in buildi~g occupancy occurs as defined in the Standard Building Code; , C. When a change in use occurs which results in 'additional parking being required as noted in Chapter 2, Section 11.H.16 of these Land Development Regulations; D. When compliance with the landscaping code is required; E. Reserved; F. When an existing parking lot is expanded by twenty-five (25) per cent or more in parking stalls beyond what was originally approved; and G. When any new parking stalls, driveways, access aisles or parking lots are proposed, these newly constructed areas must comply with the requirements of this chapter. Section 3. Exemptions and variances. A. Exemptions. These regulations shall not be applicable under the following conditions: 1. When temporary office trailers are proposed where the public is not invited; 2. When temporary construction or storage trailers are proposed where the public is not invited; 3. When the parking of equipment or work vehicles or the storage of materials is proposed; and 4. When the number of parking stalls in an existing parking lot is expanded by less than twenty-five (25) per cent beyond what was originally approved and no building(s) is proposed to be enlarged or constructed, the existing portion of the parking lot need not comply with the requirements of this chapter. However, any newly constructed areas must, comply with the reqUirements of this chapter. 5. When a multi-family 'residential project is proposed and is designed to include units containing garages served by driveways, then these unit. .hall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter. This exemption shall not apply to multi-family units that do not contain garages. 6. When proposed modifications or renovations would not increase the number of dwelling units in an existing residential project. B . Variances. 1. Variances authorized. The City Commission of ehe City of Boynton Beach may grant variances to any A4op~.d Apr>l '. 1995. OrelinAnce 0'5-03 ~.vl..d 23-2 E X H I BIT "e" PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #94-004 FROM: Chairman and Members of the planning and Development Board Tambri J. HeYden~' Q.7L,~ Acting Planning and Zoning~i~or Michael Haa~~ Site and Zoni~evelopment Administrator January 6, 1994 TO: THRU: DATE: RE: Max Developers - File No. 800 Waiver of Plat NATURE OF REQUEST: Mr. John Hoecker, agent for Max Developers, Inc., owners of Boynton Beach Promenade, is requesting city approval to sUb~1v1ae the Promenade property to create th. carney Bank property. Boynton B..ch prom_nade 18 located at 901 North Congress Avenue. BACKGROUND: Boynton Beach Promenade is an outparcel to the Boynton Beach Mall. The original Promenade contained approximately six point five (6.5) acres. The Promenade site is located in a C-3 zoning district. On August 10, 1993, the Planning and Development Board approved a waiver of plat to subdivide the promenade site to create the Olive Garden Restaurant site. The Olive Garden site is approximately .53 acreS. The proposed carney bank site will be approximately 1.02 acres. ANALYSIS: This request is being forwarded to the Board in conjunction with the reqUirements set forth in Article VI of Appendix C Subdivision and platting Regulations. The proposed site will not have a direct ingress/egress to the site from Congress Avenue. Access to the site will be provided by an access easement through the Promenade site. The Carney Bank property, as described on the attached survey, is not in compliance with C-3 community Commercial District regulations specified in Appendix A-Zoning Code, however, modifying the property to comply with the Planning and zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 reference File No. 800, will bring the property into compliance with the re~ulation.. There 1. water and sewer service provided to the site. See Utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. RECOMMENDATION(S): The Technical Review Committee ITRC) met on December 28, 1993 to discuss the request. The consensus of the TRC was to recommend approval of the request subject to the staff comments identified in the previously identified Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 and Utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. MEH/jm Att. A:MAXDEVEL.JM : ): PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haag......-,l fl~ Site and Zoning De~Ument Administrator January 7, 1994 TO: DATE: RE: Waiver of Plat - Boynton Beach Promenade File No. 800 The following comments are in response to the review of the documents submitted for the request by Max Developers, Inc. to subdivide the Boynton Beach Promenade property to create the proposed carney Bank site. The applicant shall understand that the Waiver of Plat is not final until all conditions of approval are complied with. 1. On the survey, adjust the location of the south property line to the degree that the proposed new property includes parking spaces required to support the use of the carney Bank bUilding and not include parking spaces that are allocated for the Promenade project. Note the following code requ1red parking ratios: Boynton Beach promenade-Shopping Center: One (II parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross leasable floor area. carney Bank Building - Financial institutions and services: One (1) parking space per two hundred and fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area. and Offices and office buildings not listed elsewhere; One (1) parking space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. subm1t a tabul.~ summary sh..t that 14.ntifi.. the ooae required parking spaces for each use and associated area for the Carney Bank building ana the Boynton 'Beach Promenade Shopping Center. Include with the summary the code required ratios and computations. 2. On the survey, position the west property line so that the rear setback for the bUilding on the new site is in compliance with the rear setback specified in the code for the C-3 zoning district. Minimum rear yard - 20 feet. Show on the survey all setback distances. The setback dimensions shall be in compliance with C-3 zoning requirements. 3. Submit for review a survey of the new property that includes all eXisting improvements including showing and identifying the following: easements [their size and type], building configuration with lengths of each side dimensioned and ..tbacka dimensioned tram each corner of the building (leading edge of the building overhang) to the adjacent property line, total groe. floor area of the buildin9, number of .torie. and overall height, parking space. including handicapped spaces and size of regular and handicapped spaces, location of curbing, access aisles including width, dumpster enclosures, sidewalks including width, water and sewer connection at the property line, dra1nage structures, fire hydrants, FP&L poles and street lights, both parking lot lights and public right-af-way lights, and landscape areas including width. Boynton Beach Promenade - Waiver of Plat Page 2 Note: The surveys required for comments numbers 3 and 4 will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the city Comm1ssion, however, the Waiver of Plat w1ll not be finalized until the City approved survey has been recorded with Palm Beach county and a copy of same submitted to the Plann1ng and Zoning Department. 4. Submit for review a survey of the entire Promenade project including the Carney Bank and Olive Garden property. The survey shall include the items identified above 1n comment number three (3) . 5. Submit for review a cross access and cross parking easement agreement. Ensure that the agreement is in perpetuity for the Promenade and Carney Bank property. Modify the easement agreement to include a clause that covers the responsibility of maintenance and repair of common improvements that are located on one site, but serve as required improvements for the other site, such as: site lighting, irrigation, drainage, and other services or utilities. Include all easements on the previously identified surveys. Note: The easement agreements and responsibility clause will be reviewed by the City following approval of the waiver of Plat by the City Commission, however, the Waiver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved agreement has been recorded with Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. MEH/jm Att. A:PROMPLAT.JM '*'....+*'* Facsimile Transmission '***** Date January ~5. ~996 Pages 2 To Jose ( Planning & Zoning) Fax Phone 4.07-375-6090 From John J. Hoecker SubjQct Zoning Verificationl Boynton Promenade Hi Jose. Attached i~ a letter from BAne One whi~~ spells out their requirementa regarding the Zoni~g verification Letter. Pleaee review these requirements and let me know if there is any problem:!!. Thank you for your help and call me at 407-586-6447 if you need anything from me. Jose, as discussed over the phone, we need to set thie letter ASAP as we are trying to cloee our loan thie month. Th~~ you once again for your help. JJH lOO~ OLS09SSLotA H:DVmIiH3:dVll<I 8t:n '.l6! 'j f ~-~~h-~:c;n ~~ i " \vQ "- l ''''"..._.?..,...................,...,.,..........; 96/S!1l0 / / (/,' / . ./",., , "'I 'r'''' \ ~! I ~' ~J tl(' '\\ t(Jl-11-1~ 1Q'5Q~ !=ROM CMT~ ~IN~jAl.. JNC TO 14e'?5B60570 F'. as ~ . '\. 'lY:sure QJq ~C'1:.1Uo LOlI.M ~[Gnv.o;nQJf C~'l'XDll "Cf S01U.D9' Let:terjlll!lad111la.t1i.:Li.q I.@t;.b!r fti4e1iDe:l ~\ ;.~i,' 2()\' _I (......" ; ~~;ial ........ orlq.ina".ion eorporaU.... :)o:Ht SOuth Gessner suite zso Itouston, Texas 77063 ! May be ~axed to (713)7~O-~~33 w/criqinal ~~ ~o11DW 1 b) ~~ be on ~. le~~h&ad of ~he loQa~ &on1ng/p~.nnin9 .utbor~~~ a~~ ~~bgd by ~ir d..i9Da~.4 officia1, ~ K\mt cCln~ly and in detail - ha:aEl/addre8l1l1J+/~ ~ - identity the Pt'OPutYi --___ d) ]Jf'IU;t state. 1:.be ClIrran\: zoning c::las..i.f':Lcat1on of "the ~; Mbs~ 5ta~e ~~ ~bQ ~rop$~~Y i. a lega1 o~o~!n. usa a.nd in cowplicce With all app~icabl.tb ZOlJino 1aws.. ordinance9 and requlatiQns (~ncludlng without ~iDit.~iQn, all ~ho~ 68tabli.hin9 or ~lating to heiqht, s8t.baC)(. danl!;i,ty or park5.nc] r1!!!qUil:ementsl ; -() ~f -the ~rcp..rly is not legal conronning. but: is 1nste~,d, l.ega.l Qgn-Clon:fo~ - 'ebe. 1ette:r JRl.1:. {L, S1~ate SQI Bnd {ii) state t:h", ju:riadicrt.1Qn". roqui.:ro1DQDU ~oX' rebuilclino the. PrOJ'erty in t.i1@ C!8.!Z1!!> Df a e.au.aU~y - i . Q. 'Up to wha.'t % 'threshclli QQuld d~Qe be inC\tt':t'ad wi.thou:!; reqni:r:ing tl'l-a I>rcparty owner ~ rebui1d the p::r;opert:.y to =Uf~t :z-()ninq r~irements versus 'the ~iDr ~re~ents net orig~nal~Y a~ CQn.~ruotien. eopi~~ ot a~~ ap ~ inaug.. ~.~ b@ rwa~e W1 g J.~t;;~r. in131I.1clinV' a' 1.dl!l:bil.lt:y ~.'t:.atutQS. a5 appl.i.csable.. (~I!l 7l.1;lt.a t:ha.t a jiOt;enialll1 d91ay~ prOl)l... -1- that; w.1 U1:l.n the text of the E:!odac forwarded, o-thBr eodQG 81:t'e clt:.ed.. Upon our review wa lIn1St re-~eque.5t. this additional i.nfo:naat.ie.n. Ir this r;gg,1.c1 be 111llDs:11ed, on tbe !r~~t-end~ tiJlle. WOU~d bB sa-v.a. - n1$O "1; t:i.m.,.:!lI rhte to 12:!(;t;e1\ua1:1nq cirC-U2lLStances, a1.th.ouql1 >4:tJ.Q ~pq~ty s'e' QC.....a ~o :be: lllli!qil..t conrorlllinq r 1"ebuildaJ)ility infcrma-t:ion i5 .ppzoop1d...te. We recommend that you reql.lG8t and ror.,aro t!lQ .t'ebu11tJab11ty coaeJcrd.1nance infoX1Dation in all cases.) e~nc On. eo.mercia~ Lo~n Orlg~natlon Co~oration is ~vailable to 'fork cli.re.ct:.1y wl.-t.h. 1::he l.ocQll ;ZOll:Ln9fpenait do!i!Pl!I:rt!nsnts. p.toase ri:ot:.:lfy us, s;:bouJ.d you. requ.i:re. a.ssistance or have an}' qg.est:iallS. 111:t'6 . d ! ~ ~.n ~. n Ntlr 01/11/96 H:46 TX/RX NO.2455' P.008 ,00 III 8:3Jm1nH3dV!<1 O"S09fHi,i,Or.Q 8t:ll 96!S1/10 ill m (n u \Vl~@! JAN - 3 I;~( -:: I U i I I, ,',-,1.) ~' L:J I ." PLANNING AND ZONING DEPI ***** Facsimile Tran:3mission ***** Date January 3, 1996 Pages 2 To Tambri Heyden Fax Phone 407-375-6090 From John J. Hoecker Subject Boynton Promenade Please see attached letter and call me at 407-586-6441 if I need to do anything. Thanks. I . .{ / ., ~r ~ \ f ' .,' ); t/ ),- .\ \' '\.j' -r\ ;f \\ tJ~t J\ C ). . j ~ , .~ . .~GV~ At~~;~~\ p )\ ~~\ tv~ V J D\ . ". ....: ' \. r !,,~' \M \ (", ,l.' 'l. v \ V \'. t,. J)" f , " \:..' <) ~ ;\. ~ 1 ' "'J.....)' ~ ,/ ~ . r ~l}\ \- \,J.7 v.' t; '. '1'.\ . I ~ \' \i' ~ \ lc..... l. ~, ' ^'-. t"'\:;.lU ;i '~ ~ J '------ ~y/J!'~ ,',\.,A' f. . 100~ HIIi'VcI}I'9H3dVH a OLS099SLOtQ. tf: : 91 9,~/ t 0 IT 0 '. . Max Developers, Inc. 901 North Congress Avenue Suite D-106 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33426 January 3, 1996 Tambri Heyden Planning Director City of Boynton Boynton Beach, Fl Dear Tambri: We are refinancing the Boynton ~romenade and the Lender has requested a letter from the City confirming the current zoning and whether the property reprl~Bent6 a conforming use and structure. Accordingly, please accept this letter as our official request for the above referenced letter. As we are attempting to close our loan this month, your prompt attention to his matter would be grl~atly appreciated. Thank you f your elp. l:OO~ H3:WVHJI'9H3:dVH <I OL909S9LOtQ, te:9T 96/eO/TO BOYNTON BEACH PROMENADE DOCUMENTATION PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #94-004 TO: chairman and Members of the Planning and Development Board Tambri J. HeYden~-Q,7!.,,/~ Acting Planning and ZOning~~r Michael Haa~~~ Site and Zoni~evelopment Administrator January 6, 1994 THRU: FROM: DATE: RE: Max Developers - File No. 800 Waiver of Plat NATURE OF REQUEST: Mr. John Hoecker, agent for Max Developers, Inc., owners of Boynton Beach Promenade, is requesting City approval to subdivide the Promenade property to create the Carney Bank property. Boynton Beach Promenade is located at 901 North Congress Avenue. BACKGROUND: Boynton Beach Promenade is an outparcel to the Boynton Beach Mall. The original Promenade contained approximately six point five (6.5) acres. The Promenade site is located in a C-3 zoning district. On August 10, 1993, the Planning and Development Board approved a waiver of plat to subdivide the Promenade site to create the olive Garden Restaurant site. The olive Garden site is approximately .53 acres. The proposed Carney bank site will be approximately 1.02 acres. ANALYSIS: This request is being forwarded to the Board in conjunction with the requirements set forth in Article VI of Appendix C Subdivision and Platting Regulations. The proposed site will not have a direct ingress/egress to the site from Congress Avenue. Access to the site will be provided by an access easement through the Promenade site. The Carney Bank property, as described on the attached survey, is not in compliance with C-3 Community Commercial District regulations specified in Appendix A-Zoning Code, however, modifying the property to comply with the Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 reference File No. 800, will bring the property into compliance with the regulations. There is water and sewer service provided to the site. See Utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. RECOMMENDATION(S): The Technical Review Committee fTRC) met on December 28, 1993 to discuss the request. The consensus of the TRC was to recommend approval of the request subject to the staff comments identified in the previously identified Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 and Utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. MEH/jm Att. A:MAXDEVEL.JM PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haag~~ Site and Zoning De~~ment Administrator January 7, 1994 FROM: DATE: RE: Waiver of Plat - Boynton Beach Promenade File No. 800 The following comments are in response to the review of the documents submitted for the request by Max Developers, Inc. to subdivide the Boynton Beach Promenade property to create the proposed Carney Bank site. The applicant shall understand that the Waiver of Plat is not final until all conditions of approval are complied with. 1. On the survey, adjust the location of the south property line to the degree that the proposed new property includes parking spaces required to support the use of the Carney Bank building and not include parking spaces that are allocated for the Promenade project. Note the following code required parking ratios: Boynton Beach Promenade-Shopping Center: One (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross leasable floor area. Carney Bank Building - Financial institutions and services: One (1) parking space per two hundred and fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area. and Offices and office bUildings not listed elsewhere; One (1) parking space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. Submit a tabular summary sheet that identifies the code required parking spaces for each use and associated, area for the Carney Bank building and the Boynton Beach Promenade Shopping Center. Include with the summary the code required ratios and computations. 2. On the survey, position the west property line so that the rear setback for the building on the new site is in compliance with the rear setback specified in the code for the C-3 zoning district. Minimum rear yard - 20 feet. Show on the survey all setback distances. The setback dimensions shall be in compliance with C-3 zoning requirements. 3. Submit for review a survey of the new property that includes all existing improvements including showing and identifying the following: easements [their size and type], building configuration with lengths of each side dimensioned and setbacks dimensioned from each corner of the building (leading edge of the building overhang) to the adjacent property line, total gross floor area of the building, number of stories and overall height, parking spaces including handicapped spaces and size of regular and handicapped spaces, locaclon of curbing, access aisles including width, dumpster enclosures, sidewalks including width, water and sewer connection at the property line, drainage structures, fire hydrants, FP&L poles and street lights, both parking lot lights and public right-of-way lights, and landscape areas including width. Boynton Beach Promenade - Waiver of Plat Page 2 Note: The surveys required for comments numbers 3 and 4 will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the city Commission, however, the Waiver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved survey has been recorded with Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. 4. Submit for review a survey of the entire Promenade project including the Carney Bank and Olive Garden property. The survey .hall include the items identified above in comment number three ( 3 ) . 5. Submit for review a cross access and cross parking easement agreement. Ensure that the agreement is in perpetuity for the Promenade and Carney Bank property. Modify the easement agreement to include a clause that covers the responsibility of maintenance and repair of common improvements that are located on one site, but serve as required improvements for the other site, such as: site lighting, irrigation, drainage, and other services or utilities. Include all easements on the previously identified surveys. Note: The easement agreements and responsibility clause will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the city Commission, however, the Waiver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved agreement has been recorded with Palm Beach County and a copy of same submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. MEH/jm Att. A:PROMPLAT.JM P .NNING AND ZONING DEP A.... j.'MENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-109 PROM I Agenda Memorandum for March 5, 1996, City Commission Meeting Carrie Parker City Manager Tambri J. HeYden~,L Planning and Zo~i~irector March 1; 1996 Boynton Beaoh Promenade '.. ADAP 96-001 (Carney Sank), .. Waive pr.vio\u. condition of approval '\ ' ., ' TO: DATE I I \ ~.a'1" : '), Please plaoe the above-referenced request under Development Plans for the March 5, 1996 City Commission meeting agenda. .. INTRODUCTION John Flanigan, agent for Max Developers, is requesting Commission reconsideration of one of the conditions of their February 1, 1994 conditions of plat waiver approval; specifically comment 5 of the attached January 7, 1994 Planning and Zoning Department memorandum. The original staff report, all staff conditions and the minutes of the February 1, 1994 meeting are attached. Briefly, the plat waiver allowed the Promenade to subdivide off an existing outbuilding (Carney Bank) that was constructed on the Promenade property when the Promenade was constructed. In other words, the shopping center and outbuilding (not on its own lot of record) existed for eight years before the subdivision was desired. This approval was subject to conditions which were never satisfied. Two years have gone by since the approval and it wasn't until the Promenade requested a zoning verification letter for refinancing purposes did this lack of satisfaction of approval conditions come to light. Mr. Flanigan's contention is that despite the discussion of the Commission on February 1, 1994 and the presentation by staff at this meeting indicating that it was the intent to require code compliance (setbacks, parking, etc.) on all the parcels being created, he believes their cross access and parking agreement exempts the Promenade and Carney Bank parcels from having to meet their own parking requirements independently. Staff's positio~ is that such agreements when approved by the City only allow each of the parties to use one anothers' parking and does not, in and of itself, exempt them from meeting code. RECOMMENDATION since the 1994 approval, the Promenade sold off the parcel to Carney with boundary lines that created a setback violation for Carney and a six space parking shortage for Promenade. Mr. Flanigan informs me that their intent is to hopefully get Commission consent to waive their parking problem, leaving Carney on their own to solve their setback problem. I've been told that Carney has no interest in solving their setback problem, unless the City requires them to do something now. Since a favorable action on the applicant's request would put the City in a position of encouraging applicants to not address approval conditions promptly in the hopes of time making conditions go away, it is recommended that the Commission not approve this request and further require a revision to the second modification to the agreement, recently received, to delete a clause in it that could be concluded to allow Promenade and Carney to not meet code parking requirements independently. TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File a ,CCAgdlllem. Pro PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #94-004 DATE: chairman and Members of the Planning and Development Board Tambri J. Heyden -.:-J~.t..1l.. - ~1 ;1<;jiii.~ Acting Planning and Zoning~irector Michael Haa~:~~ site and Zonil~evelopment Administrator January 6, 1994 TO: THRU: I'ROH\ RE: Max Developers - File No. 800 Waiver of Plat " NATURE OF REQUEST: Mr. John Hoecker, agent for Max Developers, Inc., owners ot Boynton Beach Promenade, is requesting City approval to sllbdlvide th& Promenade prop~rty to create the Carney Bank property. B9Yllt,:>n IHIICh pl."omenade is located at 901 North ccmgress AV~lllle. BACKGROUND: Boynton Beach Promenade is an outparcel to the Boynton Beach Hall. TIle original Promenade contained approximately six point five (6.5) acres. The Promenade site is located in a C-3 zoning district. On August 10, 1993, the planning and Development Board approved a waiver of plat to subdiv1de the Promenade site to create the olive Garden Restaurant site. The olive Garden site is approximately .53 acres. The proposed Carney bank site will be approximately 1.02 acres. ANALYSIS: This request is being forwarded to the Board in conjunction with the requirements set forth in Article VI of Appendix C subdivision and Platting Regulations. The proposed site will not have a direct ingress/egress to the site from Congress Avenue. Access to the site will be provided by an access easement through the Promenade site. The Carney Bank property, as described on the attached survey, is not in compliance with C-3 Community Commercial District regulations specified in Appendix A-Zoning code, however, modifying the property to comply with the Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 19~4 reference File No. 800, will bring the property into compliance with the regulations. There is water and sewer service provided to the site. See utilities Department memorandum No. 93-534. RECOMHENDATION(S): The Technical Review Committee (TRC) met on December as, 1993 to discuss the request. The consensus of the TRC was to recommend approval of the request subject to the staff comment. 1d.n~t'i.d in the previoualY identified planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated January 6, 1994 and Uti11t1e. Oepartment memorandum No. 93-534. MEH/jm Att. A: r1AxnEvr-:T.. ,1H PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haag~~ Site and Zoning De~~ment Administrator January 7, 1994 TO: DATE: RE: Waiver of plat - Boynton Beach Promenade File No. BOO The follow~ng comments are in response to the review of the documents submitted for the request by Max Developers, Inc. to subdivide the Boynton Beach Promenade property to create the proposed Carney Bank site. The applicant shall understand that the Waiver of Plat is not final until all conditions of approval are complied with. 1. On the survey, adjust the location of the south property line to the degree that the proposed new property incltldes parking spaces required to support the ,use of the Carney Bank b\lilding and not include parking spaces that are allocated tor the Promenade project. Note the following code required parking 1-a tios : Boynton Beach promenade-Shopping Center: One (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of gross leasable floor area. carney Bank Buildi.ng - Financial institutions and services: One (1) parking space per two hundred and fifty (250) square teet of gross floor area. and offices and office buildings not listed elsewhere; OJ1l~ (1) parking space per three hundred (300) square teet of gross floor area. Submit a tabular summary sheet that identifies the ~ode required parkl.ng spaces for each use and associated area for the carney Bank building and the Boynton Beach Promenade Shopping Center. Include with the summary the code required ratios and computations. 2. On the survey, position the west property line so that the rear setback for the building on the new site is in compliance with the l"ear setback specified in the code for the C':..) zon:l.I1Q district. Minimum rear yard - 20 feet. Show on the survey all setback distances. The setback dimensions shall be in compliance with C-3 zoning requirements. 3. Submit for review a survey of the new property that includes all existing improvements including showing and identifying the following: easements [their size and type], building configuration with lengths of each side dimensioned and setbacks dimensioned from each corner of the building (leading edge of the building overhang) to the adjacent property line, total gross floor area of the building, number of stories and overall height, parking spaces including handicapped spaces and size of regular and handicapped spaces, loc~~~on of curbing, access aisles including width, dumpster enclosures, sidewalks including width, water and sewer connection at the property line, drai"a~e ~trUctures, fire hydrants, FP&L poles and street lights, both parking lot lights and public right-of-way lights, and landscape areas including width. Boynton Beach Promenade - Waiver of Plat Page 2 Note: The surveys required for oomments numbers 3 and 4 will be reviewed by the City following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the city Commission, however, the Wa1ver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved survey has been recorded with Palm Beach county and a copy of same submitted to the planning and Zoning Department. 4. submit for review a survey of the entire Promenade project including the Carney Bank and Olive Garden property. The survey shall include the items identified above in comment number three ( :3 ) . 5. Submit for review a cross access and cross parking easement agreement. Ensure that the agreement is in perpetuity for the promenade and Carney Bank property. Modify the easement agreement to include a clause that covers the responsibility of maintenance and repair of common improvements that are located on one site, but serve as required improvements for the other site, such as: site lighting, irrigation, drainage, and other services or utilities. Include all easements on the previously identified surveys. Note: The easement agreements and responsibility clause will be reviewed by the city following approval of the Waiver of Plat by the city Commission, however, the Waiver of Plat will not be finalized until the City approved agreement has been recorded with Palm Beach county and a copy of same submitted to the planning and Zoning Department. HEH/jm Att. .. A:PROMPLAT.JM MEMORANDUM Utilities No. 93-534 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Acting Planning & zon FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: December 30, 1993 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade (Sale of Carney Bank Building) Request for Exemption from Plat by Max Developers, Inc. Staff has reviewed the above referenced item and offers the following ~omments: Max Developers, Inc. should notify new owner of the Carney Bank BUilding that the sanitary sewer service to their property is privately owned and maintained by others, not by the City of Boynton Beach utility Department. It is our recommendation that this item proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. /bks xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella i:L File 00 IH:C 30. ill " ~._, ... aJ .If" TR/CAP ~ 59 9z ------==~ T~ '. ':."'.... \:' .. -- '"''''-. I ""/""= ~llA""" t.;.. "~-"l; J .7._' W~ iH1 -- jl ,I -./ I I. --;ii I o i4 ' ~ :....."'.'. ~-= '. ee,., ..,. ~ . "'':.~....1.!....~~::;~J.':'''''''.-:~'~6. ..... '~~~D~ , 1':- A'.~'"" . ... 6 S AC 5 n:- ~ f . II I II PI !lj~q,. r-J .OD~' 3:3 w. /41.15 ':,. ~ ~~.- , '.;('..t FUD IRi~A11.'^ LB 359-1 _ " _._~~ ij I ~ i I. I '" .. " z I! '1 II I' Il A.5PHAl. T n. (J) /0' I FNtP IR/CA~'P , LB 3591 .~ .\SPH-.. .!' ... a.., . I .. . . ~ '~"'CCYt.EREBJ': ..~ '" "\J I ':0 oJ~ \111" PS T! R I . c: To(P J Ii a'::; a sa I' HA...l.. ( T ~~ ) . . . Fu.. . Ltl\lH : 16.50 P.M. 840787 PLANT E II 4.6", 0.74: \ 473'. " " 3.45., o.n' . 8'7' ,,:10' , , ; ~ I ~ ":! I! ~ 'lo.... :i = ,j ~ to: \ I a to i i N K'l 't' , IC\A , .........1 j A I ~. 6077 . -JI 'I ~LP: _ CONC. ""'Po""::: I 0 ~:r WALK ~;'r'''' VN.. ~P~S.' ~ ! :i "PLANTER ~ il . 'I ~ "" :,' _w ! -" .J l\I 10 ,,\ .0 I cs), il I r."NS -. . ':C'O'N'C. '.>- , . . . ,.CO.NC...... , .. . 11. 22' N 52.10 C&<.vJ'\.C~1 (;i~1!<- ~ ,~ II rw BANK I OFFICE 2-STORY BLDG. C 8E:NCHMA.RK) ..., c..; <: ... en 80.0' (J) w u ~ II) ~ PLANTER ~ c~" ,~~ PLA N T1:" .. :.3 u ~ .:.. II) o. :1 'I .' 59, 7 : : 52.00 .... PI II~ $.02' 0/. f - : . ~ - : If , . 3S ! < : I a, L. e.. : o. SOtCc.1A.e.---1;-' -U.... .... · S ~ S SI> CES .c.....:...... T"lP.) I;. l . . _6.... ... A~\: r;. ,;" "" e........... I: , . "il';"",; : f1 : PR..'~-...J _ ~. i,. PROPOSED PARCE~UNPARIES T..~..1r .~~.. _. It .,.~7.5' ASP eN A L T (i-IlCo"..,~,"t~- ~ .:5 ) 0 c ..--A-d'f--- . ~ ~!l" ~1'~II~;J~::t:J'I , 1. SP CES "ttfti'L~ .1 SP.Aj][E ~i.tr""h~'l.p , cf~~.' . m I .il ,. ... · Ii Jl . . ,_ - C " L! ~I ., .:) .. .......4' , . - ,..C , - I .1 \ kQ . 63_:1__ - ---i, . - ," 'F ," , <OZ.20' I , I, P.c.P';- i : ~, q .l ;.. =-::S ;~V[ ":1 "fl/'II;. GRAPHIC '. J - .. ( ill (.1 \.. ,.~ j. SCALE .-.. ..::. (( ":-JL,\. ~_ "'- ).8. -"- : .J .~ '. q~F ',-1 IW"O~D I'ND ~ ok..~", ~ ... Th.... r. c:.~ft.y. .h..'''.flutr. / ' , &101 ....t" cu.~... ""efllle. 1200 "14-1'" .!:P:...94-05::&9?9 I.~,,"" ~1fII''', ,.. ,,4U I ut.....,.,."-rn. , SECOND MODIFICATION OF OeClARATlON OF EASEMENTS. COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS SECOND MODIFICATION OF OeCLARATION OF EASEMENTS, COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Is made this 2.i. day of February. 1994. by UI1: Oevelopp.I'S, Inc. ("OWNER"). a Flpricfa corporation whose address is 1101 North Congress Avenue. Sulle 201. Boynton Beach, Florida 33426. ' WITNESSETH WHEREAS, OVVNER made a Decfaratlon 01 Easements. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions dated July 7. 1993 and retoNed July 29. '993 In the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida at Records Book 7819, Page "'9. as amended by that certain First Modification of Declaration of Easements. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions dated J"ULY o:r, 1993 and recorded at Records Book M~ Page.11.L~ (conecllvely, .OECURATION~): WHEREAS. O~ER has conveyed ponions of tne Shopping Center de.erfbed on Exhibit "A" hereto 10 General Mills Restaurants. Inc, ("GMRI") and to Camey Bank rCARNeY"'): Ind WHEREAS, OWNER desires to further modify the OECLARA TION a. herein provided and 10 provide .vidence of the consents of GMRJ and CARNey. NOW. THEREFORE. fDr IInd In consideration of the covenants, conditions and reslrlalons ".rein contained. Ten Dollars ($10.00) and olher good and valuable consldellltlon. the receipl end sufficiency of which are hereby acltnowledged, OVVNER hereby declares as follows: 1. Paragraph 11 Is ~.reby amended by adding the faUowing to the end of the paragraph: No .menc1ment or modification or Ch" Decl.rllllon, which eliminare. or diminish.. the easemenb created for Ingress. egress. and parking. shall be etr.c:tiva unle.. the City 01 Boynton eelch I. prov6ded wlth wrttten notice of the .m.ncfment or ",odlne.lion. The Notice to the City or Boynlon Belch .ha. be In wrhlng shaJJ be proviCled by certified mal. retum . ... receipt requelted no less than lixty (SO) daYI prior 10 the effective dlte Dr the amendment or modlrlCllion. Tt'le notice muit be acc:ompanfed by alf documl"tI which would, by their '''ecl con.rltule an amendment or modlfiClllion of this Oedarallon. 0\ \ ' I' this o.ctaration II modified or ,mended 10 IUmIn.,e or dlmlnllh.... J ....menta creal.d her,'n. .ach parol' Identllled herein .hall be requlte'd to compiy. with aD IPpJicabfe regulations of Ihe City of 8oynton B..ch.1 ., they relate to plr1cing. ingrHl ..nd egre.., . 2. AI denn" lerm. ",.d here'" ..,." hlY. lhe ..me ",..nln, .1 ... forth In the Oe'claretlon. . 3. Thl. aec:ond MocIltl.;;.i;on may be .xecuted In two (2) or moRl counterparts oach of which .hall be deemed to be an original and all or which together Ihen constllule one (1) and Ihe ..me inslNl11ent. , 4 . , l1 t.".;~ I t ~ Lu- LA.- . J ~ 'l;~" lJ...~ ~ \~a! '1, ~ ~ i h ~k. -\-1. ) . * yi[)/~ '. ~ I &""miS.f. ~,. .;,'fnv )Ol)08 Wd01:20 96. E08]j .. . -.::..., .. q '17' I OR1\ 8123" 94~, IN WITNESS WHER&OF. lhe Plrtln r.av. ,., Chen hllnd. and ..." 10 th'l SECOND MODIFICAllON OF OeCl.ARATlON OF EASEMENTS. COVENANTS. CONOmONS AND RESTRIC"ONS this _ day of February. 189-4. , , WITNESSES: ~ /:Z~ M. - "',:-' c----' A ~~~ , ..._'~ 1=' . c: A~~e.t , ~ WITNESSES: ...... - ...... - By: , , C., . FIol1da ~ . . V.et , MAX DEVElOPERS. INC.. a Florida corporation By. REESE JARRETT President THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONSENT TO THIS SECOND MODIFICATION OF OeCLARATION OF EASEMENTS. COVENANTS. CONDITIONS ANO RESTRICTIONS, AS OF THIS -'L DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1994. ~ESSes; . ~~ ~tt-' , """'_ II' rHo/I;'~ L~ii:/ 'c. 'Lt-e~ S' dl't1~&~" , .......-. C. 'tGON ~ /l. fJr;'~! ~ WITNESSES: e...,,_ \ ~'1I~l-~t;, 7Jk.-,r.}_ I, ... _ Jrw, ...."..,,, ;r .....'i. ,I, . b~i~~~ . - - d:4~&. If. Af,..,cA . ' CARNEY BANK Ii. By: C. BERNA 0 J as ChaIrman of lha' $o8n:1. Cerney Bank P.O. Sox 3219 Boynton Beach. FL 1342"'3210 By: I. . f. ::l .. - ',' .:~. ", 0.'"'" .;- ,:I , 1 I ::)': ,: '.:t..1 . lit ) , .~ --.-.-.-.. 1 r JOlJoa Wd0T:Z0 96, E0 a3~ I~. . '51 0. ~'i 1; . .~ ~ ~tt , ::: ..:::.. ~ I ~:~l ~ - I . . ,I I ' \ I , : '\ II II Ii ~ 8 I ~ ~.I ~Sdl B'; _ I \:1\ I ;.~! I II . I; ; ! i'! 1-41 ~~ 'I ~; · ~ ";:UI II I ~~~i II -19S 1:1 I ~ II II II ,'I I Hili 1111 'I" 1 !","t" !.~" MaZe; .::1'; iv~ ~ w w ;!. -~I! . i .11 1'1 II iilal n'l 'I" , II I ill i','.l Ilii III: !Ii 'II =. I i!.ii! :i~1 1\' il. II I. I, 11~lli., 1,,1 '_0,' Iii ,. II' It 'Iit II II .1 II ... · , \ 111 U hi.,lIl 'iU~ ~m. ill it . l, . ~ ~ I I I i I I I ~ ---~ .. " I ::-- : N ~ S ~ ;a ~ o ~ ' ll!~ ~ 4-E-t 'o(j . \ \\,' HH- ".. .. ~ \ IUll.- II !!! f ~ I'~'E~:I i'! I \ ~ I I \ I \ I I 1\ ~ ~i U.l C':l c:c: Z UJ --;;: "'-. CI' ,I (r:: (1.. J., Q c:r. lIJ [I) w =:J L- W .> <( Ul In hI u:: o z o u r I i- 5 2: z tJ ~ ~= t:> CO ~ a: ::> (/) ~ w a: a: :J () MINUTES - REGULAIt CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. r ~IDA FEBRUARY 1, 1994 \J.--- ~T,- feet are held to the fire and they decided they cannot do it, they will walk away and the City will be left with an empty building which will not be main- tained and will be of no use to anyone. This is a Catch-22 situation for the City. The motion carried 5-0. ~ ~ " Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that this request was approved with a freestanding sign. G. Consider request sutDitted by Watermark Group, 1m:. (C1trus Park, PUD) reference Recreational Fee Credit Issue Vince Finizio said that on subdivision of platting. the City Codes require a developer to provide dedicated land for a park, give a fee in lieu of a land dedication or, in some cases, that he construct five approved amenities. If he constructs the five amenities, the developer can get half credit on his fee. The developer is not sure of the marketing stance his company will take relative to this subdivision. Mayor Hannening reaiized that the developer1s request is for a guarantee up front that he will get half his money back if be decides to build recreation on site. Mr. Finizio said the developer 1s willing to pay the entire fee up front in order to comply with Codes. City Manager Miller referred to Recreation & Park Memorandum 194-031 which states conditions and comments from Mr. Frederick. Commissioner Katz disagrees with Mr. Frederick's comment 12 and suggests the City take the cash up front and use it as a bargaining chip. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved approval. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. which carried 4~0. (Commissioner Walshak was away from the dais.) C. Consider request su.,tted by MeriCln Levion Post 164 181' a waiver of the fee required for stte plan review Motion Commissioner Katz moved to approve. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the ~tion, which carried 4-0. (Commissioner Walshak was away from the dais.) D. Dtscusston regarding Citrus Glen Commissioner Walshak said that on August 26, 1993, a special City Commission meeting was conducted. In researching his records. he could not find any indi- cation that he was ever advised of the meeting. He and Vice Mayor Aguila were absent from that meeting. The City Clerk stated there was no indication that either he or Vice Mayor Aguila were contacted. That meeting dealt with the fact that a signed Stipulation Agreement ended the lawsuit with the developers of Citrus Glen and the dropping of a counter claim between Citrus Glen and the City. The Stipulation Agreement released $276,000 - 16 - MINUTES - REGUlAR r~TY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH t FLm, ..A FEBRUARY i. 1994 , Staff has also discussed whether or not the City should be responsible for doing cross-access agreements. The City was requiring them when an outparcel had to rely on th~ main center for access to their parcel. Staff recommends approval subject to staff conditions stated in Utilities Department Memorandum No. 93-534 and Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum dated January 7, 1994, and if they are to be imposed~ the corrments would require that the parcel boundaries be reconfigured to meet the zoning and parking requi rements. Vice Mayor Aguila questioned how staff could write a memorandum full of so many cautions and still recommend approval. Ms. Heyden explained that with the recommendation, staff recognizes that exceptions to platting are a viable means of platting outparcels. However. they believe the zoning and parking require- ments should be met. Vice Mayor Aguila feels Boynton Beach has too many outparcels and would support any legislation to stop them entirely. Further, he will not support any outpar- eel which cames forward without standing fully on its own. Mayor Hanmening pointed out that this has already been recorded. It subdivided without going through the City's processes. It was done when the Olive Garden went through the process. As a condition of that approval, a cross-access agreement was required'to be turned in. That agreement was submitted two months ago and it was notedt~at the Carney Bank had been subdivided. , . Mayor Hanmen1ng agreed that outparcels should be handled differently than they have been handled. Approximately three waivers of plat have been approved by the Commission recently. Vice Mayor Aguila questioned how this property can meet the parking and setback requirements. Ms. Heyden said the legal description was overlayed on the last site plan on record. It appears that the rear setbacks are approximately 21 short. In looking at the south boundaries, it appears the outparcel was created without recognition of the underlying parking areas and access isles. Vice Mayor Aguila asked if the property line could be reconfigured~ Mayor Harmening said an amended tract can b~_filed. In response to Vice Mayor Aguila's question, Ms. Heyden said that if this is reconfigured,., the remaining -issues are lighting, irrigation, and utilities. Mayor Hanmening pointed out that there is a potential for conflict in any of these areas. Maurice Rosenstock feels no request should come before the Commission if it can- not comply with the regulations. Motion , ~ . Vice Mayor Aguila moved approval subject to all staff conditions. Commissioner --/\ Walshak seconaea the mOtlon. Commissioner Walshak said that although the City has laws and the applicant should be made to comply, common sense must be interjected. If the applicantls - 15 - - ------~ ~----------- ~, MEMORANDUM Utilities No. 93-534 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Aoting Planninq & zon FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: December 30, 1993 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade (Sale of Carney Bank Building) Request for Exemption from Plat by Max Developers, Inc. staff has reviewed the above referenced item and offers the following comments: Max Developers, Inc. should notify new owner of the Carney Bank BUilding that the sanitary sewer service to their property is privately owned and maintained by others, not by the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department. It is our recommendation that this item proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. /bks xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella L~ File rn lIEe 3 0 . 00 I q, f-('IJI1l.'f'b :::'HALL f{UAAIlJ SLl ELEVATIONS -- ) . . ~. ~ .,. l:'.~ f~ 154.79' I.Jf'-H 61~R. ~t-ILI.O~,I't, ~. N \::. ~J l..c.xJ'-..11 () ."" (L.'lISIING) , I $ -- <rtl ~-r ---~ .-~-~.=~ ~="--- ~ - -,...- -I 1'J 2J' . a' ,~ 153'-3" 6 (E XIS NG 1 &,{}.! ! 9.00' - / ..99', 170.79' r i' Si" r; [' 1'1 (-r . . . ------- . ft L~ {- \ --f I I EXISIING DRIVE-UP lELLE.RS \ \ 1 I u] L 5 t~\ ) _f8.63' _ 1 '~~~F~ 1~ltJ( lJ.J cr u. . c... . . ex;sting [3u TO REMAII.J.NO CIIANGES T __.BLDG. I)LAN ANU Lf\/ \, - ~. 5 ([l(ISTING) H - -----" 2 lj C---- _ .-T.=' ,. 4 1 1 ONCRETl IER CURBf.D I AS '~f.Qt JlRE:ll N -...J o q -...J (.,.l o a .___'_.[ -T [LI ---DJ~ , ... . f. ~ ,:' 'c:. .~. I. ~.-' -- LlrlE OF PPOPOSED WIDENING OF CONGRESS AVENUF. ld"Ar'tile SCALE i-~l "l.... . ~ - t I . "- JO , o '5 -'''-'..::'iC-AD.l.e-__ S-.. ... .... .... - . -.' -....-.-....... m-': .... ~~~-~- -}- ':..~, ~."- "', Hl~ ':)lU....-' u .,,- ...,; A .. 7_" . I~,' : I'i ~ [Hi II ,1' .,-", :r I: il f Il.P I,D Ii , ....:;...~...~... .... ,,!m p. c . p. '-, ;J.~ 359lii. . -C) C) S 000#-1 3911 [;. ~ ~ o~ B -J ~ t'., : <f I() - , . i I I' .11 Ij J' 'I -g~ I iI (1'\ "-l 80.0' It) ,c ,.. 55.7 .. 1:3.02' '1s . . . . . ~:O. "D" i . - ..uN ~./\: - ~... ~ : . . . :-... :~ A s P:14 A L T . '8 ~:-::,'" ~"i1' ,.. ~. \.. -..... ..~ ! J ~~::~. . -I. f. '.0 .. "- ).8. . ,~ ~. '. , ~91 ';:'~:S AVE · rA ES -_,,,4.0 .1....................~..'1.~ '" .. ASPHALT " '( .J .Ji .. - Ji 1 t - !1 I .:. ~ :lJkf! 'T" ..,. ... ::...'- .." - o ~ ;~.it""'.. '- c.()...,.ec\.. 110.. A'..l.lt,A .., - l f' c ......~.. ... .............. i. . I /~ ~ ,'. ~ -~.-.~.~.EBj-: . ..~ '" .~NfJ ~/L~ BANK / OFF ICE 2-STORY BLDG. I ~'! , " ~ II u ~11 cr ..,. 'I 0. :..Iro :-liO 'I...: i\) N - F P l T .AN S f PAO 4.61........ O. 74~ \ 413'.. . ' 3.45 -_ a.-n' . 817' .f I ~. 60 n. II :JI L.P _ 10 /0 _ CONC. f-"yp'~ .. WALK I Y . . ':CriN'C'. ',/ , -. ceNC ,. " -. ......~O.NC:....... ,.~ I I I I '2.la ~"" . L(JON: 16.50 P.M. 840787 PLANT E A (8ENCHMA~K) 4.70' '- PLAN TER 44.7' PLANTER ~ -,... ,. ~\.. en ~ ~~'u ; '2.00 PLANTER ~ III UJ 0 U '" i ... <( '" - J J en I ~. 711 22"t: :r ~ - l/l - cr Slv"'; PROPOSED P~C~UNPARIES Ti'~~..~~;:~~ ~_'3C.i.d75' Creco~~tI...r...d.. ~ Joe I ~4 -r " ~5b ... ,-1' ,. __~ . <: . '- p rlSPCES '~'-m;7SPANL. - ~l- !J . ~ J..o LE 1 JL..._ -' !O i ' . 63 ~ , . - ---J, J ," If;,Z.20' - ~- S 36 !5 . ~ I (;). so COQ.e.--"';_. iT'1' p" I' 'c ~tC.-.J-i:" l,.. "."J .~ 1 SA......:. ! " SP. CES ~~APHIC ~~. ~ - , - , / ;0 Iii 30 o -.... ._~_..- 1 ' j r "-... c.....l' -k Ill!:;:; _O'-J'::;:'.:l ~)~ c __ --l s'- 'I I . W II .\ II , " I: l , l: (. I. t '1 L I: ( <.. [1 c .... 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It 0 1'1::0 J> lip" :1. ;or ',II n" II rZ . i:tVl i 1/1'1-1 J I n;U I ~,. tll ~~ -r Zm n;u - ! i~ Eli 5~~"iO ~i!ii iijg51~~~ if iSI · i; li~ i~~~l ~!;II ~!!:i~:l :1 I~o A '1 12: .ii,i "!O'I f'I:5~~o if pi~ l~ ~U~ 'ISll !'~! ef l.:~' ~ i~a 'S ,.1 i-.i 'l.. '1 ~..il 'B " ii ~Il ~~H; 6;la ~i9:i~~a U! ~l ~I ~Il !!~i =;.. !~!iiSi; ~ f~i &s~ :Q'! I~~~ "I'oil~~ . Of. . '~ a.g~' a,s:, ~ ~'. f f ~I' - o ....., I ~ 10'-8- :ii .... :Q ~ 'l~ i W Ip~ I i.1 II: a "~I _.."'......__"_... _ _,' . d'-' _ MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSttll IEET1l1i. BOYNTON BEACH t r'- '\IUDA . .':,;,-.: -, -,:'".. ~ > --, 0.. ,- ,- RllRUARY 1 t 1994 _:' " Commissioner Walshak thought a second motion was necessary tD authorize the City Engineer to issue a permit. Attorne,y Cherof-adv1sed that such a lOtion would be out of order because staff cannot be directed to do something i. violation of the Code. , VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS ; ~ Description: BoyntOl. Belch P.......de .....~................... TABLED John J. Hoecker ',- .~c '''-' .. Max Developer, Inc., .. .. West side of Congress: Avenue approxtmately 1,875 feet north of Old Boynton Road Exception to Platting: Request to subdivide Carney Bank from the Boynton' !each Promenade parcel without platting "- "" ,-- A. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Motion ~ Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to remove this from the table. Vice Nlyar Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 5~. ..:;-~ ,,--::::,c':~"-' Tambri Heyden made the presentation and reminded the Commission tlat this item was tab1 ed so that staff could work oat some of the problems .ie11 have arisen. . . :-;7-'.~: > ." _"c.;.....: ;,. --":!!'r~' ~'.;"<; . ...,--..- ' Ms. Heyden explained that the parcel boundaries, as recorded, do lit meet the setback requirements and there are unique problems w1thmaintenance. The parcel is part of a previously-approved shopping centerwhitb had 'the building as a leased-out parcel. It was designed as a unit_with' ,the' fnfrastructare serving all of the out buildings and main structure. ''';S"1nce' the parcel has been carved out, the infrastructure crosses the parcal boundaries.~-, -- The City Attorney, City Manager and staff hava discussed the problems and no consensus has been reached regarding haw the, zoning', functioning alii maintenance of this common infrastructure is Impacted by the waiver ,of' plat. Is. Heyden said the Commission's action on this request will indicate to staff bow they wou 1 d 1i ke outparce 1 s to be treated. : She poi nted out that there has been an increase, in the number 01 exceptions received. The reasons for that are as follows: 1. platting is expenSive and time consuming. It takes about three to four months for processing as compared to exception processing which takes approximately four to six weeks; IIId 2. the outparcels are not permitted their own freestanding signs; however, platted outparcels are. - Historically, subdivided outparcels which were approved as part of the center had been required to meet all zoning and parking requirements independently. A change in this philosophy would encourage subdivision of more outparcels in a center. - 14 - , I _ .I I _ I ~ . ' i \ \ .~ l I 1~?~:;?31 iJv. ~ /;/ @J r~J_ -_ ,.- ., ,- .,: ' ' ~ I \ , , I r': // ./ TYPICAl I)LNHFR5 - -[:J D- - . D _11 t J '- --- - - -- ,- ".------' .'.- .-- 11C f~AMf) ~ IF~E lA~~1:. [] 10~Ei existing BUILDING -TO RLMAIN. NO CIIANGES TO UL D~ PLAN AND ELEV. RIHl30NS SHALL REMAIN SEt: ELEVATIONS ~-' ---) I'V -l I Cia \ 70.79' ~, f (LlUS1INOl , I XIS I~~ (rsr:h~_ r ;4 - ---- -I !l7 ,:J i . (l 1 r, . ~.' ~ <1,)- t", f~ 153'-3" 4~!.. 9.00' -- 5.9..9~ ... r"" ~~ ~--:-: .."'.,. ~ 154.79' I J - --- -,------ . I! 1 t- 186.79' ; ~__ i=_ ,_~,_ _ _'::-'15' I~C;Y_,,!VE :~!P~~ l~L~!,~_ :' t C. · · ) \ . l Z -1 - d' , E-- ----- -- ---------. '-177 . -}I-- -- - -1-~'; - -~ - ~--- - -~~==-~-=-' - --- -- . ----- - . -- -- -. -~~ I/' I \ _ I . . /Ej. ,L:l\ I ~ =~~~~ i~lt 11 LL \ ') _?8.63'_ eX:0ting f3UOINC' TO REMAH'J, NO CIIANGES T _BL[l(~ PLAN AND L f V i Si'II'; [' "I Cp . c=-_ . . l " 5 ([l(ISTING) H -- ------- 2 LJ3 C~O=- __ _ .."T= " 4 1 1 CONCRETE IIER CURBF:D 'I I ^S f~[Qt JlRE:L' I'V -....J o o -....J f.'" o o I..... . t' ,'> ,L1 c:. 't"" I",'t I -."rn----- ---' - .. '-=-' ]' --I' ..'- --r- ["L7Jl." '-I-' , '.. __--- ____ 1-- -. ,--, - . -.-" . -- -- - . - - / L1rJE OF PIWPOSED WIDENING OF CONGRESS ^VENUE, CORREJ\tf' SURVEY