REVIEW COMMENTS f~:r T~ 8~~ (U~ f~(L~ ~ Ii PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-117 FROH: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~ Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: May 13, 1993 SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Promenade Site Plan Review and Landscape Appeal Hax Developers has requested a major site plan review for the Boynton Beach Promenade. The reason for the review is the increase of the floor area from 75,130 to 79,318 square feet. This increase is caused by the desire of the owners to keep the second floor portion of the old structure and not remove it as originally planned. Since it was approved in June of 1992, the site plan has been altered under a series of minor plan changes to shift the bulk of the building to the Office Max structure, move that structure to the south because of conflicts with an electrical transformer and the height of the Office Max facade was increased by four feet. The site meets the parking requirements and the design gUidelines of the modern district. The applicant has also requested a landscape appeal to allow the use of existing material instead of replacing with native species both on the site and along the right of way. The site plan and the landscape appeal were reviewed by the Planning and Development Board and both were forwarded to the City Commission with a recommendation of approval. A condition was attached to the landscape appeal to plant additional palm trees along the east elevation at the south end of the structure which the applicant has agreed to do. These requests have been scheduled for City Commission review and final determination on May 18, 1993. CC:cp 8Cl BOYNTON BEACH PROMENADE LANDSCAPE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN APPEAL MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher cutro, planning and zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and site Development Administrator DATE: April 28, 1993 RE: Boynton Beach Promenade - Landscape and Community Design Plan Appeal The present owners of the Boynton Beach Promenade, Max Developers, Inc., are seeking relief from complying with the following landscape requirements: l} The Comprehensive Plan requirement, Policy 4.4.6, which states: IIsubsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall modify the land development regulations to require native vegetation species to satisfy at least 50% of all site landscaping requirements as a condition of development or permit approval. II 2} Appendix III of the community Design Plan. Appendix III of the community Design Plan specifies certain species of trees and hedge landscape material shall be incorporated into the required landscaping along the perimeter of the project that abuts a right-of-way. This site is located in the modern district. The following list of species is identified for the modern design district. Big Trees/Palms: Queen palm Oaks Red cedar * Hong Kong orchid * canary Island date palm Mahogany Senegal date Tamarind Small Trees/Palms: Paradise tree * Pitch apple Yellow elder * wild coffee Dahoon holly * Tabebuia * Tree of gold* Alexander palm Pindo palm * Shrubs/Brushes: Chalkas surinam cherry Dwarf balgan False arelia * Ixora * Shiny jasmine Bird of Paradise * variegated shall ginger * Barbados cherry Indian Hawthorne Pent as Cordyline * Dawny jasmine Fountain grass* Vines: Allamanda * Pandora vine Passion flower * Mandevilla Ground Cover: Juniper Dwarf ixora * Pilea fern Ferns African lily * Denotes plants with color section 7.5-38 of the Landscape Code indicates that the construction and modifications proposed for the existing shopping center will require the existing site landscaping to be upgraded to comply with current landscape specifications. Due to the modifications to the site, all the interior landscaping will be modified to comply with the current landscape specifications. To: Christopher cutro Re: Boynton Beach Promenade Page Two However, the existing perimeter landscaping is deficient with regards to the required native species and community Design Plan on-site streetscape landscaping. Therefore, the applicant is requesting the following appeals: 'l'he first appeal is to allow the existing landscaping material around the perimeter of the project to remain in place. The code requires that fifty (50) percent of the total number of required trees and hedge plantings shall be a native species. The landscape plan depicts the following materials are existing and located around the perimeter of the site: surinam cherry hedge and Black olive trees. However, these species are not native. Installing four hundred ninety-two (492) native hedges around the perimeter of the project and eight (8) native trees along Congress Avenue will bring the landscaping in compliance with the native species requirements. Installation of new material shall follow the planting specifications listed in the code. The existing trees located along the perimeter of the north, south and west sides of the project are supplemental landscaping and not required by the code. The second appeal is to allow the existing Black olive trees and cherry hedge landscaping along Congress Avenue to satisfy the required on-site streetscape landscaping. As previously described, Appendix III of the Community Design Plan specifies certain species of trees and hedge landscape material shall be incorporated into the required landscaping along the perimeter of the project that abuts a right-of-way. The intent of the landscaping is to create a streetscape that is harmonious with the appropriate architectural theme. The site is located in the modern design district. The Surinam cherry hedge material is a species identified on the modern design list. However, the Black olive trees are not listed as a tree acceptable for the modern design district landscaping. Installation of new material shall follow the planting specifications listed in the code. 'l'he appeal request is stated in the attached letter from Max Developers, Inc., identified as Exhibit IIAII. ~" r-) ,/ -==---O~~L{/ ~ /-.h~ M1:~' chael'" E. Haaci/ t / "-../ MEH ald I (~ Attachments C:PROMENAD.APL EXHIBIT "A" JMIAX IQ)]EV]E]ll())I~]Effi~9 lINCCa April 19, 1993 MR. CHRIS CUTRO DIRECTOR PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 RE: ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL - LANDSCAPING BOYNTON BEACH, PROMENADE - MAX DEVELOPERS, INC Dear Chris: By this letter please be advised that the above applicant is seeking relief from full compliance with the City of Boynton Beach landscape ordinance. As you are aware, as the new owners of the Boynton Beach Promenade, we have invested significant dollars into an extensive renovation of the shopping center. Due to our efforts, we are turning a failed project into a successful, job generating and tax revenue source for the city of Boynton Beach and its residents. We have to date commitments from major national tenants such as General Mills Restaurants, KMart' s OfficeMax, Motorola, and HealthSouth. We have accomplished all of this while complying with all the Cities codes and ordinances with the exception of the landscape ordinance. Since the development of the project in 1986, the city has adopted a new Comprehensive Plan Ordinance with regard to landscaping that is more specifically detailed in Appendix III of the Community Design Plan. The ordinance, which was adopted in 1989, requires that at least 50% of all site landscaping material be of native species. As you can readily determine, our landscape plan provides for compliance with this requirement as it relates to the installation on new landscape material. However, with respect to the existing landscape site material, which is made up of mature, four foot, Surinam Cherry hedge and mature Black Olive trees, we are not in compliance. We are seeking relief from compliance with the landscape code only as it relates to existing vegetation. All new installation will be in complete compliance. The existing site landscaping is mature, health, and well maintained. The material met all landscaping MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. 1101 North Congress Avenue. Suite 201 · Boynton Beach, FL 33426. (407) 731-1630 requirements at the time of original installation. Additionally, the site landscaping is consistent with site landscaping of other shopping centers along Congress Avenue which were developed prior to the adoption of the new ordinance. Thank for your consideration in this matter and if you should have any questions please feel free to contact me. J. Hoecker ~\~ ~ ui Jl . ij ~ z .~., <.f'':'I VOIH01::l 'H8J 3GVN3v.JOtld H '138 NOINA08 :::>V38 N 01 SNOIlIOO\l GINA08 II SNOIl \I!J311\l ~I~ tli .% (- il"f~ 01 ~ r ::'\ ~ 5 ~. ~ 1 ; ~ ~I~;i I. ~ ~ ~~ !l(. = ~, ~ ;I. :. in; lU r9 f 'L ~. ~~~" V' .! 0 ~ ~ ~. ~; H ~' >- ~f: \\.Y .., i ~~ ~~ fl z u. ~~ ~~ 3 'd ~ 0( Ii di ':f0 .> E~ t:':; ~d ~__ __// ~r ;d...) !~ll ':;c';;;:-X)"'" - ~""1t" H !~O ' =- ___ J ..: ~; " , _U " -n ~ . ~~ fz - jlP- ?l r,o /---------------.-. ~ (:) ex: <( o Z r- ~zz CI)~~ "COo ~I>- '-OI I\-W " <( a: -loG: $ II .~ >11: :J~ ~ ~~ ~i~ 0 9~ \tlt~ 0 ~ ~~ ~~~~,t.i~: fig ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ !ti~Dr-:i~ 8 [~ i~~~~~~ g E~! ~~~~~~g: w ~Ei StEP S ~~~ !go(~.:tj~ ~ i~i ;;;~~~I ~ ~;f ~e~iti si ~ li~~ iHi ~~ ! i!~ ~Hj~ l~ I .~ U!i *1 * ~L ~a~~! ! ~ "" ~ I: l'~ ~ ~; .j ~i -;.:. u : ~I ~~ C ! I G ~ t "i b I-~ rii I ~ ~ Ii en en' , f (9 ,i [I / Ii L,Z'. 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