APPLICATION ~~IJU -1 '3-1 9':13 15 : 4~ I=ROM '.- .--. Dee ~ ~ '1;'.;). ~:.f 1m' .. TOl4i .~~ iiZ TO 94073756090 P,04 , , THIS INS'I'R.tJMIiN: WAS. PREP~ BY AND, MiTER. R..ECORDIN:; , RETURN : JOEL B. GILES, ES ;l..TIRE PoweU~ CAmey, M,,' rA, Hucks Bamett roW<<' One Prol:reu Pl.w . Sui~ 1 1 Post Otlke Box 16 I .~ St. Peter-Iburg, nOI i a 33131.1689 (813) 898-!X)11 (813) 89'8-9014 (1! 1ecopler) J'.l-1.y-1993 3:07pm "7'3-:23q7A~ OR8 781 '9' P'3 11 3~ If.' nlfW! HI I tUlt'Rtl 90th 000. OIJ I}~r: 6f !DlJ. f}!] Con Onsntt!e':s Taxpa~r l.l>. No.: 59.1219168 _~praIs"" Pareo! ND.: ~~~J rmIS S~J ::::IAL WAImANTY DEED is given this.::L- day of July, 1993, by MAX DEVELOPERS, I ~ :rc., 8 corpomtion organized and existinr 'lUlder the laws of the State of florida, with its ~rlnc1pal place of business at (and the mailing address of which is) 1101 North Congress I \venue, Boynton Beachl .Florida 33462, ("Grantor") to GENERAL MILLS RESTAURANTS INC.. a corporation organized a.~d existing under the laws of the State of Florida, with itc )t"{neipal plaeo of bW:1nocc: ::at (and the m.ailing :;addr~~ of 'Which is) l'S1 Directors Row,: Thmdo, Florida 32809, ("Grantee"). WITN~: ITH; that Grantor, for and in consideration ofTen and No/lOOths Dollars ($10,OC:O and ot:cer good and valuable consideration. to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, thp. r~f.ipt of w: ieh i-= h..reby acknowledsed, ha~ aranted, bArgs:Ur::u:td, :and I:old to Crantee the real propert; in palm Beach County, Florida, described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and, by 11 Lis reference, made a part hereof. TOGETHi:R with all tenements. hereditaments, and appurtenances, with every privilege, right, : i.tIe, intere't and estate, dower and right of dower~ reversion, remainrlP.1'. and easement tL :reto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJEC'l. Lo ad valorem real property taxes for the year 1993 and all subsequenr years; e:asement'i. covenants, conditions. restrictions. and other matters of public record; matters of StuVE ~' and plat; and zoning ordinances. TO HAVl AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. AND. Gn ltor hereby covenants with Grantee that it is lawfully seized of said real propert'1 in fee ,; imple; that said real property h free of all encumbrances except as set forth above; th I c it has good right and lawful authority to sell and conv1ey said real properlY; and th It it hereby fully warrants the title to said real property and will defend the SOIne again: the lawful claims of all persons claiming by or through Grantor but against no otheJ l . IN WITN :SS WHEREOF, Grantor has exel:uted this Warranty Deed on the day and year first above 'm tten. ~~JIOV\Ol!:[)-"1I ',1A:07'02II:I'18Sle11\) . ..~, ..."'_...._.,.,...~.......'.~"" '-l"" "T"."" ..... NOIJ-19-1993 15:4€ ~ROM TO 94073756090 P.06 Exhibit "A" O?S 7~ '1 'c;J f'~ l' 1 37 to Rtl:ORD VE'r.!FIEO OOROTH'f H "rug Warranty D~@dI.lEfiK OF fHF OJiJP,f - P8. COtNTY! Fl (Legal Desc:ription of Olli.'e Garden Parcel) PARCEIJ. A portion of Sec:on 19, Township 45 South, Range 4:3 East, Pahn Beach County, Florida, being more part .~ularly described as follows: Commencing at : le Southeast comer of said Section 19, thence N 00' 59' 39" W along the East line ofsaid:,~tion 19, a distance of 2,728.11 feet; thence S 89- 00' 21'W. a distance of 60.00 feet tOI point of intersection with the \l\i'est right.of..way line of Congress Avenue and the PoilJ1 (}I~i l.hence N 00' 59' 39" W along &aid West right-of-way 1h1eJ a distance of 123.:: 1 feetj thence S 89. 00. 21" W, a d.istance of 186.00 feet; thence S 00. 59' 39" E, a dlst: .nee of 116.57 feet to a point that is 50.00 feet North of the North line of that 90.00 fe')t wide access easement for "Boynton Beach Mall Access Road D", as recorded in Offic al Records Book 4814, at page 279, of the publ~ records of Palm Beach County, PloridRj thence N sa. 05t 26" E and paralld with Aid North line of "Boynton Beach Mall Aece.:! Road D", a distance of 117.62 feet; thence S 01. 54' S4" E, a distance of 50.00 feet; tl1: nee N 88' 05' 26" E, a distance of 15.61 feet; thence N 00' 59' 39" W, a distance of 30,1)0 feet; thence N 88' OS' 26'1 E, a distance of 32.00 feet; thence S 00. 59' 39" E, a dist<i lee of 10.00 feet; then~(! N 43. 32' 54" E, a distance of 28.51 feet to the P. _J' B . . omt vi eguuu': g. TOGE1HER wn: i a nonexclusive perpetual right, privilege, and easement for the benefit of the above-des.: cibed property for the limited purpose of pedestrian and vehicular ingress to and E'ifeSS fn:: I ~ the above.desaib~ property over the following described Pareel 2 and Pare&:ll 3- PMCEL 2 8UYNTON BEACH ACCESS EASEMENT (South Acc:ess) A pomen of See :on 19, Township 45 South, Ran~ 43 East, Palm Beach County, Plorida, being more part: : ularly described as follows: Co~eucing nt le Southeast corner of said Section 19, thence North 00' S9' 39" West, a distan,oo of 1,2':2.20 feet to a point; thence North 89' 46' 34" West, 8 distance of 60.01 feet to 8 point Ct, the West ript.of-way line of Congress Avenue (S.R. 807); thence North 00. 59' 39" "'tel I along said West line, a distance of 1,334.6.3 feet to the principal point and plat:e of beg,' ming of the foUowlng easement di:scriptiun: Thence South SS OS' 26" West, a distance of 350.00 feet to a point; thence North 00' 59' 39" West, a distCl : ice of 90.01 feet to a point; thence Nonh 88' 05' 26" East, a distance of 350.00 feet to a ,oint on the aforementioned West line; thence South 00. 59' 3911 East along suid WC3t nc, a distance of 90.01 feet to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL.3. BOYNTON BEACH ACCE:SS EASEMENT (N orth Access) A portion of Sec1 i '0 19, TO'\.\.'nShip 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more patti<: uIarl;' described as follows: Conuneucing at ,: le Southeast comer of said Section 19, thence North 00. 59' 39" West a distance of 1,2.12.20 feet to a point; thence Nonh 89' 46' 3.4" West. a dist3Dce of 50.01 feet to a point or the West right..()f~way line of Congress Avenue (S.R.. 807); thence North 00. 59' 39" Wesl: along said Vo;Test line, a distance of 2~055.00 feet to the principal point and plate of beg: Uling of the following easement description: 'Thenre South 88: 05' 26" Wst, a distance of 338..87 feet to A point: thence North 00 D S9' 39'1 West, a distal' 'ce of 90.01 feet to. a point; thence North ss. OS' 26" East, a distance of 338.87 feet to a: . mint on the aforementioned West line; thence South 00' 59' 39tl Bast along said west': ne, a distance or 90,01 teet to the point of Begin.ntng. Pare 1 of :1 TOTAL P.06