CORRESPONDENCE JMIAX ]])IE~II.iQ)1FIEl1({~9 TINCCa ~"- July 14, 1993 MR. CHRISTOPHER CUTRO DIRECTOR PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 RE: MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. APPLICATION FOR WAIVER OF PLATTING RESTAURANT PARCEL BOYNTON BEACH PROMENADE, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Dear Chris: By this letter, please be advised that the above applicant wishes to seek a waiver from the City of Boynton Beach platting ordinance. This request is being sought in light of the fact that the above referenced project falls within the criteria for a exemption as provided for in the ordinance. Due to the fact that time is of the essence in this matter we are requesting that this matter be heard at the earliest Planning and Zoning Board and the following City Commission meeting. Please find enclosed a complete project survey, a site specific survey and a project site plan. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact me. cc: John J. Hoecker Bruce Geise if;J.c/1 G~~/ 00 J1. , .4 1993 MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. 1101 North Congress Avenue · Suite 201 · Boynton Beach, FL 33426. (407) 731-1630 12/21/93 15:59 ft4075860570 --," . ,..-. --. - - ~" lO:"~ ." 1~1l'9~yfl:l ~~ 1 . 'r"'-_._ ......_.." ,.:.......~ . .. ~'. r~l ,~~. j~~" '.. 4" ~V__ ! DRAPER & KRAMER l4l002 -. . - IIMr"'1\ \I. I\l...."ll r . ' ... - -- ,........ ...~ --... I 'j ".,,,~_..... '-t\.{'~'JI~'!IIl'l;'" ~1"'fA~lj ,.~ " . "I -.--. ".., '~I "..,~...,~,j' f ,. . ..J. ~ .11ft. ..~ - : . , ML&X ITDJEVlEJ1(o.mDIEffi~9 TIN CCo ... ..: =-:=......."'--:' O$c&mb.~ ~~, 199~ Scott. Mill.r City Mana9_:- c.it.y ot Boyncon 100 I. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Sax 310 SoyntOn Beach, F1 ~342S.0310 Re % 01 i va Ga:r4en S ign I Boynton PromfjI1.sd~ Dear Scott l ~~/~ Max DevelCP.rS~QWled;'~- th~it has n condition fer the cross aeeess agreement, above referencQ4 sign, as the Carney Ba~ separately prior to City a~proval. ~ (..~\(e Accordingly I the pat'ties re.eognize that th. 1!lforementioned e.t~t~.... condition must ba satisfied as A rt!J<IUir@ment tor t.ha l!l!ign to ,_,t<.--~ stay U1:> on a pe~n*nt basis" Oa.Clil! ~he eondil:ion has haen ..til!ied''\the sign shall be allo~d on a pormanant Q~.i.. \..~~~ 9-1':: ,~e-/7...~-~ t: yet. satisfied wi th !'~a.rds to p:u'oel Willi sold r ~ ~- ~ ~ ~----~~,j Olive Garden lc.,k-.,-L r1 ~1v ~:::::;: ~- -0 ':"~ ~ ~~~y. /11-1(73 '- {!<e?!^cf ~~/{c~, ~- /I.e~d_~-v c~. 'I; ~.; () t'w~/J MAX DEV~LOPERS. INC_ 1101 North Q)n2reSs Avenue. Suite 201 . Bovnton Bel4C". FL ~1oGt26. (407) 731-1630 TOTAL P, 131 12/21/93 15:59 '8'407586057e DRAPER & KRAMER .11'........ Facsimile Transmission Date December 21, 1993 Pages 2 TO Scott Miller Fax Phone 407-375-6090 From John J. Hoecker Subject Olive Garden Sign/ Boynton Promenade Hi Scott. Attached is the letter, as discu8sed. RECEIVED DEe z 1 73 / CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE T raJ 001 ...... ~..- ***** fJJie City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacn 100 'E. 13oynton 13eadi 130uUvard P.O. 13oi{310 13oynton 13eadt., ~foritfa 33425-0310 City Jfa[[: (407) 734-8111 ~5JX: (407) 738-7459 September 27, 1993 Mr. Reese Jarrett Max Developers 1101 North Congress Avenue Suite 201 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Reese: This is to inform you that your request for a waiver of plat at the Boynton Beach Promenade was approved by the Planning and Development Board at its meeting of August 10, 1993. This approval is subject to submission of cross-access and cross- parking agreements between the outparce1 and the shopping center owner. I hope this letter is of some help to you. If you should have any questions, please feel free to call me. Yours truly, ~~ Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning and Zoning Director CC/cmc C:BBPROM .9lmerica's (jateway to tfie (julfstream 12/21/93 17'18 '!t4075860570 DRAPER & KRAMER ~002 . ~.... It " '~~' ~..,- ...,:~ .~ -if. ~ '-i-" I~.:: " :~"~..~." ..,..i :~ :~~.: ~.~~':','l;~~:,. . ... , '! ooA1\ JD)JEVJEILiCDJFIE~~9 TINCCa December 21, 1993 Scott Miller City Manager City of Boynton 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 Re: Olive Garden Sign! Boynton Promenade Dear Scott, As a follow up to my previous fax of l;a/2~/93, please be advised that Max L'8velopers intends to satisfy the condition refer~ed to in ~h~t previous fax by February 15/ 1994. Algo, please note that Bruce G~i6e, Real Eatate Manage~ far General Mille ne6taurant~, signed the letter an behalf of the Olive Garden. General Mills owns the Olive Garden. aye any ether q~e5tions or need any ad~itional ion, plea8e c~ll me. Thank you tor your help. MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. 1]01 North Congress Avenue. Suite 201 · Boynton Beach, FL 33426. (407) 731-1630