CORRESPONDENCE IMIA~ llJ)JEVJEIL([J)JPJEM~9 IINea December 8, 1993 Ms. Tambri Heyden City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Waiver of Plat / Max Developers Carney Bank at the Boynton Promenade Dear Ms. Heyden: We are the owners of the Boynton Beach Promenade and are writing to request an exemption from platting the Boynton Promenade property as a result of the sale of the Carney Bank building, an outparce1 building to the subject property. We have already received an exemption for the Olive Garden restaurant parcel at the center. The sale of the Carney Bank parcel results in no more than three (3) contiguous lots. There are no unusual conditions created by ownership or development of adjacent lands. The subject property is not isolated nor remote in relation to other improved lands. The existing improvements and dedications on the land sUbstantially in accord with the requirements of Appendix Subdivision and Platting Regulations. Such subdivision of would, therefore, not conflict with the purpose and intent of ordinance. are " C " , land this In closing, we request that you please render a favorable recommendation to the City Planning and Development Board and, if ::uled upcn favorably, provide 1.19 with a written Affidavit of Exemption. Max Developers, and it's successors and/or assigns, agree that pursuant to the City Code, the City Engineers shall reserve the right to require deeded rights of way and easements, reservations or improvements required in connection with platting under this ordinance, including the posting of surety as may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this ordinance. DEe , , 1m w / &6 '-I MAX DEVELOPERS, INC. 1101 North Congress Avenue. Suite 201 · Boynton Beach, FL 33426. (407) 731-1630 Ms. Tambri Heyden December 8, 1993 Page 2 your consideration in this matter. incent A. Finizio James D. White, P.E. Reese Jarrett enclosures: Check in the amount of $400.00 Survey of Carney Bank Parcel ~~1 ", ., BOYNTON BEA~H PROMENADE r I I I @ /6 I IS - I ;i I 72,CJBAC I : PROPOSED CrRNEY BANK · I PROPERTY -, ,'// ..' ~ 8 /'//1' ~ ~~NK." ,(, , rY"1\ C, / . , r:.1' 'tS 2 -I' ~'::1' _' .' ...."., - CON+~!lo L 2.16' i I 5 - 4 oR PA1<.C E!s... ','j cr:.. !l ilAlf OI-~4/66P277 tea) '/5 ~I ~ 2 11)"( C t, /9 - 1\.1 JUI\[:A N ~-~ 10-1 a.boA.: M1R~'H p '" '; , ,:"91.87 I /7 ,.. ~ -' 6 I~- ~- 1.f?4A. \.. 16 G ~ . J, (..., ~( " I MACyS '."'?--- .@) I 17=1- 11.b4.AC I OH4~ 79P32b <2 ? "" '" .,.. e" I' ::;; i',:' 1'\ - ", . I " .r: OLIVE GARDEL ---r Suao 0,.... rl_ ]~~A~ ~o, >\1' EY 127 ~ AREA ,. L ~ ~:;:~,O! ~ J ~ r"l' /S- ,,~' - lJ~LV-i~ ~ ~ ( /) I --- - '1 ttJ _.~;. /~- 'Z' 26_ ,: .~-'_..._- D:dt/iL,lV;~j ~ 2/7 , '._-~.~~ 1l:1k._t",;J/d~1~(?"" 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'10, I ---- \ , I \..: '-, , 'J I I ,6-92 THU 16:02 .C~ULFXELD ~ (..,.., WHEELER XNC P.02 ....v ,/ / #~4t '<f~~ &'1. t<f s 00'59'39" E ...", w " i~ zC!; SO~~.~5,9"E lOCAnQt.l MAP N.T.S. .~ ~~'g "'N (5 ~~~ C'l G.:B- ~ 0> - ;t: ~~~ "10 <<tl", N 'C 8.~, in 0> P co CO VI GRAPffiC SCALE 50 ~ ~ ( III 1m) If 141.15' 0 ~+ 0 w N 'J)'tf ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~u ...., q-C;, . <f N 'b p Q) co :z SEe N 00'59'39" W 155.00' W(S~...E.6t.!:!N~ CONGRESS AVENUE EAsT L./NE seCTION 19 NOTES: 'i":"'1ieP<O<lu<,tiana or this D'-etch Are not VAl14 unl~.s se.. I~d with ..0 embossed 8urv~y," ." 8ea1. 2. Land" ..hawn hereon c..e not c.b..t...cted fOJ; nijjht-"f-W,,)', E..s..ment.., Own"r~hif', <'I othel" In&trumen~~ of Record. J. t)c,:.:u'in9~ :ihown heJ:'tion Arg J;'c14t1va t.o th,,' Wt:ot R1'3ht-o~-WClY linCl ot Cc.mfJn':'~ Avenue b~arin9 N 00' 53' 33' W. 4. The "I~ND D~SCR1PT10N' hereon WAS prepAred by the Surveyor. S. Dct." :lIIhQwn hCJ:'QQn WAe compiled f't'Qn lhtc 'III:::IIf;.l;urneut gf llecord CLnd aoeD not. C'Vll~t. L tutc A boundary af euch. DBSCRIPTION: A port ion ot Section 19, 'l'Qwnellip 45 south I RlInCJa 4 J 1l.'H. "111m BeAch County, ~'lnr' .1.. bdn'J more p..rtic~lArly deGoribad A8 follow~1 COMMENCING at tha South~ast corn..r of aaid Section 19, thenc.. N 00. 59' 39" Ii "lun., the E".t I1n. w, .a1d aQc~10n 19, A 41at"nc* of 2728.11 t.at, thunce S e,. 00' 21" H, " di.t~ncu of 4iO..OO foet to A point of ~nter8ec:tion ",ith t)'l(l Weflt Ricaht-of-W,oy linC!l of CunYI.:I. Jo.y.nu..; ehem,,, Ii 00' ~3' U. W ..long IAld weat Right-Of-WilY Une, II CistllOi;1I of 314.93 '"ut to tno ~OINT or IIli:G1NNlNGI t;.hon"u ""nt.in"in,:! N 00. 59' 33" w oloog "Aid WeDt Right-ot-WoIY LIno, II dist"n"" ..r 155.00 he!:; thence N 46. 27' 06" W, oS 41..canca of 56.11 featl th~n~" S HS' O~, 26" 1<1, .. dictance cf 201.00 f..etl the"ce S 00. 53' 39" I~, II <listllnce of 141.15 ,,,,,L; thence l'/ 890 00. ~1" E, a distance of 24.97 feet; thenc~ S oow 591 39" E, a dlatanea ~f 5~.OO f~Gt; than~" N ~~. 00' 21" ~, " distAnce c' 210.00 toat to the POINT O~ ~Gl~I~G. Said hnd.. ait.....ta in tho ctt;y of Boynton Ilo..oh, ~..llll Be.,ell Co"nt)'. Flor1dA. Cont..inin~ 44,476 Square Feet I 1.u2 Acres, Illore or lese, S\lbj~ct to Ea~cmonta, 1\c:ltrictiQna, J\c.:a:Qrv~t.i.Qn.::l, CQYCnAut..:!I, And Ri9hta-of-Way at Ru\'onl. CIl:R'UFICATt: : 1 h~r..by ceJ:tify t:hAt t.he .att.Ached sketch of De.ori!,t!"n of tho horoon dOBcri!),,'" i" "p"rt:y h true And correct to the best of illY knowled9a and b..liaf "a prapAred under ~y di..ecian on Ii.."ch 9, 1992. t fu.:ther cort:ify th..t ehi. Sketch of D,,~criptiQn meet. tho Minimum Tc.:hnical St..ml,uu.. ..et Eacth in R..ll.. 211lH~6 adopted by tile Flol ida Board af Land Survayon, Pll,,"u..nt to Flori~. Statutes 412.027. Devid P. Lindley. P.L.S. Req. ~nt\ Gurv..)'or t~OO~ St.>.t.. 0:1: Fl,nd.da "oln; BY DAlI! UU2L SOAI.f ~ lIRIl,BY~ OCO,BV ~ r\JUll<._ PA(;l! JOII NO UCAUI.FIE1-D4e WHEELER.lNC. t:4dW_hg an;no.. .. PlUlVIPI , SYI"1'i"1 7:lOlAI'/t"_""~_'_leooo. ""~~F R€Vl!;IONS BOYNTON eE^CH PROMENADE BANK PARCEL SKETCH OF OESCRIPllON EXHIBIT A-3 ~t6i '! , I I , r t f , , ~ ~ r