CORRESPONDENCE ''Tlie City of . / t;Boyntort tJ3eacn P!an.nine &' ZonintJ 'Department 100 T... tJ3oynton tJ3ea& tJ30ultvartf P.O. tJ3o;C31O 'Boynton 'Beadi,:J1oritla 33425.0310 (407) 738-7490,1"JU: (407) 738-7459 ~ ~ ~2S6 '~, May 18, 1992 Mr. Thomas T. McMurrian North South Corporation 1667 N. Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 RE: Initial Review Comments Bookstop Outparcel at Target Retail Center File No. 676 Mr. McMurrian: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the site plan for the above referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documen~s have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for a second review and the reviewers will recommend if the site plan will be placed on a board approval schedule (see attached). If there are major comments not addressed by new plans or the reviewers recommend that the plan not be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board, this office will notify you on your alternatives regarding the site plan as soon as posslble. _-. ..~_(?f"':Cn..:...L"i~.Lt_ft"~"rtf' fr"l 4-1: 't_~.Jf~Jf'C11t.1..1..tt- To: Mr. McMurrian Re: Initial Review Comments, File No.: 676 Page 2 of 2 We have also enclosed for your convenience an approval schedule and a checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or on the approval schedule, please feel free to call Dotty Moore who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Yours truly, ~ Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director CC:ald Attachments xc: Central File Chron. File Project File C: INTLCOM . SOD CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is sUbstantially complete for review. Turning in the list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Site Development Division of the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. It is the agent of the owners responsibility to notify the owner(s) of changes. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. 3. Submit a locator map that identifies the location of the site and the surrounding roadways and zoning districts. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 4. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings on sites that abut the subject property. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 5. Submit a legible 8 1/2/1 by 11/1 transparency of the landscape site plan drawing. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 6. Submit colored elevation view drawings - Duplicate drawings of the drawings submitted for site plan review that have been colored. (Not mounted - Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 7. Submit color samples of the proposed color(s). (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) A:CHECKLST.PAD SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS The following shall be incorporated as part of the submittal of amended plans and/or documents for review 1. Submit a scaled locator map that identifies the location and perimeter boundary of the site and the surrounding roads and current zoning districts including the district of the subject property. The map shall show and identify by name the roads surrounding the site and the roadway path that links the site to the closest arterial road with the names of the roads and arterial road(s) identified. The map shall show the zoning district line and the title of the zoning districts that abut the perimeter of the zoning district where the subject property is located. The map shall have the North compass direction and scale identified. Maximum size of locator map is 8 1/2" by 14". 2. submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 8" by 10". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. 3. Submit a 8-1/2" x II" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that where submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do no submit on board of any kind. 5. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. 6. Where a specific exterior surface is not applicable to the project, signify by placing a "N/A" on the appropriate line. 7. Submit a copy of the legal description of the subject property on an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper. C:AESTH.REV NORTH SOUTH 18 May 1992 Mr. Pete Mazella CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 100 B. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 RE I BOOK STOP TARGET RETAIL CENTER Dear Mr. Mazellal Please be advised that we request a 3/4" water meter for the Bookstop outparcel. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, NORTH SOUTH CONSTRUCTION CORP. License Number AACOO1901 =R ftu <JJ ~ Rhonda Shephard Harrell, AlA CCI Dottie Moore, Planning Department RECEIVED MAY 1 8 1992 1767 North Congress Avenue. Boynton Beach, FL 33426' 407-364-9400' Fax: 407-364-9562 - 11ie City of 13oynton 13eacli Planning & Zoning 'Department 100 'E.1Joynton 1Jea& 1Joukvard P.O. '1Jo~310 'Boynton 'Beadt., %JritIa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, 1"5U: (407) 738-7459 Aprll 27, 1992 Thomas T. McMurrian North South Corporation 1167 N. Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (407) 364-9400 RE: Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submlttal Documents Site Plan - Bookstop Outparcel at Target Retail Center File No. 676 Mr. McMurrian: On April 27, 1992, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above referenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. Dotty Moore will be responsible for the review and coordination of your site plan thru the remainder of the Site Plan Review process. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The results of the review wlll be forwarded to you within twenty (20) days of the date identified in the first paragraph of this letter. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, (J~ tt~ Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director xc: Central File Chronological File Project File .'imcrica 5 yateway to the (juifst ream __ Shalloway, J>-cI, __ Rayman & Newell, Inc. (1' i! / '-0 '-I I April 23, 1992 Michael Kazunas, City Engineer City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Engineering Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: TARGET COMMERCIAL CENTER SFRH PROJECT 189124 Dear Mike, The proposed site plan change to the two out parcels located along the east side of this project will not significantly impact the site drainage. Only a minor modification to Catch Basin #C-20 will be required. As far as site retention is concerned no impacts to the stormwater management system are anticipated. P.E. Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, Well Pabn Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 4071655-1151 FAll 407/832-9390 Suite 340, 900 Ealt Ocean Blvd., Stuln, Florida 34994 Tel. 4071286-3223 FAll 4071286-8491 I Kim/ey.Horn I Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. SURVEYORS 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 407 845-0665 Facsimile 407 863-8175 June 20. 1990 4071 T.00(07) Mr. Timothy Cannon. Acting Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Re: American Development Dear Mr. Cannon: As discussed in our telephone conversation on Monday (June 18. 1990). we have identified the incremental traffic impact associated with the additional 2.500 square feet in the American Development shopping center. Tables 1 and 2 (enclosed) detail the traffic generation of 140.000 square feet (from the approved traffic study) and 142.500 square feet, respectively. Table 2 also includes the incremental difference of the additional 2.500 square feet. It should be noted that the external traffic impact, associated with the additional 2.500 square feet is 49 daily trips, and 6 trips (both ways) during the PM peak hour. These traffic impacts are insignificant and will not affect the results of the traffic analysis and the supplemental information provided to the City. Should you have any questions. please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, KIMLEY -HORN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. &0 hJ~-n-v-b~& Jacob Wattenberg, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer JW:map Enclosures .. Copy to: Alan J. Ciklin RECEIVED' 4071 TOO-TC-L061990- jw. wp JUN 21 1990 PLANNING D~~r. Anaheim . Charlotte . Dallas . Fort Lauderdale . Fort Myers . Neshville . Orlando . Phoenix Raleigh . San Diego . Stuart . Tampa . Vero Beach . Virginia Beach . West Palm Beach Building client relationships since 1967 , , l<iJ11,ey.Horl1 l 3\ ~ ~\ ~ ~ $ N~ ..0 '\: ~\ v;. r- ~ ....- 11'\ S. ~ ...., ~ ~\ 0- ~\ ~ ~ ~ \~ s,. ~ IN 0 co .., ~.... ~ ,.. ~ ! \ ~ ~ ~. 11'\ ! .; -4 '~ ~ ~\ 0 ... s.,. ,.. " ~ \\ oj + ~~ ~ II ~ to" ~~ ~ 0'" ~l ';;;';( " + '; ....GJ ... .oJ ,..'" to" >111 ..0'0 ...." ~. 'M ....0:. " . oj oj ... 55 ~ III ....IN 0 5 " ... ~ ~ .... 1 .... ~ .... l/I l/I l/I ... ..., g g ~ ~ g g~ 0 S % ~ ~ .'" ~1lI ~ .... c:'=' ... U .... 0) III CIlU ~ 0) ~ gs Ii ,.. ....... % !:.GJ \ i- t u ~ c-'C ili !~ ~ _c- .... .,.' . GJ GJCIl GJ GJ .,. 0) .,. c-CIl c- t \I ~ .... ~ ..."" ... "A 5"C i ...0 ,,0- l .... r...J uli g -' !\ ! l.~ .... ... 0 ... _c- ~ ........ .... ~! '0 III QI Cl ...~ ... -4 III QI III ~oJ r...J0 r...J - -..-------------- ~._------..-._---- I Kim/ey.Horn I ~I an ~I ;g ,., 0. an Ul 'L: 21 ;::: ~I ~ ,., I- - an ::IE: Q. ~I '" ~I -0 11\ -0 ;)l ... . ... l~ ~ ~~ ie ~ N ~ 0 0 0.' . 11\ P"l 31- a. :z ... ~ II i s ~ ;~ I'-- ~ :0 ~ ~ ! . ~ ~ j!'i ... 1Il CI -i l- N ~... W w 8 ,... .... :210. X ! ~ f 11\ N ..... Q. + -00. 11\ N sl ... o an N L. I'-- ,... ~ I-a. P"lX II + ... . ..... >-1Il -01'-- ..... ..... 8 -Ill: 0 I- X II . ..... ..... --: ~ 1Il I'-- c: c: N" CI I- N .... .... 11\ ~ ~ ... II ~ N 0 ~ ... !j ... ~ OJ ... U> U> II c: ... - Ul 0 0 B Ul ... 0 0 ::J 11\ an 0 c: g] :;) ~ N ! 0 ~ .... ,., ... ... ...ea i - c: ::J ,- U i - a. 1Il OJU 10. ea In ... a. i- c: o L. ea ~ o ::J 0 U ..... ... ... ,- U ... Q. 0. L.... c: 'f#" a. 1Il 0 ~ :g, K L. U N 1Il -0 < U .- ::J>- C) ....L. 0 & 0'-'1 . a. U OJ U Ul. N Ul L. OJ L. U Ul I :;) ...< ... > ~ II Ul a. c: c: U ... 1Il :0 "2 U'" u CI XQ. U c: U ... U 1Il 1Il ~K u c: ~ I- .... ea ~.~ , c: C) '- 0 L. C) -- - _ L. II I- ea u ea tJ ... ;::: ... > ... ~ ea u ea C C) UCI u :z ..... ~ NORTH ' ~ SOUTH C>o~ ~o~ 09"':';-RI'''I' May 21,1992 Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425-03]0 RE: Bookstop Outparcel Target Retail Center File No. 676 Ms.Dorothy Moore: In response to comment No. I, from the Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer at the above mentioned project, the total building footprints are ]43,940 s.f., the total building area is ]47,209 s.f. (Target's mezzia- nine is 3,270 s.f.). Since there are no changes on the application form, it is not being resubmitted. Please contact me with any questions. 1767 North Congress Avenue. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 . 407-364-9400 . Fax: 407-364-9562 '%e City oj: . / ~oynto1t tJJeacn Pla.nni.na & Zonine 'Departrrrent 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beam 'Boulevarrf P.O. 'Bo't,310 'Boynton 'BuuIi, '}10ri.t1a 33425.0310 (407) 738-7490, :fJU: (407) 738-7459 ~ ~ ~2S6 'X~~, ~ ~~ May 18, 1992 Mr. Thomas T. McMurrian North South Corporation 1667 N. Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 RE: Initial Review Comments Bookstop Outparcel at Target Retail Center File No. 676 Mr. McMurrian: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the site plan for the above referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets of the plans to the Plannlng and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for a second review and the reVlewers will recommend if the site plan will be placed on a board approval schedule (see attached). If there are major comments not addressed by new plans or the reviewers recommend that the plan not be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board, this office will notify you on your alternatives regarding the site plan as soon as posslble. ~_'ff"'..,~.c.~L._C.lJ",'~,r~ 1-" +-1: ~__j~"'.,(.f.-,.P"''''''''''' To: Mr. McMurrian Re: Initial Review Comments, File No.: 676 Page 2 of 2 We have also enclosed for your convenience an approval schedule and a checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or on the approval schedule, please feel free to call Dotty Moore who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Yours truly, ~ Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director CC:ald Attachments XC: Central File ehron. File Project File C:INTLCOM.SDD CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in the list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the site Development Division of the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. It is the agent of the owners responsibility to notify the owner(s) of changes. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. 3. Submit a locator map that identifies the location of the site and the surrounding roadways and zoning districts. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 4. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings on sites that abut the subject property. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 5. submit a legible 8 1/2" by 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 6. Submit colored elevation view drawings - Duplicate drawings of the drawings submitted for site plan review that have been colored. (Not mounted - Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 7. submit color samples of the proposed color(s). (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) A:CHECKLST.PAD SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The following shall be incorporated as part of the submittal of amended plans and/or documents for review 1. Submit a scaled locator map that identifies the location and perimeter boundary of the site and the surrounding roads and current zoning districts including the district of the subject property. The map shall show and identify by name the roads surrounding the site and the roadway path that links the site to the closest arterial road with the names of the roads and arterial road(s) identified. The map shall show the zoning district line and the title of the zoning districts that abut the perimeter of the zoning district where the subject property is located. The map shall have the North compass direction and scale identified. Maximum size of locator map is 8 1/2" by 14". 2. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 8" by 10". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. 3. Submit a 8-1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that where submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do no submit on board of any kind. 5. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. 6. Where a specific exterior surface is not applicable to the project, signify by placing a "N/A" on the appropriate line. 7. Submit a copy of the legal description of the subject property on an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper. C:AESTH.REV NORTH SOUTH 18 May 1992 Mr. Pete Mazella CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 100 I. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 RE. BOOK STOP TARGET RETAIL CENTER Dear Mr. Mazella. Please be advised that we request a 3/4" water meter for the Bookstop outparcel. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, NORTH SOUTH CONSTRUCTION CORP. License Number AACOO1901 ~ftu<Jj ~ Rhonda Shephard Harrell, AlA CCI Dottie Moore, Planning Department REceiVED MAY 1 8 1992 1767 North Congress Avenue. Boynton Beach, FL 33426.407-364-9400. Fax: 407-364-9562 - 1:he City of r.Boynton r.Beac/i pfa.nning & Zonino 'Department 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beac1i 'Bouftvard P.O. 'BO;1(310 'Boynton 'Buufr., 'fforitfa 33425.0310 (407) 738-7490, 'fJU: (407) 738-7459 April 27, 1992 Thomas T. McMurrian North South Corporation 1167 N. Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (407) 364-9400 RE: Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Subm1ttal Documents Site plan - Bookstop Outparcel at Target Retail Center File No. 676 Mr. McMurrian: On April 27, 1992, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above referenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. Dotty Moore will be responsible for the review and coordination of your site plan thru the remainder of the Site plan Review process. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The results of the review w111 be forwarded to you within twenty (20) days of the date identified in the first paragraph of this letter. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, lJ~ tt~ Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director xc: Central File Chronological File Project File :lmcTlw ~~ Cjateway to tfie ~;ulf5t ream __ Shalloway, J:'~, ~ Rayman & Newell, Inc. (I'll ;' ~-... '-/ '--- I April 23, 1992 Michael Kazunas, city Engineer City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Engineering Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: TARGET COMMERCIAL CENTER SFRN PROJECT 189124 Dear Mike, The proposed site plan change to the two out parcels located along the east side of this project will not significantly impact the site drainage. Only a minor modification to Catch Basin #C-20 will be required. As far as site retention is concerned no impacts to the stormwater management system are anticipated. Engineers - Planners - Surveyors 1201 Belvedere ROIId, Werl Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 4071655-1151 Fax 4071832-9390 Suile 340, 900 Hall Ocean Blvd., Sluart, Florida 34994 Tel. 407/286-3223 Fax 407/286-8491