REVIEW COMMENTS tl.;,;,t1Q.!3.A.NP.W.t!. Tt1: lJi.m (3oJ.df?n Senior City Planner 04/0~5/89 From: Vincent A. Finizio Enq. Insp. Via: William V. Flushin(] ,/W Acting City Engineer · Subject: Boynton Plaza Retail Office Building Pecht-Wensing Architects - Planners Robert G. Mizelle A.S.L.A. 1. Add nClte: l'E),(i~?,t:ing l:iqht:i.nq sys:.t.~,.~m must be /Tli.~:intained in accordance with Article X, Boynton Beach Parking Lot Re<]Lllii:\tions". E)o(istin<;j lighting 5y~:;;tem is not fully functicming. Repair and/or energize the system until fully operational. Engineering Department sign-off for Certificate of Occupancy will be based on full compliance with applicable codes. 2. New catct1 basirl st1all be r~elocated ir'lto 'tt'le gr-assed landscaped area in conformance with Article X, Section 5-141 (n) 13nd f3ubdivis,i:ion R€~qLlli:"~tion!::'" P'pp. "e" !3e-:::ct::i,on :::iEI. Respectfully submitted, lL~.. ~-=A-~ VIncent A. FlnlzlO ~ 't,1 f:2>.. ~'-' ------_._~-_._.._- . _ ':;1 Grayarc. P,O. Box 2944 Hartford CT 06104.2944 CALL TOLL FREE: 1.800.243.5250 REPLY MESSAGE Fold At (tl To Fit Grayare Window Envelope It EW10P REORDER ITEM /I F289 - - -- _. - ---~. ---- - - - - - - - --- - - - r TO ::f Q.r."'\ ws;.. Go~"-' se~IO ~ C))'-( RAN~ -, FROM -- ""K <:) a.E" 2...."'- t:: I c....t-I..... rc:. s. .. Pt c;n I'-l~ AJ B l... \ c.. W ol2jc(S. 1::> ~6"C- TIl SUBJECT: ___~?:,,~~__..~.;b~--._,.._..........._........................,...._.,.__...._...._.....__._.._.................DA TE:,...___'..1!~-- "OLD. ~0N"'o~~ ~ t-J C- o.....P So ~ e:..E"S --r'o 13~ S:I J 0 u..:> ,...J ON Pt-~r-J.s. ~~ E.)..J"'j, ~~ ~.o,""?"A PLEASE REPLY TO . REPLY DATE: SIGNED Item It F269 Grayare, P.O. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 @WheelerGroup,lne,l9ll2 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED i ...:0...... ______1.... - PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COpy TO SENDER .. .-- --. -------.~- ---." .~---_.._.~.__._----- MEMC.RANDUM TO Mr. J. Golden DATil 08 March 1989 FILE F"OM Lt. Dale S. Hanrnack SUBJIICT Boynton Plaza As per our discussion at the Tedmical Review Board meeting of 7 March 1989, I am requestinq the following: 1) Cc:mply with City Ordinance Construction Security code. 2) One Way signs and Do Not Enter signs along with a Stop sign at the SE corner intersection. Respectfully submitted, -61DaP~ Lt. Dale S. Hamnack DSH/lav M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: FROM: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department DATE: RE: March 7, 1989 SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - BOYNTON PLAZA As a condition of site plan modification, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the appli- cant: 1. Handicapped parking stalls should be provided adjacent to the main building entrance. 2. South Florida Water Management approval is required. 3. The State Handicap Code requires that an elevator be pro- vided for this building. 4. All buildings must be accessible to the handicapped. Provide spot elevations on the site plan indicating accessibility. 5. The building elevations should include specifications for exterior materials and colors. 6. A sign program for the site must be approved by the City Commission. 7. Site lighting must comply with City codes. 8. Irrigation must be provided from a well. 9. A thirty-six (36) inch high landscape buffer is required along all rights-of-way. 10. Landscaping must comply with the Boynton Beach Landscape Code. 11. Curbing must be provided around all landscaped areas adja- cent to parking stalls. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:eaf cc:TRB file REP~ (~~~.~r. SIGNED Item ~ F269 Grayarc, P.O. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104,2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED I / ./ ~/ -- - - Pecht-Wensin9--8rchftects& Planners me m be, 5 0 m. '!o n Ins tj t u t. of 0 rc hjt.<t 5 March 10, 1989 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Attn: Mr. Jim Golden, Planner Re: Boynton Plaza, Site Plan Approval Dear Mr. Golden: As per our conversation of 3/9/89, we are requesting a postponement of the Boynton Plaza project at the March 14, 1989 Planning and Zoning meeting. We are requesting this postponement due to a conflict that has appeared on the updated survey prepared for the submittal. your cooperation. ey R. Sherman A.I.A. Pecht-Wensing Architects & Planners JS/kh cc: Mr. Nick Athans Mr. Robert Romani Congress Business Center" 1280 N, Congress Avenue'Suite 100'West Pa.lm Bea.ch. Florida. 33409.Phone (305) 684-1988 MEMORANDUM 8 March 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Boynton Plaza Site Plan Modification- Staff Comments With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. All dumpsters are to be placed on a concrete slab and screened on three sides with a six (6) foot high concrete block wall. A typical detail should be provided for the dumpster enclosure and the location of all enclosures should be shown on the site plan and the pick-up route coordinated with the Public Works Director. 2. All right-of-way required to be dedicated to Palm Beach County in accordance with the Palm Beach County Thoroughfare Right-of-Way Protection Map for Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard (that has already not been taken) is required to be dedicated within 45 days of site plan approval. C ~RME:N S ~ (ANNW1Zi?io CSA/csd cc: Central File MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department DATE: April 4, 1989 RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - BOYNTON PLAZA ------------------------------------------------------------------- As a condition of site plan modification, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. Handicapped parking stalls should be provided adjacent to the main building entrance. 2. South Florida Water Management approval is required. 3. All buildings must be accessible to the handicapped. Provide spot elevations on the site plan indicating accessibility. 4. Site pedestrian lighting must comply with City codes. 5. A thirty-si~ (36) inch high ~andscape buffer is required along all r1ghts-of-way at t1me of planting. 6. Curbing must be provided around all landscaped areas adjacent to parking stalls. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. ~ Don Ja~ DJ:bh l{'ECEIV'ED I,PH ~71 1989 f'UNN~i\iG D~P~~\ !~. - T ---------; r"" -"" r "-"--------"" "--y' ;.;: ? I "---._~ . :-:~~.: ~~:. "/';"_1~ . . ","J!, ~ : . ,"""I..". ,'. .' .:;~;.~-:\>:'? ';:. MEMORANDUM From: John A. Guidry, Director of Director till Util1tie~~~7 To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Date: April 5, 1989 Subject: TRB Review - Boynton Plaza - Site Plan Modification We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1 . Provide details, including water and sewer services. of type K copper, with the area. detailed locations, for the The water service line shall be meter lying in a landscaped 2. Reduced pressure backflow preventers are required on water services. Dual units are recommended to avoid service interruptions during testing. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella "Protecting South Florida:S Water Resources for 40 Years" 1949-1989 i South Florida Water Management District p,o. Box 24680 . 3301 Gun Club Road. West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4680 . (407) 686-8800 . FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 r"\ _ __ _ __ ..1.-.__ _ __ .J..... ~~ 1;fJ Application No. 890622-2 Qc' MEMORANDUM TO Mr. James Golden Planning Department DATE: 6 April 89 FILE FItON SUBJECT Lt. Dale S. Hammack Boynton Plaza As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of April 4, 1989, I am requesting the following: Place doors at both ends of the walkway where the elevators are, with occupants only having access after normal working hours. Respectfully, if Dati ~ Lt. Dale S. Hammack r J.o.mES- G;OL~ TO ~I ala... G,-r:-r f2.AIo.J,JISR-- -, FROM r--- ~g6"~ z::: /t::.Hot1iie..t r Acr/J 6-- ;,q,<;'41 c:::... dkK'..t lJ//2ECJ7f~ SUBJECT:_~N7P.~ ..~~ _.,.DA TE:.~:!f=-!t---_.__._--_. POLO . ~ ~/1?.Psr4ar2- e-Il/GLb~u,t:!L1E.S SHo{/~.D ~t!!f; ,8v/~T ~o./p .!#=,~/A.lG ~ "/2> C3::0""" /?~ y AJ ~T4 c::::;77-7 OJlt! p /~~c:~ PLEASE REPLY TO r- . SIGNED REPLY --, -.' ,'.....~l... ~t-cD ( .A..:J,'IJ,:J ,_' '"V MP,R 8 .- PLANNtNG O~::pt.. -'.-- ..-.= DATE: SIGNED Item 1/ F269 Grayarc, P.O. Box 2944. Hartford, CT 06104.2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED