APPLICATION APPLICATION/ AUTHORIZATION L:.:....:.:~.~.. I ... ~ .' . SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City Of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board ../ This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (t) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will.not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. r I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY OF THE MARRIOTT CORPORATION to be known as "BRICHTON GARDENS" 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : .... .'. MARRIOTT CORPORATION. a Delaware corporation Address: Harriott Drive. 'Washington. D.C. 20058 Attn: Larry H. Reid. Director of Development, Assisted Living Divisi, Phone: (J01) 380-7996 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): DeSantis. Cook. Kauffman, Gaskill. et. a1.. P.A. Attn: Robert B. Cook, Esquire and Curtis L. Shenkman. Esquire Address: 11891 U. S. Highway One North Palm Beach. FL 33408-2893 Phone: (407) 622-2700 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: CONGRESS CENTER, LTD. 1983-B. a Florida limited partnership; c/o ~Jelleby ~va1k \ Address: 4395 Hiatus Road Sunrise~ FL 33351; Attn: Ledyard H. DeWees Phone: ODS) 749-2885 \ 6. Correspondence Address (if different DeSantis. Cook. et. a1., P.A. Attn: Curtis L. Shenkman, Esquire 11891 u. S. Highway One North Palm Beach. FL 33408-2893 than applicant or agent) / * : f * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning bept~ 10/82 "-" ........ ....~.....,_.....~,~._,.....J..;i'.::..:.._ . ---- --------.-: . -.. ...._;__....01'1'".. .'. -:" ~c3gC 2 JIt 7. Nhat' is applicant's interest in the premises affected? CONTRACT PURCHASER .. I (Owner, Buyer, ~essee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) S. Street Address or Loc~tion of Site: ~~~outh Congress Avenue -..-- --. -.-..-..--.-... 9. Legal Descriptio~ of Site/Property Control #: For Legal Description - See Exhibit "A" attached hereto - -----.---....---------., Property Control #: 08-43~45-30-01-127-002l . . 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: Adult Congregate Living Facility ,11. Developer or Builder. Harriott Corporation 12. Architect: Burtis L. Derr, A.I.A., of Marriott Corporation 13. Landscape Archi tec t: Kyle Williams, A. LA. of BRW, Inc. 14. Site Planner: Kyle Williams, A.I.A. of BRW, Inc. 15. Engineer: 16. Surveyor: Kyle Williams, A.I.A. of BRW, Inc. Caufield and Wheeler 17. Traffic Engineer: --1!ot Applicable 18. Has a site plan becn previously appruv~d by the City Council for this propel.' ty? No -.....---.---.----.. -.--.. ....-. ..------------- 19. Estimated construction cost of propo::('<1 if;irll'over.l~J'lts sho\.,rn en this site plan: Greater than $100,000.00 Planning Dept.., 10/,82 Comrni tment No. File No. 107513 LmAL IESCRIPTI~ A Parcel of land in Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida ncre particularly described as follows: Conunencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 30; thence North 0 degree 51 minutes 37 seconds West, a dista.Tl.ce of 40.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 22 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 60.00 feet to the Point of _ Beginr.i..1g; thence continue South 88 degrees 22 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 435.08 feet; thence North 1 degrees 20 minutes 08 seconds West, a dista.~ce of 380.00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 22 minutes 29 seconds East, a distance of 438.23 feet; thence South 0 degrees 15 minutes 37 seconds East, a distance of 380.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. r ,. Page 3 II. SITE DATA \~, . The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in th,e Comprehensive Plan lndustri a l/Commerci a 1 2. Zoning District C-1 Office and Professional Commercial District 3. Area of site 3.809 acres 165,918.7 sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including surrounding lot area or grounds acres % of site b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site 100 % of site acres c. Water Area acres d. Conunercial e. Industrial f. Public/Institutional g. Public, private and Canal rights-of-way h. Other (specify) ACLF i. Other (specify) acres acres acres acres 3.809 acres % of site acres j. Total area of site 3.809 acres 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building 38,824 area ("building footprint") sq. ft. 23.4 % of site b. Water area sq. ft. % of site c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 33,897 sq. ft. d. Total impervious area 72,721 sq. ft. % of site % of site e. Landscaped area 3,379 sq. ft. inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). 2.0 % of site Planning Dept. 1/89 Page 3 II. SITE DATA t The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in th.,e Comprehensive Plan Industri a l/Commerci a 1 2. Zoning District C-1 Office and Professional Commercial District 3.809 acres 165,918.7 sq. ft. 3. Area of site 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including surrounding lot area or grounds % of site acres b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site 100 % of site acres c. Water Area acres d. Conunercial acres e. Industrial f. Public/Institutional g. Public, private and Canal rights-of-way h. Other (specify) ACLF i. Other (specify) acres acres acres 3.809 acres % of site acres j. Total area of site 3.809 acres 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building 38,824 area ("building footprint") sq. ft. 23.4 % of site b. Water area sq. ft. % of site c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 33,897 sq.ft. d. Total impervious area 72,721 sq.ft. 20.4 % of site 43.8 % of site e. Landscaped area 3,379 sq.ft. inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). Planning Dept. 1/89 2.0 % of site Page 4 f. Other landscaped areas, 39,818.7 sq. ft. 54.2 % of site l: . excluding water area ,. g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding site water areas sq. ft. % of h. Total pervious areas 93.197.7 sq. ft. 56.2 % of site i. Total area of site 165,918.7 sq. ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq. ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional sq. ft. f. Other (specify) 67,341. 1 sq. ft. ACLF g. Other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total floor area 67,341.1 sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units * a. Single-family detached dwelling units dwelling units b. Duplex c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency (2) 1 Bedroom (3) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units d. Total mUlti-family dwelling units \.., e. Total number of dwelling units 123* 8. 9. Gross Density 32.3 dwelling units per acre Maximum height of structures on site 25 feet 2 stories 10. Required off-street parking a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces Nursing Home: 1 Parking b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan 50 Parking Spaces Space Per 3 Beds 150 (max. bed count)/3=50 Planning Dept. 1/89 * See Sheet A-I for Breakdown of ACLF unit5~. ; . , . Page 9 (Che" 1. IV.' MISCE~ANEOUS The following ~aterials must be submitted in one {l) copy: A check, payabl~ to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. ..I ^/~ 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand C3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic .' . . _ ,.J. ......" .. ~. ._.._.. ,k"" ....,\..._,: ~..-'"\~ .l.~t"'""""'- 'c............z...,_.... ""'--'- ...- ___.u___'-_, , 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the 'Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION ^/a . (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted' U~l s signe accordinjJo the instructions below. C 55 RTER L. 3->> ;I By: ' 7 / J. 'f f 7 S~gnatur~ f wner(s) or Tr tee, I Date or Authot zed principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. AUTHORIZATION OF ".GENT - DeSantis , s MCC:;~hy~a.r !f':!e:: ~t~~ir<- S~gnature 0 Authorize~ Agent Cooks Kauffmans Gaskill. 7fi!:e (my) application. 7/~'t1 f1 I D te SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedulet Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date I Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: , \ 'Addit~onal Remarks: " (AGR488.t-[12.7]-05/17/89-slw) CONSENT AGREB1ENT TO: Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33435 RE: Consent Agreement for Special Exception Application of the Marriott Corporation Petition No. : 3.81 Acre Property on West Side of Congress Avenue 364' South of S.W. Congress Boulevard Gentlemen: The undersigned. Marriott Corporation. a Delaware corporation. as contract purchaser. and Congress Center. Ltd. 1983-B. a Florida limited partnership. as owner of record of the parcel of real property described above. in connection with the above-captioned Petition. hereby authorizes the law finn of DeSantis. Cook. Kauffman. Gaskill. McCarthy. Schwartz & Hunston. P.A.. Attn: Curtis L. Shenkman. Esquire. with offices at 11891 U.S. Highway One. North Palm Beach. Florida. to represent them before the City of Boynton Beach. DeSantis. Cook. Kauffman. Gaskill. McCarthy. Schwartz & Hunston. P.A. is hereby authorized to negotiate and to agree to all conditions which may be imposed regarding this Petition with full authority to bind the property to any terms and conditions. The undersigned understands the conditions imposed on the property may affect such property's future development. It is our request that you place this Letter of Consent in the official records of the Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department in the Petition as set forth above. BY:~ . it/ [CORP _. ~E SEAL] CONGRESS CENTER LTD. 1983-B By: ~~J ~ :)~W-wa." MAr..rl()~'t' CORPORATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before me. the undersigned Notarv Public. personally appeared ~dy~r9. It. ~ l2eY!.e~l3 ,Jr.. _ . . general partner of Congress Center Ltd. 1983-B. who acknowledged before me that he signed this Consent Letter on this 24t;.l1lay of July 1989. on behalf of the limited partnership. .' " . [NOTARY SEAL] ~> -~ .-.'~, /..~~ \-. .- 1. ) ~ Not~ Public My Commission . . ,~~ L-~~_ NOTARY PUBLIC, SlATE OF FLORIDA' E. ~IY (;9M Mlgp!QN !':)(l"'iRES ,lAY G. t S90. XP1 res 98f:iB~9 ft:1\i~ fH"'''f'>Y f'L.l~'~IC: \JNc.;mwRITER, STATE OF MA~~LAtJO COUNTY OF Hi\) t0T 00 H UZy -( Before me. the undersigned Notary l'ublic. pe>:sol'".clly aPFfRred ~<Al1\€ ~ CC ~~e:"\ . as ill { - Plts,oden of Marriott Corporation on behalf of the corporation. LN,b~ARY SEAL} ~~4~ Not Public / I My Commission Expires .7/1 10 Commi tment No. File No. 107513 I.mAL IESCRIPTICti A Parcel of land in Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida rore particularly described as follows: Corrmencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 30; thence North 0 degree 51 minutes 37 seconds West, a di~ta.'1.ce of 40.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 22 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 60.00 feet to the Point of _ Beginr.i..'"'1g; thence continue South 88 degrees 22 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 435.08 feet; thence North 1 degrees 20 minutes 08 seconds West, a dista.'1.ce of 380.00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 22 minutes 29 seconds East, a distance of 438.23 feet; thence South 0 degrees 15 minutes 37 seconds East, a distance of 380.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ..J .; &l)v ~ ( ~~J/OU/I ~ Q, , I '13oynton r.Beacli JOO $. 'Boynwn 'B'lItn 'Bouhwnf . !P.o. 'Bo.t,JJO 'Boynllln 'Bud,1'forU14 JJ425.0J10 (407) 7J8.748., 1'JU: (401) lJ8.1459 .1'> f'::.'. .) I y 1'-"" I c- ! I / L ..... 2. l' .///2../ S L_C / C: / ~( 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION COMMENT SHEET Name of Reviewer Permit Application No. 72-2-32/ Project Title Type of Review <:;1 Tt;; r:;; LA w -rt::UI s~ \ The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to furt~er processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), l"E:' t: 1I rn bo th sets of pI ans for re-review to the Plans Anal ys t on du ty in t.!lf'-' BlIildillg Department. Prior to returning the corrected plans to the Plans Allal yst, identify the appl ication number on both sets of plans. To expec1 i l.p t.he n~view of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may makl::' 1 tne changes to the plan (s) at the Building Department (each 1 i.ne change must be initialed and dated) . *************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name): Signature: Date: Comments Only: Plans and Comments: Ilcll"e neviewed: - I 4- - ere...... _.. ************************* ************************************************* I T Jh:; s B Et=.:'AJ \) GIG !2-in flUE \) ;#/J T 770'6 C!/if/uCb e S A- S f=-~€ (.....Ie <\ rej) J I) rdtE- _._._.___~,/bIIVG 'PF3RIP1,/ S.ET t'F P/fivs ~(/I 1::.e.~L//~6 A- mtA-00-L S'/IE P/.AJ1.~ ,IC-cV/E-LU _ _. . __.. <3 u 'B rn I T 1+ ~M ;:J~6""b /J tP ~7jIo/f 77 0 f.-.J ) __. _/2-._ CoyV\ OLGTt:: SE:TS (J"F' 77/-G PJ2.oP6S?D _ -.__ OJ/RAwl tv Go ~s ---r/l T/I- E p~ N ~, I I'... \h ::/ :z 0 t--0 I I'-J G FE2 Atv\) S/ Tt:; ,j)/fi~o. .bEp":r -TlI--a2. E- I .s IT LE-7Tt:::.-lL 0 f...J h / ~ \FTc.o f1/\.. D A-u E J/;J C DQwq I A Itv'~/~lf'/G I t--.J7D A- VA~J AuC~ 'Fo iL 7,1/-6 //(;;/<:;//( u.F T//r:: }3-,,/})jlJ AL 2..5 '-7 YZ(t-')P/COIY1 ~rllE ~';/A}? -7o~ 7~ ~/c;-, 6F 7,#6 f2~?x;, - f) LE TTeF- Ke.rpvc;;d.~ -r fA.) G -rr/~ JlGI a#T '=-X Cc';;:.J>7/u,u tv I 7/1- C t);/:J v tJ"F" /JT7A-C//"'/~/("'/T) /};.;O fi I< 2- 5..0 ;00 fE~ I -jl. '_, E I~E. 1:..., ...,.... -. . , / ~- IT/'/.' L1 g" -;:7' ---..:.~' .' ' , ~.- ~ i...-~.r.>:;J! 1 -/ TZ.:, \> ( Q -;r r+-c= . , /7 JUJU / ;L.' c: -7 <;::... c fL.'!,tC-' (- ~ ~f). r;>-,I Ii;! E':rf)( FvVL 71/15 EX C'E-~1 /0 ~_"' . *************************************************************************** * Q.gpartments reqUil-ed to review tht. proiect: * * * bl'JtJE: HI 7111 S -1/r-6 * * * * * * * Engineering - Date Transmitted: * *************************************************************************** Page of I SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ---- Checklist Procedure To Be Followed In Reviewing Building Permit Plans Of Projects That Have Received Technical, Review Board (TRB) sign-Off. 'RRICU70 JI...J G/1/2J)E. ~S,: 92--2327 ho!C.o-p-r:-L }J\oe>~ 10- 8--9 Sheet No. ,89-31-o/IdentifY Project File No. (on the permit plans) -S{<#._c..~ oFF S)lG<:( I j 9' "--::- ,~ GP - d)-- '/0 lS#eeT..'i Obtain final signed-off plans, TRB file and, where I applicable, approved color elevation drawings ttSc...,E) I I I I I I I I / I . . . ...' " Compare permit plans to TRB plans and, where 1_ IrVcO.A)~(~"'7G~/Ci;;.\-Drl\.l"'iM~1C#-applicable color elevation drawings to ensure the 511t; j)/}-r4 /AJw/)Ynr"T,.. r.. .' I~ /,{) c.,;Po;"':,/6f,U; I r~. follow~ng items match: 2 - f" 0 d' 1> R ..,11 1 Doe" I C "5 (11./,,-( /VI<!-'H. H (<:'L-G~."'01 (;:;t"7" - I I AJ Q..o.u 5, S77:::./u (: (c... \. P /:' , C~'3 \3-", tPI""r I 2- '"2 Project Name: Permit Number: Reviewer Name: Date: 'R~u I (2;7..-<--112 <) 6'-' r~71,c;DI.vc f...iIA . t./ (JP /.) 2ovtr!:> ) 2-2... Review TRB file and plans for outstanding issues andl conditions that must be rectified prior to issuing t building permit Review the permit application to ensure zoning distri is identified correctly and that the description of work portion of permit application is complete. Horizontal control dimensions (building setback) Total square footage of building Where applicable, number of units Where applicable, number of seats Building elevations (configuration of exterior surface) Overall height of building and slope of the roof Exterior finish color and material identified, matc the approved color elevation drawing and TRB plans (stamp the "Notice to Contractors" stamp on the elevation drawings of plans that have City Commissi approved color elevation drawings) Minimum finish floor elevation identified on the plans (where applicable, match SFWMD elevation) *Dumpster enclosure location and size (minimum insi opening width 10 feet) Place the following note on the plan near the dumpster enclosure: "Prior to pouring the dumpster pad, call 738-7483 and request dumpster location inspection using the building permit number" *Flat work showing the handicapped accessibility pa leading tQ the entrance of the building, tenant spa and/or other amenities at the site from the handicapped parking space(s) . . Including H.C. pat from the pUblic right-of-way to the building entran * Note: The flat work and dumpster enclosure must be specified on the permit application to be included with the construction of the building. when the permit plans do not match the approved drawings, a comment sheet will be completed specifying the inconsistencies and given to the permit applicant. Where the plans match, stamp the "Date stamp" with the current date on each sheet that matched and the SOD reviewer will write their name across the date stamp mark on the plans. The SDD reviewer will stamp the "SOD stamp" on the site plan drawing, and, after finding all items match, will identify the permi number, date and sign-off the SOD stamp. The reviewer will also specify on the sheet that has the SDO stamp the items he/she compared to the TRB plans and identify the sheet number and/or title of the sheet where the item was found. stamp the "Separate Permits Required stamp" on the site plan drawing and speci what site work requires separate permit(s). n.......t'"'\.,..,..,'T ""rn. ....~"'" ...I .I 'Boynton r.Beacli JOO!;' "DgrIWII !SCIlt" !Soukwnf . !P.o. !S~JJO 'BOynWII "UJdi, !/fori44 JJ425.0JJO (407) 7J8.7484 !FJU: {407} 7J8.7459 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION COMMENT SHEET Name of Reviewer ~~B/Jc... LJ(jR/:.-, Permit Application No. 9'2/2--32--7 Pro j e c t Tit 1 e .&? /6'#-'77//1/ G;:;1'2 Or,J J' Type of Review \ The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to furt~er processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended th~t an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plaJl(s} to show compliance with the comment(s), no,turn both sets of plans for re-review to the Plans Analyst on duty in tll4 BuildiJlg Department. Prior to returning the corrected plans to the Plans Analyst, identify the application number on both sets of plans. To expeditE the n~view of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may makE line changes to the plan(s} at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). **************************************************************************, Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name): Hjgnature: Comments only: Date Reviewed: 8- /7- /~ ************************************************************************** Date: Plans and Comments: Plo? ~ '5 e: ~ "l D u rY\. e.s '--E~ L c> C-A- ,/ 0 rU RE ($?U I I<?C:.-~ cJ); /V / ,/,Q--"/ / oA./ JLE"HICLC fa 75'acJC RW4~ ,~,......, J)W/,>?/.?STCIt? EL./rJ/.::>t.-Y /,vro _ a_.77?a?'HC ,ejrzE"A. 7#/ ( /c; ,//1/4CC~PTA-qL-P 4#0 Mv.Jr _&.___qDDfC~C;&;O. L'~Afr-4-cr r4dL./c evlo.e'k"'S 4r -,ZlP-7'7~'v .. ************************************************************************** * Departments required to review th~ proiect: 1< 1< 1< 1< * Engineering - Date Transmitted: **************************************************************************1 Page / of ) I I I"" I ....._ . BUILDING PIRKIT APPLICATImt . ~LEASE PRINT) feN II (!) fj-J.fJ-J.f5- 30-0/ - JIl? - 00011 (Palm Beach County Property Control 0) Owner'. NUle Marriott Corporation Owner's Address One Aarri.ott Drive City Wa.h1ngton State DC Fee Simple Titleholder', Name '- SUI LDING DEPARTMEN T 1 (/;J-;J 3~? i Permit II llOR SUB PBRKI'l'S OJILY) Owner's Phone n 301/380-6269 Bondini Company Bonding Co.Address \ City State Architect!Enaineer's Name Fuscn-Serold & Partners. Inc. Architect/Engineer's Address 5950 BerKshire Lane, Suite 1500, Dallas, 11 75225 Mortgage Lender's Name Mortaaae tender's Address SINGLE FAMILY: DUPLEX: MULTI-FAMILY: k HOTEL: RETAIL: OFlICI: INDUSTRIAL. (check one)--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ 6.713.000. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Construct 69,653 S.F. one/two-stor Nursin Home/Assisted Liv1n Facilit on 3.809 acre site on ongrel$ Avenue 0 Ty e V, -hour construction with a roved NFPA-13 re protection sprin er system. Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and in.tallations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws relulating construction in this iurisdiction. I understand that a se2arate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES. BOILERS. HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the for.goini information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applioable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO CMmR: YOUR fAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE 01 cottKBNCIHIR'l' MAY UStn.T IN YOUR PAYIHG TWICE FOR IHPllOVJOCFNrS TO YOUR PROPIRTY. rr YOU INTIND OBTAIN FINANCING. CONSULT WITH YOUR LmmIR OR AN AT'l'ORNlri lW'ORI UCORDDIG YOUR. MOTICJ.,~' C CIKINT. Property (Mler'. or Agent' 8 Sipature . '(" '~ Date .5 ~ '7/1.:<..- ~li" was acknowledged before me this ~1~ e(a~ III ~"~179il (date) by J~. . who is ~ersonal~y known to me or wno' as pro uc.a (~ype of identification) as identification and who did tdid not) take an oatfi. (SEAL) t ./~ ,,1' Q~~ ti:... ~ Siinature of person takin acknowledgement \..---""""r6.-.: ~c - Name of officer _takin& ae IQ\(tedaement--tYl'8C1. prUf 8 or I am .",2t ~ ~o P!eiCL...c(. Title or rank AloA.. cJukc Sanal number, if any Contractor'. Sianature Date STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF PAI.J1 BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledaed before me this (date) by . . who is personally known to me or wno nas proauc9Q (~yp. of identification) as identification and who did tdid not) take an oatn. ' Zip 20058 (If other than owner) lee Simple Titleholder's Addr... If Contractor'. Name To be determined. Contractor's Address,/ City State Job Name Job Address City Lelal Description other than owner's Zip (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledaeDlent Name of officer taking aCinowledaemant--typea. pr1nte~ or stampea Title or rank Serlal number. if any (Certificate of Competency Holder) Contractor's State Certifieation or Registration No. Contractor's Ce~tificate of Competency No. LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXPIRATION DATE: APPLICATION APPROVED BY Permit Officer Date: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered ahove must have R valid permit prior to start1ni' In consideration of the arantini of this permit\ the O~ler and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the BuildIng ana Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has been commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS THIS PERMIT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE ..) .,) 'Boynton r.Beacli ~ JOO 1: llJoynlon 'B,1It1j 'Bouhvanl . P.o. 2J~JJO 'Boynwn 'BUJdi, 7forUla JJ425.0JJO (407) 7J6-1484 7.JtX: (401) 1J8.1459 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION COMMENT SHEET ..... Name of Reviewer .L /hf2iJ//I...,/ ~~ Permit ./ Project T'itle TaU o7C- Q-:> -2 '? ) - J No. /' ~j )<. / Type of Review The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to furt~er processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(sl, letUl"n bot.h sets of plans for re-review to the Plans Analyst on duty in the Btli 1e1] IIg Depal.tment. Prior to returning the cOlTected plans to the Plans ^IJdlyst, idelltify the appl:ication number on both sets of plalll:i. '1'0 expecli Le tIle review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings ~ay make line changes to the plan(s) at the Building Department (each ]jne change mllst be initialed and dated). *************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name): f~ j Y n a t Ul' e : COlllments Only: Date Reviewed: 77-1- , ~S h ,PI-A ~ PLA,u!'Jl AJ G ~I P bcTtj t ~ E JUt A- , UYTE" It -/ d /J /1IP CAN 1 ************************************;;;;**~~*~~~~*********** * I< Departments required to review thL proiect: * * * * * * * * * Engineering - Date Transmitted: * *************************************************************************** Page ______ of ..u LI!:J I.. ~v ~ ~ ~ vW-~J" JOO 2:. 2JDynlOn '1JcadJ '1J0"('1I0", !P.O. !Bo;J(J 10 'Boynton !Btatn, 1forUla JJ425.0J10 (407) 7J8.7480 7JtX: (407) 7J8.1459 'lJuifili"f} 'Dcpartrrunt, City ,fa!( Compfo:. 'JYtJt 'J11no .<T PLANS REVIEW COMMENTS - DUILDING DEPARTMENT Name of Reviewer WA1-t.FIIl tAl. );; Ie>Ar J/ Permit" 72-23"3...7 Type of Review ?~bA#6,'~/M~r-:#A..v"~A/ Project g~"J#~ tJ.~e:lE.;4/S The permit number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. ^n appointment may be set up for a conference concerning specific comments listed below. To expedite the re-review process, chan may be made by the designer for clarifications to required documents and drawings at the Building Department. Proof of authorization is required prior to making changes to signed and scaled documents and drawings at t Iluildinu Department by anyone other than the designer. To set up an aIlpointmcnt, call the Building Department at (407)738-7400 between B A.M and 5 P.11. An appointment is recommended to assure that the reviewer is available to discuss your commen~s. ~~~~~~~~~~*~***********************************************~********~*~* Applicant's phone II Date called: 1st 2nd 3rd Comments rcc'd. by: Name: Date: Comments only Plans " Conunents Date letter sent Date rec'd. 6- /-9Z Date logged ~-/-7Z- Date reviewed 6-/1.7~ ~~~****~**************************************************************** IZ)Jt, I A/A-I13? lI~tJ1I-./E Z ). ~. A-A/I. ~ A,eJ;: R.. F- ?LJ,,'L&;...J h, A("r/F. A- / "$. A/. /E AI P F ~A hR./E. A...-v) PRE.,'), () V.t:F ~..= ./:'7"-::: y...,./V"'e. .. / , r~) U)// 1#~ ~/?co h.. /A'A/j PdjO Ci=: /-~__/-.Fc.?t?"'Z~~~/A-r-,'L;z 77-E r"..-', / . ,. , //'IA{Fo..u,.- ~/'OAj. ' J~) ?t~""" JE. l'eo!;.S SF C ),;OP d-E. ~,' / rO,z ~ SAC Jt' r k~ ,~CV~/If PZOJ/....)~ mA kJt./t::!" A.-c -f(,,),cE ~I?FC /C,'("'A ./~';:).A.J..~ r,c~,/" ZAC k rk~..... I . ' . '. f' .?~ ~- V;- ;1.,/-/./:" ~. irE4- . .'#L~ /~....Jc is,,,,", -K~/c~.J" i>~2.,/~ A./"I-J/!!:Z- (~-/,/" I>, )~.?Atd;"t:-, :15) r~l/,'ck ('~r~.s S~ r.,4'n'/f/ F~,e &E:- ,;tAlE: /~A .f;'oNf77k'?A 11 /-VA lis A-A/c1 J::=/e,t::J~ - (E~ '/..' A./:j .A. 5. SE A?t5 j.....) r/'R /#,,,.;-. ,.Iur: I- , . , a~~; I" . ~ . I t' 6~ ~ . , ~ b -I / J:" 7" . ' , -E ~/. t::)A) ~<; E.;:: m5. ../C' v." 4 -~'(AJ ~~ ~ :~c; &:~~~~Z~.?4;';- h:~7 ~:~~; 1/ "" - ~ ON! /"" 0 $iii ,'>/.<--<, / h4' /' -h_h -",. k5"" ') < S ~>=<<I< ...~/ ~ 0 A'- FI!- liE. ..u c f h A. ..j./ d..l!- <; .,L -t2L:>.-? h..4- " .A/ . It..) f.,/ '~:J :~ ::;./.&//~..I ,'..J ~ ,4.,,'2 /lA"'';' h"c?,v te~ -Io~~ /6::. ,ll u-' ~//- ~rtf-i!,i:~:ftA~ ~r;:ff~'):i':.fZ A~~r~:::t~~:::;'oZ r~// 6&= ~ ~~~-"'&: ~.:...,~ ~- p, 'P..:.vy ../----- sdLA-A:~..v r;;rd~. 7llE . " " " j I ,.~ ,) -/ A- / /.4- ./.........d,v ... :..v -/& 11/ ~ ,e ~ .Iv 2. A/ ,~ /' E ,.0 b,;rl A...n ~ A /,-f f /' IF AI 1.1 hL 20);;;- CIF S... 7.4-- t1A-//- ov r J="E ~ f2-A:;""~y )/'5//;=2 ~'...~ U/~i sffou.// Ale:. r~...-v sl/;:;:P!:- f- m s,o'~" /9'7/ EAJF.e~V cc:?ciE: " 2/)I'A //-~d/ E F~ R A f...:.v5 0# /f/c E 2,./"..;tjA-1EAJ ~ . , CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Date 7-Z8-9Z Telephone: Poat Office Box 310 Boynton Beach. F1 33425-0310 (407) 738-7487 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. F1 334~5 ~ U77L/T'; . X Mai1iD8S . :} '), t ~4J' Name of Reviewer ~G.I...h..J~ Project Title DR IG~TDw Type of Review t)Q~1 ~~C:::>E:. Permit Application No. ~0J.7 ;}.. ,J ~Z-i?3,ar G~Q.~S ~ ~\.J'~~ The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set~up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (401)738-7487 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s}, return both sets of plans for re-review to the Plans Analyst on duty in the Building Department. Prior to returning the corrected plans to the Plans Analyst, identify the application number on both sets of plans. To expedite the review of the plans, the designEr responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plants) at th~' Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). *************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (print Name): signature: Comments only: Date Reviewed: *************************************************************************** Date: Plans and Comments: I '2 t:>...\U~C:::€ C~\(0). ~ Re4Ju'>z€:/;?6'Ji S /J1Jsr ~,o/eT.? C-v,""-tt, AS Wf'>h "3) Abn....-;;c/'v1C?WT ID \JS~ EX(~-n.vG~,( ~i~ G(rz.A..(~.~E , . .J ~ l.. f(l..:).'Y"\ r M u ~1" r.:.~ ~o.....:., 08"J /AlC IVO.iAJ.b V OJ.JJJt..::iL OT A.~ r w \ c::. -t ..t::..: . - C C{PA1.. of AN hNG SJ:VJ CITY of ~)f^"w..I. Sy S TE1V1. ~\ fZ~Vf;J6 rOV'Dt:.V IJEn.() JF PkrLk.'"...K.:> "S. /7::..'--'- s.. . 5) S-/.I~"'Ef e- /,0 I is )Jor /,.0 ~(r S'er -- P/~E Rzov~oe' <0 ') \)e:sc.R..IR>~ u~ nQ~ L~ WI l \ Out-J QC'tOss c:;/Crvcs l~ T1 S w =,,-,.JetL . . . ~ . ~ _ "~~A .~~"~ . ~~~~~.. ~~ . ~'9";~'~" *************************************************************************** * DeDsrtments reauired to review the Dr01ect: * * * * * * * * * Engineering - Date Transmitted: * *************************************************************************** * Page of .v v fJ' "...V J S, ..u f:,Ut.-J... 100 ~ '1Jo!f'C1Dn '1JUItIJ '1Joukwrrf ~.O. '1Jo:c.J10 !Boynwn 'Beadi, '"'"" JJ425.0J10 (407) 7J8.7480 ~JtX: (407) 7J6.'U5!J 'BulfJino !Depannunt, City H4fI CompWr. 'Wut 'JUno PLANS REVIEW COMMENTS - BUILDING DEPARi'MENT Name. of Reviewer MIKE JACOBSON Permit I (D~. ~'-- '2...;:' s'1 , Cc:> t-\.~",-~"''tc>'\''\. ~~~..l' Proj ect ~ \I't>~'-I 0.(.;. (:?c llr- Q Type of Review Electrical The permit number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. An appointment may be set up for a conference concerning specific comments listed below. To expedite the re-review process, changes may be made by the designer for clarifications to required documents and/or drawings at the Building Department. Proof of authorization is required prior to making changes to signed and sealed documents and drawings at the Building Department by anyone other than the designer. To set up an appoint~ent, call the Building Department at (407)73B-7480 between B A.M. and 5 P.M. An appointment is recommended to assure that the reviewer is available to discuss your comments. . *************************************************************************** Applicant's Comments rec'd. by: Comments only phone H Name: Plans & Comments Date called: 1st Date: Date letter sent 2nd 3rd Date rec'd. "...e:t- q'1- Date logged ~-,-"1'L Date reviewed b-'1.-C'J \, *************************************************************************** ALL PLANS ARE REVIEWED TO THE 1991 NATIONAL ELECTRIC ~DE AND THE rTrrv OF HOYNTON REACH Aft'ENDMENTS TO THE NATIONAL CODE. ~ ~ e~ ~-e..t..O <!::> L ~ -c. L ,<>:\,"-4: \ ~'" ~-........ ~ . A. '* \.~ '-'--\to -c... '-c> \,~~ ~c::> \.~s \ ~ . ~(\:>c.. ~~ ~\~"<.. S\'"L-e . . ~. z:: ~:~:~:r~k "\0 ~c.~ ~"""'9- -tt':J-. q t<-~ol ~ o\.\""- ~ L~~",\ le~e..ls. --..::, h ~l.\. \o~ 'a~ \..c:>'-C>. !,L _ ~c:::c>\.. <;-~~~\..<-~ ~. ~\~...e c~ ~ l(',,-e.. ~~l"C"\. \0... e- c... ~~ ~ \0 \-c... \"X) ',-,\ \. ~~~\..,,:C\ ~ \ \0 ~ :~ "" \.}::) \ ~Jl \..0 ~~ . ;{.. L \ ~ ,-" \\._~ ""::::> '-; ~ ,-c... ~ ~,,~ l \... \0 e <:: e::. ~\I- c::> l \...~~. \0 "1. ~~(;;) to c...~LL 4OV-. L-\~ ~ \~~ Co,....."\l?'-~~~~ C-OK --("\Lol ~ ~c2.. 6("1 ~h.o~"C> C-e-ll · . . '2.. ~ \...\... Cl ~ \ ~...e- .s. ~~ ~ \.. ~ ~ ~~~ Cb ~ \L\. ~ . e... ~e...'(L",\ \ 'L ~ ~ "'" -e... &o\"1..~ ~~ ~\..<o-so~~"''"'._~.~cl .c..c::>~ ~ ~"-C> \.D ~.c=-",e..~e-l:> c.. ~ ~~. u.o ~t..,- <\(e..t-<-6.\L ~\.. ~ ~ 'l1ie City of t]3oynton t]3eac,/i . 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beam 'BouUvanf P.O. 'Bo:(310 'Boynton 'BUJdi., 7foritfa 33425-0310 (407) 738.7480 !fJU: (407) 738.7459 'BuWlino 'Dtpartmtnt, City 9IoIl CompWc 'West 'Ji-tno PLANS REVIEW COMMENTS - BUILDING DEPARTMENT Name of Reviewer ."0-\\\.....\? ~1 Type of Review ~'lo61\J(ZAC-- Permi t * <12, . '''';~71 Project ~-a.\(,~1OJ0 ~U Contractor The permit number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. An appointment may be set up for a conference concerning specific comments listed below. To expedite the re-review process, changes may be made by the designer for clarifications to required documents and/or drawings at the Building Department. . Proof of authorization is required prior to making changes to signed and sealed documents and drawings at the Building Department by anyone other than the designer. To set up an appointment, call the Building Department at (407)738-7480 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. An appointment is recommended to assure that the reviewer is available to discuss your comments. *************************************************************************** Applicant's phone * Date called: 2nd Comments rec'd. by: Name: Date: Comments only Plans & Comments Date letter sent Date rec'd. (? q 1-Z-- Date logged rP fer f q-z- Date reviewed 6ft{ /qc ************** ************************************************************ \)o~ \\'to "'W[UOAI.....-. A:COMMENTS.OOC , ~ - ---..... \~I. :...- j 0 ,'J, ~}.1., ) I U v' o o Z GJ /0 fT1 (j) (j) o fT1 Z -\ fT1 /0 --