LEGAL APPROVAL MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING , BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1994 alled the Bul1 . g Department for a b. ing. She advised that former Ci Manager J. Sc Miller and the Buil. Department develope this st year. She not involved in t evelopment of this cy and had a chance discuss this matt ith the Building D tment. ttorney Cherof's ggestion, Vice or Matson moved tration to susp enforcement of t provision unt a tle further an til some feedba from the Building r eived regarding the background of f ose regulations, and as an agendaed item at the next meeting. Commissioner Katz which carried 5-0. i rect t can be studied epartment is to address this seconded the motion, VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS A. Consent Agenda - Unanimously Approved by the Planning and Development Board C-16 Linear Park NW sf ?Y--tJoy Ronald Last - Lawson, Noble & Associates South Florida Water Management District and the City of Boynton Beach South side of the Boynton (C-16) Canal between Seacrest Boulevard and the F.E.C. Railroad New Site Plan: Request for site plan approval to construct a City park to include landscaping, sidewalks, parking facility and three (3) docks. Commissioner Aguila asked why we are trying to separate the park from the resi- dents and only provide them with two access points. He thought we wanted to encourage the people who live along those lots to use the park and perhaps par- ticipate in monitoring it. He wondered if we would be closing the park off to the people who would be using it the most, which are those who live along those lots, if a chain link fence is put up. 1. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: The Recreation and Park Director Charles Frederick and Ron Last, the Consulting Engineer on this project were present. Mr. Frederick stated that a community meeting was held with the people who live in that neighborhood, people who were interested in the park, and the housing groups who were trying to upgrade the neighborhood, and a plan was developed for this project. The issue of a fence came up because the residents were concerned about protecting their property from the people who were going to use the linear park and who were going to use their property and side yards as a throughfare. Mr. Frederick proposed to offer each of the residents the option of a gate in their backyard. They would have the option of locking the gate at their own choosing, and they would have imme- diate acces~ to the site. - 14 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA JULY 19. 1994 Commissioner Aguila referred to the locked gate on the first lot, closest to the track. Mr. Frederick advised that there will be a Phase II of this project at the far eastern end. This has been funded through Palm Beach County for acquisition and development of 1.6 acres which takes effect October 1st. This is a temporary gate system until Phase II of this project is developed and completed. Commissioner Aguila asked about security and lighting. Mr. Frederick advised that there is no lighting on the park property. There is lighting in the parking lot. The park will be closed ,at dark. .Tha."onJyoptiqnsf.er' security are foot p'atrol by the"fi'011t1! dlJH'rig the eveni ng hours, or t'he"hi' ri ng of ni ght park attendants. Commissioner Aguila asked if the Police Department is aware of this burden that is being put upon them. Mr. Frederick advised that this went to the Technical Review Board and the Police Department is represented on this Board. In response to Commissioner Aguila, Mr. Frederick advised that when this goes out to bid, everything will be unit priced. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved approval of this site plan. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion. Ms. Simmons, who resides at 239 N. E. 13th Avenue, objected to putting the parking lot between two residential houses. She stated that there are already problems with people stealing the residents' hubcaps and tags from their cars. She did not think gates will protect the residents. Mayor Harmening pointed out that the residents are in walking distance to the park and you do not need a lot of parking at a neighborhood park. Mr. Frederick said the reason parking was considered at the far western end was that if access is not provided near the dock area, people would park on Seacrest Boulevard and the side streets. He stated that Phase II will have a parking lot. He advised that we could look at eliminating the parking lot or reducing the size of it. ~ Vice Mayor Matson pointed out that Boynton Lakes Park was only required to have four parking spaces because of the Americans With Disabilities Act. Commissioner Aguila suggested confinm1ng if parking is needed. If ADA or any other code requires parking, provide only what is required. He asked if we can postpone it until Phase II and put it down at that end. Mr. Frederick advised that the restrooms in this park have been eliminated in Phase I with the Building Department's penmission, with the proviso that they be built in Phase II. If parking is required, perhaps it can be put in in Phase II. - 15 -