REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-241 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: August 26, 1992 RE: Anderson & Carr, Inc. Letter of Inquiry dated August 21, 1992 Palm Beach County v. Mobile Oil et. ale California Federal Signage Please be advised that the Engineering Department concurs with Ronald L. Terrell, Sr., P.E., Roadway Production Division letter of June 26, 1992, wherein Palm Beach County indicates that the sign may remain in its existing location. Should you intend to correspond with Anderson & Carr, Inc. please enclose this memo which additionally recommends that the City's Building Department, Chief Plans Reviewer Mr. Milton Duff, be contacted by Anderson & Carr directly in order to ascertain whether the sign location complies with City sign codes. Thank you in advance of your cooperation in this matter. ~~A:-t '. '- Vincent A. Finizio~ /ck cc: Milton Duff, Chief Plans Reviewer w/enc. J. Scott Miller, City Manager w/enc. RECEIVED AUG 2 6 1992 ROBERT B. BANTING, MAl, SRA, VICE.PRESIDENT NATHANIEL). ORR. MAl, PRESIDENT ANDERSON & CARR, INC. >c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c:>c>c Rea !to,.~ . A,p,.ai~e,.~ ",>c:>c>c:>c>C:>(>C:>C>C:>C>C:>C>C:>()CM>C:>C~)CM>C>>C>OC>OC ESTABLISHED 1947 APPRAISALS. SALES POST OFFICE BOX 550 521 SOUTH OLIVE AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402 August 21, 1992 Tel~phon~ (407) 833.1661 Fax (407) 833-0234 Me. Chris Cutm Planning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Mr. Vincent Finizio Engineering Department 100 Boynton Bcach Boulcvard Boynton Beach, Rorida 33435 Re: Palm Beach County v. Mobil Oil et. al. Parcel No.3: California Federal Project No. 85092 - Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue Intersection Improvements Our File No. 92-1990 Dear Sirs: I am a real estate appraiser retained by Palm Beach County in regard to the above referenced assignment. On December 22, 1987 additional right-of-way was acquired at this location by Palm Beach County through eminent domain action. The new right-of- way line has a "safe corner" cut. The new right-of-way line comes close to the existing sign and resulted in the sign overhanging approximately two feet into the new right-of- way. The attached sketch and letter from Ronald L Terrell explain the situation further. This letter is being sent in an effort to obtain a letter from the City of Boynton Beach stating that the California Federal I.D. sign located at the southwest comer of Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard does not require relocation as a result of the right-of-way taking. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, ANDERSON & C -~ / -(, 5~~ / '- '. .~/ - ert B. Banting, MAl, sAA State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #0000004 RBB:rr Encl. cc: Paul F. King, Esquire Assistant County Attorney Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken L. Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrat(l Robert Weisman Department of Engineel and Public Works June 26, 1992 Anderson & Carr, Inc. 521 South Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Fl. 33401 Attn: Re: Robert B. Banting, MAl, SRPA Palm Beach county v. Mobil oil corp., et ale Parcel No.3: California Federal project No. 85092 - Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue Intersection Improvements Dear Mr. Banting: This letter is in response to our telephone conversation of June 25, 1992 regarding the above. As I stated in our conversation, and in a January 22, 1990 letter, the California Federal 1.0. sign does not require relocation. The base and most of the sign are located outside of the taking. There is an aerial encroachment of approximately 2', but it does not interfere with pedestrian traffic or the signal installation and may remain. Therefore, this serves to verify our conversation about the disposition of the existing sign. Should you have any questions or re~uire additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, ~~~. ~f'0 R nald L. Terrell, st., P.E. Roadway Production Division cc: John H. Carroll, P.E., Director/ Roadway Production Omelia A. Fernandez, P.E., Program Manager Paul F. King, Esq., Assistant County Attorney "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on rscycled paper Box 21229 Wesl Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 -Set ?K (' ft/ashe,r e..~:7?_- - " . .....,,, . . ......' ", , ~' JJ -,..:., , ... .:. .. '~"" ~ . . -:. ", .... . 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