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CORRESPONDENCE Ronald L. Uphoff, AlA 2424-B N. Congress Avenue W. Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (407) 478-1137 August 1, 199~ Richard F. Parsons Capt. Franks Seafood 435 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Visibility at Access Capt. Frank's Seafood Parking Lot Improvements Dear Mr. Parsons: There is not adeqll1.te space for planters at the west driveway (curb cut.) onto Boynton Beach Blvd. There should be a minimum 10' line of site triangle each side of drive access due to pedestrian an~ auto traffic. Also, it would impeed the proper use )f exisiting handicapped parking space. This unit is in compliance with State Handicapped new and existing Code for Space and Access. In my opinion there is adequate lands~ape existing to the east of the sign and around the building. Also, new and existing vegitation is provided to the west and north property lines. Yours truly, . AfftW .-..,; .J.: .- RECEIVED AR5133 SEP 8 i'J~ PLANNING DEPT. - - I2llJ 'j-.- '. - ~ '"......". " " , '\.,,',':,',,' . .... " . '''', ~ -0 3 )-.. -+- . , V -1V ~ \. " ~ ., '(i) '" ~ ) ~ "- \) \j \) F'1~1 l'-l~v .7? . ",' ~(it/~, <<l '>':,'. lOt r 1_" - r-~_-_ '--, ,L<- . "'~~-:">' - uf!iJ-~:, /;'-!J--\.~~\ >-, 6...t~r 4- 'Z.. ,f ", ..... . . .~:.<-~f. ::~ ~~tj~~~;::~c~'q_,~:. ~_ . ;;; . ,.....-. . : . : '.: :~ ... ". 60., L. . ,~.::~~~~: ~;.. ., '"-.....: ...~. ~-- -.' ~ ~~-~::~~~-~ ~. -: - :~-: ":. .. --~--:_~..-"'':_':~: '-,>~' ! rf> ~< ,,~C Lt -.- ~----------- ---- ----..---......... )'\V I 1v\ ('l:h ~ V\ cf} I Lo.~5tlff 7 I .I. ,/ "." ---' RECEIVED SEP 4 1992 ~~'D!::- , ~ C' ~r rrlie City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'BouUvarti P.O. 'Bo't310 'Boynton 'Bead", :Fforida 33435-0310 City:Haf[: (407) 734-8111 :F!JtX: (407) 738.7459 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested #P 210 840 860 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER January 25, 1993 Marsh & Sons Paving 704 Claremore Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Notice of Violation (*) Permit '93-0135 Captain Frank's Seafood Dear Mr. Marsh: Please be advised that your most recent scheduled inspection of improvements made by you at the above referenced site, has failed. Attached for your review and consideration is a "Red-Tag" Notice of Violation which states the areas of noncompliance with approved plans held in the custody of the Building Official. Corrections shall be made as noted and a reinspect ion scheduled as soon as possible. Inspections shall be scheduled by telephoning the following number: (407) 738-7483. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA {~ :.....Y~ ~ - Vincent A. Finizio ~ Administrative Coordinator of Engineering cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. Don Jaeger, Building Official Christopher Cutro, Planning Director RECEIVED JH' 26 PLANN\MG DEPT. -- - (*) A quantity of one (1) Notice of Violation was provided to the owner. .-1merica's gateway to the (juifstream , f , ( r (' r , r r ,.. CRIMMINS CO., INC.. Ft. Lauderdale, FL, (305) 771'132~ ~':)eo':" --_-.-. ____ _0' .__ ..~___ __ __ __ __ __._ ___ _ ___ __"_ _ Captain Frank's Seafood/Marsh & Sons Paving 704 C)JU:emore ~17.~"'II~ West Palm Beach, n 33406 PERMIT NO. 93-0135 NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS MUST BE MADE AS NOTED BELOW ....DDRESS 435 West Be ton Beach Boulevard LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION Sealcoatinq & Restripinq o BLDG. 0 ELEe. 0 MECH. 0 PLBG. ~ laDs : 1) R~ndicap stall DOt located as depicted on approved plans. .. 1 i 9 'i i j ,j .~! 2) The word "STOP" DOt stenciled under stop bar. ; 0 STOP WORK! ,(i: '/IOLATION! CORRECT AS NOTED : 0 REINSPECTION FEE OF $25.00 MUST BE PAlO IN PERSON AT THE BUILDING DEPARTME~'17 'rx CALL 728-7483 FOR REINSPECTION 8:C0-4:::; CITY OF 80 CATE 1/25/93 .~ NSFE-:-:-Cri White. :=il. Copy I Canary. Inspector's Copy I Pink - OfficII Copy I .,.ihlto j'~q . ';00 C.:;py %e City of r:Boynton ~eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'BouU.vara P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Bead", 1'foritfa 33435-0310 City :J{af[: (407) 734-8111 1'JiIX: (407) 738-7459 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested #P 210 840 859 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER January 25, 1993 Bailey's Home Services, Inc. 402 East Ocean Avenue, Bay #5 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Notice of Violation (*) Permit 191-1348 Captain Frank's Seafood Dear Mr. Bailey: Please be advised that your most recent scheduled inspection of improvements made by you at the above referenced site, has failed. Attached for your review and consideration is a "Red-Tag" Notice of Violation which states the areas of noncompliance with approved plans held in the custody of the Building Official. corrections shall be made as noted and a reinspection scheduled as soon as possible. Inspections shall be scheduled by telephoning the following number: (407) 738-7483. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA ~~~.~. Vincent A. Finizio ~ Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RECEIVED cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager w. Richard Staudinger, P.E. Don Jaeger, Building Official Christopher Cutro, Planning Director JAN 26 ... PLANNING DEPT.!I. ., - (*) A quantity of one (1) Notice of Violation was provided to the owner. ~qmerica's (jateway to tlie (juifstream ( 4' ( ( (" r r r r CRIMMINS CO., INC., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, (3051 771-1325 iOb_ Captain Fxank's Seafood/Bailey's Home Svc., Ine 402 E. Ocean Ave., Bay 5 JIOyncon Beach, Jf~ JJ4~S- PlRMIT NO. 91-1348 NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS MUST BE MADE AS NOTED BELOW ADDRESS 435 West Boynton Beach Boulevard l.OT aLOCK SUI!IDIVISION '. o BLOG. 0 ELEC. OMECH. 0 PLBG. IXI Site Plan Insp. Work not in c:cmforDlBIlCe with approved plans: cape cur at ton ~ . not 2) Stop sign in same islllnds not installed. 3) Irrigation in same isl91Jds not installed. 4) Landsca1)e material. in same islands not installed. 5) 'RSlndicap stall a:Lslocated. 6) 'RSlnrlil!.ap sip not at ~rQpriate height (84" to bottOJll of sign). 7) T.JInrlRl!.ape ma.t~rfSll obscurina 'RSlndf.cap sign. 8) The word "STOP" not stenciled under stop bar. '0 STOP WORK! 1 [E VIOLATION! CORRECT AS NOTED : [i] REiNS?ECTION FEE OF $25.00 MUSi BE ?~ID (*) IN PERSON AT THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT : rx: CALL 738-7483 FOR REINSPECTION 8:00-.1:20 J '-- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOfilDA~ ~ I DATE 1/25/93 (*) per Bldg. Off. Ii C/Mg~~R .- , -~ White. File Copy I c.nary . Inspector', Copy I Pink. Offic. Copy / Whin Tog. ";00 C~n', ~ ! J ,L!,. CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO: Don Jaeger, Chris cutro DATE September 13, 1993 DEPARTMENT Bldg., Planning & Zoning APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR YOUR INFORMATION EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION NOTE AND RETURN FOR YOUR FILES OTHER ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJECT: CAPTAIN FRANKS Having read both of your memorandums, Planning & zoning memorandum number 93-237 and Building Dept. number 93-186, reference the above noted subject matter, I would seriously think that there is something the City can do in order to strongly encourage (or so called force) Mr. Richard Parsons to undertake and complete the site improvements in the front of his building (being parking and landscaping). I would ask that each of you ~ get together and review this matter in more detail, and thereafter, provide to me an avenue upon which the City can embark on in order to get these improvements implemented soon. Possibly Code Enforcement, I'm really not sure, but there has to be some means available to get the owner to perform the work expeditiously. Your prompt attention on this matter is appreciated. Thank you. ~jJ~ Jv1 J. Scott Miller City Manager ~ JSM:smb Attach. c: Mayor & City Commission RESPONSE: Date (Action Completed) Signature ~/ ~,q~ ./ f . 1j/J.eY ,f,/ /('0 ..y ~ vi".fF september 7, 1993 'P~~ r)-- ~;/ J. Scott Miller, City Manager , " ' , ,,, ~~ ~/ ,JPl) , ,"tv-' ~ .~~ 'cA I . K" Would you please provide to me by Monday, September 13, 1993 ~ a written report from both the Building Department and Planning Department as to the status of Captain Frank's, i.e. any outstanding projects, building permits, etc. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Captain Frank's JA/ral cc: Hon. Mayor City Commission J:iECElVED SEP - 8 19~~ CI....J~. '. - :.,~!,...!= I I I~h.l h '!Y;jg . ~ ""'. . ~v,~_ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-186 September 10, 1993 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Don Jaeger Building Official RE: CAPTAIN FRANK'S SEAFOOD Captain Frank's Seafood, 435 W. Boynton Beach Blvd., currently has one active permit, #91-1785, for a commercial addition. On September 2, 1993 an electric rough was inspected and approved under this permit. Construction work on this site is on-going; however, it is being undertaken in an extremely prolonged manner. Permits 91-1348 and 93-0135 for site work and parking lot maintenance, respectively, have expired due to inactivity. On January 28, 1993 I wrote a letter to Derle Bailey, contractor of record, and explained to him that permits for the remaining site work must be pulled and all work accomplished in accordance wit~ the approved site plan prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued for the commercial addition (copy attached). The electrical inspector who performed the electric rough last week informed me that the addition is not currently being occupied. If I can be of further assistance, please advise. D~ DJ:bh Attachment XC: Chris Cutro Don Johnson CAPT ::(ECElVED SEP t 0 1993 crj\, f~';,:~" ,~. ., "'r.. '-&' l,.,~ ~ '",'" 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Phone: (407) 738-7480 January 28, 1993 Derle B. Bailey, President Bailey's Home Services, Incorporated 402 E. Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CAPT. FRANK'S SEAFOOD Dear Mr. Bailey: I am in receipt of your letter regarding site improvement permit *91-1348. This permit had received three extensions from this office, with the last extension expiring on October 26, 1992. Inasmuch as the work authorized b~ this permit has been suspended for a period exceeding six months, this permit has become invalid, consistent with Section 103.6.1 of the Standard Building Code, 1991 Edition. Any additional site construction work will require securing a site improvement permit for the work remaining in order to comply with the approved site plan. Any request to amend the approved site plan must be addressed to our Planning Department for processing. The permit for the commercial addition, *91-1785, remains active; however, please be advised that a Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued for thil structure if the site does not comply with the approved site plan documents. Further, this addition cannot be occupied without the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Failure to continue timely construction of the addition will cause this permit to become invalid consistent with the above referenced code section. Permit *93-0135 for sealcoating and restriping can be approved only when the site is striped in accordance with the approved site plan,. with the inclusion of any additional City requirements. If my office can assist you in completing the construction in compliance with the approved site plan and City code requirements, please do not hesitate to advise. DJ:bh XC: Richard Parsons, Capt. Frank's Seafood J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Richard Staudinger, City Engineer Chris Cutro, Planning Director Vince Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Milt Duff, Chief Plans Reviewer Don Johnson, Building Compliance Administrator Central files RE: 4,q~ ~/IY /' ~U'" Y 4V~. ~ /'r e~lt~ ~j,lo~ ~.lJ...r1'> ~, f'::' JYr'~f~~~ .~ Would you please provide to me by Monday, September 13, 1993 a written report from both the Building Department and-Planning Department as to the status of captain Frank's, i.e. any outstanding projects, building-permits, etc.' MEMORANDUM September 7, 1993 FROM: Scott Miller, City Manager Jose Aguila, City Commissioner r:pIvl captain Frank's JA/ral cc: Hon. Mayor City Commission ,.- ~~CEIVED SEP - 8 199~ ..' .. "" ---'''E CITY ftu;rii\\,.,-C'. ;"""~'I-',,; PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM NO. 93-237 FROt-1 : J. Scott Miller, City Manager (~try+- (l\",:: Christopher cutro, Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: September 10, 1993 RE: captain Frank's In July of 1993, I sent a letter to Richard Parsons asking him to rectify his site plan and complete the work required based on his site plan approval. At that time I threatened code enforcement action if he failed to comply. I have reviewed the site plan review ordinance and as I indicated earlier, I have no ability to cite Mr. Parsons under that code. He has an approved site plan for which a building permit was properly issued. There is no penalty for not updating or rectifying a plan nor for not completing work approved by a site plan. If we have any ability to cite Mr. Parsons, I believe it will be because of building code violations such as using a structure that has no certificate of occupancy, doing work without a permit, etc. Don Jaeger and I have discussed this on occasion and he is more knowledgeable in the area of building codes and I would suggest discussing the matter with him. Since I am leaving the City, I would suggest that someone make a note to amend the site plan review ordinance to address such a situation although I must admit that in 20 years of planning and zoning work, this is the only time a situation like this has ever arisen. cc: frb C:93-237 . '-::"'~E"'''''fr:-.D . ~.:.,~\..r . 1 \) .c SEP 1 0 1993 ...' u \.Iil " ; . "","" }~ J BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-186 September 10, 1993 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Don Jaeger Building Official RE: CAPTAIN FRANK I S SEAFOOD Captain Frank's Seafood, 435 W. Boynton Beach Blvd., currently has one active permit, #91-1785, for a commercial addition. On September 2, 1993 an electric rough was inspected and approved under this permit. Construction work on this site is on-going; however, it is being undertaken in an extremely prolonged manner. Permits 91-1348 and 93-0135.for site work and parking lot maintenance, respectively, have expired due to inactivity. On January 28, 1993 I wrote a letter to Derle Bailey, contractor of record, and explained to him that permits for the remaining site work must be pulled and all work accomplished in accordance with the approved site plan prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued for the commercial addition (copy attached). The electrical inspector who performed the electric rough last week informed me that the addition is not currently being occupied. If I can be of further assistance, please advise. Prk DJ:bh Attachment XC: Chris Cutro Don Johnson ~ SiP J 0 I9Q3 CAP'! ~_'-"~...L""''-=iI' ~.c..Jt:""~:.L-~'"..I... 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Phone: (407) 738-7480 January 28, 1993 Derle B. Bailey, President Bailey's Horne Services, Incorporated 402 E. Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CAPT. FRANK' S SEAFOOD Dear Mr. Bailey: I am in receipt of your letter regarding site improvement permit 191-1348. This permit had.received three extensions from this office, with the last extension expiring on October 26, 1992. Inasmuch as the work authorized by this permit has been suspended for a period exceeding six months, this permit has become invalid, consistent with Section 103.6.1 of the Standard Building Code, 1991 Edition. Any additional site construction work will require securing a site improvement permit for the work remaining in order to comply with the approved site plan. Any request to amend the approved site plan must be addressed to our Planning Department for processing. The permit for the commercial addition, 191-1785, remains active; however, please be advised that a Certificat~ of Occupancy cannot be issued for this structure if the site does not comply with the approved site plan documents. Further, this addition cannot be occupied without the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Failure to continue timely construction of the addition will cause this permit to become invalid consistent with the above referenced code section. Permit 193-0135 for sealcoating and restriping can be approved only when the site is striped in accordance with the approved site plan, with the inclusion of any additional City requirements. If my office can assist you in completing the construction in compliance with the approved site plan and City code requirements, please do not hesitate to advise. DJ:bh XC: Richard Parsons, Capt. Frank's Seafood J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Richard Staudinger, City Engineer Chris Cutro, Planning Director Vince Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Milt Duff, Chief Plans Reviewer Don Johnson, Building Compliance Administrator Central files ~./ ~ Ji~ ./ iY' Y ,1O~~~?;r e~\t/ Jt:)./o+-' f./t..,k-F ~> r;:' ;J1'~ ~ Would you please provide to me by Monday, September 13, 1993 a written report from both the Building Department and-Planning Department as to the status of Captain Frank's, i.e. any outstanding projects, building-permits, etc.. MEMORANDUM September 7, 1993 FROM: Scott Miller, City Manager Jose Aguila, City Commissioner ~11vJ. RE: Captain Frank's JA/ra1 cc: Hon. Mayor City Commission f<ECEIVED SEP - 8 199~ C T"J' t. . . "" -':-f"E I. I rv'ii;rii",\,;,-~" ~ t..,;~'~'''IV ;._. --. ,.~ ,,,,' BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-027 February 4, 1993 TO: Richard Staudinger City Engineer FROM: Don Jaeger Building Official RE: CAP'!'. FRANK'S SEAFOOD Attached please find a copy of a violation notice issued to Mr. Richard Parsons of Capt. Frank's Seafood, 435 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. by the Department of Transportation (D.O.T.). The Permits Engineer who signed the violation notice is B. T. Drouin. As we have previously discussed, D.O.T. is calling the turn-out an intersection and is imposing its requirements accordingly. Bailey's Home services, Inc. is using this notice of violation as a reason to attempt the deletion of two landscape islands on Boynton Beach Blvd. The deletion of these islands would violate City codes and ordinances. I have discussed this issue with you and with the City Manager on separate occasions and we all felt that you would be in the most advantageous position to resolve this issue with D.O.T. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. DO!!~ DJ:bh Attachments XC: J. Scott Miller Chris Cutro Vince Finizio RECEIVED (f.B ,~ 'j;, CAPTDOT PLANNING DEPT. --- - .....~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Boynton Beach B1vd. P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Phone: (407) 738-7480 January 28, 1993 Derle B. Bailey, President Bailey's Home Services, Incorporated 402 E. Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: CAPT. FRANK'S SEAFOOD Dear Mr. Bailey: I am in receipt of your letter regarding site improvement permit #91-1348. This permit had received three extensions from this office, with the last extension expiring on October 26, 1992. Inasmuch as the work authorized by this permit has been suspended for a period exceeding six months, this permit has become invalid, consistent with Section 103.6.1 of the Standard Building Code, 1991 Edition. Any additional site construction work will require securing a site improvement permit for the work remaining in order to comply with the approved site plan. Any request to amend the approved site plan must be addressed to our Planning Department for processing. The permit for the commercial addition, #91-1785, remains active; however, please be advised that a Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued for this structure if the site does not comply with the approved site plan documents. Further, this addition cannot be occupied without the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Failure to continue timely construction of the addition will cause this permit to become invalid consistent with the above referenced code section. Permit #93-0135 for sealcoating and restriping can be approved only when the site is striped in accordance with the approved site plan, with the inclusion of any additional City requirements. If my office can assist you in completing the construction in compliance with the approved site plan and City code requirements, please do not hesitate to advise. DJ:bh XC: Richard Parsons, Capt. Frank's Seafood J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Richard Staudinger, City Engineer Chris Cutro, Planning Director Vince Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Milt Duff, Chief Plans Reviewer Don Johnson, Building Compliance Administrator PHONE 407fl32-1213 CR~ey'9 C{JJo",e gellllces. .gllCOlpolated Florida State Certified General Contractor 7241 January 27, 1993 402 EAST OCEAN AVENUE, BOYNTON BEACH. FLq~A 33435 ..1'_ ",.......,. cD 0) . If ~ ~ (t;~\ "/\ " "'.i'<JT" . J.~ vi........'> ",..:,...... v., ~\\ d"l e...--, . s .. <0'" " ,"., ,,,,,- ~~~, "- I' ,...-: '! A.-..... ('.~.:.l i.~ \ '''':'' r -- .' ". . I" '.' . --I ....; F.i.-...:Li ~~. L~) ," IS~ ,JAN 2 7 1993 ยท \~ l(J City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Atten: Don Jaeger RE: Site Plan Permit #91-1348 Dear Don, My client, Captain Franks Seafood Market, has instructed me to delete the landscape islands adjacent to Boynton Beach Blvd. If these landscape curbs and islands are installed, it appears that the seafood market will be violating a Florida State Statute, as per the enclosed D.O.T. communication. Provided the curbings and other items associated with the islands are deleted from the site plan, this permit can be finaled within the next 30 days. We will submit a site plan modification at your request. From this day forward I would prefer any communications to me reqarding Captain Frank's Seafood Market to be mailed to me or it can be faxed to me at 407-738-7916. " cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Vincent A. Finizio, Engineering Coordinator W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. Richard Parsons Jeff Tomberg, Attorney STAft 01' ....OMOA ~MTIIIIDIT 01' ~ATlON PERMITTEE NONCONFORMANCE VIOLATION OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES AND FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND NOTICE TO SHOW CAUSE (punuant to Chapter 120 and 337, FlorIda S~) POMI ...,. ~ ..,. To: MR. RICHARD PARSONS Date: JANUARY 22. 1993 IN.mel 435 WEST BOYNTON RF.ACH Rr.VD. IAdd..., Permit Class/Category: II perm~o.: (Cltyl BOUNTON BEACH. FL. 33435 IS....) N/A (Zip) YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED: Pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code, you are hereby charged: 1. That the facility at the site idontified below, is in violation of those provisions of the Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative Code cited herein, for the reasons indicated: SITE IDENTIFICATION VIOLATIONS STATE ROAD NO. SECTION NO. flORIDA STATUTE 335 804 93200 FLORIDA ADMINISTAA TIVE CODE 14-96 & 14-97 MILE POST NO. CONSTRUCTION Joe NO DESCRIPTION OF VlOLATlON(S) 8.332 N/A CLEAR SIGHT DISTANCE WITH LANDSCAPING AT STOP SIGN/BAR COUNTY STATION NO. (CONDITIONED) INTERSECTION PALM BEACH GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION N/W CORNER SRDa04 & NW 4TH STREET 2. You must comply with the applicable provisions of the said Statute(s) and Code(s) within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, and written notice of compliance be furnished to: MAINTENANCE' ENGINEER Florida Department of Transportation 6401 OKEECHOBEE BLVD. (M.lllng Add_, WEST PALM BEACH. FL. 33417 (Cltyl (St..., IZI,,) or, in the alternative, an administrative hearing under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, must be requested by you within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice. The submitted hearing request shall give a brief statement setting forth the reason(s) for review. At the Administrative Hearing you will be required to SHOW CAUSE why your permit should not be revoked. Such hearing request must be furnished to: The Clerk of Agency Proceedings Florida Department of Transportation Mail Station 58 605 Suwannee Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458 In either case, if you fall to comply within the thirty (30) day period above and fail to request an administrative hearing then the described violation(s) shall be considered true; and the Department of Transportation reserves the right to take such action as the law permits, including but not limited to the revocation of your permit. HEREIN FAIL NOT, Dated this 22ND day of .r ANTJARV ,19~ :3~i~ ~ TITLE: PERMITS ENGINEER ....'" By: %e City of , - 'Boynton $eacfi - 100 'L. '.80ytltLltl 'Bt:cu/i 'Bouf~vard ~l'.O. 'Bo,t31O 'Bo~Jtlton '13ccu/i, j{orida 33425.0310 City 1la([: (-I(7) i 34.8111 1.V:: (-Ioi) i38.7459 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR December 28, 1990 Attn: Mr. Richard Parsons Capt. Frank's Seafood Market 435 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 RE: Captain Frank's Seafood Market - Administrative Site Plan File No. 535 Dear Mr. Parsons: Please be advised that on Thursday, December Technical Review Board approved the referenced site plan, subject to staff comments, copies attached. 20, 1990, the administrative of which are These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After both sets of modified plans have the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on both sets of plans from each Technical Review Board member. The sign-off procedure requires that the Engineering Department is the first, followed by all other d( rtments with the excepti that the Planning Department sign ff next-to-last and thf )uilding Department sign-off last. ~ Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the B\ ,J.,ng Department sign-off. One (1) set of final signed-off plaH~ will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. J1mcn'ca~, (1atl'uJall to dll' (;/f(l,fr"tl111 ~o: Mr. Richard Parsons -2- December 28, 1990 To help facilitate the sign-off process, appointments should be made to meet with each Technical Review Board member to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~~ CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP Planning Director CC:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board C:CptFrank