AGENDA DOCUMENTS PLANNING AND ZONING LASERFICHE TEMPLATE PROJECT NAME: ~I/ Su ftL IJ1 E IfJ !3r 'G V 7llLL 1}j)/l1;/lJ /)f?fJEI9'- 3~~}/, &AJ&ee$5 Il f)1l ~ r~- ()O ~ PROJECT TYPE: PROJECT ADDRESS: PROJECT NO. PCN: DOC TYPE: (RIGHT CLICK FOR PULL DOWN MENU) STATUS: (RIGHT CLICK FOR PULL DOWN MENU) to/lg/~0 ~ 3 / ,'Zo/( APPROVAL/STATUS DATE DESTRUCTION DATE: / S :\Planning\Plan n ing\Laserfiche tem plate.doc AGENDA OOCU tJ\ E ",1"5 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-319 Agenda Memorandum for June 18, 1996 City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager THRU: Tambrl J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki DATE: June 6, 1996 SUBJECT: Oakwood Square (Casual Male-Big and Tall tenant space) - ADAP 96-002 (modifications to the approved color scheme for southern outbuilding) NATURE OF REQUEST Joseph P. Braga, project manager for J. Baker Inc., owner of Casual Male - Big and Tall, is requesting approval of an administrative appeal to staff's determination regarding proposed changes to the facade of the Casual Male - Big and Tall outbuilding, the southern-most outbuilding located within the Oakwood Square shopping center. More specifically, the petitioner is requesting a color change of the building to employ their corporate colors. The following two color scheme alternatives have been presented: 1. Building exterior - ,Light Grey (SW #2128) Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072) 2. Building exterior - Light Pink (to match shopping center) Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072) (see Exhibit "A" - letter of request and proposed tenant space exterior elevation view drawings). BACKGROUND The Oakwood Square shopping center is located east of Congress A venue between Boyntoll Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Boulevard (see Exhibit "B" - Location Map). The color scheme for the Oakwood Square was approved by the Community Appearance Board on April 11, 1991 as follows: a) main shopping center - medium pink (Bruning Paints, Spoon Sugar 840-2W), b) out parcel buildings - light pink (Benjamin Moore Paints, Moore Guard 1-81289). The Board also recommended that the yellow canopy of the northern-most outbuilding for one of the existing tenants at that time (Perkins restaurant), be repainted to blue to match the existing, blue, spanish tile roof of the main building. Subsequent to 1991, as part of tenant changes to the middle outparcel buildings, the canopies for the two middle out parcel buildings were allowed to be painted in stripes of red and white. Staff's site visit conducted on June 7, 1996, revealed that over the last five years, since the color scheme was approved, the consistency of the approved color scheme has been eroded by changes that have not been approved by the city, which may not hove be~n detected p8 110 pet'mlt Is rcquh'cd I'()I" mCI'e color chunges. l?or example, the color of the main shOI)ping center was changed to off-white, both northern outparcel buildings were repainted light-pink and different colors Page 2 Memorandum No. 96-319 (lakwood S(IUare (Big and Tall Casual Male) ADAP 96~O()2 accents were added to both structures. The subject outbuilding Is currently painted medium pink and has a dark green canopy (see Exhibit C - elevation view drawings of the existing building facade). ANALYSIS Based on reylew of the proposed changes and field visits to the site, It Is staff's position that the consistency of the approved color scheme be restored. The proposed light pink color of the building matches the approved scheme for outbuildings, however, the yellow canopy does not. As previously mentioned, at the April 11, 1991 meeting of the Community Appearance Board, the noard members recommended that the approved color of the canopy of the northernmost outparcel, Perkins Restaurant, be restored. The letter of request submitted by the applicant (Exhibit II A ") and the phone conversations with the representatives from Casual Male - Big and Tall indicate the following reasons for the proposed changes: a. colors as indicated in Alternative 1: building exterior - Light Grey (SW #2128) and canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072) are the corporate colors of the company, b. the medium pink color of the current structure is perceived as inappropriate for a mens clothing store. During a phone conversation with the petitioner, he indicated that he would be agreeable to l'etaining the dark green color of the canopy, along with light pink or gray for the color ot' the exterior walls, although this option was not included in any of the color alternatives presented to the City. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of Alternative 2, which proposes light pink painted exterior walls, with a modification that the canopy would be repainted darl{ green as it currently exists, or dark blue to match the canopy color of the Clock restaurant. This proposal would allow the approved color scheme to be restored. JL:dim xc: Central File ll:\11I:&TlllI.llcl' " ~ 't,'.." E X H I BIT "A" I J. Bal(el., Inc. ,_-.~~-- 1-,-- ',.~._- ,~:-,'!-----:-~" ~..: '~; ~ ,\1 :', ; 1 I ~ ~-~I'\V --I "-J .~~-: -"; It. IU ,- ~.... ~ IS IS B T U III H .. I K. .,..... Ie T . C A H T 0 H, M A . 0 a 0 z , .. 7-82 May 9, 1996 Mr. Jerzy Lewicki City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach BIV"d Boynton Beach. PL 33425 407.375-6260 VIA: Regular Mail and Fax #407-375-6090 RE!: Casual Male-Big & Tall #9556 Oakwood Shopping Center 324 North Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Lewicki, I understand that the City of Boynton Beach has rejected the proposed colors for the exterior of the building. The colors that were proposed are the corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors that we use in our stores nationwide. I am aware that there is a certain criteria for the shopping center which consists of "medium pink" and "light pink" colors. The existing color of our building is the "medium pink" color and being a Men's Retail Clothing Store, [ am requesting your approval to tone down the color to something that will closer resemble our corporate image. Please reView the following information and option :# 1 & #2 (color samples have been submitted); Existing Building Colors: Entire Building Exterior - Medium Pink Building Metal Canopy - Dark Green Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors): Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone) Lower Building Exterior - Light Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #1: Endr. Building Bxterior . Ught Orey (SW #2128 March Wind) Note: TIll, "Ilaht gf.)''' color 18 almost "white" which i. very Ilmllar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center. Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54.Y37) Option #2: Entire Building Exterior - Light Pink (shopping center color) Building Metal Canopy. Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow. B54.Y37) Please review and call me with your comments and/or approval. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Joseph P. Braga Project Manager cc: Foltz Development & Construction . ,: :;:~<":'" ,':.:'.:-....i:' :'".~:;j' ;, ~';"; :;'~-':' i,,~,< ".'~,:" :~': '::, "'-' -.:. - i ~,~ 9.:; 5Z", al:;e"- ~ r~ ~ E~fJ> z"'.... UI ~ it - , 1\ :;::.... , ij i., ~ ::: l>:.() lU ~ iJi.... ~ ~ ~ lr\ \ti " ~ ~ ~ R ~ - U~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q\ ~ ~ ~ ~ i:: ~ ill " ~ ~ ~ U it (I) ~ ...' '" " ~ ~ f.J :~Y/.'/:?(I;{. t. ~ :!: - . .: ~ j ..: .'0_,..- " ',:,'.!:t; ~ :.. , .(. ':~ !:.' )";;.;', '~"'."':".';i; . "-' "N., '~',; . t,:. ~':"": . .,',... . , · f"'\ . ,. ''-I ' ~ u II m~~ li:c: ~~9 iii~8 1 F:::: ~ ~ - ~ ul ":z~ ~;j .... z o ~ u.. w ~ a ...!... + "::) I N 10 m :t: ~ ~ g , i~ '-u \!, ~ ~ ~ . - ~ i::: ~ it: ~ ~ 'i: II . I ~ ~ ~ ~ ltJ ~ c:s ~~!~!im{;I t ~ ? ~Zl!lO:O:Z ~ ,".', -15 :J 0 W J:,. u1 ~fiJl: i\': ~~~~!\~ .", ::;l i.iJ(j ,:;). 0.....01- Ii! ;. w <{ >:J 'm Oil;: !;( ~ 0: 0 Ii! U) ~.. 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'~"A'...... ..' -1~!;11.~~2.;~ii~~fl~L 'I II;L .:. ,., .../ ('--1/' f! 1'.fll,;,'l,i:~,;V" J,~,'l.~f ( If'(~::' i'-.!__~t'iJ.'t;..;;1 H-- ~ rill,. r 1::i .,..,. .h-. . fl ~ ,'" r I I " . . . l~ ' ~ ~ ~~ CQ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o I 1 i R , ~3 'J! -~! ~ ~ ~ -. ~ ~ ~ N " lij ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lI:: CI) , ~~ . ~5 ' ;:s ~ ~Q:l :::::t~ ~~ ,,' ~ s:: , :~;l.{ ~~ r"M ~~ ~;: ~ ~~t ~ ~,: DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA P~~~. ~. roJ~@~U\Hrn UlJ utL 8 ~ ~ PLANNiNG AND ZONING DEPT. I APPLICANT: OAKWOOD SQUARE (CASUAL MALE -BIG AND TALL) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Joseph P. Braca, Proiect manacer for J. Baker. Inc.. owner of Casual Male - Bic and Tall DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: June 18,1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: ReQuestinc approval of an administrative appeal to staffs determination recardina proposed chances to the facade of the Casual Male - Bia and Tall outbuildina. the southern outbuildina located within the Oakwood Square Shoppina Center. More specifically. the petitioner is reQuestina a color chanae of the buildina to employ their corporate colors. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Oakwood Square Shoppina Center. east of Conaress Avenue between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant _X_ HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _X_ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 4. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 5. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other: The a roved colors are Ii DATED: June 18, 1996 ~ ~~' /1 J J~. I, C"yClerk - ",,}~ C:devord, frm _.1/24/96 CasualMalelOakwcod 6/17/96 LEGAL/APPROVAL DOCUMENTS MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 18, 1996 comments except rejecting Comment #18 to allow for 40' right-of-way, including all other staff comments and including the Planning and Development Board conditions. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried unanimously. D. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Knuth Road pce Kieran Kilday, Kilday and Associates Bill Winchester, The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION: Request for PCD sign program approval Kieran Kildav. Kildav and Associates. advised tha~ this application is strictly for signage. The conditions, as amended by the Planning and Development Board, are acceptable to the applicant. He reminded the Commissioners that the applicant made one modification at the Planning and Development Board meeting which was agreed to by everyone. Ms. Heyden had no comments to offer. Motion Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve the request for PCD sign program approval for the Knuth Road, Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd., southwest comer of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection, including all staff comments and Planning and Development Board conditions. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion which carried unanimously. E. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Casual Male - Big and Tall at Oakwood Square Joseph P. Braga J.8ake~ In~ . Southeast comer of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue Request for an administrative appeal to allow color changes for the exterior wall and canopy of the southern-most outbuilding at Oakwood Square Chuck Foltz, contractor for the project, advised that Mr. Braga was unable to be present this evening. He advised that the existing building is dark pink with a green awning. The applicant proposes a yellow canopy with a gray building. These are the corporate colors of Casual Male. Staff recommended retaining the green awning and repainting the building with a softer pink. Because thiS is a men's shop, the applicant would like to eliminate the pink building. Mr. Foltz said the applicant is open to anything the Commission would like done. 22 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 18,1996 Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz preferred the gray building with the green awning. Ms. Heyden explained that the there was a color scheme for the center which involved the main building and outparcels ~i~1er matching or being one shade different from each other. The corporate identity would be established through embellishments such as the canopy. Staff recommends that the main building colors be reestablished on the outparcel buildings and where the colors are complimentary, the corporate image be established on the canopies. However, for Casual Male, this would mean that the color scheme would be pink and yellow. That is the reason why staff recommended retaining the green canopy. Motion Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve the request to make the exterior of the building light gray, and continue witn the green awning. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz confirmed with Mr. Foltz that a chain link fence exists in the back of this building. She pointed out that it is not serving any useful purpose, and requested that it be removed. Mr. Foltz agreed to remove the fence. IX. NEW BUSINESS: At this point in the meeting, Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz reminded the Commissioners that she would like to reorder the agenda to address Mr. MacQuaker's request. Motion Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to reorder the agenda to put Item "0" as Item "A", and change the letters of the remaining items. Commissioner Titcomb seconded the motion which carried unanimously. A. I Have a Dream Summer Math and Reading Tutoring Program Gordon MacQuaker, sponsor of the Bovnton Beach Chapter of the "I Have A Dream Foundation", said the objective of the organization is to curb school dropouts in favor of continuing education. The tools used by the Foundation are mentoring, field trips, love. attention, and an incentive that if a child graduates ,from high school, the Foundation will see that he/she gets tuition-free college or vocational school education. The "I Have A Dream Foundation" adopted the third grade of Rolling Green Elementary School three years ago. The "I Have A Dream Foundation" wishes to enter into a project which is very important. They are concerned that many of their dreamers are not prepared to enter middle school 23 fJJU City of 'Boynton 'Beacli "~ 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'BoukVtJTtf P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Bead", 1"forit{a. 33425-0310 City 1fa[[: (4Q7) 375..(j()()() 1"1U: (407) 375-6090 July 8, 1996 Joseph P. Braga J. Baker, Inc. 555 Turnpike Street Canton, Ma. 02021 Re: Casual Male- Big & Tall File No: ADAP 96-002 Location: 324 North Congress Ave., Oakwood Shopping Center Dear Mr. Braga, Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order regarding the above captioned, for relief sought to amend the previously approved site plan. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 375-6260. Sincerely, ~-C) / -dAltL Tambri J. H~n t/ Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dar Enclosures xc: Central File a:develord.cau 5b,rerUas gateway to tfie guf/stream --..-----.--...--..----.--.----.. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ o z 9~ sO:: ca~ w::;) ~@ 3S~ z w w e <.9 :><: e Ci ~ o z j t- Z o a:: u.. UJ a:: ~ en ~ ~ ~ tij ~ ~ 'i: I - .:+- ~ N l{) ~ ~ ~ ltj !ti " (! ! ~ ~ " ~ ~ Qi ~ ~ 1lI ~ " II III ~ " ~ ~ ~