CORRESPONDENCE SENT BY:J BAKER 5~ 9-96 2:16PM STORE PlANN [NG""""- B r .;# 11 2 rD1. rrn@ .Ii LW ~ r'..' I nl ii' Ii:" ' J ,JJO ~ J. Baker, Inc. & & 5 T U " N P I K EST R E E T . CAN TON I M A . 0 2 0 2 I . 8 t .8 2 8 ~ 'ilDgtp~D , -""",-,~....,........,,' May 9, 1996 Mr. Jerzy Lewicki City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 407~375.6260 VIA: Regular Mail andfa.~ #407-375-6090 RE: Casual MaleMBig & Tall #9556 Oakwood Shopping Center 324 North Congress Ave. Boynton Bea(;h, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Lewicki, I understand that th(: City of Boynton Beach has rejected the prop()8cd colors for the exterior of the building. The colors that were proposed are the corporate Casual Male-Big & TaJl colors t.hat we use in our stores nationwide. I am aware that there is a certain criteria for tl1e shopping center which consists of "medium pink" and "light pink" colors. The exisLIng color of our building is the "medium pink" color and being a Men"s Retail Clothing Store, 1 am requesting your approval to tone down the rolor to something that will doser resemble our corporate image. Please review the following informatiun and option #1 & #2 (color samples have been submitted); Existing Building Colors= End re Building Exterior . Medium Pink Building Metal Canopy . Dark Green Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & TaU colors): Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone) Lower Building Exterior. light Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) . Q,~~ ~O<\ ~%.6m? ~ ~~\U'\.c SI:Nr ~Y:.I BAKER s- 9-96 : 2:16PM: STORE PLANNING.,. Boynton Bch fax:# 2/ 2 Option #1: Entire Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Note: This "light grey" color is almost "white" which is very similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center. Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #2: Entire Building Exterior - Light Pink (shopping center color) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B~4-Y37) Please review and call me with your comments and/or approvaL Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Joseph P. Braga Project Manager cc: Foltz Development & Construction J. Baker, Inc. 1S1S5 TURNPIKE STREET. CANTON, MA . 02021. 617.828-9300 May 9, 1996 Mr. Jerzy Lewicki City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 407-375-6260 VIA: Regular Mail and Fax #407-375-6090 RE: Casual Male-Big & Tall #9556 Oakwood Shopping Center 324 North Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Lewicki, I understand that the City of Boynton Beach has rejected the proposed colors for the exterior of the building. The colors that were proposed are the corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors that we use in our stores nationwide. I am aware that there is a certain criteria for the shopping center which consists of "medium pink" and "light pink" colors. The existing color of our building is the "medium pink" color and being, a Men's Retail Oothing Store, I am requesting your approval to tone down the color to something that will closer resemble our corporate image. Please review the following information and option # 1 & #2 (color samples have been submitted); Existing Building Colors; Entire Building Exterior - Medium Pink Building Metal Canopy - Dark Green Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors): Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone) Lower Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #1: Entire Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Note: This "light grey" color is almost "white" which is very similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center. Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #2: Entire Building Exterior - Ught Pink (shopping center color) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54- Y37) Please review and call me with your comments and/or approval. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Joseph P. Braga Project Manager CC: Foltz Development & Construction J. Baker, Inc. May 14, 1996 555 TURNPIKE STREET. CANTON, MA. 02021.617-828-9300 G) lli @ lli U lli ~ lJ1} MAY I 5 mi ~ Mr. Jerzy Lewicki City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 407-375-6260 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Via: Airborne #8017879-461 RE: Casual Male-Big & Tall #9556 Oakwood Shopping Center 324 North Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Subject: BUILDING COLOR Dear Mr. Lewicki, The enclosed color renderings are being sent to you to illustrate the options that were submitted for approval on 5/9/96 (letter dated 5/9/96 also enclosed). Enclosed you will find two copies of each option; Existing Building Colors: Entire Building Exterior - Medium Pink Building Metal Canopy - Dark Green Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors): Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone) Lower Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #1: Entire Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Note: This "light grey" color is almost "white" which is very similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center. Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #2: Entire Building Exterior - Ught Pink (shopping center color) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Please call me if you have any questions and/or need additional information. Sincerely, d~T Project Manager CC: Foltz Development & Construction J. Baker, Inc. !,", [,; i 1" i~ i: Wi ~ ~ I p, L~ \c) e', " ,'1 "'J ~ ' l! I -~-'-'-;.-~ ~ UU MAY I 3 006 I 5 5 5 T URN P I K EST R E E T . CAN TON. M A . 0 2 0 2 1 . 6 7 - 8 2 rffl,~~m~ ',4' ',"" May 9, 1996 Mr. J erzy Lewicki City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 407-375-6260 VIA: Regular Mail and Fax #407-375-6090 RE: Casual Male-Big & Tall #9556 Oakwood Shopping Center 324 North Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Lewicki, I understand that the City of Boynton Beach has rejected the proposed colors for the exterior of the building. The colors that were proposed are the corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors that we use in our stores nationwide. I am aware that there is a certain criteria for the shopping center which consists of "medium pink" and "light pink" colors. The existing color of our building is the "medium pink" color and being a Men's Retail Clothing Store, I am requesting your approval to tone down the color to something that will closer resemble our corporate image. Please review the following information and option #1 & #2 (color samples have been submitted); Existing Building Colors: Entire Building Exterior - Medium Pink Building Metal Canopy - Dark Green Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors): Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone) Lower Building Exterior - Light Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #1: Entire Building Exterior - Light Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Note: This "light grey" color is almost "white" which is very similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center. Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #2: Entire Building Exterior - Light Pink (shopping center color) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Please review and call me with your comments and/or approval. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Joseph P. Braga Project Manager CC: Foltz Development & Construction