5~ 9-96 2:16PM
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J. Baker, Inc.
& & 5 T U " N P I K EST R E E T . CAN TON I M A . 0 2 0 2 I . 8 t .8 2 8 ~ 'ilDgtp~D ,
May 9, 1996
Mr. Jerzy Lewicki
City of Boynton Beach
Planning & Zoning Department
100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
VIA: Regular Mail andfa.~ #407-375-6090
RE: Casual MaleMBig & Tall #9556
Oakwood Shopping Center
324 North Congress Ave.
Boynton Bea(;h, FL 33426
Dear Mr. Lewicki,
I understand that th(: City of Boynton Beach has rejected the prop()8cd colors for the
exterior of the building.
The colors that were proposed are the corporate Casual Male-Big & TaJl colors t.hat we use
in our stores nationwide.
I am aware that there is a certain criteria for tl1e shopping center which consists of "medium
pink" and "light pink" colors.
The exisLIng color of our building is the "medium pink" color and being a Men"s Retail
Clothing Store, 1 am requesting your approval to tone down the rolor to something that will
doser resemble our corporate image.
Please review the following informatiun and option #1 & #2 (color samples have been
Existing Building Colors=
End re Building Exterior . Medium Pink
Building Metal Canopy . Dark Green
Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & TaU colors):
Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone)
Lower Building Exterior. light Grey (SW #2128 March Wind)
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
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s- 9-96 : 2:16PM:
Boynton Bch fax:# 2/ 2
Option #1:
Entire Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind)
Note: This "light grey" color is almost "white" which is very
similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center.
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Option #2:
Entire Building Exterior - Light Pink (shopping center color)
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B~4-Y37)
Please review and call me with your comments and/or approvaL
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Joseph P. Braga
Project Manager
cc: Foltz Development & Construction
J. Baker, Inc.
1S1S5 TURNPIKE STREET. CANTON, MA . 02021. 617.828-9300
May 9, 1996
Mr. Jerzy Lewicki
City of Boynton Beach
Planning & Zoning Department
100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
VIA: Regular Mail and Fax #407-375-6090
RE: Casual Male-Big & Tall #9556
Oakwood Shopping Center
324 North Congress Ave.
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Dear Mr. Lewicki,
I understand that the City of Boynton Beach has rejected the proposed colors for the
exterior of the building.
The colors that were proposed are the corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors that we use
in our stores nationwide.
I am aware that there is a certain criteria for the shopping center which consists of "medium
pink" and "light pink" colors.
The existing color of our building is the "medium pink" color and being, a Men's Retail
Oothing Store, I am requesting your approval to tone down the color to something that will
closer resemble our corporate image.
Please review the following information and option # 1 & #2 (color samples have been
Existing Building Colors;
Entire Building Exterior - Medium Pink
Building Metal Canopy - Dark Green
Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors):
Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone)
Lower Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind)
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Option #1:
Entire Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind)
Note: This "light grey" color is almost "white" which is very
similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center.
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Option #2:
Entire Building Exterior - Ught Pink (shopping center color)
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54- Y37)
Please review and call me with your comments and/or approval.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Joseph P. Braga
Project Manager
CC: Foltz Development & Construction
J. Baker, Inc.
May 14, 1996
555 TURNPIKE STREET. CANTON, MA. 02021.617-828-9300
G) lli @ lli U lli ~
lJ1} MAY I 5 mi ~
Mr. Jerzy Lewicki
City of Boynton Beach
Planning & Zoning Department
100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Via: Airborne #8017879-461
RE: Casual Male-Big & Tall #9556
Oakwood Shopping Center
324 North Congress Ave.
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Dear Mr. Lewicki,
The enclosed color renderings are being sent to you to illustrate the options that were
submitted for approval on 5/9/96 (letter dated 5/9/96 also enclosed).
Enclosed you will find two copies of each option;
Existing Building Colors:
Entire Building Exterior - Medium Pink
Building Metal Canopy - Dark Green
Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors):
Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone)
Lower Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind)
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Option #1:
Entire Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind)
Note: This "light grey" color is almost "white" which is very
similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center.
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Option #2:
Entire Building Exterior - Ught Pink (shopping center color)
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Please call me if you have any questions and/or need additional information.
Project Manager
CC: Foltz Development & Construction
J. Baker, Inc.
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5 5 5 T URN P I K EST R E E T . CAN TON. M A . 0 2 0 2 1 . 6 7 - 8 2 rffl,~~m~ ',4' ',""
May 9, 1996
Mr. J erzy Lewicki
City of Boynton Beach
Planning & Zoning Department
100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
VIA: Regular Mail and Fax #407-375-6090
RE: Casual Male-Big & Tall #9556
Oakwood Shopping Center
324 North Congress Ave.
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Dear Mr. Lewicki,
I understand that the City of Boynton Beach has rejected the proposed colors for the
exterior of the building.
The colors that were proposed are the corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors that we use
in our stores nationwide.
I am aware that there is a certain criteria for the shopping center which consists of "medium
pink" and "light pink" colors.
The existing color of our building is the "medium pink" color and being a Men's Retail
Clothing Store, I am requesting your approval to tone down the color to something that will
closer resemble our corporate image.
Please review the following information and option #1 & #2 (color samples have been
Existing Building Colors:
Entire Building Exterior - Medium Pink
Building Metal Canopy - Dark Green
Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors):
Upper Building Exterior - Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone)
Lower Building Exterior - Light Grey (SW #2128 March Wind)
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Option #1:
Entire Building Exterior - Light Grey (SW #2128 March Wind)
Note: This "light grey" color is almost "white" which is very
similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center.
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Option #2:
Entire Building Exterior - Light Pink (shopping center color)
Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37)
Please review and call me with your comments and/or approval.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Joseph P. Braga
Project Manager
CC: Foltz Development & Construction