CORRESPONDENCE MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse, city Clerk FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Senior planner DATE: July 19, 1991 SUBJECT: City of Boynton Beach Activity Center - File No. 627 Parking Lot Variances (2) - Driveways and Scope Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documentation for the above-referenced requests for variances to Section 5-138(a) Scope and Section 5-142(h)(7) Driveway. A legal advertisement combining the two (2) variances has been prepared for August public hearings and will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney and city Manager. r J~~.~~ TAHERI J. HEYD N TJH: cp Encs. Please expedite review of this l~Eal notice for the City Activity Center. It was received late. ~hanks. c7~~ ~ REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOT! CBS AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Planning PREPARED BY: Tambri J. Heyden DATE PREPARED: July 19, 1991 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: 2 Parking Lot Variances for the proposed City of Boynton Beach Activity Center. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard Legal Advertisement SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper and applicant. Notification to surrounding property owners is not required. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: To be determined by City Clerk DATE(s) TO BE PUBLISHED: To be determined by City Clerk APPROVED BY: (1) rh~-GJ~ (D~~tment Head) '7}/9}41 YDa tel) ( 2 ) (City Attorney) (Date) ( 3 ) (City Manager) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: A:REQPUB NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOT~CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 13, 1991, at City Hall Commission Chambers, IOO East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for two parking lot variances on the following described property: Applicant: City of Boynton Beach Bill DeBeck, Project Manager Owner: city of Boynton Beach Legal Description: Lots I through 6, Block 16 of Sawyers Addition To Town of Boynton, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 69, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, together with the south 20 feet of the abandoned S.E. 1st Avenue as in Official Record Book 927, page 1639, less the right-of-way for Seacrest Boulevard, and subject to easements and rights-of-way of record. Location: 125 S.E. 2nd Avenue (Southwest Corner of S.E. 2nd Avenue and S.E. 1st street.) Variances Requested: (1) ARTICLE X - PARKING LOTS, Section 5-138 Scope. These regulations shall be applicable to all parking lots constructed or reconstructed in the City. In order to clarify the applicability of these regulations, compliance is required under any of the folloWing conditions: (a) When a parking lot serves an existing building (s) where said building (s) is proposed to be enlarged or when an additional bUilding(s) is proposed to be constructed. (2) ARTICLE X - PARKING LOTS, Section S-142(h)(7) Driveway. No mo~e than two (2) driveways shall be permitted from any property. Where properties abut more than one (1) public or private right-of-way, additional driveways may be permitted depending upon traffic volumes, but in no instance shall the number of driveways exceed two (2) on each street. Nature of Variances Requested: (1) Request for relief from requirement to reconstruct an existing parking lot to meet current standards. (2) To allow the addition of a third driveway onto the S.E. 2nd Avenue street frontage. Use: Proposed city Activity Center All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by an attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE H. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH / PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 91-196 FROM: J. ACOtt Mill~7' S~ty Manager c1U?~~~~~ng Director TO: SUBJECT: August 14, 1991 Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - August 13, 1991 DATE: Please be advised that the Planning and Zoning Board met on Tuesday, August 13, 1991, and took the following action: 1. Unanimously elected an Acting Chairman, Nathan Collins, in the absence of Mr.Rosenstock and Mr. Lehnertz. 2. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the request submitted by Horace Williams for the abandonment of a 20 foot wide alley at 1009 North Federal Highway, subject to proviso. The motion was made by Mrs. Greenhouse and seconded by Mr. Howard. (PM91-197) 3. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended denial of the conditional use request submitted by Horace Williams to establish a used car lot to be known as Williams Auto Sales at 1009 North Federal Highway. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mrs. Greenhouse. (PM91-198) 4. After conducting a public hearing, recommended denial of the request submitted by the City, in connection with the Boynton Beach Activity Center site plan, of a variance to Section 5-138 "Scope"(a) of Article X-Parking Lots. The motion was made by Mrs. Greenhouse and seconded by Mrs. Huckle. The vote was 4-2 with Mr. Collins and Mr. Hinson dissenting. The Board unanimously approved the request of the variance to Section 5-142(h)(7) "Driveway" of Article X, Parking Lots. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mrs. G~eenhouse. (PM91-200) 5. Unanimously recommended approval of the site plan request submitted by the City for the Boynton Beach Activity Center; a 6,640 square foot recreation activity center and 89 space parking lot to replace the existing Tennis Center, subject to proviso. The motion was made by Mrs. Greenhouse and seconded by Mr. Howard. (PM91-201) 6. The Board approved in part and denied in part the master plan modification submitted by Kilday and Associates for the Shoppes of Woolbright P.C.D. as follows: a) Denied the request for an additional driveway onto Woolbright Road (item #1 of Planning Department Memorandum No. 91-165). The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mrs. Stevens. The vote was 5-1 with Mr. Collins dissenting. b) Unanimously approved the request to change the size, number of stories and use designation of the outparcel at the northeast corner of Woolbright Road and S.W. 8th Street from a 4,300 square foot retail building to a two story, 6,000 square foot bank (item #3 of Planning Department Memorandum Mo. 91-165). The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mrs. Greenhouse. Planning Dept. Memorandum 91-196 Page 2 c) Unanimously approved the request to add another driveway onto S.W. 8th Street from the shopping center and outparcels and to relocate the approved driveway southward, subject to eliminating one of the two access aisle connections between the outparcels and Home Depot and relocating the remaining access aisle connection to behind (east) outparcel 2, (items #4 and #5 of Planning Department No. 91-165). The motion was made by Mr. Howard and seconded by Mrs. Huckle. The Board accepted the Planning Department's recommendation to require the amended plans within 3 weeks of the date of approval rather than within the time period stated in condition #1 of Planning Department Memorandum No. 91-183. The request to change the size and use designation of the outparcel at the northeast corner of WOOlbright Road and s.w. 8th Street (item #2 of Planning Department Memorandum No. 91-165) was withdrawn at the applicant's request. In addition, the applicant is requesting an appeal to the Planning and Zoning Board's denial of the request for an additional driveway onto Woolbright Road-(a) above. (PM91-206) 7. Unanimously made a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan for the amendment to Chapter 19 to implement a new site plan review ordinance, subject to proviso. Motion was made by Mrs. Greenhouse and seconded by Mr. Howard. In addition, the Board requested that they receive a copy of the revised ordinance prior to the September 3, 1991 City Commission meeting. (PM91-202) 8. Deleted the consistency review determination of the proposed Adminstrative Procedures Ordinance from the agenda since this ordinance has not been completed by staff. This item will be placed on a future Planning and Zoning Board agenda. 9. The Board tabled action with respect to the consistency review determination of the proposed amendment to Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.1 of the Code of Ordinances to allow for expansion of nonconforming structures, until the September 10, 1991, Planning and Zoning Board meeting to allow staff sufficient time to incorporate the changes recommended by the Board. 10. The Board accepted the Planning Department's recommendation to postpone the consistency review of the proposed amendments to Appendix B-Planned Unit Developments of the Code of Ordinances, Section 6.F - Planned Commercial Development District and Section 7 - Planned Industrial Development District of Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of Ordinances to create time extensions for master plan approvals, until the September 10, 1991 Planning and Zoning Board meeting. 11. Deleted the consistency review determination of the proposed amendment to Appendix A-Zoning to allow towing companies in the M-1, Light Industrial zoning district from the agenda. 12. Unanimously made a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan for the amendment to the Zoning Code to allow wholesale/distribution of prepackaged and prepared meat and poultry in the C-4, General Commercial, zoning district, subject to proviso. Motion was made by Mrs. Greenhouse and seconded by Mr. Howard. (PM91-199) Planning Dept. Memorandum 91-196 Page 3 13. Unanimously approved the Lawrence Lake PUD 12 month time extension for exemption from concurrency, subject to posting surety for the incomplete, required improvements. The motion was made by Mrs. Stevens and seconded by Mr. Howard. 14. Unanimously recommended that the City Commission initiate a change to the minimum frontage required by the Code of Ordinances for service stations with or without major repairs from 175 feet to 240 feet. The motion was made by Mrs. Greenhouse and seconded by Mrs. Huckle. (PM91-203) 15. The Board requested a copy of the Planning Department's list of expired site plan approvals as soon as it is completed by the Planning Department. TJH/jm encls. cc: Don Jaeger, Building Director Mike Haag, Site Development PM91-196.JM PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 91-200 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) TO: J. Acott Miller, City Mappger d~jM~: o.l1udh1.4IA.~~ Cliristopne~Cu~o,/Planning Dir~t;r FROM: DATE: August 14, 1991 SUBJECT: City of Boynton Beach Activity Center Parking Lot Variance (scope) Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for August 20, 1991 under Development Plans, Nonconsent Agenda. DESCRIPTION: Request for a variance to Section 5-138 "Scope"(a) of Article X, Parking Lots. The project is located at 125 S.E. 2nd Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board recommended denial of this request. CCljm PM91-200