AGENDA DOCUMENTS MINUTES - REGUlAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA JUNE 21. 1994 B. Non-Consent Agenda - Not Unanimously Approved by Planning and Development Board ~ CV.f'A- '4 ~o '2. 1. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Coastal Gas Station Steven E. McCraney McCraney Petroleum Company 2508 N. Federal Highway Community Design Plan Appeal - Request for approv- al on appeal to the Coastal Village Design District colors to allow black, white and crimson on the fascia of the existing canopy and building Ms. Heyden stated that McCraney Petroleum recently purchased this service sta- tion, which is located within the Coastal Village District. The Coastal Village predominant colors are beige, pale yellow, eggshell, and blue to gray tones. The Planning and Development Board voted 5-1 to recommend approval of this appeal, subject to comments '2 and '3 of Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum #94-163. Staff's recommendation to omit the vertical and horizontal white border fonning the rectangle pattern to subdue the appearance of the fascia was deleted from the Board's recommendation. Commissioner Katz felt the design standards should be adhered to. He did not think the requested colors have a coastal design look at all. Commissioner Aguila suggested eliminating every other vertical line to make it look less busy. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to approve this request, subject to every other ver- tical line being eliminated. Mayor Pro Tem Bradley seconded the motion, which carried 3-1. Commissioner Ka cast the dissenting vote. 2. - 22 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1994 B. Non-Consent Agenda - Not Unanimously Approved by Planning and Development Board .#- Cv-PA-- 14 -00 '2. 1. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Coastal Gas Station Steven E. McCraney McCraney Petroleum Company 2508 N. Federal Highway Community Design Plan Appeal - Request for approv- al on appeal to the Coastal Village Design District colors to allow black, white and crimson on the fascia of the existing canopy and building Ms. Heyden stated that McCraney Petroleum recently purchased this service sta- tion, which is located within the Coastal Village District. The Coastal Village predominant colors are beige, pale yellow, eggshell, and blue to gray tones. The Planning and Development Board voted 5-1 to recommend approval of this appeal, subject to comments 12 and 13 of Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum 194-163. Staff's recommendation to omit the vertical and horizontal white border fonning the rectangle pattern to subdue the appearance of the fascia was deleted from the Board's recommendation. Commissioner Katz felt the design standards should be adhered to. He did not think the requested colors have a coastal design look at all. Commissioner Aguila suggested eliminating every other vertical line to make it look less busy. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to approve this request, SUbject to every other ver- tical line being eliminated. Mayor Pro Tem Bradley seconded the motion, which carried 3-1. Commissioner Ka cast the dissenting vote. 2. - 22 -