LEGAL APPROVAL 7. B. 2. COASTAL GAS STATION COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN APPEAL PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #91-163 FROM: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Tambri J, Heyden ~~ Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haa~~~~~ Zoning and sitel::Jlopment Administrator June 10, 1994 TO: THRU: DATE: RE: Coastal Service Station - File No. CDPA #94-002 Appeal to Community Design plan regarding colors in the coastal Village Design District NATURE OF REQUEST steven E. McCraney, agent for McCraney Petroleum Company, owners of the Coastal Service Station, located at 250S N. Federal Highway, is requesting approval of an appeal to the Coastal Village Design District colors. McCraney Petroleum has recently taken over the legal, nonconforming use and is proposing to change the existing blue fascia around the canopy and white fascia around the building to display the company colors which are a combination of white, black and crimson red. Find attached Exhibit nAil which includes; a letter from the applicant requesting the appeal, a reduced copy of the site survey, and graphic examples of the layout of the proposed colors. BACKGROUND The existing service station is located in the Coastal Village Design District. The Community Design Plan identifies dominant colors for structures located in the district. The dominant colors listed in the design code for the Coastal Village District are; beige, pale yellow, egg shell and blue to gray tones. The color of the fascia on the existing canopy is in compliance with the design district color palette and the neutral color white exists around the fascia of the building. The existing structures were in place prior to the inception of the Community Design Plan in September IS, 1990. ANALYSIS Coastal, the name of the new service station, took over the Highway Oil site and wishes to display the company colors (see ExhibitnA"), The proposed colors are a combination of black rectangles separated by a white border with a crimson red stripe located below the white border along the bottom edge of the color theme. The new colors are proposed for the perimeter of the fascia around the canopy and the fascia around the building. The combination of new colors will be and are intended to be the focal point and dominant color for the structures located on the site. The proposed colors do not comply with the Coastal Village dominant colors of beige, pale yellow, egg shell and blue to gray tone. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the appeal to the Coastal Village design colors subject to the following conditions; 1. Soften the appearance of the fascia by omitting the vertical and horizontal white border that creates the 2'101" rectangles, 2, The underside of the canopy, light fixtures and the support columns for the canopy remain white to be compatible with the fascia. 3, The proposed signage shall comply with the Sign code, / EXHIBIT nAn MPC l'.lcCR/\NEY PETROLEUM COMPANY I ofJ S- June 2, 1994 ~~. Dorothy Moore Plan Reviewer Planning and Zoning DCPt. Qty ot BO}l1lOn Beach via fb 3 i~.6090 I i I RE: 2~08 N. Federal Hlgbway I Boynton Beach, FL Dear Ms, MOOIe: Per ollr conversation today and my previous letter to you. please find the rtowing letter per your Jequest as follow up. i This Jc~t is provid~.d to you sp<<ifically requesting an appeal to the api' ndix TI, Boynton Beach community design plan standard.~ for archikctural themes for [ Coastal llage dominant exterior colors of beige. pale yellow, eu shell, blue to gmy tone. 1 am rcque5ung the following colen for IDe brand.td "Coastal" gasoline squion loc:aa.ed at lite above referenced address. and which stand.~ ill the r Coastal Village Design Oistfict. These colors as you will Hnd nOled on the rendering. as well as tile corporate brochures which is e closed with the oriiinalletlC1' to :,ou, are the neutral coll)r~ of white ad black comolimcnted by a crlmson pe alOOllbe bouom edge of the canopy. Please note the auacbcd colored elevation drawinl of the r~ ia 8J'Qund the top of the e~sting bUilding and canop}". As menlioned in Qur previous letler to you. it is our objective to provide a ity tppearancc to the E',istini sUucturc, As you will nOIe fron) before and after piClul'C$ of othet "Coastal" stat!onslhat ha\'e heen re.imaged. we look to substantially inaaM the look, landscape, anctlov(!I'all quality of tit. property fO( its present state of reom. ! I I I r~sl'octfuUy tJwlk you for your rime and e(forts in Ibis mattet. ! Tn the interim, should )'011 havo any additional question, or c:olnmcnts Fl~3e give me a call h~ at "'8-<300. I I I I I '~, \ 17SS ~J, C.on~ ^v~nu. ' We" Palin Be.~lt, HQridIl3J.t09 . TelephQnr. (.o?)19&-~ . F.x: (401) i?~ I , 1 , 00 I' I' o ~ -- - 3 19~4 nI JJ .....,. '::t. PLANNING AND ZO~'ING DfPT. =-r lfJ5 __ - - --;;-n,t;.\D_ ---:-:-r~ '. ~ ~~-\. L_ _ ,- .-;----;- E. '.."1 ~ ':::-' _._ --'-FI.Ci"lD,. __ 1, C. P..Vl\~ENT EDGE r I-IT Of WAY PAGE 571 '0' RIG T BOOK 8, ) PER !'LA I Y No 1 V.S, H1Gl~i~~~cTloNi _ 5ir _\ '''~,iitR co_ - -.- 157, \ ,- \ \ \ L \ \ \ c- '0 Ii:! f,- -+=-- \ -, \ \. ;:.:....J \c: \ "~ ~ .\,:...,..., \ I ,-VAU(Y ::~~ ~. :_ ---+-== ~,-:-.:~. :-. - ',- -- I . In_' y~" -l'--i /i '1:, ' ~ /1 /5~\ '! L.... ...-t ~ I b IU,S, '11 ~ ~ !':' S~ ~ ~ -< %. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Z :Jl ~ 0 -C UI o '" ~ ~ '" ,. '!:. '* Cf) ~ ; ~ \ (J\_~ O-u\~ f')N~ O~ (J) '" NE Of sUFlvn PAGES 11-17\ '\ IASELI, PlAT BOOK 3. PER RO~O ." sr;, ~ i: RO'-.ll "" RlGltT or", -'S 11.171 "STEfll Y "AI 600K 3, PA"c 'tA F- '" ..r t_ 6 -r-- \ l'"t~... .......- I-./f~ ~ :~ ~ ~ :Z9 !'2S ~\ -\ c; ----' ---- , ',~ ~~. -Clo(:. . '1("0 - , (''''i I',.,::: "'-', .'2.' -\ '" 0;, :3 ~ z o " -< ~6 ~ ~? ~ il{ ~ ~~ rr;t; C) ~ -...:: Lj e ~ ~ ~ z ~5" II ",'".""",','"..",. II ,'.' ,', "''''''''''''';'' , ,~ .,... ' :'Qi!":,'/:1>:.':'."J"'!I.:.~w,t.. .,~ .~ :~'.:." .....1'$', . II II II II II II II II II ~ 61:J~ 8 ~ (J1 ?6 ~ t? ~\ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ (J1 ~ \ I ,!'},--.- ~ ;- ',\ ~ \ - ~ ~ -----'- ------- _\_----------=-==~- '\ _"_-- t --- r \ ~ ~ , -- 0 -- \\~ ~ - r--:a ~ ~ ~ ! ;& ~ (} - ~ ~ ~ 0: q 2 :::;;..t ~ , - o -- fq G? Quality gasolines. Basic values. The first thing you should know aoout Coastal is our gasolines are precision- formulated to give your engine the octane it needs to run right and the detergent it needs to help keep it clean, At Coastal, you can always find quality gasolines that are right for your car. And you'll usually find them priced less than other major brands, Coastal companies own seven refineries. We know our gasolines. With refineries on all three coasts, in the middle of the country and one in Aruba, Coastal is strategically located to serve you, Unlike some other marketers, Coastal is in the gasoline refining business, We know a lot about gasolines and what has to go into them to make su re the quality is there, You can fill up at a Coastal station with con- fidence, A diversified energy company with combined subsidiary assets of over $9 billion. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Coastal has subsidiary operations in petroleum explo- ration, production, refining and marketing. Coastal utilizes 350 refined product terminals in 35 states and markets through over 1,000 Coastal brand- ed retail outlets in 33 states. Coastal is a company with a lot of energy." and it's growing every day. Get the credit you deserve. o ~ .,..,.'7,.',:,.",~;.',",' "." y . .." 8 .. X,] ",' _,"'Ifi . We try to keep you smiling with a Coastal credit card that gives you the same low price as cash, * We honor all credit cards shown here, But you should discover the convenience of a Coastal card. Just fill out a self mailer applica- tion and drop it in the mail. Thank you. We appreciate your business. *at participating locations, >l ~ I .. .'")-n --r---.J-J.J.., "IQ~~" J.'" :. \ \ h~-cr1[-~ T'"-~\ ~,<,.' ,.\ c-< . " ~ lJ '1' \. , \ · \ ,," ", . . i ,.. ..J . ..' e.;~~, \; iffi:n\~;'l :~: \ " , 'C' "w.111::.J-J ',-~ \ ~ ,~ " \ ,,;, \~,.n .~-.' ..' I; :~ ' : ,12 ""';";-'1\\1.\ 11M'" \,t,\ tf ,T ,~i' ,-----" ' ( ~', : , \" __ 1, ,,,ti~, ",Ii ,: ' ",' ': ,:tt l:-\ : k"'. ' '..J . 1 ': ~~ \:, ,\.' ~' \1 ~\ tH1 .~ ,,(1- .".~ ' lc ,~~ O' ) . J ' ,~), ' ' ,. . l::"'. : ' __~-=0 . T:.. I ",:1""V\' ~ "Ii ,;\l1' "" \ \ l~" -~JIF4,\1 1 . . <-:V, __ ~ ' ,~' -- ~""" ,,_JI I \ T T"" ~ ,,, .~', ,-"", 7=" . '\ \,.",;y~vt~': \ ; i'" ",;;:" "~;,. 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