CORRESPONDENCE ""0 ..... 0 o ~ C/) c..v s:..... ~ c ' ~Z~-O~ Z. ~ -0 ~ o~Zr- CD 0: (j) m (j) ~~rnCJ~ o. ~ ~~ C/) CD -0 f!J ~-<~ ~ iT! 0 C/) ~ o ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ex, ~ No 5;: Cb n ~ ~ ~ ~ n:t ~~Os ~=1~C: O~~O z~~~ tD~enz ~z~~ OC=:l rnO-o :L:n,..ZN .,,~ ~ r-c 0 en r- , rn ...., C S' ~o ~O Or- ~O ~;;o r- 0~ ~~ ~$: ~-O r- m ~ n:t ~ C) ~ ~ ~ l (")~ ~ ~ () ~ ~ ~ ~ -- --- t:C ~ ~ ~ s; ~ z II II II II II II II II II II II -~ FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 94-252 DJD TO: TAMBRI HEYDEN, Planning Director FROM: DEBBY DAVIS, Fire Department Inspector VIA:~STEVE CAMPBELL, FPO II DATE: July 11, 1994 RE: Fuel Tank Leak While conducting an annual fire safety inspection at Coastal Service Station (formally Highway Oil), 2508 N Federal Hwy, I noticed their panel flashing. This is a veeder - Root panel indicating there was a leak in their underground tank #2. The manager said he told the supervisor but nothing was done. I cited them to check and repair tank. I thought this may be of concern to you. cc: FPO II campbell Central File File ill JJL \ 3- ~rn PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-210 TO: Al Ne\"lbold Deputy Building Official Michael E. Haag 19/~ Zoning & Site DevQ opment Administrator June 28, 1994 FROH: DATE: SUEJECT: Transmittal of Development Orders Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents regarding development plans that received final approval by the Planning and Development Board andlor city Commission. The following is a list of the projects, type of request and the documentation transmitted: st. Joseph1s Episcopal Church and school - Conditional Use - copy of the 2nd review plans copy of staff report and comments copy of the June 21, 1994, city Commission minutes St. Joseph's Episcopal Church and School - Landscape Appeal - copy of staff report and comments - copy of the June 21, 1994, City Commission minutes Coastal Gas station - Community Design Plan Appeal - copy of staff report and comments - copy of the June 21, 1994, City Commission minutes MEH:jj Attachments Project File a:memo94.210 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-192 Agenda Memorandum for June 21, 1994 city Commission Meeting FROM: carrie Parker city Manager . ~L/ Tambr~ J. Heyden I~ planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: June 16, 1994 SUBJECT: Coastal Gas station - CDPA #94-002 community Design Plan Appeal (colors) Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for June 21, 1994 under Development Plans, Non-consent Agenda. DESCRIPTION: This is a Community Design Plan appeal to the coastal village district colors (beige, pale yellow, egg shell and blue to gray tone) requested by the owners of the service station at 2508 N. Federal Highway. The community Design Plan does not allow the use of the company's colors and design on the pumping island canopy fascia and building fascia which is a combination of black rectangles separated by a white border with a red stripe along the bottom edge of this pattern. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a vote of 5 - 1, recommends approval of the appeal, subject to comment #2 and #3 of Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum #94-163. staff's recommendation to omit the vertical and horizontal white border, forming the rectangle pattern, to subdue the appearance of the fascias was deleted from the Board's recommendation. tjh Attachments xc: central File A:CoasCDPA ~ MPC '-, McCRANEY PElROLEUM COMPANY May 1, 1994 /'" Fr: Steven E. McCraney To: Director of Planning and Boynton Beach, FL Re: Image upgrade total property, t:ewrap cano y exterior, building alum 1 um fascia 2508 N. Federal Highway "-- .Y Boynton Beach, FL i Our intention is to restore the canopy and the building to a fresh new quality image as you will find in the enclosed brochure. As for the previous owner of the property being located in Topeka Kansas, we are located right here in West Palm Beach, and f~el strongly that our properties reflect a quality touch to the gasoline products that we supply to our local units. For those of you whom are not familiar with the Coastal brand there are presently 28 filling stations in the Dade / Broward area along with our unit in Boynton Beach, West Palm Beach - Southern Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens - Northlake Boulevard, Ft. Pierce - Okeechobee Boulevard, as well as Melbourne, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Tampa. On the Fortune 500 of largest United States companies, Coastal ranks 47th largest with over 3000 properties across the country. As this new retail fuel program is being rolled out, it is important that we stick as close to program as possible, while staying within the frame work of Boynton Beach. To this end, I trust that we can work closely together that we may provide a more suitable image to our community, and the motoring public. As you may note from the enclosed brochure the canopy grid pattern will stand 36 inches top to bottom and will wrap the entire circumference of the top canopy fascia. This grid pattern is that of a natural color, black and white, followed by a narrow crimson stripe along the bottom of the canopy ledge as disseminated in the Coastal memorabilia. At this time we will also strengthen the panels with thoughts of future inclimate weather. As you may note the present fascia is that of a faded dust blue. You may note that the last work on the canopy fascia occurred in 1976. As you may realize Orange State Industries maintains each of our canopies, canopy lighting, structural integrity on a quarterly basis, as well as our own cleaning and pressure washing for the concrete flooring of the property and canopy on a monthly basis. It is our intention to create a strong , quality image that compliments the community in a positive nature. "'~-:;'~:tj;j;~< LORRIE FECHTER f:~'flr.."f;. MY COMMISSION' CC 349345 ~~~~.~:l EXPIRES: February;!D. 1998 ....~iir~~O;'~.... Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwtttera 1755 N. Congress Avenue . West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 . Telephone: (407) 478-4300 . Fax: (407) 478-4300 I, pfl<-'V1.DE L-1.e- yeC1F I CdlJ" /f yV ;:rrP~ / .-ru c om DeS. piA ..... \F'o{L i2Ec;?~ \. -t <. . -r fl e' e.i/1 " I 1'} /()l('~ C () I' S 71'" I U I J 1;"1';;' G - -- ........ rrf2.C: !<! G41 ~ e.~ 7"- (" 01 / (/ It.. '. .i1 t;r ~ ,-L.. -= u, C F'v weU--CP'- v- '" '1 fit: f0/~?V II'J Cl /l C (' ~ I" ~I,q l~/ 6f r""~ T /' i.J' \ ..,. .~ /?/;pC"-, l' v?' 1 / f 1)1 J..! WI C III r"- ~ " A.,.J F~),-,A P. (I. 0 LhV~ -., ",'" "r I ~t: (./' J '7 I;U 6 Evll']:>;;'0r; 'f cAI'-'v~'I SteL b / {;;. v.. r-r- ., 7 ,A C #- 'J::, D6'? I'ftA-)1 ~ 6~ c ~ / 0 I?- e.) C ;- .o;)(l. i " /, /" \ Jr<\" t.. .L ,~....' v i l ;;J ,r." ...... ' ( 1,.,,( ...,J I' ,. / :~11/'; , .~ ,i' . "'-, ,/ \) P .rt t"'" 1;,1--' . w/I )J / fll .S. J ):q ,t .,. ,...." i I JlrdloU t DL,' ,I("'" l ' ,.,. 'f.,....- () I ;:U2~,r) (" t 9 W ~ l\.-~ ~ef . It ~ · -S~...,E /1 I ' ~. " . ,;:' / MPC McCRANEY PElROLEUM COMPANY May 1, 1994 To: Director of Planning and Boynton Beach, FL Fr: Steven E. McCraney Re: Image upgrade total property, 2508 N. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL Our intention is to restore the canopy and the building to a fresh new quality image as you will find in the enclosed brochure. As for the previous owner of the pnperty being located in Topeka Kansas, we are located right here in West Palm Beach, and feel strongly that our properties reflect a quality touch to the gasoline products that we supply to our local units. For those of you whom are not familiar with the Coastal brand there are presently 28 filling stations in the Dade I Broward area along with our unit in Boynton Beach, West Palm Beach - Southern Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens - Northlake Boulevard, Ft. Pierce - Okeechobee Boulevard, as well as Melbourne, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Tampa. On the Fortune 500 of largest United States companies, Coastal ranks 47th largest with over 3000 properties across the country. As this new retail fuel program is being rolled out, it is important that we stick as close to program as possible, while staying within the frame work of Boynton Beach. To this end, I trust that we can work closely together that we may provide a more suitable image to our community, and the motoring public. As you may note from the enclosed brochure the canopy grid pattern will stand 36 inches top to bottom and will wrap the entire circumference of the top canopy fascia. This grid pattern is that of a natural color, black and white, followed by a narrow crimson stripe along the bottom of the canopy ledge as disseminated in the Coastal memorabilia. At this time we will also strengthen the panels with thoughts of future inclimate weather. As you may note the present fascia is that of a faded dust blue. You may note that the last work on the canopy fascia occurred in 1976. As you may realize Orange State Industries maintains each of our canopies. canopy lighting, structural integrity on a quarterly basis, as well as our own cleaning and pressure washing for the concrete flooring of the property and canopy on a monthly basis. It is our intention to create a strong, quality image that compliments the community in a positive nature. LORRIE FECHTER MY COMMISSION' CC 349345 EXPIRES: Fe\lrUafY~, 1998 .' IloncIed Thru Notary I1JbIIC Ilndllrwllters 1755 N. Congress Avenue . West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 . Telephone: (407) 478-4300 . Fax: (407) 478-4300 P.01 IIPC McCRANEY peTROLEUM COMPANY May 6, 1J94 (c)/;; 'J /, J: Dorothy Moore Plan Reviewer Plannmg and ZOning Department o 1y of BOynton B~h Fax (407) 375-609{) RE: Coastal Store at 2508 N Federal Highway, Boynton Beach. FL Dear Ms. Moore: I Per your conversation with my office this morning, Iet lhi~ letter serve as by undersranding that we are apvealing the colors only fer the new canopy wrap 10000ted at the above-referenced property. It i,> also my understanding tht yOU have given us llQ guarantees that th.is pro~t will' approved. i trust L~al you have received my previous memo as delivered to YOU by . Bruce Ape!, the fC1)rCsenrative for Orange Stam Canopies. and will find that we are adding no furtber ~ tagi~ to this canopy. that we are only removing and replacing, thus strengdiening, the existing canopy fae . Should you have. any questions, pleas~ do not he...~tA!C t.(l give me a call hte at (407) 478-4300. w~, look forward to upgTading thl} quality of this property with the Coas~1 image, thereby enhancing the fj.tmosphere oftltis part of Buynton Beacb. Thank you for your active support of this cndeaml. j ~-~-----....... ~ Siocerely, ( MCCRAl- '- .. ~ / ~.. MPANY ... l 1",'55 N COf\;Ye~~ Avenue . We~t r....lm Bel'l~h, Fk:>rldll. 3:H09 . Telepbone: (401478-4300 . fax: (407') 478-4S00 P.Ol MPC McCR/\NEY PE:rROLEUM COlvfl'ANY I I I June 2, 1994 ~. Dorothy Moore Plan Reviewer Planni.ng and Zoning DCPt. Dty of Boymon Beach via f~ 31~.6090 I I I I RE: ~Og N. Federal Higbway I Boynton B~h, FL Dear Ms. Moore: Per our conversation today and my previ:ous letter to you. please find the ~llowing letter per your request as follOw up. I i 111is lc~r is provided to you specifically requesting an appeal to the appendix II. Boynton Beach comrmmity design plan standards for architectural themes for [ Coastal vllllage dominant exterior colors of beige, pale yt!J1ow. egg sheJ1, blue to grny tone. 1 am rcque5Ling the following colors for the bran~d "Coastal" gasoline sthtion lOCaled at ~hc above referenced address. and which st3I\ds in the r Coastal Village t>esign DisJtict. These colors as you will hnd noted on the rende.ring, as welt as d.e corporate brochures which is e~nclosed with the original letter to you, are the neutral colotfl of white alld black comolimented by a crimson tripe along the bottom edge of the canopy. Please note the attached colored elevation drawing of the fa, ia around the top of the existing building and canopy. I I As mefationed in Qur previous letter to you. it is our objective to provide a ~ua1ity llppearancc to the ~x.isting structure. As you wlll note from before and after pictures of othei:' "Coastal" stations: that have been re.imaged. we look to substantially ~ the look, landscape, andi ol,lcrall quality of the property for it'i present $L"lle of renair. . I ! I Tn the interim, should }'OU have any additional question, or comments Ple1sc give me a call here at J78,4300. I 1 resrcctfully tJunlc. you for your time aI\d l;:fforts in this malter. C.~~' ~~N / I ~CVCtl E... ':fram:y ....-- ,t._,-. l 17S"i N. ('..,n~ Avenu(I . W4!~t I'~hn B".<"h, Fl<:>ridll 3:H\.19 . Tel~ph"ll": (~7)147e-~'300 . F.,.; (101) 473-4:JOO ill f:~ D _.:'- ---- -........."~.........'._. 0lJ;'J - 3 1994 .~ !/ . . ! PLANNING AND ZO~'ING DQT~