AGENDA DOCUMENTS "'.,;;"',~ MINUTES-REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA - MAY 7, 1985 / payment of $8,178.27 to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., for services rendered on the Reverse Osmosis project. The motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING Consider conditional use approval for the Tiny Scholar Nursery School, 2304 South Seacrest Blvd., submitted by Ken Carlson. (It will be necessary to open and then continue the Public Hearing since final recommendations have not been received from the Planning and Zoning Board) Public Hearing will be continued to May 21, 1985 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Mr. Cheney said we had requested that the Tiny Scholar Nursery School application be advertised for a Planning and Zoning Board Meeting, but the newspaper did not advertise it. It will, there- fore, be considered at the Planning and Zoning Board's June meeting. Vice Mayor Ferrell moved, seconded by Councilman Warnke, to delete this item from the Agenda and place it on the Council's Agenda for June 18. The motion carried 5-0. Public Hearing for variance in reference to platting which requires the continuation of streets to unplatted property and in reference to dead end streets extending beyond 1,320 feet in length. Variances are to Appendix C, Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article X, Section 10 and Section 100 of the Code of Ordinances. (Walboyn/Catalina Project) Mr. Alan Ciklin came before the Council to represent Ocean properties, the developers of the Walboyn project, regarding access to the property at the rear of their project. They have worked with the City staff, the County Engineer and the City AttorneYJ it was agreed they would seek a variance to the sub- division regulations so they submitted a proposed access way to the C & R property behind Walboyn. The County Traffic Engineer confirmed that an 80-foot collector road is not necessary to serve the C & R project and that a 24-foot access road expanded to 30 feet as it enters Congress Avenue would be acceptable. Mr. Ciklin said they are agreeable to these requirements and to Mr. Cheney's comments in his memorandum of May 7, 1985, except that he would like cla~Lfica~ion of his remark regarding the number of curb cuts. -'. Mr. Cheney read his report giving the history of this project and recommendations of conditions for granting the requests for variance, having reviewed reports by the Technical Review Board and the County Traffic Engineers. He said thp-y fp-p-l the number _of points of access too the 2..4-foot East/West:-_!:~~~w~Y_~,etw~~_, - C2!lgress Avenue~eaident.ial_.p-r~tY.bepJnc1 the botel ~roject should be limited~_ Mr. Ciklin did not feel it was necessary to reduce the number of curb cuts so drastically, as - 8 - ,; , ".4f1' MINUTES-REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 7, 1985 the number of trips on the access road would be minimal and it would create a hardship for them in placing their hotel on their property and providing adequate parking spaces. The proposed plan had shown ll"curb cuts; there was discussion as to whether the number should be reduced to eight, five or two. Councilman Zimmerman thought the roadway should not be built there at all along the canal and coming out on Congress Avenue next to the bridge. He described a situation at the south end of the City by the sewer plant where problems have been encountered and the County has required that the road be relocated. It was concluded there is no ideal solution to this access problem. Attorney Vance said the plan presented here is the best effort given the parameters they had to work with; if the variance is granted, it solves the problem in relation to maintaining the sanctity of the subdivision standards. Vice Mayor Ferrell moved, seconded by Councilman Hester, to approve the variances requested by both Ocean properties and C & R Developers with the stipulations of City Manager Cheney's memo of May 7, 1985, with 2.a. stating "Not more than five curb cuts to the access drive from the motel area." and all of the cuts to be eliminated from the west end of the property. A roll call was taken by Mrs. Boroni as follows: Mayor Cassandra Aye Vice Mayor Ferrell Aye Councilman Hester Aye Councilman Warnke Aye Councilman Zimmerman No The motion carried 4-1. 45 Foot Height Limit Mayor Cassandra read what was on the ballot when the referendum was passed in March of 1982 regarding height limit, as well as his memo describing what is in the Code Bookiregarding this sub- ject. Vice Mayor Ferrell said our ordinance is very clear cut, f but he asked Attorney Vance if a policy could be set stating to what extent exceptions would be granted. Mr. Vance said a policy should not be set which does not comply with the ordinance, as the ordinance itself states what exceptions can be granted for and allows the Council to consider each application. Councilman Zimmerman added" that the ordinance cannot be amended without a referendum. Mayor Cassandra said he would like to have a state Attorney's opinion regarding the difference in what appeared on the ballot and what is in the Code Book. Attorney Vance said state statutes limit the ballot to 15 words, but the ordinance was available at the time and was advertised in the newspapers in its entirety. ," Mr. Ben Uleck again came before the Council and said there were over 2,000 petitions from individuals who wanted a strict limit - 9 -