J. Scott Miller
City Manager
FROM: Vincent A. Finizio
Administrative Coordinator of Engineering
JUL 21 ...
. "
DATE: July 21, 1992
RE: Engineering Department Request to Expedite Easement
Abandonment Request
Carriage Homes of Savannah Lakes
Attached for your review and consideration, please find an attached
copy of a North/South Corporation letter dated May 20, 1992 requesting
this office process an abandonment request for the_above referenced
project. Additionally, I have attached a December 20, 1991 letter
from Richard Staudinger to Sha110way, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc.,
(Developer's Engineer) relative to an encroachment of Bldg. #9 upon
a 20 ft. utility easement.
On July 2, 1992, the City Engineer transmitted all pertinent documents
to John Guidry, Director of Utilities and James Cherof, City Attorney.
On or about July 16, 1992, I transmitted the attached Engineering
Department Memorandum No. 92-189, in an attempt to move the applicant's
December 1991 matter off of square one. In response to my memo, I
received Utility Department Memoranum No. 92-280, attached, questioning
why the Engineering Department is attempting to expedite and process
this application for easement abandonment.
This matter has remained unresolved for a period of at least six
months and therefore someone must take the lead role in providing
responsive action toward resolving the noted conflicts. I respect-
fully request your assistance in prompting staff to complete this
assignment so that the Engineering Department may modify and update
our files accordingly.
Should you require any additional information or assistance, please
contact me at ext. 488.
l j ~...__-\-A~' ~~0~
Vincent A. Finizio
cc: James Cherof, City Attorney
John Guidry, Director of Utilities
Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director
Don Jaeger, Building Official
W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., Gee & Jenson
51-I,., . -...... '''''.
UeC 2 6 1991
=i;,ZlA1IIwcIt. D.e.Jaber a 0, 19.1
Bri.n LaMont..
8hallowa" ~oy, a.Jman I H.W~11, Ino.
1201 .elvedere Road
...t ..1. a..ob, rL 3340S
Rei Bu114in9 Hon-....m.nt .noro.ohM.D~ - carria9. Ho...
D..r Briana
after a review of tbe situ.tion with Mr. .eter N....ll.,
tant Direator of Utilitie., city of Boynton a..ob, it. i. my
un4erstandift9 tbat BUi14inq .Bo. , 40es enoroaoh upon a to loot
e..ement and tbe ......nt anO the sewer line within the ea..ment
extend a oonsider.ble di.tanae on either side of Building Ho. ..
The is to be abandoned from public dedication and city responsi-
bilit.y and ~ecome a private line witbout an .asoment. H~.
Mazzella'S primary ooncern i. that this abandonment of the ea.e-
..nt and of the line from City contrOl, and mainteDanoe r..ponai-
b11itJ be done in such . .anner tbat 1. evident that thi. line i.
not a cltJ faoility.
Because of all the 40 aore tract 18 under 81nq1e own.rship 1t wa.
hie opinion that a replat, with the eaaement deleted from tbe new
plat would be tbe cleanest way to ensure waa no f~tur.
confusion as to tbe r..ponsibility Of tb.t line. This however
would require a con.iderable amount of f..., effort and the
submission of a replat and review by the city a. well .a Palm
t Beacb county. AS an alternative, botb pete and % bave no
problem witb a ..parate instrument being reoorded for the aban-
donment of tbis easement in li.u of replatin9 as 10D9 aa tbe
instrument recorded includes a map indioatin; the looation of the
easement to be abandoned with respect to the rest of the develop-
ment 80 that any title .earoh would produce. dooum.nt that
ol.arly indicat.. wKioh of one of the many e..ement. on-alt. is
bein9 abandoned and taken over aa a private !aoility.
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92 - 280
TO: Vincent Finizio, Admin. Coord. of
FROM: John A. Guidry, utilities Director
DATE: July 16, 1992
SUBJECT: Carriage Hanes - Easement abandonment and disclaimer
After reviewing the proposed docunent, we question why it is being handled
in this fashion. We would prefer that the abandonment be handled, as usual,
through the Planning and Zoning Dept., and that the disclaimer be structured
as a tmilateral action by the developer, without a signature line for the
City to "agree".
On our part, we will not accept a bill of sale for the sewer system that
includes the sewer line that will be llBintained by the
developer/association. .
Please refer any further questions on this llBtter to Peter Mazzella of this
be: Peter Mazzella
xc: Skip Milor
Jim Cherof
TO: John Guidry, Director of utilities
James Cherof, City Attorney
FROM: Vincent A. Finizio
Administrative Coordinator of Engineering
DATE: July 16, 1992
RE: Easement Abandonment
Carriage Homes of Savannah Lakes
Request Response to Engineering Memorandum No. 92-171
The above referenced request for an easement abandonment occurred
in or about December 1991 and as of this date we have not had a
response from your office to Engineering Departmen~.Memorandum No.
92-171, dated July 2, 1992.
In order to provide the developer of Carriage Homes an expeditious
response to their request relative to the Disclaimer and Abandonment
of Utility Easement documents provided within Memo No. 92-171, I
would appreciate it if both your offices could bring this matter to
a timely close.
As this office fielded the original request, please forward your
approval or objections in writing to this office as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter.
cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager
W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., Gee & Jenson
Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director