CORRESPONDENCE F: FRU-[DN 15933 Clayton Road p, 0, Box 100 Ballwin, Missouri 63022-0100 314/391-6700 FAX: 314/391-4513 VIA FACSIMILlE August 29, 1994 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Reference: Deletion of Awnings Cuco's Restaurant Boynton lakes Plaza Dear Ms. Heyden: I am writing at this time to advise you of the Owner's desire to delete the awning shown on the West elevation drawing for the Cuco's building. Per the advise of the architect, the awnings are impractical and the light shielding function, which they were originally designed for, can be better addressed by utilizing interior window shutters or mini-blinds. We also do not feel this deletion will affect the exterior presentation since the awnings would be hidden from public view by the Mobil development immediately in front of Cuco's building and the surrounding landscaping. Boynton Lakes Plaza Partnership appreciates and thanks you for your time and assistance in submitting this minor revision. If there are additional requirements that arise, please feel free to contact me directly at (314) 391-4623. Sincerely, ~ 4'J ~4 R~VGVL~ Terry R!Harms Director of Development and Acquisitions TRH: kh cc: B. Palazoo (Cuco's) D. Schrader R. Goins J. Tepper Boynton File ERF FRU-CON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION @ &- ~ .r-I ~ ,"'" ~ a> Il1 Il1 ~ .-I 0- Il1 .-I . C"\ .-I ..0 C"\ ,aGl \:lJ 0 .-I ..0 .-I u:> ...J * * * * -~B IS ~ ::;) III 0 ..., c." ..., ~ w Ul 0 ~ U '0 Ul :Jl ! :r. .-I ""',.... III III 0"-< 0 ~ l-< l-< ..-< l-< (l) '0 o \Il ,) en .r-I Ql !': Ql U H ,. P. ,l..l (l) ,... (l) ~ ..-<.A " OC ..-Ie. :J .:C? u 0 .:C (t\ () p c ...J ,... H ,... H .. Cl 0 0 0 0 0 ~H .-I r'l r'l r'l l:-' 0 0 0, 0 0 00 0 u t.! u u z:Z: i:, t-~~ 'H ~.. '~~ .'\ .) 0 'J 'J .. ,.~X' ~\.X '~\.'\'" > ", '\," ,~ ",.:.. _.-~_L.._,.J.ll~.'h~ 'I, -- ....---------.--------....--- \ ' ' ~ ~ " ,\ " , C""""'" 'i. .) -::r r---=-< .- '1 \\-~c;;J . 'J \ .1- z o - \- c:( > u.l ...J u.l \- en U1 ~ 'I -....\.--\- '. ==--- \ \ e \ \ I(D e/ .,~~ ' ,\,I\;,,\'\.\:\"~I;;'\ ,',', ;' \' ,1\' , - I ,\ \,' \ ' l'l~~~~~ '::< 1,""~" " ~'-" \ " ! ,,"\\,~ ('_-----..., i\ ~~~r----- ' \ -----'--- ---,--------------------- 08- 31 -1 '3':;" ~32 : 27PM P .0J1 ~ fRU-mN 15933 Clayton Road ?, O. Box 100 ee.lI.....in. Mioeourl 63022-0100 31413al.e700 FAX: 314139104513 VIA fACSIMILlE August 31, 1994 Ms. Tembri J. Heyden PlannIng and Zoning Director CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P,Q. Bel( 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Reference: Deletion gf Awnings CUCO's Restaurant Boynton lakes Plaza Dear Ms. Heydon: This letter shall serve as a request to appeal the administrotive decision of the Planning and ZonIng Department with regards to the Owner's desire to delete the awning shown on the West elevation drawing for the Cueo's building. Per the advise of the architect, the awnings are impractical and the light shielding function, which they were originally designed for, can ba better address.ed by utilizing interior window shutters or rnini.blind:5. We elso do not feel this deletion will affect the exterior presentat!on since the awnings would be hidden from public view by the Mobil development immediately in front of Cueo's building and the surrounding landscaping. Boynton Lak~s Plaza Partnership appreciates and thanks you for your time and tlssistl.'1ll"'toe in submitting this minor revi6ion. If thara are additional requir9m9nt~ that arise, please feel 'free to contact me directly at (314) 391-4623. Sincerely, ~R.~ Terry R. Harms Director of Development and Acquisitions cc: B. Pelezzo (Cw::ol $) D. Schrader R. Goins J. Tepper Boynton File ERF ~rn TRH:kh IBM fR..OON DEVELOPMENT I:DRPORATlON @ TOTAL P.01 08- 29-1'394 82: 21 Pt'l p.01 F:: FlW-mN VIA FACSIMllIE 'Q'J~ Olayton N)aO P. 0. Sox 100 B$lIWin, MiUOOfj 63022.0100 314131J1.6700 FAA: 314f391-0.'13 August 29, 1994 Ms. Tambrl J. H"yden Planning and Zoning Director CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beech, FL 33425-0310 Reference: Deletion of Awnings Cuco's Restaurant Boynton lakes Plaza Dear Ms. Heyden; I am writing at this time to advise you of the Owner's desire to delete the awning shown on the West elevation drawing for the Cuco's building. Per the advise of the architect, the awnings are impractical and the light shielding function. which they were originelly de~i9n8d for, can be better addressed by utilizing interior window shutters or mini-blinds. We also do not feel this deletion will ~ffect the exterior presentation since the awnings would be hidden from public view by the Mobil development immediately in front of Cueo's building and the surrounding landscaping. Boynton lakes Plaza P8rtnership appreoiates and thank~ you for your time and assistance in submitting this minor revision. If there elIre additional requirements thllt arise, please feel free to contact me directly 8t (314) 391-4623. Sincerely, ~H R.dJ~~~' Terry tfI Harms Director of Development and Acquisitions TRH:kh cc: B. Palazoo (Cuco's) D. Schrader R. Goins J. Tepper Boynton File ERF ~-:-\ r'NNING "'NO .;JNING DEPl FRu.mN DEVELOPMENT OJRPURAnON TOTAL P.01 ~~ * 08-29-1'394 82: 21P~'1 P.01 F:: FR....mN 'Q'J~ Olayton N)aO P. o. Sox 100 B$lIWin, Miuooli 63022.0100 31413IJl.6700 FA"^ 314f391-1.:113 VIA FACSIMllIE August 29, 1994 Ms. Tambri J. H"yden Planning and Zoning Director CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beech, FL 33425-0310 Reference: Deletion of Awnings Cuco's Restaurant Boynton Lakes Pla.l8 Dear Ms. Heyden: i am writing at this time to advise you of the Owner's desire to delete the awning shown on the West elevation drawing for the Cuco's building. Per the advise of the architect, the awning€ are impractical and the light shielding function, which they were originally de~i9n8d for, can be better addressed by utilizing interior window shutters or mlnl.bllnds. We also do not feel this deletion will ~ffect the exterior presentation since the awnings WOUld be hidden from public view by the Mobil development immediately in front of Cuco's building and the surrounding landscaping. Boynton Lakes Plaza Partnership appreoiates and thank~ you for your time and assistance in submiUins this minor revision. If there ere edditionel requiremente thl'lt arise, please feel free to contact me directly at (314) 391-4e23. Sincerely, ..---r I J 1 ' ~~R~~.-~ Terry FfI Harms Director of Development and Acquisitions TRH:kh cc: 8. Palazoo (Cuco's) D. Schrader R. Goins J. Tepper Boynton File ERF lli ! .~-- :~lN1NG AND ~;.,\'lNG DEPl @ FRu.mN DEVELOPMENT [ORPORAnON TOTAL P.01 '''''.... ,-- . . ,. --r-' '-'. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-302 FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official Michael E. Ha~~~ Zoning & Site D~pment September 12, 1994 Administrator TO: DATE: , SUB~ECT: Transmittal of Development Orders Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents regarding development plans that received final approval by the Planning and Development Board and/or city Commission. The following is a list, of the projects, type of request and the documentation transmitted: The Vinings at Boynton Beach and - New Site Plans and The Vinings II at Boynton Beach - copy of the 2nd review plans - copy of staff report and comments - copy of the september 20, 1994, City Commission minutes cuco's Border Cafe - Administrative Appeal - copy of staff report and comments - copy of the September 20, 1994, City commission minutes MEH: j j Attachments Project File a:transllit.dev 3 m X' -f m JJ - 0' z :IJ 0 m :xl -t ..... :I: C'IJ m (') m > < ... r- rn )> ~ c.o ... -I . > CII>> - .. 0 -t .. - ... z O. I~ 0 CIJ z . 3 ~ 0 ... n .~ :.L ": 71_ 4" I I , n I rnii"1 P II n n 1 " U U : I OJ 1!~ 10 1t"I1 I~. - --1 n _-J > I~ 1tI1 I DJ~ I t So \: 8!. 8' P \:); --8 c.. .. en ~ -t I m 011 :0 . Q IV ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... \Q 00' ~ 0\ VI ~ W N ...... 0 \Q 00 ~ 0\, VI ~ w.' IV ..... 0 O"...,~ ow "Ow 1'1 en 00 rt...... 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