LEGAL APPROVAL PLANNING AND ZONI NG DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman and Members Board of Adjustment FROM: Michael E. Haag Zoning and Site Development Administrator DATE: December 16, 1993 RE: Joseph DeFeo, Jr., Board of Adjustment Case #188 Purchase of Property from Chan's Enterprises, Inc. As you are aware, the above referenced case was tabled at the November 15, 1993 meeting due to the unresolved issue regarding the proper subdivision of the Chan' s Enterprises, Inc. property to create the DeFeo property. The following is the status of the progress Mr. DeFeo has made towards being in conformance with City Codes: Mr. DeFeo received a determination made by Jim White, P.E., City Engineer, and Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning and Zoning Director, that the subdivision of Chan's Enterprises, Inc. property to create the DeFeo property may be accomplished by Mr. DeFeo filing for and receiving City Commission approval of a waiver of plat. At this time Mr. DeFeo is aware of the process and fee required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department before action can be taken on the request for waiver of plat. However, to date, there has not been a formal request made by Mr. DeFeo and/or Chan's Enterprises, Inc. If the Board is requesting that the subdivision of property be properly in place prior to hearing Mr. DeFeo's Board of Adjustment Case #188, this item should remain on the table until the next Board meeting scheduled for January 19, 1994. The waiver of plat requires a recommendation for approval by the Planning and Development Board and final approval by the City Commission. If Mr. DeFeo and/or Chan's Enterprises, Inc. makes a formal application by December 22, 1993, the waiver of plat will be reviewed by the Planning and Development Board on January 11, 1994 and forwarded to the City Commission at the January 18, 1994 City Commission meeting. This item (Case #188) then may proceed for variance review by the Board of Adjustment at the January 19, 1994 meeting. MEH/cmc cc : Mr. DeFeo \,~ (). ~A 1 fb- -f;;~ ~ ('f~rA TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director A1 Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Vince Finizio, Deputy City Engineer FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: December 17, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 28, 1993 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, December 28, 1993, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "C" (West Wing) to discuss the following: NOTE: Find attached the Technical Review Committee meeting schedule for the first half of 1994. Please return written comments to Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning and Zoning Director by 5:00 p.m., January 3, 1994. FILING PRELIMINARY PLAT AND CONCURRENCY CERTIFICATION: Ci trus Park PUD - Requests a fourth time extension to concurrency exemption (all levels of service) and preliminary plat (filing of final plat). The last extension expired December 4, 1993. EXEMPTION FROM PLATTING: 1. Max Developers, Inc., owners of the Boynton Beach Promenade, are requesting an exception from platting as a result of the sale of the Carney Bank building. 2. Joseph DeFeo, Jr. is requesting a waiver of plat to allow the property shown and described on the attached survey be separated from the chan's Enterprises, Inc. property located at 3010 South Federal Highway (sun Wah Restaurant). TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 2 REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS: NEW SITE PLAN: Lighthouse Grille Applicant: Janet Hall ~-~D ~ Dorothy Moo Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DM/jm Att. cc: MEMO ONLY J. Scott Miller, City Manager City Commission (5) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utilities Director steve campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public works James D. White, City Engineer Ann Ford, Downtown Development Coordinator central File Applicant Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & zoning Director Mike Haag, zoning and Site Development Administrator Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner Project File Chronological File A:TRCTUES.JM : .l ;r''''' ,.... '~~ ,~ " )~:~ ,;.,,' ,', ",," ' ,.; :, , ,:, :"11' ea.~_ ft ...... ~.r~, TIDJ',C2TY OP BQY)1TOIf :; ~~"'." ,', .. ',< . ,'; ~ ';,', ":i" , r : .,~' ": ,'t ~ ,'. l . .. 'i, ' . ;" " ~'. .~.-,q:Xf...... __ re...d and/w zoned .. -,~. .;- ~t:-~~';!.~>'''::; f~".t,:t::~ . ,./.,:', ."tf 'i',' , . . ;. . . .... ~-' ,: , 't , ,. ~ First readiDf ttU .~.~'day of FebRary, A. D: 1983. Se4lOll.d. tiDal rea~-. eel ....age this .i.L.. day of A. D. 1963. ~_DAU DA, ATTUt: ~ '." ~ ,<.~;, *1 " . T": : l - J- :;";.; . .. . ' ~/.: ".1-,,_ . " ,_~' to .'. .' * ; \, Ii r I I I ~ (//". I " I / I \ I , i ORDINANCE NO. 62-7 \ .' , "'-----..' ...._, -', ,I II I AN ORD1Nl\J'iCB OF THE CI'17 OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF SAID MUNICIPALITY BY THE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN UI"JINCORPOR.t~TED THACT OF LAND CON- TAINING L.ESS THAN TEN REGISTERED VOTERS, LYING CONTIGuOUS THERETO AND WITHIN THE SAME COUNTY: REDEFINII'~G THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES: REPEAL I NG ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORD:Ni\...NCES IN CONFLICT HEREVv'1TH: PROVIDING FOB. AUTHORITY TO CODIFY> AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND FOg OTHER PURPOSES. I I II il WHEREAS, the ovmer of the property more particularly described hereinafter has heretofore p2titioned the City Council of the City of Boyntcn. ( Beach, Florida, requesting the aI"'~"1exation of subject property lying adj:;:.s2r:t and contiguous to the territorial limits of said municipality and within the same County, to the municipal teri'itoriallimits of said City; and WHEREAS, said tract of land contains less than ten registere d voters; and WHEREAS, all requirements of the charter of the City of Boy;:::to:c Beach, Florida, relative annexation of contiguous terriroty have been com- II I I plie d with; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, i Florid:]., ~ deems the annexation of subject tract to be beneficial to the municipality a:1d to the inhabitants of said tract. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, F10rida: SECTION 1: That the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby annexes the following described tr3.ct of lemd to the territorial limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida: PARCEL 1: A parcel of land L'?. Section 4, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County Florida, more particularly described as fo110\\'8: / ," BEGINNING at a point in a liFe parallel to and 61. 2 feet southerly (I:1.easur'2d 1 at right angles) from, the north li:::2 05: said Section 4, at a distance of 150 :23:1 ! easterly, measured along said pa::.~a1l21line, f:Lom the easterly line of the ! I j i I, " \, sixty-six foot right-oi-way of Stat~ Road No.5; thence westerly along Rp.id D~r;)nel H7)f~; 11'0 fr.,:"': to " f,nint in ;-:pjd e~Aterlv rigllt'"of-'w:J.vJ, 1irp" I. ' ... l...; " thence southerl;)r alo:1g c",,jd e?_sterly right-of-way line, 230 feet; th8nce easterly 150 feet to a point which is 267 feet southerly from the point of be ginning; thence northe rIy 267 feet to the point of be ginning. i 'I II I I I ! I PARCEL 2. A parcel of 12J:ld in Section 4, Township 46 South, Range43 I - east, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: I Beginning at a point in a lim~ pard~el to, and 76. 1 feet southerly from I (measured at right angles) the north li.ne of said Section 4, at a distar:ce of I 290 feet South 89 degrees 18 minutes 4:6 seconds West of the Westerly rj.g~t-l of-way line of the Intra,coa2t2.1 Wa-::er,"i2..Y; th~nce South 89 degrees 18 mi;.:t8t 46 seconds West, along s2J.d paralbllbe, a distance of 225.8 feet, more cr less, to a point L"1 the e2..s'~2dy IiI::: cf 12,nd described in deed recorded in Deed Book 915, Page 236 public records of Palm Beach County, Florid2,; thence southerly along said paralld lin~ a distance of 237.83 feet, more or less, to a point in a line po.rallel to, and 208.76 feet southerly from, (measured at right aDgl:~s) the north lin2 of said Section 4; thence J:<;or:t: 89 degrees 18 minute3 46 secon.ds East, along said parallel line , a dic7.2.:1C'2 of 247 feet more or less, to a p-:);.:::t 300 feet South 89 degrees 18 min'..l-::es ' 46 seconds West of the W'~C't2':'ly right-oi-way line of said Intracoastal V/2.:,=y'- . way; thence North 5 c::grees 26 minutes 06 seconds East, par.allel '~0 s2.i3. ; westerly right-of-way E~2 of th'3 hr~.raco2.stal Waterway, a distance or 91. 5 feet; thence South 89 degrees 18 miTlutcs 46 seconds West, parallel to tn? North line of said Secticn 4, a d:s;2.rlce of 70 feet; thence North 5 d~grees 26 minutes 06 seconds East, parallel to said \Vesterly right-of-vray Ib~ of L':; Intracoastal WaterYiay, a diota."'lce of 50 fzet; thence North 89 degrees 13 minutes 46 seconds Eas".:,p2.rallel to t-r-; north line of said Section 4, a dis- tance of 80 feet; thence l"~Grth 5 degre'28 26 minutes 06 seconds E2,St, parallel to said westerly right-or -way lin:::! of the Intracoastal W2..tenvay, a distance of 89. 5 feet to the [-'oint of b'?ginning. Subject to an easement for road purposes on the easterly 10 feet of the foregoing premises; 2nd Reserving for street, road and public utility purposes the Westerly 10 122t thereof. i t ! I I j' II II i PARCEL 3. A parcel of land in Section 4, Township 46 South, Range 4.3 I East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as folloyrs: ' Beginning at a point in a line parallel to, and 76. 1 feet southerly from, I (measured at right a.ngles) H:e north line of said Section 4, at a di.stance of 260 feet South 89 d:::!gre(;3 18 minutes 46 seconds West of the Westerly rigi'lt- , of-way line of the Intraco2.3ial Vlaterway; thence South 89 degrees 18 mi~1ut9S! 46 seconds West along said par211el lbe, a distance of 30 feet; thence So'U.th i 5 degrees 26 minutes 05 seconds \Vest, parallel to the westerly right-of --."2Y; line of the Intracoastal Vfater\vay a di.sta."1ce of 89. 5 feet; thence I'Tcrt~ 89 1 I degrees 18 minutes 46 seceDe.s E2.st, parallel to the north line of said Secti:),-, 4, a distance of 30 feet; thence Nocth 5 cegrees 26 minutes 06 seconds Ec~stJ II parallel to said Westerly right-of-way line of the Intracoastal Waterway, a . distance of 89. 5 feet to the point of begirn1.ing. j D PARCEL 4. Description of Canal. A parcel of land in Section 4, Tm'mshj.p! 46 South, Range 43 EC'.st, P~-n E'2ach County, Florida, more particularly 1 described as follovrs: From tbe p0:nt of intersection of the westerly :-:-:'C;l:)> ' of-way line of the In':raco2.st'::ci. W-:,-::?:rvlay with a line parallel to, and 61. 2 feet south of" mr,3:aSll........SG at ;;i2~~~t 2~~~.Gles to, the north line of said S.~ctio:l. <:; I I ,I II Ii Ii II II <') II "1 I I I II i i I I l 1 run South 5 degrees 26 minutes OS seconds West, along said westerly i ;~:~~~~~~:V::t l~~~~e~ ~;-;~~:"p~'cc~~;'i\'~:f Jl;~~tht~Jr:l~~ ~~~~~~~e~~gtJ:~~~: ~~~th I i 89 degrees 18 minutes 46 seconds West, parallel to the north line of said I Section 4, a distance of 370 feet; thence South 5 degrees 26 minutes 06 I seconds West, parallel to said westerly right-of-way line of the Intracoasta~i Waterway, a distance of 50 feet; thence North 89 degrees 18 minutes 45 ; seconds East, parallel to the no:-th line of said Section 4, a distance of 370 I feet to a point in said Westerly right-of-way line of the Intracoast2J Waterway; thence North 5 degrees 25 minutes 06 seconds Eo.st, alo;:l;'~ said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning. I II II ,) q II I I I II ii I I 11 P I' ,I II SECTION 2: That subject tract hereinabove described is hereby zoned as follows: (a>. Parcell of said tract - ZOI\fED C-l <0>' Parcels 2, 3 and 4 of se.id tract - ZO~"'ED R-IAA as more particularly d::cfinsd und2r the ei:isti.ng zoning code of the City 0: Boynt on Beach, Florida. SECTION 3: That the bou:1daries of the City of Boynton B-22,C~, Florida, are he re bv re d8fl::cs d so as to i.""clude the above de s crih~ d DJ:"-::;::<' r:". ; J L ... '" I I SECTION 4: s -= r::s.r8.~')ilit:i. ---~ .. Ec-.ch of the pro'."isions of this ordinance are separable 2,nd if an:; I' section, subsection, c1au,se, phrase or portion of this ordina~ce is for a~:.y reason held invalid by any court of compztent jurisdiction, the remaining. portions shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. II I SECTION 5: Aut~o:~~ty to CodUZ' Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate I II this ordinance in the City's existir.g code. SECTION 6' 'R0""r.\::oli~ry P~O"l'<::i,...""" - . ~~-~..,~..._.:-..~.:.> ..I.. . 0,...v.\~a.':). All ordinances er p2.1.t3 of orcEnances in co!'.ilict herewith ar8 hereby repealed, I I I I I I; II :\ L i! !l " II q 11 I' ,\ First reading this 21:fo:! day of Mfi" , A. D. 1962. " - ,) - \-~ ! '"l t I I i !I A. D. 1962. Second, final re::-.dL."'1g and passage this 1( day Of~~ , (CORPORATE :->EAL) ATTEST: I ,I I' il II !I h II II , CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA <:!J/,;; I),. Bv ~\:r..lt4-(,.J(/~' '" V Mayor /yt;z ~:i:~ C~unc2.7an ~~A//4~/ (/i?~~Ld1' / '~f7~,':.,~' ' f:2(i~7/'1~// City Clerk ~, CounCi~t' /6~ iCtt 0 .IL~ Dc c&l~~ C~ncilman - 4 -