MAY 18, 1993
The Planning and Development Board reviewed this application and forwarded to
the City Commission with a recommendation for approval with a condition attached
to the landscape appeal that additional Palm trees be planted in front of the
building in the sidewalk area. The applicant agreed to plant five (5) Sable
Palms on thirty-foot centers, eighteen to twenty feet high.
Vice Mayor Aguila confirmed that the applicant will plant clusters of Sable
Palms rather than single Palms.
Vice Mayor Aguila moved to approve the request from Boynton Beach Promenade on
both the increased area as well as the landscape appeal subject to staff com-
ments and the clustering of Sable Palms as indicated by the Planning Director.
Commissioner Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
1. Request for one year time extension of a conditional use by
Exxon for a convenience store with gasoline sales located at
the southeast corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue
Mr. Cutro reported that the Technical Review" Committee reviewed this request and
provided comments. The dedications which were questioned have taken place and
the documents were received from the County. The Planning and Development Board
reviewed this request and forwarded it with a recommendation for approval sub-
ject to the site being brought up to Code to prevent blowing sand. Mr. Cutro
advised that staff is trying to contact R J Developers, the owners of the
remainder of the site where the problem exists, to advise of the problem. If
they indicate nothing will be done, Code Enforcement will be alerted. Mr. Cutro
suggests closing the access points to eliminate the complaint of people parking
and selling items at this location.
Vice Mayor Aguila moved to approve the one-year extension of the conditional use
subject to staff comments. Commissioner Wa1shak seconded the motion.
Commissioner Katz stated Exxon has stated publicly that they plan to pullout of
the State entirely. Mayor Hanmening remarked that at the present time, Exxon is
pulling out of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Further, he has heard
that this site is under option to Amoco.
The motion carried 3-2. (Commissioners Matson and Katz cast the dissenting
2. Review request by owners of Boynton Beach Promenade to allow the
existing hedge and tree landscaping around the perimeter to
remain in place and not be removed.
This item was discussed as part of Item VIII-B.I.
- 11 -
April 27, 1993
cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager
City Commission (5)
Don Jaeger, Building Official
Ed Allen, Fire Chief
Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director
Thomas Dettman, Police Chief
John Guidry, utilities Director
Steve campbell, Fire Department
Bob Gibson, Public Works
Central File
Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director
Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner
Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator
Project File
Chronological File
Review committee
f the Technical
Members 0, '
(see Distr~but~on)
Christopher cutr~ Director
planning and Zon~ng
April 19, 1993
, ce
d'tional use for convenlen
Time extension f~r con ~ t the southeast corner of
'th asol~ne sales a
store w~ g nd woolbright Avenue.
congress Avenue a
the attached request from representatives f~rth
We have received t Wl
Exxon regarding a time extension for the convenience sore
gasoline sales approved last year at the southeast corner of
woolbright Road and Congress Avenue.
I would like to know if any concurrency problems exist that would
prevent this time extension from being granted.
I would appreciate a response from your department as soon as
This item will be listed as a discussion item on the next
Technical Review Committee agenda.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Richard staudinger, city Engineer
Mike Kazunas, utilities Department
John Wildner, Recreation and Parks Dept.
Bob Eichorst, Public Works
Vince Finizio, Engineering
Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner
~ROM Tee t30~ 973 7199)
tFRI)134.n.'9J 111413
NO.1 e
P~GE 1
~ . ~ .
6400 Congress AvemJe
SUite 20CX)
9,~ca Raton. Fiorida 33487
April 15, 1993
407 f997-9700
407 f997-9ro8 Reta';l Fax
407/997-7559 Office/lndlistrial Fax
Mr. Christopher cutro
Director of planning
city of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida
REFERENCE~ Request for Extension of Site Plan
Approval for Exxon property located
on the SE Corner of Congress and Woolbright
OQar Chris:
We represent Exxon in the Disposition of certain sites and would
like to apply on behalf of Ex~on to request an extension for the
~ite plan approval which WQ are told expires on April 23, 1993.
It is our understanding that thi.s s.ite plan would be assiqnable to
a prospective bUYQr and that such person or entity would be allowed
to make minor ohangQs to this plan-
Please send us the appropriate torms and information so that we can
forward the same to EKXon Co. U.S.A. Thank you for your coopera-
Trammell CrOW Company-Commercial
south Florida Retail Division
~r:m. f}~
Karim patel
Marketing Representative
co Mike liague
Brent Elkins