LEGAL APPROVAL CORPORP.~E PROPERTY SERVICES, INC. [L[utF[OO @[f uOO~~~[K'j[!Oui~[L .......1~18rtl...~"'L u:m Avenue- .;.. .J.' DEERFIE D BEACH, FLORIDA 2Jh41~~RATE'PROPERTY SERVICES, INC.'-'t/!fV 401 Fairway Drive Sui DEERFIELD BEACH. FLORI ~A3S44S_l0_93 (305) 426.5144 JOB NO. (305) 426-5144 9394-05 iT!.;;; k RE TO City of Boynton Rp~~h 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Exxon f 4--5022'--~ Con ress & Woolbri B6-nton-Reach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 > WE ARE SENDING YOU CXAttached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Change order o Plans o Samples o Specifications o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Right-of-way Warranty Deed. OR 7464 Po 930 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit_copies for approval 0 For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit_copies for distribution > [j{ As req uested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return_corrected prints --, 0 For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: ~['L/ /1~, It enc/osu,es a,e not as noted, kindly notify us at once. ' r PRODUCT240.2 (Nf!.:8S/ Inc., Groton. Mass. 01471 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 5-11-93 3:13AM .~~ Q.t%V IQ 41 Z Q C,I) ~ :i ~~ ()~ >-1 ,... '... ,z '" ::;)"'1 >0\ mU ,~ o !.I. , o ~O fr:~ w l.'o ~ ~i!) < c 4076844123'" 3055703391;# 2 MJV-04-1992 04:21PM 92-338783 ORB 7464 P9 930 This instrument prepared by: HENRY B. CARPENTER, ESQ. 5461 North Federal Highway Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 C~D NO: ROAD: RIGHT-OJ-WAY WARRANTY DEED YA This ID4ezatur., made this If day ot May, 1992, by and between, R J PROPIRTIII TWO, IRC., . ~iorid. corp~at1~~ having its principal place of business at 'lIS ~n)J)tV ~ttlfA .Ja!1I& J $'~,,.~ ,c-i. ~H/~'Ik.E _ 1="LA. 3.1JDi' hereinafter called 'the Grantor, to PAUl BIACH CdURTY, . political subcU.vi81oza of the stat. of ~lorid., hereinafter called the Grantee; witzaea.eth: That said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency whereof are hereby acknowledqed, by these presents does grant, barqain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, all that certain land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit;: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS ON ATTACHED COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "A" TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee sim~le forever. AND the Grantor hereby oovenants with said Grantee that it is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that it has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land: that it hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: and that said land is free of all encumbrances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Siqned, sealed and delivered SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 5-11-93 3:13AM 4076844123'" 3055703391;# 3 ..........! ORB 7464 PI 931 in the presence of these Witnesses: (please print name below signature) ~8~ ~ ,tv_ ~~~ ~~'L+ M L.c..1 ~'" L 1ft; l' I-A;/' STATE OF f~apA } } COUNTY OF '8b""~ } I hereby certify that on the date aforesaid betore me, an officer duly authorized 1n the state and County aforesaid to take acknowledqments, personally appeared Jonas S. Nordal, well known to me to be the President, and Richard J. Ferayorni, well known to me to be the Vice President, respectively, on the corporation named as grantor in the foregoing deed and that they severally acknowledged the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said oorporation and the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal ot said corporation. That they are personally known to me and/or have produced driver licensees) with photo as identiflcatton and did take an oath, that they are the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledg before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein e pressed. My commission expires: ~ ~A NOTARY Grantee: Taxpayer ID 41 ..Ift' "'OK~ QAIlIIIIII . . ..,~... Dec&mbtr 13, ,.... IONlEI .....1I01'NW PIAII.>> I, _ _ .A~ SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 5-11-93 3:14AM 4076844123-' ORB 3055703391;# 4 7464 pg 932 2..0) (""€b1' 1.INt." ;6Uf.ON ~'1..~?4-'b _ ~ CONc:,A~S, 501"Z.~'~"~ ^~ ~'Z oz i- 'I ~~ I I -.~~ ~I.S l""li ~ I~ ' .~ A"~NUt,. ~os' - (e.oraorO"'l) r~ . . ~.8 ' .(::-. <-L": l ~- o \J') . u) ~ R.. L;':,V,~UGHT & ASSOCIATES, INC. i. ;:1: ,':\:".,...'LAND SURVEYORS \t' :,;~'\:'l:~:'<',9,OJ5,~. E , BRIDGE ROAD ::/,l;:\~~E)~~ND. FLORIDA 331455 ':''C~''.,.,,~,.......'' ,E: (407)546-8086 ..:~~'~T9(gnC~( " , 803054 MA Y l14.olll..1991 '".,'",', :!, ..., .J"... :.', w.V \ D ..II ,:~:i{~~;{b'.i:'~ :', ",: ,. ..'., , .,~i' , , '7- .~y ,,',. ~" ' Pres. ,;:,:1~ \f,~; :~.~ '~::~"'i ,,'.:(1~L. Vaught. r. PLS '",I:}..~\'",.", ' ,F.::, ',. a Cp.rtificatf> No, 2208 . ;-/; ;rz;:;t~~:~ ~;; 111:'.'>; '.'. ... PREPARED BY - 'i \Ii .";,. y ,',::," ~. o t! SK&-n-..H '1'0 ACGOMPANIofJ..c6AL. WtC.Rt"",ow !>4G.oo' -..-..-...... . .-".........-..-..... ,.....- _...........-.~....._....._..._... .--.--.....-.-... .._- ... ~ ~ ~ Ci ~ 'B ~ -'t .si \t\ 000- 0. ~ > ~ ~ - - ~ .S ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ U' z 5 z cc o <.J j 7: ~ ?J2 , . .~ \-2 ~ ~ - (! en ..J o o ~ ~ .~ ~ II ~ . tR'l C. j' ~ tl % ,. 0( hi jt>.:~Orl"^l\,.IC~ ':>HOW~l ~~f..o1J cot-'; llOT . COI.~!'i'rt..'!'e. I IJO~ [UJ; If a.p;:,q,1:..lJf 1 A ~uI'(V~"'" O~: '"l4t. SU~JE..C: ~OP~~T'(. I - PA~C~L.J, , A- 5c.a..le.: 1'1 ~ 40' I G:l.1J.C: c; ~ ,n t::' '7 SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-93 3 : 1 4AM 4076644123-1 ORB 3055703391:# 5 7464 p, 933 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL R/W FOR WOOLBRIGHT ROAD (PARCEL lA) A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP ~s SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHI P 4S SOUTH, RANGE ij3 EAST, PALM REACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE RIGHT-OF- WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, THENCE RUN SOUTH 010 23' 2411 EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 346.05 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 870 40' 08" EAST, ALONG A LINE 31.16.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL I WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTA~CE OF 74,60 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE FOLLpWING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND: THENCE CONTINUE NORTH I 870 ijO' 08" EAST, FOR A 0lS1'ANCE OF 340,46 FEET; (SAID LAST TWO COURSES BEINe. COINCIDENT TO THE SOUTH RIGHT-OWl-WAY L.INE OF S.W. 15TH AVENUE, ALSO KNOWN AS WOOLBRIGHT ROAD, AS SHOWN ON, BUT NOT,-A-PART OF , PLAT OF TENiH SECTION PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE, RECORDED IN PLAT ROOK 30 AT PACiES 129 THR U 141, PALM 8EACH COUNTY RECORDS) THENCE RUN SOUTH 010 23' 24" EAST I ALONG A LINE 415 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SAID WEST LINE. FOR Ai 015T ANCE OF ".00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 870 40' 08" \\lEST, ALONG A LINE 11.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY, FOR A DISTANCE OF 360.99 FF.ET, Tl0 A POINT ON THE ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE, CONCAVE TO ~ HE SOUTHEAST, BEARING NORTH 580 161 17" WEST FROM THE R~DIUS POINT OF SAID CURVE; THENCE RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE. HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET: AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF SSe) 561 25", FOR AN ARC DISTANCE QF 24.~1 FEET, TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 3,904 SQUARE FEET J\tIORE OR LESS!, I I I I PREPARED BY R. L. VAUGHT & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS 907S S.E. BRIDGE ROAD HORE SOUND, FLORIDA 33455 PHONE: (407)5~6-8086 ORDER NO: B02861A MARCH 8, I I I 19r i ColI It:; C'~ n r. t:' rl SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 5-11-93 3:15AM 4076844123'" 3055703391:# 6 , . . ,.., ORB 7464 pg 934 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL R/W FOR CONGRESS AVENUE (PARCEL 1S) A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP liS SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE RIGHT-OF- WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE. THENCE RUN SOUTH 010 231 24" EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 596.07 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 870 40' 0811 EAST. ALONG A LINE 596.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTA~CE OF 50.01 FEET; TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINC OF THE PARqEL OF LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIRED: THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 870 40' 08" EAST. ALONG THE LAST DESCRI BED COURSE, F~' R A DISTANCE OF 10,00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 010 23' 24" AST. ALONG A LINE 60,00 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH. THE I SAID WEST LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 355.05 FEET; THENCEf RUN NORTH 870 40' 08" EA5T, ALONG A L1NF. 951,00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SAI D NORTH LI NE. FOR A 1 DISTANCE OF 3.57 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 020 161 19" E 1ST, FOR A DISTANCE OF 194.69 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 01023124" WEST, ALONG A LINE 76.00 FEET EAST OF AND I PARALLEL WITH THE SAID WEST LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF I 400.00 FEET; THENCE RU N SOUTH 870 tlOI 081t WEST, FOR A I DISTANCE OF 21.94 FEET, TO A POINT ON TtiE ARC OF A I CIRCULAR CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, BEARING~: NORTH 580 16' 17" WEST FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF SAID CURVE, THENCE RUN SOlJTHW~STERL y AND SOUTHERLY AL NG THE A J{ C 0 F S A IDe lJ R V E , H A V I N CAR A 0 IUS 0 F 25. 00 FEE Ti AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 330 07' 0711, FOR AN ARC' DISTAtJ.ICE OF 14.1+5 FEET, TO THE POI NT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUN i SOUTH 010 23' 2411 EAST, ALONG THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY WINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF TENTH SEC~ON PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 30 AT I PAGES 129 THRU 141, PALM BEACH COUNTY RECORDS, FOR D 1ST A NeE 0 F 225. 44 FEE T. TOT H E PO I NT 0 F BEG INN I N G , CONTAINING 10,672 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. PREPARED BY R. L. VAUGHT & ASSOCIATES. INC. LAND SURVEYORS 9075 S.E. RRIDGE ROAD HOBE SOUND. FLORIDA 33455 PHON E: (407) 5I.J6-8086 ORDER NO: 802861 B MARCH 8. i J91 I .. ~ ~ . ,. 4076844123'" 3055703391:# 7 SENT ~Y:Xerox Telecopier 7020 5-1'-93 3:15AM N ei'l'~O'~e!tf. ~~ N,"""C.oRNE.R .~. ~'1J""'wp. ~~., Rc,c:..4-?>'-, ~2. . '., ~ ~I ')..6) ,ORB 7464 Ps 935 wqOL-&R ,,,\4'" ~O~O N~1.40'oer~ ( ~,W, II?"''' A"~ ,I -"..' )s~ ~ ~ .c.~~ " ~ ~ ~ ~.,~ ~.i ~i~, 'Z'~ 5 C ,I ~\i :~i "J~ _c. . r-- Sf1'.40'c>>"W .. 2. \ ,C7)4,' 1 w " ~ .tC\ 7~ ,0' N. o 5 \J'l --"'1--- ~ ~r (" ~'iq ., 20 ~ '-W i '8- u) Z -ia '> ~9 <{ f ^ t"" o t" . ~ '" "-J ~, ~ ~ ~ z o V , ~ 5K&T"C.1--\ To AGU>I'W\PAN"I L&GAI- pa:.c.RIPrI()ll.f I PREPARED BY R. L, VAUGHT & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS 9075 S.E. BRIDGE ROAD HOBE SOUND, FLORIDA',ii455 PHONE: (If07)S46r~~8t.~p~::,jli..!,' ORDER NO: 803054 /)'i:/1f1!"~}~~~f:'~ IlAY , Ji~~~,,~' :>"-0' .'. ' , ' " r~~~~i,~:i'~ ~ y~~; ~" " . ,r,t 'I' ~~ 0 .'~ '.,i'~'~ obp.rt L . Vaught. i ~ ;'3' ::"'\;5 ~,. __,.:. J./~if Florida Ce rti ficate N'C?~ '"'.. . lj~ v::~,I) ~~.." ~' .,~~ l.:t..<.v...~.,.:J.' I" ,.0 c,..A.,. \,.~u ,,.,now Q;,,':' ~~ 4.1 O~ 0 nt., ' 1~~bltMb1'JO~ ~O\IJ~ ~~c..oJ tu:7 JJo\ '~':~'" ~ 'c,,::r I co~~lrvre, IJQR 17oe:~ 11 ~E.%.uf '~ A tW~E:v OF 'iJ.\E. W~JE.C.T Pl<OPe.12iY , - .PARc,~L~ - ~eo.l"l 1":1: c.o' By V"-- N ~1'lK)'O~"G:, ?J.~i 40'l6644i'L'3'" GliB 7 404 1'9 Q'3t> ~'f.,.~~'A'; .ndt':I,.~\.~v{lrItJ. :~er.' ielee.oier 1020 ; ,_\\-99 ; 9:\6~ : - \~ \ ~. ~ ~ ~ 'r_ c-L ~ ~ ~ ~ -z. :1 -i ) I ~~1.CO ~ '~ .~ o ~ 'Z. r: ~ ~. ~ ~ ..", ~Q o . .~ >0 ~~ ....,7 ~I (l o ~ .. \ - l'Qul(of c; \ tE-C7\Nt'l~" \ CD6r ,0' ':; 0,0 1..?J ?-4-" ~ .. ?;n. ?/W;; \ \ \ \ \ \ -Q ~ t'"" ~ ~ - a:: c$) .J' g '3 \ \ \ \ c.O~~~ r-~tiL)~ - 4?J. ~ . -'t 0'1. ) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~.V~"I~' ~1-? -+- ' -' ?P . ~ PRE?AR€O a'\' \NC. R. \... SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-11-93 3:16AM , ' - .. : .,-.., 4076644123.. ORB 3055703391;# 9 7464 pg 937 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAl. DESCRIPTION SAFE CORNER RIGHT-OF"'WAY (PARCEL 1C) A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 32. TOWNSHIP 145 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, CITY OF BOYNTON REACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF A LINE 76.00 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 32 AND A LINE 357.00 SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, THENCE RUN SOUTH Oln 23' 2qn E, PARALL.EL WITH SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 39.35 FEET'; THENCE RUN NORTH 43" 08' 22" EAST. FOR A DISTANCE OF 56,10 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 87D 40' 08" WEST, PARALLEL I WITH SAID NORTH LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 39 . 35 FEE T. TOT HE PO I NT 0 F BEG INN I N G, c: 0 N T A I N I N G 7 7 ~ SQUARE FEET I MORE OR LESS, PREPARED RY R. L. VAUGHT t ASSOCIATES, INC, LAN!) SURVEYORS 9075 S.E. BRIDGE ROAD HOBE SOUND, FLORIDA 33455 PHONE: (407}546-8086 ORDER NO: 802861 C MARCH 8, 1991 ReCORD VI RIFU!D PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLA C\.EAK 11T COURT _. L.._ _ __ "" RJ., DEjEL9PMENTS TEL No. 305 565 5552 Mar 24,92 16:~3 P.04 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE , ,'~I I, If , .~ " .~ I~I~IIII\' Pirst Amcfican ntle Insurance Company FIRST AMBRICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMl'ANY. . wrporatlon or Clllrornll, herlln call,d lh. Company, I'or . valuibl. oon.ldlrBl1~m, harcb)' OOll1lnUf to lIiuI It, pone)' or poHclea or title Inlunno. I' IdenUned In Schldu!e A. In rnvor or the propoAd Inlured n.mea In SCllldule A, II owner or mort cape or the IItate or In.'fllt covc...d 11Crtby In .111 Ilnd described or reterred to In Schedule AI IJpon payment or the p....nlunll DJld chuta thereror, alllubjoct 10 the provisions or Schedules A and If and to Ute ConcUtlonl Ind. SUpuluUons hereof. , Thi, Commitment 1I,.n bt errectlve only when the ldel\tlty or the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or pollei.. commltt.~ for 1uIVe boon hlsBrtad In Schedule ^ hereor by the Company, either at the time or the !ssUllUl,:e or thlll Commltmont or by lubsequent eudonem.nt. Thil Commltl1\titt ItpteHinlnary Co the '.ulJllce or .uch policy or pollcle. of une Insurance Ind all Uablllty Ind oblla.llon. hereunder shall eea~'8nd tcrrntnatf .Ilt Uj) monU,. .r'er the Ifflctlve Dlte her.or Dr, when the IKlNc)' or pollcie. corntnltlld for Ihall Issue, whichever f1l'1t OCClun, provided thlt the r.llure to 1'1)10 luchl'otley or pollelol r. ttot the fault or the Company. n.l. Commitment sh,1I not be valid at blndh" \lItlll Schedule ^ has be,n eounters1aned by .lth,r I duly authorized .Ient or t.pr...ntut!v, or Ih, Compll11Y Ind Schedule 1.1 and D.U I"v. ....n .ttlch.d h.r610. IN WITNESS WIlSRIOFt tht COIt\I'III'>' hili lo:uu"u Utle COlnm!tm.nC to be Illn.1.I ancl".led. to beeom. v.Ud wh40n oounler.l.ned b)' 11\ Iuthorl.td Omotr or IIIl\t or the Com,.n)'. .tlln Iccord- InCI with Ha Br-L,W3. ThJ. Commlhncnt I. .rr.ctln .s of tho dill shown In Se.hedule A IS '.Brr.ctlve Oat.", Fir.tAmer/csn Title Insurance Company ",..~._. --.... P' ." --- In" r?~./ ~- ~m.~"OHT ^nUT tJI~~ (j, , ,~ "rRIt'MM\' . . ~- .. . . . \ .'~ . , I ,'" ,".. -:4, .f I ",,- . . . I ", .. ,,' J 'l..\. 4' 'I .. ~ . l1li ~~ ,'" . 'II. a . , . I I I ~ , . . _dld~_ .l.L .w' UllilLll'.IlUI\o'--','" RECEIVED MAR 21t 1992 ~\;TE ,OEVEL. &OMON BEACH. FlOAIOt\ RJ DEVELuP~1ENTS , - - TEL ~lo. k-' 305 565 5552 Mar 24.92 16:44 P.05 -.:. Jmuyerslllle Insumnce @rporallon N.tton,11 r..dClU.rlOtt -- rucl~mond. VIt,lntl " .. 84-00..070457 tu,,nC:;T to 1HI Ul;l.IJSIO.... lI"gM CQVin.-QI, THllXl:;lPTlQNI CONTAINIO IN 5tHIDUI.I. AND THI ""OV1.04S 0' THI CONOlfIO,..,S .ulO $flli1JLATfONI 14In!(I', l.AWVlnl '''LI lNlunANCI eo"'O"ATIQN. . V~.lf'II. _Of","'''''' "'r.ln nllM ,,,. egmp. I'ly , In'Utll, It' " Onl' of POliCy .ho~ In Schedul. A, .,.II'l" Iou 0' dam",.. /'I" t.~ 111e ..,..~ '" ''''1./''''.' ,..,.. '" '.htd"... A. ftl'U' ,"aUl, enm"",,' fOil and '11"'"." which If'l. C""",nnv ",., Me"", .......4.., .. Dr, ".r,under. 1"'.''''''- or fnllllmtcf -., ,h, IntUtld by .,.ton of . . 1 r.... 10 .... '''81~ ~ ,",ftal dtlCflDtd 'ft 1000001ul. A Del", .,t.tM oUl.rwl.. I"." .. It...eI lhe,II", 2 An,. .,., ,.. ... '"'" .. .....",,,,..... '" ,'*Ch IMt.: S llCII 01 . rlttlt 1:1' 1CCt.. .. ..... 'rem lhe 1....-: . , . . IN W1I"'''' WIlIR,O' Ih. (:MI"ny hll' CIIU.td thll ....,sey 10 bl I,,"*d .nd tealtd. 10 be QlW wh.,. S,"eeI. A Ie ..~.,lltMd by." Ivthorlrtd onfcar " ate'" ,f "" C:tmtllny. an 1ft ItCCorfi"C. w/lh Itl ..,....WI. ~~~zr.::~uon "..ldl'" '-""'-"'--~""'--~ AttttU ~~4 , . ..... .. _~. , ....1......... frxWVI""" " 6 I' f':>o\'" 1Il'f'''' ^I T f\ "",,~n I"',fll'., ~n""" 1 un 1"4110/ '0 ".'or CnI1","';t ttot \llh. ,,, U....... REcelVED MAR 2 .. 1992 SITE OEVa. 8O"t<<OMBE~. F\.~ RJ '.DCVCLOri"!CI'iTC TCl 1")0. 305 565 5552 Mar 26,92 11;55 r.03 . . \. .' ., ",:" '.~, '. ' .', : . '~r'~; ". ~:, . ,. ". 'I . ...."': . , ,:,..', STANDARDS Fon nl!AL ..TAT. tRANSACT'ONS ~ ,"'" .., '. ,t '1.' ,,' , ii, I!VIPF.Htll! 01' ,nLli. t 'J 1\n 1:::"11 '" ~ lMI'I"'IIOO t'lI hou,.~ COtn,...", I1V n '1'IM~ilhio:- IlI'III C'JCIllI~~ ..mltlll1l'''~ I" ,.It nri~lll!l Ull'I1 "",1Il1r.1 t." n"",,,'l"; n', "....'hl'~!tI1 \~ftllrwlh~I lit hn "II 1\(1~'lIilll\' aV'tn\'\, 0 1(1 ,.. 1U"","ti ..IclcChtlllfln Co C(I!llf ....011('('.. ,rc;:(tt,!r1J "'11'0 ,"No _"'- at lID comlJ/ <M1ll'_ t~ "'lIIl('rly I!llu~lllj'rl. Ih'lll~l" 1;1\J.tlivl' , V.~I" ",,,1 whIch ~I~I'I CCll1"l(1ln'J """ II.,; ....,n.... II\oIlIIol _.... ar .II:I,lnI4:, dl1k! n!l "l:"II bl! t.\JlIlt'lln.'llV 11111., ~.,. "lUll dM''Il 01' Ihls bllllllov,li\ln If... "'191'111:1 ~hf\1I1lf'Cl"'''' 'I,'" '''''I''''lv cI "1..".1. Itll~"cI In tl", IIgIIl CII ,rll"i~.WI' Iht'lll'Ol W ''''' mNknrn e~i1. rl41~ ,""'1 !P)~) !fAt.:u "'MICIII "" n tbldn 1"~Il!\",1 m~. Ill'ltllI"Ij\tJIl'f'.ll! , I., I"",... \Il [111',1'1. .~".t '~nlllh", nI 1M (Itoed 1tI1111y11i. 1111 nWI11"''', I......., 01 ltI.. ",...."."a/l h, U.. n".... e ,II .... .~ . lilt. ~f'tC'l'. tlUn to U,':l1 ".".....IV. !I111"",~ 11IIIr 1" W'!IW\. l!.II'l'.lI,,,,.,,....'" r""'I'tI..i.. ... ",rnllfk!nllfll11lf't ""I III It" Cotll1nct III'" IIK'IlII .",hlrll f!1IlI hI' rIl\e IIlIIaI'tC tw III Ol 1lc'1OI1 cklIk'lJ, l'rlIr, "'''''' ....tvC"1' n ,,,,"!.t.~M~ 1.11" !\ult"<:1 (Mill! 10 Nrnl!l, I'I'oI':IHlhnIlC/l'lI. D1tCC'l'lil_1A t'f ,,~otlnllt .... Inltl ., Q."llGl M1<krtltl.... '"~ oIIviIIl1I' ........"'...., ~1IJ fa ~ Ull<:> i'llt/Ilt'l'llfh /1111'f>lrd 1>, '1IIlhflllfy t'I 1I1f' 11,1Ikl:1 0111 1111(1 _I Ill:rnltl"",. Orifh "- n..,.... "'....._ .'lO I~, II .,,~t. (II " ItltI'" II IItIn 1lMI'ltlIll",,1I. flCllll tIrlll! 0Ill!l:rMt9 Mff'l~ '" l~ltO I" I'll/tIh~lf' II, !l 1lI1.; Ie ,......1 1..~....Jilll!, BH\lI'" fh:ll W.ltlll j il:l~. mIll,. ~'t '1 wl1k-U .lI'ClIyltlll d(ok:~!I'I, II ltwt llofl!d(" IMIfrf IIlIn ',,'IJIIIi'"-t/lblrt. ....... will It.- IlK) '!"~'lI Imll tl'r..mt bI ""!Ic~ w~htfl which to ''''ft,MI Ihll 'It1......J(!II. 11lII.1(f whlr:1I UII~ !lll1IIlJ tll1W'l Dr t>l.Uo.. !It !'Ill..., N'"""lllrllt dill ..~ "' It 11>111' It or MlMtwlll'IJ /I II'fl,.td CII fIl'pl'l'IU!l) I~..kl ...Mrll ph.'Il1 .loIII1'I1U",", I,.. /T1!llf......, In n.IV<"': 11>('t...~...., Do'Yf"l /\1,,1 ~ "W1~ IQlrn!Vl !lilt! ",.111", l'l ,. ltnllll'f tll)flI\,lIblllR.'" 111ft r.Alttnef, 8t'Ilc'i Win. II IiIX' 1'1 ......1 ,",.,.",1..'1."."" ..w llillr~'lll ,,,11'11\ hi r."u...I Il"'~';'(!I1 .,11'., w/tI,In 1I1II1",1f' f~'"","'" IIll'1"lnt,IttdI,III1llI", NlIlolil," nr 1\N:I.n.,....' lIOrI!",. ", . . ~ ONlY MOftl"^OI; SF!ct.II'lIt'( AOl1!tMI1Nf '0 Slil,Uft. " flIl1l':M'l(' 111Fl<"" ,.....I''''Pl 1M.' """I"",,,, ImItI Ia ..." 1IIll\."rwtto /gt " :JO I,/; I AI" ~'~Ii llf (l, nil , dn ~r "",~f II " .""'MId I'f hs.".., "'IlI~lnrl"l ftllrIII "'1'1Ac'" ,,,' ,._.. nt '" '" "'1\ l""IllUy. Il.II:IU .,.4 I"" III. 11<:"",..;.,,10.. '" hll"I/'.1 1l411111lmrlo\ ., l'''''' j , ' Mil 1{"III"!' nil !Wkll ... .1 ~ .""....'" ",,,Ifnll*' t1KlItltil;:tlblfl1l ,,1 ,~ III1IIf,I Illtvnn';"R "Ill,", IlIh~ 1111"ll.'!tI"{..I; ",.1 ..'" "nJU;"'l".IK~:" nnn iii '1!It coni..." 'NIl..... 11, 1\I'I1I'I. ho\ ~;~, ,nAy ''Illy If'olJ!~I!' (;I,II~!I' tl~lnI"llIn~ /t1Ip..l k, ''''''' ,..~." ......, 1'00t'I>t'l"ntll "''1l1'ln.... 1I11illf't1 bit IIIN1t'" Ili'I . NlIlll1illtlln 101:111..,1 ~. IIw' e'"""r ",,,,,,oll! IlNlt I ,'. III Y IIIICI .,"'"" ,'''''., e;'1I'N1'l11'1f "' lIn"'Wftlll WlIl. fll !IrIIr't.. "'11""'. '''' 8lol.;-.:t 1ft ..'" "Ii .. " ''''''1I1y 111'1 . rlo-tl lIf "",.., II, f! b~1 n""IIJlO". IIf' 1I..'lI ",...,1.".," _ .....:.....,! II... ......,,"" "",,",""II. """"'Ill1 C, SI/flVEY: ~'I'O~. "' 1)lryl' II 1"~I'''''''~' wlll,It, lI<"C" ......""... j" ~""" .......,,'IIM ul IU!co II'~' t<t I"RlI"'~ l'l\IlI(t. mAy /I/WI' f1rtll F'lt'<(lf't1r lIlW~tJ lilli' tl'.lIIlr(!"'" IIlljIlmt'lI"1 0...._1;'1 ..'. "'11\1" II .."....1' ..flu.... CI!C'''''''!I/II1'1l1 '.1 n/"!..,J r'l(lfIC'Ill' t'I !hlllll1lt~t1\.....,Io"'" Ioclll....II'1.""1II ''1111('1)11. "'lr.t!1nr.\'lII\.'I.'~ ........ fl1_rtlb, .,...!Iof' q11J('j11-1'" ...It.n~ ",. I llt"k'ol..., ,1'''llh:.dr,l1'/<'n..n'~I'IIIfIl.b~.l/t''''''IIWlro.I''I''1..~lIr'''.II,.'''''''n..'.",.,.,.....lIr...."II"".'.."'... 5eJ.~.r 811.~ pr0\71ae copy 0 1.l'O/8Urve \", , f)' . '" tlI On.,...... "II"~\";". 1AIl"." 1/;"" ...._.110. .H"... ....t"...... .11 Ill'" nll,l It. "''''11.''' 11_', MI.1V 11IMI1lr.'Il' "0fIllI~ '1SIl(ICkld bv . rlutl10 ,,' Il~''''''' In ....,1"'" ". mil. 1k-e:1~1 tII YIIltItI ~111l1ng dMl/IIIO ftOIft Illtnd\lI ntoitllfbn '" "" .. 1f'/I. "...... wftl 101M' ~ dnylll/lllt,ln," flI' WlIII",1 ,.,Ilcll IIIDM . tv wtJr1I'IIr .....\M ., . ft'd bt_./rf at \11"""'''' eMI'M.lnl, I\rnl" ~'''~I ,llIy vnllcl Co~,~ 01 ~(,/lI'III"lI ,,,.t .~ "" All clcoftll'{t'J I.' IQ ."1. cI " t'~mt'CI 'hftt !Iml'CIf1I. 8t1YOt IIId ~ U'll ~AlOtI III c:tt1Cr\1ll1ll ~"""rl ....u,." (I ;ft.'IjIR IIl1er f1'IX!Io' or r.unh;tel..... , .1 11.111:0 1tI flr\II!I << IlIIrt'1'1 -"on. 11'1 ....~h ~1l n",1"1 ..hn~ If'Crl.1' R Clarlol ckJSII or lllll IlfIIl "'1M ",tll,";'''''' ..",U.It"'" ,"'. h, ''''''-''/11 '" ,-. of ,.. ""ffC''''l<& II'IDO. 10 "1i:l.1I;h> nil wood "". ,,,,,,,I...., In"" ...,""1"'" I.......' "... rlc>ltfll IMI er.llln1 Ad I!. JNonr.lI IIWO EO""": Rnll... "'IWll\fllt Nvl,f'/Y"....tlt '1" 1....1:' 1_ kl!ll"'; /llwI ~I'!'" In n.. ""III ''tl)fo('lll.. llUlllt...,." Jnr III1! .,It'Irtott \111) M cft-/lQ/ltlftd "" ""tl'l'l'flh VII ""If''''. tllko II'! whlrl1l~ III ReCO/flalr." willi F.lnll'!1ld ^, r. lr:;i\~S: 1'1..11('( ..trllfl. ml "$' Il~", I!) tillV"' 'I"klltl c:11'I1l"'Il. lur,,"JI to D\IV'~' "'''1,11-. ..I lib W111m1 t.on'll"ll Illd ~ 1r'1l(l'1 C'I'"1 "nell .....,." ~~tllyktll !llt' ""1111(1 "1...1 dlMnllro1f '" 'I.... '!"Wlr. ""..""......'t. ,.....111 ,,,!~... ~.I",""'.Nllf'lll 1lI>:1 IN ,"11, ""n""" IlfIld I", 11!I11lll/. n ~ ~ I~IIl"11l to chln\ll ..."'.. "'\ll!I lion. olt\;ll Il'IL'VlI. Ihg """l/'r 1..1", _I!Go. IIhti hn !"fnf~lr!fl hy 1),*,. 10 F.I\~I IV_',III 111;11 Ii"" 1'1'111.1 .., .'" r,~", nI n fio'llt'llt 1lI1b\'WR, ftl"I "tyrr ,,,n, 1'~/ll'Ill'I GClCdftQtl/,u""I. la ~,"m Illld, "....IIII1:.lkllt ""/rf It.nlf. ,lI rt"hto,l, ,\.".,., I1ml n!I~I!l" nit ",k~'\'1l1"1'!~""'"l'IIJ,''''' . ' {\, liENS: (j/'lll'l I;l'i\'i ruml!>l' in "',.", r.I II,,~ 01 cln.lr'l1 (N1 ..lIldwll 1l11...~lblQ 10 Ill" nb~ll,tm, III",!!. oIi~'lV1llc ~lt 101 I~. clIli1rf RIVlnC~l\IlIIOl(>llll'.lI!1, ct""u:" nI ~ ('I rol,~"L,IIi:l'IllI& kno...", 10 SriII"I "'Id 111I1IK'! nUr.sllng 111/11 ,11,.,0 h.'W'! IX1I'll no h",,~"'ll~ m n'fl!ll" 10 F'topl:fl, .. M tin,.. ....,.",.,11llr Cltl't:i\r:ItIClIlnI!l of eloll~'O Ii "'l1!JNty l,nS \)('j!ll h'.!lQYr.(I. tit I~nbmf wlll~" 1"l\llIn1l'l. 5/l1~1 .,..." /II:l/Wf!f .r+n,..." ... "'~'. It' ",~,,,,,,,,.' 11toI,~ I'llOC:Idr.d Iw IIIIIIC"1OIa1 eonl'fldcn. UcOltl,Ileb!l, ".....~1N8. tlIld n",INll'*1V'l1 111 nl~1I1t0l.l0 ~11r1 "1i,,.... nnloh..ll Anlll'>q .... I. II.... ''''"l1:!'l ri Iln II\I(;h (J/'IW'lnl r,fjIt1tftl"lnI!\, $1i.>el'fl/lnrlOtll, 1Il."o/lcll .11.1 I1!,WiI:1l,l1I'I' tmd ''It''n all""Ilil/llhnl f1II "I,,,.,,,... 1m k.........,.,......I.. ... ".,I~h" whH, .~.... M ~nl'" '" 11 Ion,'" rlil n ,"","J<,,*,'II .. ~I ,., " t'hlitl In' tf:tc":wJI'III'lWI' "..,,1 ,~,1tI III -I'" """I III t"".,.IIIIl' n. rt ^CE OF clOSINO~ (:I.-...Ir... ..hnlll'" ,"..., '" "'I" t"~wl1., \O;,.....~ ",,:!Il'Ir,,""" 1'I......n!~<1. AI 110,. rir....... '" tl.. ""ClII"'V Noll..., C'b!!hitlllQl'lll ~Rtt'1 :tt'''''', I, flMli~ ,111"" ~ 01 ~h" M!I<'Il(1) III """ CCI'4,nd 11"'11 "",ll..", 10"('.' vi "1111 ehnn 0 C''''I'I .1,1'11 b. ltlll 1lClfI''1lftlllnll ~MII! Oaturl~ SutQ!y8 '"' alii'" ClI IInUanlll k1(l.'Il hollrillVll. nI.' ""V I_fin 1JI'.hcl "",.,.~"'., 111/ h'J''''" ..I.Ir.l' ..1111111'111 rn llAhRtl'1V. r....lfl.'ly It! .."...1.Jik1", ".,nn ""~,,,,111l 5.00" m. a! 1!ICl""d ~"....u 1I11Y. J, i)OC\j~N'~ Jon C:10SlltJQ, S<tlhr "\11. IllInl'" cW..d. blll oI_.lI','ehnlll!l'.l(tIllIilk~'vI.I\.'lIgllllm~ oIkoMr...IMII", ftI1(I ftIQl~ I'~ 1["11"11, an(! opO;'N:~ ~'IIII,.....ll<<, ~,IyM IIhlll1 C.11l1!JI, ('Joskl\ll;I:\~IU"'''. I1!<lllat'll". IlIIlfl11llr ,m. Pv.lltlly /1111""""'111. ",II III';JI1l;1nQ ";/lIrn,..~I., K, li>lrENSES: D...:tHl""l1."y ~:\1I1l1l\ t., tho clM'd ""'I 'l"l.'flldb19 CI'lll'r.llr. Iol!lltlll"""'" ......" hcIll/11t' I." FIcoIIrr. Oncallltrlll:", "lnIIl(lII, ~lgIIlIc\ I,u l'Id ~~(lI!llnll flItl('llll!ttt IlI!llif'Y Iw,'J'I~ll" I" ~n'. c...."1 ,,,1'1 u"_""'" .IAI".......'.. ","III",!1ltIof hv ""\.... ~. ""OnI\110119, C"~l'ltt:l fl1'"A. 1l~~C'~II/'1"'/I'~t 1~1I. ...~"M l'I'ItJllIllCl!l'Inrl (\111l" I'Y''''I\!I/'~ ntllf t""..~_", nI "'''''1'111' I!I:III1la (lIlIIlIll'\1l1"",ogI. ~ltIt hc-Ic>," e"'~"', 0......' t<hItI hn~(\ II., ",,'kll' 111 Inkl410 C1IIOI IIn., f'w1:I1... ,,"'IcII" (l Iwan~. II lI"'ltI:'II'" I'l W1McJI "llrfJI p........'" "I"'" "" I'fOIlllo/l C~I fll cll1jl/l1Q "" tio Int2t'1\.1'\I CI/ l.-eIM'lnll\'""" \In . u.."lor,1 hV IIIl'/I!Unr!1 ;'l'/nllo<l" "... '''' If""'" "".'rth .~ I"lnt '" af'C4'~KlY M UI:el~~'I1(:)' Cl('.ttllt \I,oft>tfl tlct!\lnlt. ^,l\rtll~" ,..'" lI1ld IC'ClllH., ""1ll'MII wlIllCl fl...lIN1 I.. "l)'t", ..., "....,,,... 'k.~III~:I~ 'l('!'<J IN 1l1ll11fr1I1"(l v.1I hD (':11'111lffl1 ~. S,..... 111l(I'~ .11:11 hr. "'~I\~d IIl\'.II'd fill "'" ClIf,",1 "",,', \&I. \'I'fU. !frIO ~- cnn<b 1/1/ mnll~lI~" llllt1wn~ (1l~1t", lunn11..,nd 111111 ,,1I~, l'J'(II"flllollll, 1/ e!rIMI" oc;rAl,l1M II fin'" ..11lI., II", .,G"/II" rt"','a mlnJW;!ll II rlCl1lhed. l\Ild f\II'("I! rm'. n.lll....lOIII 14 rwnInltltl. 1ft-Oi will ~ p11l1i1fll;f tJn.'l'I1 ''''''I' ....~'h "."",."",,'..1 ",.111'" I"~" .....tI,'. '"",I'I!(I.1l t:IIlI/lllt )'r.Ih" n'!l('JIIIIIC'll1bt 11?1 "vlIl/nlll... tMn Ill.". \I11III bi' IIItltltfrd tlll1lC" fllOr ~.. In I\, If II.,...~ ".n ct\",plo.loot ~""''''''''''It'III~ 'lIt !lNIII"OfP'IIV IIV ,1~ItIl"Y ~ ,,1 ~I Q/ f'9rlMIIIII whlo;h ~",(Otl'II,,'Il1l\ "1f'II' "",t Ic1 !'.I::I"",,, 01' .......,IlIV ... ~ II... /lOW 1/1'111 tlC'fl1n1C01 Ihnft ha flIOfnll'd ,~ I~"," lhr !'fl", ' yr,,'" 1l,11"',. nil,' 011111 nCl\1lI:!\1Ir. r,"';t'"..",,,~ 10 hll ""'.....IIl\K...I...I..oeN' 1111' I~,.I"'II. 1""1"11 wI:ldl. '~.lI'f!t will bI' n~ 10 U", CCllllly "(tj\('IllIlItlPnl,.., kM "" 1111001.1:'1 "":w~...~'" 1,,1.10"1 1"1.' ""'....."'lItllrJll nvllltrlllk> ""~II,.il.~llI, ^''li' In_ I.otal~ ~ 1111 1\11 ~11I,nlo 11WIy. fll ",,,".1 nT Mlln "'....... (II &-lktt. '"' .....'""1\'."... 'I'rKlI<laIrIll..m 'r.eMt,1 (It In. tolll ...., rf".'II~WIIMI " .!nlnllll'illlo IIt1'll"'l~rJ "'" II" t:ll.'l'lII'Il ~"'fMl" ' " . M. 5I'liCll\l MtleSSMEtlf llF.t4S: C;l'I'.1I'(I, (l")Illlmrd ml<11II1lI~" .,J"Cl.;l ...."'.!lIIrn11k-1l1 II' oItl:IIII nI d.,...1O lnnd mI III of tffl"cl~ Ollltl nril I" l.tl" Il/fId by !iraN, 1'lY1I1IJ'II l~..,., n~ 01 c1n1n 'lO1 ",<>"ltort ..hl'lU ton /l""IIt~'d hy llt......" 1111", ".Wr)\//m""" hM ho~ll 1\I.\1I1n'lll.~ cull.lH'ld I'I!II (II EI/rcM ~. tud. f1C"1dIo'9 .... a....n I.. DIWwltl..,<id "!I d'11U...I. r.f.>nr~III1'" (t, Itllll~d ",vI S~lI!:'. 1'4''''',111 1;"....1(1. M e111111J"11 Ill'l n11......11 ""lI1llflll" \11'01................... I'tll!'''...._..1 b ".. ~1'II/I'''l!\ld I1v ... (lI1ttc bNty. ' H. IHSrISCTlOII. "ErMA I\ND NUlltllEN/\tICE; '6Cb wmrlllllll IIl11l. 11$ qI Ifl d..,.. ",lor I", C"'/I~. Un 1:f'1lIllCl10lll tll~1rlo II., flllCln trod 11)111"1111111 ('~If'!1tI ",lit It~flIlo1 wnlls ' lh nul hnvo mv \fl:!1fOLE ellll.ll!lll~li. cd "'..~. or ...nll'lI d,,1't\U'I /l!lo;l "',1 II~ .1'JI1lc 11U1Ie. JK1Ilt nil mnJtl. llflpllMce.. ltilftlfr'IQ. toc""g. et<<..~ ~ ~pl'1''r.I ",'d ........\I"'''y "'II )" Wall,Ul COllt)III('t1 lJciY'lI "'l1Y. ~\ l\Iyllr', O~II"'I"I'. M'fl.O li~lIot1!1 m.,.." 01 110l1li nr.nll \)y 1111 (1~~ "fIt\f.. ~ pili_' drIIl/l'll h Iha eal'lsllllr.lloI1. I!'l~ to! nmU'll1llftl1Cll t1I 11.,51) II{'Ins llll\t ,I'"" '''11OI1 111 W\'1I~'lI1o $0,1"', 81lC!h """" U..,I clfo Id ItIIN!I /l1ll f1111'111tl IIN11bdl III to ~l' lorll" wltl, UIO cos! of COtll~dh'9 1I1t'n1. 1)1101 10 1li1)1l1' "'~"'''''''''''Y .,. '>till....' II,,.., IU ,I:tys Dllul b t;hPlQ, wltlr.llI'l\"'f l'IlClII!l'hSl Unle;~ Ou~rr I(Ifl(lIIIS 1111.::11 ~I ."" '....'11_ "'~ .,..,. 1m dNmI>lflo ,.....It ~ S,4N. w~l/ftIlli>1I ~~ If) ,1JttM;1!l noll"I"lIt...' II '''f'.1Il' 01 f1'I~('illl'flf f11f1 II'CIUlti:>1l r...ttr:r IlIml1 7'l1Y I'" .. :I'" ct 11'(0 t>llIctllW' JlI~D fCJl _ell lC't:ftkl 01' Infll,'cr'n('I,I!I W /\II 1I1lP1lI.1~lrly rkloH~ 11(1~I~ol1 "'lI~Ot' ~~lnll tIiI !\rI1ll', II II'" e", '" ",,"'. 11'I.:.I,~ DI I('IIIMB'...... ('Ijtl/"IIc1s:l"\ ef 1M r"ChllflO 1'oIIil:Cl. Oc~' er Sc>lIr.r Il\IIV rll>cl b !Wi;' IItlClll'lK"M1', I:lRlI'4I ...hleh ~In~. 1"',1" Io"'y CD' ",.1'1 ..till w,lIloct , S~I~ " UlI:\hle 10 cot.eel U. (''''reI, p.1c)r /Q c:""IIl!f. 1110 \;0'1 ,..,teI Il\:IfI bl' ""kf ...0 .-.... ..I v"u,\"u s..tIN' will. tttOf' rp.I\SOll;lblp. I.Jllc(l. fllW~'" irtlllll(!a I~tylco 10' Inllt'lldkttl'l nr.1WCII!1\ EIII'CI~ lllI1.lll'lllllltllJ ~Ifl. E\rll,.. e1\1011_WllIn "'1IfIII11y .ltlldllClllulllC'lllnlftcKf II) 1m l;rMi hltd .ltll~r. kllllO r;l'IwUIIon !~'If1~1 v,m 1I'''I~c1. ('HII,,",y _~, (In, k'flI ""nntolNf. 1I.'VIIt ."nll till 1If'/1llIItI'rf IlCIlMI '111 Imttrt:IorI CJI flIcl/'1t'1ly t1i1tlt _ c:balng In 0Idl'f to <<ll"km ttll1'('lllnnrll 1Yll11 It.1ll elm.If...,l o. nlll~ Of' LOU, 1/ I~ r>t(\p"'IV '- ,,~ blI 'hlt or 1'1IIl!ll ClI$lltlIlylll"CJil! r:lo~lrcg Illll! co!ll or l1'tI<<I'llcltl dcIas 11)1 (ollClMld 3'\ 01 R.. "'lI('SlIrd w",",,,,IIc>. ,,( ".... f'K>c>otly flO (In,,1/l1I'lI1, C'iolll III lesltilnlll;n lI!mlll'ln nn obllgl1tlon ot It", Srllt!. ,'id I'Jo;.htq "WI flIoc::t"'lI (liBel,,"" Iu "'" "". ., Conl,ncl ".Mh mllGlaltln COt'. 1lIt!0Wl'!d III cto''''O " 1110 rl)ll of 'r.~I9I"rlo<'II~,:~lt 3\ '" n., """AAOd """...."',, d ,IhD ~..._ ~ ,dN11IIO/!lt. b1'Vfl1 ""'" Ill\WIl Ihl 0JlI1on 01 alI10 lriklng ~Ir III !'. .1"'" ~I\ ~hN 1111) :n (II' nn~ h.<lol""'''''' l".......,~~I~ t'lllVnl~o hv wlun c.c ~":,, Int<< Ill' (tll1'~, III tII etlIlI:I,IIIIQ(';flltI'ncll\llll wr.c<MoI\1If!1UI" 01 cltopolllf!lJ, ~. 1'I10C&ED!I OF 8^l!; Cl.OSINOI'I\OCEDUI1EI tho Wcotlel.lIIlt,., '''ct'lIIIlct I.'M cl"n,jlJlCII 01 ""Ill.." lIhaltnel, ev_ko'~ tA \II" ,hd bit e.........trellll ~.. (\./'II:'II.~ III tl\('!W 1I~ 10, ~t;1'l, wltholll nny ('1r.l.tlltlJllIl"/.1S ell chlll9' ....llld' weuU ''''.... ~'. Ill"" I."""'~"''''~'' Itnm II. clnla 'llllhl' ItI<<t C'klAlCC!. "0CfGdt vi 1M .. Ih1l1 bo I",ki ... ...tI,...., t." &..t1r.1'~ ""'"''''7 01 I.Jy ..,..." oil,.,. ''''~''';INI' /lI:r.Cf1/1lbl'1 fZl(lt{W CICI"lII '/If n "",loti IlllYol Icv'lll'l Ul/lIl 6 ~. tlClIlI 1\1111 "'let c;;....1lI Itnkl. II ~n 1It!ll Ie Il".........I ........."..Inl'....: lI~llIlrJh "" r.\lJ:ol 81Jy1lr. ell'l~' slll'lI. w"h~\ lho r. dllY ""Ind. 11tIfII., 8t!1~ It! w,IIhll !'II 'ho /k!1"CI "rod 1tvb ...... '- GO .... t/Clfn fIItIa at $C1r1Dl rJ 8tlch tIQ1Iflentlllll In Clno lire ,ti1I...~, II $t>1I!!1 1~lIs fa 11""..... CUlt! Ilu (l('ln;;1. nl (11:1'0011_1 "'I'll. 1.,.00' _111m dI>m/lId ilIf 9.1\'1'1 111111 wlI".1 6 c1l'1y1 1Il1of dItmt\J'Cl. be ,all.''CId to I\.IrlK Did ",f'IIlIm'llou"v willi "HI" ."I'I'\'l....'I. &t.Mlt almlllllhrln ~1'ICI1l'1t~ IUtd 1/1lC:1IIn fblll "opP.lly .... 'QeOlllll'Y ~ 10 S~ bl' IIPf'l;W WAlIN", cfclcod. It ...' 1nII. Iv _0 I~""'r tIl!n',""l tOt 1'\'1,"..1. .'VC'" r.lmli I.,lto tlllu 11'l I~. w:Wlt1Q /l1l1~lhlll nvnCnill SroI\nf lIS 10 lIllV ."D1Wt'IIfl f\C'Irct ~.,,, ell n,,,,, ~ ....nlInMa1 10 ."", hlI "I'lII aI WIlttmtllt!. COfItnlt~ In Iho dt!(od, 11 II />O!/lon ,. "" 1~IICIW1~C ",teu L, I" I", d,..I.....1 I.f'll! k".III,~b1.'" 1III,"rel"" or ,~lnftllC"l\l '1"11I1lt['n11"t1lS !If 1"1' __",111'0 lr~tllllllrtn '" 10 ~. 111m cf ll.,)' .r'" r:woc:edlll('J 'ff cbtlt'lJ, IIll" 100 1....I.l'.......,,~ of 11II'1II{'IlIQI! f'<<J(.~II!l III"U c:r)nllD!1:1Vf'ff l'l"'~'f\'" IlIQV1'\l<'11,1n 1111:1 ('.Ilnhl'C! "'11m -'lIlft 'I1M' ..'" lllJlM 10........ I,M! 1I11l /eo"'", 1,....~1ctn 1\ wlMlrn cm1nl~/fW'I~ !hnl K V;H1llf~ wlllll""'l dhlJllltmlltlllll t>I 11~_lonll" /l'OC('f'lI, nil II 't'",rl1 '" "'1 Ill... ,,,.r,,,,, IlU.ldlibTc '" BwM'lllCllfulv;w. '"0 etcfIl)tI ",d clcslto p~"t' 'Nlllhrd by 11.1, SIlottd:llrl ....., I,.. ",,,,,,,,,Ill W.. nil,,", I.""""ti m"""'!!1I mlll/p,!! fll....lJl." 10 !Irr~lttn ":I ,761/ I. r~ l1Mn fI4l 1\I1ll'11I1M a. lltCll.OW, Any i!!IC''''' l'I(ll'lI! r'tmlml.'1 'l'C('hr~lQ I,mlls 01 C'qt~lt It .lull",I~(''' 1\I.III/III'"a by tr.c:",lMI:1I ri tmn 10 dI'fIOfIII 1I1t'1'11 rtromrtl',. """" .rwtlI:' In ..- t...d. *>III/t'el to dl1llln"c'!. 111.'."111 1I1l!1T1 &1 or.COIIJii1il:ft Wlltl kll",s R.d C'JI1IrlllQld 01 CDnhll(:t. r(1lt,"" 1)1 0'<>11'_ ot 111<111. ...... m1l1l1cllH t\1VCl'S pnCIIII1'ClI'C(\. K In tlcllll~ II' CO ^"",.& dl~h'! /It II"btU*'1I unh !he ........I~I(M,. ... lJl>'W,I'Ql. ~..t ",It". 1\1 ~"1'1 oollo". cOlllhu' to 111111 1I11l 1IIt~1 1l1ll11Clf of Illlt IlIel'Qlllt ,~\lII Ihd (lIIIkl tnllltrnl!y ~CO killS rtlSl.llIlPl'Il"""\" III \.'~. n ~.,,"l""ll 01 n Ct'1\1I1 01 1:rlI1'4)t1/!I.JII~"Ir.lh:O ,,!tnll dl;...."... "... tJol.!I 01 1M f'l'lWllo. DI J\oI'IIl ITlIllI CII'lIOFt wllb 111Il' ..It ..I thll "I_oil "....,,1 .""""\CI bl9dlc:li(lll (l/ 1'111 ,11",...,1", IIf101.l1olftyIJ1Q nI /)."111>, coor.f'tIIl'CI IlIClIllC\folt. III p..,.1iI1y 0.. I"" mo' "r j\gnl.l ..... l,rIlJ/IPI"'\lotO. ('XH to P1l\ MIl'414 oIlV'.cot."hlll f04 arty ItcItlS ",ovIatllliy dt'llYI'tNI ,"" 01 ",,'''crw. II " lle"".."tll~..1 n....tl' IMnkl:". ~I'I" wl1 t\'lt~ willI ,.ovhhrll d r-!1II.t11'1 H!l, ".8, 1190n M nmtnrtr.d, ~ ... bf'lwNlll .~I ~ 3r1lN' """"r IIW'~ Is mnol.. II /1Il11~ lJ"aulflo III ...JiI'I.' ~ 1\qt'I'l IlllIl'Iuk'l. C'il III lUlV ~lll Ml('ll!ln ^""lI .llOl~I. I"" III11Jlocl """k-. of II. 11__. ^"""t1. ...... ,ill/!OW'f It'Mlllltltlle fI11or'lC'Y'll INls lllltf CQfb ~.,.~,." h."~I~,1 """II 111/1 'r.~1t l\I"'II:O!Il~ 10 hn ,.lvlClI""l ",od II.""""", It. lIf"IilI ditl. III IIIWlt 01 tI", "'C\I~ ~ty. I'tIlIlI'l .<<llt 'm'I ,.,.. 11l1li 1104 tin llnhlo In any "'ilIly III t1l'1~:Il1 '.",', , , """",..Hk!t'IV In ",,"'" or ~, t111l"mllll1,I+'~1 '" Il>lil C'!l~_.lti"'n'u,ld1lltltvhollmy f5 lI!lI' h:I vdIl1. btmllu~ COItkllC'llflt 1Ji111111I,A...,- QI' "r"I. ~;.~;~,:; ... tot lOnNEY "U~ CO!lT9~ III "11"01 Illlmlbt "rItlIr9 ""II ,,( II"" ~,IIIld.II.,,..I!lf4lllIrtc\,.,.,tv tlltlll't!t tIf1II!M 10 IIInM'I' 1G<._~tbIo, Mt..."...,. '00. """ cnklk, ,~.,,~,' 6. tl\lLUM OF t>lhr<lRMhNCI!!III ~ InlIs to "'101", "'" Conlrnet ~ 'h' IlIM l'lfI"C1IkIlt Ib~'" ~.. ... ....(.1). tht ~lttll)llld by 81t;et ~ be 't'INrll'd . <;, IIf 0/ I~ Ilia ~nll 01 8el18' C1'I (Ig'llOd \~. .,.MolllId cln....,.,., _....IDI""an Co/ Ilw, ~Illlltoll 01 .. ~'&11I1 '" hM IOII11tmfn1 d "'., e1nlms: whert'llf1Ol1.!It~ Ilf'd tk'11(-! :',,,_Ilnll lit> ~" 01 .. QblUalblllllm CGrlI,!I(:\~ or SC'1tIr. III 1k'1Ior'. (lptbl. nlny 110Cft'1t1n ~"')' 10 tllfofw 1iIIOt'. '111M' \IIIlMl' .., Olt1bod, II. "" II..,. 1f>1l_ oIl.... "\3l' ''''U11l ! oIll<:I~i ~ ",nk~ Si'IIIM"1'" mtlIkC'l/lbkt llI1at tRlIDI!.. 1'IIo,t, (tItIIDr JttllIJ. '~G1~ OJ ftf\.. 10 ....r..... 1111. ~ hi ._ IlIW t('fJk 1fI/Ie1lk; pet'lItmtlllClll or I'Ir<;t 10 ~ I!!,,}/Ofttf"l>' n.oy/Ir" "~-'It"1 wlllw:<o" ll11'inb\l ~ IlI1lI' Iltb fell' cllltlllll1llS fI"!"tII\n(l hom ~1It!f"1Ii":dI, :, ~ COt.l~' Me,' t.!?,t ",tConO^nl!: rllnSON!, 1000NDj NotlCtl "",hrr 1111'1 (',nnlltw:l 11111 IIII!' I,",k:r III II .... bel NICOIcfr.d In, "'.,., flllNt Il'C'OIG!\. nrll CO/ltmr.l 51.... I.....t .,.,,/ ::1/1 ..II H1 ll'llll,l ""M) fII'Ilk'lI nlid th:t ~~ 'n ."'.,Nf, W1nW'llf'f PI!' 1ll'I1k'~1 JIf'l"...., ""I\JI.... "'\nil /Itd\111ot "'ltfIt ...... uno ..... alllllllndUl~ nil, NnIte QIo/rII bt (V ,~,"" n 'ry InI n"'1 I'''''Y ,,1..,111... /Ill ..1I~'.... Aft. """"" "" N..'a Jlct.f'l'\Y , , ' ,', . ,', " ' iU,,,'C ~^f,jQ:', c..u.,. ,"""," "DlNOy llI..lontUI',""/lI1l'IIIIt.1I ~iI"''frlli'''lIlv. bUlllte"""",,1IO'lIlI IC'f1/('~IIftINt.. or llUlIdL",'1 dwd. ~ ~lakc 10 tho 81nlt~ d ~1Irt.1I""jl'~ \~.!O I"':~ CtIlIt.!,1I!It In I'BIllfttll/'lh VII .1II1Ota \llhl". fIClllmtl!d by '-""'I. fTt~lIlny 111ltII. tV I\'CJIIIt elf "'1\'('1'. bP ....."'~..... by .... n"""," bit fll .. wllh ....lIlmnl.. >I.~~ .,~ ~I '"~! 1clll\lIlI.I11Il\I...~ II!! mny 11!1 ~~...." tttMlI'cf r..d....I'''', ,., ' , ' , , ' '. , . "v. 11", /\on/:,tMeHtlt; I~ ,oint ,., ,.._. ~....,tlIlf"" (II ..."....IMI:'llIrlll8 11'l1li brJ N!1ltllIO""" 11l~ lilt lk6It \I"" ~lltm In ,... COlllrllel. Nc> fIlOOIflcnlU1 (II' thl1l" ~1 '.~ r~ "YlII!!,' "nfl!1 f1t '~~1II"""'"1 ~ "^"~, III"~' 11'1 wUllnq nlwt r..c"ll11!f't11ly lllei pRlt, ClI' I'IWtlM,...wfM fG 110 1Icw""'fl)' II, , 'I ,w. ,_ 11.14;11:1: Srlfrl "'1\lIM.' 111<11 Ihl'lCO'M'! he; W;/, Itnnwlf kt ~ Jmt(lll/llly IlffrClr4j l!lll mil'" ot Ih" ,..'" "".,......Iy .......",.. .... .......... ........-.. hy Bdyor ... wi..!, tj~..~ '.;,~~~r" . "':;:',; ,,;;.~l'>:.f~,,"I'"I"'" \\ I'. If.I"". n"II" ji cl'," ,~I..."l,'IHt'IUIt'lI'IIII",:' ,<" , .~.,,~;. .~;~~;, f~' ::"". ,; ,'. :. .' ,~ .\" . .t: :.~;~:<.:t '~""""""""""_l1w ..~ M,-.."""-- 4 ... ~--4'" P.02 I ~\ ....~ ' '.I . . (hI ~."'" Il.ir!m.". "llf. lip. 0/11111 hllfll'tly Ill: ' . (..I ""'''0>",'11- --~ ------ N. P'UhO""'Bl:r"lcB"","""" .....................t..........,.....4..'...4...................."'.........................,...................t"'~..fl......._ ,"^Yt.1ENr; . /.., tlfor1orll~lIOtll\l..,IdIr\"M1IflW~~hU~ Morris cOIllPan~ 1l~-;Q~~~~ n ~ . i*~~I'"------ ~ '" the II/tlo,,"1 or .---- ..f"'~ .........I.jn''''''''~.'''''I!:IIIW~nI- $ 4C"~-"~"'1IIIIl'\'o_lMr\ll.N~~"'~~'1l~-_..---.AlHtn""""""'H"'~~.......... I (11) 0"1/'1: ~loDill deposit due at end of lU8pect:l.ol! Perlod a8 d~f1ned s~ 1"1 EiI'\il1t~l'\~r=Nh.lMl.LOC^l.lVtlMiVNcf"llrk>dor ri'lR~.HIlftcl.I..IbjnclIo.......~~..."'"'prvmIIIJr" ,s~ ltL 'rIM!; fOR ACC~"J^NOtl: IEFtrcTIVE t1^TII" 118 oiler Is ... 4'l!l'(1tlll'd Iw nnrl ,..lh.ivll'ft '" all ""llll'1I OI1I'N:1t 01" IxteutUf Cl'III'ltnI,nfr.n1rd In .rll"," t""~ 1I1llIVlrll~! l'I!' IlII",hllr> AUlust 6. 1990 . II~ d..t>o~U~1 .11'. III "'~r'. ftt'4101l. hi' fl!ll'lMd Co BUlfl'1 11M the tlllrl wl1hrtrn'NI' < 11m d~r" of lhl~ Cn"I(MI ti,Il\l.Q\lvt DtII."' will tJf'I fhil dnl(' wlll:n Ihll' Inlll 1ilI'''' ,fl/ tit" 9ltyf'f newt "Ill tt'llW h,l. "Ont!d Ihlll OliN. ;V. l'1H^MCIN\l: Ifll If Iho tlllr(lllnM ,.,Ice Of' lIfty """, ", II'" to ba IInliilrQ(t Io!y 1\ Ihlltt MIl, '-I. ,"" c.,.,trred ~ .. 'II1(t PI.ItehlI.e (Y!l"'ftCl"ll; tllll'lIIlotll!d 011 lIe) all)'!'t lhll'.b\ll'll" ....111M 09.".~I!'l1t",1 'Of' .".Iom W111\11l d(lyll 1'0111 Ellptll\/l' Olll~. "I IIn lrllllnllnl/1rt'11 IfI'lt IIGt to ..curl ...: ~."'., , ..."'t. 'IIrl in tllfI ttl''lrltll11 ............ Dr . , ". 'I'ff YAI Ie. AflIlIIt'JlIIQI\ Ylilhlll rl1vt fIm\ IlftrctMil Ontfo. /lfIlt llM tallMtlJbItI ~(1 III (ol>1,,~. II'" 10"" CO"" ..,ltrool\! 1\1\11. IhCtQI\Il~, to "m'" Il~ 1"'_ "'I!" _t'iltfl;w" 01 Ill(l CCf\lInilfrtt'/111ll\(11o ~5l' It", Ionn, !II..... "WI rll.,.. rill hili, 1"1\1'1""'" . IJIIV\'f raallo Allin'" 'hi lfttoll e_ll~tl ,,"" IrOll1ril'" lIollllC'S St!Io' "1 \...,IIlIlQ. ar ,,'icI. lC~ l'f!c>tl '''Ill '" IIIf!I!I 1110 1('1"" 1I11r1 COIt'h1tonl of the caml.lIll!1~ Of 10 ""1'Iw 81I1if'" l\ohl' II. Ihll lubllllMrllple ""'11111 hI U,n. ~",,,,f 1(11 ohlllinlllQ Iha (/lIIU'llftIlW'I~,IlIl't\ tI/t\"" ",~Iy ''':IV tMC'r1 "It' 0ftI"11'Clt ,lIwUI,,'!":, '"""" I~ mtl~lMlt 1111 ~I"). {hI tl", ID!\<IIb~ IllI1IlQllgII rlttllr.rIIl1'd In """'19111'1, U(hl ntlQ'llllll\!\ ICllF.cK ( nOn I~llll) 0" YlMlnh'" ........0.. ,nflo Cln ftl a II n~ Itlftolt'tll rllte of ... ""r "",un \1111"" oJ 1111" tlllll~'r' ".,.11111 IIltllt1 IIlll1llll'lllll('s lilt' .trf>lN:I 10 IllCl{,l\Slo, IIlnr.'C"ll'l<,;,d. Ihl' 'nt~ tlll,lIl1nl I'lCel'd ,., IUlt "~e\l"\. "<<-IIer .h"II, wllhln -- ' 1,\)111 Imlll E"~ellvtlll~I." 11"11f~1 n M1I1Hllt1ll1 .Nfl "" .~ 19'~"1II I\lnlhn PI_K:lPnllmlnnel':', ",,'IMet I;lfl'Clytlll'fll. ~ett rnlll .nlt .It d 1\IOI\gllars, . ~ )lII' nor!!M 10 1\"/111111' , nn In:'itr. wI,k:h f~l'llll'rli n"r"D\IIlI ~ ~ by .., n\IJIln.'\W'f' f", ""IIIm~\ II..... "''V<'' a'"," "'.....,.11, ""'nl., [1lI ft'(f.dol'd ~llt:lnt nncl ~ dI\orI,lly 1.'011-''''''1\ RIlt! 1('l\Hn II".,,> , .' II", l1""IQ"Il'l''', i'I"y 11101 fal\rc' ell""{l"(,1 \\\\1 It} o~~ml S alll\R bo /rnU I~ III lint IIltell 1ft, el\uftll, cflvldr.d'), II 1110 8U)'V' it tlt'1 nr. r.1"1\1"rf .~ 4II'lllgi/QC'(! III Ih~ 1(11'1111('/11/..11* lQ. IlO..M''fl'....\ .,.oe OInt h, nccar,"'1\tP. wIt.. II1lI lnllllll rillhn r,,,,It.1'C'f qo ""',-,"1\16 l\~"'"" .. ..1""l1O fi ettttlU Of ".. .1."Ii'd /\mOttlll. Snlll'l D' ltM:1 ml')' rrv-b.l .,1. ('''''''M' h\'Jf'51.~'1 ... Ill,,, , .1'tItk',,, 10 ",. bllll'f J'II'IV IBIIl'It rlllll.'l tllt>clio I" twlY I"" ~lr.fr'''W a., InIcvc!BI mill (It "'11.'l)tI 1lltII~1' t1tnttr., I. ""'TLE IOV'DI'!NOe: I\t ~II _ &.\va ~t' elMlllcr rlnlc, Sf-IPJ .11fIII. fll Sf'~', ('Y,,"?t'. tfclW fo bt~, Ilf ".-",,', 1II1~. In /'lCl;;gotfilllCli' whit $r/l'n,rrt A. tChN;II III rI?lH1l0nh"lmr.I.,ltltlnOt'llllICJllIln'""'''11l1tflC(l/11l1lI'III'IlI ^ cbpy of Buyer B title 1t18U1'8DOe pOJ.icy '1. Cf.091NO bAlEI lhlq 1t;'lt'I<.'lr11l111 ~1/111 tV' "In......' ".", n~ I......' N~t 91..... t'4n'l!l1l1"'l\fW'I.'~"'" 1\1, __ . IIhlcl.l ".INI,,,,,, hy ~1""1 ,.,,,,klnn!! (II 11f1nhllf'1 II. nFllltnlCrlON., U8tMtNfIt: UMItAtlONIIl\ft"}l11\tI1 w... 111'" l"'lJI'ol I'll r.fMtI"!l"MlhlcllOl". f'NIIIlIIlIIdlW,1lI1t1 ol1\P,t '.....''It'Il~' ~ll)-'1~ (Y-lIIt.1nnlt'nl.1l ","hOl~~: .r~IIIcIi(ltI~ d ,,,,,II"', I1r'I<"~I"1fI on Ihn Illlll Ct l;l\hN""'''l' <:'.01'1111('11 \lllll(' 1ll1tw,lI<Mlol\ pillA: ""llv 1ltI$/lftlNllt DI H1t<lfd leIl~' (\00 1<0 ~ ~Illvri CI'IlllpllOllt '" J'lr.o:ll r>rorll'llV IiIlI'f ",lei " nt""~ limn 10 IIl!'l III wlrIIh ft' 10 '" tm. or "'QuI ....." /l11(1 1'" M ., llo4lllh Ilill IlIi' !tilt!/'" I t!UNwItI" ,,\f\dI 1 , In, ,'('t ~f( tb 1.1 I.....t.""~'" w";n~~lI1nl'''I''n'ln.''''''~"'1dlItIlC''"!l(!.'''''1CYIlw:vkJllI1''ll,\'''IV;''''lI'f~ ~.... '.~~~ttM B*"1"I:~ht":nr-p.: no ..'I(nJ..:~1: D~H.o;....'.a..=u I~::~"~"" ~: . RllrL in['prpnr~t~d he~C1n l:ty U1.@(QnC~L _ ___ _ __ __ _ ' - _ - -- - ---- --": 'lvlr"'ri.lh..1 It...." ('....... t1l t;\t>""'9m vIr1I/IIWWI 01 11M:' IOI~IQ n!1ll11('ll'" af IItfotltf1'NH,h'l~ Ill"'"" flInt\t!lly l/If . ""I"Q~rl'I, II. OCCU"^NeVI ~toI!I!I Will'""" 1},r11 ..",,, Ilrr' 11ft fWlIP(lll1 COtt,\~1I\Itr.Y otl~ ,h", SrIn. h141f I"I(lfV'lty l! Itllt'lllfNI kt hr ,t'lW CIr DCli'l'!l'd l'c:oyl;II'(t CIO!lllIll, I'D '~I n,," ,,,.,"t '1I1t" pJll1Il ho filnlf-ll '..rrlll. nrlllllllll"rtclnll~l tJr OCCf",",111 ~1u!lNt \1I11-'Wll\llll $11Il.......c1 r. 80Ilrl 114'~~' 10 -'r.1Iot'l' ~""'q' of P1otit'llV at IlnlO 01 e\osllll' Iml:-n bll~I\lYI~... tlrrlt""t'<l- 'I o<IeI"..,....,.,. blot"'" ~1If'1{!" bf'!1oI0 CIl>>ht Oll)'!'f' 1I$1It1ftlO1 fl. 'In of lot, 10 "0l'Il:11)' lrOlll (1.,1. of OCClIfll\llell,IhillI htI "",....14._ ".'IIt ".b. "" 1lI",",C"'IIIlC9 114)111 ,1 [1tI1... n....l ..hnM h(l ~/1Mlt'!t In lv'WI 1lr.1'.fIl,1,.tt r.l'ltI"rlv If. "",If "111--'", C1~1M M d II"'" ~ 11111'" DClCIIfWtl:l' ,''',, all..,wtltf .'lIMrf I"",,, or Ill. JlII'ftIAID 'MIIL;o, . nN,wn'tUN 0" HM41)WnlT tlM ."O'llSION8, 'tvttawII'1lf1 flit hftl1tt<ov,lIt.." ,....,.,J,1ot1' ""I1~ t:OI\l'a!"1 ~ rwt'~IIlIIlI'" 01 ComrtlCf In eonlllclwllh lI.rn, tNBlIl^,tON "'Inli", " Cr.>tttrfll'lllllulllrl'lllnl lilt' ~ << n 1ll'W !1'lIIlh~1'. It,,, "~nlt- ~ /;It flJlIv"""tllllll'/ llIt 1I11nr.ltM . COASTAL COHlITnUCTlON COHlAOl. U"! I$CC.L-' "1C)lnll Call1ulCl fa e~PI,..., lar II.. Mil' fi t'topcllfY fllft'l"l'lt by lhe Oea.. CIUlI1lt'r 161. f,8. (I081l. "' IlI11l'1df\'f. ~"",""y 'II'" U... CCCL !1kll!f (\I t'1~lhllll1'l'" IIII1Y \In ....IIIiIYiil '" t1d, r.nnllN'J. I. FO\1tloM '''vesTMtlfT IN flt!AL pnOPlinT\' TAX ACt '"FIRPtAt) "IOIlAI Iho PIlrtlfo, .11;'. COII1"" will, IJin ..,Mbta .., ntlf'lT.\ e...t "~Il IC'pUI~llrlli!l ..weh could "~1I1 Sf'\Inf 10 ",':lIIIrI'lI\ltrIt;,.~,ll'l'~h ,,' 1:"''''''1'110 ..IN'! w~II'''''''lIl'1l iH.i1i""",~ mw.l\1V' rl1rt^ nil.,., or fqll1YI1Il1nl fit.... tit' ""ftClft 1ft Ihil OaI\14l1l:f, : ,~ I II. JlUltlNAalLfTV: (CII[Ck 1'1 no !lll)'''rrr, t 'I Q'I mny n!ll'O' CII1(ll 0 m:ty I~ "I!'lklt1(',(WIftll(:l. v. SpeCIAL CLAUSES! IC'lCCIC III (I' (fit Mrlntdllll1lH alII n11nr1Jt'11 on 1210 .. hOI fIt1IlIIcllhlv, , , THIS IS INTENDio TO 8E i iioAliv SINDINQ CONT""OT, ff NOT FULLY UNDenstOOD, SEEK tHE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY ftRlOR TO CIONINa, I illS I'ortM ~W1 DUN N'I'f1DY!.C1IY Tlte flOOfO/\ MSOClt\llQN OF llE~tons Amt nil! FLORlrM BAA. ^ry;rtAnl 000' IIOf r.Ot~ I _~,." IMt lItlV d III1t "'.... ftnfI ..1diltonl ., rh1$ CurltrlclIlIOUfII 00 ~ ", the ,.(Iet h . illite". hllslerkn Ti!IJnJ /i (.wI tJ9fff1Ir/riIM IllCIk1 1MlQQ{""0l1 tmact t4JM tho ~ tllMllts. al:Wt!clMoa .111 tItI.....". ~ of .. ..... pncn& , ~ VRlal n 19M rN n IE FlontlM lWI At~ lllE FtOAlOA MSOC1A11ON OF PCAl;rOIl8. INC. --...-..-...- --. '~ *-.. ~/~ Dlele (Bure,' OUt, \ ,ElJClO'H Agllnt) ! f (...-if SodRl ~Ity or TIll 1.0. , DtlIlt i II ,';. inI S~lllltll~ ~r tAX to. , :'"',, . I! >\~., ;, ;i'~1\8\ Il'l(ltr, I'Rf~""1I t"4JIyM; If' 011 ~n tHAN CNifI. TIIEN 809JEct TO ~ ~,:Jl~em~ rte.: (ClIECK $ roUl1lE1E 1IIe 0I4~ I\t'M..lCI\Blet By.: 'I,:~.IF A L""Nd AOI\UM.lH..U'-~"M'!'.L'Y '''-.,''.OT" ' " ,',...,.."....':,',", ..,., , , 'tIiiIMt :JIiir~115fi~lIiii ~ ~ liilil;Ua~r"tllllltb.A(lflnI.1lIIIfled. ~ to \he ""'" uf III tll\amg..... wna IQrtenllM: 'The'Alhn Morris CoMan t~'il\ealfors ".... ',<" I' ,IF NO U8t1HG ItQRItf!MENTt~D .Y IN .FfKeT, ' , ' " ':" ,,; -...: ,',t, :~", :~;~l.;>". ' ' , 'i;,,8rt,G,oifUif iiwr:tIii'fIl'l*Olniimm . . ";&" ~orciiil"o. 'nil" ",1(1 dl~lll~ rll....., ~." 110ft .M1. f,OflfIeI$lIIOnlfj,1he IlInOtri 01 tor::MUfE ONI.... ONE) " <~.~' 'K. tll 9'?'" ",..\:1_';' plcrt on. . ..rt~i~' ; b,It<4lrn'.Il1i\llcn' hf!'ll"cll"~ ~ .. htt IItdlllllho Blftlt ~. '..... .....':c.. "~1l'\lIIN8 ",",_10 ttIe IorGgDIng " :11"d 1/ Ilalyd !1lIlt to fl!:lI'DI'm ond If<r........al ..It:lD\j;tWd,. bo.. 11101001, blltflOl ~'lIlt1G''''. fH .l:IoWt ~. 1111\1 t>>..... ...... .. u _..war"'tgn lor UJOktW'l i,'lc"~ IIIC'Jl'Iltl'tl ~llla ",,~d b)I 8rolw. erd 'ItII ~ ,,,,,,, be ""ld ,10 ......, II IhtJ """""'Ion JI\IIII .. QJ.1l Ix'cnUIII d. ~... or: fnllltO 01 S(llIrJt to 1*10111\. SlIIItt' fll1nl lIw( l\~ ~"t:,',~':;,. ~.~ ',,:"111ni1, ~:\"<. ~1""1~~~~lQ llUl of IhfI ~"lld COl~.l'I,~ Il!;~~~:" 14lt. IhI,........." ~t~,~~,re~, ..faf\ItY Inll ard CO", ",,.,,1,,,,; '1 . '. .. I ,0,.:' ;'~. , ., ..'. ,:""'..;": ,', .'.,.'. "1,it*'~. ,if,~~;~t~?:,:, ," ' ':~~~;fJ~i::;'>':: ,~ ': '.;,":; ',' !~';:;:," ';' :.':',:.:~~ :>l~k It " :" :,:~,{'t~r~:' , ': ~- gj ~i1I.\Q 1I,Jb.8IfI1f'\J ; " I~J~,~ '.'X '~&..~' >,",~:.,. I~)''''" "''"'" \'" "",~f:l' -i".': , "', ,.., 'lI"u\j,}' I-I,..,r", . ': ::~~'~fJ~ '.~; .~. '" . .. " '. "', . ,'f'r;;.;>,,, ...,: :r~:';I'~;:::.l~:,~f.~'~~. 'Il"t H'\.~A ~!l' '1'1>'101 'It ....,. 1lI/'" "I.th" ~f\"'..,"'IAllntl_ .......n-.. nn "If' rl "nln~ "IIn ;t"'~~.\,:. :. 't"?lt: . \" ...~.I;~'.'..~"'f:,:~,,Io.:..'~,. ~.:!:, 1r;~" ' ...' ....<It ------...--- l RJ^"'DEVELOPMENTS 305 565 5552 Mar 26,9_? 11:45 P l~ . ~,..) " 2. 4. 5. TEL No. AOOENDUH Addendum to contract for sl:lle and purClhaso of' real ..t.ate between Westlake JlBrd.ware, tnc. emcl RiehnX'd J. Forayorn!. 1. ris'. on et' 0 uyer s all have the right to ~ake !:thY 8nd tions which it deems necessary or relevant ~o i~s dotorrnina- tion of whether or not to acquire the property. In that period, the Buyer shall be permitted to come onto the property for inspection and testing at the Buyer's expense, but shall indemnify Seller with respeot to loas, olaim o~ damages arisinq from the auyer's inGpection~. Buyer ~ay commence, but not complete any reque9t tor development approvals, site plan approvals, rezoning variancea or special exceptions during the Inspection Period. In the event the Buyer decides not to proceed with this transaotion during the Inspection Period, any deposits made by the Buyer shall be refunded. Within five (5) days of the execution of this contraot, the Seller shall provide the Duyer wit:h ft co~y of existing surveys, leases, Soil tests, engineering studies. site plans and title policies in the oBsession of the Seller ith res act to thero ert . 3. 15,0 . o ,. Jill! "Qsc'towe. ., funds will be Uat risk" and will be paid the Seller if the Buyer decides not to proceed with the transaction durin9 the extended Inspection period. 2jqnaQQ. The BUYGr shall be permitted to erect any sign8ge on the property which. conforms to local sign ordinances. Environmenta.l. Buyer may, at Buyer'S expenseiJ, cause the Property and tho Improvements to be subject to an ~nvlron~ ~ental audit by an environmental enolneer to determine whether there is a pre~Qnc@ of hazardous waste or toxic material. If the audit discloses the presence of hazardous waste 8nd t:oxic matorial and the estimated cost of the removal thereof i. 9rGater than $50,000.00, then Seller may, at Belle~'. option, .ithor (a) close this transaction with a c~edlt to BUY$~ equal to the Qs~!mated cost of removing the hazardous w!ll!lte or toxic 11Iat:orial: or (b) terminathlg this transaction; in whioh evont, the deposit will be returned to the Buyer and ~he parties hereto will be relieved of all further obligations hereunder. In ~hQ $VQnt Seller elects (a) above and the cost. to Buyer of the l"omo\1s1 of haza.rdous waste and toxic material is legs than th~ credit qiven at Closing, then Buyer will t'emit any o"Qr-payment:. to the Seller. In the event the e3timated cost of romoving the hazardous waste and toxic material is legs than $50,000,00, then this transaction will clesa and auyer will racelvQ credit for the estlmate~ cost ot re~qVal. Closin~ Costs and &x~~. Closing costs and expenses not specif ed in the cont~act shall be Oivided in Dccordahoe with the usual and customary practice in Falm Beach County for oommercial properties. t e er' sHe thirty (30) days, Buyer shall deposit. an $25,000.00 to the Escrow described in Paragraph II, wh1ch amount shall be at risk. Of this amount $15,000.00 shall be consideration from the Buyer to the Seller for the extension ,of time which will not be applied to th. purchase price in the event of closino but will be returned to the Buyer in ~h~ Qvent the contract does not close due to the faIlure Of thQ SellQr to perform its obiigations heraunder. .RJ ^- DEVELOPt"1EN T8 TEL No. 305 565 5552 Mar 26,92 11:46 P.04 , . ". 6. closing Conditio!1s. The contract will provide that; the Buyer's obliqation to close 1s sUbject to the following additional condition precedent: A. Evidence of no moratoriums or other govern~ental actions includinq, but not limit~d to, issues relating to concurrence that would inhibit-the Buyer rrom obtaininq utilities 8Jld building permits for the construction and operation of the shopping centar. E~QcutGd and agreed to as of the date of the second party to sign. WESTLAKS IIARDt.JARE# INC. ~ Seller ~4 J-> Secretary/Gene a1 Date; ~/YfJ WII\517 Date: '4, 1((' (j () 2 RF"'DE\JELOPMENTS TEL No. 305 565 5552 Mar 26,92 11:49 P.08 ABLfXGIft9III'l' 01' COII'J'ItAC'l' ' AIm ,ACCBPTANCB 01' ASBJ:GKlUlIIT ' KNOW ALL KBH by these presents that as ot the 6th day of 6U9ust , 1990, RICHARD J. FERAYORNI, TRUSTEE (hereinafter "TRUSTEE") as assignor, for and. 1.n cons1deration ot the sum of ten and 00/100 ($10.00) dollars and other good and valuable conslder- ationa to TRUSTEE pai4 by R J PROPERTIES TWO, Inc. (hereinatter "TWOll) as assignee, the receipt and SUfficienoy Whereat' are hereby acknowledged; NOW THEREFORB, TRUSTEE does hereby grant, bargain, sell, assiqn, transfer and set over unto the said TWO all of his right, title and interest in and to that certain contract For Sale And PurchaS8 bearin9 the date of August 4, 1990, mad. by TRUSTEE, as Buyer, and Wes~lake Hardware, lnc~, as Seller, AND TWO aooept., a..um.. and aqrss. to abide by same, toqether with all of thQ right., rom.die.. duties and ob1iqationsset forth therein, or o~herw18e appertaining thereto, TO HAVe AND ~o HOLD the same unto thQ ..1d TWO, its auccessors and/or ~5Bi9n& forever; TRUSTEE has caused these presents to be.~9ned and ita a9a1 to be affixed, in the presen~e of these witn...... DATED THIS ."..... lR ' day of " , 1990. ~ ....... .. .1 , I I I I..... __..__..... .1,-", 'W 11....1.... 11_ 0 l ._ " .........t;. .............~;.""'.."...,..............""' ., .0..'_" It... -.,.,.-.,. ...'.....'.... _V'-, -,__',- 11'-" ';"'.-'1_",- ......... '. ,.....- ", - . PlKIIlB1T A '.~'.'~t~ " ^ P"HCEL Or- LAfW HI sEe'IUU '2, 'IOtINSIIJI' t.~ SOUI11, IH\N(iE '13 EAsr, CITY UF ouvrnUN IJEACIf, ftAlM IJt^CIf CUUIHY. floRIVA, BEING MUHE PARt I CUl^nl v lJl:sc.:rtllJEIJ AS fOLLOWS: r,.nOM IIIE HUlnllW[ST CUItNEU OF SEctlUN 32, 10WUSIIII; iltf~; SOUlfl, It^NGE ", [^S T, PALM BI:ACII tOUte' y, fLUle IliA, SA I D tUftlfrn BE I N~ uN "IE CENJEi.ltllNE Of 'IIIE JUV fOOl lum"-Y~"';'WI\Y UI: t(t~~ u:.~ss AVE U[, ItUN SUUfI J OZ' '10" EAS tr-Ult COIiV~Jf ;r1t . rlfr: ". 'J HIE. 11 SAIlJ SECTION 3 IS AS tiMED "10 l\ An fUl( · 21' II W:Sf AN ALL BEAIUIIGS REtl'l~lJ ~En~ii'f 'HE n~l.lTIV '1,,11 lU U f;lA ct ur- 596.U7 fEEl 10'" I f]tS:tll" r-, IE~' 1 I _ U. SA'lJ SEr.lIUN '2tllltlAllN '(HA.E 1 A" 5'6 .f) UtEl :0 WEr' lrtENCE fOR II 88- OU' r.' 'E S IV li 'A U AtAl L l f. IJJSlANe OF 20 UJ !E~~ 'fO 'fiE " nS~,t IU I t- S III I'ARA LEt f' WI If 't ASt .Jt Y llll (- 111 A.I RESAI lU ~o rUDE hlGflT ..ur-wl~ ~f. co 'G ESS "GErmE In IIJ, ~1)tr'V ur: btGVUNlI1G or- TilE ilEnE I N UI en I L\:U p^nCE~ UI: LArin, (I . ICE AlUN~ III~ DUUIIIMItV F AID rAte OF ANn AS .0 lUWS, un · u t2 'AS ^ HIS~^UCE o~ 65.U!i FEEt 1 IE1t4CE SOUl" I , ~ V a:KSI ~ DrSl^UCE . UF 355.01: foE.', lIENCr. on III 8S- 01 '.;l" 81 HstMU:1: ur- 335. 01, F~E r . 0 111~ 5UUtnFJAS I tOllHdl u~ snd "A~CUl 01' lAHbl t lllENtE Nun II .J II U2' 'Il)" \I~SI ^ JlSI~fIl:~ m:: GUS.U8 ferf 1U II.' UOltltlEAsr cUlmen UF SAIV f'AfttEl ur: ^'Uh III[N\:[ l~UUIII 8a8 out 52" UEST ^ IJJS1Aln;( Uf: V1'. r,) f=l~ll' U 1111:: IJElilNU NO ur 1\ (:UHVE (;OI~C"VE In lIlE SUUlflE"~J IIAVIN ^ It rHUS or- f' !;.UU rU:I "'HI ^ ctUlltAI. ^UGLF. Of: R9t OJ '2", ~lItru:E t'I~!HEI~l~j SttU'IIWlSIUtlV I\IW sou, Uf=i'tL Y Al UNG "II~ Ant ur: SA I" tU wr: ^ A S I AHt:t {If '6 f (Ib ru::r 1U II t [IUJ ur- S^'lt tunvt, fllENCE sOUln U2' tnJ"'I:AS' " IJIS1^"CE OF 225,"'1 fEEl 10 TilE. "utNI Uf' bEGf IflrlO. Sfn, I.ArmS l v I f46 AriD ut I riG I Ii f1^LM Ul^UI tOU" , Y, fl Uft IIJA. ' ll:SS o'"E l=uLLuWllfG: ItUIe-nON UF SEtllUlf '2. fUWNSfflf' 'I' SUU'II, "Alltia:: '''.EASl f .IIEUI6 MURE r^R'fI CULI\RL Y IJEStrt IJEIJ AS fUllOWS t · . '.. , . CUMMfJltE '" HIE Nunl""EST tUllUEn u~. SECIIU 3~! IUtmSIJllt ~51 SOUlIl, flANGE '.3 EAS , ^If~ nUN Uh 1\ nSS~M[ I 8 '1\',' rlrl ~f so I' 1 Or U2' '10" EA r l" 1': ,. IN, yF · I ,t 1Ft 293 to'I fl~~T I ~IIE~(~ Rut. ult~~ 8 J ~ ~t:. 0 .~~' It ~~t ~ Yu lut NQR If lln~ UF SAil) SEC~ION ~ rUR , Ij. [j F. ,y., I " lUll SU III 1 02' ~O E^SI ALUNG [IN "AnnlL I u ^ flAS :1 o"il nr- AS MEI\S !lEU Ar n 6111 1\ G[~S' 1 E'Er,. II IE f. SA S .. lutl 32 fUR 3.UJ I=E~1 U lIlE tUINV,U. It GIHNUI , VUlNC;[ tU \ NUt SUUIII 1- 02' uU' E~S 1 ~lCJ (j lilt [AS "ES~R?l'EU CUUIU;E :Ult 6US ,U8 FEE I, 111EllcE flU I.on III 88. 00' S~' EAS' AlU 10 ^ l t NE' PAJtAtLtl. 'to ANO 9!H :["t SUU"" UF AS "'E^5Ull~1J A' ~IG"I ANGLl~ 10 litE NUltllt liNE OF S IU' sttTIUN 32 ~YJ' ,~ .U'- ,: -El. lt1EHCE nUN NU~ 111 I- 02' 'to" .,rs T It^,~^llNE~ 1 n tiE " 'IS t ~ I it UF SA 111 . SEC1IO 32 Fun GUSt}" FU:r. litE c. nUN SOUII 88 O~f 52" Wl:sr PARI\I LO lIlE nUR II IHI:: OF SAI Eell , ru t 5. 't FE 1 10 litE ~olNt or- U[U ~N\rfG' SAIII l N~S lYY~6 .~"U Ill: ~(j YN pl\ftl DEAen tOUR I Y, FturUIJA, . ,. ....4- . .. I 1 ,.~ .. CHECKLIST '{... The following list and informat1on is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review, Turning in the list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Site Development Division of the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: EXXON SERVICE STATION 1, Submit an amended Site plan Review application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. It is the agent of the owners responsibility to notify the owner(s) of changes. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. ;I, ;I, j. %. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents that show compliance with the code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3, ~Ub 't a c5ffimp ted communWf'tY APpeara%fce oard ~CAB) review pplication fo with fi y dollars ($5 .00) appli tion fee ayable t the City o Boynton each. Copies 0 the form re avail Ie at th Site evelopmen Division of t e Planning and Zoning Depart nt. E?:Ub d. t ft loye.t~r p thcyt ident~ies ybe lo~tion ~f the "s'i te 9fld Ute su oVbdingroad ays a~ zoning(dist~icts.((Refe~to di~ctio~s on/the B applicatio form) ib ~'t ~or hot~gr phs of/the~ildin*s on t~ si~ th~ are to re in 'n t ir exi ting ~nditi n and oto~of e~sti~~buila1ngS on s' es th~t ~ut t subject pro erty. ( efer to directions on/the CAB pI cat1 n torm) sub)l\i t a/leg:t,ble 8 1/~ b1l11" trfinspalency oj the .).andsfi!'ape si t~lan d~wing/. (Re1er to d~ections oDlthe ~AB appticatYon form) I S~b it colo ed ele~a on v~'ew drawin~s ' Duplicate d~a 'ngs of the dr wings s mitted or site Ian revi that ~ve bee colored. ( ot mou ed - Re r to di ections the C~ appli ation ~rm) submit color samples of the proposed color(s). (Refer to directions on the CAB application form) If/psr 8(;- .svd/}'JI/T&'{) ~/JIt)NIJAj ffil<clJ 3C! /99::J. ~6f!OAG /~:f:TC~"; A:CHEcKLST.cAB