APPLICATION f , \ ,~ I \ CITY O~ ~ aDell, I'LOltIDA 'LANlfING I' BORING 80Aam , I I cotmITIOM usa APPLICATION ..,:~ I I I d en . oad I ) I I I . ' _.'t. \ l' II NOTII Thi. form mu.t be filled ut a~l.t.ly and accurately an must aooompany all applioation. Ubmltted to the ,lann1nq Departm (2 oo~lel of app1ioation requlr ) PROJICT NAMS I . AGENT'S NAMI. ADDRESS, PHONE. OWNsa' 8 NAMI. (or tru.t..) ADDRBSS. PHONI. 'ROO leT LOCATION. (~ 1eoa1 de.or ss Avenue & Woolbri ht R R J Pro erties & 915 Middle River rive, Suite #209 Fort Lauderdale, lorida 33304 305) 565-1488 Lone Star Hardwar , Inc., a Delaware Corporation PLANNING DBPARTMINT - APRIL 1" ....A 2345 Grand Suite #2600, Kansas Git 816 842-0820 CORRlI'ONDINCI ADD".'.. Agen (if different than a9aht or owner) ~ Thi. i. the a44re.. to vhlah 11 a,.D4a., letter. and other material. will be forwarded. r."'=CEIVEO HAR 3 0 1992 . IE DEVEl u.J r NTON lEAcH, FlOAItAA .. . ;1 AICU...App ,," ~ I .' ... ,'. ... " , #. . ~ ... .750, c(f~;r/, 'lle.... I ~. t.q Cf fJ(lP/IC/J-T/oJ It C..c_E"P 1 e D CONDITIOMAL us. Af.LtCA'l'tOlC 3 - 31-4(> Date Submitted: March 6hh, 1992 Applicant Name: R J Properties & Developaent8, Inc. T\pplicAnt l\ddress: 915 Middle River Drive.. Suite .209 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304 Phone: (305) 565-1488 (zip cod rlUll (305) 565-5552 site Address: S.B. Corner of WoolbriRht Iload and ConrresA AVl!!nuf! Legal Oeser iption: See Attac.hed F..1fhihi t: "A" ' project Description: Exxon GIlA St.at.ion vi tho r..ar WAJlh ~ bJ..fJtJllUVhMt!.,e kJ~1L . , Ptlsident .. r. ee 1"'.'. the above . 9ned ttIIIb to aot .. hi. ave ,.11l HOert to this . ...t1tlOft. . (To be execut ~.OWft.r d..ion.tea a&ithe... to act on hill '-'11. ) " PLANNING DEP~RTMENT - APRIL 1991 l\:CUlIe.app , J . . 101 8 '- e) - nts I - nt ed I I I nc .... . ..... L4,'~2 16:45 P . .... ~ . . .... (i) NOV-of-l9'7 roH1,. A '7'-3.21073 OM '5/..69 Pt 549 -:on 4, 2OOt(01. tin. Dee ZJ, toa. ~ JOJ.II . DIM<1 FtctlM .. PI cum. ,~ . Ii;;: '~I\I:_. r"-' .,/r"'~'~.~""""\. '-""...--......~,."l ~.. , 0)/,- .1 f' t'I",J M.d t .. .;.j il .,~ I -- --~. UWAM WWJn WR. ~, ~., . '10114. corporttlgn, ,~'n~.r, fot .ft' in-eiiiili..iIift .1 \h. .v. .1 '1ft 'ol\..a "iOt 1ft. o'~.r v.lulbl. eoa.l....'lo". f.e.l,~ .. vhlc~ I- h.~~. a.'-owl.,..., bll.by .rln'., ~.rl.Lft., ..11., l1lwen. ~ r..1..., r.l....., ...,.,. In. .ontle.. ~ft'O L;II BAIIIIIlt ~" , VI1IYlr. torpor.,loft! ,r'.'1ifl .e ~t'iii. i. ~n. '~Ir ..r.w.... 1"9.. I".ll"..~ .,~ '''Mt', !.aft"', 'I "11', '11 tha. aaltka1a 1.... . totb 1ft Pal. ',.eh UtI.I,. It.'. .r "",l.. .I'c'~'. In IMhl'i' l I""". ~.r"1 .~4 lnGo~po~"'. h." " " \hI. ~.f'l.ftI. ~,ftt .".,.~" ). l'OlI..s~a W1tH .1~ ~. '."....nt., h.~..l'...D'. Aft. .,,~I'.~.r.~o ~lontl"..o~ In anrwl.. I,pt,\alftln? .,..'tO~.~iAv. NfO 1'0 ftQLD ttt. .,.. S.. f.. Ib,i, COII"I&' , AMI, tCln", '.r.~y eO"ft,n\1 vl\h ,rlat.. 'be' trJn,.e hat .., oInfeyt4 'hi 'ro"I". or I" Il,b~J '1\11, .'_1" Of int...., '~'I.Sn "~be, 'hlft ,. Ir..'.., iftI, '1In'a~ ~_ '00' .I,b\ .ft. l.wr.i ..\howl't ,. .." aaa ..nvtJ 'he ,......" aft4 'h., '1Ift'O~ viil ..i.n. ~. .~ '1alal' tha lav'ul .1.1.. of III ,.~.on'" vho..o'Y'~ o .'-In, 'I. '~IOUlh .. .n4., ,r'ft'~r. ... . ~ ~.~., ,r.n_o~ ha. .l,nea aft' ...,.. thlll ,r...ft'i""""iJiI"I...u.!.lly 0 ~ ' lD11. L1NDSL&t1 1M;., . Ilorl'. eVI',g,.t VII .y~~~ ~ Itt ~ A,I"~ . . .. ','."""11'" ..... MitN'.'O "'VI d j ~.,f{ ~= " atiiUh.~f " .... ..... 1 ~ t j \' A I' ',- (3) CONDITIONAL usa CATION I . GENERAL INFORMATION. a. All property owner. looated vlthlb four hundred (400) fee surrounding the subjeot pare.l thall be notified. b" The ownership of all aurroundino properties as submitted by the applicant, shall be re.iewe4 by the City Clerk, W shall notify the owners by reOUlar mail of the date and purpose of the public hearino held in conjunction with t conditional use application. c. Notice of the public hearing .hall alao be advertised in a newspaper published in the City at least ten (10) days i advance of the hearinq. d. At the pUblic h.arinq held by the 'lanning and Zoning Bo rd, evidence for or aqainst may be pre.ented. f. g. h. e. The Planning and Zoning Board may recommend approval, approval with modification or denial of the application subject to the standards provided in Ordinance No. 76-46 written report of the Board's findings shall be forwarde to the City commission. I At a regular meeting, the City commission may approve, i approve with modification or deny the application subjeci to the standards provide4 in Ordinance No. 76-46. I I Each ~ application for conditional use approval shall i e accompanied by a fee payable to the City of Boynton Beaq as per the attached fee schedule. : A , Each application for an ~xt.nalon in time of a conditio~ 1 use approval shall be accompanied by a fee payable to t~ City of Boynton Beach for one hundred and twenty-five (I dollars. Such appl~cation shall be submitted to the Planning Director not less than 4S days prior to the expiration of the approval. 25) 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app .' :f~ .- 1",-_. '. . '. . . , (4) CONTENTS OF THB CONDITI~AL VII. AJ'J.,ICATION II. CONTENTS OF cond tional items: Application for of the following a. Statement of the applicant'. lbter..t in the property to be developed, including a copy of the last recorded Warrant Deed, and a certifir.ate from an attorney-at-law or a tit e insurance company certifyih9 who the current fee simple title holders of record of the subject property are, and the nature and extent of their inter..t therein, and. 1. If joint and several owner'hlp, a written consent t the development propolal by all owners of record, 0 2. If a contract purcha.e, a aopy of the purchase cont act and written con.ent of the .eller/owner, or I I 3. If an authoriaed a9.nt, a copy of the agency agreem nt and written con.ent of the principal/owner, or 4. If a lesse., a copy of the le... agreement and writ en consent of the ~ner, or 5. If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person re.ponsible for the applicati n, and written proof that said representatives have th delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporat on. b. Legal survey, prepa~ed by a surveyor registered in the of Florida, showing an accurate legal description of th subject property, and the total acreage computed to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre (these two sur are in addition to the surveys required on page 6 of th application, Sec. 111.19.). c. Vicinity map, showing the location of the subject prope in relation to the surrounding street system. d. Drawing showing the location of all property lying four hundred feet (400) adjacent to the subject parcel, and complete list of the property owners' names, mailing addresses and legal descriptions. The owners of proper shall be those recorded on the latest official County t rolls. Such list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, list is complete and accurate. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app '1 , . (5) III.., SITE PLAN RBQUIRBMIItT8 The following materials are to be .ubMitted in .e~en (7) copie . Each set of plans must 'be stapled together in a single package 0 submit 7 sets or packages of plans. Scale of drawings must be 200 ft. to the inch. For requests which require review by the Planning and Zoning Board, nine (9) sets or partial sets, comprised of only a site plan, landscape plan, typical floor plans and building elevations are required in addition to the seven (7)' full sets mentioned above. For requests which do no require review by the Planning and Zoning Board, three (3) partial sets are required in addition to the seven (7) full se s. Incomplete site plans will not be processed. (check) x 1. Boundaries and dimen.loba of the parcel. x 2. Scale, graphic scale, north arrow, and date. x J. Adjacent properties or land u.e.. x 4. Pavement edge lond/or right-oi-way lines for all streets, alleys, sidewalk., turn lanes, driveways and unimproved rights-at-way within one-hundred (100) feet of the site. Also, names of adjacent streets and rightS-ai-way. x 5. Location of all proposed structures, and any existing structures that are to remain on the site. x 6. Setbacks of all structure. (over 3 ft. in height) from property lines. x 7. Use of each structure, indicated on the site plan. N/A 8. Number of efficiency, I-bedroom, 2 bedroom, etc., dwelling units in each r..idential structure, to be indicated on site plan. x 9. Indication of height and number of stories of each structure. N/A 10. Indication of structure., equipment, etc., above 45 foot height, including height in excess of 45 ft. x 11. Floor plans or typical floor plans for all structur s. x 12. Finish floor elevation. of all structures. x 13. Uses within each struoture, indicated on floor plan. x 14. Elevations or typic.l elevations of all struotures, including materials, surface treatments, and color scheme of all exterior surfaces, including roofs. N/A 15. Indication of the numbers and types of recreational facilities to be provided for residential developme ts. x 16. Indication on site plan of location, orientation, a d height of all freestanding signs and wall signs. x 17. Location of walls and fences, and indication of th r height, materials, and oolor. A landscape plan, showing conformance with the Landscape Code and Tree Preservation Code, and showing adequate watering facilities. Plants must be keyed out according to species, size and quantity. x 18. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A.:CUse.app ~ 'VI ; ! X 19. A sealed survey, by a .urv.yor~teqi.tered in the Sta of Florida, and not older than _ix (6) months, showi, property lines, including bearings and dimensions, Ii north arrow, date, scale, existing structures and paving, existing elevations on site, rights-of-way a easements on or adjacent to the site, utilities on 0 adjacent to the site, legal description, acreage to nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre, location sketch, and surveyor's certification. Also, sizes a locations of existing trees and shrubs, inclUding I common and botanical names, and indication as to whi are to be retained, removed, relocated, or replaced. " x 20. Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the property to be indidated on the site plan, in addition to being shown on the survey. Also, locati n of existing fire hydrant_ on or adjacent to the site x 21. Location of additional fire hydrants, to meet standa ds set forth in Article X, Seotion 16 of the Subdivisio and PlattinG Reaulatiob8. To he submitted to utilities 22. department during permit process. Sa'!le as 1122 23. Fee Simple 24. Fire flow calculations juatifying line size for both on/off site water line.. Sealed engineering drawing_ for proposed utilities, s per City specification.. Information regarding form of ownerShip (condomini fee simple, lea.., etc.). x 25. Location and orientation of garbage cans or dumpste facilities. All garbage dump.ters must be so locat to provide direct acee.. for the City front-end loaders, and the dumpster area must be provided wit adequate width and height clearance. The site must e so designed to eliminate the necessity for the front-end loader to back into any street. If any u requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by en foot (10' x 10') concrete 8lab shall be provided. 1 dumpsters must be screened and landscaped in accord ce with the City Landscape Code (see Sec. 7.5-35(i)). minimum 10 foot wide opening is required for dumpst enclosures. . I x 26. A parking lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the City Parking Lot Regulations, an including the following information. Any exception to .the Parking Lot Regulations that are proposed or th are to continue will require an application for variance to the Parking Lot Regulations. X a. Location of all parking and loading facilities A parking lot layout plan, inclUding curbs, ca stops, and double striping. A cross-section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking lot. A lighting plan for the building exterior and site, including eKterior eecurity lighting, an lighting for driveways and parking lots; to include the location of lighting standards, direction of lighting, fixture types, lamp tYPj and sizes, and average illumination level(s) 1m footcandles. X b. To be sumitted during permit proces~ c. Site Lighting Only d. Balance on detailed lighting plan. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app " .' x h. Location of handicap parking spaces, plus signs and access ramps, consistent with the state Handicap Code. Paving and Drainage Plan details and i. A drainage plan for the entire site, including calculations submitted parking ar.ea; to include finish grade and pavem nt fit permitting elevations, drainage calculations, and details f the drainage system. If the total impervious a ea on site exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, then drainage plans and calculatio s must be p~epared by an engineer registered in t e state of Florida, and must be sealed. Percolat on tests must be provided with drainage calculati s. Existing elevations on adjacent properties, an on adjacent rights-af-way. x x x x N/A 27. previosuly Submitted. 28. (7 ) .......... e. Information ahov!no conformanae with the City street and sidewalk ordinance, including construction of sidewalks along adjacent public streets. f. Location of exiating and proposed public and private streets, including ultimate rights-of-w y. On-site traffic plan, including arrows and othe pavement markings, traffic signs, and stop sign at exits. g. j . Where conformance with the County's Environmentally Sensitive Lands ordinance is required, an Applicati for Alteration of Environmentally sensitive Lands (Environmental Impact Study) must be submitted to t Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resou ! es Management (copy to City) prior to or concurrent wi~ the submittal of the site plan to the city. [ For projects that generate more than five hundred ( OJ net trips per day, a traffic impact analysis must b submittd which complies with the Municipal Implementation ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. For projects that generate two thousand (2,000 more net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted to the City at leas days prior to the deadline for site plan appro in order to allow for timely processing of the site plan application and review by the city's traffic consultant and Palm Beach County. The applicant shall be billed for the cost of revi by the City's traffic consultant. For projeots that generate between five hundre (500) and two thou.and (2,000) net trips per d the traffic impact analysis must be submitted least 30 days prior to the deadline for site p approval, in order to allow for timely process of the site plan application and review by Pal Beach County. However, if it is the desire of applicant to utilize the City's traffic consul for review of the traffic impact analysis prio review by Palm Beach County, then the procedur and requirements outlined under item "a" above shall be followed. or 60 1, , he nt to a. b. NOTE: Failure to submit traffic impact analysis in the manner described above may delay approval of the site pl~~ application. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app " x 29. '- (8) In addition to the above requirements, the following items shall be submitted to the Planning Department no later than the site plan deadline: Previously submitted to a. city. Previously submittpc1. x 30. x b. One copy of colored elevations for all building and signage to be constructed on site. These elevations must be of all sides of each type of building and signage proposed and the colors proposed must be accompanied by a numerical cod from an established chart of colors. Elevation must also include information related to buildi! g materials. All elevations must be submitted on[ 24" x 36" drawinqs. Buildings constructed will be inspected on the basis of the elevations submit! ed to the City and approved by the City commission Failure to construct buildings consistent with I elevations submitted will result in the Certificate of occupancy being withheld. A transparency of the alte plan (maximum size 8-1/2" xlI"). At the discretion of the applicant, the Planning Department will prepar transparencies from the site plan document. However, the Planning Department will not be responsible for poor quality transparencies wh h result from the submission of poor quality sit plan blueprints, and poor quality transparenci will not be presented to the Planning and Zoni Board or City commis.ion. . Colored photoqraph. of surrounding buildings (minimum size 8" x 10"). c. Any other engineerinq an/or technical data, as may be required by the Technical Review Board to determ e compliance with the provisions of the City's Code 0 Ordinances. Any of the above requirements may be waived by Technical Review Board, if such information is to be non-essential by the Board. , . PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app '. " IV. SITE DATA , ;; , The following information must be filled out below and must ~ appear, where applicable, on all copi.s of the site plan. Land Use CateQory shown in the comprehensive Plan 1. 2. 3. Local Retail Commercial Zoning District Area of Site C-3 1.0002 acr.. 43569 sq . ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown g. h. , of s te a. Residential, including surrounding lot area or grounds acres b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) ~ aares , of 8i e c. Water Area aares , of 8i e , of s1 e , of sJ e d. cormaercial 1.0002 100 .-.. acres e. Industrial Public/In- stitutional , acre. , of SJ e aar.. f. Public, Private, and Canal Rights-of way Other (specify) , of s e acres acres , of s e I aores , of s~~e ; " I , 1.0002 Acres 100 , of s1 L..e i. Other (specify) j. Total Area of site 5. * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, , ld having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. i Surface Cover 5.0 a. b. c. d. e. f. Ground Floor Buildinq 2185 sq. ft. Area ("buildinq footpri~ , of ~ te i I ~J te I I Water Area o aq.ft. , of Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public , private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 28314 sq.ft. 65.0 , of I ; I r te Total Impervious Area sq. ft. 11 of ~. te ,30499 70.0 Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required--see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code 13070 sq. ft. 30.0 % of s te other Landscaped Areas, excluding Water Area sq. rt'. 11 of s te PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app , , I I h. Total Floor Area 218S 8q.ft. 7. Number of Residential DwellinG Unit. - Not Applicable a. Single-Family Detached Duplex dwelling units dwelling units b. c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units ( l) Efficiency. (2) 1 Bedram (3) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom Total MUltl-Famiiy 4welling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dWi111ng units d. e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 8 . Gross Densi ty ----smIiig Units Per Acre - Not Appl ablE 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site feet storiE 10. Required Off-Street ParkinG a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking spaces b. Off-Street Parking Space! Provided on site Plan 11 Spaces 11 - PLANNING DBPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app , " , o t' , '. t. C13) STATE OF FLORIDA J ) J ... COUNTY OF 8ROW^RD ,. . , J,", nF.f"ORF. HE THIS DAY P....ALLt AftIAIID J0M8.8. ltOlDAL , WHO I8IIfI DULY 11f01Uf, OEPOSES hNO SAYS! Th"t- t-hfl! s~eOlllP.nrl... .rope", OtIMn Lilt t., to the be. '1f h I ~ knowh!d98, _ eawplet. .... aeaurate 11.t of all "rnp"rt-y OWhf~r8, m_111119 .ddr..... and 18,al df!8crlptIons s ,n"'HfI,,{) t n the latest off lolal tu rolls In th@ County "'lllt 'hnul::{' for 811 proptPrty within rour Hundr@d (400' f~e nf tft" helow described parcel of l.nd. Thn p,np"rtv tu '1uf!8t:lon 1. 1eval1y de.oribed .. followsr SIB ATrACIIIID 8I8lall' ~ ,F' ~ fURTHRR AFFIANT SAYI!I 101. f ~ t I ~worn to ~nd sub8cribed befol'u _ thl.. ~. }/yJ<1L A.D., l' -r ~ ( ~J;'~ ~~ .. ~@ of Florida at Lart8 dar of . ~'IC>>L __ IPL- ..,.. ". ~CHrJWIlI rtdt"" fIlMIC ITAft ~ IlLcMA "' r..._J.... ..... a'" My commIssion g~pire., . . PLANNINO DIPARTMBNT AfRlL 1..1 , , AtCUse.ApP ~ , , EXHIBIT "B" LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN A 400 FOOT RADIUS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS RECORDED IN THE 1992 PALM BEACH COUNTY TAX ROLLS. 08 43 45 32 00 000 304.0 08 43 45 32 00 000 302.3 Lone Star Hardware, Inc. c/o Westlake Hardware / R. Briscoe 415 E. Logan Street Moberly, MO 65270 08 43 45 32 00 000 306.0 Sun First National Bank of RUm Beach County c/o Sun Bank P.O. Box 510 Accounting Department '498 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310 08 43 45 32 00 000 305.0 Sunburst Properties, Inc. 16114 Florida Avenue Lutz, FL 33549 P.B. Federal Savings Bank 2506 PGA Plaza Prosperity Farms Road Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 08 43 45 32 00 000 302.1 08 43 45 31 17 001 002.0 Raga Gonzalo c/o Mac Callum, Inc. 201 S.E. 24th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Mobil Oil Corp. c/o Property Tax Division P.O. Box 290 Dallas, TX 75221 08 43 45 32 00 000 307.0 08 43 45 31 17 001 001.0 Nelson & Carmen Lopez & Edgar & Cecilia Ibanez 4855 Hunters Way Boca Raton, FL 33434 08 43 45 31 17 002 000.0 First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Broward County 301 E. Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 08 43 45 31 17 003 000.0 GWL Properties, Inc. c/o Cypress Management Services 614 Banyan Trail Boca Raton, FL 33431 08 43 45 32 12 000 033.0 James Abbott 2656 S. Federal Highway Delray Beach, FL 33483 08 43 45 32 12 000 034.0 A. Caruan 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, #137 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 08 43 45 32 12 000 035.0 Pearl G. Perring & Henry & Joanna Vlett . 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 08 43 45 32 12 000 036.0 Jack Lowe 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, #136 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 08 43 45 32 12 000 037.0 A. Caruana 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, 1137 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 08 43 45 32 12 000 039.0 Allen & Virginia Shaw 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, 1138 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Bruce A. & Denise A. Tunnicliffe 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, 1139 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 08 43 45 32 12 000 038.0 OS 43 4S 32 12 000 042.0 08 43 45 32 12 000 043.0 ." Florida Coast Bank c/o Moyle, et. ale P.O. Box 3888 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RJ~DEVELOPMENTS TEL No. 305 565 5552 Mar 26,92 11:48 P,O? EX1U 01'1' B PtRMITTED ENCUMBRANCES 1. Taxes for the Year 1990. 2. Restrictions, reservat1ons, coven~nt.e and cOha!tlona pursuant to those certain 1nstrument5 reco~ded in official records Book ~34Z, at Page 1590, and in official recordS BOOk lJ4l, at Page 1'93. 3. Agreement and easements recordea 1n o!rici~l record~ Book 3637, Page 347, and official records Book 3637, Page 357. Survey prepared by 5chwevke, Shiskin and Associates, Ino. dated October Z7, 1987. under Job No. 801573, reveal. the following: A. Sidewalk encroachment on North property line. B. Ten-foot road right"ot-way al.onq west property line. WH\517.1 ) · "~'7d:.;, :?i;5iJ"'~:j.-;'- ~r-~ '~ . r--~:~ "~~i"~ : --31: -- ~I.f ,I.: ;:: ....16\~~ ",_uo ~'..ij 'i:.1 .'h ~__' :O~~~ ! _I , ... ~ I ~_...... n"l'ar' ~ I ;-... I . == 1. ~I 1~ .... ; !~~.... I '_ " -~.... f." I"LAt<ESr. 3-~8a_G__ ;;:;., , -=: - ,; , ~l j-ml- ~' ,-~ If- ~- LU -...., "~- 1" -1_ ~ . '~'.~:j,"1 I;<Mjl! w,HYP UXO _JI j -:......:.... ~1~~!!l1 ~~l.<~-- ,_ '1b\ ~'h A' ~~ ~- ,-..;.( . 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A facility designed to provide a variety of accommo. dations and services for local or transient boaters, such as fuel- ing, dockage, retail sales of marine supplies, equipment, boats, motots and trailers, wet or dry storage, hauling; making minor repairs or alterations; the latter while in wet or dry storage. Where possible, all repairs, especially major repairs, will be ac- complished within an enclosed or three-quarter enclosed building. MILLWORK.. Manufacturing of lumber, and wood patterns, stock, and workings, including, but not limited to, manufactur- ing of wooden flooring, shingles, doors, windows, frames, trusses, stairs, and other fabricated structures; veneer, plywood, and rail. ings, wood pallets and containers, wood buildings, and turned or shaped wood products. MINOR REPAIRS. They...shall include engI)1e tune-up, carbu. retor repair, wheel-balancing and replacement and/or r~pair of external parts of engines. MOBILE HOME. A manufactured detached, transportable, single family dwelling unit designed for long term occupancy and arriving at the site where it is to be occupied as a complete dwelling unit, containing all conveniences and facitities, with plumbing and electrical connections provided for attachment to approved utility systems. To retain mobility, undercarriage and axles must remain attached to the unit. MOTEL. A building or group of buildings which contains sleep- ing accommodations for transient occupancy, and has individual entrances to serve such sleeping units. No provisions shall be made for cooking in any individual room. Motels may have one or more dining rooms, restaurants or lounges as accessory uses. MOTEL APARTMENT. Any motel building eontaining a mix- ture of sleeping rooms and apartment suites for transient guests -- - Supp. No. 35 1885 SuPp. No. 35. . 1886 '"- . \ .1 .,. Sec. 1 BOYNTON BEACH CODE only, and which shall not serve as the primary or permanent residence of the occupants.. Buildings designed as motel apart. ments shall have voted to apartme SUI es. rooms an e permitted as accessory uses. Motel apartment suites shall have a minimum gross floor area of five hundred (500) square feet. NURSERY SCHOOL AND/OR PRESCHOOL FACILITIES! A supervised training and/or socializing center for children. NURSING HOME OR CONVALESCENT HOME. A residen- tial ff!.cility which is included under the definition of "nursing home facility", "facility", or "related health care facility home" as set forth in Chapter 400, Part I, Florida Statutes, except that this definition shall apply to facilities of any capacity. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE. A license to operate a business, profession, occupation, or other operation within the city limits, which is issued in accordance with Chapter 13 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. OFF-PREMISES STORAGE. Storage which is not located on the same parcel as the principal use to which such storage is an accessory use. ON-PREMISES. At the place of business of a particular use, . ,including the entire lot or parcel and any structure thereon, as' opposed to on the customer's premises. OPEN SPACE. A required exterior open area clear from the ground to the sky devoid of residential and commercial buildings, and accessory structures. ; PARKING LOT. Any outdoor, partially enclosed or enclosed. space, plot, yard or any portion thereof upon which two (2) or more parking stalls are constructed. PARKING SPACE. A surfaced area, enclosed or unen- closed, sufficient in size to store one automobile, together with a driveway connecting the parking space with a street or alley and permitting' ingress and egress of an automobile. PARKING STALL. A surfaced area, enclosed or uIlenclosed, sufficient in size to store one automobile with a minimum Supp. No. 35 . . ,-. 1886 .