LEGAL APPROVAL . .. .- . ... . - - -- P.06 . ~ - . .. . , -~. T ,....~_;:4.'1I'.~.ct:'"'.c,.~a:~;:..~ =~~~""'_.'I_.'I_.I[_.ll_.'I_"'[_.'I~ ~ ~11_.'I_.''-.~~.Il_II,-.lt_.'I_.'\_.Il.~ ...I-..I...,I,....I-.I~".',.~I,.l!fII....US ~wyers 1itle Insurance @rporation NATIONAl. HEADQUARTERS RICHMaN!). VIRGINIA ENDORSEMENT cooe NAME NUMBER ED438528 Case No. 871065 -LONE STAR/METRO-NORTH AIIQched to Dnd made a part of Lawyers Title Insurance CorporClllon Policy Ho. 84-00-010457 The follnwinq i~ adaed to the list of policy eoversges contained on the first ~sge of the aboy~ Number~ policYl 4. Unmsrketability of such title. Item No. 4 of the Exclusions From Coverage is deleted. The ~urpo~~ of this encorsement is to expand the ooverge 9iven so that the policy will provide ~ov~raqe identical to that provided by the ~merican Land Title Association Form 8-1970 (amended 10/11170 and 10/17/84). The lotollloblllty of the Company under said policy. binder or commitment and under this and any prior endorse. ments thereto shall not oxceed. In the aggregate. the amount of liability stated on the face of said policy, binder Or commltmont. os the some moy be spodflcolly amended In dollor omount by this or any prior endorsements. and the costs which the Company Is obligated to pay under the Conditions and Stipulation. of the policy. Tl1i, endonllOlnnt i, mndo A part of said policy. blndol' or commitment and Is subject to.1I the torms and provisions thoroof. el(copt os modified by the provisions horeof. Nothing herein contalnod sholl be construed as extendIng or changing the effective dote of the oforesald policy, blndor or commitment unlQSS otherwise expressly ,toted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Endorsement to be signed and seated CIS of the 6th day 01 May 19 8S. to be valid when countersigned by an outhorlzed officer or agent of the Company, 011 In accordance with It, By.Lows. By: Iawyerslltle Insu~e @rporat10n 01 eM C ' O() Q.v\.ra,<JV'-. Q President Attest: J. 1fL · vJ. 9' CJ ~ W--Se<:rotary, Authorized Officar or Agent U1L_"I~II""I1"_lt..", '["JI'(..If.~~II'[~I~~Il..~n"lIIl["!II,(~.t~Il~.'["~I(".I[_~II_~~lIRII'~~"I~Iu..IOL_.n_.'(_!.~"I!.{",'Il. Issued at . ,.' __- .-.-...-, COUNTERSIGNE[C--;-'{7'~ I (!;.~-,- West Palm Beach, Florida '1lI'l\4 nl " A ill~V 4 '"' OJ:! 2 0111 IWI' ORIGINAL 1.11'1'40 IN U.I.A. '. '~.'11 .'~.,...,I.. ... ....._ p.a=- .. ......", v ;~;;~~~: U . . P.A.J\t.:EL. B A PARCEL OF l.AND I N SEe T ION 32, T UHNSII I r 4!; suur II. '~ArlGF. 1'3 EAS r , LYING IN BOYNrON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, fl.OHIDA, BEIUG 'JH[ EAST 3G5 FEET OF TilE YIEST It]5 fEEl OF TlIE saUIII 35~ FEEl OF !HE NORTH 951 FE.El OF SAID SECTION 32, BllNG MURE PARflCULMH.Y UESCRIBEV AS FOLLOWS: FROM lHE NOR111\~EST CORUER OF SEel ION 32, rOWNSHIP 45 SOUIII, HAUGE q3 EAS 1. PALM BEACH COUNTY, F LOR I VA, SA I U COHNEH BE I NG or~ IIIF: CEN1EHLINE OF THE IOU FOOT WIDE RIGlfr..UF-\'/AY OF r.ONGRESS ^VEfWE, RUN SOU1U }O 02' 40" EAST (FUn CONVENIENCE, ll1E WESf LINE Of S^lD SECIIOfl 32 IS ASSUMEDfO REAR NORIH 10 02' 4U" WF.Sl AND Al.l BEARINGS ~tCllED HEREIN ARE RELATIVE 'iHEREIO) ^ VISfANCc or 596.07 FEET TO lHE INTERSECTION OF filE \-ItSJ LINE OF SAID StJ.JIOtl 32 WI,II A LINE PARALLEL 'TO AND S96fUO FEEl SOUllI(HLY FRIJM. WtllN ME.ASURED Al RIGHT ANGLES 10 THE NORrll L11iE ur SAID SEC110fl 32s THEnCE I'WRln 880 DO' 52" EAS1 ^LONG SA1D P^l<ALI.f.l LtNE ^ UISIM~CE OF 50,01 FEET TO lHE INTERSECrlUN ur: SAID PM~^Ll[L LINf: Wlllf IIIE EASTERLY llNF. OF THE AFORESAID 100 FUOI vilDE HIGlff-()r-~/^Y OF CONGRESS AVENUE, TIlE NORTHYlEST CURNEH MiV IIIE POINf or llEGINUltlG OF lIlE HEHL I N lJESCR I BED PAHCEL OF LAlW; 'HENCE ALONG IIIE gOUHIMHY OF SJ\ID P^RCEl OF lANU AS rOl.U.H'/S: rWR1H 88" OU' Silt EASJ ^ OISTMICE OF 365.05 fEET; 111[NCE SOUTH 10 02' /.Jolt EAst ^ IJISIArH.L OF 355.05 rEEl; THEnCE SOU11I 88~ 00' 52" WESi, A DISTANCE ur 365.0) rEF.,. TO A POltH ON lllE EASlERLY LlIH~ OF rilE J\FOHESAJIl lUO Fuor WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY or- CUNGHESS J\VENUE, lIlENCF. NOHTH 10 Ol' '10" \lEST ^LotIG SAID RIGIIT-OF-H^Y LINE ^ IlISlANCf. OF 355.05 FEEl 10 THE PO UH OF BEG r NN I NG. SA I V I.ANUS l.V I NG AND.: BEItIG IN PALM BEACH COUN1Y, FLORIDA. . LESS AUU F.XCEPl TilE YiEST 10 FEET OF M3UVE r-OH I<UAD RI(jlli-UF..HAY. ~ , . lo. oV."":."-;"'; ~ ~ PM\~~~ ^ V /J. PARCEL OF L AND I N SEe 11 un 32, 1 O~INSH 1 P QS SOUl If, HANGE 113 fA CITY OF SOYUTON BEACH, PALM BE^CH CUmITY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCR1BF.D AS rOLLOWS: , FROM TIlE NORTHWEST conNER OF SECTION 32, 10wr~SlllP I.r, SUU1H. HANGE 1~3 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLOHIUA, SAID cORt~rn BtlNG 01 TilE CENTERLINE OF THE 100 FOOl RIGHI-or-WAY OF COIIGR~SS AVENue HUN SOUTH 1- U2' /.fQ" EASt <FOR CONVENIENCE, rHe: ~IESI LINt OF SAID SECTJON 32 IS ASSlIMED to BEAR NUHIH 1\1 02' 'tlP' wrsr AND At BEAR lUGS REC 1'1 ED IIERE. J N M~E 1~t:L^ T I VE tHERETO) ^ U IS 1 J\NCE Of 596.07 FEET TO litE nnERSEClION OF tilE WEst I.If~E UF SAIlJ SECUt 32 \-IITH A lINE PARM.LF.l TO AND 5:}u FEEl SOUtlIEI~LY fHOM, WJlEU MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES 10 tHE rWRl1f LINf. ur- SAID SECIIUt! 32; lHENCE NORni 88'" OU' 52" EASl Al.OfHi SAID PAHALL[L LIUE ^ DISTANCE OF 50,01 FEE.T 10 lIlE INlEHS[CJIOU OF SAID PAH^lltL LIr~E WITH THE EASTERLY LIIJE or: TilE AfORESAID lUO Foor ~/llJE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COHGRESS AVENUE 10 HIE ponH or- BEGIUNIfIG UF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL or: LMHJ; IIIUICE ALUNG IHE BUUrmM~Y OF SA J 0 PARCEL OF lANU AS FOLlUWS: NOIU II 88. UO' )/." [AS' A DISTANCE OF 365.05 FEET; lHEIKE SOU11i 1" 02' 40" EAS' ^ lJtS1MH: OF 355.05 FEET; lllENCE NOIUH 88- 00' 52" EA51 ^ IJISr^NCr UF 335 I 04 FEE T 'TO 11lE SOUl !lEAS r CUHNE H or SA I U PAHCll. OF l ^NI); THENCE NURlH JlI 02' l~ll" ~/ESl ^ DistANCE OF N)).U8 f"lLI '10 Illl UQRTHEASr CORr~[H OF SAID PAHCEL Of: LM~U; ll1ENCE SOUllf 888 OU' ) 2" HE S TAD I S 1 ^ rl C E OF G 7!; ,51 I: Ell I U lilt 13 t. G t N N I N G U r ^ C U H V E cotKAVE 10 TilE SQUIHEASr HAVING A HAlJlUS or 25.00 n.EI MW ^ CElHRAt. AflGLE OF R9( 03' 32"; 11l~'NCt ~/ES1EHlY, SUlIlllHlSltRLY ^'w SOUTHERLY ALONG HIE ^'~c UF SA III LlJIWr:. A n I S I ^NCt. Or-58. 8b rEEf TO fHE END UF SAlt) curwF.; 'rll~NCE SOUIII jO O/.' 11l}"'IM;l 1\ lJISTAHCE OF 22Stql~ FEEl (0 TilE POINJ Of' Of:GINrUNG. ~)^'J11 I Mm~; l Y I N G AND BE 1f I GIN r ^ L M B L M.l1 CO UN I y, r l. OIU J} ^ I LESS THE FULLOWING: PORTION OF SECTION 32,1UWNSIIIP /15 SOU111, RMIG[ '13.E.AS1, ,BEltlG MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . '. COMMENCE ^ T HIE NOHl HHES T COHlIE H ur Sf C liON 32, HMHSIII P 4S SOUHI, RANGE 1~3 EAST, AND HUN ON AN ASSUMED BEAHltlll ur SUUIIf III 02' itO" EJ\sr ALUNG lllE YlESl LINE UF SAIl) SECTIon 32 FUR 293. O~ FEE T; 'f lIENCE RUB NOR 1 H 88. OU' 52" EAG' PAHJ\LU:.l. 10 nu: NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 32 FOH 4.1~;.UG FLEl'; IHlNCl HUrl suurll 1002' 40" EAST ,ALUNG A LINE I'AHAllCL 10 ^NU 41, FELl tASl OF AS MEASU~ED AT R I GH I ANGLES TO 1 HE Wf-.~)l I J HE UI: S^ 11) ~l:C liON 32 FOR 53,01 FEET TO TilE P01Nf UF HE.GINNINGJ HllNCt CONIINUe SOU1H 1" 02' 40" [AS1 ALONG TilE LMil DESCRIBED COURSE r(}R , 605108 FEE'lJ lllEHCE HUN NORI!! 88000' Si" [ASl ^lOIlG ^ lINE PAHAlLEl 10 AND 951 F[ET SUUlll ur- ^S r~E^Sum::\) Al HIGHI ^NGLl~ TO TilE NOR1H LINE OF SAID SECTION 32 FOil 335,04 FEEl; JIlENCE HUN NOR1H 10 02' l~O/l HEST PM\All.EL '1(1 filE HESI LINE UF SAI~ SECTION 32 FOH GOS.U8 Ft:Ef; lHENCE HUN SQUIll 88" OU' 52" WE.ST PARAlLEL TO 1 HE r~ORl II LI Nt OF SA I [) SEe 11 UN 32 Fun 335. Ot~ FEET 10 TilE POINT OF BEGINNIHG1 SAIU L^NUS LYING AND BEING IN P^L~' BEACH COUNTY, Fl.ORIDA. .f~:~:'" . LJc-l~ County ..J 1: R.."~ u .wIllr."," "'fn'1r,un...n'l ~ C~' C'.M I! o [,-, lmvyers #ntl(~ InsurClnc.n COrporation Schedule A OWNER'S POLICY t)A r& OF POLICY AMOUNT OF INSURANC& ~ 1"01.1CY NUMBER TH! POliCY NUM8ER SHOWN ON THIS SCHeDUle MUST AGREE WITH THE ""F.P,"NT~O 84-00-070457 NUMBER ON THE COvER SHEET CAse N\,IMBEA 871065 ['. 11/2/87 '. ?:47 P.M. $ 2,100,000.00 N",,~f'l nf ''''''\lwei r~ne Star Hardware, Inc., a Delaware CorpOration , Thll e~lntfl or II1h',p~111l till>. Iflnd described herein and which is covered by !his policy is; FEE SIMP~E :3 Thll flslntn ()f intlHASI rnfArred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: Lone Star Haroware, Inc., a Delaware Corporation 4 The f.mo rnlmrflo to In llli,; poliCY is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION By vir.tup. of {)(;-ed wherein the named insured herein appears as Grantee, same having ~~n recorded in Official Records Bock 5469, at Page 549, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Note: ~ll references to recorded instruments contained in this policy, refer to instruments recorded amonq the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. ,....-? 0' ..'~ ..... ---...- . (Br~~~tim,1 Beech, Florido-- c::.. ____ ~---'--, . _) I r" - '- '-. "nlie'( 84 LIt"t'l In U S ^ Form No 0350 ORII 0030.., Thl8 PO"llY " Itlllllfltlll...IIl~~ III" r./\"", 5114>1'1 IIntl S..l\l'rlull' 9 Mil Illlllr.hl'r1 AL TA Ownllr's Policy Form A 1910 rRov 101770) COllY'lg"t 1 (,\ClI~I"'l\1 APR-17-91 . . WED 1 1 ::2':' P.0:2 ~ ,1.J . ~ .' , :;",~<,::_,,;: ,::, " \.1 SoY"'+-- ~ ,r. ,: " ..., ...' .:, .' ~ . " ~'lV)'ers lltle Insurance (9rporation National Headquarters - Richmond, Virginia Policy Number 84..00-070457 SUBJECT TO THE eXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEOULE B AND THE PROVISION$ OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION, I Virginia corporation. herein cAlled the Company, insures. as 01 0816 of Policy shown In Schedule A. against loss or damage, not elCceedlng the amount III insurancll stated In Schodule A. and coSts. allorneys' fees Ilnd expenses WhiCh the Company may become obllg.lIed to pny hereunder. sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: Tille to the est810 or interest described in Sch!ldule A being VElsted olherwlse than as stated therein; , Any dolflel In or lien or encumbrance on such Iille; 3 tAck nf a rlghl of access 10 and from Ihe land: IN WITNFSS WHEREOF Ihe Company has caused Ihis policv to be signed and sealed. to be valid when Schedule A IS countArslg,,.ld hy an aUlhorlted offleer or agenl of Ihe Company, all In eccordance with Its 6y.Lew" ~rs 11l1e Insu~ (9rporaUon OlJevr-c. 0~6V" President Attest: ~~~ Pnlicv M n'2l fl rlD".rI""'" t1 ~n',/I' !U.,..., ^ll ^ n...."'..... r.,~i..1I .....l'!'l ^ 1$t?" In_ 10" '01 C..~.l...... ,nan ~ It..... I.. "".11.. APR-17-91 WED 1:1 :310 . ~~rs 'Htle insurance (r~oration. ~ v , CASE NUMflF.R O,Ar! OF FtOLICY THe POLICY Nl,lMllEA SHOWN ON rHIS SC:Hl!OUU ~ MUST AORf.& WITH tHE PREPRINTED NUMBER 871055 11/2/87 ON THe COVER SHEeT P.07 OWNER'S POLICY POLICY NUMBVI 84-00-070457 Schodul. B This polic:y rtOI'l'; nnl In!;ut. Ilgninst loss or dnmsge by reason of the following: 1 . Tim .hmp" r.ltrfT-J'ly. l'Iolll~3ttlld. .ol'l'lmthMh ~o~t~~!e!tJl<C', melitel rig"t3. rf 1Il'1f'i-Of the 3l)Ctt3'e ~f IlM, tJIIf 1r\div;,~t.t11 ;".1lm:rl 2 . Taxes lot" the year 1987 and any taxes and assessments levied or assessed subsequent tp the effective date hereof. Said taxes become a lien as of January 1, 1987, but are,not due and payable until November 1987. ~ 3. R~strictions, reservations, covenants, and conditions pursuant to those certain instruments recorded in Official Records Book 2342, at Page 1590, and in Official Records Book 2342, at Page 1593, contains covenants and restrictions. 4. Agr~nt And Easements recorded in Official Records Book 3637, Page 347 and Official Records Book 3637, Page 357, contains covenants and restrictions. 5. Survey prepared by Schwebke, Shisl<in & Associates, Inc., dated October 25, 1987 under Job f80157j reveals the followin9: (a) Sidewalk encroachment on North Property line. (b) 10 foot road ri9ht-of-way along West property line. 6. MortqAqe in favor of Metro North state Bank, recorded in Official Records Book 5469, at Page 555. 7. Fi.nencing Statement in favor of Metro North State Sank, recorded in Officials Record Book 5469, Page 606. Page 1 of Sched. B-Policy No. 84-00-070457 r . . ,...~ ~ . y '"-' . ENDORSEMENT (Conti9uity) The Company hereby insures the Insured against loss or 'damdge which the Insured may sustain by reason of any inaccuracy in the followln9 assurance: The parcels of the property described In Schedule A are contiguous to each other and, taken as a tract constitute one parcel of land. This endorsement is made a part of the polley and is 'subject to all the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terms and p~isions of the policy and prior endorsements, if any, nor d~s it extend the effective date of the policy and prior endorsements or increase the face amount t.hereof. EXHIBIT B -I ."" . 4! RJ DEVELOPMENTS. INC. COMMERC:AL DEVELOPEP1S April 3, 1991 City of Boynton Beach Planning & Building Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Sir: Please be advised that this letter serves to authorize Brian J. LaMotte, P.E., of Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc., to act as agent for owner for Board of Adjustment Application and Site Plan Approval for the Exxon Site, located on the Southeast corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. Sinceryly, R ~ROP;R;I~;/~J~lELOPMENTS, jJ~iifr President INC. SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED to me this 1991. , , I r.'_ \ - d f .\" ( ay 0 f \~ 1\ \ ' , l:{: ) ',: h\ \. NOJARY PUBLIC i ~. I,' I .' ( . I/:~r." j My Commission Expires: ""ICIAL HOT MY .Ai. .- ft. WUICHOWSk1 ""'''''' PWtJe STATE ~ R.CROo\ ~ CIIMI'_, rllO. AUG.22.'ftS JSN/jmw 915 MIDDLE A/VER DRIVE.- SUITE 209: FORT LAUDERDALE. Fl J::J:J04 TEL:(305) 565-1488 FAX: (305) 565- 5552 ,', "",' LUI.'lll.:.li I ~~ I E.L 1'40. 305 565 5552 Mar 15,91 9:16 P.04 " ... / I File - Exxon 13-Mar-91 I / ',t..,:!(~t~;,.j\\iflltt.tt~~![~I~1.I~~~~g~;i':., .' ..." .':..... ..... ,::,:::< F;><XQrf~A$stAr.iQ~/(j,'A;fi'WA~HiCQNVENIENCE STORE:;' Gas Ststlon: TOlal Dally Trips 748 "~~,~,S, p'a~.~,~~Y (5~~) 'H , , , (4~4) /r()taCL';:;;n:;;~~E(:~~::?:;;i::;::i,t;:: ",,'H"": "::',: ..,", , ' , 314 Car Wssh: . , Total Daily Trips . 320 Less Gas Customer8 from Above (480/0) (154) rTo.taf:::yg~i[~;nu:~;g:iifr5::}i::;:(:H H":: '"..'" ",':":" 166' Convenience Store: Total Dally Trips 1,269 Less Gas Customers from Above (370/0) (470) ,~e.~~, ~~,SyS~.~~y(~~~L,., ,,',' <,' (360) ::iotAI ;:.~":::::i'Hr:'(f.r:~,.ti::;,;;:i::;~,:;~i:<;': ..,., ," : ,,',' :'" " " 439 T" , I' '0"'" 'I'il'i'''i'' 'T'" /'....."" ~.'" ,..',,',',' 'tl" :''':':'E'''!A';''l.ii'''~~;!~;:';;;: :" ::;~:'::);+:'~:,~..:::::;:;:~:;~:;\;;::,:',;:,:,: ':' OUt a ,y (lJ,1, ~aoe(a on" ;uU",S,:.., :,,:',,; ':;""',,:, :,':"..,: ,;.'.'":.',.,, ",;,,: :",:, ;..:'.., . . , ... . : .' :>' .. ,~, 919 Vested Trips Gen8rsl Retsil: Total Daily Trips 3,096 .,~~,8~..P'~~,~~Y.(~~:~.~>.., .,,' ,., .....' '" '., ,. (1,,3.7~) !.rc)ta.r:;~::n;/:r~(,;.:y:~gm:?:::,r=<::>::'::::; ,:..:::': ,.:' ,1.718 Bai~n~~ot:}i.ow q~IJy)iip8:,R~m~ih!~~:j{i'~:t=~j~l'i,~j:,:i::~:::~:'~~f.~,:~iB~t:,,;, " : '..' ",: ':,:' "'; ,," .7~~, . Calculated u.in. Sept. 22, 1988 and lune 29, 1990 lonen {rom Palm Beach County Engineering. i':H' .... "';'~~f"'" :' . '; ,i0\"{' ; ,: :: , ..2'0',' " , :':",ir1t~. t,':,':, l ....','~,~ ',',' '. .~;...., i!~~'>' :,~~.'.~ .~ ,~; " .', ,:fj,f' ' "4~' , ~~ it!:." !.- _..-......~ ' . ~ . ..;'L.;~.:'}l:,;/;'F; ..\(..... . { ,~ I,; ,;.:H.'\,:::,;\I.(;,' ;'i,:,~ .' ,::";,~. .",';,i".;t: ;' , '::", ...::< J ~ < t , ""', ,,:\;'<, ',::;~'~ ,,' , ": , >-;, ~. ~ "l; \, """i'. : ,'t! ,r~~:;"(';. ;.' ". '{{,~~/ "'~'.~'" '/ "); , '.,' . :' .;":~ ;....., ~ ','i -:! UQ-lf-:11 II.U:jJ\lV! rl\VlIl nUIH~~,l.inl\I'U~~,J..~~, rue. ~. . \~I (I , I ST^TE OF flF.I,AW^R& U1QQCa: or sr.r,~~y..t^ItV OF' STAtt J. "IC"^~L U^~k~Nn, ~~e~,\nr>> ~r A~"ln "' ~hl .Itlt. o' DIllwl.e. dn htrlb, certify that: t.ho C~ttt.rlr.nt,. or 'l1~or"ut"t 'on nf. ttl~ I'LONt StMt ACQUISITION, .. tNC.~. ~n8 rocalved nn~ rllrd 1~ lhlA orrico Llle twenty-fourth dRY of June, A.D. 1987. lit to o'clock A.fI. ' And i do hereby rurtllt'r C'l'tU fy I hnt. tilt,'! flf1ld "LONf: STAR ACQUISITION, Ule.' [lled 8 ccrtl[lcdte or '^nr~nmr"t nf Hrt~nr, chn"slnl its corporate title to "LONE STAR "MU)WARE. INC.", 011 t,ht' t,,,,nH,y.-n{nl:h ddY or June, A.D. 1981. II: to o'clock A.tl. .. And I do hereby rurth~r cl'rtiCy riled d Certlrlcete of Amendmont, on to o'clock A.'I. II' , . And 1 do h(!raby r\lrl:ht'r c:t'rt! ry rUed It CC!ttHic:..te of A",ondment t on at 10 o'clock A.H. t. hn l: t ho ~n ld "t.ONE STAR H^RDWARE. UtC. tt , lho twolCth dayof July, A.D. 1988. at ,hnt t,hc !1nid "r..ONE STAR UARbWARE, INC.", tho ciRhtoonth day of Augu8t. A.b. 1989, And I do hereby [lIt'.h~r c~rlHy 'hnt thn. flnid "LONE STArt "ARDwAat, INC.... fihd . Co~tH!c:ltt. or AgnH'metlt of "~tr.n,. t chnflgins Us corporate title to "WESTLAkE HARDWARE, tNe.", on the twol1ty-nhlth dRY of December, A.D. 1989, at 8130 o'clock A.H. 'A"d 1 do hentby (lltt.hor r.ot:tJ Cy t.hnt. t.ht! nfouuld CertUlc.t.. ar_ the only Certificnte8 on record or Lhe b(ot:~"nld Corporation. And I do her.by rUrth~t certify tl,nt tho nCoresaid Cotpordl:ion 18 dUly Ihtot~ornted under tho lAWS of the State or Oe!awdrQ ~"d i, in load etending dnd h.. a 108B1 corpOrftl~ nxlat~nce not hnvlnl been cancelled or d18.olvdd so fftr '8 the records of thl~ oCfice show nnd is dUly authorized to tran.act budn,ss. " And 1 do hereby further t~rtlry tlll1t lhe Annual R8~ort8 have been flied to dste. IN n:SnttQNY WlltREOF 9 I have hereunto let lilY hand nnd orficlnl eenl at Dover this ninth day ot Fcbru~ry in th~ year of our Lord one thousand nlne htlhdud and nihety. .. . , :" t ~' , ; FOAM t24 ,,:1/ ' I I I I ; ~ . " .... , . -- ~ ..L w c. J.) .... .I. ;;:.: 6 . '"\.. ...."" .~ f :'" Y' ~ 1..; '~.. . '. . '0._'. ... ~. ..,...0,.,:....;",;,.:...,:. ::. ," ,\.1 6oytl.i-- &ocJ..- PO. 0::: kwyers lltle Insurance (9rporaUon National Headquarters - Richmond, Virginia Policy Number 84-0q-070457 SUBJECT TO THE eXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS CO NT AINED IN SCHEOULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THe CONOITlONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION. . Virgsnia corpor3110n. . herein enllAd the Company. Insures. 8S of Dele of Policy s"OWO In Schedule A. against loss or damage. not .ltceedlng 'he nmollnf uf insuronc8 stated I" Sc"odvle A. and COStS. 311orl'leys' fees and expenses which the Company may become oblIgated IQ Plly hereunder. suslalned or incurrod by Ihe insured by r03$on of: T.lle 10 Ihe est8lo or interest doscrlbed in SchQdvle A being vested olherwlse Ihan as stilted there,"; 2 Any dofElel In or lien or encumbrance on such lille; 3 l.Ack of I righl of access 10 and from Ihe land: IN WITNFSS WHEREOF the Compony has caused this policv to be Signed and sealed. 10 be valid when Scl1.,dule A IS cOllntArsignnd hy an authorized 0"1I:8r or agenl of Ihe Company. 1111 In "ccordence wilh I's By-Lews. " 1muYers Thle Insu(@p (9rporaUon 07kc. 0~~ President Attest: ~~~ Policv M 0"1 n, t\lII\.1V'It'lII t'l r.""1'r ~"..., ^ll ^ n..........' r.'..i..~ r...", ^ unn In_ 10'" 70\ C,,"y.h,h. 1Mn Llt....l.. U.tI./ ~'.~i;" . 'T ",~., " ':~ ' Jr( , ' " !W 'I ,:'-;,~;' , ....;".., ,:,~:' . - ,\15~ . l ');J~" ,'" ,ti; ~'.f~'i'.. ;-4tl-t'''i. i . ',.'l~;",' ,)J~~: '. "~ ..>!.;- )':1~,', }k:', " : ;"~:.\. ?I~ , , , :,::~::'" , f~~ '\;fI?'/' 'T f~, ",s, ,'" -<1:;:': ", '.~~:'''. . ~',!r: jl~: ;. ~-:. >Iil~ .",~'i, f ~..I , :'\~i;",.' ;i~': ,;,.;.,', ,,,.';o,'} '.:\ . .. y~~' ii.-. ,: .';\", "Ii-' f" ,:,', ..,~ l8;~" ~ ['''''"'' c>,,~ c IJ LJ I~ ........JolI!.. >or" ('" "'" ~~ J.mVYE~rS 'Iltln !nsurClnc.n @rporation Schedule A ... , OWNER'S POLICY .' CAS. NUMBER AMOUNT OF INSURANC! tM! POLICY NUM8E~ SHOWN ~ ON THIS SCHEDUL! MUST AGRU WITH THI! PAF.PRlNTeO NUMBER ON THE COVER SHEE T PO~ICY NUMBER 871065 r OA Tli Of PO~ICY 11/2/87 3:47 F.M. $ 2,100,000.00 84-00-070457 Nnmn of InJ;lIrncl r~ne Star Hardware, Inc., a Delaware Corporation , 1 hr. f111lntfl m lfll"'I!~1 III tllp. land described herein and which is covered by this policy Is; FEE SIMPf.,E . , .. 3 Till! flstnto or il\lIHest roCcured to herein Is at Date of POlicy vested In: Lone Star Hardware, Inc., a Delaware Corporation 4 The Innd rr.fmrf!clln 111 Ihi,; policy is dQscribed as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION By vi.rtu!;'> of DE-ed wherein the named insured herein appears as Grantee, same having be~n recordp-d in Official Records Book 5469, at Page 549, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Note: 1\11 t"eferences to recorded instruments contained in this policy, refer to instruments recorded amon9 the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. .// ,_ .,41 ~..~-- . <.. .-" . --~ .--1..--,., -, _) I r' - '- ""'-. (Br~~~til!t.,Bcooh, Florida , ""Iicy SA \.1I"n ", U S ^ FormNo 03& nOM 0030/1 TlItl Polley 'I Inyalld ur>llI~ ~ Ih" r.nv", 5111'1" ftl1cl S"hl'rlulll I!l Mil 1Illl,chC"rl A1. '1 A Ownor', Polley Form A 1970 lftov 10 17' 701 COII'fl'''''t H nl:ur.INAI ;-r~;;' ~ \~}~~ . ,d.;, , ."\~:~, ^ :~i:~ , {i1i ' -~~' ,'\~~:,:: . ":'rt':: /~~,,' , ',' ;;;~, ,:ti: . ~~ .:'.\~{ : :~,"", ',':~~. ;l'}'; .~,\.)- ~ "'.. '-~~l ....,;1: ";:'~tJ. '\':- ~'~,,' ,.,.,,&. ." " .."jK '~t., '.~:\' :A ....~,' '!:~ ,. .'>1' ;~'l:;;:, . . r., . '>~~i~;,.: " 'sr,' )~~;!: .; f,:.~" ;.... i,', :: i;"'~ . '.\.. Ii 'it;1 :~, ' ~. ',"t". - ; , ~~~' ':'~~~(' .'.\l' , ,:;\1: ,);;:. .;',:jf' _.;,",'L .,;.:.;. , ,~~;: . ~ :;;~>' .~ ,I., ~ \[,:: ,,' . "..'" It..,,.~,,.;.~'''': '. , . V P^-.I.~~~~ ^ V ... A PARCEL OF LAND IN SEC1IUrI 3<!, l()~INSHII' 45 SOUl", HANGE It3 El CITY OF BOyrnON BEAC'" PALM BEACIl CUUJITY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRJBF.D AS r-OLLOWS: . I F ROM THE NORTHWEST COHNEH OF SEe T ION 32, I OWNS" I P fIr, SUUl U. HANGE 113 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNfY, FLUIUUI\, SAIIJ CORNrH BEING l litE CENTERLINE OF THE IOU FOOl RJGIfI..OF-WAY OF COHGIU.SS AVENU[ RUN SOUTH 16 U2' 40" EAST (FOR CONVENIENCE, rUE ~IESI liNt OF SAID SECTION 32 IS ASSlIMED 10 BEAR NOHIH I" 02' tfO" wr.sr ANt> ~ BEAR J HGS REC I H:D HERE I N ARE nEtA 1 J VE tHERETO) ^ \J l S 1 ANeE Of 596.07 FEET TO lHE nrtERsECTION OF 1I1E WEst l.lf~E UF SAIU SEeu 32 ~IITU A LINE PARALLEL 10 ANn 5~)c, FEEl SOUlIlEnlY l'ImM, WIIEU MEASURED ^ T RIGHT ANGLES I OlllE rum III L I nr. UF SA III S[(;'II UN 32: lllENCE NORTH 88& OU' 52" EASl Al.OI/G SAID PAHALL[l I.IHE ^ DISTANCE OF 50.01 FEE.T TO 1I1E IrllEHSECI10U OF SAIIJ ('AHALLEL LINE WITH THE EASTERLY LIJlE OF TilE AFORESAID lUO FOOl HIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE 10 JHE POIfH OF BEGUmUHi UF THE HERE I N OEseR I BED PARCEL OF LAUD I IIIUICE ALONG HiE DuurlU^,W UF SA 10 PARCEL OF lANLJ AS FOl LOWS: Non 111 88. UO' f)'i." EAS I A o I STANCE OF 365.05 FEE T, i HEHCE SOUl II I" 02' ~U" EAS 1 A U I Sl AW OF 355.05 FEET1 illENCE NORIH 88.00' 52" EAST A UISlMH:E UF 335,04 FEET ,TO lHE SOUlflE^Sr (;UHNE.H or: SAID P^,~C[1. OF LAN1); THENCE NORIH ]8 02' IW" HEST ^ DISlANCE OF l'OS.08 rlrl '10 lilt: HORTHEAsr CORr~[H OF SAID PAHCEl ur: L^,~U; IHENCE SOUIIf 88.00' 52" lIEST A DIS1ArlCE OF 67:'.51 FEll 10 JIIE BEGINNING or ^ CUIWE COHCAVE 10 THE SOUIHEAsr HAVING A HAIJ/US or 25.00 n.EI Arm A CEfHRAL AIIGlE OF R9 c 03' 32"; 1 unlet: ~IES I EHL Y, SOli I HHl S irE Itl Y Mm SOUTHERLY ALONG HIE ^'~c UF SAID LlJIWr:. ^ nlSIANct or- ,$8.8b rEEf TU THE tHD UF SAID tURVE; 'rllE.NCE SOU III 10 02' 110". I M;l '\ IJISTAUCE OF 22S.~ll FEEl 10 TIlE. POINl Of' Bf:GINHfHG, S^'IU I MHn; LYING AND I3EIrIG IN rALM HeM.!1 COUNlY. rl,OHIIJA. LESS THE FOLLOWING: PORTION OF SECT ION 32, lUWNSII}P 'I!; SUUlIlt RM1GE '13.tASL .IlEItlG MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FULlOWS: ' " COMf"IENCE AT THE NOH1HHEST COIU~tH ur SECIION 32, 'IOHUSlIlP qS SOU1H, RANGE 1~3 EAST, ANlJ RUN ON AN ASSUMfU BEJ\fUNH ur SUUIII 10 02' I~O" EAST ALUNG TilE YlESl LINE OF SA1U SECTIOU 32 FOR 293.04 FEET; 'flIENCE RUB NOR 1 Ii 880 00' 52" EAS I PAI{ALLll, '0 rilE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 32 FUR ~.I~;.Uu FEE!': IIllNCl Hun suuru 1. 02' ~O" EAST ALONG ^ LINE PAHALlEL IU ^NI> 415 FELl lAst or: AS MEASURED AT RIGHI' ANGLES TO lifE WL~,l lINE UF S^IU 5t:C) ION 32 FOR 53.01 FEET TO THE POINr UF BEGINNING, 'lI1LN<l CUNTlNUE SOUl H 10 02' 40" E^Sl ALONG TilE LAS f DESCIU BEll COURSE rOR , 605,08 FEE'J J lllEIICE r~UN NORtl! 88. 00' S~" (AS) AlOIlG A lINE PARALLEL 10 AND 951 FEET SOU1H ur: AS r~E^SUnED Af HiGU' AN(;U:~ 10 TilE NOR1H LINE or: SAIl> SECTION 32 FUll 335.04 FEET; rllENCE HUN NOR1H 10 02' l~O" HEST PM~^U.EL 10 tilE HESI LIt~( OF SAID SECTION 32 FOH G05,U8 FEEf, lI~ENCE nUN SOUfH 880 OU' 52" WEsr PARAl LEL TO 1 HE HORllt L t NE OF SA IIJ SEC.ll ON 32 Fun 335,0" FEET 10 TI{E POINT OF BEGINNIUG, SAtU LANUS LYING ANO BEING IN PALN BEACH COUNTY, Fl.ORIDA. , "m,:" ;1f: ':'t{, " "11,"~({i," , .,~"S'.;: .' ':~f:' " ";if' ' /}f} ql >1 ':.~~r < . ' 'j~7.~~. :.. ~ "1'-"''' . '~ W' ' .. . ..;,1:.:: ,,':~: .;ti '. j/;~" . ,~~. . .. . "~ 'I.~;~~ . if, . "f" ' ';.,'.'.:', . ~ r~~:" '1.~~ "'~.~"'. ''": .:._~ v ',......... ,.~..::.....:. U " , , ... , P.AJ\t:E,L. 13 A PARCEL Or: LAND I N SECT ION 32, T OHNSIII r 4!; sour If t nAUGF. lf3 EAS r, LYING IN BOYNfON BEACH, PALM BEACIl COUNTY, fl.OHIDA, I3EIUG 'UI[ EAST 365 FEET OF TilE ~/EST 'tIS reEl OF filE SUUIII 35') FEEl OF HIE NORTH 951 FEEl OF SAID SEcnUN 32, BEING MORE rARTlCUlAHI.Y DESCRIBEU AS FOLLOWS: FROM lHE NOl\l11\iEST CORr~ER OF SEC1IUN 32, rOWNSHIP 45 SOUtll, HANGE ~ 3 E ^ S 1, PAL M BE 1\ C H CO UN T Y, F LOR 1 U 1\, SA 1 L> CO H N E I~ B F. 1 N G 0 r J J" F. CEN1EHLINE OF THE IOU FOOT WIDE RIGltr"UF-\'IAY OF r.ONGRES~ AVEUUE, RUN SOUlll 10 02' 40" EAST (FUH CONVEN I ENCE, 1 liE WES f LINE or SA 1 D SEC J IOU 32 1 S ASSUMED 'J U BEAR NOR I H' 10 02' 'w" Wf.S 1 AND ALL BEARINGS ~tCllED HEREIN ARE RELI\TIVE. lI1EREIO) ^ lJlSIANCc or 596.07 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION UF 1I1E \-IESJ LINE OF SAID SECJlOfl 32 Willi A liNE PARI\LLEL TO AND 596,UO FEEl SOUlJlEHLY FIHJM, WlllN Mf.ASUREO Al RIGHT ANGLES 10 THE NURIII LII~E ur S^") SEClIon 32, THEnCE l'mRlll 88" 00' 52" (ASl ALONG SAID PARALl.EL lINE A UlstANCE UF 50.01 FEET 'TO lllE INTERSECrlUN UF SI\ID PARALLCL llNf: Willi filE EASTERLY llNF OF THE AFORESAID lUO FOOl HIVE RIGItJ-or-~/AY OF CUNGRESS AVENUE, TilE NORTHHEST CURtlEH AIm I liE PO I N r or IJEG I NU ltlG OF HIE HERLIN DESCRIBED PAHCEL or: lAHU; IHENCE ALONG IIIE BOUIHMHY U F S A I U PAR eEL 0 F L ^ N U AS F 0 l. L U vi S : r W R I H 88" 0 U ' 52 " E ^ S 1 A OISlAtICE OF 365.05 rEET; THENCE SOUTH l' 02' 40" E^St A IJISIMKL OF 355.05 fEEfJ THEHCE SOUl" 88000' 52" WEST, A DIS'J^NCE ur 365. O~ fE.F. r TO A PO lfH ON lifE EAS 1 ERL Y L II~E UF filE I\FOHESA I J) 100 Fuor WillE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CUNGHESS AVENUE, lllENCE NOHll1 1002' lIO" \lEST ^LOfJG SAIU RIGIII-OF-H^Y LINE. 1\ 1llSlANCE OF 355.05 FEEl 10 THE POIHT OF BEGINNING. S^ID I.MWS l.YING AND.: BE I riG I N PALM BEACH COUNl Y I FlOR I VA. . LESS AIW EXCEPl TIlE ~/EST 10 Ff:Er UF ABUVE r=OH !lOAD RIGllr-ur:..~I^Y. : p;g,~~, , ,~:~t ' i,h 0""', ,~.j~1 ., ,',f' . i ~~;;::.: ~4~ .~J~~ ,-'.', , ':f~~; "'i;, ,~(, ~; t~".' . ":;:~;",, ~'~ ',' .....i... "',:1:;,,:, " . ,'tJl;~f','~ -.a'~' 'I . '~~i. ":~Zj: , ;~~k ',.,J , '.,'"., .- . .::"flr . .' .~, . fi~,~{~ :1 . v :..~, ," ',;';~~;' , : . ::1~f~1 ...1...... '. ... tl ", J~~', : 'i;!{ ! .' \. ;.~ \iM.: '.1 . a-".Ic;,j~ ,~:," , . . ~.7' . ,<:1::;,;" ':"I'~' ,.' .... .-. ...". .,'"_.. ,t., . . '''~,::.:.;...t,'.. ~, . --1a~ 'r :; "~ '" OJ..... ~t .:\~; t ~ . . .... I,.. ...~.:.~.t....:te1~.~~::.:~;~.~~.; . "tl...{.'.r..II".II"IIIIl~.II_.'I_"lIl_.'["l ill_..I_.I&...~.II_I~..[_..(...{~..I_ ..,JI.'I~,...I........~L..~'I,.~.[..~a-.v~ ~ "'-' ~wyersl1tle Insurance @rporation NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RICHMOND. VIROINIA ... ... . .' ENDORSEMENT cooe NAME NUMBER ED 438 528 Case No. 811065 -LONE STAR/METRO-NORTH Allachod 10 and made a part of Lawyers Titl. Insurance Corporallon Policy The follnwinq h added to the list of policy c:oversc;es contained on aoovfl Numbered policy I . , . No. 84-00-070457 the first Page of th 4. Unmarketability of such title. Item No. 4 of the Exclusions From Coversge is deleted. The pur.po~e of this endorsement is to expand the ooverc;e 9!ven so that the policy will provide ~ov~raqe identical to that provided by the ~merican Land Title Association Form 8-1970 (amended 10/17/70 and 10/17/84). The totollloblllty of the Company under soid policy. binder or commitment and under this and any prior endorse- ments thereto sholl not oxceed. In the oggregate, the amount of liability stated on the foee of sold policy, binder Or commltmont, os 'ho SQme may be spoclflcolly amended In dollor amount by thIs or any prior endorsomenh. and the costs which 'he Company Is oblIgated to poy under the Conditions and Stlpulotlon. of the polley. Thi, endOfSl'!n1nnt is mndo ,. part of ,:lid policV, blndor or commitment and Is subject to.1I the forms and provisIons thorGof. excopt os modifiod by the provisions hareof. Nothing herein contalnod sholl be construod os extending or changing the effective date of the aforesaid policy. blndor or commitment unless othorwise expressly stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Endorsemant to b. signed and lea led tiS of the 6th day of May 19 8S, to b. \'alld .....hen c:ounterslgnod by an authorIzed officer or agont of the Company, all In accordance with Its By.Laws. By: f!.wyers1lde Insu:.:r @rpomtlon , - ,7 ',. .. - Altest: Ct~/~ 1iL ' West Palm Beach, Florida · tIJ. () ~ecretary. , Authorizod Officer or Agent U11....I~~II....Il..__.l... .("eJi__.I{_"IJ.l4~II~ I{IIIIL-n.. _11...'[.. !Il1~,.t~~J{~.I[....t[".I[_.II"~_~.~~(_.II_..I_ ...__II_"J...[,.,IPI '(1/1"" 11 II ^ fR~V 4 In, OJ, ~ Olll IItXI ORIGINAL ..ITHO IN U.s.A. ~ ~,r>.~ , .,1 ~' ~ 'iI! :~'~r " ';i , ;irf~! "~~: ':~~ 'i;~. ,.:'~.~, . ,t:.. {~ " "It, " . . /f~~. ";",~,,-. . ~:: .: ;~. ,",-.1t:". . "':~:f~~p>. ,"', ';. .~:~~: "~ :i .: ~ " , ":::I},. - :j'\~;:':, :;1/ : li~' '. /~~. ~: .,.....t : .1,~ . ,~:' .\ . ". '~:~;' AP..R-1,7-91 WED 11:30 . .l@JYers 'HUe lnsurance (r\lorat1on..." .. ,..." ~ '-I) OAT'I 0' POUCY tHE POLICY NUMBER SHOWN ON T'HIS SCHI!O\JLE MUST AQAU WITH 1HE PREPRINTED NUMBER 1112/91 ON THE COVER SHEeT. . t-' . lr:;1 " OWNER'S POLICY POLICY NUMB!!FI . CASE NlJMRF.R 871065 84-00-070457 Schodul. B This po/i~y nom; tlllt Insure IIgninst loss 0' dllma91it by reason of the following: .'Mof' Tim du...", ,.I,llr..~y. hOIl.l';"te.acl. :Ol't'lmthMt, I'r~p'C:f't'r."'OHtheHf!Utfter, me,itel ,1;"13. if !In" of th~ Jj)CItl3C or 'lol, ~ ""dividulIl :n"urr.I'l, 2. Taxes for the year 1987 and any taxes and assessments levied or assessed subsequent tp the ef.fective date hereof. Said taxes become a lien as of January 1, 1987, but are~not due and payable until Novembe~ 1981. ~ 3. Rastrictions; reservations, covenants, and conQitions pursuant to those certain instruments recorded in Official Recoros Book 2342, at Page 1590, and in Official Records Book 2342, at Page 1593, contains covenants and restrictions. 4. 1\gr~nt And Easements recorded in Official Records Book 3637, Page 347 and Official Records Book 3637, Page 351, contains covenants and restrictions. 5. Survey prepared by Schwebke, Shiskin & Associates, Inc., dated October 26, 1987 under Job #80157, reveals. the following: (a) Sidewalk encroachment on North Property line. (b) 10 foot road ri9ht-of-way alon9 West property line. 6. Mortqaqe in favor of Metro North State Bank, recorded in Official Records Book 5469, at Page 555. 7. Financing Statement in favor of Metro North State Bank, recorded in Officials Record Book 5469, Page 606. Page 1 or Sched. B-Policy No. 84-00-010457 :;;~ , ~ ;.:J........ _.:;~!.; , , f,?' ';. ,,~, . .' "tii' ~ , '~{I :',:::i~'" h." ;t~! "'~:' . .'~ ..<:;ti~ :l , .~...,..'~ . ~',':' . '. ';-X.;. I ":',.~--:,.; .,....... '... ,~ ......~.,. , :?Jif: :~.~/~~: : <<i .",',~(,i ' . "'/~> .~'i~~,,'; .'-,1 " . '.' ',.' , , ' 'I~i' ,;;:~JJi..:.- '" ",.;:~s, .: _. ':ir, , . ;~;' " ',' :1:/ ';." .,<::'~ . ~~~t f '_' . ,.,'ai1:~. ,'~I ,..., ;:'~; ,:jK ~""'i 1 ' .....i' ~ &: ~.J . -- ...,~I. ~." . 1;;' i~:~~~: }:,', ":;'. :, .,',',' "1'-' , ~':.'~\ ~~ 1'.~1; , , :'ij;',' , ::)~,. r . .- ,...~ ~ . . ~ \_/ .... ENDORSEMENT (Cont19uity) ..- . The Company hereby insures the Insured against loss or :damaqe which the Insured may sustain by reason of any inaccuracy in the followin9 assu~ance: The parcels of the property described 1n SChedule A are contiguous to each o~her ano, taken as a tract constl~ute one parcel of land. This endorsement is made a part of the policy and 1s 'subject to all the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terms and pteVisions of the policy and prior endorsements, if any, nor d9~ it extend the effective date of the polley and prior endorsements or increase the face amount thereof. ; .. EXHIBIT 8 ...~':~. ,-, ;.: I ~~..'" . ,;:~" . ' "il', , ~>\";f:''-' ,''1; '&"1; , ';'1~' ,.~., ~',~l .' >It!" " , AA' ';;f~'::" ~,' ,';1 :~~ .:~~, . ")<; .. .:;1 ';i\!1\:, ,I' ' ";":'.~., I " .tll~l (~ :!;~.~:~;\ i:'t:,6 . }~L~.' "~.. ',ole, ' 'kt:: " .::}i;" i' ": " "i; " "~t ,. :!.;.., i:;:!{ ~ ~, ~,' , ';:I~.'.. (~i.. , ;1;:: ,;~~ ~ .:~ t"., ,':; ,.t,:,:. ':',t. 1,-:.' , 'l~~, ,.'., ,"~' '; '-",I" . ,;,,' , '" ,,1;\( " .,.tr ";:~r ,.".,~:, , , "' :._,:.Ie~ ' I':, . ~fi,. ,>.". .'. :f~>" . .:{,~~ . ... ~ .,. ENOO~ (Le9al 'Cescl:iption 1\CCUX:acy) The company herebY insures the Insured a9ainst losS or damage that the Insured maY sustain by reason of any inaccuracies in the follo~ing assurance~ The and correct prepared by 1987 · . The survey prepared. by sc~s1dn & f>:;socl.ateS dated _october 26 _, 19.1!7 _ accurately depicts, as of the date of said survey, thelocation of all buildings and yisible improvements on the land described in schedule A of thiS poliCY. the exterior boundaries of said land and all visible or recorded easements and. rights of way to which said land is SUbject, and shOWS the proper dimensions of said boundaries. easements and. rights of way. This endorsement is made a part of the policY and is subjeC~ to all the termS and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto. Except to the extent expressly stated. it neither modifies any of the termS and provisions of the polioY and prior endorsements, if any. nor doeS it extend. the effective date of the poliCY and prior endorsements or increase the faoe amount thereof. leqal desoription qiven in sohedule A is accurate and correctlY describes the land shOwn on the survey ~e-Shis1dn & f>:;socl.ates dated. octolJer 26 - - - - Attached to polioy no. 84_00-070457 ._______P. ':,'~:~~l,:,'" ,-'~,' \Jt, '~, '~~;' . ;~I{ ''''~i::'' ,':', , "~-~~Jr ',', " ,'~~~',: , H'\~' '<.~ " },t~4',' " ~,., ":~: ~;'. , ;>~l ';'~t~ "'~~ . .~< ,.,\/', ":.'!' ;:.'~t~! . ,,:,.' , J~ ' " .. " , rt" .;~~:, . -; ,~. :~':r,; , ;.ii',> .. ,~ "~~~~<:,,:, " ;1\::,3 , '>~i'i:; '. '~~~t . ",; '. .~ .r' . _ _,t' ":.:,'j -:; '<~ ,x' ~. ____...-...~'O ,.);' . -,~. ,f~r. ;..~~:. .l ..~, ~.:~~. .:.' ,S,;\~.'.. ",'./~::: 'tl' ,i.' 'I "W, ~::':i . ";].;"" ..~.:. ,;:~~: .,;::;r.,;.. .;-' )',~ "p; ---------.._."----~~- ,r-"~-J. I , . -'~ 1 WI::.lJ .L.L::"::60 ~ .1-J ,., ~. ~', . "'.- '.' .... "...,.....:.....~...:. -. , ~ 8cyt\f- ~ P.02 . f'-"" ,.... ,"' ,~ . .... ,t kwyers lltle Insurance (9rporaUon National Headquarters - Richmond, Virginia Policv Number 84..0Q-070457 SUBJECT TO THE eXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS CONT.l\INED IN SCHEOULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION. . VirglOi. corporation. . herein c:nlled the Comp.nv, Insures, 8S 01 Dale of Policy shown It{ Schedule A, against loss or damage. not exceeding the IImounr uf insurance stated I" Schodule A. Ilnd COS1S. 3110rneys' fees and expenses WhiCh the Compllny may become obligated to pRy nereunder. sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: Tille to Ihe estato or Interest doscribed in Schodule A baing vested otherwise the" as stated Ihereln; 2 Any dnft'lct In or lien Dr encumbrance on such title; 3 l.Ack nf I right of sccess to and from Ihe land: IN WITNFSS WHEREOF the Company h3S caused this policy to be signed and sealed, to be valid when Schedule A .s countArsigl1nd hy an authorized orncer or agent of Ihe Company, 111111'1 lIceordance with lis By.Laws, " Jmuyers 11l1e Insurar,ce <9rporatlon OlJevr-c. 0o.v..ra.~ President Attest: ~~~ Pnlicv B-1 n1If1,nIM./'lI"iVlt'l l':n"l\r ~,,..., ^' 'T ^ n.."'...., r.'Jil'v 1'..,," ^ ul7n In"" " 'n; . : .'.'~~; " , ;l~'" !, ,:':~r!,.:, '," '<.'mi'",1 ,~ ~<..~\~i~ " , ',:: " v'f$; " ':":~~' " , .' ':~i}f;~; '" " :,~,:>'j~:: "~' : }:~l!K """I~' ' 1),4 ,.~~ ~ ":"~'~ '" , ::~'~~:' ' "r,:it~~y~, '," , ~ ", . ~. 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