CORRESPONDENCE .,.~ .. 1989 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REZONINGS GROUP I 1. List of property owners due: .... ..... .March 1, 1991 2. Planning & Zoning Board meeting (public hearing): ..... ............... .April 9, 1991 3. city Commission 1st Reading: ........ .April 16, 1991 4. City Commission 2nd Reading (public hearing): ..................... ..May 7, 1991 NAME ACRES CHANGE APPLICATION NO. 1 (Planning Area 4.b) 2.03 R-2 to R-1A APPLICATION NO. 2 (Planning Area 4.c) 1. 66 R-1AA to R-1A APPLICATION NO. 3 (Planning Area 4.h) 2.06 R-2 to R-1A APPLICATION NO. 4 (Planning Area 8.a) 2.17 R-3 to R-2 APPLICATION NO. 5 (Planning Area 8.a) .44 R-3 to PU ***************************************************************** GROUP II 1. List of property owners due: .......... .April 5, 1991 2. Planning & Zoning Board meeting (public hearing): ...................... .May 14, 1991 3. City Commission 1st Reading: .......... ..May 21, 1991 4. City Commission 2nd Reading (public hearing): ..... ................. .June 4, 1991 NAME ACRES CHANGE APPLICATION NO. 6 (Planning Area 2.c) .91 R-2 to R-1 APPLICATION NO. 7 (Planning Area 2.c) .40 R-2 to PU * APPLICATION NO. 8 (Planning Area 2. d) 3.96 C-2 to R-1 * APPLICATION NO. 9 (Planning Area 2.e) .40 C-2 to REC APPLICATION NO. 10 (Planning Area 4.a) 1.17 R-1A to R-2 APPLICATION NO. 11 (Planning Area 4. f) .92 C-2 to C-1 * APPLICATION NO. 12 (Planning Area 7. a) 2.76 R-2 to R-1A APPLICATION NO. 13 (Planning Area 7. a) .88 R-2 to C-2 APPLICATION NO. 14 (Planning Area 7.b) .43 R-1A to REC APPLICATION NO. 15 (Planning Area 7. d) 6.92 CG to REC ,/ ,,/ ======:================================================ SURFACE WATER "ANAGE"ENT CALCULATIONS fDr EXXON STATION - WOOLBRIGHT RD. , CONGRESS AVE. BOYNTON BEACH , FLORIDA =====z========z======================================== STAGE STORAGE CALCUlATIONS ============================ 1) PROPOSED LAND USE PROJECT PHASE PHASE AREA IACRES) 1.000 BUILDING IACRESI 0.049 PAYE"ENT (ACRES) 4.9% 0.651 DATE:4-1-91 JOB: 2292-12 BY: JJH I~ERYIOUS AREA I"PERVIOUS %i I ACRES I 65.1% 0.700 70.001 TOTAL ============zs:_=...=======================================================::========================z========= 70.001 Site Arei......... Less Like Are..... Off-site Are...... TDtil Area........ Building Area..... Pive.ent Arei..... Dry Ret. Are...... Green Area........ CanDpy Are........ 1.000 ures 0.000 ures 0.000 acres 1.000 .cres 0.046 .cres 0.651 .cres 0.100 .cres 0.203 acres 0.190 acrlS 1.000 2) FLOOD AND RAINFALL CRITERIA 10 year, 1 day rainfall.... 25 year, 1 d.y r.infill.... 100 ye.r, 1 day r.inf.ll... 5 year, 1 hour r.inf.ll.... 100 ye.r, 1 hour riinf.ll.. 3) CO"PUTE SOIL STORA6E Wet season water elev...... Ave. groundwater elev...... Ave. site elev.tion........ Depth tD w.ter t.ble....... 10.50 inches 13.00 inches 17 .00 inches 3.20 inches 5.00 inches 0.049 lake Are.......... like t.D.b. elev.. Like t.D.b. arei.. Trench Length..... Trench Width...... Trench Height..... Perf. Pipe Dia.... Trench BDttD' Elev 0.651 0.00 .cres 6.50 nlJvd 0.00 acrls 390.00 feet 6.00 feet 3.00 feet 15.00 inches 8.50 nlJvd 0.700 "inilU' rD.d crDlft (10 Year Flood El'y.)..... "ini.u. finish flDDr 1100 Yeir Flood Elev.).. Actu.l flDDr elev.tiDn....................... 8.50 ngvd 8.50 ngvd 12.75 ngvd 4.00 ft. (..xilUl .llo.ed) Assu.inlJ 251 cDlpiction, .v.il.ble ground stDragl is.. StDrage av.ilable in pervious areal Df the site is ... CDnvlrting tD site wide .oisture stor.ge, S .......... 8.18 inches 0.14 acre ft. 1.66 inchel P.ge 1 12.50 ngvd 14.50 ngvd 14.50 nlJvd 4/n/q( 4) CO"PUTE STAGE STORAGE Assu.ptions: Lakl storls linearly fro............ Pave.ent stores linearly fro........ Green areas store linlarly fro...... Trench stores fro. Ilevation........ Dry Ret. area stores linlarly fro... 8.50 to ellvation...... 12.50 to elevation...... 11.50 to elevation...... B.50 to elevation...... 11.50 to ellvation...... ---------------------------------------------------------- Storagl tacre ft.) -------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Stage Lake Trench Pave.tAt Gre,n Dry Total 8.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 9.50 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 10.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 10.50 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 11.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 11.50 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 12.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.11 12.50 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.07 0.10 0.21 13.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.15 0.15 0.40 13.50 0.00 0.04 0.22 0.25 0.20 0.71 14.00 0.00 0.04 0.49 0.36 0.25 1.13 14.50 0.00 0.04 0.81 0.46 0.30 1.61 15.00 0.00 0.04 1.14 0.56 0.35 2.09 15.50 0.00 0.04 1.46 0.66 0.40 2.56 16.00 0.00 0.04 1.79 0.76 0.45 3.04 16.50 0.00 0.04 2.12 0.86 0.50 3.52 17.00 0.00 0.04 2.44 0.96 0.55 4.00 17.50 0.00 0.04 2.77 1.07 0.60 4.47 51 FLOOD STAGE CRITERIA ----------------------- 100 Year - 3 Day Rainfall (No Discharg,) Storag' r'quired........... 1.77 ac. ft. at elev... Storage provided........... 1.61 ac. ft. at ,lev... 14.50 ngvd 14.50 ngvd 10 Year - 1 Day Rainfall , ISe' Attached Flood Routing) 5 Year - 1 Hour Rainfall ISee Attach,d Flood Routing) Page 2 11.50 then vertically 14.00 then vertically 13.00 then vertically 11.50 12.50 then vertically 6) WATER QUALITY - DETENTION REQUIRE~NTS .) B'5,d Dn t~ first inch of runoff Site .re................... 1.000.cres RtquireG dtttntion......... 0.042 .cr, ft. IB.std on 50X Df required wtt dttentiDn fDr tDt.1 retention syste.) b) B.sed on 2.5 inches ti.,s p.rctnt i.pervious I.pervious are............. Perclnt i.ptrvioul......... Required dettntiDn......... 0.76 .crls (E.cluding building .re. . c.nDpy .rt.) 0.56 .cres (E.cluding building .re. . c.nDpy .rt.) 73.43 X 0.076 .crt ft. Ilased Dn 50% Df required wet dttentiDn fDr tDtal retentiDn systtl) Sit. .rf................... TherlfDrt the required detention is.......... 0.076 .cre ft. Corresponding 5t.ge is between...... 11.50 .nd...... 12.00 ngvd With. weir crest elevation Df...... 11.76 ngvd c) E.filtr.tion Trtnch C.lcul.tions Tat.. Arli.................... I . . . . . 1 Ie re, Building' Pervious Are............. 0.349.cres RunDff .re. tD bt pr.tr..ted........ 0.46 .cres Required pr.treat.ent vDlu.e........ 0.23.cre-inches Dr 0.019 acre ftet R.quired dettntion volu............. 0.92.cr.-inches Dr Volu.t tD bl t.filtr.ted............ 0.92 .crt-inch" T renc h . id th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 fHt Hydr.ulic Conductivity (K V.lutl....l.ooE-05 cfs I 5q.ft. - ft Df hl.d Depth tD wat.r t.bl................. 4.75 feet Nan-saturated trtnch dtpth.......... 3.00 f.tt Saturattd trtnch d.pth.............. 0.00 fett -------------------------------------------------- LENGTH OF TRENCH REQUIRED = 309 lint.r fltt, LEN6TH OF TRENCH PROVIDED = 390 lintar f. Pagt 3 d) Dry RetffttiDn Are. C.lcul.tion, - The first h.lf inch tD be det.ined. Totll Art........................... 1.000 .Cfes Dry Retffttion Are................... 0.1 .cre, P.velent Are. Less C.nDPY Are....... 0.461 .cres RunDff .rl. tD bl pretre.ted........ 0.461 .cres YDlulI tD be prltrl.ted............. 0.019 .crl fe.t REQUIRED OUTFALL RI" ELEVATION IN DRY RETENTION AREA a 11.69 ngvd 7) STAGE DISCHARGE CALCUlATIONS ------------------------------- --------------------------- Disch.rgl Ich) ------------------------.-- Stige StDrige BINder W.ir TDt.l Exfi ltr.tion -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ 8.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 10.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 10.50 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 11.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 11.50 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 12.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 12.50 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 13.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 13.50 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 14.00 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 14.50 1.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 15.00 2.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 15.50 2..~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 16.00 3.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 16.50 3.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 17.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 P.ge 4 :IME 09:33:51 DATE 04 2-1991 ********************************** * * * FREDERIC R. HARRIS. INC. * * * * 6300 N. E. First Avenue * * Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33334 * * ( 305) 491-3311 * * * ********************************** Copyright R & W Engineering, Inc. 1988 This Program uses the Suwannee River Water Management District's dimenionless rainfall distributions, the total rainfall and the SCS curvelinear unit hydrograph method to compute a runoff hydrograph. The hydrograph is routed through a retention/detention area using the Storage Indication Method. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS EXXON STATION - WOOLBRIGHT RD. & CONGRESS AVE. , BOYNTON BEACH , FLA. JOB * 07-2292-12 BY: JJH DRAINAGE AREA = 1 ACRES PRE-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8 POST-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .7 STAGE STORAGE STAGE DISCHARGE (FT) (AC FT) (FT) (CFS) ------ ------- ------ --------- 9.00 0 15.00 0.00 9.50 .01 10.00 .02 10.50 .03 11 . 00 .04 12.00 .11 13.00 .4 14.00 1. 13 15.00 2.09 STAGE PERCOLATION (FT) (CFS) ------ ----------- 9.00 0.00 9.50 0.01 10.00 0.02 10.50 0.03 11.00 0.05 12.00 0.08 13.00 0.11 14.00 0.13 15.00 0.15 ~ TIME 09:33:53 DATE 04-02-1991 STORM DURATION = 24H FREQUENCY = 10 YEAR RAINFALL AMOUNT = 10.5 INCHES TIME (HR) RAINFALL RUNOFF INTENSITY (CFS) (IN/HR) OUTFLOW STAGE --------------------- (FT) SURFACE PERCOLATION DISCHARGE (CFS) (CFS) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 31 . 00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 0.00 0.10 0.21 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.63 0.63 0.84 1.05 0.74 0.63 0.63 0.53 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.32 0.32 0.21 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.44 0.44 0.59 0.74 0.51 0.44 0.44 0.37 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.15 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '" 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.00 9.15 9.57 10.26 11 . 00 11 . 20 11.43 11.70 11.96 12.07 12.17 1 2 . 30 ., 12 . 46 . 12.61 12.72 12.81 12.90 12.96 13.01 13.03 13.04 13.06 13.06 13.06 13.06 13.04 13.03 13.02 13.01 12.98 12.95 12.92 12.89 12.86 12.83 12.80 12.77 12.74 12.71 12.68 12.65 12.63 12.60 12.57 12.54 12.52 12.49 TIME 09:33:56 DATE 04-02-1991 47.00 0.00 0.09 12.46 48.00 0.00 0.09 12.43 49.00 0.00 0.09 12.41 50.00 0.00 0.09 12.38 51.00 0.00 0.09 12.36 52.00 0.00 0.09 12.33 53.00 0.00 0.09 12.30 54.00 0.00 0.09 12.28 55.00 0.00 0.09 12.25 56.00 0.00 0.09 12.23 57.00 0.00 0.09 12.20 58.00 0.00 0.09 12.18 59.00 0.00 0.08 12.16 60.00 0.00 0.08 12.13 61 . 00 0.00 0.08 12.11 62.00 0.00 0.08 12.08 63.00 0.00 0.08 12.06 64.00 0.00 0.08 12.04 65.00 0.00 0.08 12.02 66.00 0.00 0.08 11 . 97 67.00 0.00 0.08 11 . 88 68.00 0.00 0.07 11.79 69.00 0.00 0.07 11 . 70 ' 70.00 0.00 0.07 11.62 71.00 0.00 0.07 11.54 72.00 0.00 0.06 11.46 73.00 0.00 0.06 11.39 74.00 0.00 0.06 11.32 75.00 0.00 0.06 11.25 76.00 0.00 0.06 11.18 77.00 0.00 0.05 11.12 78.00 0.00 0.05 11 . 06 79.00 0.00 0.05 10.99 80.00 0.00 0.04 10.80 81 . 00 0.00 0.04 10.64 82.00 0.00 0.03 10.50 83.00 0.00 0.03 10.38 84.00 0.00 0.03 10.27 85.00 0.00 0.02 10.17 86.00 0.00 0.02 10.08 87.00 0.00 0.02 9.99 88.00 0.00 0.02 9.91 89.00 0.00 0.02 9.84 90.00 0.00 0.02 9.78 9 1 . 00 0.00 0.01 9.71 92.00 0.00 0.01 9.66 93.00 0.00 0.01 9.60 94.00 0.00 0.01 9.56 95.00 0.00 0.01 9.51 96.00 0.00 0.01 9.47 97.00 0.00 0.01 9.43 98.00 0.00 0.01 9.40 99.00 0.00 0.01 9.37 100.00 0.00 0.01 9.34 101.00 0.00 0.01 9.31 102.00 0.00 0.01 9.29 103.00 0.00 0.01 9.26 104.00 0.00 0.00 9.24 7 ___.____________m._....,_._..__H_ _ --- --- ------..------- ..,--~~- --.- ...---.. .-.-- TIME 09:34:29 DATE 04-02-1991 ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE = 0.84 CFS PEAK SURFACE DISCHARGE = 0.00 CFS ALLOWABLE SURFACE DISCHARGE VOLUME = 0.7000 AC. FT. SURFACE DISCHARGE VOLUME = 0.0000 AC. FT. MAXIMUM STAGE = 13.06 FT STORAGE REQUIRED = 0.4465 AC. FT. 8 TIME 09:37:40 DATE 04-02-1991 ********************************** * * * FREDERIC R. HARRIS, INC. * * * * 6300 N. E. First Avenue * * Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33334 * * ( 305 ) 491-3311 * * * ********************************** Copyright R & W Engineering, Inc. 1988 This Program uses the Suwannee River Water Management District's dimenionless rainfall distributions, the total rainfall and the SCS curvelinear unit hydrograph method to compute a runoff hydrograph. The hydrograph is routed through a retention/detention area using the Storage Indication Method. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS EXXON STATION - WOOLBRIGHT RD. & CONGRESS AVE. , BOYNTON BEACH , FLA. JOB # 07-2292-12 BY: JJH DRAINAGE AREA = 1 ACRES PRE-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8 POST-DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .7 STAGE STORAGE STAGE DISCHARGE (FT) (AC FT) (FT) (CFS) ------ ------- ------ --------- 9.00 0 15.00 0.00 9.50 .01 10.00 .02 10.50 .03 11.00 .04 12.00 .11 13.00 .4 14.00 1.13 15.00 2.09 STAGE PERCOLATION (FT) (CFS) ------ ----------- 9.00 0.00 9.50 0.01 10.00 0.02 10.50 0.03 11.00 0.05 12.00 0.08 13.00 0.11 14.00 0.13 15.00 0.15 ~ TIME 09:37:42 DATE 04-02-1991 STORM DURATION = lH FREQUENCY = 5 YEAR RAINFALL AMOUNT = 3.2 INCHES TIME (HR) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1. 70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 RAINFALL RUNOFF INTENSITY (CFS) (IN/HR) 0.00 0.64 1.92 3.84 6.72 6.88 5.76 3.52 2.24 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.34 2.69 4.70 4.82 4.03 2.46 1.57 0.22 0.00 OUTFLOW STAGE --------------------- (FT) SURFACE PERCOLATION DISCHARGE (CFS) (CFS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '0 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.00 9.09 9.46 10.29 11.23 11.78 12.07 12.16 12.22 12.24 12.24 " 12.24 ' 12.24 ' 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.20 12.20 12.20 12.20 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.17 12.17 12.17 12.17 12.16 12.16 12.16 12.16 12.15 12.15 TIME 09:37:45 DATE 04-02-1991 4.70 0.00 0.08 12.15 4.80 0.00 0.08 12.15 4.90 0.00 0.08 12.14 5.00 0.00 0.08 12.14 5.10 0.00 0.08 12.14 5.20 0.00 0.08 12.14 5.30 0.00 0.08 12.14 5.40 0.00 0.08 12.13 5.50 0.00 0.08 12.13 5.60 0.00 0.08 12.13 5.70 0.00 0.08 12.13 5.80 0.00 0.08 12.12 5.90 0.00 0.08 12.12 6.00 0.00 0.08 12.12 6.10 0.00 0.08 12.12 6.20 0.00 0.08 12.11 6.30 0.00 0.08 12.11 6.40 0.00 0.08 12.11 6.50 0.00 0.08 12.11 6.60 0.00 0.08 12.10 6.70 0.00 0.08 12.10 6.80 0.00 0.08 12.10 6.90 0.00 0.08 12.10' 7.00 0.00 0.08 12.09 7.10 0.00 0.08 12.09 7.20 0.00 0.08 12.09 7.30 0.00 0.08 12.09 7.40 0.00 0.08 12.09 7.50 0.00 0.08 12.08 7.60 0.00 0.08 12.08 7.70 0.00 0.08 12.08 7.80 0.00 0.08 12.08 7.90 0.00 0.08 12.07 8.00 0.00 0.08 12.07 8.10 0.00 0.08 12.07 8.20 0.00 0.08 12.07 8.30 0.00 0.08 12.06 8.40 0.00 0.08 12.06 8.50 0.00 0.08 12.06 8.60 0.00 0.08 12.06 8.70 0.00 0.08 12.05 8.80 0.00 0.08 12.05 8.90 0.00 0.08 12.05 9.00 0.00 0.08 12.05 9.10 0.00 0.08 12.05 9.20 0.00 0.08 12.04 9.30 0.00 0.08 12.04 9.40 0.00 0.08 12.04 9.50 0.00 0.08 12.04 9.60 0.00 0.08 12.03 9.70 0.00 0.08 12.03 9.80 0.00 0.08 12.03 9.90 0.00 0.08 12.03 10.00 0.00 0.08 12.02 10.10 0.00 0.08 12.02 10.20 0.00 0.08 12.02 10.30 0.00 0.08 12.02 10.40 0.00 0.08 12.02 " ~_ _ _'~n_"__'_" _..._.......__._._._.._ _ . __ _ _ TIME 09: 38: 19 DATE 04-02-1991 10.50 0.00 0.08 12.01 10.60 0.00 0.08 12.01 10.70 0.00 0.08 12.01 10.80 0.00 0.08 12.01 10.90 0.00 0.08 12.00 11.00 0.00 0.08 12.00 11.10 0.00 0.08 12.00 11.20 0.00 0.08 11.99 11.30 0.00 0.08 11.98 11.40 0.00 0.08 11.97 11 . 50 0.00 0.08 11.96 11 . 60 0.00 0.08 11.95 11.70 0.00 0.08 11.94 11.80 0.00 0.08 11.93 11 . 90 0.00 0.08 11.92 12.00 0.00 0.08 11.92 12.10 0.00 0.08 11. 91 12.20 0.00 0.08 11.90 12.30 0.00 0.08 11.89 12.40 0.00 0.08 11.88 12.50 0.00 0.08 11.87 12.60 0.00 0.08 11 . 86 12.70 0.00 0.08 11 . 85 ' 12.80 0.00 0.08 11.84 12.90 0.00 0.08 11 . 83 13.00 0.00 0.07 11 .83 13.10 0.00 0.07 11.82 13.20 0.00 0.07 11.81 13.30 0.00 0.07 1 1 . 80 13.40 0.00 0.07 11.79 13.50 0.00 0.07 11.78 13.60 0.00 0.07 11.77 13.70 0.00 0.07 11.76 13.80 0.00 0.07 11.76 13.90 0.00 0.07 11.75 14.00 0.00 0.07 11.74 14.10 0.00 0.07 11.73 14.20 0.00 0.07 11.72 14.30 0.00 0.07 11.71 14.40 0.00 0.07 11.70 14.50 0.00 0.07 11.70 14.60 0.00 0.07 11 .69 14.70 0.00 0.07 11 . 68 14.80, 0.00 0.07 11.67 14.90 0.00 0.07 11.66 15.00 0.00 0.07 11.65 15.10 0.00 0.07 11.65 15.20 0.00 0.07 11.64 15.30 0.00 0.07 11.63 15.40 0.00 0.07 11.62 15.50 0.00 0.07 11.61 15.60 0.00 0.07 11.61 15.70 0.00 0.07 11.60 15.80 0.00 0.07 11.59 15.90 0.00 0.07 11.58 16.00 0.00 0.07 11.57 16.10 0.00 0.07 11.57 16.20 0.00 0.07 11 . 56 11.- -----------~-~--- -.--. - -~_..._..- ,.. TIME 09:39:32 DATE 04-02-1991 16.30 0.00 0.07 11.55 16.40 0.00 0.07 11.54 16.50 0.00 0.07 11.53 16.60 0.00 0.07 11.53 16.70 0.00 0.07 11.52 16.80 0.00 0.07 11.51 16.90 0.00 0.07 11.50 17.00 0.00 0.06 11 . 50 17.10 0.00 0.06 11.49 17.20 0.00 0.06 11.48 17.30 0.00 0.06 11.47 17.40 0.00 0.06 11.47 17.50 0.00 0.06 11.46 17.60 0.00 0.06 11.45 17.70 0.00 0.06 11.44 17.80 0.00 0.06 1 1 . 44 17.90 0.00 0.06 11.43 18.00 0.00 0.06 11.42 18.10 0.00 0.06 11.41 18.20 0.00 0.06 11.41 18.30 0.00 0.06 11.40 18.40 0.00 0.06 11.39 18.50 0.00 0.06 11 . 38 . 18.60 0.00 0.06 11 . 38 ' 18.70 0.00 0.06 11.37 18.80 0.00 0.06 11.36 18.90 0.00 0.06 11.36 19.00 0.00 0.06 11.35 19.10 0.00 0.06 11.34 19.20 0.00 0.06 11.33 19.30 0.00 0.06 11.33 19.40 0.00 0.06 11.32 19.50 0.00 0.06 11.31 19.60 0.00 0.06 11. 31 19.70 0.00 0.06 11.30 19.80 0.00 0.06 11.29 19.90 0.00 0.06 11.28 20.00 0.00 0.06 11.28 20 . 1 0 0.00 0.06 11.27 20.20 0.00 0.06 11.26 20.30 0.00 0.06 11.26 20.40 0.00 0.06 11.25 20.50 0.00 0.06 11.24 20.60 0.00 0.06 11.24 20.70 0.00 0.06 11.23 20.80 0.00 0.06 11.22 20.90 0.00 0.06 11.22 21.00 0.00 0.06 11.21 21.10 O~OO 0.06 11.20 21.20 0.00 0.06 11.20 21 . 30 0.00 0.06 11.19 21.40 0.00 0.06 11.18 2 1 . 50 0.00 0.06 11.18 21 . 60 0.00 0.06 11.17 21.70 0.00 0.05 11.16 2 1 . 80 0.00 0.05 11.16 21.90 0.00 0.05 11.15 22.00 0.00 0.05 11.15 /3 ____________...H -.-----. -...------'.-- -_..,._----~_.--_.- TIME 09:40:49 DATE 04-02-1991 22 . 10 0.00 0.05 11.14 22.20 0.00 0.05 11.13 22.30 0.00 0.05 11.13 22.40 0.00 0.05 11.12 22.50 0.00 0.05 11.11 22.60 0.00 0.05 11.11 22.70 0.00 0.05 11. 10 22.80 0.00 0.05 11 . 09 22.90 0.00 0.05 11 . 09 23.00 0.00 0.05 11.08 23. 10 0.00 0.05 11.08 23.20 0.00 0.05 11 .07 23.30 0.00 0.05 11.06 23.40 0.00 0.05 11.06 23.50 0.00 0.05 11.05 23.60 0.00 0.05 11.05 23.70 0.00 0.05 11.04 23.80 0.00 0.05 11.03 23.90 0.00 0.05 11.03 24.00 0.00 0.05 11.02 24.10 0.00 0.05 11.02 24.20 0.00 0.05 11.01 24.30 0.00 0.05 11 . 00 ' 24.40 0.00 0.05 10.99 24.50 0.00 0.05 10.97 24.60 0.00 0.05 10.95 24.70 0.00 0.05 10.93 24.80 0.00 0.05 10.91 24.90 0.00 0.05 10.89 25.00 0.00 0.04 10.87 25 . 1 0 0.00 0.04 10.86 25.20 0.00 0.04 10.84 25.30 0.00 0.04 10.82 25.40 0.00 0.04 10.80 25.50 0.00 0.04 10.78 25.60 0.00 0.04 10.77 25.70 0.00 0.04 10.75 25.80 0.00 0.04 10.73 25.90 0.00 0.04 10.72 26.00 0.00 0.04 10.70 26.10 0.00 0.04 10.69 26.20 0.00 0.04 10.67 26.30 0.00 0.04 10.66 26.40 0.00 0.04 10.64 26.50 0.00 0.04 10.63 26.60 0.00 0.03 10.61 26.70 0.00 0.03 10.60 26.80 0.00 0.03 10.58 26.90 0.00 0.03 10.57 27.00 0.00 0.03 10.56 27. 10 0.00 0.03 10.54 27.20 0.00 0.03 10.53 27.30 0.00 0.03 10.52 27.40 0.00 0.03 10.51 27.50 0.00 0.03 10.49 27.60 0.00 0.03 10.48 27.70 0.00 0.03 10.47 27.80 0.00 0.03 10.46 l-t ---------.. --~.._--_.__.._-_. --- -~-_.,._-,_._-,,----~~_._--------_.._-- ~-'--------'- -----~-_.._-_.- TIME 09:42:07 DATE 04-02-1991 27.90 0.00 0.03 10.44 28.00 0.00 0.03 10.43 28 . 10 0.00 0.03 10.42 28.20 0.00 0.03 10.41 28.30 0.00 0.03 10.40 28.40 0.00 0.03 10.39 28.50 0.00 0.03 10.37 28.60 0.00 0.03 10.36 28.70 0.00 0.03 10.35 28.80 0.00 0.03 10.34 28.90 0.00 0.03 10.33 29.00 0.00 0.03 10.32 29.10 0.00 0.03 10.31 29.20 0.00 0.03 10.30 29.30 0.00 0.03 10.29 29.40 0.00 0.03 10.28 29.50 0.00 0.03 10.27 29.60 0.00 0.03 10.26 29.70 0.00 0.02 10.25 29.80 0.00 0.02 10.23 29.90 0.00 0.02 10.22 30.00 0.00 0.02 10.21 ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE = 5.50 CFS PEAK SURFACE DISCHARGE = 0.00 CFS ALLOWABLE SURFACE DISCHARGE VOLUME = 0.2133 AC. FT. SURFACE DISCHARGE VOLUME = 0.0000 AC. FT. MAXIMUM STAGE = 12.24 FT STORAGE REQUIRED = 0.1796 AC. FT. '> ~/- c},;).9d-/~ J:7-/. tD~;l ~~. Professional Service Industries, Inc. Jammal & Associates Division April 2, 1991 Project No. 771-15041 TO: Frederic R. Harris 6300 N.E. First Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334 Attention: Mr. John Haley '~~^"'I'f~D ~..~, ~ -- ~ . ,r <. . ;~;: .~~~- ,j~ _'" .... ~~ "..,.~ -~ . APR 0 5 1991 SUBJECT: Geotechnical Services, Exxon RAS #4-5022, 1610 South Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida. fnEDERaC R. hARR:S, INC. Dear Mr. Haley: As requested, we have completed two (2) borehole permeability tests at the above-referenced site. The tests were of the con- stant head type, as per South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) criteria, and positioned near the northeast and south- west portions of the property, as referenced on the attached sheets. The permeability test results are shown on Sheets 1 and 2, along with the subsoil stratigraphy and water table levels as indi- cated by the auger borings. Two (2) auger borings, to depths of 15 feet, were completed at the referenced locations. The bor- ings disclosed the site to be asphalt paved with relatively clean to slightly silty sands extending from beneath the pave- ment structure to the terminal limits of the boreholes. The water table was measured in the borings at depths of 5.2 and 5.5 feet. Based on the existing site topography (R.L. Vaught & Associates, Inc., 1-18-91), we estimate the groundwater eleva- tion at +8.3, as referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). 2540 Metrocentre Blvd., Suite 1 . West Palm Beach, FL 33407. Phone: 407/689-3400. FAX: 407/684-9398 Frederic R. Harris Project No. 771-15041 -2- The water table level will fluctuate in response to rainfall conditions. Historic u.s. Geological Survey (USGS) groundwater level data, available from the SFWMD, indicates the "wet season" water table level in the vicinity of the site is about +9.5 NGVD. Considering the historical data and the current levels, we recommend assuming a wet season water level of elevation +9.5 feet NGVD for designs. The tests for this study indicated hydraulic conductivities of 3.6 x 10-5 and 4.1 x 10-5 cfs per foot 2 (of seepage area) per foot (of head). These values are slow to moderate and with- in the range expected for the encountered subsoils. We recom- mend using the average value, or about 3.8 x 10-5 cfs/ft2-ft for use in design of the trenches. The hydraulic conductivity values discussed above are typically used assuming a constant head and gradient condition. The per- formance of the trenches should be evaluated in view of poten- tially diminishing head as a result of groundwater mounding of the exfiltration waters. The analysis method would include use of a three-dimensional groundwater flow model (MODRET), with input consisting of pertinent soil and groundwater parameters obtained from the borehole permeability test data. We are pleased to be of assistance. If you should have any questions, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, PSI/JAMMAL DIVISION r!;;;7.~ ames J. DeReuil Staff Geologist ' Ke~#tE' Division Manager - Geotechnical Services JJD/KEA:dsw 1169W/2-2 Attachments ls.sil o A A PHI X INC. 3 2 4 5 0 4 TEST GEOMETRY SOIL PROFILE +0.3'-'-- - 0.0 Depth (ft.) 0-0.8' Asphalt over shellrock base (PAVEMENT SECTION) 0.8-11.5' White SAND, trace .111 (SP) 11.5-15.0' Brown SAND, slightly silty (SP-SM) -15.0 - Casing sIze (Inches) = Ground surface level (reference) = Static head level (durIng test) = Groundwater level = .. 0 (ft.); 13.8 (NGVD) 0 (ft. ); 13.8 (NGVD) 5.5 (ft. ); 8.3 (NGVD) Constant rate of pumping (avg. for = 10 min. test duration) 2.60x10-3 (ct.); 1.17 (gpm) -5 2 3.6x10 (eta/ft. -ft. 'hd.) Hydraulic ConductivIty Reference: .. De.lgn of Exflltratlon trenches to meet SFWMD Regulatory Criteria" = rest No.: Loacflon: BHP-1 BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST RESULT EXXON RAS NO. 4-5022 1610 SOUTH CONGRESS AVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NE PROPERTY CORNER l,"D.' ~..,. Jammal & Associates, Inc. A Division of Professional Service Industries, Inc. 20'5. 10' W OF DRAWN SC^lE CIIECKED JD DAlE 4/9t PROJ IM1 771 -15041 SHEET t MW D RAP H I X I N G. 3 2 4 5 0 4 TEST GEO~ETRY SOIL PROFILE +0.3'-- r- 0.0 Depth (ft.) O-O.~' Asphalt over shellrock base (PAVEMENT SECTION) 0.4-10.0' White SAND, trace slit (SP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0-15.0' Brown SAND, slightly silty (SP-SM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -15.0 ..... Casing size (Inches) = Ground surface level (reference) = Statlc head level (during test) = Groundwater level = -4 0 (ft.); 13.5 (NGVD) 0 (ft.); 13.5 (NGVD) 5.2 (ft. ); 8.3 (NGVD) Constant rate of pumping (avg. for = 10 min. test duration) 2.77x10 -3 (cfs); 1.24 (gpm) -5 2 4.h10 (cb/ft. -ft. hd.) Hydraulic Conducttvlty Reference: "Design of ExfJltratlon trenches to meet SrwMD Regulatory Criteria" = Test No.: Loaetton: BHP-2 10'N. 10' E OF SW PROPERTY CORNER BOREHOLE PERMEABilITY TEST RESULT EXXON RAS NO. 4-5022 1610 SOUTH CONGRESS AVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA l"'~.l ~...,. Jammal & Associates, Inc. A Division of Professional Service Industries. Inc. DRAWN SCAlE CHECKED totw JD DATE 4/91 PROJ. NO. 1171-15041 ~HEET 2 ~u~~ S-~1 W.D 17=Z~ LAW OFFXC. p.mJE; . LAW O"lCl:. PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER. P.A. __ ..uaTKAL.I_ AyeNUe ..,u,," . U1TC 200 WlE5T ""L'" ,1:,,\;". "LO",DI'I n"DI .. MARTIN 'ERIlV IIO.EIlT LEE 'MA~IIlQ 0I0ll0AN ". ..'L..CIl JIU A.. JI'lllCIIY .....C_ONII: 040'.....4404 f"C""'LI! "071131-'2117 .Jun. ~, 1~'31 YlA F~CSIKI~~I ~07-73e-745! Mr. Vernon Thomp$on, Chairman City of Boynton Beach Board of Adjustment 2535 S.W. 12th Street Boynton B~8Ch, FL 33426 RE: Ex~on Station - Fi1. No. t 91-011 Soard of Adjustm~nt Case No.: 151 Board of Adjustment Hearing Oete: May 13, 1991 Ovner: Westl.ke Hardvar., Inc. (Loneatar Hard~.r.) Contract Purchaser: R3 Dev~lopment.. Ine. Our File Ho.: 3157.01 D.er Mr. Thompson: Pl..s~ be advie9d ~ha~ ~hi. lay ~ir~ r&prG..n~. RJ Dev.lopm~n~., Inc., 'th& cont.raet. p\Jrc:h8czer o~ th. Bbo."e-descJldb~d property. Ap~lics~ion Lor vQrianc. - C.~. No. 151 - wee presented to ~h~ C~ty of Boyn~on BQ8Ch Doard o~ AdjuBtm.n~ at it. hearing held at 7;00 p.m. on Monday, "_y 13, 1991 by Deniel Sh.~low.y o~ Sh.~loY.y, Yay, Rayman & Noy~ll, Ino., Engin..re, Plenne~. end Surveyor., r.pr...nting ~h. Owner at ~ha~ h.aring_ Th. .Q~1on taken by the Board ci Adju.tm.nt va. . dentel ot the requ~.t ~or 8 VsrlBnC~ cy . S to 2 yot.. On b~hal1 ol our client .. heve revlewed the typ~wr1tt.n m~nutea of that ~.et1n9 prepared by the City as veIl.. the tape r.coraings of tb.~ me~ting. Beued \Jpon Qur r~v1ev 0% the proceed~ng8 we are of the clear opinion that tb~ den181 was based upon Zectors that bore no rel.tion8hip to the 1.sue ot th. r&quested varianc@ trom the 1000 ~OQt ee-parat1on r~qU:1relllent bet.v_en gasc11ne s&rviclt stations. In our op1n1on, a PQurt of 1av Y111 requirtt this matter to tie reheard by t.he Soerd or AdJu.tment. In vi.. of this and in thv 1nter~st ot .a~1ng cons1derable time and ~xp~n8e not only for the City ot Boynton BeSCh but also my client, ve hereby d.~8nd that thiS ~attwr b. placed on the agenda of your June 10, 1991 ~eeting ror recons1derat~on and rehearing on that evening_ We also Tequ~st that the City Attorney be present at the hearing to en.ure that the eSgenti81 reqUirement. of lav are followed by tha Bo.rd in making 1 t. dete-rm1nat10n rltlative to the rl'quest.d variance and th~t proce~urel and 8ubstanttve due proc~S8 are afforded to ~y client. 3UN- ~-~~ w.n ~7:~~ LAW OFFXC. P.l2I:::2 Mr. V.rn~n ThoMp.on, Chairman Jun. ~, 1991 Page 2 By copy of thi. 1.~t&r I am notifyin~ all member. o~ th. Bosra of Adjustment ineludin9 both .l~~rn.t~. .. well .. ~he C1ty Kan.g~r'. Office, the City Atto~ney'. o~tio. and the !u11ding Off1cla1. PleBse govern yovrg.1vee .ooo~dingly. FHP/rar eo: Raymond En.y, Bosra of Adjust.~nt 3ame. "iriana, Board o~ Adjustment Thomas C. "ewton, Board of Adjustment Andrew Hayes, Board of Adjustm~nt Henr1etta SOlomon, Board of Adjustment Ben Uleck, Board of Adjostment Kevin ftich.el Clair, Board of Adjustment Alternate Paul Slavin, Board of Adjustment Alternate Don Jaeger, Building Official Scott Killer, City Manager James A. Cherof, Esq., City Attorney Chri8topher Cutro, City Planner Richard J. Fer.yorni, RJ Oevelop~ent., Inc. PERRY. SHAPIRO & MILLER. P.A. n GEE & JENSON May 28, 1991 Mr. K. Dan Sha11oway, P.E., President Shalloway, Foy, Raymond, Newell, Inc. 1201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Re: Exxon, Southeast Corner of Woolbright & Congress City of Boynton Beach, SFRN Project 90085 Dear Mr. Shalloway: In response to your recent letter concerning the referenced project (requesting driveways in excess of the 32 feet width allowed by City Code) this letter is to inform that 35 feet wide driveways are not approved for this project at this time. The Community Appearance Board has denied a request for a gas station to be located for this site. Because of this denial, the project will not move forward and as such the question concerning driveway widths is moote. If you have any questions, please call. /C~~ W. Richard staudinger, P.E. WRS:kvc 91-025 cc: Chris cutro Vince Finizio J. Scott Miller - -, RECEIVED"' JUN 1 ~r PLANNING DEPT." " -- - One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923 . 407/683-3301 . FAX 407/686-7446 l~ -< ~.- - LAW OFFICES PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER, P.A. 400 AUSTRALIAN AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 300 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33401 F. MARTIN PERRY ROBERT LEE SHAPIRO JORDAN R. MILLER JILL A. JARKESY TELEPHONE 14071 833-4404 FACSIMILE 14071 S33-32117 June 5, 1991 VIA FACSIMILE: 407-738-7459 Mr. Vernon Thompson, Chairman City of Boynton Beach Board of Adjustment 2535 S.W. 12th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 ~ ..: ;> Q.. IlllI ~ a 0 CJ U ...... ~ - ~ <:: 1991 ~ <:: ~ ~ ~ Hardware) RE: Exxon Station - File No.: 91-011 Board of Adjustment Case No.: 151 Board of Adjustment Hearing Date: May 13, Owner: Westlake Hardware, Inc. (Lonestar Contract Purchaser: RJ Developments, Inc. Our File No.: 3157.01 Dear Mr. Thompson: Please be advised that this law firm represents RJ Developments, Inc. , the contract purchaser of the above-described property. Application for variance - Case No. 151 - was presented to the City of Boynton Beach Board of Adjustment at its hearing'held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 1991 by Daniel Shalloway of Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc., Engineers, Planners and Surveyors, representing the owner at that hearing. The action taken by the Board of Adjustment was a denial of the request for a variance by a 5 to 2 vote. On behalf of our client we have reviewed the typewritten minutes of that meeting prepared by the City as well as the tape recordings of that meeting. Based upon our review of the proceedings we are of the clear opinion that the denial was based upon factors that bore no relationship to the issue of the requested variance from the 1000 foot separation requirement between gasoline service stations. In our opinion, a court of law will require this matter to be reheard by the Board of Adjustment. In view of this and in the interest of saving considerable time and expense not only for the City of Boynton Beach but also my client, we hereby demand that this matter be placed on the agenda of your June 10, 1991 meeting for reco~sideration and rehearing on that evening. We also request that the City Attorney be present at the hearing to ensure that the essential requirements of law are followed by the Board in making its determination relative to the requested variance and that procedural and substantive due process are afforded to my client. ." " Mr. Vernon Thompson, Chairman June 5, 1991 Page 2 By copy of this letter I am notifying all members of the Board of Adjustment including both alternates as well as the City Manager's Office, the City Attorney's Office and the Building Official. Please govern yourselves accordingly. F. FMP/rar cc: Raymond Eney, Board of Adjustment James Miriana, Board of Adjustment Thomas C. Newton, Board of Adjustment Andrew Hayes, Board of Adjustment Henrietta Solomon, Board of Adjustment Ben Uleck, Board of Adjustment Kevin Michael Clair, Board of Adjustment Alternate Paul Slavin, Board of Adjustment Alternate Don Jaeger, Building Official Scott Miller, City Manager James A. Cherof, Esq., City Attorney Christopher Cutro, City Planner Richard J. Ferayorni, RJ Developments, Inc. PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER, P.A. -,.' LAW OFFICES t~~. ......'o--t#1L"'- ,""".~.\.J~ ~ PERRY, SHAPIRO & MILLER, P.A. 400 AUSTRALIAN AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 300 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33401 F. MARTIN PERRY ROBERT LEE SHAPIRO JORDAN R. MILLER JILL A. JARKESY TELEPHONE (4071 S33-4404 FACSIMILE (4071 833-32117 May 16, 1991 VIA FACSIMILE: 738-7459 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: RJ Developments, Inc. I City of Boynton Beach Board of Adjustment Variance Request Petition No. Our File No. 3157.01 Dear Mr. Cutro: I have been retained by R. J. Developments, Inc. relative to the Board of Adjustment's unreasonable and arbitrary denial of the above-referenced variance request. In order to avoid the unnecessary expense of litigation, I am requesting a meeting with you, the City Manager and the City Attorney to discuss the denial by the Board of Adjustment of an otherwise valid and legitimate variance. The Board of Adjustment's denial of the variance request has had and will continue to have significant financial ramifications to my client. Therefore, I would respectfully request that you schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, {1,,/ o. (]~~ 1J~ ?I jO) FP-jOA--ci/"i .p~ F. Martin Perry c? ~,.,....".~~ ~-'f. "". n ~,r. "". ,;. .,..' J..~.u~~.)~~.j.,.~ . . _ f1A.V ~.i :0 ~ ~~'\..,.. FMP/rar I 1\ "'. ~ \ .,'" F!~:..t;...,~ -.. - - cc: James A. Cheroff, City Attorney Scott Miller, City Manager Richard J. Ferayorni, RJ Developments. Inc. ___..,-_C+'- ~~..-.-~-- ~~ ..~ J I J i . 1'-'- "lU. ~WestJake Hardware . Runous for SeJedkm jU~ 565 ~~~L Hpr l~,~L ;;';' .. ...,.. . 'NntIak8 H~, lno. 1$501 West 99th LtnaQ, Kansaa e6219 (it3) 88&0008 . .' Apr1~ l~, 1991 EXXON S~TE (S.B. CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND WOOLDIGHT ROAD) SOARD OF ADJOSTMENT APPLICATION VARIANCE - 1,000 PSET Dear Bcar4 H~er8$ Ral W..tlak. Har4ware, Ino. hertby authoriz.. Mr, Jonas S. Nordal of R. J. Developmant., Inc. (Contract Purchaser) and Mr. Brian J. LaMotte of Shalloway, Fay, Rayman, & Newtll, Inc. to act in o~r b.half a. a~plioant and ag.nt r$.PQotiv~lY. aincla...ly, ~fIu Anne w. Elsborry Becr.tary/General Coun..l An l dh tJt\ii? \ ' , . / ."--. EXHIBIT --A,-- LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE 120 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, THENCE RUN SOUTH 01023'24" EAST, ALONG THE vlEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 357.05 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 87040'08" EAST, ALONG A LINE 357.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 115.36 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED: THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 87040'08" EAST, ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 182.40 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 01023' 24" EAST, ALONG A LINE 297.72 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 87040'08" WEST, ALONG A LINE 556.97 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID NORTH LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 221.75 FF.ET; THENCE RUN NORTH 010 23' 24" WEST, ALONG A LINE 7 6 . 0 0 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE SAID WEST .LINE OF SECTION 32, FOR A DISTANCE OF 160.65 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 43008'22" EAST, FOR A DISTANCE OF 56.10 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.0002 ACRES MORE OR LESS. / / _ Shalloway, Foy, ___ Rayman & Newell, Inc. April 17, 1991 Christopher Cutro, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: EXXON (S. E. CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND WOOLBRIGHT ROAD) SFRN PROJECT #90085 Dear Chris, Enclosed for your review is our applications and associated back-up material for site plan approval and an environmental review permit approval. I am submitting both applications at this time for processing simultaneously. According to the site plan meeting schedule we would want to be placed on the April 30th T.R.B. meeting. I have previously submitted six (6) copies of traffic analysis for review by the city as well as Palm Beach County Engineering Department. If you need additional information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ~~.~Motte, Associate P.E. BJL/ar Encs. cc: Jonas Nordal/ R.J. Development Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, West Palm Bel!ch, Florida 33405 Tel. 407/655-1151 Fax 407/832-9390 Suite 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel. 407/286-3223 Fax 407/286-8491 EXXON SITE (S. E. CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND WOOLBRIGHT ROAD) SITE PLAN APPLICATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN PACKAGE A) 1 - Original Site Plan Application with a $500.00 check. B) 1 - Copy of Site Plan Application C) 1 - Original Environmental Review Permit Application with a $500.00 check. D) 1 - Copy of Environmental Review Permit Application. E) 7 - Sets of Complete Sets of Plans, which includes: 1. Site Plan (1 Sheet) 2. Landscape Irrigation plans and Details (3 Sheets) 3. Lighting Plan (1 Sheet) 4. Canopy/Building Elevations and Floor Plans (2 Sheets) 5. Paving and Grading Plans (4 Sheets) 6. Water, Sewer and Lift Station Plans and Details (2 Sheets) 7. site Details (1 Sheet) 8. Car Wash Details (1 Sheet) 9. Fuel Storage and Dispensing Plans (3 Sheets) 10. MSDS Information. (Booklet) 11. Survey (1 Sheet) F) 9 Partial Sets of Plans Including: 1. Site Plan (1 Sheet) 2. Landscape Plan (1 Sheet) 3. Irrigation Plans (1 Sheet) 4. Canopy/Building Elevations and Floor Plans (2 Sheets) G) Three (3) Signed and Sealed copies of Surface Water Management Calculations. H) Fire Flow Calculations (Not Applicable) I) One Copy of Colored Elevations for Buildings J) One 8 1/2" X 1111, Transparency of Site Plan and Landscape Plan. K) Colored Photos 8" X 10". - . . ... - - - - - - - - - -- . . - -. I - - -, - - - - Director - Traffic Division CRW:DW File: New - TPS - Traffic Study Review 80a'l"o of County Commissioners Karen T, Marcus, Chair Ca-tole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A, Roberts Carol J, Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee . ~5 t=:" '<~, 'f-~ // ./ . U~~. ~ . County Administrator Jan Winters February 22t 1991 Department of Engineering and Public Works R J DEVELOPMENTS, ING. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPERS RICHARD J, FERA YORNI SUITE 209 915 MIOOlE RIVER ORlVE Vincent Finizio FT.LAUrEROALE,FL33304 City of Boynton Beach 211 S. Federal Highway ~_.' Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 ~\oJIC.~ S~or"\ SUBJECT: RIGHT OF WAY REQUiREMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION o~ WOOLBRIGHT ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE (305) 565-148E FAX (305) 565-555:: Dear Mr. Finizio: As I am sure you are awaret the County's Thoroughfare Right of Way Protection Map provides for special expanded intersections at all at-grade crossings of Thoroughfare Plan roadways. Additional right of way, beyond that. required for the standard roadway sectionst is needed to accommodate these expanded intersect ions. It is my understand i ng that the City is go1 ng<tobe '. asked to approve a gas station at the southeast corner of the intenet;tiol'1Qf;~oolbright Road and Congress Avenue. .,: ." .' I would request that as a part of your conditions of approval "forth1s project that the following right of way dedications be required frQ',jthEf'd~veloper: 11'( . '::".' . "Yo".' o On Woolbrioht Road - 64' from centerline of right of'way for "a distance of 400', measured from the expanded right of way 1 ine for~png~Ss".Avenue. IS' . ". . . o On Congress Avenue - 76' from centerline of right of way fora distance of 400' measured from the expanded right of way line for Woolbright Road. P:..,,'....' . ~ '~' :~" o A safe corner - The long chord of a 40' radius at the intersectipn of the two rights of way. o On Both Wool brioht Road and Congress Avenue - A transition, 250' longt from the expanded right of way lines to the normal 60' from centerline half section. I am enclosing a copy of an expanded intersection right of way detail, which should help to clarify the foregoing requirements. / , "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmativ,/ction Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLOR~pA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 @ printed on recycJed paper - r,,~ lt1/\ 'U~( ) ~"'.lf\1\\ i >~ )~ VTU~iYJ I ~"')>h'-J.'-{J ~ \ -('-n4:JNtJ .~' .~ '<fYu ..~ {"'" m~ UOJ'LOOft\\4Sl! anUaAV ssa~6u03 i pl!O~ l46~~qLooM - UO~lJas~alUI 4Jeaa UOlU^Oa 10 ^l~3 - sa~l~led~J~unw :al~~ uO~l~S~nbJV ^l!M JO l46~~ '~OlJa~~o - U~L~Ul!~~ l!~J~~ll!d UO~S~A~O UO~lJnpO~d ^l!ft\peOH '~OlJa~~o - '3'd 'LlO~~l!3 u40r :JJ L~l!lao :lUaw4Jl!llV 6Wa~: MH3 UO~S~A~O J~JJl!~l - ~OlJa~~o '3"d "~r '~a~ll!M .~ saL~l!4J ~~ M33NI9N3 A1Nn03 3Hl ~O 3JI~~O '^la..taJU~S . .suonsanb ^Ul! aAl!4 no^ 1~ aJ~JJo S~4l lJelUOJ Ol alel~sa4 lOU op aseald "pale~Ja..tdde ^la..taJu~s s~ UJaJUOJ LeUo~lJ~pS~Jnr-~alu~ JO s~allew asa4l 4l~ft\ aJUl!ls~SSl! ~no^ 'S^eft\le sv - Z - --- --------~--.......-----------------_.- - ~~.I~~I~~O:~lJ~;~:ij~: A'rJM.:lO lH91Y 0311lnQ3Y 0 ,. / SlUJO/\ JlllN lM MIIDlI!>>B ' . NOI.L:>3S~::u.NI 1VI03dS AltmJ HJ\I1II H'Wd " . . .w,.. .....-. .. ~I .. ~ If ,: ~ 1 ~ I .... .. -... ..j III \.0' I I H I I I I I +-i ,Ot. I I I I I , I . I i I I . , I L I I I ifJ;. '1 I , S"e. .' ",--.. ~ '. + 'R o . .. ... oJ _ _ ': ~_._. .__-::_'~ .. . , . _........_.., ""n ___-...,,", I I j l. 11~ '~JI JJ..___ I ,'-- ~~ ~ . I I" t ... I } .w': I . i " o . n. u I . , I I ." . ,.j liI-.._~ .---.---.--_-L-____. 1.1ie City of 1loynton r.Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi. 'Boulevarti P.D. 'Bo{.31O 'Boynton 'Bead!., 'fforiaa 33425-0310 City :J{af{: (-l07) 734-8111 :F~: (.107) 738.7459 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR March 19, 1991 Mr. Dan Weisberg Palm Beach Cty. Engr. Dept., Traffic Div. PO Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Fl 33401-2429 RE: Exxon Site (Boynton Beach) Dear Mr. Weisberg: Enclosed please find a study documenting the trip generation characteristics of a proposed Exxon Service Station to be located at the southeast corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. R. J. Development, Inc. proposes to demolish an existing 26,000 square foot general conunercial retail facility and construct a new l,431 square foot gasoline service station/convenience store and car wash. It is anticipated that an application for a site plan modification will be submitted to the City of Boynton Beach for the above-mentioned project prior to our next submission deadline (April 19, 1991). Please review the enclosed study for compliance with all applicable provisions of the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Code of Palm Beach County (County Ordinance No. 90-40). We would appreciate it if you could provide conunents to our office prior to April 30, 1991. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, tL1:iL- frb CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP Planning Director JG:frb Enc C:Exxon J:lmerica's (jateway to tfie (jul/stream t< J'~ u~ v't.LU/-'/"1l::.N T S TEL No. 305 565 5552 Mar 15.91 9:15 P.Q2 r~Clmlel'.HoI'n I t<imley-Hom and Aaaoclatee,lno, ENGINEERS. f't.ANHtR$ . SURVEYORS ..31 Embarcadero Drive W.tt p.lm a..o". florid. 33.01 olI01 e"$-0665 Flcllmll. 407 863-8175 March 13t 1991 4277T.OO Mr. Jonas Nordal President R. J. Development. Inc. 91 S Middle River Drive, Suite 209 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304 Re; Exxon Site (Boynton Beaoh) - Trip Generation Analysis Dear Mr. Nordal: Kimley-Horn and Associates. Ino. is pleased to provide this letter documenting our analysis of the trip generation characteristics of the proposed Exxon Service Station (to be located at the southeast corner of Woolbright Road and Congress A venue) for submittal to the City of Boynton Beach. This analysis has been oompleted consistent with the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Standards and is based on the comparison of new external trips for an existing 26.000 square foot general commercial retail facility and the proposed construction of an Exxon Service Station with a small convenience store llod car wash. Based on the standards of Palm Beach County. the 26,000 square feet of existing retail is vested for 3,096 total daily trips. With a passer-by capture rale of 44.52 percent. the total new external trips associated with the site are currently 1,718. The proposed construction of an Exxon Service Station with a 1,431 square foot convenience Slore and a car wash yields a total trip generation of J ,822 daiJy trips with a total of 919 new external trips per day. The documentation for the reduction in new trips is provided on the attached table and is consistent with the methodology accepted by Palm Beach County. In addition to the pRsser-by traffic associated with the service station and the convenience store, there is also an element of trlCfic Chat witJ use both oC these facilities and the car wash. This interaction is renected in the reduction of the convenience store and car wash traffic under the title - "Less Gas Customers........ Based on this analysis, the total new trips generated by the proposed Exxon Service Station is less than that presently vested for the site and results in a balance of 799 new daily trips which can be u~ed in deveJoping the remainder of the site, while staying below the vested threshold. .tnohelm , Cn..,IOlW . DI"II . fOo1 ~uderdal. . 'QIt ...~r. . N.",vU~ . Or1at\llu . Phoenl. Aa'a'II" . San 01'''0 . lIuI,1 . Tampa . V.ro 8.a"" . Vlrolnl. 1!l..~1I . W"I P.lm 0.."" Bulldlnll elll,,1 ,,'I\lOIl.hlp. .lnCI 1887 - --_._----~------~----~--~._.__.._.- /'< J" lit. Vt.LUI-I'It.I~ I S TEL No. 305 565 5552 Mar 15,91 9:15 P.03 Mr. Jonas Nordal -2- Should you have any questions. please feel free to contact me. V cry truly yours. March ) 3. )99) KIMLEY..HQRN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~';W~ Transportatjon Engineer DRR;map EncJosures Florida Registration Number 42700 4277TOO-JN -LOaUI)! .t-drr.wp ,.0"" \ FROM: File #595 Exxon - Site Plan Tambri J. Heyden, Senior Planner ~ Exception to Subdivision and Platting TO: RE: DATE: May 29,199l With respect to the April 17, 1991 memorandum to the Planning Department from Vincent Finizio of the Engineering Department requesting that the above-referenced request be placed on the Planning and Zoning Board,it was agreed between the Planning Director and Mr. Finizio that sufficient evidence existed which qualified the subject parcel for deletion of the requirement for platting. Furthermore, it was determined that review by the Planning and Zoning Board was not necessary to confirm that the conditions under Appendix C, Article VI, Section existed. TJH/cmc C:EXEXCEP . .,./I~L.~' 11L.1i I.;;, '1...:"'>""" . .~... . " ' .t"t~ ,,. ','. :' ".7;;;; , , " J.." ./:~' I ILL HU. .:>U:, ~t:.:, ~:':'.L Hal' 1:', ':11 9: 15 P .'02 r~/ml.Y.Horn I ~ml.y..Hom and Aaaoclatea,lno. ENGINEERS' PlAHNiR$ . IURVliYOR8 ....31 Embarca<lIlO Orlv. W.., ".Im 'noh. 'Iorld. :S:S401 .07 e45-0GG5 F.cllmnl 401 1153-11175 " ... March 13, 1991 4217T.OO Mr. Jonas Nordal President R. J. Development, Inc. 91 S Middle River Drive, Suite 209 Fort Lauderdale. Florida 33304 . Re: Exxon Site (Boynton Beach) - Trip Generation .Analysis Dear Mr. Nordal: Kimley-Horn and Associates. Inc. is pleased to provide this Jetter documenting our analysig or the trip generation characteristics or the proposed Exxon Service Station (to be located at the southeast corner or Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue) for submittal to the City of Boynton Beach. This analysis has been completed consistent with the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Standards ond is based on the comparison of new external trips for anI existing 26.000 square foot general commercial retail (acUity and the proposed construction of an Exxon Service Station with a small convenience store and car wash. Based on the standards of Palm Beach County, the 26,000 square feet of existing retail is vested for 3,096 total daily trips. With a passer-by capture rate of 44.52 percent, the total new external trips associated with the site are currently 1,718. 'rhe proposed construction of an Exxon Service Station with a 1,431 square foot convenience store and a car wash yields a total trip seneration of J .822 daily trips with a total of 919 new extemat trips per day. The documentation for the reduction in new trips is provided on the attached table and is consistent with the methodology accepted by Palm Beach County. . In addition to the passer-by traffic usociat6d with the service station and the convenience store, there is also an element of traffic that will use both of these facilities and the car wash. This interaction is reOected in the reduction of the convenience store and car wash traffic under the title - -Less Gas Customers....... Based on this analysis, the total new trips senerated by the proposed Exxon Service Station is less than that presently vested for the site and results in a balance of 799 new daily trips which can be used in developing the remainder of the she, while stayins below the vested threshold. "'n",",lm , Ch.,lol\4 , Cd.. . fOti LAudtlrdll'. . I'QI\ UY9r. , Na-,>wO,. . o.1...,L1u . Ph""",. ""I.'P" , all" DI.go . 'lua'l . Tamlla . V.ro a.."", . Vlrll'n'. 1I'.~h . WUI Plllm DOlI"" BuIldIng ell.nt ,.iallon.hlp" ..Ine.. 11181 ':.' :~~f::I' . i,~:"r . ., :.."" 1:(1) ~: ,,; '>'\il,;; A?~:~:' ,..,(j-:-- .,':',..~.',,';".:~.;,r, . ) .~ ':"..' ~ >ei/ ":<";~J' i ~ :~ ' ," I, (f:i~' ">~ ,'.~.. l '~:;' ~: ;;.; if./ ~: .' . "> ' ';j , t" , ~; . , ,~ ! "'i' ,~: ti;. . ",. 'l.,~,~.\JI~':'?,;.i ,. >/.~\:y.. .,~;"<'; , . ,) ".,.. :'::";:..1'1' V:1,: 'I' . ''; " ' , . ,;;,>i ~:':' . , ,~i, , <'?!i: , ti.' ',' ~~L ,'~:r,' , j{ .r.: LLII I ILli I ..:> Mr. Jonas Nordal It.L No. S05 565 5552 Mar 15.91 " ... -2-, 9:15 P.03 March lJ. 199) Should you have any questions. please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, KIMLEY -HORN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. ~L::(~ Transportation Engineer DRR;map EnClosures Florida Registration Number 42700 .cJ T7TOO-JN -LOS1101.,-drr.wp :.'- . , , II l.fi"l\ , ?ftFl'.,;7;. . . .\,..- 'l'~ .. . -,' ~. . ",i," 4i;' ':t' ;:}: .' . ....','~.'.. '.', '. ;,~X1:~1;:"":'i'; .':;:'~J:;f ~/t~',f' rt:'r;' . ;<h ~"',,: '~:Ji",~;' , .~;~~, . .~. '\ :rlt.. .;:.: il1i.'. ' ~ ",~, f)iti'. , ,..[:,'~i;' :\.:~?~. . '0" . I:~'r; ",,,,' i. ,t . '~'.fl :':~\F" ,.'~,.: , fi'Ht' '!:if$" ' .' : ~fJ'" . ...,~." >.:~:;" , ':,:.:~~\: ' ;;'~fi;:' .. ,,' .,!*":,, ~il''4.; "~ff 1_- / ,. Vince Finizio, city Engineer April 1, 1991 Page -2-: the planning and zoning board and the city engineer would not conflict with the purpose and intent of this ordinance. The improvements and dedications that are proposed will be in substantial accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and by waiving the requirements of platting would not conflict wi th the purpose and intent of this ordinance. B. The resubdivision of land heretofore platted is of such unusual size and shape or is surrounded by such development or unusual conditions as may be determined by the planning and zoning board, the city planner and the city engineer to justify the waiving of the requirements for preparing a replat. This property is not of unusual size or shape or surrounded by such development or unusual conditions. Based on the comments as mentioned above (A-1,2,3) we again feel that platting of this property would not be necessary. As we also discussed, Mike Haag and Chris Cutro will also be reviewing this request. It would be greatly appreciated if the determination as to the waiver of platting can be done as soon as possible so that we can plan our submittal for site plan review on April 19, 1991. I have enclosed three (3) copies of the site plan and survey for Mr. Cutro and Mr. Haag's review. Sincerely, ~ Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Associate BJL/ar Encs. cc: Jonas Nordal - R.J. Development March 29, 1991 \'~~I \81 r\ 'k--" Mr. Christopher Cutro - City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: EXXON SITE (BOYNTON BEACH) Dear Mr. Cutro: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study &~~ ...l.~ ~~~.;~~... ~~"'';''''~r1 ['vvn... c;+.... (Dn"...+nn D...."'rh' nll~CII"'nt tn thp lQQn Tf'~ffir FROM: File #595 Exxon - Site Plan Tambri J. Heyden, Senior Planner ~~ May 29, 1991 TO: DATE: RE: Withdrawal of site plan request Due to the denial of the variance to the 1000 foot distance separation for service stations, by the Board of Adjustment on May 13, 1991, the site plan had to be withdrawn and was therefore, not heard at the May 14, 1991 Planning and Zoning Board meeting. TJH/cmc C:EXXONSP MEMORANDUM No. 91-112 May 7, 1991 FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning Director James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~LC- Service Stations/Required Frontage Code Reference: Appendix A Section 11 L 2 TO: RE: You referenced measurement essence is: have code for requested clarification of section with respect to the determining frontage. Your the above points of question in When a service station is located on the corner of two intersecting streets should frontage be measured from the point of intersection of the property lines at the corner? Your question is answered in the affirmative. Section 11 L 2 of Appendix A provides that the minimum frontage for service stations is 175 feet on all abutting streets. No specific method of measurement is provided. However, the Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, adopted after Section 11 of Appendix A, provides guidance for purposes of interpretation. Section 5-142(h)(3) deals with driveway set-backs and provides that the measurement is "from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets". This appears to be a practicable approach to the measurement of frontage since lot configurations are variable. Accordingly, this method of measurement should be used to calculate frontage. For purposes of clarification I have attached a diagram. If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 17, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: EXEMPTION TO SUBDIVISION & PLATTING REGULATIONS PROPOSED EXXON STATION SOUTHEAST INTERSECTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AT WOOLBRIGHT ROAD, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA The Engineering Department, for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has determined that platting will not be required for the above referenced Exxon Station. Attached please find an April 15, 1991 correspondence from W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., of Gee & Jenson, detailing our department's position. An additional copy of Mr. Staudinger's letter has been utilization in responding to the applicant's request. position in this regard, please feel free to schedule appropriate Planning & Zoning Board meeting for their disposition. submitted herein for your Should you concur with our the exemption request on the consideration and final next If I can be of any further assistance, please advise. J.~,:~ A~6' Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck attachment cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Site Plan File EC........ -.... ;1!':D R 1 ,..."..... API{ :~: q \ Pl.ANN\I'~~ Uc..~r~ \\" ;' , , '. t:~ ~ ... - '...'..& ''II .' March 29, 1991 pC"f.~ Coun.y Admin;.!...o. Ili~ S 1 ~ ]an Winters ~\ttG \)t.~. ~\,J\tt. - ~epartment of Engineering ~ and Public Works - ~ocird of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol]. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee 1\ br Mr. Christopher Cutro City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: EXXON SITE (BOYNTON BEACH) Dear Mr. Cutro: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled Exxon Site (Boynton Beach) pursuant to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code (Ord. No. 90-40). The project is located on the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbrite Road. It consists of 1,431 square foot convenience store/service station with a car wash. An existing 26,000 square foot retail facility will be demolished to accommodate the project. The County Traffic Division has determined the project meets the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County. It should be noted that there is one calculation error in the trip generation information. The internalization rate of convenience store customers who also buy gasoline should be 27%, not 37%. This changes the total project traffic to 989 trips. The balance of remaining trips is 729 trips. If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please feel free to contact Dan Weisberg at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER oB-~ ~~ J:"ul{ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division 8 ~r ( il j-. ~)'.). i _\,~' ./ ~> i :} - CRW:DW File: New - TPS - Traffic Study Review .. An Equal' Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 @ printed on recycled paper n GEE & JENSON April 15, 1991 vince Finizio city of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Platting Requirements for Proposed Exxon station Congress Avenue at Woolbright Road Dear Vince: As a follow-up to our discussion last week, I had the Planning Department research ownership of the referenced site. It appears the site has been split once before. This gas station split makes the total three. "In Appendix c; Subdivision and Platting Regulations", Page 2098, Subdividing is defined as the division of land into four (4) or more continuous parcels or lots. Therefore, a plat is not required under our present code. In accordance with Article VI, section 4 of the Code a certified survey is required. The Engineering Department also has the reserved right to require necessary dedications, reservations or improvements to meet the intent and purpose of the subdivision code. Please call if you have any questions. ~(C~ W. Richa~d Staudlnger, WRS:kmk enc 91-025 t One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923 . 407/683-3301 .. FAX 407/686-7446 MEMORANDUM TO: Technical Review Board John Guidry, Utilities Robert Eichorst, Public Works Charles Frederick, Recr & Parks Ed Allen, Fire Chief Edward Hillery, Police Chief Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist W. Richard Staudinger, Gee & Jenson Vince Finizio, Admin Coord of Engineering Don Jaeger, Building Official FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Senior Planner DATE: April 25, 1991 SUBJECT: Addendum to Technical Review Board Agenda - Tuesday, April 30, 1991 Please be advised that the following additional item will be reviewed at the above-referenced meeting of the Technical Review Board: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Exxon Service Station <r~~ TAMBRI . ~EYDE ~ TJH:frb cc: City Manager Chris Cutro, Planning Dir Jorge Gonzalez Johnnetta Broomfield John Wildner Central File William Cavanaugh Lt. Dale Hammack David Crockett Mike Kazunas Mike Haag A:TRBAgda PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-097 FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Officlal -v' /1 i/~:rr: Michael 3. Haag ',~~~ Zoning & Site D ~ ent April 14, 1994 Adnli::1istrator TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Transmittal of Development Orders Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents regarding development plans that received final approval by the Planning & Development Board and/or City Commission. The following is a list of the proJects, type of request and the documentation t::::-ansffiltted: Chec~ers Drive-In Restaurant - conditional use/new site plan - copy of the 2nd review plans - copy of the staff report and comments - copy of the written order signed by the Mayor - copy of the November 16, 1993, City Commission minutes Checkers Drive-In Restaurant - parking lot variance - copy of the staff report and comments - copy of the written order signed by the Mayor - copy of the November 16, 1993, city Commission minutes C~eckers Drive-In Restaurant - community design plan appeal - copy of the staff report and comments - copy of the wr1tten order slgned by the Mayor - copy ot the November- 15, 1993, City Commission minutes Super City Food & Discount - major site plan modification - copy of the 2nd review plans - copy of the staff report and comments - copy of the November 16, 1993, City Commission minutes Su~er City Food & Discount - parking lot variance - Copy of the staff report and comments copy of the written order signed by the Mayor copy of the November 16, 1993, City Commission minutes Harvey's Restaurant - parking lot variance - copy of the staff report and comments copy of the written order signed by the Mayor copy of the November 16, 1993, city Commission ~inuteE . MEMORANDUM TO: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning~~ ~ James A. Cherof, city Attorney ~~-- Code Interpretation, Parking Lot Driveways for Service stations FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: March 1, 1991 You have asked me to examine an apparent conflict between Section 11 L 5 of Appendix A of the Zoning Regulations and section 5- 142 (h) (3) as they relate to setback requirements for driveway entrances from intersecting right-of-ways. Stated differently, you have posed the following question: Should the requirements of the Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulation be applied to the construction of driveway entrances for service stations? The question is answered in the negative. There are several principals of statutory construction that must be applied: 1. The principals of statutory construction apply to zoning ordinances which are issued by cities. Rinker Materials Corp. v. city of Miami, 286 So.2d 552 (Fla. 1973). 2. The general, and most persuasive rule of statutory construction is that whenever possible, the Courts will, and must, attempt to construe related statutory provisions, if conflicting, in such a way as to harmonize them and give them both full effect. Palm Harbor Special Fire Control District v. Kellv, 516 So.2d 249 (Fla. 1987); Villery v. Florida Parole and Probation Commission, 396 So.2d 1107 (Fla. 1980); District School Board of Lake County v. Talmadqe, 381 So.2d 698 (Fla. 1980). 3. Where a statute is passed with knowledge of prior existing laws, construction is favored which gives each statute a field of operation rather than a construction that would leave one statute meaningless or released by implication. State Department of Public Welfare v. Galilean Children's Home, 102 So.2d 388 (Fla. ~ DCA 1958). 4. law and Since zoning ordinances are in derogation of the common deprive owners of th~~<:It.r\rif.[jr 'property, any MAR lq6 PLANN1!:G DEPT. ~~ ... .. ambigui ties which may arise from conflicting zoning ordinances should be resolved in favor of the property owner. Thomas v. city of Crescent City, 503 So.2d 1299 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987). 5. Courts must also give specific terms and provisions precedence over those terms and provisions which are more general in nature if the two provisions conflict. Lake Barrington citizens Commission v. Villaqe of Lake Barrington, 312 NE.2d 337 (1974) . In applying the above rules of statutory construction to the question posed I conclude that the two provisions of the Code are not in conflict and can be read together. The parking lot regulations should be generally applied to all parking lot construction unless a more specific ordinance of the City exists, such as the one which applies to service stations. The Boynton Beach parking lot regulation does not apply to the construction of driveway entrances for service stations. section 11 L 5 of Appendix A controls the distance requirements for parking lot entrances for service stations. Ilms LIB CUTROMEM cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official Vince Finizio, Administrator Coordinator of Engineering ~~_., ._~ ;~. ' ,.r ~ 'f <, ',{ ,l ~ t- -.4~ ~ ". ,'I' - ,,. .... " . -, '.~. . ..-..... \ 11~ I E 'f. 'f.o~ st: R\J1.CE Si(1-t:CoN C~IL'(Y>.D\:;..<''v... UJ~\b.\le, l~\/"~"'lJ.tf~ ~ ~ ~\..V\J~ u... .>\v-. \\un I G\)y.utu.{~li ~ ~ N. ( lA.V..l CA.( W~ ') tJEw Sl\~ ~GPr~ y R. J. ~(Ut~O~tAf.V\tS J 4t. I d-.~~l\('lJ..~t- I h R~UQ.5*,\'\' ~I.k ~~~V\ ~~~\'tl\l~\ h ~Q.~\)\;.\\-.. ~ <..10]000 ~1-u",,\I'c. ~Qt h~,,'~_~trz..v,jj.t'\j Wts.+\<<.,u t~r!.~ll~ ~U .I\~\V\~ o..V'J... to,"s+r""d 0... 1\€.-'^' :1..1'4 '31. s ~V~...(, 1=-00 t- ~o..<;'Q~~'t~uvtlt ~~O~J {;oV\VtM"'~(2.. ~tore. } o.Y\~ (;CA.'(" wo.s:h. the t;i k ts. \oc.",h~ cv\ +~t 500~'''U-S\- c.oW'Y\U f)~ G>"'~.,.e~~ truuwe. ~~ WOO\~v'1~\. \\.O,~. ftu_et;s.J-o ~ c;; k. i ~ ~ 0.. ~-Wd c}.,.",v<.v.. r..,,\ , \,~~+el.- h ri~t tvy~ 0\'1', ) o\')-hJ \v 00\ ~~S"'~ ~oJ ~~A '^- \'tN1- \}J ~ ~,",,\l{w'-1 Qv\~ CnIl\.~'(~~S ~,^\le. ~> "fcz Yr\)es~ ~ s\ \e.. ~\~ v- V-r(l>-l~ \ s su~ J e~+- h ~~ ~ Y1)~ c>~ ~VCk"'l(J..~l(. ~J.+0. p.>oc..vl /19 A-J-~~s~ ~ ~ \o\j0 Gb-t ~s~tL. \('t~\(~\N.II\+- ~t~ ~asb~~ ~LLS-\-~.\:.~5. \\- ~D6.~O\'-- f\\~\J-.~~ '~-t<-~Y\) .(~ 5c\"~)-",\.R_& ~o'( ('\~\~~I (ftr..\.