REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-162 April 29, 1991 TO: Christopher cutro, Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - April 30, 1991 Meeting SITE PLAN - EXXON SERVICE STATION Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City codes: 1. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional, shall show original legible raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents. 2. The location of the proposed Exxon station will require approval of a variance from the Board of Adjustment for distance separation between service stations (Section 11 L, Appendix A-Zoning) . 3. Specify on the plans the setback distance from two adjacent property lines to the leading edge of the canopy. 4. Specify on the plan the location of the free standing sign from two (2) adjacent property lines (Minimum setback 10 feet) . S. Show on the plans an elevation view drawing of the free standing sign drawing to include the following sign information: i. overall height (max. allowed 20 feet) ii. total square footage of the sign (max. 64 square feet) iii. show the proposed sign copy (state the letter style/family) iv. show and identify the source of illumination v. specify the type of finish material and color of the sign structure vi. specify the type of finish material proposed for the sign frame, face and copy vii. specify the color of the sign frame, face and copy 6. Specify on the plan the location of all signage identified within the general notes specified on sheet Site Plan 1 of 1. 7. Show on the detailed drawings of the dumpster enclosure and pad the following information: i. specify the size and location of the steel reinforcement required for the dumpster enclosure footing ii. identify the finish color of the dumpster enclosure walls iii. dimension the clear width of enclosure opening (clear width minimum is ten feet [10'] to be measured inside of gate and post material). -~ P,,-ECEIVED ,lAY 3 PLANNING DE?T'!, . .; To: Christopher cutro Re: Exxon Service station, Memo # 91-162 Page Two of Three 8. Include within the drawings a detailed elevation view drawing of the proposed site lighting pole and fixture. specify that the fixture is photocell activated. 9. Show on the site plan a handicapped accessible walkway leading to the entrance of the building from the public sidewalk, specify on the plans the following walkway data: i. type of material ii. texture of the finish iii. width iv. slope for the entire length v. length vi. show the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance of the common use area vii. location, height, material and configuration of handrail where required 10. Show on the plans the following handicapped parking space information: i. show and identify the size, location and configuration of the handicapped parking space pavement markings ii. specify the color blue for the handicapped pavement markings iii. show the location and identify the height of the handicapped parking signage (7' from grade to bottom of the sign is required) iv. show the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform required at the entrance to the building 11. Specify on the plans the length of the handicapped ramp. Identify the slope of the flared sides. 12. The outline, configuration and material shown and identified on the project drawing(s) submitted with the plan(s) for final sign-off shall match in every respect the colored drawing(s) approved by the City Commission during the approval process of the project. The color of each exterior finish material shown on the final sign-off plans shall be identified by name, color number and manufacturers name which shall match in every respect with the color(s) shown on the drawing(s) approved by the city Commission. A manufacturer's color chart showing and identifying all approved color(s) shall be submitted with the plans for final sign-off. 13. The new landscape plan must reflect the appropriate percentage of native species landscape material. 14. Dimension the width and length of all landscape strips and islands. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-072CC SUPPLEMENTAL MEMO April 7, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. City Engineer RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS EXXON STATION CONGRESS AVENUE AT WOOLBRIGHT ROAD With respect to Item No. 8 of the referenced memorandum, a variance procedure is not required in the opinion (written) of the City Attorney. Because of this clarification of the Code, comment No. 8 is to be deleted from the Engineering Department T.R.B. Comment Memorandum #9l-072CC, dated May 3, 1991. 1tIZ~~4-- W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. City Engineer Gee & Jenson, Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. WRS/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Vincent Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering : ': ~:';:0~~>t . '. ;~~.t:;. :>;~. . ....0/ ," ),.1 i, }?~ fI .r / / I I / / / / MAIN STREET . , .. . 8 --.- -- " C C E-l ~ ~ E-l en ~ 0 Z H ~ /) 1\ __ A-Depicts property corner C-Depicts property corner D-Depicts property corner B-Depicts intersection of right-of-way lines along local streets Frontage on "Main Street" and "Minor Street" should be measured from A to B, not from A to C. J :~:> )1 '. Ji~:: . .;J, .:;~; .,t~\. :1 .',' 'Ii;. .'iT "~~~\: <~; \ " ,-'J. .., ."<. . ~.: ". ., '<~ ~' ~~,}, 'r, . /t l". ','l:' ,'. ; ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-072CC May 3, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS EXXON STATION CONGRESS AVENUE AT WOOLBRIGHT ROAD In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, specifically Chapter 19, Section 19-17, "Plan Required (Site Plan Review Process)', including Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations" inclusive, the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit the following informa- tion, technical data and plan revisions: 1. The City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, specifies driveway widths shall not exceed 32 feet, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Provide a written request to W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. of Gee & Jenson, Consulting Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc., One Harvard Circle, P.O. Box 24600, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33416-4600, Tel. #683-3301 with information for wider driveway widths. 2. Palm Beach County and State of Florida, Department of Transportation Construct within the Rights-of-way permits for Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road are required prior to the issuance of Building permits. 3. Revise striping details for standard and handicap parking stalls in order to comply with Section 5-142(1), "Parking Lot Striping", including Section 5-l42(k), "Handicap Requirements" and Section 5-l42(g) , "Striping Standards". NOTE: All handicap parking stalls shall comply with the latest edition of the Department on Community Affairs, Accessibility Requirements Manual. 4. Revise plans to indicate the location of all traffic control devices, including internal directional arrows, stop bars, stop signs and advisory signage. All signage and pavement markings shall comply with the provisions set forth in Section 5-l42(c) , "Traffic Control" and Section 5-l42(g) , "Signage and Pavement Marking Standards". 5. Reference the Convenience Store Security Ordinance, the submitted photometric plan exceeds the five to one ratio required by the Ordinance. Submit a revised photometric plan consistant with the requirements set forth in the aforementioned Ordinance. All lighting shall be photo-cell activated in accordance with Section 5-l42(a) , "Required.Lighing" and Section 5-l42(g) , "Lighting Standards" inclusive. 6. Provide "No Left Turn" signs along Woolbright Road and along Congress Avenue. Section 5-l42(c) , "Traffic Control Devices" and Chapter 19, Section 19-21, Subsection 19-2l(a) , "Vehicular Safety". 7. Provide details and locations for all raised continuous concrete curbing in accordance with Section 5-l42(a) , "Curbs and Car Stops", including Section 5-l42(g), "Curbing Standards". 8. The applicant shall enter into the variance procedure relative to required lot frontage of 175 feet, per the Zoning Regulations contained in Appendix A. Lot frontage specified on plan does not comply with this minimum requirement. 9. As a pre-requisite to Engineering Department sign-off, the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit executed deeds for the dedication of land necessary to construct both Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. T4e deeds shall be approved by The Board of Palm Beach County Commissioners and/or their designees. RECEIVED 1( ,.J.A Y a PLANNING DEPT. con' t . . . . . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-072CC con' t T.R.B. COMMENTS - EXXON STATION 10. The applicant shall submit the stormwater drainage system calculations for a three year - twenty-four hour event and shall further verify all parking lot elevations. Section 19-17(k), "Required Engineering and Technical Data", including Section 5-l42(f) , "Required Drainage". NOTE: All stormwater inlet structures shall be located in grassed areas. 11. The top of the exfiltration trench is at elevation 11.5 NGVD (bottom of retention area). The exfiltration trench cannot be constructed under the dry retention area. Revise plans accordingly. Section 5-l42(f), "Required Drainage" and Chapter 19, Section 19-17(k), "Required Engineering and Technical Data". U;--r.4A ~-6- Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering ~ W. Richard Staudinger, City Engineer Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. WRS:VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager , MEMORANDUM Utilities #91-251 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities ~y ~ ~. DATE: May 1, 1991 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Exxon Service Station Woolbright and Congress We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: Add a second valve on the fire hydrant lines. Tap water service off the hydrant main prior to second gate valve. Reduced pressure backflow preventers will be required on the water service. Indicate location, model and size. We recommend dual units in parallel so service is not interrupted during testing. Irrigation is not to be supplied by City Water. Work to be in accordance with City of Boynton Beach Details and Criteria sheets. Define relationship to remaining property regarding future utility service. Lift station must be sized accordingly. Contact Mike Kazunas at 738-7460 to discuss possible City maintenance and ownership of lift station. Existing utility services must be abandoned. Contact Mr. Skip Milor at the Utility Department at 738-7460 for details. Minimum force main size 6". Install pig launcher at lift station. Revise angle of entry at manhole to be in line with flow. Backflow preventer not acceptable model. xc: Mike Kazunas Skip Milor File . ." i; o' .' i I r-~- I I, ~ :~ ~I ___w I ___w___w I w I !.f: ~ ~!;.~ .!~i~' ~~~U ~~~~~ Hm. ..;rat i ~ ~ : ~ ~ i . i ! 0 'I ~ &- \ .J ~ l~ ! I \ i i PPI; p J! t I;~ Cl 0 ~~ ~ ~a :< l!l~Vl c ~. ~ U, ~Pt '" >- ~! ~ f i ?~ .1 Ii II '\. t I 0": g' . ij II -. I 'j i 'It m ~< ~~l I~n . ~~ sd I!; ,.': hA !," p.1l ~.. _i~ ~ 2 ! m!~IIJJ~~f~< ~ a i;:I~iJ~~i!dSUi:;! ~:Ui i~i i ~.<~.~=<;'5'1~~ .! t I.i ,~~ ~ I~C .;. =,. ." I. 1;.lia.~~"~~l ic~~l ill~II~~ i .=! Ri~alit'I".I' =!~ll~' < iil!~~n;:~i~:~!!~~ ~~A~= ;i! I i.~;;id=...!:.&l!~ ,,~ha ~i~ .I~.. i~.I"I"~=~~ ~i'.! ~Ij li=..;,~t=dA~h;:.. .Al~. ~.. A i..' 4,~'~"A~ U Ii d <~. 1~~.H:J~~~I~~IRi:~ ~;id ~U i~li~;ii~il~~ia;!5i ~~~.:= !~, i~f~n~U~~~i~lli:~; ;!il< :ii . =1.' ;:A= -i~' ~Ii P . _ '-1 - ..' ~ ~ ;I i ,~. .. r.::::.z~;~"-""'-=-;--"'--'"-;"';";-"'--=----- ----=-;--;-,,-- .- .._..;-;-~-: -" ._-:-..;:""-..;.:-..:""'.;-..=-;;""~.:-.;...;:"""-~-='..;.:::""..;:::;"",.;..:--~ ZONED C-1/OC WOOLBRIGHT ROAD FRONT ~ lWTC --*11.11 . :: :.:::. ! <;> ~ '" " ZONED C-J/lRC ..Iln.JW'l i .~ ~<<I D . '" D~f . ~! 'U t ". lli ~ it I'! i ! III ! 'I~' ! !:~ ~, t -i 3 =, , ~I ~ = '1-" . 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If' .......~ ' I--- ~ .. , ... .. . , --,:.. ill "/,1 " :~ >-- ro, ~ -f. - ~ 1--. ... I-. _ r--f: ' 0/ .J ..'. r1 ' :'- I(j :::~ < - , - - , ! I ' \ .. = I I );j~': ~~~rfl_L ~~i~ =~" 'Ii"-~~-' . ~\ = :::i. .. ~'= ~ /1T1tJ7 ~~~r., r: .011111',8 MILES ~ , - ..( I. I I I Y -I (j ~ r'~7' I. r T TT I I I I r TIH~ vr.::: ,J, !-C ~.LJ ~ -~ I'... ~040o. .800 FEET - .,.. - J; I , .... _ __ _ L1 /4'1 _.... ~ ~.) -I~,-~. IT' ' , , . . " ,r' 'f V~~, ';/;;..,'1 ~ __c ) :) " o '.. () ..', n \, ') , I ] ) !- trIITiJ . I-J:/-.... ~ ~~flJ ~ R ~= f-I h - - -:) - LO'CA liON MAP EXXON SERVICE STATION MEMORANDUM POLICE #91-026 TO: Tambri Heyden FROM: Lt. Dale S. Hammack DATE: May 1, 1991 RE: Exxon As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 30 April 1991, I am recommending the following: 1. Parking lot lighting to be photocell activated. (City Ord. 5-138) 2. Comply with Construction Security Ordinance (#5-8G) 3. Must comply with Convenience Store Security Ord. (#90-55) i1.[)a1J~ Lt. Dale S. Hammack DSH/cgm PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-088 FROM: chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board ~ Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director TO: FROM: Jorge L. Gonzalez Assistant city Planner DATE: May 6, 1991 RE: Exxon Service Station (demolish Westlake Hardware and add service station, convenience store and car wash) Site Plan - File No. 574 Please be advised of the following comments with respect to the above-referenced request for site plan approval: 1. This request for site plan approval is subject to approval of a variance by the Board of Adjustment from the 1,000 foot distance requirement between gasoline service stations. The Board of Adjustment meeting is scheduled for May 13, 1991. 2. Provide verification that the required right-of-way on Woolbright Road has been dedicated to Palm Beach County (see attachment). 3. Note that the Palm Beach County Traffic Division has determined the balance of trips remaining on the site after the service station is constructed is 729, (instead of the 799 reported in the traffic statement submitted by the applicant's traffic engineer). 4. Since this parcel is being divided, provide a cross-access agreement to provide for the cross parking areas, access aisles and driveways. A copy of this agreement shall be submitted prior to final sign-off, so that this department may coordinate review of this agreement with the City's legal department. a:exxon.sp :'I,' January iI, i~~i I . " Boa.rcl of'County Commissioners I Carol J. Elmquist, Chairman karen T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol.A. Roherts Ron Howard Carole Phillips TO: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: Vinc~nt A. Finizio Admin. Coord. of Engr. County Administrator Jan Winters <w 1" ,t:,- . (Y~J . (Y --1M /-'''' --- - .-...--~ Please respond in writing by January 31, 1991 as to whether or not this County action will require input from your dept. ~~: ~ - - - ... Department of Engineering and Public Works cc: J. Scott Miller,. ,~~ f,;';. .... " ...~..~ 'it DATE: October 19, 1990 SUBJECT: Patricia-A. Franklin, M. anager . W Right-o~~Way Section ~ John H. Carroll, P.E. ,.. ~irector Roadway Production Division WOOLBRIGHT ROAD/CONGRESS AVENUE TO 1-95, PALM BEACH COUNTY PROJECT '90604 . ACQUISITION OF PARCEL IN THE S.E. CORNER OF WOOLBRIGHT ROAD/CONGRESS AVENUB . TO: FROM: RE: In response to Gerald Brinson I s inquiry, please' place the acquisition of the above parcel on bglg. Th~ Developer performing the design and construction of this section~of.Woolbrig~t ~oad is currently requesting a one year extension oftime.- , It is my understanding that the above parcel is being sold and will be processed through the City of Boynton Beach for rezoning. Please contapt the city and make them aware of our right....of-way needs for Woolbright Road. Additionally, Traffic.. .Division may desire right-of-way .for a right turn lane, south "'approach, on Congress Avenue. JHC:rc cc: George T. Webb, P.E., Deputy County Engineer Charlie RiCh, P.E., Director, Engineering Services Alan Kurtis, P.E., Director/Land Development .; L. Javier Lopez, P.E., Program Manager/Roadway 'Production Ed Handy/Right-of-Way Section. Gerald'Brinson/Right-of-Way section '., .. 'C: REelErlED ~~.d-d\~~ ~ JAN 17 1 J ~ PL;NN;;~G DEPt.., ;' 'I .. An blllal OppOrlllnily - AlTirmalivc Aclion Employer" - _BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402"'2429 (407) 684-4000 @ printlld ~~ ff/eye/lld p.pllr '. ;r; . ".". ........ " . ~ " '1./'1. c.9 :}oO 305 JQ.7"ov .'l' . . ..,' ~ ' .':!. 1.. I'-/, 'TCIl/-t . : ~r:~~~' .., fI .;. 'lfl.'" ~ . .. .s.w. '\; ::: , ., , .1 ~ '. )04_ ,~ Ii 1 ~'C ,,,,.Sf. .. jOb " '" -- " ~ 'I " ). " ., , " ~lll'" ! - I' '''':;.2. ,J' (f, ' l<, I. 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TJ'l~, 45.9.,/ Rgt?. 48 E. ,. l3e8r//Jgs sllowl'} lIeraO./7 /lre Bas<2d On rllcZ C(2I7It2r/;j}, c:;J,f CO/7.9reSS /?ve. J<//71ch 8ec?rs Sot/I/; O/"cJ;? '40"C8S! TillS IS AlOT/lSU2V~Y ---I @ Latest Dute Herl I 'U)lH( U\ 1 . N\CI a' (e " . r'lA/III UU . 'CIUr liS" . 'Svn'i( Y 00' . ,.'t01 OOt'\.AJ.AL.tl1l'\lS l' Gf1EENHOf1NE & O'MARA, lNC. )f:SIGfI SC^L ( /" ~ 40 !iDO VilLAGE llOUlCV^nO, SUITE JGO E:JJI :z 2 \'lEST "AU.! OC^CIl. Fl :lJ~O~ [)11M" or (~O7) (;0(;.7707 n1ITK(n ~,II([ T ,Af1l'''t'\X I':;, L.lt) . ^H}JHA. 0.." . Aun('o(\\' (.Q . rUl lUJonr. tJO . CUlrcrrn, VA (JUlU 111,0"\ . (.XN)(l r. rA . r J.Jrv~.. VA. . \. [( S nUf\O, VA. . U.vI"S~. VA /018 C) a-lroo - /? Oil. - tp? I QHlJJItx). fl.' NJ (1'1", tv.: . (\Q'::x''''lt. uo 'If.j.,rA. rl n^Tf: __ ,,?n 110 _._...._. ,,_ "bb" .~'........__.~,~. _~. ~-~--_...'~..._, ....-..., __,___~_ ._.. I .. n: ~. }. b ,- ~ ~, ~: J l.EGtd~ DESCltlPTIOH FOIt ltlGIlT-OF-\JAY TAKlllG .. ,. ~~: A 7,00 IHDE STRIP OF LAND, FOR RIGIlT-OF-\.'AY, LYllIG III 5ECTIOll 32, 1'0\.'1151111' 1,5 SOUTH, ItA/IGE 4~ EAST, PAUl BEACII COU!lTY, FLOItIDA, BEll~G DESCRIBED AS FOLLO\.lS: "'/3 C01IlU:llCl!lG AT TilE lIORTII'.IEST COIUIER OF SAID SECTIOll 32. AS SIIO\.lU OU TilE PLAT OF TEllTl1 SECTIOll PAUl BEACH LEISUI1EVILLE, RECORDED Itl PLAT /lOOK 30 PAGES 1;><J TIlIWIIGlI 1/.1 OF TlIF. PUBLIC ItF.CORD~; OF SAID COUllTY, SAID COIUJER 13EING ON '1'111'; CE1ITEHLINE OF TilE 100 FOOT ItlGIlT-OF-VAY OF COllGltESS AVElHIE, TIIENCE ~;OUT!I 01.02'[,0" EAST (FOR COllVEllIENCE, TilE VEST LlllE OF SAID SECTIOll 32 IS ^~;~;llltI.:f) TO lIr;:Mt l/ORTII 01.02'/10. VE:.T. AlID ALL IIEAltIllGS ItEC1'I'EV IIEREIN AltE JtEL^TIVE TIJEltETO). A DISTAlICE OF 293.0', FEET TO ITS lllTERSECTIOll \/11'11 TilE CEIITElZLIllE OF S. '.I. 15TH A VEllUE, (ALSO KHOlJU AS \JOOLBRIGIIT IWMJ). TIIEHCE ALOIlG SAID CEI/TERLIHE NORTII 00000' 52. EAST. AS SIIOVII ON SAID PLAT, A DlSTAllCE OF 100.:31 FEET j THEnCE DEP^RTItlG SAID CEIITERLIllE, SOUTII 01.59' 00" EA5;T A IHSTAllCE OF 53.00 fEET TO TilE PonlT 017 DEGItllHtlG, S^ID POlllT BEItlG A 1'0 lIlT OF It/TER~a:CTIorl OF TilE SOllTH RIGIlT-OF-\l^Y LItlE OF SAID S. 'ri. 15Tll ^Vl':lllH: AriD TilE EAST LINE OF A RIGllT-OF-\lAY DEED RF.COIWED III OFFICIAL RECOIt\) BOUt: 2607 l'AGES GS? 11J,~l' )6G1 OF TllE PUBLIC ltECOl~[)S OF SAID Courrry, TIIEIICE ^LO!le; '1'111.: SAID ~JOlJTII RIGIlT-OF-\.IAY LItlE tlOltTll 00 00' 52. EA~JT A lJlSTMlcr: OF :lO~. nu FEET. TO ITS ItlTERSECTIOIl \lITIl TIlE \lEST LItlE OF A PARCEL OF LA11D AS \)E~;Clnl\Ej) III OFFICIM. HECOIW nOOK 3113 PAGES G/d3 MID 6',9 OF TIlE PUBLIC IU':CU[tlJ~J OF ~;Al\) COUtlTY. THEIICE SOUTIl 01.02'/,0" EAST, ALOllG SAID \.lEST LItlE, II j)IST^IICI~ OF 7,00 FEET; THEnCE SOUTH fW.OO'52" \lEST, DEPAltTltlG SAID ',1EST LWE, A IJISTAlICr-: OF 312.00 FEET, TO ITS IllTERSECTIOll \nTH TilE EAST LIIIE OF All MOIU::tlEtITIO!/EIJ PARCEL OF LAl/IJ, ^S ItECOIWED III OFFICIAL RECOIW I300K 2607 l'^CI.:~; G59 AI/l) GG1 OF TilE PUBLIC RECORDS OF S^ID COllIlTY. TIIElJCE ^LOIIG TilE EA~;T LI liE OF S^ 1 D PARCEL, lIOn. TII 1,3.29' 06. EAST ^ DISTAlICE OF 9. 9U FEET, TO THE PODIT OF DEGIHHING. , }' . SAID ST1\lP COIITAIlIIIlG 0.050 ACRES !lORE OR LESS. CEItTIFICATlOH (rlU'!' VAL 1D UllLES S SEALED \J IT II EI1UOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL) " I I 1 ! ~ 1 llEREllY CERTIFY TIIAT TIlE SKETCH MID DESCRIPTIOH OF TilE PIWPERTY 5110"'1/ l\E\U':Ull \.J ^~; COII1'LETED utlDElt I1Y DI RECTIOii, MID 111A T SAl D SKETCII i\tJD 1)\:~;C1t 11''1' lUll 11EETS TilE 11111111U11 TEClllllCAL ST^llD^ItDS Fait SKETtlll Alln m:~;Cl{ 11''1' lOllS ^S SET FORTI! BY TilE FLORID^ BO^RD OF L^llD SU1\VEYOHS 1"\ ItSUldn TO ~;ECTlOll 2.1!lIl- G. 006 (1), OF TilE FLORIDA STATEZT TUZ'ES' 4" // ~~ / '. ~ r / ~'~ /. '0;:" , i,/ ~ / /~ 1/ ;: - - . D,\ II: 0'" ';j C 1/ AT 1/ RE . ; /, (i / , I L J ~t.I; 1/. {,~E({"i, i i '. .~-<. ~~.. R'EGISTERElJ LAUD SURVEYUg / FLORID^ CERT IFIC^TE tlO. 1,69 J / i " Q Lalc~t Dale J.lcrcon tlllll1 n(l" -NlCIUf(CfS t1r\.NIHU\-'. f,CI(tlll~I~. SU"'t'(lOn~. rflOlOOfWJU(lrU51$. -- GREENHORNE & O'MAnA, JNC. ll~LL ~r.I\I,r ~oo VILLAGE IJOVLCVMtD, SUITE :lGO c",'r/ / i \'lEST ('^U,\ (J(^CII. rL JJi09 I ~lf.'.fI Of (\07) GOG.7707 I '1- Olll'll((1 SII(O .M"'.l1'{lll~. uo .}. H)JI r ^- nA . ^unOr\'-. co . n"l 1 luonr. ).)0 . CUt I'["r n. "^ l<'/IW') [."/('0. dO~ - '" <~ I tJUlUrll. 0..1.. [XN)lH. rA. r).lrlJJ_'t., v.... -l((SnU1l0, VA. "'IA,.."A~~"~. VA ()(1\.NlVO. rl . IVJ. [1(1I I, lie. noco<vl\.! (, ~IU' l.o.rA. rl ~_._, .lOll fill ---- 4.'_ .... .....-.. . --~._-- --~- " PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM NO. 91-048 TO: TAMBRI HEYDEN - SENIOR PLANNER FROM: ROBERT EICHORST - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 23, 1991 SUBJ: EXXON SERVICE STATION Dumpster enclosure must be shown with dimensions. ~~ Robert Eichorst RE:he cc:file STAFF COMMENTS EXXON SERVICE STATION fn~_~'4~k Wo~~l~~o R~r~w~r~ ~n~ ~dd RECEIVED AN 24 , rLANNING DEPT. ]. .