AGENDA DOCUMENTS BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: STAFF COMMENTS THE FORUM SHOPPES SITE PLAN MODIFICATION See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-444 october 1, 1990 TO: Tambri Heyden, Assistant city Planner THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~~~~ Michael E, Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator FROM: RE: TRB COMMENTS - SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 MEETING SITE PLAN MODIFICATION OF THE FORUM SHOPPES (ADD RETAIL BUILDING REVISE PARKING AREA) / PLANNING AND ZONING LASERFICHE TEMPLATE F'tJ fC {j IV1 51TE flAtU /l16Nk'dtT1cW PROJECT ADDRESS: (!oNGICES-S / 8/3 I PROJECT NO. -# EJ-31 PROJECT NAME: S fkJ fJ/ES PROJECT TYPE: ;3LV/) /' PCN: DOC TYPE: (RIGHT CLICK FOR PULL DOWN MENU) STATUS: (RIGHT CLICK FOR PULL DOWN MENU) APPROVAUSTATUS DATE /0 / /0/ 10 . { '4"<000 DESTRUCTION DATE: Memo: Tambri Heyden Re: Forum Shoppes Memo No.90-444 october I, 1990 Page Two 15. show and specify additional trees in the landscape area located along the west property line at the northwest corner of the property, Minimum spacing of trees is forty (40) feet on center. 16, Relabel building elevation drawings to match floor plan drawing. 17. Specify the color of all exterior finish material (the outline, configuration and material shown and identified on the drawings submitted with the plan(s) for final sign-off shall match in every respect the colored drawings(s) approved by the city Commission during the approval process of the project. Each exterior finish material shown on the final sign-off plans shall have it's color identified by name, color number and manufacturers name which shall match in every respect with the color(s) shown on the drawing(s) approved by the city Commission. A manufacturer's color chart showing and identifying all approved color(s) shall be submitted with the plans for final sign-off) . 18. How many flag poles are proposed? Label each pole and identify the type of flag that will be placed on each flag pole. Flags shall comply with the requirements of the Sign Code, 19, Identify the location of both free standing signs by specifying the distance from two (2) adjacent property lines to the leading edge of both signs, All signage must meet the requirements of the sign code. 20, show on the site plan the location and size of the line-of-sight triangle for all ingress/egresses, Specify that an unobstructed area between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet will be maintained within the line-of-sight triangle. 21. Provide a copy of the approved shared parking agreement, Specify on the plans the total number of parking spaces required and provided as allowed by the shared parking agreement. 22. Show on the site plan the width and length of the new landscape islands. Provide twenty (20) square feet of landscape area for each parking space that is not bordered by required perimeter landscaping. Specify the type of landscape material to be placed within the the landscape islands. 23. Show on the site plan the location of a twelve (12) feet wide by thirty-five (35) feet long loading space. Location of loading space shall not conflict with traffic flow or pedestrian movement. In order to facilitate the permitting process the following information should be included with your documents submitted to the Building Department for review and permitting: The working drawings for the building must comply with the requirements of the standard Building Code 1988 edition including tables 400 and 600. :ald FORSHOP.SDD PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-305 TO: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board FROM: James J. Golden Interim Planning Director DATE: September 27, 1990 SUBJECT: Forum Shoppes - Site Plan Modification - File No. 531 With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. Provide a loading zone in the vicinity of the proposed retail building (Section 11.J of Appendix A-Zoning). 2. The revised shared parking study exceeds the ten percent buffer required pursuant to Section 11.H.13 of Appendix A-Zoning. The applicant must either provide a copy of a recorded cross-parking and access agreement for the Mobil Service Station or delete this property from the study prior to sign-off for issuance of a building permit. Deletion of the Mobil Service Station would still allow for a buffer in excess of ten percent. 3. The parking lot layout and design shown on the site plan, where there are no changes proposed, should correspond to the parking lot layout and design shown on the site survey. 4. It is recommended that the existing curbed island located near the southeast corner of the theatre be eliminated to provide improved access for large vehicles at the rear of the shopping center. In addition, the "Do Not Enter" signs at this location should be removed, as they conflict with the one-way flow that was approved for Leisureville Plaza in connection with the establishment of the Office Depot Store. 5. Engineering drawing should correspond to the site plan and the landscape plan when submitted for sign-off prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. Rider to site plan application must be completed and submitted prior to sign-off for issuance of a building permit. J=l:;! JJG:frb A:PM90-305