REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM POLICE * 90-0125 TO: Ms. Tambri Hayden FROM: Lt. Dale S. Hammack RE: Forum Shoppes DATE: October I, 1990 As per our discussions at the Technical Review Board meeting of 27 September 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. Service access road along the north side of the Cinema be made one way North bound. (Public Safety) 2. The parking space North of the dumpster be eliminated and the landscape median on the West side of the parking space be shortened to allow trucks to use the service access road. (Public Safety) 3. Stop signs and stop bars be placed at the ends of all parking aisles and where any thru lanes intersect. (City Ord. 5-142C) J;.adJ~ Lt. Dale S. Hammack DSH/cm MEMORANDUM Memo 90-128 TO: James Golden-Interim Planning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst-Public Works Director SUBJECT: Site Plan Modification-Forum Shoppes Date: September 16, 1990 Curb section at North dumpster location must be changed- contact Public Works. RE/lw file ~~ rt Eichorst Public Works Director RE,C-E. ..(I"'tf~D' '''''''' ~- . t, sa:! 28 l~ PLANNiNG D~pr, 1,,-' T ---.---- - ... .. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-256 To: J. Scott Miller City Manager October 3, 1990 From: Vincent A. Finizio "Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Re: Technical Review Board Comments Fprum Shoppes - One Story Retail Building Siteworks Architects and Planners, Inc. John A. Grant Jr. Engineers In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19, Section 19-17, "Site Plan Review and Approval", including but not limited to Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", Section 5-142, "Required Parking Lot Improvements", inclusive; the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit the following information, tech- nical data and plan revisions: 1. The Northwest ingress/egress approach exceeds the maximum width of thirty- two feet at the right-of-way line. Section 5-142 (h) "Driveways". Additionally, the County will not permit the confusing turning movement pavement arrows depicted upon the plan. Revise plan to comply with the aforementioned code section. The architect and I plan to visit the County to determine in conjunction with County Traffic Division, a ingress/egress approach that will be safe and as wide as possible, in order to provide the local merchants with improved visibility relative to existing store fronts. 2. Fire Lanes must comply with the requirements set forth within Article X, Section 5-142 (g), "Fire Lane Standards". Revise plans accordingly. Additionally, provide a dimension for the distance between fire lane bollards to ensure rescue vehicles can readily pass through. The chain should be plastic and not steel in order to yield to fire trucks and emergency vehicles. (recommendation regarding chains) 3. Provide an illumination plan d~picting lighting levels that comply with the requirements of Section 5-142 (g), "Lighting Standards" 4. Provide a swale detail for proposed median swale. Section 5-142 (g) "Construction Standards" END OF COMMENTS Respectfully submittE!d, 11. ~ . :d-A ::f.~cS-- Vincent A. Finizio cc: Tambri Heyden - Interim Director of Planning ~ /vaf MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-583 :;D~ ," ~~ \\OYNrO,y .... / ,/~~~? -~' ~fCEIVf;~'e. ~;~" SEP 2 8 1990 ~ .......\ '>(]"\ TO: Jim Golden Interim Planning Director John A. Guidry \\. ~ Director of Utilities~ September 27, 1990 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TRB Review - Forum Shoppes (Resubmittal) - SPM We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. Health Department permitting required for relocation of water line. 2. Add 8" gate valve at north connection point. cw bc: Michael Kazunas Files ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-224 August 14, 1990 ~ TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: T.R.B. COMMENTS (AMENDED) FORUM SHOPPES In accordance with City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, specifically Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", I personally conducted an on-site evaluation of the existing parking facility in the presence of the applicants Engineers, Grant Engineering, in order to determine which required improvements were in need of upgrading to the aforementioned regulations. In addition to comments previously provided you, the applicant shall also provide the following information, technical data and plan revisions. 1. Replace all dead landscaping in accordance with original approved C.A.B. plans and successfully complete an on-site examination of the irrigation system once the plantings are complete. 2. Provide a "new" site lighting plan for all parking, driveway and aisle areas as the existing system does not provide adequate facility lighting. Additionally, a quantity of one lighting standard shall be relocated from the middle of a parking stall into a landscaped area. The lighting system shall be converted to a system activated by photo-cell units. Minimum level of one foot candle (maintained) is required. 3. U~grade all handicap and traffic control devices and signage. .. 4. Restripe the facility to current standards, including the placement of directional arrows and stop bars. 5. Replace all inlet grates with approved bicycle proof grates. 6. Clean and "open" all inlet structures which are currently boarded up. 7. Pavement area between opposing wheel stops in center main parking area shall be removed and replaced with a fully sodded and fully irrigated swale in order to provide pretreatment of on-site storm water discharges. Provide pedestrian crossings across swale area. 8. Provide curb cuts at pavement areas which currently pond stormwater. 9. Repair all broken and avulsed raised continuous concrete curbing with l3~"x6"x6" curbing as specified within Engineering Department standards. 10. Dispose of and replace all loose and broken wheel stops. 11. Place a quantity of two (2) posts with light plastic chain across existing fire lane when the loose wheel stops are removed from this area. Note: Items #5, #6, #7 and #8 are conditions of this Departments authorization to waive the requirement to modify the entire in-place drainage system as stated within Parking Lot Regulations, Section 5-l42(g) "Drainage Standards". l_),-,,-~~dbL~ Vincent A. Finizio ~ VAFtck cc: Jim Golden, Interim Planning Director ~