REVIEW COMMENTS - .............. MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato, Director Planning Department DAn June 7,1989 ,.ILI: "..OM Med Kopczynski, Deputy Building Official 5U.JI'CT SITE PLAN - BOYNTON FIRE STATION Upon preliminary review of the above-reference site plan, the following items should be addressed by the design professional: 1. Palm Beach County Health Department approval is required. 2. Turnout Permit required from Palm Beach County. 3. All plans submitted for' public record must be sealed by a professional architect or engineer. 4. Survey needs to be sealed. 5. Handicap ramp needed to provide access from handicap spaces to fire station. 6. Need details of dumpster to determine compliance. 7. Standards must be designed to withstand 120 m.p.h. windload, also complete details must be provided. 8. Show type of construction and occupancy type on plan. ;1/ Med Kopczynski Deputy Building Official MK:ld cc: Don Jaeger MEMORANDUM June 7, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior Planner VIA: George Hunt Acting City Engineer FROM: Roger Kuver Engineering Department SUBJECT: Fire Station - North Congress Avenue 1. Revise driveway radii to mlnlmum of 25' on the two eastern most ingress/ egress drives on Miner Road. Article X, 5-l42,(H),(2) 2. Handicap striping detail incorrect. Revise to indicate blue striping for handicap parking, white striping for standard parking. Article X, 5-l41(N) 3. Egress only drive needs a stop sign. Article X, 5-l42(C) 4. Revise plans to indicate 6" deep sidewalks in driveway areas. (No steel or wire mesh) as per standard drawing A-80033. Article X, 5-l4l(N) 5. Obtain permits for construction in Miner Road R.O.W. from appropriate authorities. Article X, 5-l42(H)(6) 6. Submit a Parking Lot lighting plan consistant with Article X, 5-l42(A), 5-l4l(N), Chapter 19, Article II, 19-17(G). 7. Provide a construction detail for all R-l-l stop signs. Detail to include grouting signs in place. Article X, 5-l42(C), 5-l4l(N) 8. Revise driveway approaches to eliminate swaled drives, per standard drawing A-80033, Article X, 5-l4l(N) ROger~ Engineering Department -+ RK/ck To: MEMORANDUM From: Date: Subject: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director~ ( John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities l~~ June 12, 1989 / TRB Review - Fire Station #3 - Site Plan We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: dmt bc: 1 . Add a second gate valve at the easternmost fire hydrant. 2. Add an in-line gate valve just west of the water service to the fire station. 3 . The water service to the shooting range is proposed under pavement at one end and should, therefore, be made of "K" copper. Note that unless the expected water demand is greater than 50 gpm, a 1" meter will suffice at significant cost savings. 4. Sanitary services should be connected to the gravity sewer main via a wye fitting, rather than a direct connection to the manhole. 5. Delete note no. 25 on page C4. All sewer mains are to be lamped and televised prior to acceptance by the City. 6. Change the manhole detail to conform to our adopted standards. 7. The location of the 16" force main is not as shown. Please coordinate field locations through this office and depict this properly. Peter Mazzella MEMORANDUM June 7, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning & zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director Fire station No. 3 - Site Plan - File #~J3 RE: With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. Section 5-142(h)(7) of Article X, Parking Lots, permits a maximum of two (2) driveways on each street frontage. Three (3) driveways are proposed. A variance is required for a third driveway. Otherwise, the plans must be amended to delete one of the three driveways. 2. Lighting details to be provided in accordance with the standards outlined in Article X, Parking Lots. COJ- ..... _ dl. ~.. -~ CARMEN S. ANN ZIATO JJG:frb FSSP#227 MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: June 7, 1989 RE: Fire Station #3 - Site Plan 1. 50% of the tree species and quantities should be native. 2. 30% of the shrubs, ground covers, species/quantities should be native. 3. The applicant should review how existing overhead power lines will affect the future pruning of proposed trees. fir ~ ~ €'a ctP~ /J A ~ Ke in J. alIa an Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:A:FIRESTA " l' MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Dlrecto~J- John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities JvJ~ June 12, 1989 / From: Date: Subject: TRB Review - Fire Station #3 - Site Plan We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. Add a second gate valve at the easternmost fire hydrant. 2. Add an in-line gate valve just west of the water service to the fire station. 3. The water service to the shooting range is proposed under pavement at one end and should, therefore, be made of "K" copper. Note that unless the expected water demand is greater than 50 gpm, a 1" meter will suffice at significant cost savings. I 4. Sanitary services should be connected to the gravity sewer main via a wye fitting, rather than a direct connection to the manhole. 5. Delete note no. 25 on page C4. All sewer mains are to be lamped and televised prior to acceptance by the City. 6. Change the manhole detail to conform to our adopted standards. 7. The location of the 16" force main is not as shown. Please coordinate field locations through this office and depict this properly. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella r~ ~ .h~)-d ~Pl"(\ ,_.:::=--- ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-480 October 25, 1990 TO: Technical Review Board Members ! ,Cbr.i.~tier C'U'If!~6 - Planning Director vlncent Finizio Admin. Coord. of Engineering Ed Allen Fire Chief Ed Hillery Police Chief John Guidry utilities Director Bob Eichorst Public Works Director Charlie Frederick Parks & Recreation Director THRU: Don Jaeger, Building and zoning Director~~ FROM: Michael E, Haag, zoning and Site Administrator RE: ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICJ4.TE, OF OCCUPANCY Fire station ~3 3501 N. Congress Avenue S.T. Wicole Construction The above referenced project is nearing completion. Prior to the Euilding Department issuing the certificate of Occupancy, I would 1 ike to ensure that, you do not have any outstanding or pending issues concerning~this site" that must be rectified .,teK~lud..1'l1g' issues that are covered e~tirely with a city approved surety). ':.:" . If the issues are related to permits issued by the Building Department, please provide this department with the permit number and nature of unresolved issues. If the unresolved issues are not permit related, notify the owner or the o\-mers agent to ensure that the issues are rectified. . Please respond to this office within ten (10) days so that we may proceed to issue the Certificate of Occupancy. Thant\~~~Ml) cooperation and imely response. ~~~~ . "~ ()(? OCT 26 19a) PLANNING DEPT. el E. Haag J. Scott Hiller Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Pete Mazzella, utilities Lt. Dale Hammack, Police Warren Shelhamer, Public Works Don Johnson, Inspector HEH:ald FIN.Cl.LCO , SDD Tambri H~ynQn Planning John Wildner, Parks & Rec Kevin Hallahan, Forester J. Broomfield, Comm. Imp. Bonnie Hall File MEMORANDUM RECEIVED APR 24 1989 PLANNING DEPT. TO: Carmen Annunziato, Director Planning Department - FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: April 20, 1989 RE: Fire Station #3 -,Preliminary Site Plan The following items should be addressed: 1. There is no landscape plan submitted. 2. Sod and irrigation should be provided for Miner Road and Congress Avenue. 3. Irrigation sleeving for Miner Road should be discussed as part of the grassed median cross-sections. ~/- ~~L';r Kevin J. allahan Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:A:FS#3