TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato
Planning Director
DATE: July 18, 1989
FROM: Betty S. Boroni
City Clerk
RE: Planning & Zoning Board
Meeting of August 8, 1989
Forwarded herewith please find copies of the following public
notices scheduled to be heard by the Planning & Zoning Board
on August 8:
City of Boynton Beach, Fire Station #3, Parking
Lot Variance Application
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Kessel abandonment application.
Both notices are scheduled to be advertised in the Boynton Beach
News on July 20 & 27 and will be mailed July 19.
cc: City Manager
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July 7, 1989
Betty Boroni, City Clerk
James J. Golden, Senior City Planner
Fire Station No. 3 - Parking Lot Variance
Accompanying this memorandum you will find an application and
related documents for a variance to section 5-142(h)(7)
"Driveways" of the parking lot regulations. The fee for this
application has been waived as it is a city-owned project.
Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the
Planning and Zoning Board at the August 8, 1989 meeting.
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August 2, 1989
Chairman and Members
planning and Zoning Board
Carmen S. Annunziato
Planning Director
City Fire Station #3 - Parking Lot Variance
Section 5-145(c)(4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when
a variance to Section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested,
the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and
Zoning Board a recommendation, and that the recommendation
forwarded is to be made part of the public hearing proceedings.
To that end, this memorandum is forwarded, consistent with
The City of Boynton Beach has requested a variance to Section
5-142(h)(7) Driveways which states that no more than two
driveways shall be permitted from any property. Even where a
property abuts more than one public or private right-of-way, in
no instance shall the number of driveways exceed two on each
street. In this instance, the City is requesting 3 driveways
onto Miner Road. The site plan for the fire station was approved
by the City Commission on June 20, 1989, contingent upon approval
of the subject parking lot variance. For an explanation of the
Code requirement, the nature of the variance requested, and the
variance justification, please refer to the attached Notice of
Public Hearing, application and site plan diagram.
On Tuesday, August 1, 1989, the Technical Review Board (TRB) met
to review the plans and documents submitted, and to formulate a
recommendation regarding the variance requested. After review
and discussion, the TRB recommended approval of the variance as
submitted for the following reasons:
1. The city facility proposed will not only be used as a
fire station, but also as a Police Department pistol
range and an "annex" for basic city services such as
water bill payments and city library book returns. To
accommodate the public at this facility, a window
served by a one-way, circular, drop-off area is to be
provided. It was felt that it was necessary to keep
the public entrance and parking area separate from the
entrance and parking area to be used by emergency
vehicles for safety and emergency access reasons.
2. Although the site has frontage on two public
rights-of-way, Miner Road and Congress Avenue, and by
code a driveway that meets the 180 foot distance
requirement could have been proposed onto Congress
Avenue, the Fire Department did not want an emergency
egress driveway onto Congress Avenue. Driveways onto
Miner Road were preferred as the safest, most
convenient egress for emergency vehicles because an
emergency traffic signal could be installed at the
intersection of Miner Road and Congress Avenue and
activated to regulate the traffic on Congress Avenue
when needed.
3. Eliminating one of the driveways would result in the
need to provide circulation around the south side of
the fire station building. Such a vehicular area would
encroach into the 40 foot landscape buffer along the
south property line. (This buffer was established in
the covenants and restrictions in the warranty deed to
buffer the adjacent Melear PUD when the parcel was
dedicated by Melear to the City as a condition of
planned unit development zoning approval.)
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xc: Central File