CORRESPONDENCE %e City of 'Boynton 'Beach 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead.. 'Bouf.evard P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadr.} 1"forUfa 33425-0310 City:Jfa[[: (407) 734.8111 1".9lX: (407) 738-7459 August 17, 1993 Mr. Joel Wantman, P.E. The Wantman Group, Inc. 8903 Glades Road, Suite L-9229 Boca Raton, F1 33434 RE: Great Western Bank - File No. 758 Exception to Platting Dear Mr. Wantman: Please be advised that on August 10, 1993, the Planning and Development Board approved your request for an exception to platting for the property owned by Great Western Bank located at the northwest corner of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road. Sincerely, ",-. . dy d~. k,- T~~RI J. HE~ Senior Planner TJH:frb 5lmerUas gateway to tfie (juifstream ............................................................~................... TRANSMISSION RESULT REPORT .................... (AUG 17 ' 93 01 : 03PM) ............. ......... ......... ............ ... ...... ...... ....... ...... ........ .... ...... ........ ......... ... ...... ........ .................. .... .... ...... .... .... ... ... .... .................. ( AUTO) .. ..... .......... THE FOLLOWING FILECS) FILE FILE TYPE 079 TRANSMISSION ERASED OPTION TEL NO. 94878133 PAGE 02 RESULT OK .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ERRORS 1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL 2) BUSY 3) NO ANSWER 4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FRON: James Cherof City Attorney Tambri J. Heyden ~~ Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATP: May 19, 1994 SUBJECT: Boynton Lakes Plaza - waiver of plat (File No. 775) New Cross Access Agreement for outparcels and Great Western Bank - waiver of plat (File No. 758), Boynton Festive Center - landscape appeal (LAAP #94- 001); previous cross easement agreement The attached cross access agreement has been submitted to the Engineering Department to satisfy the condition of approval of the waiver of plat which created two outparcels to the Boynton Lakes Plaza shopping center (see attached drawing for relation of outparcels to main shopping center). The Engineering Department has reviewed the legal desc~iptions and has found them to be acceptable. Please review the agreement for legal sufficiency. If you choose to personally relay any problems with the agreement, Mr. Terry Harms, Fru-Con Development Corporation at (314)-391-4623, should be contacted. Also on January 27, 1994, the draft, cross access agreement between the Boynton Festive Center and Great Western Bank was transmitted to you (a duplicate copy is attached). When you have completed your review of this agreement, please notify Michael Haag so that any comments you have may be addressed by the applicant simultaneously with the Commission's, May 17, 1994 condition of approval of the Boynton Festive Center site plan and landscape appeal requiring deletion of any reference to cross parking in the agreement. tjh Attachments xc: Carrie Parker A:CrossAcss