REVIEW COMMENTS / """'"-,- , \ ,,(.1, I'~ .. I I, ~ .;. ..... BAl GREAT WESTERN BANK EXCEPTION TO PLATTING PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: and Development Board FROM: C ristopher Cutro Planning and zoning Director DATE: August 4, 1993 RE: Exception to Platting Great Western Bank Joel Wantman, representing Great Western Bank, has requested an exception of platting for the Great Western Bank located on Congress Avenue just north of Old Boynton Road, The larger parcel is part of the subdivision of land that took place when the Boynton Beach Mall was platted and other parcels have been subdivided without waiver in the past, In addition, all the necessary infrastructure is in place to service this parcel, William Archdeacon, city Engineer, has reviewed this request and found it acceptable, This item has been scheduled for Board review on August 10, 1993, cC/jm Att. A:GRWESTBK.JM 121121121001211210000 P.l2'l ml THE WANTMAN GROU~ INC. CONSIJL TINQ ENGINiIiA& May :25, 1993 Vinc~nt Ffnl~1o D~pytv aogiOQ8r City of Boynton Beaoh P.O. Bolt 310 Boynton Beaoh~ FL 33425-0310 REl GREAT WEST~RN BANK CONGRESS AVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FL Et3-l31 Dear Mr. F1n1zio: Great We$tarn Bank (ffGWB") wishes to ~ubdivlde their property into two 5epa~ate parcels. GWB intends to sell the vaoant parcel, consisting of approximately 10.108 acre9 and retain the remaining parcel consIsting of approximately 2.195 acres. See attached 5Ul"Veys. In acoordance with Artiole VI of the Boynton Beach oode. GWB wishes to request an exoeption of platting be granted In It~ favor by the City of Boynton Beach to allow thQ propgrty to bg ~ubdivided into two parcels. We have verified and do ha~eby cQrtify to thg bast of ou~ knowledge and belief to thg followingt 1. W~tg~ ~nd aQw~t iQ ~Yail~ble to both p~rcelsj 2. Both pa~oels have proper aooess; and 3. The ~ubdiYi5ion will not land loak e1the~ of the prQP..lles, -- EnclClaed Is a cnec~ In the amount of $ 400.00 as OU~ tiling fee tor the next Planning and Development Board m&eting~ and six caples ot the surveys for eaoh parcel. Please let us know it any additional informatlon is need and the date of the next heating. Very truly yours, Joel Wantman, F.E. The Wantman Group, 1no. cc: Juan Serralles, Jr. · SUne L.9229 · 8903 Glades Road · Boca Raton, FJ. 33434 . (407) 482-SS55 . enclosures RECE'VED JUN 7 \993 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-222 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & zoning Director FROM: Bill Archdeacon, City Engineer DATE: July 29, 1993 RE: Great Western I have reviewed the subject tract for the requested waiver of platting and have no problems with this request. WCA/ck -----JL------- - - ----- -- ----- ~~ \ ';i L."l .., "" : t- ~ ~ ~~ i!i g; ~i~ ~~ ~; ~E ~f =:tI'll,U 1:Z :r 3e~~ .ES .9~G 3 .6E .6$ .OO:~ .:I: ~Ql ~ ... ......'":z%~ ~-~~~ ::;2 .0.0. "" . -1:ocn ~S~g~ ~ ~WW~~ m o o rrr I!l '-" OZ Wi 0... ~a: uO Z ~ 6u Z<<, :d ~~~~~s;~r~c~ 0 >- ~ ..; ~ '" ~ t:: o OJ ~'" ~ci ~o. ~ir "'~ ~~ ~: o , ;" '" '" ~ , w ;1 l~ lin !~ iJ ''"' l~ ~. ~g o o Q 2 o Q ~ b~. ~:g5 ~. . o e~;, SU' o . ~~O '" ~ " 3nN3!1- V - - SS3ij9~~;::I!:-~03~~:3~S~~s;rn - - - - - - - - ; ~.r - - ~"!"-~: ~u > ~I_ I ~r .0\ 86E 3.6€-6S.005 ~ ~I; i Q <r-- i o '" o '" w "' N ~ ~ z a: I.J.J 1.l.. W a: lJ :Jjo .J' n ,~ .i? j .00 'SS\ 3 .6E.65 .005 w ~ ~ :~i u o Q~ 2 00 " . ~~ I~ ~~~ ~U_ o , ~~o ;- I. i; 099 '9d ''''6'E "9 'l:::l '0 lN3H3sn SS3~~' .L6 'agE: 3 .6E .65 .OOS ---::-': -, -----_.._--,--~. I ~~I !; ;",,1 :i:; If ts21 I '"' o 0. ;":\ ., .!~I~ :~Ji i~1 ;; ~il " ~ ffi~ .,,> W VI, "''' wOo ~i I ~: I ., ,. C3! ~~) ~~I "" ~~, iC\i "" ~I 'I IOJ ,i. I", 0:' ,. ,~ ,.., / ,: (~ I I~ /. " '''' OJ ~' I '"' I f21 ~: 0' -. CI:l; I / 0' -11 Oi I. ~o...if! :~ %l,."l C.!U.') ~~ a:P) ii ~a:U:ai W ,cr I >u:;"O < S~W ~, "OJ o~ _0 i t.3+J ~ !i ~t~ to\ =:'~ 51:::1-' \~~ crOb NObl .i'/S ONOOd I I I : J~ .", ..'" .'1 '+-~).\'bo. I I .oz .~Ol .50.021 .00 .O~ I ..00 .0'