REVIEW COMMENTS PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-170 FROM: Chairman and Members, Planning and Development Board ~. J Tambri J. Heyden, 191fJ Planning and Zoning Director ~ Z, n..-/ Michael W.- Rwn~, Senior Planner TO: THRU: DATE: June 10, 1994 SUBJECT: Heartland Health Care Center (Application #4) Annexation Program, Group 1 of Phase 2 Applications for Annexation, Land Use Amendment/Rezoning INTRODUCTION Following the annexation of Group I, phase 1 (enclaves), the City Commission directed staff to, in addition to continuing efforts to annex the enclave properties, increase the focus on Phase 2 of the annexation program beginning with the annexation of those eligible properties located within the service area, immediately west of the City. Eligible properties are defined as those contiguous properties whose owners have consented to being an,nexed. Th~ property occupied by the Heartland Health Care Centerl~nG owned by Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America is one of five eligible properties (see location map). The Heartland Health Care Center is a 120-bed, skilled nursing homewhich specializes in the care of those with Alzheimer's Disease. All five (5) property owners were sent two separate notices (in addition to the official rezoning/public hearing notice) informing them of the City's annexation plans. Since staff was not contacted by anyone associated with this property or business, their comments relative to annexation are unknown. All five (5) applications consist of an application for annexation and land use plan amendment/rezoning. As this property is being annexed in accordance with the City's annexation program, staff has completed the necessary applications, and the corresponding application fees were waived. The specific analysis for these applications is on the following page and in the form of an abbreviated summary. This summary includes a brief outline describing each property, each application, adjacent land uses, the availability of facilities, the basis on which each is found consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, other pertinent information, and the recommendation. A location map follows this analysis. 1 " APPLIC ~ON #4 - HEARTLAND HEALTH CARE JTER ~ SIZE: 5.75 acres LOCATION: South side of Old Boynton Road. approximately 300 feet west of Knuth Road. EXISTING LAND USE: .. PROPOSED LAND USE: HR8 High Residential 8 (8 du/acre) High Density Residential (10.8 du/acre) EXISTING ZONING: " PROPOSED ZONING: RM-SE Multi-Family Residential-Special Exception for nursing home R-3 Multi-Family Residential CURRENT USE: PROPOSED USE: Heartland Health Care Center skilled nursing home No change proposed. . ADJACENT LAND USES: LAND USE ZONING North: Farther N.: East: South: West: Old Boynton Road Single family homes Vacant Oakwood Lakes Condo. Carriage Gate Condo. MR5 HDR MR8 MR8 RS R-3 RS/SE RM/SE CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Consistency with the Future Land Use plan - Consistent 1# The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map recommends land use classifications for this unincorporated area. Through the Comprehensive Plan, this adjacent area was designated with a land use classification based upon its access, the commercial uses to the east and south, the activity generated by the Boynton Beach Mall, and the relatively high density developments to the west. Staff therefore proposes to amend the Future Land Use map to show this annexed property as High Density Residential. Consistency with the goals, objectives, and policies - Consistent Since this land use classification is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan, and annexation would be consistent with State law. there are few objectives or policies related to this request. However, there are several issues that should be addressed, as they describe characteristics of this site, indicate consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and/or fulfill requirements of the Florida Department of Community of Affairs with respect to the review of plan amendments. Annexation This request for annexation, which is in accordance with the City's annexation program established pursuant to Policy 8.10.4. is consistent with Florida Law. Availability of Facilities Florida Administrative Code requires that the availability of, and impact upon public facilities be analyzed. The appropriate analysis for each facility has been conducted, and the results are summarized as follows: Roads: No impact upon the availability of road facilities. Water/Sewer: No impact upon the availability of water/sewer facilities. Solid Waste: No impact upon the availability of solid waste facilities. Recreation: No impact upon the availability of recreation facilities. Drainage: No impact upon the availability of drainage facilities. Impact upon Historical/Archeological Resources Not applicable Impact upon Native Habitats or other Environmental Resources Not applicable Flood Zone: "B" Consistency with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan · Based upon allowable maximum densities, the proposed designation is less restrictive than the County's current future land use classification. This designation is based upon the City's Comprehensive Plan. which included a comprehensive analysis of the land use patterns in this area. OTHER · It should be noted that the nursing home will be considered nonconforming within the City of Boynton Beach. 2 ANNEXTATION PROGRAM PHASE 2 - GROUP 1 LOCATION MAP JiYPOLUXQ ROAD 'I .. L.WDD. CANAL. L.-19 >- Cor 5 ~ APPLICATION #3 .; ..- BOYNTON CANAL C-18 CITY LIMITS- CD '<< - "Of MlHIw. K. APPLICATI OLD BOYNTON ROAD Bou~1 4