CORRESPONDENCE 526 P02 JAN 28 '94 14~35 f~'or'da Re91 E~q1~ ~dvlsors - T< =~!'I!!!!I!!!!I!! .January :28, 1004 VIA FACSIMilE Mr. K91,1in Hallaholln F(\~ster/EnvironmQntali$t '100 e, Boynton Beaoh 8lvd. PO Box G10 Boynton Beaoh, FL 33426-0310 RI;; BOYNTON BEACH WAU<. PVLON SIGN BOVNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Dee.r Kevin: per our telephone discussion yesterday, this is to corrfirm the necessary action:!; to be taken in order to release permit for a pylon sIgn at the above referenced location; ITEM 1: The pylon sign 1S to tle Installed where noted on the attached plan. With this in mine, Aetna Ute I nsura nee Company c/o Florida Real Estate Advisors as Manager for Boynton Beach 'Walk will relocate me trlree existing trees elsewnere In the shopping center. An on-site meeting is scheduled with Marsha Wood Friday, FebrUary 4. 1994 at 10:00 a.m. to resolve the issue regarding th(j remaining trees. Kavln, Marsha also requests you provide her with the orlglnal, approved landscaping plans or the site at the SChediJled meeting. lTEM2: With this confirmation approved, we will promptly proceed with ITEM 1, Upon completion of ITEM 1, we undel"Stand that pem1it for the pylon sign for Boynton Beaeh Walk \'\Iill be released. We appreciate your attention to this mattel'. Should you have any questions. please contact me at (81~)282.3732. Sincerely. FLORIDA RI!Al ESTATE ADViSORS fitm,n:z {!. /Y1tzlluA./ APPROVAL; PQtril"la C. Whallen Kevin Hallahan ~ Forester/Environmentalist City of Boynton Beach Ipow attachment c;;c; Marsha Wood "" Lke:r;sed Real Estate Broker 406 Reo Str"et, Suite 139 · Tampa., FL :j;}609 · 1813i 289.6H19 · (5131286-8651 FAX 52G P03 JAN ~Q -~ "-"'T--"" -- ~l>. ~- ...... fI --- ::.) :,~ -~ ~ =='- ...,.-...-- ~r -'" -- .."---- ----------- ............--.--- - , \ \ II 1 \ f ".;"$ ..... .. MA~rS '- ..-~.I 1 l w =' I :\ON If '2 ~ ~.. ~ \C-.~~ . "I 'M~\II"" \ l ~1L.; pp.~~ l~'''~'' i' ~ \ \ , 11 .... . (, .\- ~{~ . f. l. r- \ J . . BLDG. OW\SlON # i I" . ~ ,ftliY\'J(1 \ ._ ,\ \, l .> {-\ ~ ~ \t . ~.. p~JI;.;'W1JI:(\.~ ~\ -~' ~\D'~ ~ \ <=.<~ .., I ~. ~ I"'. ?J./ "IJ ... -~ ,'. i-11 .' 'Hi f!."-t'l>\' ~t>\\'" \!>Wbl --~ "- " ")I \?;I..lli ,. ',\ \ \,\. Iff II " .- ......."...., . " ,.,.- - -' .;.:;;.;- - ~ r--"-"-.- , ( .. / ~ '.J' t pI DEPARTMENTS: GRAPHICS & DESIGN Signage Systems Computerized Lettering INTERIOR Engraving Screenprinting Window Lettering Plaques Directories ADA Signage Sales Office Displays Floor Plans TOPO Tables EXTERIOR Wooden Signs Cabinet Signs Pole Signs Plastic Faces Routed Faces Metal Letters Plastic Letters llluminated Letters Neon DOT Signage ETCHING & SANDBLASTING Wood Glass Mirror Marble Granite SERVICE & REPAIR MAINTENANCE CONTRACfS CRANE SERVICE "Committed to Quality & Service" October 28, 1992 Michael E. Haag City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr. Haag, We have been informed that because of an agreement dated March 24,1989, the request for a directory pylon sign, at Herman Plaza, will not be approved even though the Boynton Beach signage code clearly allow for such a sign. The tenants, of Herman Plaza, have little or no exposure to traffic because of no signage on the Congress Avenue frontage. This fact can be borne out by the high vacancy rate and business failure in the Plaza. We are requesting that the City of Boynton Beach consider the fact that we have been refused the permit for this "legal sign" because of item Q iIl the signage criteria dated March 24, 1989, Unfortunately, we can not determine why this clause was included, but we would appreciate your taking positive action and having this clause replaced with the verbage: "A free standing directory/identification sign will be allowed in conformance with the signage code". Attached for your convenience is a sketch of the directory/identification sign which adheres to all of the code requirements, I can not overstate the economical hardship of the tenants without any exposure to Congress Avenue. Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter. Si;rrrelY, (to Sigo Co k~vldland I President GF/sd Established In 1983 Lie. Electrical Sign Contractor u. 16430 1009 Newman Rd, Lake Park, FL 33403 (407) 863-7446 (WPB) (407) 848-2270 (FAX) (407) 272-1177 (Boca /Delray) (407) 337-3077 (Stuart) DEPARTMENTS: GRAPHICS & DESIGN Signage Systems Computerized Lettering INTERIOR Engraving Screenprinting Window Lettering Plaques Directories ADA Signage Sales Office Displays Floor Plans Tapa Tables EXTERIOR Wooden Signs Cabinet Signs Pole Signs Plastic Faces Routed Faces Metal Letters Plastic Letters Illuminated Letters Neon DOT Signage ETCHING & SANDBLASTING Wood Glass Mirror Marble Granite SERVICE & REPAIR MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS CRANE SERVICE "Committed to Quality & Service" October 12, 1992 " <.7 f\ Vl"Q' {IV (.1\ t( 1t. Michael E. Haag City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr, Haag, We have been informed that because of an agreement dated March 24, 1989, the request for a directory pylon sign, at Hennan Plaza, will not be approved even though the Boynton Beach signage code clearly allows for such a sign. The tenants, in Helman Plaza, have little or no exposure to traffic on Congress Avenue because of no signage on their frontage, This fact can be borne out by the vacancy rate and business failure in the Plaza. There is sufficient area to place the sign in accordance with the zoning and building requirement setbacks. We, therefore, ask that you kindly research the matter and recommend that the Hennan Plaza be allowed to have the same type and quantity of signage that their counterpart competitive plazas have. We ask this request, as representative of the landlord, Sigma Development, {ne" which can verified by the attached letter. Thank you for your kind cooperation in this matter, Sin9tfrely, ~aron Sign Compan 10 dtf Gerald Folan} President RECEIVED OCT 1 2 1992 GF/Sd copy: File Established In 1983 Lie. Electrical Sign Contractor U . 16430 1009 Newman Rd, Lake Park, FL 33403 (407) 863-7446 (WPB) (407) 848-2270 (FAX) (407) 272-1177 (Boca IDelray) (407) 337-3077 (Stuart) ~~ SIGMA DEVELOPMENT, INC August 9, 19l:l9 Mr. Wendell L. Baker Baron Sign Company 1009 Newman Road Lake Park, Florida 33403 Re: ABC Baby Furniture Herman's Plaza Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Baker: Per our telephone conversation, I have enclosed the Sign Criteria governing the above location. Please no~e thaL it requires a specific red plexiglass color (#2283) and the maximum size of the letters shall be 18". As long as the sign you propose to install at the above-referenced location meets the attached Sign criteria and is permitted by the City of Boynton Beach, vou have our approval for said installation. Please forward blue prints of installed as soon as possible Very trul~rs, / uL~ ' .Ai;j{{. '--;q;,~:;{AR'VYl LLC:pck U Enclosure the proposed sign to be so we can sign off on them. ..".-'- ,. . \1\ \\~'~- ,," "" ~..~."'i. ,[,':....,.. ~/. 3~, ..". -r ~" ,.. If,' ,,;:~.' IS} "6:. \ ;.?:f '"v !i. ',. I"') ,,'J '- i- 'F! , . .,r' ' , 6100LakeF()!TestDrive. Sui[e3H'i. Atlant:1,lJA 3032fl. (4IH):';")') ')191 Richmond . New York. WCM Palm Beach ~~\,,~~j ...- ~ .~':~~. ,T. """..":.:.;;;:i;.'i):, ..,:,.,:.-.-.- :r~:,7.lZNw--V,~-:T'" -- .";~~-~ .--~.~_. .-,., - I ~~ J7r3<-( 3'3"3J~ 1 , \., HERMAN'S PLAZA BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SIGNAGE CRITERIA M.arch 24,1989 As per Article , Page , the expense of supplying and installing signage shall be at the expense of the Tenant and shall be in accordance with sign criteria as provided by the Landlord. Further, the Landlord also reserves the right to have all signs installed by a sign company selected by the Landlord at Tenant's expense, The Tenant will then pay directly to the Landlord, on demand by the Landlord, the cost of said signage. The individual local Tenant facia signs shall be as follows: (Subject to approval by the Landlord and permitting by the City of Boynton Beach. National Tenants ie., Herman's, Visionworks & Applebee's shall be governed by the exceptions as described in Paragraph 'R'. A) Facia signs will be permitted for each tenant with a maximum length not to exceed eighty (80%) percent of the individual tenant lease space. Maximum copy area for a facia sign shall not exceed ten (10%) percent of each tenant storefront area. B) Tenant spaces encompassing more than one frontage may have multiple signs. The allowable areas of such signs shall adhere to the requirements of Section "A" and of the Landlord. C) Tenant signage to be channel, white neon-illuminated individual aluminum letters (.063 gauge) attached to facia wall, within Landlord designated areas. Finish shall be E.S.P. color to match plexiglass color and a red plexiglass face, (Plexiglass Red #2283 or equal). 2 D) Maximum size of letters to be eighteen (18") inches. Maximum length of sign shall be determined by the formula in Section "A". E) A twenty (20%) percent total margin must be maintained. F) All copy (Ietterstyle) to be "Helvetica Medium" uppercase only, unless otherwise approved by Landlord. G) Custom logos, and letterstyles will not be allowed unless otherwise permitted by Landlord/Management and City Code. H) All drawings for all signage and plans must have approval of Landlord/ Management. I) All electrical wiring to be run through facia wall in waterproof casing to meet applicable electrical code. (No face jumping allowed). J) All electrical to be 120 volt/20 amps service, separate circuit runoff time clock at tenant service box. K) Service run to sign to be 12 gauge THHN stranded wire. L) Sign wiring to be 15,000 volt~ double in$ulated GTO wire. M) All transformers to be mounted to the inside of canopy. N) Letters attached to wall with 1/4" plastic shields and #10 x 1-1/4" galvanized sheet metal screws. 0) Each use may also have window signs which shall not exceed twenty (20%) percent of the glass area. Window signs are permitted on building fronts only, and in no instance shall the area of window signs exceed twenty (20) square feet. 3 Identification signs, not painted on the wall shall be permitted on the rear wall of business establishments provided they are limited to four (4) square feet of sign area and provided that the rear of the property is buffered, when contiguous to residential zoning districts. P) Q) No freestanding sign shall be provided on site. The signage of national tenants ie., Herman's Sporting Goods, Visionworks, and Applebee's will be as follows: 1) Herman's Sporting Goods sign shall occur on two building faces. a) At the store entrance fronting on theBoynton Beach Mall access road. 1) Herman's sign copy (Ietterstyle) shall be ~ "HERMAN'S" custom logo (2'x19') and "SPORTING GOODS" (1'-6"x19') in Helvetica Medium. 2) Signage to be channel, white neon-illuminated individual aluminum letters (.063 gauge) attached to facia wall, within Landlord designated areas. Finish shall be E.S.P. color to match plexiglass color and a red plexiglass face, (Plexiglass Red #2283 or equal). b) At the wall feature on the east face of the tenant space fronting on Congress Ave. 1) Herman's sign copy (Ietterstyle) shall be "HERMAN'S" custom logo (2'-3"x21 ') and "SPORTING GOODS" (1 '-6"x21 ') in Helvetica Medium. 2) Signage to be channel, white neon-illuminated , . individualaluminum letters (.063 gauge) attached to facia wall, within Landlord designated areas. Finish shall be E.S.P. color to match plexiglass color and a red plexiglass face, (Plexiglass Red #2283 or equal). R) \\ ~ c~~ , \,t- 1D ,~\ ) \ " (,IJI \' -l.r' " V \ 4 2) Visionworks sign shall oc?ur on two building faces. At the building face fronting on the Boynton Beach Mall access road and on the building face fronting on Congress Ave. a) Visionwork~ sign copy (Ietterstyle) shall be"Visionworks" (4'x28') in Helvetica Medium and "FASHION EYEWEAR" (1'-6"X17') and "CONTACT LENSES" (1'-6"x17') in Helvetica Light. b) All signage to be channel, white neon-illuminated individual aluminum letters (.063 gauge) attached to facia wall, within Landlord designated areas. Finish shall be E.S.P. color to match plexiglass color. The word "Vision" of "Visionworks" shall have a red plexiglass face, (Plexiglass Red #2283 or equal). The word "works" of "Visionworks" and words "FASHION EYEWEAR" and "CONTACT LENSES" shall have a white plexiglass faces (Plexiglass White # 020 or equal) 3) Applebee's sign shall occurr on two building faces. a) At the building face fronting on Congress Ave. 1) Applebee's sign copy (Ietterstyle) shall be . . " Applebee's" custom logo and "Neighborhood Grill & Bar" in Helvetica Light. 2) Applebee's custom logo (4'x12') shall be a sign cabinet having red "Applebee's" lettering centered in a white background with a red border, red apple and green leaf. Red lettering, border and apple shall match red plexiglass (Plexiglass Red #2283 or equal). 3) "Neighborhood Grill & Bar" (1'x20') shall be non- illuminated channel lettering; color to match red plexiglass (Plexiglass Red #2283 or equal), b) At the building face fronting on the cross access road. 1) Applebee's sign copy (Ietterstyle) shall be " Applebee's" custom logo. 5 2) Applebee's custom logo (2'-6"x7'-6") shall be a sign cabinet having red "Applebee's" lettering centered in a white background with a red border, red apple and green leaf. Red lettering, border and apple shall match red plexiglass (Plexiglass Red #2283 or equal). AGE N D A . M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: City Manager's Office FROM: BUILDING (SITE DEVELOPMENT) SUBJECT: CITY COMI~ISSION AGENDA FOR REGULAR (Workshop or Regular) MEET! NG OF 3-21-89 (Date) Please place the following item on the City Commission Agenda for the above date* 1. Descri pti on Sign program approvaZ - HERMAN's PLAZA , 2. If Bid item - Amount budgeted and Account Number 3. Recommendations Reoommendations and pZans wiZZ be forwarded foZZowing the Maroh 20th Meeting of the Corronunity Appearanoe Board.. ;- 4. Explanat.ion of Recommendations, if full (attach additional sheets if necessary) '. r~: '- Documents, detailed cost estimates, maps, etc., supporting each item should be attached and be reproduced in sufficient number for the City Manager and each Commission Member tc receive a copy. Si *RETURN THIS FORM WITH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS BY NOON THURSDAY BEFORE THE REGULAR MEETING. WORKSHOP REGULAR Item Number Item Number Agenda Date Action Taken Agenda Date Action Taken " " ....;. ..c.. " ..... ~.,. 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