REVIEW COMMENTS ;/12 Cpy PLANNING CITY OF ZONING BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET & Type of Review ,'Y' ft;.y,~~ permi t Application No.: CJ 1- .... /37S" ;0 I . a..I6.~ k. p:,. ~ fi" /ltvP!-.. .Lre 11.J~ ;21JJD ,",,, !lj}p AI) Project Title Reviewer 1fI,J:'~ 1/MrG. JA:;/"l/J1..u /L,/J~A . Name of '1'11e application number listed above is the referenced number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 315-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plants) at the Buildi,g Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plants) and/or documents. **************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name): signature: Comments only: Date Reviewed: - ~"'- 5"-)O-ycj ****************** ********************************************************* .4C~ PtN'.;.i ~,.,te~~ w 13dJ&. '5'"/J.c.lt?r submit for revi~w a color brochure or ~he proposed cooling "[(vier. The brochure shall depIct t.he actual color or the p,:opo::, ed tcwer. 1 .l . Add to ~he subrnlttal an enlarged drawing of the area of the proposed 2CJCJllng to\ver. The dravring shall 1n:.:lude e:-astinq ] mpl'ovement.s il~ tIle area of ':.11e proposed t')v7er such :is; sid':-Y'Talks, landscapE' mar:erial. cUl.-bL1g vehicle u:,;,:, aL'e3. \ acctO'SS aisle). 3. Tc, avoid an other rEview I recommend shewing and identifYlng, on the enl arged site pI an drawing, one I 1) 5 or 7 9a lIon tieci1.im oleander plant placed dlrectly south of the pl.oposecl cClclinq tov-let'. Sp,?cify, on the plan. that the neY'7 plant \.;111 ma tc11 tIH~ variety of Oleander exis t 1ng along the rear \'.'3.11 of t.be center and not encroach tne existing sider,valk <)r v<:;.>l1icle USE: area. 4. Add to the drawings a partlal elevation view of the rear of tIle building shov71ng the proposed e;~haust Vt.~li.t. SpEocify, on the drawing, that the color cf the proposed vent assembly will I1idtcb t.Ilt:: ,'':0101' cf the bld ldlllCJ. IJ C~ep/?;:::." .r,;, //::,19</ ***************************************~*~***'*****************************, * Departments required to review the project AJf * ~************************************************************************** Page I of I m o l~ d Iz 1m i~ J: ~ r- ;;: ~! ~r-., - ill "li:~ '~.. "I' to l.. 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Scott Miller City Manager ~e~ro Planning and Zoning Director - TO: - DATE: December 9, 1992 RE: Herman's Plaza We contacted the applicants for Herman's Plaza sign program modification and asked them to be present at the City Commission meeting on December 15, 1992 to answer questions from the Commission. The applicants indicated they would be present. If the applicants are unable to attend, we will contact you. / CC/jm A:HERMPLAZ.JM PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-234 November 20, 1992 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~ Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director ,.I FROM: DATE: November 20, 1992 SUBJECT: Herman's Plaza As requested by the City Commission we have researched the trees near the proposed free standing sign at Herman's Plaza. The trees in question are all yellow tabebuia. The trees located along the street are required trees. There is no code requirement for trees in the parking islands adjacent to street on the sit~. However, o~ the site plan both islands show trees on them and for that reason there should be trees in both the islands. I have inspected the trees in question and agree that the pruning that has taken place is improper but, as far as I could determine, no recent pruning has been done on the trees. Yellow tabebu1a have some problems that may have contributed in par~ to the present conditions on the site. First, t~is species 1S brittle and branches have a tendency to break easily, especially i~ the wind. When pruning such a break it is necessary to cut back to the main limb and not leave a stump. Second is that the species has a weak root system that contributes to its falling over in wind or under wet conditions. When planting such trees the root system should be .:overed with pebbles and then soil washed into the planting hole. This was not done for these trees. I have come to the conclusion these trees should not have been planted as perimeter trees on the site. The reason they were chosen was because they do not grow to a large size and would not interfere with the overhead power lines on Congress Avenue. Based on the above I would recommend the following: (1) The applicant be ~llowed to remove the two tree stumps from ~he islands in exchange for a tree donatio~ to the City equal to the diameter of the two removed trees. -2- (2) The applicant be allowed to remove and replace the stunted yellow tabebuia and replace them with oversized new trees of an acceptable specie3. (3) That the City Commission consider adoption of the National J\rborist Associatl.on Standa!.-ds for Pruning Trees. These standards have been amended by the Southeast Florida Chapter of the Association to address native species and palm trees. (4) Adoption of specific removal and replacement criterl.a for existing trees. We have attempted to contact the applicant regarding recommendations 1 and 2 but as of 2:00 PM on 11/20/92, we have not been able to contact them. We will report verbally to the City Commissl.on on their response at the December 1, 1992 meeting. CC:cp C : Herr.1an RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM NO. 92-376 TO: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist~ FROM: DATE: November 20, 1992 SUBJECT: Yellow Tabebuia (Tabebuia Argentea) This memorandum is in reference to replacement trees for the Yellow Tabebuia (flowering trees) located next to the Herman's Sporting Goods facility on Congress Avenue. The trees have evidently been pruned improperly causing a dense canopy which captures (blocks) wind, especially in stormy weather. This activity in association with the trees having shallow root systems cause them to fall over from time to time. The tree grows quickly which causes it to have brittle wood. I would recommend the trees be replaced with native trees (e.g., Yellow Elder standard) or tree form ligustrum as an open area street tree. KH:cm RECEIVliD NaV 23 PLANNING DEPT. 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