CORRESPONDENCE -= Shalloway, Foy Rayman & Newell, Inc. K. Dan Shalloway, P.E. Jay G. Foy, P.E. Garv M. Ravman. R.T ..~. \ '. PtzAYl August 26, 1993 Mr. vincent A. Finizio Deputy city Engineer City of Boynton Beach P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE SUBDIVISION CIVIL ENGINEERING REVIEW SFRN #93079 Dear vincent: The following is a list of concerns we have found related to the engineering plans, plat, and drainage calculations for the above referenced project. The revised engineering plans, which we are referring to in this list, were delivered to our office on August 17, 1993 and is the second set of Engineering plans which we have reviewed. I. ENGINEERING PLANS A. Sheet 2 of 7 (Typical sections and Details) 1. The plans show that a "c" and/or "E" Inlet will be used. Please specify Inlet type with Inlet structure number. 2. Please add to the roadway section detail the sidewalk reinforcement and slope as per code (Article X, section 12, Paragraph T, Page 2143, Boynton Beach Code). Please be aware that sidewalk placement shall be one foot from the right-of-way unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. (Article X, section 12, Paragraph T, Page 2143, Boynton Beach Code). NOTE: This may affect your water management calculations. 3. Stabilized shoulders requires sOdding. provisions shall be required and stated on plans (Article X Section 10, Paragraph H, Page 2140, Boynton Beach Code) and (Chapter 7.5-35, Section 7.5-35 (c)(6) "Particular Requirements", Boynton Beach Code). 4. The stabilized shoulder cross slope exceeds the maximum allowed cross slope. Please revise accordingly (Florida Department of Transportation, Green Book, Section III 7C 2). Please clarify driveway installation in relationship to swale maintenance (Chapter 22, section 22-3 "Standards", Boynton Beach Code). GEE & JENSON RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE JULY 28, 1994 PAGE .2. This Land Development Order does not constitute City of Bgynton Beach building permits, therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner(s) and contractor(s) to obtain building permits for those physical improvements not set forth within the Engineer's Opinion of Cost. For assistance in successfully entering the City's permit review process, you may contact Mr. Milton Duff, Chief Plans Reviewer, at telephone number (407) 375-6352. Should you require any additional assistance and/or information, please feel free to contact Mr. Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engin~er at telephone number (407) 375-6282. Very truly yours, ~~llT - Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. . Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell,lnc. .. VAF:BJUthw C:JONGROVE.LDO cc: Milton Duff, Chief Plans Reviewer, Building Department Don Jaeger, Building Official' . William Hukill, P.E., City Engineer Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Carrie Parker, City Manager --J 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Be.adt. 'Boulevar4 P.O. 'Bo~31O 'Boynton 'Bead", :Jforida 33425-0310 City 9fa[[: (407) 734-8111 :J.9lX: (407) 738-7459 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER July 22, 1994 Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. 1201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Fl 33405 Attention: Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Re: Jonathan's Grove , I %e City of tJ3oynton $eacli 100 'E. tlJoynton tlJea&. tlJoukvara P.O. tlJo~310 flJoynton tlJuuh., 1'foritfa 33425-0310 City:Jfaf[: {407} 734-8111 1'3U: {407} 738-7459 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER July 23, 1993 Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. Engineers, Planners, Surveyors l201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Re: Acceptance of Emergency Proposal Engineering Review of Plat Documents and Construction Plans Jonathan's Grove Located on Lawrence Road l,OOO' South of Hypoluxo Road Dear Mr. LaMotte: Please be advised that the Engineering Department, in conjunction with the City Manager's Office, has chosen your firm to perform a preliminary and final plat review for the above referenced 10 acre parcel of land. I shall be contacting your office within the next few days in order to schedule a meeting so that we may brief you on the current status of this project as it relates to code compliance. Please feel free to contact me at (407) 738-7487. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~). ~+A~ . Vincent A. Finizio ~ Deputy City Engineer cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Simmons & White, Inc. Rossi Malavasi, Inc. Michael B. Schorah & Associates, Inc. Don Jaeger, Building Official John Guidry, Utility Director Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director VAF/ck attachment: Consultant Requisition Form dated 7/22/93 Ylmerka s (jateway to tfu (jutfstream ~ Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Principal BJUthw cc: C. Parker, City Manager V. Finizio, Dept. City Engineer M. Haag, City Building Official JUN-03-1994 17:13 SFRN 407 655 1151 P.01 . Shalloway; Foy Rayman & ~ewell, Inc. EnsiDecmaIPlannerslSurveyor& 1201 Belvedere Road W cst PQ!C\ Be..cll. Florida 33405 Phone (407) 655-1151 Fa..'>\: (407) 832w~90 K. Dan Shalloway, P.E. Jay G. Foy. P.E. Gilry M. Rayman, R.L.5. Warren H. Newell BrianJ. LaMotte, P.E. Keith B. Jaenon. P,l;" VIA FAX (407] 375-6090 June 3, 1994 Michael E. Haag, Administrator city of Boynton Beach zoning and site Development Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: JONATHON; S GlWVE ' YOUR FILE NO. ,772 " 'FINAL PLAT ,AND COKSIfRUCTIOIl PLANS SFRH PROJECT NO. 93079 Dear Mike. In response to your June 25, 1994 memo I want to bring to your attent,ion that the' abQve referenced project has met, their drainage concUrrency, All" water man~9am8nt ,and draina'J~ review agenciea: such as, Lake ,Worth Drainag& 'District., South Florida Wat.er ManagQmQnt Distric.t, and Palm Beaoh COUrtty Rnqinc;u>lrinq Department as well al;j; my review hav~ DeQn co~pleted and ara:found to bQ accQPtabla ,and approvad. ' 'rherefore in regard to italnNo. Ir Concurrenoy - it has been 3et. If you have any qUe~tion6, please don't hesitate' to call me. CQrtifioation of ~. cerely, , 'U11f!L- Bri . aMo~tef F.E. Principal' BJL I Jl\5 cc; v. Finizio, city of Boynton Beach R. Staudinger, Gee and Jenson ~ & 00 rn JGN- 6. TOTAL P.01 %e City of $oynton ~eacfi ~-~ 100 'E. 'Boynum 'Buz& 1Joukvanf P.O.~310 'Boynum 'Beadi., :Jfqritfa 33425-0310 City:Hall: (407) 375-6()(J() 7!4X: (407) 375-6090 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY (407) 375-6050 June 15, 1994 Via Facsimile - (407) 686-7446 W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. Gee & Jenson One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: Jonathan's Grove Subdivision Dear Richard: I am in receipt of your letter of June 8, 1994. Subject to my review of the MIl Homes letter to the City Manager, the procedure set forth in your letter is acceptable with the following caveat: no site grading, site filling or construction of any type can proceed without the applicable building permit in hand. Very truly yours, cprrlLb 0 ChAf}D/~ James A. Cheraf City Attorney JAClral cc: 'Carrie Parker, City Manager ~ ()" ])c,r" t"'" > l'l..., ~ n ~~ c. - ~~vi~"ti ;/4--'1 b! / C / j -""."--1'/-, '0' .... t _L' , ,',<,;. t..<-A'(~ .',,"'J - {,"Z I, ? . J ,.I ~~ '- ~ ;1 _ . ,.J -- La, ,,' i U ,/" ,1 _ / (, ") . _ /. ' J '.' I /' U 1..-(../'-'" RECEIVED JUN 14 ~ MANAGER'S OFFICE - }tmerial's (jateway to tlU (julfstrtam n GEE & JENSON 1.;1' 'J"'(~rf. ,/\(('.1' .i'('.t3-P '" r."r'" Ire. C.Ole ll.t.i.......:;.f(; ~::ir.;:~': June 8, 1994 V".JAr..~ Pali!l Uct:.~,~.;"I, l~ :Y)~I;~ ~'l'(JP"C(C (4(; I) &}::'<):lD' I"~:~, 1('-'1 f.Oi;-744S James Cherof, City Attorney City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Jonathan' $ GrovQ Subdivision At Ai:sk Con8truction Dear Jim, This lettsr is sent to confirm our telephone conversation of Tuesday, June 7, 1994, concerning the Jonathan'c Grove Subdivision. The City of Boynton Beach has previously allowed construction at risk by e developer prior to final plat approval. Our client, MIl Homes, wishes to begIn construction of Jonathan's Grove Subdivision by starting site grading, srte filling and ElxtsrI1al wall construction at their risk, and will be applying for a building permit this week to begin such construotion. You havQ indicl:1ted that this is acceptable to the City of Boynton Beach, because of previou8 City apPf'ovele of at risk construction. The developer, Mil Homes, will forward a letter to the CItY Manager's office indicating they will accept all risks for construction prior to receiving final approval of the subdiviaion plat, and will attach a copy of such correspondence to the permit applioation. Ie; ard St8udingcr, P.E. WASlln 91.351/100 cc: Vince Finlzio Ms. Carrie Parker Dave Harris B. Scott Benewitz m:\M,~vl"'... ;: (, . d ('. ~ 0 . 0 Nit: t'1 176,80 t,jil[ '3t7t c! -98S'-2 .:'t': Q I ~m St'J1 nr:ri (' t1h Mil HOMES" HI'\:SIO'" ()~ \VI SJ:'101'lhW'~I~ 11OMJ-~, L'l(; II'" .i 11.1 lh.. \;-1" }fllL '\,'01 J, "'.( ~"'C~/."t (l~iI/IIbl;,4c'!/'dt!iltlli. ,i:,I" :Nd~'I/(/pt)/,(( ("duma iil"/'" nm/Or"l1Ido/We~t PI/;'II !i,'I('/!, i'h" '(."/ W~ ':,It.1 .,k:,d. Lli\~''''J' '~l1;tr;;,nl CII\~li' Sai:c 950 Wt')! ",';':1 Jto,I~h. HIJri:la ))jl)r, d~i.':{)tt!,IN(./h~~b. ,\i);1b 1:1"),~I,i U-ild'jll.l;!l;II. i) (.: i1.l7<171 WiO 1\X 407:~71.~440 June 7, 1994 Ms. Carrie Parker, City Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boymon Beach 'Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Dear Ms. Parhr~ RE: Construction Approvals for the Unrecorded Pla,t of jonatllal1's Grov~ The above referenced Plat is scheduled for approval by the City Commission on JWH~ 21, 1994. MIl Schottenstein Homes will b(' applying lor building pormits on th~ &ite gracling and wall construction prior to thl.'! dpproval of the Plat. We understand that Mil Schottenstein Homes is "at risk" for this work should any changes be required in the approval process. Very truly youts, . QJ~"7 David W. Hanis, P. E. DWH;lt cc: Jim Chet'of 1 t" ..t ~ ".1 ':, ~O.d 7~O.oN 8t:tl \76,80 tli'j[ 9li'V ~ -9~:9-,,:017: a I NosrnC~33: _ Shalloway, Foy .I1iI!iii Rayman & Newell, Inc. K. Dan Shalloway, P.E. Jay G, Foy, P.E. Gary M. Rayman, RL.S. Warren H. Newell Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Keith B. Jackson, P.E. EngineerslPlanners/Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Phone (407) 655-1151 Fax (407) 832-9390 VIA FAX (407) 375-6090 June 3, 1994 Michael E. Haag, Administrator city of Boynton Beach zoning and site Development Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: JONATHON'S GROVE. YOUR FILE NO. 772 FINAL PLAT AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS SFRN PROJECT NO. 93079 Dear Mike, In response to your June 25, 1994 memo I want to bring to your attention that the above referenced project has met their drainage concurrency. All water management and drainage review agencies such as, Lake Worth Drainage District, South Florida Water Management District, and Palm Beach County Engineering Department as well as my review have been completed and are found to be acceptable and approved. Therefore in regard to item No. II Concurrency - it has been met. certification of If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Si~e~l~A j~~~ Principal BJLlms rn cc: V. Finizio, City of Boynton Beach R. Staudinger, Gee and Jenson n' ;bt1~' ~ ~',' ~~ "', "",. . ..j I , :.:_;.f "- < GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc, May 27, 1994 One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 M. Vincent Finizlo Deputy City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Jonathan's Grove Dear Vinnie, The following Is the response to Mike Haag's memorandum dated May 25, 1994 to Brian laMotte: I. Plat: In the rounding of dimensions of Lot #15 to the hundredth place the lot area Is a fraction of a foot less than 9560 square feet. When extending out the number to four decimal places the lot area Is 9590.0971 square feet or rounded to 9590 square foot (see attached chart). II. Construction Plans: Richard Staudinger has previously submitted these requested notes earlier this week. Attached are 10 copies of sheet 3 of 7 of the paving, grading and drainage plan which Includes this note. III. Master Plan: Attached please find 10 copies of the revised Master Plan with the typical building envelopes depicted for lots 14-19 and note addressing Irrigation and sod. IV. Certification of Concurrency: This determination is to be made by Brian laMotte. Permit requirements for drainage have been met and accepted by the permitting agencies Indicating that concurrency has been met. V. Association Documents: Please find one (1) copy of the property owners documents ve~w~ ~ Bennewi . AICP Project Manager 00 _ , 1994 m (r'. i'~ P ~,n R !~J i~ I.J a lS BSB:Jer attach. 91-351/100 Lot #1 Lot #2 Lot #3 Lot #4 Lot #5 Lot #6 Lot #7 Lot #8 Lot #9 Lot #10 Lot #11 Lot #12 Lot #13 Lot #14 Lot #15 Lot #16 Lot #17 Lot #18 Lot #19 Lot #20 Lot #21 Lot #22 Lot #23 Lot #24 Lot #25 Lot #26 Lot #27 Lot #28 Lot #29 Lot #30 Lot #31 Lot #32 9597 9592 9604 9602.35 9600.65 9598.96 9597.26 9595.56 9593.87 9592.17 9590.47 9602.42 9600.72 9609.31 9590.10 9629.33 9593.06 9612.17 9616.38 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 JONATHAN'S GROVE LOT SQUARE FOOTAGES 9598 9593 9605 9603 6901 9599 9598 9596 9594 9593 9591 9603 9601 9610 9590 9630 9594 9613 9617 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 t c-.' ; H\\~~, V~ / 11~'~' n GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc. May 23, 1994 One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 Vince Finizio, Deputy City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Jonathan's Grove Subdivision Final Plat Submittal Dear Vinnie, ncloseCNs,t e mylar original of the final plat for Jonathan's Grove, as w calculationsJas requested in Mr. Haag's memo of 5/17/94. ./ Also enclosed are ten (10) copies of the corrected Master Plan and ten (10) sets of the corrected final construction plans for Jonathan's Grove Subdivision. All of the appropriate items on the 5/17/94 memo have been addressed in this submission. Please call if you have any further questions or comments. We would appreciate written verification that this item is scheduled for the June 7, 1994 Boynton Beach Commission meeting. I(~~~ ard Staudinger, P.E. WRS/ln 91351/100 Enclosures cc: Glen Nicotra B. Scott Bennewitz m :\wrs\jgfplat Lot #1 Lot #2 Lot #3 Lot #4 Lot #5 Lot #6 Lot #7 Lot #8 Lot #9 Lot #10 Lot #11 Lot #12 Lot #13 Lot #14 _' >- Lot #15 Lot #16 Lot #17 Lot #18 Lot #19 Lot #20 Lot #21 Lot #22 Lot #23 Lot #24 Lot #25 Lot #26 Lot #27 Lot #28 Lot #29 Lot #30 Lot #31 Lot #32 9597 9592 9604 9602.35 9600.65 9598.96 9597.26 9595.56 9593.87 9592.17 9590.47 9602.42 9600.72 9609.31 _9589.47 9629.33 9593.06 9612.17 9616.38 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 9590.00 JONATHAN'S GROVE LOT SQUARE FOOTAGES 9598 9593 9605 9603 6901 9599 9598 9596 9594 9593 9591 9603 9601 9610 9590 9630 9594 9613 9617 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 9590 , ,,' ('e-":'~~l;C._ '--fL-: 1- \l2Cr)~'I-~~ //t'M -~,q.A-G I,/,t..':~.~'~-~\E Ii ~ 1 / ;',,~{.'.~ South Florida Water Management District ;.",,,,,,,,:"";'f 330( Gun Club Road. p,o. Box 24680. West Palm Beach, FL 3.3416-4680 . (4071686-8800 . FL WATS ).800-432-2045 CON 24-06 Regulation Department Application No.: 930811-4 Apri 1 26, 1994 FINAL APPROVED M I Schottenstein Homes Inc 901 North Lake Destiny Drive Suite 185 Maitland, FL 32751 APR 2 6 1B94 WPB Dear Permitte~: SUBJECT: Notice of Intent to Construct Works General Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification No.: 50-03279-S Permittee: M I SCHOTTENSTEIN HOMES INC Project: JONATHAN'S GROVE Location: PALM BEACH COUNTY, S7/T45S/R43E This letter is to notify you of the District's agency action concerning your Notice of Intent to Construct Works. This action is taken pursuant to Rule 40E-1.606 and Chapter 40E-40, Florida Administrative Code. Based on the information provided, District rules have been adhered to and a General Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification is in effect for this project ,subject to: 1. Not receiving a filed request for a Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, administrative heal'ing, 2. the attached 12 Standard Limiting Conditions, and 3. 14 Special Conditions. Should you object to these Conditions, please refer to the attached "Notice of Rights" which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review of the proposed agency action. Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you in accordance with the "Notice of Rights", we will assume that you concur with the District's action. C,werninJ! BOdrd' Valerie l~oyd, Ch,\irman Frank \Villi.\m~l'n. .Ir.. \'ice Ch,lirmdn Annie Bet.\ncnurt \Villiarn Harnmund !\et!'.v Krant \1I.\n ,\\illedge Eugene K. Petti!'. :'>I.1thaniel P Reed l.e.\I\ t;, Sch.nl Tilford C Creel. Executiw Director Thorn.ls K. M,lCVic.\r. Deputy Executive Director M I SCHOTTENSTEIN HOMES INC Subject: Notice of Intent to Construct Works Apri 1 26, 1994 Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a "Notice of Rights" has been mailed to the addressee (and the persons listed in the attached distribution list) no later than 5:00 p.m. this 26th day of April, 1994, in accordance with Section 120.60(3), Florida Statutes. Sincerely, ~xI~cr. Kenneth S. Todd, Jr., P.E. Supervising Professional KT/bw/ld CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P 630 204 389 Enclosures ~ FC;:1'.\05J~ ~ro,e~ South Florida Water Management District GENERAL PERMIT NOTICE OF RIGHTS This NotIce of Rights is intended to inform the recipient of the administrative and judicial review which may be available mandated by sectIon 120.60(3). Florida Statutes. Be advised that although this notice is intended to be comprehensive. the revl, procedures set forth herein have been the subject of judicial constructIon and interpretation which may affect the admlnistratl....e judicial review available. Recipients are therefore advised to become familiar with Chapters 120 and 313. Florida Statutes. anc ~' judicial interpretation of the provisions of these chapters. 1. If a substantially affected person objects to the staffs recommendation. that person has the right to request an administrat:', heanng on the proposed agency action. The substantially affected person may request either a formal or an informal hearrt"! as set forth below, Failure to comply with the prescribed time periOdS shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing. 2. If a substantially aHected person believes a genuine issue of material fact is in disPute, that person may request a formal hear;' pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, by filing a petition not later than: a. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS PUBLISHED BY THE APPLICANT. within fourteen (14) days after mailing of the proposed agency action or b, IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS NOT PUBLISHED. within fourteen days atter receipt of actual notice. The request for a section 120.57(1). F.S.. formal hearing must comply with the requirements of Rule 40E-1.S21, Fione Administrative Code. a copy of which is attached. Petitions are deemed filed upon receipt by the District. Failure: substantially comply with the provisions of Rule 40E-1.521. Florida Administrative Code. shall constitute a waiver of the rlgn~ : a 120.57(1) hearing. If a petition for administrative hearing is not timely filed. the staH's proposed agency will automatlcai mature into final agency action. 3, If a substantially affected person believes that no issues of material fact are in dispute. that person may request an intor~, heartng pursuant to section 120.57(2). F.S.. by filing a petition for hearing not later than: a. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICA TION WAS PUBLISHED BY THE APPLICANT, within fourteen (14) days afte'r mailing of the proposed agency action or b. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS NOT PUBLISHED. within fourteen days after receipt of actual notice. A request tor informal hearing shall be conSidered as a waiver of the right to request a formal section 120.57(1), F.S.. heanng. . reQuest for a section 120.5i(1). F.S.. formal hearing not in substantial compliance with the proviSions of rule 40E.1 .521. F.,1,.: may be consloered by the District as a reQuest tor informal hearing. If a petition for adminrstrative heartng IS not timeiy filec. :~- staff's proposed agency action will automatically mature into final agency action, 4, Pursuant to section 3i3,1 14. Florrda Statutes. a party to the proceeaing belOW may seeK review of a Final Order rendered on :;- permIt application before the Land and Water AdjudIcatory CommiSSion. as prOVided therein. ReView under th.s section .Mltlated by filing a reQuest tor review with the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission and serving a copy on the Departme~ of Environmental RegUlation and any person named in the Oraer within 20 days after renaering of the Districfs Orce' However. when the oroer to be reViewed has stateWide or regIonal !!ignificance. as determined by the Land and Wate Adjudicatory CommisSion within 60 days after receipt of a request for review. the commission may accept a request for revre" from any affecte.:l person within 30 doYs 3';ter ttl~ rendering of the order. Review under section 313.114. Florida Statutes. limIted solely to a determination of consistency with the proviSions and purposes of Chapter 313. Florida Statutes. This reVle, IS apoellate '" nature and limited to the record below. 5. A party whO is adversely aHected by final agency action on the permit application is entitled to judicial review in the Distnc Court of Appeal pursuant to section 120.68. Florida Statutes. as provided therein. Review under section 120.68. Florida Statute in the District Court of Appeal is initiated by filing a petition in the appropriate District Court ot Appeal in accordance will Florida rule of appellate Procedure 9.110. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of the final agency action. 6. Section 313.617(2). Florida Statutes. provides: Any person substantially affected by a final action of any agency with respect to a permit may seek review within 90 days of the rendering of SUCh deciSion and request moneta~, .1 mages and other relief in the circuit court in the judiCIal circuit in which the affected property is located: h~r. circuit court review shall be confined solely to determlOlng whether final agency action is an unreasonable exercise of the state's police power constituting a taking without lust compensation, Review of final agency action for the purpose of determining whether the action IS in accordance with existmg statutes or rules and based on component substantial evidence shall proceed In accordance With Chapter 120. 7. Please be adVised that exhaustIon of administrative remedies is generally a prerequisite to appeal to the District Court c Appeal or the seeking of Circuit Coun review of final agency actIon by the Olstrict on the permit applicatIon, There arE however, exceotlons to the exhaustIon requlfement. The applicant IS adVised to consult the case law as to the requIrements c exhaustion exceptions 40e-1.521 Initiation of Formal Proceedings. .l (1) Initiation of tormal proceedings shall be made by petition to the District. The term petition as used herein includes an.. application or other document which expresses a request for formal proceedings. Each petition should be printed. typewritten c' otherwise duplicated in legible form on white paper or standard legal size. Unless printed. the impression shall be on one sIde at t"e paper only and lines shall be double-spaced and indented. (2) All petitions filed under these rules shall contain: (a) The name and address of the District and the District's file or identification number. if known; (b) The name and address of the petitioner or petitioners: (c) An explanation of how each petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the District"s determination; (d) A statement of when and how petitioner received notice of the District's decision or intent to render a decision; (e) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate: (f) A concise statement of the ultimate facts which petitioner believes entitle petitioner to the relief sought as well as the rules and statutes which support petitioner's claim for relief: (g) A demand for the relief to which the petitioner deems himself entitled; and (h) Other information which the petitioner contends is material. (3) Upon receipt of a petition for formal proceedings. the District shall review the petition for the degree of compliance witt": subsection (2) and shall accept those petitions in substantial compliance therewith which have been timely filed and which state a dispute which is within the jurisdiction of the District to resolve. If accepted, the District shall designate the presiding officer. The District shall promptly give written notice to all parties of the action taken on the petition, and shall state with particularity its reasons therefor. (4) If the District designates a Hearing Officer assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings as the presiding officer. the District Clerk shall forward the petition and all materials filed with the District to the Division of Administrative Hearings. and Shall notify all parties of its action. Specific Authority 373.044. 373.113 F.S. Law Implemented 120.53(1), 120.57 F.S. History - New 9-3-81. Formerly 1SK-1.09(1). 1SK-1.112(1) through (3). 1SK-1.12 w. LIMITING CONDITIONS 1. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROSECUTE THE WORK AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH, WILDLIFE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY. THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTATION IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. 2. WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED MAY INCLUDE THOSE LISTED IN CHAPTER 17-302. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DATA AS REQUIRED, ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGED, DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE. 3. THE PERMiTTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCALSUBOIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION, THE PERMITTEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WORKS AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. 4. THE OPERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIES THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT THE CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFY THE DISTRICT THAT THE FACILITIES ARE READY FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. UPON APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETED SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL REQUEST TRANSFER OF THE PERMIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. S ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FLOOD CRITERIA. 6. ALL BUILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 7. OFF-SITE nISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH THE FACILITIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. NO ROADWAY OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMMENCE ON-SITE UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE PERMITTED DISCHARGE STRUCTURE AND DETENTION AREAS. WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT. 8. NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND HAS AGREED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT WILL ISSUE AN AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION. 9. THE PERMIT DOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ANY PROPERTY RIGHT NOR ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED IN THE PERMIT AND CHAPTER 40E-4, FAC. 10. THE PERMITTEE SHALL HOLD AND SAVE THE DISTRICT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, CLAIMS, OR LIABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OR USE OF ANY FACILITY AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT. 11. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED ON THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED INFORMATION WHICH REASONABLY DEMONSTRATES THAT ADVERSE OFF-SITE WATER RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS WILL NOT BE CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED PERMIT ACTIVITY. IT IS ALSO THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO INSURE THAT ADVERSE OFF-SITE WATER RESOURCE IMPACTS DO NOT OCCUR DURING CONSTRUCTION. 12. PRIOR TO DEWATERING, PLANS SHAll BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR APPROVAL. INFORMATION SHALL INCLUDE AS A MINIMUM: PUMP SIZES, lOCATIONS AND HOURS OF OPERATION FOR EACH PUMP. IF OFF-SITE DISCHARGE IS PROPOSED, OR OFF-SITE ADVERSE IMPACTS ARE EVIDENT, AN INDIVIDUAL WATER USE PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT SEVERAL MONTHS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION: 20.2 FEET NGVD. 2 MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION: 18 FEET NGVD. 3 DISCHARGE FACILITIES: 1-.5' W X .5' H TRIANGULAR ORIFICE WITH INVERT AT ELEV. 12' NGVD. 40 LF OF 2' DIA. RCP CULVERT. RECEIVING BODY : LWDD L-18 CONTROL ELEV : 12 FEET NGVD. 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSIONt SHOALING OR WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. S MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. 6 THE DISTRICT RES~RVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT ADDITIONAL WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO BE NECESSARY. 7. PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF ANY WITHDRAWAL OF WATER (IRRIGATION, DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE PERMIT. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT A MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE THAT WATER WILL BE AVAILABLE. 8. FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE STATED HEREIN SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT AN APPROVED MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT. 9 A BENCHMARK SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE VICINITY OF THE CONTROL STRUCTURE AND A DESCRIPTION PROVIDED TO THE DISTRICT WHEN CERTIFYING CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. 10. PRIOR TO MAY 26, 1994, THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTIFIED BY THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT NOTICE OR EQUIVALENT) OF THE ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION START DATE AND THE EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE/ DURATION. 11. WHEN THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXCEEDS ONE YEAR, CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ON AN ANNUAL BASIS (VIA THE SUPPLIED ANNUAL STATUS REPORT OR EQUIVALENT) BEGINNING ONE YEAR AFTER THE INITIAL COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION DATE. 12. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SHALL NOTIFY THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT OF THAT COMPLETION DATE AND SUBMIT CERTIFICATION BY A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT (VIA' THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION/CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION OR EQUIVALENT). SUCH CERTIFICATION MAY CONSIST OF WORDING IN PARAGRAPH 3.1.7 "CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION" OF THE CURRENT BASIS OF REVIEW fOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. IF THE CERTIFICATION LANGUAGE USED IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SUGGESTED LANGUAGE, A SET OF RECORD DRAWINGS CONSISTING OF ELEVATIONS, LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF COMPONENTS OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL ALSO BE SUBMITTED. 13. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF JONATHAN'S GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT A COpy OF THE RECORDED DEED RESTRICTIONS (OR DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM, IF APPLICABLE), A COpy OF 'THE FILED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, AND A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION FOR THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION CONCURRENT WITH THE ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION. 14. THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT A COPY OF THE FINAL COUNTY OUTFALL APPROVAL FOR THIS PROJECT WHEN OBTAINED. CLOCK O' Poseidon Q SYLVIA LA en 2 Athena ftI C ... ~ Dr ;( ..01 q,...~on .. o ~ o PI .= c .g- <( Artesia Sap?hi Amberjac o o a: RD :: ...J TE FOXBURY CT Mer FORO CT 3 HYOEN CT 4 WHEATLEY RO - -5 WHeATLEY CT 6 FOX BORO CT 7 DRyDEN CT 8 AMHERST CIR 9 AMHERST CT 10 ANDoveR CT 11 BRADFORD CT 12CHAWICK CT 13 COPEL Y CT 1H :H 3H :::E c:: < u... o x ::J -I o Co. >- J: S 73 RD WOODMERE LA : c:: ~ a:: ~ < ~ x w 12-. 7, DR I I I I i I I , I I I I CANAL -Ii::: <0 a: a: o 3: CROSS PALM DR TR WAY a: 0--0 a: o lZ1 a: <( R o a: LOCATION MAP 1 36 gJ / - 'I EXHIBIT 1 ",,.'."10 _ t,." ...... .. -;=::'~,--,' :'~'.~~;:: I~: ' :: I ~.~: "'_J .,.., ...,. ........ _ ,fOIl ,..~. ..._,.._, '.''''''11''. ~.'" ntl ~~ J~:' l~ .c U on '!l <0 ' ",'" "" '" '" ,.., '" N '" '" o '" C'l ..... ~cu :~:~.., ..omo - -~- - . ..,.. 0 "'~ ~ ~:i':;~ a:l ..... ..... ..... i . ~!:. ~; ~~~ ~: ~ ~IP~ t.=1 I~'~ z il~i ,:i ~ i~:1 1::' :J .. 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JONATHAN'S GROVE PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET APPLICATION NUMBER: 930811-4 LOCATION: PALM BEACH COUNTY, S7/T45S/R43E OWNER: M I SCHOTTENSTEIN HOMES INC ENGINEER: GEE & JENSON EAP INC PROJECT AREA: 9.4 ACRES DRAINAGE AREA: 8.98 ACRES PROJECT USE: RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES: 1. EXISTING: The project site consists of an existing citrus grove. There is an agricultural ditch which runs along the eastern property line and a roadside ditch along the western property line. An existing drainage swale on the northern property line carries runoff from the project west to the Lawrence Road ditch which drains north into the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) L-18 Canal. 2. PROPOSED: Construction and operation is requested for a surface water management system serving a 9.4 acre residential project. The project will utilize site grading to direct runoff into two roadside swales and two perimeter swales to be located along the north and south property lines. The swales will discharge into the proposed detention area located along the east perimeter of the project. Discharge from the project will be through 1-6" high by 6" wide, inverted triangular bleeder with an invert at elevation 12' NGVD and 40 LF of 24" diameter RCP culvert into the proposed Lawrence Road storm sewer line which will extend from the project north to the LWDD L-18 Canal. Although the allowable discharge is being exceeded by the project design, the applicant has proposed the minimum size bleeder (6" high by 6" wide, inverted triangle) approved by LWDD. PROJECT LEVEL: DRAINAGE BASIN: C-16 RECEIVING BODY: LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT L-18 CANAL BASIN DESIGN FREQUENCY: 25YR-3DAY STORM Exhibit 4 JONATHAN'S GROVE PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET WATER QUALITY: Basin MASTER Method .54 acres DRY DETENTION Vol Vol Req'd. Prov'd (ac-ft) (ac-ft) .56 .56 DISCHARGE RATE: Basin MASTER Allow Disch (efs) .9 Method of Detet-mination DISCHARGE FORMULA Design Disch (cfs) 1.6 Design Stage (ft. NGVD) 18.8 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY The project site consists of an existing citrus grove. There are no wetlands or other native vegetational communities remaining on the site. Adverse impacts to wetlands are not anticipated as a result of the construction of this project. APPLICABLE LAND USE: The total project area is 9.40 acres. Runoff from a portion of the FPL easement (.42 acres) located along the northern property boundary will not drain into the proposed development. TOTAL ACRES WTRM ACREAGE PAVEMENT BUILD COVERAGE NUMBER OF UN ITS PERVIOUS TOTAL PROJECT 9.40 .54 1.46 2.10 32.00 5.30 PREVIOUSLY PERMiTTED THIS PHASE 9.40 acres .54 acres 1.46 acres 2.10 acres 32.00 units 5.30 acres BASIN LEVEL BREAKDOWN AND FLOOD PROTECTION: Exhibit 5 JONATHAN'S GROVE PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET Basin Name: MASTER FLOOD PROTECTION: LOCAL ROAD CRITERIA FLOOD CONTOUR 18.00 FEET NGVD MINIMUM ROAD GRADE 18.00 FEET NGVD 100 YEAR FLOOD FLOOD CONTOUR 20.20 FEET NGVD MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION 20.20 FEET NGVD FEMA FLOOD ELEVATION FEET NGVD COMMENTS: 1 . Water and wastewater services will be provided by the City of Boynton Beach Utilities. Exhi bit 6 STAFF REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST PROJECT: JONATHAN'S GROVE APPLICATION NUMBER: 930811-4 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Reviewer: X Benita Hoheisel X Anita R. Bain X Paul Whalen X Robert G. Robbins T. Bates R. Brown - NRM X B. Colavecchio - REG M. Cruz J. Giddings - LOP J. Golden F. Lund - UDP R. Mireau - OMD P. Rhoads - EVR R. Rogers - REG M. Slayton D. Thatcher W. Van Voorhess X P. Walker - GPA X K. Wallace A. Waterhouse X Area Engineer X Day File X Enforcement X Field Representative Office of Counsel X Permit Fil e DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION X West Palm Beach EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION X Applicant: M I SCHOTTENSTEIN HOMES INC X Applicant's Consultant: GEE & JENSON EAP INC X Engineer, County of: PALM BEACH X Engineer, City of: BOYNTON BEACH X Local Drainage District: LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT COUNTY X Palm Beach -Building Division -Environmental Res Mgmt. -Health Dept. -Land Development Div. -School Brd., Growth Mgt. -Zoning Division, (J.MacGillis) BUILDING AND ZONING OTHER --oaYid Sinclair Div of Recreation and Park - District 7 F.G.F.W.F.C. Mr. Ed Dailey, President Port St. Lucie Plannirg Division S.W.F.R.P.C. - Glenn Heath Sierra Club - Central Florida Group EXHIBIT 1- _ Shalloway, Foy IiiIIi Rayman & Newell, Inc. EngineersIPlannerslSurveyors 1201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Phone (407) 655-1151 Fax (407) 832-9390 K. Dan Shalloway, P.E. Jay G. Foy, P.E. Gary M. Rayman, R.L.S. Warren H. Newell Brian J, LaMotte, P.E. Keith B. Jackson, P.E. June 20, 1994 The Honorable Mayor Edward Harmening & City Commission City of Boynton Beach 211 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE SUBDIVISION SFRN PROJECT #93079 Dear Sirs: The Technical Review Committee under my chairmanship recommends approval of the Jonathan's Grove plat conditioned upon the City not releasing the land development order until such time as the construction plans have been revised to resolve 'Some remaining minor comments. All applicable fees have been received and the City Financial Director in conjunction with the City Attorney's Office has indicated that the surety submitted is acceptable. Once the Mayor and the City Clerk have executed the mylar plat documents, the plat should not be released to the developer but rather delivered to the Engineering Department for further processing. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call . Very truly yours, Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Principal BJUthw cc: C. Parker, City Manager V. Finizio, Dept. City Engineer M. Haag, City Building Official a:memo94-156 attachment cc: Richard Staudinger - Gee and Jenson c:memorancl ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-291 AGENDA ITEM TO: Planning and Development Board City Commission FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: October 5, 1993 RE: Jonathan's Grove Preliminary Plat Submission This memorandum shall serve as formal notification to the Planning and Development Board as well as the City Commission that the above referenced preliminary plat submission, that being Jonathan's Grove, has attained the nonbinding approval of the preliminary plat and associated construction plans by the City's Technical Review Committee under the chairmanship of the City Engineeer. Jonathan's Grove is a subdivision situated on the east side of Lawrence Road, south of Hypoluxo Road, and is comprised of 32 single family residential lots fronting on a public street dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida (see attached location plan) . PROJECT HISTORY The Jonathan's Grove subdivision preliminary plat documents were initially submitted to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on or about July 1993 and required approximately three formal reviews by the City's Technical Review Committee, under the chairmanship of the City Engineer, in order to attain substantial compliance with our City's Subdivision & Platting Regulations. The City's Technical Review Committee and the City Engineer have found the submitted preliminary plat and associated construction plans to be in compliance with City codes and have acknowledged same by placing their signature on the submitted plan and plat documents. Pursuant to City Code of Ordinances, specifically Appendix "CII, Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article VIII, Section5D2, this office herein submits the Jonathan's Grove project to the Planning and Development Board for comments and recommendations to be subsequently forwarded to the City Commission for their consideration during the next regular City Commission meeting of October 19, 1993. Pursuant to the same code, the Planning and Development Board shall forward its comments and recommendations to the City Manager for placement on the agenda of the next meeting of the City Commission, who will either approve or disapprove the construction plans and preliminary plat and will direct the City Engineer to so advise the developer of its decision. " I ! P~ING I ." VIII. DEVELOPMENT PL A.I cc: BIdg, PIa Eng, UtiI AND ZONING DEPARTMEMT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-268 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) FROM: J. Scott Miller, city Manager Tambri J. Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director~ October 14, 1993 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172 Modification to Zoning Conditions Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, October 19, 1993 under Development Plans - Consent Agenda. DESCRIPTION: Request for modification to conditions relative to wall location, lot depth, lot width and lot layout, imposed at time of rezoning to R-1A. The project is a 10 acre parcel located on the east side of Lawrence Road, approximately 1,000 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board unanimously recommended approval of the above-referenced request, submitted by Scott Bennewitz of Gee and Jenson, subject to construction of a six (6) foot high buffer wall to be located fifteen (15) feet south of the northern boundary of the project. ." tjh A:PM93-268 Attachments .. , , '" PLANNING PND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-263 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director DATE: October 7, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172 Modification to conditions of zoning On June 20, 1989, the City Commission approved ordinances for annexation, land use amendment and rezoning of the parcel known as Jonathan's Grove. This approval was contingent upon the following stipulations: a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet, b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet, c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height, on the north boundary of the property, d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet, and e) all staff comments which were not in conflict with the above stipulations. (These include all comments contained wi thin the Planning Department memorandum dated December 9, 1988, the Forester's. memorandum dated December 5, 1988 and all comments on the master comment sheet within the materials presented at the meeting to the Commission. These comments are attached as Exhibit "A" and are summarized below.) 1. Property to dedicate right-of-way for Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45 days of annexation. 2. Should this request be approved as submitted under the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet bv 137 feet. (See Exhibit "B" for conceptual plan.) 3. The applicant shall submit a tree survey. 4. The applicant shall submit a plan preserving, as much as possible, the existing grove of trees. 5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan for on-site protection of trees during construction. Since the Commission's June 15th, 1993 subdivision variance and July 20th, 1993 approval of the Jonathan's Grove master plan, the applicant has been undergoing preliminary plat review. During the preparation of the preliminary plat, it was determined that a modification to conditions of the 1989 zoning approval was necessary. Pursuant to Section 9.C.14.b of the zoning code, modifications to conditions of zoning for conventional zoning district require review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Department and Planning and Development Board and approval by the City Commission. As shown on the proposed preliminary plat (Exhibit "C") I the modifications requested are to zoning conditions c) and e) 2 above. -1- TO: Planning and Development Board -2- October 7, 1993 Specifically, the modifications include the following: 1) location of the wall fifteen feet south of the northern boundary of the property rather than along the northern boundary, 2) reduction in the minimum lot depth of 137 feet for lots 1 - 14 and lots 16 and 17 (lots 1 - 14 are less than one foot short of 137 feet, lot 16 is short 20 feet and lot 17 is short 25 feet; lots 15 and 18 are clearly excepted from this minimum depth on the conceptual plan), 3) reduction in the minimum lot width of 70 feet for lot 1 (lot 1 is 65.91 feet wide), and 4) creation of lots 16 and 17 as shallow, "dog-leg" lots (these lots were shown on the master plan as "dog-legs", however their configuration has been altered due to the changed drainage design). The applicant has submitted a letter (see Exhibit "D") explaining what changes of circumstances have occurred to necessitate the requested modifications. To summarize, these circumstances include design development of storm water management facilities and hard engineering involving survey data. ~ The zoning code states that the determination of what constitutes a substantial change shall be within the discretion of the city Commission. It further states that any proposed changes that would increase the number of stories, or increase the amount of water consumed, the amount of sewage collected, or the amount of traffic generated by more than 10 percent, or that would create commercial or industrial uses where not established by previously approved zoning, or that would increase the area of property zoned, shall in all cases require a new zoning application. In order to increase the. deficient lot sizes, a private road would have to be substituted for the public road proposed to allow encompassing road area within lot area and the storm water management tracts would have to be substituted for easements on lots. No visual improvement to the project would be gained by these solutions. Therefore, based on this conclusion, it is recommended that the requested modifications relative to lot size be considered as nonsubstantial changes and that they be approved as presented on the preliminary plat. With respect to the proposed wall location, it is believed that due to its long, uninterrupted expanse which traverses all the northern lots, it will be difficult to access for maintenance purposes and effectively reduces lot depth. The wall requirement was imposed to buffer the large lot homes immediately to the north. If the wall becomes unsightly, its intent is diminished. Therefore, it is recommended that the applicant further explore, with Florida Power and Light, locating the wall along the northern project boundary. ~ ~ J~ a ~~/ Tambri J. Heyde tjh A:JGrvZonM xc: central File ~ 1.- COMMENTS ON ANNEXATION MUNICIPAL STAFF Increased Increased Other Department Personnel Capital Comments City Clerk No No None Planning No No See attached Forester/ Horticulturist No No See attached Utilities No No See attached Public Works No No See attached Management Services No No See attached Finance No No None Police No No None Fire No No See attached Library No No None City Engineer No No None Building Official No No None Personnel and Purchasing No No None Parks and Recreation No No None PALM BEACH COUNTY Planning, Building and Zoning .. See attached -Jj- MEMORANDUM December 9, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ~ZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: JONATHON'S GROVE STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request. 1. Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45 days of annexation. 2. Should this request be approved as submitted under the R-1-A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet. ^' (l.n~ ~ ~..( ~".J:. CARMEN S. ANNUNZI CSA:ro cc Central File ,-. -,b - MEMOR-ANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist DATE: December 5, 1988 RE: Jonathan's Groves - Proposed Annexation This memorandum is in reference to the tree site plan submitted for the above project. old citrus tree grove consisting of rows of is also required to submit the fOllowing in survey. survey and conceptual The site contains an trees. The developer addition to the tree 1. A plan preserving as much as possible the existing grove trees in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan (section 29,, pg. 86). The plan as submitted does not make mention of preservation methods. 2. In accordance with our City Tree Preservation Ordinance #81-21, section 7.5-12, p. 598, the applicant must prepare a tree management plan for on site protection of trees during construction. The plan is also pa~t of section 7.5-15, pg. 600. I will discuss these two C~inUin~for 4~ .,_ K' in J. 1 a an Forester/Horticulturist items with the applicant if they are rezoning to RIA. KJH:ad DOC:JONA -l BOYNTON BEACH STAFF COMMENTS Utilities Department: This area lies within our designated service and must be served and supported by user rates whether or not it is annexed. Annexation, therefore, has no impact on personnel salaries, etc. Public Works: This annexation alone will not create a significant impact on the operations of this department. Management Services: Need street address and notification to Palm Beach County for inclusion in Master Street Address Guide for routing of 911 calls to City of Boynton Beach. Fire Department: The sUbject property will be served by our new Station 3. ~7- \' Boar~ of County Commissioners Carol A. Roherts, Chair Carol J. Elmquist, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Dorothy Wilken Jim Watt County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Planning, Zoning & Building December 6, 1988 Mr. Peter Cheney, city Manager City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton-Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr. Cheney: Palm Beach County Planning Division has coordinated the review of the proposed Jonathan's Grove annexation of 9.38 acres. The site is generally located on the east side of Lawrence Road, approxi- mately 600 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. County staff comments are as follows: 1. ENGINEERING, Allan Ennis, Development Review Engineer No Comment. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, Bob Krause, Environmen- tal Analyst . No Comment. 3 . ., FIRE-RESCUE, Ed Hines, 4th Battalion Chief . , The subject property is approximately 9 acres in size and is bordered by the city of Boynton Beach ,on the west side. Due to its size and location, the impact of this 1and use change on the delivery of Fire Rescue services is minimal. A limited amount of revenue will be lost; however,' it will not adversely effect the overall service delivery system in the subject area. I 3400 RELVEDERE ROAD WEST PALM REACH, FLORIDA ]3406 . (407) 471-3520 -8- . 4. METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION, Teresa Cantrell, Senior Planner I The staff of the Metropolitan Planning Organization has reviewed. the proposed annexation submitted by the City of Boynton Beach, and finds it to be consistent with adopted agency goals and objectives. 5. PLANNING DIVISION, James Ponseti, Planner Staff comments are as follows: A. Planning Division staff is concerned about the creation of an unincorporated county pocket, adj acent to the . proposed annexation on the south. state and county annexation policy prohibits 'any annexation which creates a county pocket or enclave, due to their deleterious effect upon the provision of municipal services. B. Staff is also concerned about whether the proposed annexation is "compact" as defined by section 171.031, F. S. The parcel proj ects westward from the area of contigui ty , with an average width to depth ratio of nearly 4 to 1, thereby creating a finger of municipal land. Additionally, staff questions whether the proposed annexation is "substantially contiguous" as defined by Section 171.031, F.S. In the absence of more precise criteria for determining what is "substantially contiguous," the following analysis is offered. Approximately 10% of the parcel's boundary is contiguous to the City of Boynton Beach. Staff does not believe that this meets the statutory requirement for substantial contiguity. The "Palm Beach County Interim Annexation POlicy" (hereafter, County Policy), adopted August 2, 1988, requires County Planning Staff to review proposed annexations for "statutory deficiencies," pursuant to Chapter 171, F.S. If the proposed annexation is determined not to be in compliance with statutory requirements, then the County may take one of the following actions: 1. The County and the municipality may enter into an interlocal, agreement as detailed in the County Policy, or 2. If an interlocal agreement between the County and the municipality "cannot be executed within 30 days of the adoption of the annexation ordinance, the County may file a lawsuit to enforce the -9-- requirements of Chapter 171, F. S . in acdo'rdance with section 171.081. F.S." 6. UTILITIES, Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division No impact - not in PBCWUD service area. Based on the preceding comments, county staff requests t~at you postpone any final action on the proposed annexation until an interlocal agreement can be implemented. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. ~~~~ RMM: jp FILE:Jl/ANNXBBl cc: BCC Sam Shannon, Asst. County Administrator John Lower, Acting Executive Director, PZB stan Redick, Planning Director Bill Capko, Assistant County Attorney Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director, Boynton Beach Allan Ennis, Traffic Engineering Division Ed Hines, 4th Battalion Chief, PBC Fire-Rescue Teresa Cantrell, Senior Planner, MPO Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division, PBCWUD _/0 - MEMORANDUM ~ January 12, 1989 TO: FILE ~2--JONATHON'S GROVE ANNEXATION, LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING 12/88 FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: CONDITIONS OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 4, 1989 FOR JONATHON'S GROVE APPROVAL The' following conditions were approved by the City Commission on January 4, 1988 for the Jonathon's Grove request (prior to transmission to the Department of community Affairs): 1. All staff comments not in conflict with approval of the request as submitted, more specifically, all comments contained within the Planning Department memo dated December 9, 1988, the Forester memo dated December 5, 1988, and all comments on the master comment sheet. 2. A minimum 9,590 square foot lot size. ~ 3. A minimum lot frontage of 70 feet. 4. A minimum living area of 1,800 square feet. 5. A wall no higher than six (6) feet, along the northern property boundary is required. {7 .~~/., ~~ ~ T~~I J. HEW TJH:ro .-//- ~trfgi:C' .21'---:10' ~...ll?=- .;oiL=r-...8L _10 5":1 00< r- a. ~1O"''ag, S'S' C~. :Ii i- ~ :;10 .- - 10 - - ! ~ ~ ~ ~ p en G- ,. r"'''';ow ,cGC!!.G !lCo. :a;;sn."l: b"'.. . . i -< en ::; CD C Cl) .. Cl) t ----,.n- .. .. .' CD . .. N N .. ." .J . I 0} C1I ~ I . -1 I .~ . . jI ~ ISI QO" il I ... . - Ul.QO" jI ... lit 0 Ill.QO" i1 I\,) ;l 1\ It> i! 1)1.01" .. N iI " CD 1\ <l 1\ I\,) m IjI . II!l ..0 I ,.." ... ,.... I .. I" : I!! I ,..51 I <J\ I 'I!! I!l ,..3& ~~ .p m I II!! \ .,L,J \lie ~) ;1;;' ~jI '" ,tl -!:;'" I!! c!! ~lt I' \ ~Mi! ~. ,..It iit ~ I .. ;5- 0:> ;is 'l!! l!! ~ I N il ;' ~ . IJI,QO" ~l!l l.. :l~ -:1 lll- ~ ~~ ~ ~ i~l! !l ~~~ ~ i'~i ~'3i/. ~ . Ulor N '" 11' QO" IV i'" FI .. ..~ i! !.~ \1100' I\,) jI W . '1' OIl' rJ iI IV II IJ1CO" ~ .i~1 IS;; c; i;;;i ~ ~Q~ :::it: ~~i p ~!~ ~ !~; ",i ~ $ ;; C ; .. 2: "0 .- l> -t ~ II (T1 c:l ~ i ""- , f "" 8 "i3 El E3 ~ E3 <;i ~6 "'" "i3R c::\ 8 s:>~ e i ~AP8 B E3C:1E38 ! 8<=48 Sl llllf,~ ~ ffi~ ...-II -alll.e::a 8 Sl 1.--.-,1 ...... El A c::::l '!.". ffi<;i8~ t::::l lII~Flli\ffi 8 :u=...~E3AE3 ~ 1lI~..e::a~El~ B ~u:~ 8~8 . UI ~ .... C:I f1/:) ... ' ~e::a El ;;a "i3 I:/tJ ~;~ 88.. _ _". I'il ..... ~ol @E3<;i!!i ~ "'.i\I <=4~Pe::a . 8A~~ E ~ F1E3S~ E ~ Sl- ~ ~n E3 ~ fil CO; ~ Iii "" ~ c:: ~~ ~ !l !!l':!:.: I~ '\ $- :.~~~ -~ s .. a_" ~: :: !;~~ I :. \ . \ ..:: ~ ~S ;;_.~;! . -I ,-. .... . ~ \'r--:. ... . , ,"'I . ..-If ....- ., - I-l .. '. .. ..- , \ ::t -~ "M I!!- ';: I!I ~d ;:i~ ,.... i "'''f pig, It> ~~~ ,..- jI a l!! '31.03 i!I - l!! - ,.." P N ~ P l!! " " ~ ~ v' f! ~~~ ~~~ a ~i,~ ._,,.... ~~~, "'; ", " ~ I~ ~l ~l aM ~i !. ( IIi U<= oe~" =-=-1Il ....i :<\- e'" ii C 2: "0 r- :> -< -t rTl c:l -IS .........- 11._'......._,...... I .~_ 1 ' I n ,1 GII a JENSON EnginoOtl'Nch.em..fIInMrI. Inc. Septembor e, 1093 one Harv.w" CIrClt l1li... P.lm 1lMeh, I=L ~0lI T"~ (407) 803.3301 Fax (07) 886.14~6 Mr_ Christophor Cutro Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310 Re: Jonathan's Grove Dear Chris. Tho following response is per your memo of September 02, 1993 requesting that a written response statin{l what changes of circumstances have caused lots to be reduced. It should be noted that all minimum lot standards per the rezoning have been met with the exception of lot depths. Typical lot depttls of 1 a7' have been maintained wherever possible. The minimum 137' depth was based upon the Conceptual Master Plan submitted with the rezoning request which was appmved on January 4, 1989. The 137'Iot depths Indlcatod on this plan were conceptual In that hard engineering had not been done. In our preporatic.n of the plat we determined that by holding 137' lot depths on the south side Of the development and providing a 60' wide roadway that lot depths on the north side of the road would vary from approximately 136.36' to 136.65' with the exceptfon of lots located on tile cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac lots would be shallower but wider in order to maintain a minimum lot area of 9590 square feet. As stated in Tambri's memo of August 24, 199~1 8 condition of approval of this zoning action is that it is subject to staff comments which are not in conflict with the specified development standards. Oonditlon 2 of the staff comments states "Should this request be approved as submitted under the R1 A zoning dIstrict, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet". The platUng of this property 8$ sbo)yfl would be in conflict with the statGd minimum lot size of 70' X 137' as shown on the preliminary plat. Another issue unresolved on the Conceptual Master Plan Is water rnanagemel1t concerns. It is Indicated on the 1989 Conceptual Master Plan that a minimum of 10% of the site would be ....tililecl for retention purposes but, there was no Indication as to how this would be accomplished. It would have to be ossumod thot If water management facilities were included on the pion tl Int troy would have to bo Incorporated within the lots. We have reduced th~ dOptll of lots 16 and 17 to provide for retention l'lre~s outside of the lot areas. - /7-' -IR- iJt.t.iSoJ t.1'i,;lJf~ lLJ:"'\Jr-lO~c.-(441O UI_1 Ut:)' ':::!~ 'j :~4 NO .UU,,) r .10 n Mr. Christopher 'Cutro Jonathan's Grove September 8, 1 '193 - Page 2 If the depths of those lots were to be Increased the water management 8r8e1S would helve to be Included within the lots. The net usable area of the lots would remain the same. Lots adjacent to the cul-de-sac are less than 137' in depth as were lots located on the cul-de-sac on thE! 1989 Conceptual Mastor Plan. Lots 1, 3 and 32 had all or portions of their depths less than 137' on the 1989 plan. Our adherence tl) the requirement that "'the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan" has been to the gr~atest extent possible within the confines of meeting current standards and conditions of the master subdivision approval. It should bo noted that di3velopment standards for the R1 A zoning district have been met or excooded for the, project. It you have any 'questions or need aCldltlonallnformatlon please call. ~( B. Scott Bennewl lOP Project Manager BSB:jer 91-351/200 cc: Glcm Nicotra Chuck Sharman Richard Staudinger -/9- LOCA1\ON MAP \ JONA1\-\ANS GRO\}E; \ \ j 1 \ ------ ----.-- --fiY~~' ,-- ~ J'~r~M" ,. i--1r -\~- >- -\,- ;9' f::: ~t: r--y"~ ....- ::::~ c::: i\UJ1'11 I \ oJ' }l ~ ,A\. 1 1 ~.: tU-~ t. \-;.1-,..,('" I ,-t.-.. ~ ..- ," -; .,.... \ \ Y. :..... ;.,_ .~.: t::: cl x c~ .~_... Sr~E. / ~ \ fine pUO \-U'~ '! .. i~ \ WO,r7/// (/p.r~..///I .~ t -1 ..... c:..: - . . . . . ~ ~ ,~- \:: ~~ l..' ~~... ~'y ........ ;: _- ~ ~t:\.F-I (\\ ,<:; ::: ... 1 2>vr,nn' ],J:Y . '" ~ L _~' . ~~u.-~~~~''2;1>-:::>h , ., ~ .~,......" 6'''''' '"J.P' ",,-" L ... P j f' i '~_h '--. .(.>-::- ~ \ ,,-,'_.... =-, __ ' .' .1 :i\:'/J' ( ..I .:' 1 ~ f~ ,~... .,.).>. G\ \ .~. U\ r;;.,..-l: .... .. '<, ) ,.;;' c:..;..j. --' QjL ~ --- ,.j , . 7 ~J"'-~" t:. \ (, ,0. ~. ==-'\ \ , . /1,.,- . ", '. . . " . ., /' : t :7 . ~; ~' ~rV;~-!.Y . ..0/_.... , .- ----~----- - I :::J .--- ._~ '"'f'\ \\. ' \ . 1.0- ~.~~ , \ ....~.. . . " . - . - . . '. \ - -- .. . .---' ..--- \ ' ,,-,.-' '-l'i\\d"ta' -sI\~'~i.,.~2r0 ~ '11\1 .T"Y....~~ ;::: '::: C..:? VA- ""..." \ ~, .. . _ ....\.'~ W",\ '" T 1/ '-::: ~ _ . ~;~",-,'/j\ :3\ " , ~~ ~~ .,;~ \::\' I ~ \/._---....'l>": (;:::M'\",:~'\~~';""\'''' l -- . /,< . rrn . ".. \ . .. " .. g at Crt'A' ,A GLSI\I e 1"UO \..U,:4.0 IJ:" ... ~ 'F' " ". ". ~ 1"'" ." L . C. \? ~ fi~ \ ~'O 1/8 M\\.ESV":-;;;;:;'~l) \ '\\ .' ~ t e \\\\ \ \ \ . - on 400.800 fEEl - Pi _e' :. ~ ~ ~ \..l ~\ ______----JJ- ,_ ------~...- ~'~~~ . .'--_."------- , j,.'#(} . j., ,., " '(7 vp,1o 40 vl'1"1 t-IMI"'~l '\ - ;- \ --- -.-- r""'~-"." ..:-~ . '\ ~. ' ' \. l . .... eO 'to( ",-r 0 '" "'\J~u;eF\'e9" p\.JO ,-\J'~M .0 :::: ~ u" ----- ~ l ... \ \ - ~.,.~J..::. -"'" MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 93 - 376 DATE: September 2, 1993 TO: Vincent Finizio, Engineering FROM: John A. Guidry, utilities SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove Preliminary Plat and associated plans We offer the following comments on this Preliminary Plat: l) Easements shall be included for the gravity line and sewage force main to the lift station. The easement for the gravity main shall be twice the depth of the main. (Sec. 26- 33(b)) 2) Clear title for the left station site shall be given to the city prior to final acceptance of the utilities improvements (Sect. 26-33(e)). 3) A larger easement may be required for the gravity sewer through the retention area, so as to allow excavation of the sewer. A~ ternati vel y, the sani tary sewer may be relocated toward the center of the easement to obtain the necessary ... clearance. (Sec 26-33(b)) 4) Additional easements across the front of each lot will be required for water and sewer services, the exact size of the easement being dependent upon final location of the sidewalk. Note that our standard meter box is l2"x 20". Meter boxes are not allowed in sidewalks. (Sec. 26-33(b), sec. 26-32) The following additional comments relate to the plans submitted with the Preliminary Plat: . .~ ~. <: '.. ".~, 5) Modify the water and sewer plans to conform to our standard criteria. A copy of the plans indicating the required changes has been transmitted directly to the project engineer. (Sec. 26-32) 6) Payment of a reservation fee of $ 4435.20 is required for concurrency approval for a period of one year. Alternately, the applicant may pre-pay all capital facilities charges on the project and thereby avoid current and future reservation fees. Reservation fees are due within 30 days of Commission approval of the Prel iminary PI at, or upon request for my signature on the HRS/DEP permi t appl ications, whichev first. (Sec. 26-34(E)) SiP-2.~ 1m I ~ , i utilities Memo no. 93-376 Vincent Finizio Page 2 l. 7) The sewage lift station shall. be deepened to allow proper storage, pump cycling, and capacity for future growth. Appropriate credits toward the Sewer Capital Facilitie~ Charges will be granted for oversizing the station, in accordance with the code allowances. (Sec. 26-34) .../ } We have no obiection to this preliminary plat qoinq forward for City Commission action at this time. Please refer any questions you may have on the above to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM be: Peter Mazzella xc: Brian Lamotte/ P.E. (Shalloway Engineers) Lisa Tropepe/ P.E. " Tambri Heyden File TITLE Asst. to the utilities Director Chief Field Inspector HOURS 2.0 1.5 - i?~'1. m :,,-~_.I. . ~ . '.:.It , ,t ,_._. ., .': ,._ .,_ 1 ." tlio1,JlM(II , ,.,. "'~~:,l .. _.. ., ... ,'...~.Q~., PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: Brian Lamot~e - Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. Vincent Finizio - Engineering Department ~h~t;o, Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: September 9, 1993 RE: Jonathan's Grove I have reviewed the third submission of the above mentioned subdivision and have determined that the comments made in my memo of 9/2/93 to you have been met with the exception of numbers 3 and 8. Comment number three is an opinion and not based on any code requirement. Therefore, the applicant can chose to ignore the comment. Comment number 8 has been met on the master plan but is missing from the construction details. If this is the only detail missing from the preliminary plat, I would suggest that the applicant be advised to revise the turn-lane section on sheet 3 of the construction drawing and submit it to you before the Planning and Development Board meeting. If this can be done the plat can go forward for Board and City commission review. Please make sure the attached letter is included in the backup package for the Planning and Development Board, as well as the City Commission. This letter explains why the applicant cannot meet the requirements of the zoning conditions and must be reviewed and accepted by the City Commission. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. Cc/cmc cc: Scott Benowitz, Gee and Jensen C:JONGROVE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-268 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Department Don Jaeger, Building Official John Guidry, Utility Department DATE: September 9, 1993 (Hand-delivered ll:OO a.m. ~ //6] ~2> ~~ ..-- FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer RE: Johnathan's Grove (Third Submission) Master Plan - Final Submission Preliminary Plat and Construction Plan(s) Departmental Request for Review Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee during their most recent meeting, agreed that should this submission be found in a state of compliance with all applicable codes relative to our City's Subdivision and Platting Regulations, the City Engineer would direct the plans forward to the P & D Board for their review on September l4, 1993. I respectfully request that the above referenced plans be reviewed by your respective TRC members and that a memo be forwarded to the undersign's attention no later than l2:00 p.m. September lO, 1993, specifying whether or not the plans are in a state of full compliance with City Codes. Thank you in advance of your cooperation in this matter. ~c,,~~tj'- attachment(s): Master Plan Preliminary Plat Construction Plans Note: No modified/certified Engineer's Opinion of Cost was resubmitted with these plans. Plans submitted did not bear Health Department approvals. rnr ~ ~ ~~lGl __.' ~.. ' ,___.::J I': ',:G A;~D l.')'; :,.~ [)rpT cc: Lisa Tropepe, P.E., City Engineer J. Scott Miller, City Manager Ut=~ G~ GK \~ K 5. CJ~ MEMORANDUM TO: ~a~ Chris opher Cutro, Director Planning and Zoning FROM: DATE: September 2, 1993 RE: Jonathan's Grove Preliminary Plat As we requested by your office we are submitting the following comments on the above referenced development. 1. The applicant should be aware that some of the lots do not meet criteria set out when the zoning was approved, i.e. 9590 square feet in size and 137 feet in depth. The applicant should submit in writing what changes of circumstances have caused lot to be reduced. This should be added to the backup that goes to the Planning and Development Board and City Commission. Since the lots still meet the R1A district requirements the original zoning approval can be altered as part of the plat process. 2. Comment #1 of July 8th memo to Engineering Department has not been addressed. In addition note on the plat cover "except fences as approved in the subdivision master plan" should be removed. The review of the wall and sign should be done under separate building permit. Now that the wall location has been pinned down by the applicant, I question the appropriateness of locating the wall 15' off the rear property line of the north loes. This gives the lot owner the impression that the 15' does not have to be maintained and is difficult to get to the other side of the wall, even though the 15' is part of the lot owner's lot. I believe that if the City were to take a stance on this, the applicant and FPL could work this out. 3. 4. Note #1 on plat regarding utility and drainage easements needs to be reworded. Drainage and utility easements are superimposed on the plat, however so are drainage and landscape easements. As worded, it shifts the burden of drainage maintenance to the City rather than the POA. Remove reference to PUD on plat and plat cover sheet. -2- 6. The limited access easement that was required on the MP for Lots 1, 2, 31, and 32 has been removed from the plat and needs to be reinstated with dedication on the cover sheet of plat. Also, the limited access easement along Lawrence Road should be dedicated to Palm Beach County as this road is a county collector. Interior limited access easement shall be dedicated to the City. CJK D 'fr--? . Please provide building envelopes for each lot. This should not be put on the plat but given to us as a separate submittal. 8. Bike path along Lawrence Road (required on MP approval) has been removed from paving and drainage plans and no detail provided. Someone from Shalloway should verify with Pete Mazella in Utilities (for water and sewer) and Michael Rumpf in Planning and Zoning Department (for Solid Waste and Recreation) that we can certify for concurrency for this project. Since these comments are straightforward and if you can concur they can be corrected on the final plat submission. CC/cmc c:Jonathans PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Vincent Finizio Engineering Department ~ ~her cutro Planning and Zoning Director THRU: FR0l1 : Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Department DATE: August 24, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan - File No. 772 Second revised master plan per P & D approval As requested by Engineering Department Memorandum No. 93-252, please be advised of the following comments relative to the latest revised, Jonathan's Grove master plan received from Richard staudinger August 23, 1993, with cover letter dated August 19, 1993 (only one copy of the master plan was submitted): 1. Comment #1 of my August 17, 1993 memorandum to you has been addressed. 2. Wi th respect to comment #'2, the version of the Jonathan IS Grove master plan approved by the Planning and Development Board is consistent with the project's conditions of zoning approval in that lots 1-14, lots 19-32, and lots 16 and 17 ar2 showing a lot depth of 137 feet or more; a minimum lot depth of 137 feet. However, with the first submittal of the plat document, it has become clear that the difference in the lot dimensions shown on the first submission of the plat documents, i.e. - lots 3-14 and lots 16 and 17 no longer a depth of 137 feet or more; is a result of the applicant's misinterpretation of the master plan. Condi tion #5 of the January 4, 1989 zoning approval states that approval was subject to all staff comments which are not in conflict with 1) a minimum lot size of 9590 square feet, 2) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet, 3) a wall not to exceed 6 feet to be built on the north boundary of the property, and 4} a minimum living area of 1800 square feet. Condition;:;:2 of the staff comments from the Planning Department (memorandum dated December 9, 1988 from the Planning Director), states that "should this request be approved as submitted under the RIA zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet." The conceptual plan, which incidentally was used to categoriz~ tIle proj ect approval as a site-specific rezoning for the purpose of exempting the project from traffic concurrency, TO: Vincent Finizio -2- August 24, 1993 (cont'd. ) 2. shows a lot depth of 137 feet for all lots within the project, except for two lots around the cul-de-sac. Based on this conceptual plan, comment #2 of my August 17, 1993 memorandum still stands and thus, lots 1-14, lots 19-32, and lots 16 and 17 shall have a minimum lot depth of 137 feet. Since this comment has become an issue, the master plan should be revised to a) indicate, in note form, that the afore-mentioned lots shall have a 137 foot lot depth and b) show building envelopes for each lot. If the applicant wishes to seek relief regarding any of the 1989 conditions of zoning approval, he must file an application with the Planning and Zoning Department. Such applications are processed similarly and within the same time frame as a rezoning. Lastly, Mr. Staudinger states in his August 19, 1993 cover letter that a portion of the lot calculation sheet for lot areas was enclosed. His transmittal to me did not include this attachment. /......, J4'1.t'k 'QiL'5Jf{L~ Tambri J. H~den . tjh A:JGrvMp2 xc: Richard Staudinger ~~~~ \J TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist clyde "Skip" Milor, utilities ,Chief Field Insp. Vincent Finizio, Engineering Department William C. Archdeacon, Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: August 23, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, August 31, 1993 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet uu Tuesday, August 31, 1993, at 9:'00 A.H. in Conference Room "C" (West Wing) to discuss the following: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Quail Run, Tracts 4, 5, and 6 - PUD NOTE: Please return all plans and comments f01- the above project to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, August 27, 1993. The City Engineer will following: ,- - 1.)1: chairman for the meeting to discuss the PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT Jonathan's Grove - PUD - MI Homes. Technical Review Committee Page 2 FINAL PLAT Lawrence Grove - Plat 2 - PUD. Questions regarding the preliminary and/or final plat shall be directed to the Engineering Department. ~~~ Dorothy Moore ! Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DM/jrn cc: MEMO ONLY J. Scott Miller, city Manager City Commission (5) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, police Chief John Guidry, utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public Works Central File Christopher cutro, planning & Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior planner Mike Haag, zoning and Site Development Administrator Project File Chronological File A: TRCTUES . Jlvi r \ \ \ '1 , ) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-246 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director & All Technical Review Committee Members FROM: vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engineer DATE: August 19, 1993 RE: Jonathan's Grove Submission of Preliminary and Final Plat (Concurrent Review) Gee & Jenson Engineers, Inc. for M/I Homes Departmental Request to Place Preliminary and Final Plat on August 31, 1993 TRC Agenda Request for Departmental Comments Provided herein, please find a resubmission of development plans relating to the above referenced plat submission. Please place the above referenced subdivision plat and development plan documents for consideration on the August 31, 1993 Technical Review Committee meeting agenda and be prepared to discuss your comments at that time. Any and all staff comments should be addressed to the undersigned, as I will be responsible to coordinate the transmission of said comments to the City Engineer for his/her consideration and review. Should you require any additional information and/or assistance, please contact me at ext. 488. J..~~~ ~ Vincent A. Finizio ~ VAF/ck .;,;~. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Don Jaeger, Bldg. Official fn) ,.t I' 11'9. j Cost of Surveying & All Required Improvements Onslte & Offsite Jonathan's Grove Subdivision - Required Improvements Estimate of Probable Construction Costs A. Offsite Improvements (Lawrence Road) 1. Turnlane and Paved Shoulder U/P Total = a. 1 Y2M Type II ACSC 550 sy 3.00 1,650.00 b. 8M Limerock Base 550 sy 4.10 2,255.00 c. 12M Stabilized Subgrade 550 sy 1.60 880.00 2. Sodding on Lawrence Road 850 sy 1.50 1.275.00 $6,060.00 TOTAL OFFSITE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS $6,060.00 B. Onsite Improvements 1. Water Distribution System a. 8MWm 1240 LF 9.75 12,090.00 b. 8M Gate Valve & Box 1 each 600 600.00 c. 16M X 8M Tapping Sleeve & Valve LS LS 2,000.00 d. F.H. Assembly 2 each 1500 3,000.00 e. Sample Points 2 each 150 300.00 f. Fittings 900lbs 1.40 1,350.00 g. Double Water Service 16 each 200 3.200.00 $22,540.00 2. Wastewater Collection System a. Lift Station w/access Road LS LS 42,000.00 b. 4M FM 100 LF 6.00 600.00 c. Connect to Ex. Fm including Pavement restoration LS LS 1,000.00 d. 8M Sanitary Sewer 8'-12' depth 940 LF 16.00 15,040.00 e. 8M SS 12'-16' depth 470 LF 21.00 9,870.00 f. SS Manholes 8'-12' depth 2 each 1600 3,200.00 g. SS MH's 12'-18' depth 3 each 2000 6,000.00 h. SS - Double services 14 each 250 3,500.00 i. SS - Single services 4 each 150 600.00 $81,810.00 Page 1 of 2 . .---. -~_. .--- -_._~_..-._- 3. Paving & Drainage System a. Clearing & Grubbing b. Regular Excavation Burrow Excavation c. Goldfinch Way 12- Stab. Subgrade 6- Stab Shoulder 8- Limerock Base 1Y2- Type II Acsc d. 4 - Concrete sidewalk e. 6- Concrete sidewalk f. Concrete Valley Gutter g. Inlets h. Storm Manhole i. 18- RCP j. Signing & Striping k. Riprap I. Sod 4. Construction Su rveying & Layout 5. Street Lights U/P Total ======- 9.6 Acres 500 3,360 cy 1.90 25,250 cy 3.50 4,800.00 6,384.00 88,375.00 3,450 sy 1.60 5,520.00 860 sy 1.50 1 ,290.00 3,260 sy 4.10 13,366.00 3150 sy 3.00 9,450.00 720 sy 7.00 5,040.00 290 sy 7.50 2,175.00 310 LF 6.00 1,860.00 2 each 1400 2,800.00 1 each 1500 1,500.00 310 LF 20.00 6,200.00 LS LS 1,200.00 25 sy 4.00 100.00 20,900 sy 1.50 31.350.00 $181,410.00 LS LS $4,500.00 3 each 1 ,200 $3,600.00 TOTAL REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (excluding street lights) $296,320.00 ONSITE (excluding street lights) OFFSITE STREET LIGHTS $290,260.00 $6,060.00 $3,600.00 :jer 91-351 08/17/93 .1" '" -., '<6{ \/11'(3 Page 2 of 2 , ! ...... ii' . .', t ~-LdcZ~ l'J.-tu-crL- , \ \j " TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy BUilding Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, utilities, Chief Field Inspector Vincent Finizio, Engineering Department William C. Archdeacon, Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: August 9, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Thursday, August 12, 1993 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Thursday, August 12, 1993, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "C" (West Wing) . The City Engineer will be chai'rman for the meeting to discuss the following: PRELIMINARY PLAT: Jonathan's Grove - PUD - MI Homes SUBDIVISION VARIANCE Via Lago - Phase II - Unplatted land. Applicant seeks relief Regulations Article XIV, from Appendix c, Subdivision Section 4A, " Permits" . and Platting Questions regarding the preliminary plat or the variance shall be directed to the Engineering Department. %)~>-.r{~' ~~ '" ./ Dorothy Moore DM/jm Technical Review Committee Page 2 cc: (Memo Only) J. Scott Miller, City Manager City Commission (5) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John GUidry, utilities Director steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public Works Central File Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Project File Chronological File A:TRCTHURS.JM RECREATION , PARK MEMORANDUM '93-320 TO: Vince Finizio, Deputy City Engineer FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~ ~ Jonathan1s Grove - Preliminary & Final Plat RE: DATE: August 9, 1993 The applicant has submitted a tree inventory and analysis for the above site in concurrence with the City Comprehensive Plan (Section 29, page 86). I will be reviewing the document and coordinating implementation of the results with the review process. The site grading/fill permit and site clearing permit must be coordinated with the results of the Tree Management plan. KH:ad CC: ~ke Rumpf, Senior Planner vklke Haag, Zoning/Site Administrator ill AU; ; U 1993 PLANNING AND ZONINC DE?! n GEE & JENSON Engineers.Architects-Planners, Inc August 4, 1993 One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach. FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 Mr. Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester City of Boynton Beach Recreation & Park Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Mil Homes - Jonathan's Grove Site Tree Inventory & Analysis Dear Kevin, As required by the City's Comprehensive Plan (Section 29,, page 86) and in accordance with the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance (No. 81-21), we are hereby submitting this evaluation of the existing trees on the aforementioned site with Graphic Aerial interpretation attached, as well as the tree preservation measures we propose to adopt as part of the site's development approval. This submission may also be considered in conjunction with the Preliminary & Final Plat applications made to the City for this site on August 2, 1993. BACKGROUND The ten (10) acre site zoned R1 A is used as a citrus grove and has approximatel The average size of these trees range e een an 15 feet. e es Imate the average age to be approximately 30 years old, with some younger trees appearing to have been planted in voids left as older trees died or were removed for other reasons. Our inventory of these trees was conducted on July 2nd, 1993 and our evaluation was based on a February, 1992 Aerial Photo printed at 60' scale and supplied by Fairchild National, Inc. EVALUATION Referring to the attached Graphic Overlay of the Aerial, you will note the use of color dots marking each citrus tree on-site. These various colors place each tree in one of the three following categories: n Mr. Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester City ot Boynton Beach August 4, 1993 Page 2 _- Total of_trees This identifies trees which are generally healthy, exhibit little or no disease or insect infestation, have appropriate height to spread relationship, and would appear to be a viable fruit producer. In our opinion, they would typically be graded Florida No. 1 or better, under guidelines accepted by the State Plant Board, Department of Agriculture - Florida. _ Total o.ees These trees exhibit serious signs of stress or poor health, have substantial amounts of deadwood in the canopy, and in most cases have secondary disease or insect infestations (Le. fungal growth, borers). Some of these trees, due to the amount of deadwood, now have poor height to spread relationship and may also be supporting a heavy growth of vines and/or Brazilian Pepper. Either of these will further affect the tree's continued ability to survive by outgrowing the Host, if allowed to remain. Red - Total of 255 trees These trees should be considered as dead. The canopy of the tree is virtually 100% deadwood and in some cases has begun to breakdown. Others have been completely taken over by vine or Brazilian Pepper growth and serve merely as structural support. If this was an actively managed grove, these would have been removed long ago. It we consider the value of this grove from an purely agricultural standpoint (Le. for fruit production), we would have to conclude that almost all of the trees have exceeded their useful life span. In speaking with Ms. Barbara Dwyer of Knollwood Groves, the citrus trees reach maturity in about 7 to 8 years and remain viable fruit producers to about 30 years ot age. Even though the trees may live to 50 years plus, after the 30 year point, the amount of fruit given by the tree begins to drop, and the amount of care required to keep the trees healthy increases annually. She states this as the reason why citrus n Mr. Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester City of Boynton Beach August 4, 1993 Page 3 growers seek to "turn-over" the typical grove in the 20 to 30 year time frame. This is accomplished by the introduction of new young trees in the spaces between the older trees (if tree placement permits) or selective removal and replacement as older trees go into decline, so that by the 30 year mark, the entire grove has been replanted. During a subsequent discussion with Clayton Hutcheson, Palm Beach County's, Agricultural Ext. Agent, he mentioned that on larger groves in fact, the growers would typically undertake mass removals and replacements of selected tracts on an yearly basis, with the same goal of achieving, turn-over in 20 - 30 years. The subject site it would appear, has not been actively "managed" with the goal of continuing citrus production for quite a few years, although harvesting of fruit has continued annually. In summary then we must question the value of preserving "marginal" trees on this site under the guise of Agricultural Lands Preservation, a policy set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, we would suggest that this policy should not even apply in this case since the City in fact, has allowed the zoning classification of this site to be changed to a residential category rather than agricultural, the latter of which surely would have been a more effective way to insure preservation. RECOMMENDATION The above points not withstanding, we can however propose a tree preservation/relocation strategy for the site if for no other reasons than to enhance the .Grove" theme and preserve some larger trees (larger than typical new landscape trees) for buffering within and around the project. This strategy is of course contingent upon the grading and drainage alterations required to develop the site. You see, frequently it would appear on a purely site plan based evaluation, many trees fall within non-paved areas of the site, or outside the proposed building envelopes, and could therefore be preserved. This is not however the case. Finish grades may frequently be 2411 or more higher than the existing elevations, and thus the trees would not survive. There are however four (4) areas where preservation might be possible if our projected grading scheme holds true. They are described below with quantities of affected trees provided. A. Rear of lots 1 through 16 (between wall & building envelopes) 12 green classified trees 35 yellow classified trees n Mr. Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester City of Boynton Beach August 4, 1993 Page 4 B. East Side of Lots 16 & 17 (in 7.5' setback and along Maintenance berm adjacent to retention) 5 green classified trees 2 yellow classified trees C. Rear of Lots 17 through 32 (Next to drainage easement; sometimes this falls in a building envelope, the impact of which cannot be evaluated until an actual model is selected for construction on a specific lot, at time of purchase) 30 green classified trees 17 yellow classified trees D. Project Entrance & Lawrence Road Preserve/Landscape Tracts 3 green classified trees 8 yellow classified trees Additionally, there are 24 green and 31 yellow (classified) trees that fall within the front yards of all the lots, which might be preserved if they do not interfere with garage entries. This equates to the following estimates of tree quantities that every effort will be made to preserve in place, where conditions permit: 74 - green classified trees 93 - yellow classified trees All of these, if preserved, we now assume could be used towards fulfilling the projects landscape requirements under City code. The trees targeted for preservation will be tagged by representatives of our office, and could be verified by your inspection prior to commencement of any clearing activities on-site. All tagged trees would be protected in accordance with Section 7.5 of the City code (Tree Preservation Ordinance) under procedures established in the "Tree Protection Manual for Builders and Developers" issued by the Division of Forestry - State of Florida. Relocations of additional trees beyond those identified for preservation above may be made at Mil Homes discretion, to enhance the "Grove" theme or to further fulfill the projects landscape requirements. n Mr. Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester City of Boynton Beach August 4, 1993 Page 5 If trees identified for preservation do end up in conflict with construction, every effort will be made to relocate them, with removal being only the last resort. Nevertheless, as a result of a consultation with Mike Zimmerman of "Zimmerman Tree Service", a professional aborist with tree relocation experience, and Clayton Hutcheson, who consulted for the Boca Grove project developers which attempted a similar preservation scheme, only the most vigorous trees (green classification) could be considered candidates for relocation. Both suggested an approach that dealt first with whatever preservation could be accomplished, and then a landscape program that would include the new planting of young citrus to supplement those saved on-site. This is exactly the strategy we propose to adopt. In closing we would like to reiterate MIl Homes intent to preserve as many of the citrus trees as feasible for this project. We also feel that considering the overall poor condition of the grove, and the City's lack of clear policy with regards to this type of preservation, MIl Homes should not be asked to replace or provide new landscaping beyond that which would normally be required for a project of this type and size. It is our expectation that you can agree with and recommend approval of this overall Preservation concept. Please note that we sent along with this report the full size mounted aerial with overlay for your use, as well as color laser copies, but ask that you please return the original when your review is complete. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any further questions on this matter, or require additional information. Very truly yours, ~~n~~~~~g No. LA-1156) Landscape Architect BAN:jer Attach. 91-351.00/100 cc: Chuck Sharman Scott Bennewitz ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 94-221 TO: Utility Department Building Department Police Department Planning Department ~am Hukill, P.E., City Engineer July 28, 1994 JONATHAN'S GROVE/PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING FROM: DATE: RE: The agent for Jonathan's Grove, Richard Staudinger, has requested a Pre-construction meeting be held at 2 P.M. Wednesday August 3rd in Conference Room B in the West Wing. Representation by your Department will be both helpful and informative. WVH/ck C:JONGROVE.PRE xc: Vincent Finizio Ken Hall Jim Du Vall ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-219 TO: Carrie A. Parker j;anager FROM: . . aJ;n Hukill, P.E. ngineer DATE: July 27, 1994 RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE I have today received your July 22nd memo regarding finalization of this plat. Mr. Staudinger of Gee & Jenson informed me this afternoon that each of the three items appearing in Mr. LaMotte's July 14th memo have been resolved to Mr. LaMotte's satisfaction and will show up on documents to be submitted shortly for plat approval. Mr. LaMotte has confirmed his satisfaction with the corrections by telephone this date. Mr. Haag also today confirmed that he has properly executed HOA documents, though they are not recorded. The attached letter from Mr. Finizio to Shalloway, etal on this subject is self explanatory. The Attorney for MI Homes, Mr. Curtis Shenkman, prefers to record the HOA documents with the plat, not separately, but will accommodate our wishes. I do not foresee any delay by staff in processing once the final plat is delivered. WVH/ck C:JONGROVE.CM attachment: July 22nd V. Finizio letter to Shalloway xc: James Cherof, City Attorney vincent Finizio, Dep. City Enginee Mike Haag, zoning/Site Admin. JUl 2 11994 C/C- PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ill ?lie City of 13oynton 13ecufi 100 'E. tJJoynton tJJuu!t. tJJoufevartf P.O. tJJox;.310 tJJoynton tJJeadi, 'FforUfa 33425-0310 City:Jfa[[: (407) 734-8111 'FJfX: (407) 738-7459 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER July 22, 1994 Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. 1201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, FI 33405 Attention: Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Re: ~onathan/s Grove SFRN Project No. 93079 Dear Mr. LaMotte: The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida is in receipt of your July 19, 1994 letter regarding the Homeowner's documents for the above referenced plat. Please be advised that on July 20, 1994, legal counsel for the applicants, have provided a true and complete copy of the signed Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws for Jonathan's Grove Homeowner's Association, Inc. In accordance with paragraph #2 of your July 19, 1994 letter, specifically sentence #2, this office will release the plat to the Developer for recording and will advise you when the recorded plat is received by this office. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA tJ. +.6. Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Enginee VAF/ck C:JONGROVE.REC xc: William HUkill, P.E., City Engineer Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director w/attach James Cherof, City Attorney w/attach ~merUa's (jateway to tlie (julfstream PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #94-217 TO: Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. FROM: The Office of The city Engineer /iff A" Tambri J. Heyden ~~ Planning & Zoning Director Michael E. Ha~~~ Zoning & Site De~opment Administrator July 7, 1994 THRU: THRU: DATE: RE: Jonathan's Grove - HOA Documents This office does not have a copy of the executed HOA documents. However, we are in possession of a copy of the pages of the document that show compliance with our staff comments. Find attached a copy of the corrected pages. attachment c:memo94-217 - I, !.._ '.' ~' L I 'f ,I I~ I! i 1 J..I ~ 'I '_' I I_I .~. I...... l~. ~ ,_, .",'jl _' 't A- '.1 ' _ _ .1 _ . _ _.... I .'_ ~ ,." or the A"aotation may refu.. to take or 9ive .ueh aatlon or approv.l without the nee...i~y of e8~abltlhln9 the rea,onablen.,. of aueh conditions or refusal provided the .ame doe. not violate the ~.q~irem8ntl of the A~&oei3tion docQment.. Section 6. C~MMON AREA. No per.on ahall USe the Common Area 1n any manner contrary to, or not in accordance with, the A.8001.tton Oocumente including, the Jul.. and Regulations which may be ,romu19ated bf ih. A88oclation, O~ Juah traffic reoulation which may be adopted by the As.octation. section? .D2lL1ElP RIGHTS. I1'he ASlociation may exerct.. any other ri9ht or prfvf1eoe given to it GHPr...lr by ttii. Declaration or the Bylawl, and every other rt;ht o~ prtv1 -98 r..acnably to be 1mplied t~om the existence ot any right or p~tv!leg. given to it herein or I'...onablv neee.earv ~o tf!eotuate any .udh rtqht Ot' pl'ivi,1.9Q. ARTJCI,! VII ~AlNTENA.NCE Seat:Lon ," HAnJ'J'~~~ttCl!: Ql... TIrE COMMON ARE~. The Association shall be l'e.pons~blQ for the ~1ntcnance and repair of the Common Ar~a. Sp.o~fioally, bh~ prop~rty the Association shall m.1nca!n and be t'eaponsible for shall include, but not:. be limit.ed to, t.he followings (a) ~lqlJ{t~y. Such Soc:uritf system, and other seo\lrity fGciltt1~8, if any, which 5hall be oparated and maintained for th~ benefit of .11 Membora Qf the As_ootation. (b) W~ll~ & ~ence8. All walls, fences, .nd landscapin9 that are on "or of t.he Common ~:r:eas I 1nolud1no the projeet 's perim.te~ woll, fano. And the land8c.~ino al . part thereof whiQh i. upon Lot.. Th. A.,ootae!on .hall not be r8~ponft1bl. Lo maintatn tho .x~orior ot 8nV wAll of any d~,111nq unit. The ASlociation shall havI rOBsonabie acoel. to ma1n~ain said walls, fenoe3 and londaoaping. (0) Imp~9vem~Ats in Common ~~ell. All other improvements wh1ch may be constructed within th~ Common Areas, inoluding lawn, hodges, t~ees and trrig_tton 8vu~om.. (0) rf~i~~l~ +Tee~. It is the r..ponalb111ty of the ABsoclat1on to mok~ .t\Jre \:hat all preservQd trees 1n the r.ommon Area ~nd on the Lo~s ar..p~e.8rved an~ maintained in perpetu1ty. It an ~ndividuol property owner de.fr.. to remove ~ preserved tree, the propert~ owner .hall. r.place ~he romoved tree with a similar .pecio.s of eHact e.l1per *izQ in quant1t8t1ve form (Le" if on a" oalipet (~1am.ter) l:.rea is reMove", an e" caliper l;ree, or two 4" caliper t:reea, mAy be installtsd]. 10 _. _~ 4. - .... I >-1 ~l ' J - -.......... ....., , . I i ~... .... J.. '-I . .., ",. . I..... . _' ~_...I. J . '_' L.- ,........,.....&.1..... ..V&. j. V"; / / / / S.o~ion 2. HAlKII,ANe~ BY ~. OWK~R. The relPon8ibility of each Owner to keep his Lot an~ the improvements loo.te~ thereon in c:ompl Un". wi t:.h the st.andards ptcmulo.tecS by the Boar4 and I in AQcordanoe with the requirement. of the A..ocl.tion Deolaration shall b. .. tallow.: (&) IMorovA~ID~A on Lqt. To maintain, protect, repair ,nd rept.oa, at h1a own cost and eHpenae, all portion. or hi. Lot t0gether with all improvement., tnclu4in; lawn land.clplng ,. oriQinallr in.called, r.~laced, and 'UfPl.m.nt.~ from time to time, .pt nkler .VI~em, and equipment ooate4 th.~.on, except anr portion. ~o ~. maintainld, ~'p.it.O and repl.c.~ bV the AI.ootation .. ma, be determined br the Board of D1recto~.. Such maintenance, proteotion, repa r and ~.plaainQ .hall bt don. without cH'turbine; the rtvhtl of other. Ownel:'.. In th. ovcmt that an Ownar shall fail to k.ep hi, Lot and the improvements locate~ thareon in compliance with the standards promu19atod by ~he Board, the Association Ihall hay. 8 r~a8onabl$ ri9ht of entry to ~ake emerOency re~air8 and to do othor work reasonably neeossarv for the proper maintenance and operation of the Property; ., (p) Yar~, & tQ~in~+~ta. Each Owner shall b. fespons1ble tor the maintonan~. of the landscape matetials, sprinklers, And lawn. in th.il' rronl: yarcb and their back vereb. The AaDoo1ation 80ard may determine from time to time to m41n~a1n the land80ape mate~ial. or .prinkler sy.terns, or lawns, in the TrQnt yar~ and/or baok yar~ of each Lot, as a Common Expense. If the Own~r adds approved lan~sc.p. m.~eri.l. to tho Lot, aal~ materiol. may be maintatnod by bhe A..oa1at1on as aot tor~h .hove, howev6r, the Association shall not be re8pon.ible for ~epl~cem~nt of anf lan480ape ma~.ri.l. on ~hQ Lot.. {o} "0 mxte'~Qr Modif~oat~. Mot to modify or Qhange the AppearanQe O~ design of any portion ot the .x~.r1or of any 5tr.uotu~e or s1te features looatGd on the P~op.rty whioh ar. in common view without the p~!or wtit~en approval of the Board at Director.; t (1) Reaot t;..to Asso\fi,tiotl. To report p~omptlf t.o t.he Assooiation any defect or need tor repair., mainbenanoe or replacements for which the Ae.OGia~iQn t. re.pon.ibl&. (e) ~. Owne~~ shall be roquire4 to moinbain ana repair the yard l.ight (a), Clnd phOtocell system it any, t.o conc1nuou8ly Tem~in illum1nftte4 lron dusk to down. '1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-193 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director July 5, 1994 & James A. Cherof City Attorney FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Attorney RE: Departmental Request for Status Update Johnathan's Grove Homeowner's Association Document(s) City Attorney's and Planning Director's Comments This office has received the original mylar plat document(s) from Gee & Jenson for the above referenced plat. I ask that each of you respond in writing as to whether or not the Homeowner Document(s) comments generated by your departments have been satisified, pursuant to the City Commission's approval of the Final Plat subject to comments. If the HOA documents are acceptable, please transmit a copy of the subject documents to my attention, however, if your departments do- not have executed HOA documents, advise me of same within your written response. Your prompt attention in this matter will ensure the timely issuance of a Land Development Order by the City's consulting engineer. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. t \.' +.A~zr~ City Attorney - Date Memorandum Delivered 7/5/t:1~ V\4F City Attorney - Date written response received by Engr. Dept. Planning Director - Date Memorandum Delivered 7/S'/94- ~ Planning Director - Date written response rec'd by Engr. Dept. cc: William Hukill, P.E. City Engineer Carrie A. Parker City Manager ill " 1I m Richard Staudinger, P.E. Developer's Engineer ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-170 TO: Carrie Parker City Manager FROM: vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: June 8, 1994 RE: Response to City Manager Memorandum No. 94-208 The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida is in receipt of your above referenced memo and herein offers the following response: 1. Your recollection of what was stated at the staff meeting is partially correct. 2. You were also informed at the staff meeting that the reconciled master plan and preliminary plat drawings, necessary for review, were submitted four days late. 3. The Office of the City Engineer did in fact receive an original draft of the subject documents back in 1993, however these documents were not transmitted as this office was informed that changes would occur to the documents and that updated association documents would be provided in conjunction with the final plat process. This is evidenced by changes to Article VII, Section 2(b), (Article VII, Section l(b), (Article VII, Section l(d), etc. In closing, I would like to remind you that your Assistant City Manager visited this office and spend over 1/2 hour with me going over the applicant's late submission and was fully satisfied with my position in the matter relative to the required time necessary to review such sophisticated documents as preliminary plats and master plans. I must conclude from your memo that he did not transmit this information to you. For future reference, please be advised that preliminary plat documents and master plans can take anywhere from 3 to 5 days, and in some instances over 10 days to review, therefore, this office is unable to make II snap decisions II on plans which we have not yet reviewed. Should you require any additional information or assistance, please contact the undersigned at ext. 6282. 00 xc: Mr. Jim LaRue, Assistant City Manager Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ill m JUN -~c.. PLANNING AND ZONING EPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 94-208 TO: Vince Finizio Deputy City Engineer FROM: Carrie Parker City Manager DATE: June 7, 1994 SUBJECT: JONATHAN'S' GROVE At the staff meeting of Wednesday, June 1 when I inquired about the status of the final plat for Jonathan's Grove, you stated that you had only received the Homeowners Association Documents at five minutes to five on Friday, May 27 and the departments and the attorney had not had sufficient ti me to review them. Attached is a letter of transmittal provided to the City where the Homeowners Documents were transmitted to you by Gee and Jensen on August 26, 1993. Please provide me with a status report on what happened with those documents and if you transmitted them for review to the attorney and other City Departments, what were the review comments? Thank you. ;'l/}, I ,,' fl:, /: CLA- _(...u jtLC- Carrie Parker CP:smb Attachment johnalhgr,mem .L J..' . "-1 'w' ......<'... 1 -+.....,_L ./ '_I I i I,) 4. .:.l,-+ 1 _' . .;:.......1 Ii U . 1__1.:...f 1 r. t).:. n . lETIIn OF lBANSMITrAL ~ iO; II l- . 'l=---' lli= '--8 ~61~~ lLJl.~\ r E: 'L _..,;. _.. .~JL1.~ h"-l'"1::.IO C I '1-<<( ..r~ a..'1...,-ruN _ f3SACIf ~ ~ Fn 0 1\1.: . j'C.1 r:rl ~rl.. ~ ~;/>4..... QryIIo ~ At.. GEE ~ JENSON :.- j__I!!51illc:cl ,.Ar.chltet;U-PI"""lIr ~<-.!!.l!=. tOne IltlrvarJ Circle "'--~;:llrr! U(j~t:h. Fl ~JI\~'9 , . ..._ r~9J. I ..:?(~,3~J dO.' . ,_~_._._~_= we ARE SENOltlG YUU o ^T1ACllEil y,^ .-.----. [] PlANS n rnllll S o H.P,\^Tf.S }5CIIMIO ontvEnEO o VtloE 1\ S[rfl/IflIE clIven o S^,,\PU U cory Uf LEiTEn _TilE rULLOWIUG I' [J Sf'[':; rit: .. o 5ltOI' L'P\AWltn;; I , I COPIES I ,~- ILl E..--- U ^ T El.lliL:....-. P.-e:. <. /.. . ..tJ _,-(";7 d b/ c,ptr""""'r~. a,NC)n7~~ I &-s;.oe(~,?-, " ~ '"'..~...~~ c:G.t',.~ hI~;t1<.hv'?~'I /!SJSac.''''Y7.f':..tEc __fl.,/- /""''';$ J/. J;;;"""'f.,4,./r ~~;ffI~ ,L,{,"€~~~I'.Ass~~.! Z ._L!12{fAFr:t .lh-tn(('r:f'1". ~(ZtCQn~-+nflrl,~. -:I.=-- .-r bd.~~.,~Nr; /6..~"--!o':"'" dr, ~<,..:&, :r.:=- __~ IJ~SCflIPTIO~ :-. 4 .e.e.~c.. t?~,? A o AlTIIOV^L o AS I1EOVUl [[,J o "'Olin filE> ~n'VltW/COMM[lllS [J M'I'/lOII~O AS 1$ CJ IlI'r/lllYW WtCOlln[CTlQtli U II(TlI/lIf~O I'I/CORREl:TlOlIS IJ RESUbMIT _ COPUS (on /lrrf\o\'1\l [J SlIOl.11f _ cO~les ron 015T "IlH; I [J IIEII1I"1_. t:OllllfCr(lI o IIElI)IIII or. lOArI RtMARKS: .is~,z fif~"."t. g"'~e!'G>'~e_~ffrS- - J;'~UE frd.~ ~ 'Jf_.1i2tJC:UMc'v'lI..~O d'-(A$:J'~t;;:r:...-:rl2-,_,_ ,,_ ...~td.(}tt. I1?Ot?/~/C477~.~ '__"_'._'__ OC! ~ClL,,~;;-7~ ~/I~KtIH.-I,..( .,==:.~ .~:===,==~~.~~==--='= C#~~~~_._. .."__' "'1' F.NCLOSl.;mS pm.:: NOT ..'\s ItJDICMEO, PleASE NOllFY WE LJUC[liSIQtI(t) ^T "'07.503.33Ul (.(~81/ ,,' I' tf< - ~ ."f-- '-1//.--, ,:04I'II'C . ....__::._~ _...-?:!-.._.__u. 1,4 I'"" ~"'I.,^ n f~ f, le- PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-155 FROM: Jim Cherof city Attorney Tambri J. Heyden ~~ Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haag~t'~ zoning and Site ev~l~ment Administrator June 1, 1994 TO: THRU: DATE: SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 772 Homeowners Association Document Comments As directed by the Engineering Department, the following comments are being sent directly to you regarding the above-referenced documents: "i. ( , ,ftl(,t;. :,Ii ,* ~v' * IV Ii I V t ",J' .,\l,.. .plYV Page 10 - shall include a subsection that lists lawn grass, hedges, trees and irrigation. Page 11 - shall include a subsection that identifies the wall and any associated landscaping located on the individual lot as being the responsibility of the Association to maintain, repair and replace Find attached, a copy of the Homeowners Association Documents. cc: Brian Lamotte, Shalleway, Fey, Rayman & Newell, Inc. Vincent Finizio, Deputy city Engineer a:memo94.155 :, ( /-lA:~~ .<>c:JI 5'/~1/9 cd- L( ;.ro 1M 0. (C-- PREPARED BY & RETURN TO: WC/53 Curtis L. Shenkman, Esquire DeSantis, Gaskill & Hunston, P.A. 11891 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 MIHomes\Jonathan\JonsGrov.Dec\04-06-94 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ~CohI""~"/~ ~ II f'l"'/s~ m - TABLE OF CONTENTS I. DEFINITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. -19. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OR ARTICLES ASSESSMENTS ASSOCIATION BOARD OR BOARD OF DIRECTORS BYLAWS CITY "CLASS I LOTS" "CLASS II LOTS" 0, COtlloat AREA COMMON EXPENSES COMMON SURPLUS COUNTY DECLARATION DEVELOPER FRONT YARD INSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONAL INSTITUTIONAL LOT MEMBER OWNER OR UNIT OWNER PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL UNIT OR UNIT SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FIRST MORTGAGE FIRST MORTGAGEE OR MORTGAGEE OR MORTGAGEE II. PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION 1. EXISTING PROPERTY 2. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY III. PROPERTY RIGHTS ,_,c:e~ON AREA 2. GENERAL EASEMENTS .-'';' IV. ASSOCIATIQN 1. ASSOCIATION i .,' .. ~ 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2' 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 . TABLE OF CONTENTS V. MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS 1. MEMBERSHIP 2. VOTING ~ 7 7 8 VI. RIGHTS, DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF ASSOCIATION 9 1. OPERATION OF PROPERTY 2. LATENT CONDITIONS 3. AUTHORITY 4. POWERS 5. BOARD ACTION -/6. E:0MJf0R AREA 7. IMPLIED RIGHTS 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 VII. MAINTENANCE "" t . "{lIJJIftMlifABCB OlP THE CoMMblt""ARSiJr 2. MAINTENANCE BY THE OWNER 1. INSURANCE 2. LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE COMMON AREA 3. REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCTION 4. OTHER INSURANCE 5. DEVELOPER AS NAMED INSURED ..",....'t 1 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 VIII. INSURANCE AND CASUALTY LOSSES IX. CONDEMNATION X. ASSESSMENTS AND LIEN 1. AUTHORITY OF ASSOCIATION 13 2. GENERAL ASSESSMENTS 13 3. BASIS AND COLLECTION OF GENERAL 14 ASSESSMENTS 4. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 15 5. EMERGENCY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 15 6. EFFECT OF NONPAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS 15 1. ASSESSMENTS SUBORDINATE TO 16 INSTITUTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGE 8. ASSESSMENTS MADE TO FINANCE LITIGATION 16 AGAINST THE DEVELOPER 9. EXEMPT PROPERTY 1 7 10. PAYMENTS BY DEVELOPER 17 11. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 17 ii . TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ XI. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS 18 1. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BY THE ASSOCIATION 18 2. MODIFICATIONS COMMITTEE 18 XII. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP AND LEASING 19 1. NOTICE OF SALE OR LEASE 19 2. GIFT, DEVISE OR INHERITANCE, 20 OTHER TRANSFERS 3. FAILURE TO GIVE NOTICE 20 4. CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL 20 5. TRANSFERS VOID 20 6. EXCEPTIONS 21 XIII. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES 21 1. GENERAL 21 2. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES 21 3. CLOTHES DRYING AREAS 21 4. REMOVAL OF SOD AND SHRUBBERY; ALTERATION OF DRAINAGE, ETC. 21 5. ARTIFICIAL VEGETATION 21 6. ANTENNAE AND AERIALS 22 7. GARBAGE 22 8. SUBDIVISION AND PARTITION 22 9. TEMPORARY BUILDINGS 22 10. BOATS, MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS, ETC. 22 11. SIGNS 23 1 2. ANIMALS AND PETS 23 13. BARBECUES 24 14. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE AREAS 24 15. INCREASE IN INSURANCE RATES 24 16. FRONT YARDS 24 XIV. REMEDIES, WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY 1. REMEDIES FOR VIOLATIONS 2. WAIVER AND FAILURE TO ENFORCE 3. SEVERABILITY 4. PROCEDURE TO BE' FOLLOWED IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF CERTAIN COVENANTS OF THIS DECLARATION 24 24 25 25 25 XV. DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS AND VETO POWER 1. DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS 2. VETO POWER 27 27 28 iii . TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ XVI. MORTGAGEE'S RIGHTS 29 1. NOTICES OF ACTION 29 2. FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE 29 CORPORATION PROVISION XVII. INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS 30 XVIII. GENERAL PROVISIONS 31 1. AMENDMENT 31 2. ASSIGNMENT 31 3. OWNER'S ACCEPTANCE OF COVENANTS, 32 CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 4. HEADINGS, CAPTIONS AND TITLES 32 5. CONTEXT 32 6. ADDITIONAL USE RESTRICTIONS 32 7. RESTRICTIONS PREVAIL OVER LESS 32 STRINGENT GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS 8. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECLARATION 32 XIX. TERM 32 iv. .. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR JOHATHARS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, made and executed this day of , 1994 by JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., (the "Association"), and Mil SCHOTTENSTEIN HOMES, INC., (the "Developer"). WHEREAS, the Developer owns the real property platted as Jonathans Grove P.U.D., recorded in Plat Book ___, Pages , of the Public Records of Palm Beach County Florida, (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide for the preservation and enhancement of property values, amenities and opportunities within the Property, as hereinafter defined, in order to contribute to the personal and general health, safety and welfare of the Property owners and residents therein, and to this end wishes to subject the Property to the covenants, restrictions, easements, reservations, assessments, charges, liens and other provisions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE, Developer hereby declares the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, restrictions, easements, reservations, assessments, charges, liens and other provisions hereinafter set forth in this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following terms, as used in this Declaration shall have the fOllowing meanings: Section 1. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OR ARTICLES shall mean and refer to the Articles of Incorporation of Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida Corporation not-for-profit attached hereto as Exhibit A and by reference made a part hereof, and as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time. Section 2. ASSESSMENTS shall mean and refer to all general assessments, special assessments, emergency special assessments and all other fees, charges and fines levied by the Association against Unit Owners for sums necessary to provide for the payment of all Common Expenses and to supply funds for budgetary requi..rements of the Association and allocated amorrg the Unit Owners. 1 r Section 3. ASSOCIATION shall mean and refer to Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida corporation not-for- profit, and its successors and assigns. Section 4. BOARD OR BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall mean and refer to the Board of Directors of the Association, which shall be responsible for the administration of the Association. Section 5. BYLAWS shall mean and refer' to the Bylaws of Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida corporation note-for-profit, attached hereto as Exhibit B and by reference made a part hereof, and as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time. Section 6. ~ shall mean and refer to the City of Boynton Beach, an incorporated municipality created pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida. Section 7. "CLASS I LOTS" shall mean and refer to any Lot upon which a Residential Unit has been completed as evidenced by issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the City. Section 8. "CLASS II LOTS" shall mean and refer to any Lot which is unimproved or upon which construction of a Residential Unit has commenced but has not yet been completed, nor received a Certificate of Occupancy from the City. Section 9. COMMON AREA shall mean all personal and real property and improvements thereon owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Members. Section 10. COMMON EXPENSES shall mean and refer to all expenses incurred by the Association in connection with its ownership, maintenance and other obligations set forth herein, regarding the Common Area, or as may be otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. Section 11. COMMON SURPLUS shall mean and refer to all receipts of the Association, including, but not limited to, assessment, rents, profits, and revenues in excess of the amount of Common Expenses. Section 12. COUNTY shall mean and refer to Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 13. DECLARATION shall mean and refer to this instrument and all Exhibits attached hereto, and as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time. 2 Section 14. DEVELOPER shall mean and refer to M/I Schottenstein Homes, Inc., an Ohio corporation qualified to do business in the State of Florida, doing business as MIl Homes, its successors or assigns if any such s~c~essor or ass~gn acquires any right, title or interest to or in all. ,or" any portion of the Jonathans Grove P.U.D., as hereinafter defined, from the Developer for the purpose of development and is designated by recorded documents executed by the Presidents or any other officers of the Developer. Section 15. FRONT YARD shall mean the area of a Lot from the street front property line to a plane extending in line with the rear line of a Residential Unit. Section 16. INSTITUTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGE shall mean and refer to a mortgage which is a first lien on a Unit held by a bank, savings bank, a savings and loan association, insurance company, real estate investment trust, the Developer, its subsidiaries or affiliates or any other recognized institution. Section 17. INSTITUTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGEE OR INSTITUTIONAL MORTGAGEE OR MORTGAGEE shall mean and refer to the holder of an Institutional First Mortgage which is also a bank, savings bank, a savings and loan association, insurance company, real estate investment trust, the Developer, or any other recognized lending institution. Section 18. LOT shall mean and refer to any plot of land numerically designated and shown or described in any recorded plat within the real Property which is subject to this Declaration, with the exception of the Common Area, as herein defined. Section 19. MEMBER shall mean and refer to every Unit Owner who shall be required to hold membership in the Association, upon acquisition of title to his Unit. Section 20. OWNER OR UNIT OWNER shall mean and refer to the record Owner, whether one or more persons or entities., of the fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Property and shall not include those having merely a security interest for the performance of an obligation in the Property. Section 21. PROPERTY shall mean the property platted as Jonathans Grove P.U.D., recorded in Plat Book ___, Page , of the 'Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and any additional property which may be made subject to this Declaration by virtue of amendment hereto. 3 - Lot conveyed, shall automatically be conferred upon the transferee. No person or entity holding an interest of any type or nature whatsoever in a Lot only as security for the performance of an obligation shall be a Member. Section 2. VOTING. The Associat ion shall have two classes of voting membership. Class A. Class A Members shall be all Owners with the exception of the Developer, and shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each Lot owned. In the event a Lot is owned by more than one individual or by a corporation or other entity, the Class A member shall file a certificate with the Secretary of the Association naming the person authorized to cast votes for said Lot. If the certificate is not on file, the Owner(s) shall not be qualified to vote and the vote of such Owner(s) shall not be cons idered nor shall the presence of such Owner(s) at a meeting be considered in determining whether the quorum requirement has been met. If a Lot shall be owned by husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, no certificate need be filed with the Secretary naming the person authorized to cast votes for said Lot, and either spouse, but not both, may vote in person or by proxy and be considered in deter- mining whether the quorum requirement has been met at any meeting of the Members, unless prior to such meeting, either spouse has notified the Secretary in writing that there is a disagreement as to who shall represent the Lot at the meeting, in which case the certificate requirements set forth above shall apply. Class B. The Class B Member shall be the Developer and shall be entitled to three (3) votes for each Lot owned. The Class B membership shall cease and be converted to Class A member- ship on the happening of any of the following events, which- ever occurs earlier: (a) When the total votes outstanding in the Class A membership equal the total votes outstanding in the Class B membership, or (b) Five years after date of transfer of title of the first Residential Unit, or (c) Upon the Developer conveying title to all single family Residential Units located within the Property. 8 w ARTICLE VI RIGHTS. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION Section 1. OPERATION .OF PROPERTY. The operation of the Property shall be vested in the Association and exercised pursuant to the Association documents and further subject to any other agreements, easements or restrictions affecting ti tIe to these lands and to which Developer is a party. Every Unit Owner, whether he has acquired his ownership by purchase, by gift, conveyance or transfer by operation of law, or otherwise, shall be bound by the Association documents. The share of a Unit Owner in the funds and assets of the Association cannot be assigned, hypothecated or transferred in any manner except as an appurtenance to his Unit. Section 2. LATENT CONDITIONS. Notwithstanding the duty of the Association to maintain and repair parts of the Property, the Association shall not be liable to Unit Owners for injury or damage, other than the cost of maintenance and repair, caused by any latent condition of the Property. Section 3. AUTHORITY. No Unit Owner, except as a duly authorized Officer or Director of the Association, shall have any authority to act for or on behalf of the Association. Section 4. POWERS. The powers and duties of the Association shall include those set forth in the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of the Association, but, in addition thereto, the Association shall have all the powers and duties set forth in Chapters 607 and 617, Florida Statutes, as well as all powers and duties granted to or imposed upon it by this Declaration. In the event of any conflict, this Declaration shall take precedence over the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and applicable Rules and Regulations of the Association; the Articles shall take precedence over the Bylaws and applicable Rules and regulations; and the Bylaws shall take precedence over applicable Rules and Regulations, and as all of the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time. Section 5. BOARD ACTION. Unless the approval or action of Unit Owners, and/or a certain specific percentage of the Board of Directors of the Association is expressly required in the Association documents or by applicable law, all approvals or actions required or permitted to be given or taken by the Association shall be given or taken by the Board of Directors, without the consent of the Unit Owners, and the Board of Directors may so approve and act through the proper Officers of the Association without a specific resolution. When an approval or action of the Ass.ociation is permitted to be given or taken pursuant to the Association documents, such action or approval may be conditioned in any manner not in conflict with the requirements of the Association documents as the Association deems appropriate, 9 . .. or the Association may refuse to take or give such action or approval without the necessity of establishing the reasonableness of such conditions or refusal provided the same does not violate the requirements of the Association documents. ,I Section 6. COMMON AREA. No person shall use the Common Area in any manner contrary to, or not in accordance with, the Association Documents including, the Rules and Regulations which may be promulgated by the Association, or such traffic regulation which may be adopted by the Association. Section 7. IMPLIED RIGHTS. The Association may exercise any other right or privilege given to it expressly by this Declaration or the Bylaws, and every other right or privilege reasonably to be implied from the existence of any right or privilege given to it herein or reasonably necessary to effectuate any such right or privilege. ARTICLE VII MAINTENANCE Section 1. MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMON AREA. The Association shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Common Area. Specifically, the property the Association shall maintain and be responsible for shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Securitv. Such Security system, and other security facilities, if any, which shall be operated and maintained for the 'benefit of all Members of the Association. ,(b) Walls & Fences. All walls, fences, and hedges that are on any of the Common Areas. The Association shall not be responsible to maintain the exterior of any wall of any dwelling unit. The Association shall have reasonable access to maintain said walls, fences and hedges. ~ (c) Imorovements in Common Areas.' All other improvements which may be constructed within the Common Areas~ (d) Preserve Trees. It is the responsibility of the Association to make sure that all preserved trees in the Common Area and on the Lots are preserved and maintained in perpetuity. If an individual property owner desires to remove a preserved tree, the property owner shall replace the removed tree with a similar species of exact caliper size in quantitative form [Le."if an 8" caliper (diameter) tree is removed, an 8" caliper tree, or two 4" caliper trees, may be installed] . 1 0 . Section 2. MAINTENANCE BY THE OWNER. The responsibility of each Owner to keep his Lot and the improvements located thereon in compliance with the standards promulgated by the Board and, in accordance with the requirements of the Association Declaration shall be as follows: (a) Imorovements on Lot. To maintain, protect, repair and replace, at his own cost and expense, all portions of his Lot together with all improvements, including lawn landscaping as originally installed, replaced, and supplemented from time to time, sprinkler system, and equipment located thereon, except any portions to be maintained, repaired and replaced by the Association as may be determined by the Board of Directors. Such maintenance, protection, repair and replacing shall be dona without disturbing the rights of other Owners. In the event that an Owner shall fail to keep his Lot and the improvements located thereon in compliance with the standards promulgated by the Board, the Association shall have a reasonable right of entry to make emergency repairs and to do other work reasonably necessary for the proper maintenance and operation of the Property; (b) Yards & Sorinklers. Each Owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of the landscape materials, sprinklers, and lawns in their Front yards and their back yards. The Association Board may determine from time to time to maintain the landscape materials or sprinkler systems, or lawns, in the Front yard and/or back yard of each Lot, as a Common Expense. If the Owner adds approved landscape materials to the Lot, said materials may be maintained by the Association as set forth above; however, the Association shall not be responsible for replacement of any landscape materials on the Lots. (c) No Exterior Modifications. Not to modify or change the appearance or design of any portion of the exterior of any structure or site features located on the Property which are in common view without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors; (d) Reoort to Association. To report promptly to the Association any defect or need for repairs, maintenance or replacements for which the Association is responsible. (e) Yard LiahtCs). Owners shall be required to maintain and repair the yard light(s), and photocell system if any, to continuously remain illuminated from dusk to dawn. 1 1 ., ARTICLE VIII INSURANCE AND CASUALTY LOSSES Section 1. INSURANCE. The Association is hereby authorized to purchase insurance on the Common Area in such amounts and with such companies as the Board shall deem appropriate, which shall include a liability policy covering the Common Area with a liability limit of at least one million ($1,000,000) dollars. Section 2. LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE COMMON AREA. In the event of loss or damage to the Common Area, which loss or damage is covered by insurance, the proceeds shall be paid to the Association as insurance trustee for the Members to cover such loss or damage and shall be applied to the repair, replacement or reconstruction of the Common Area, and any remaining insurance proceeds shall then be prorated on an equal basis to all Members. Section 3. REPAIR AND RECONSTRUCTION. If the damage or destruction for which the insurance proceeds are paid is to be repaired or reconstructed, and such proceeds are not sufficient to defray the costs thereof, the Board of Directors shall, without the necessi ty of a vote of the Members, levy a special assessment against all Members. Additional assessments may be made in like manner at any time during or following the completion of any repair or reconstruction. Section 4. OTHER INSURANCE. In addi tion to the other insurance required by this Section, the Board shall obtain, as a Common Expense, hazard insurance and worker's compensation insurance, if and to the extent necessary, to satisfy the requirements of applicable laws, and a fidelity bond or bonds on Directors, Officers, employees, and other persons handling or responsible for the Association's funds. The amount of fidelity coverage shall be determined in the Director's best business judgment, but may not be less than three (3) months' assessments, plus reserves on hand. Bonds shall contain a waiver of all defenses based upon the exclusion of persons serving without compensation and may not be canceled or substantially modified without at least ten (10) days' prior written notice to the Association. The Association shall also obtain construction code endorsements, steam boiler coverage, and flood insurance, if and to the extent necessary to satisfy the requirements of The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation or the Federal National Mortgage Association. Section 5. DEVELOPER AS NAMED INSURED. Any policy of insurance, of whatever nature, which insures any risk connected with the Property, shall provide that the Developer is a named insured along with any other named insured so long as the Developer owns any portion of the Property. 12 - r ARTICLE IX CONDEMNATION Section 1. COMMON AREA TAKEN. Whenever all or any part of the Common Area shall be taken (or conveyed in lieu of and under threat of condemnation by the Board acting on the written direction of all Members) by any authority having the power of condemnation or eminent domain, each Member shall be entitled to notice thereof and to participate in the proceedings incident thereto, unless otherwise prohibited by law. The award made for such taking shall be payable to the Association as trustee for all Members to be disbursed as follows. Section 2. RESTORE COMMON AREA IMPROVEMENTS. If the taking involves a portion of the Common Area on which improvements have been constructed, then, unless within sixty (60) days after such taking the Developer and at least seventy five (75%) percent of the Class A Members of the Association and the Board of Directors shall otherwise agree, the Association shall restore or replace such improvement so taken on the remaining land included in the Common Area to the extent lands are available therefore, in accordance with plans approved by the Board of Directors. Section 3. REMAINING FUNDS. If the taking does not involve any improvement on the Common Area, or if there is a decision made not to repair or restore, or if there are net funds remaining after any such restoration or replacement is completed, then such award or net funds shall be disbursed to the Association and used for such purposes as the Board of Directors of the Association shall determine. ARTICLE X ASSESSMENTS AND LIEN Section 1. AUTHORITY OF ASSOCIATION. The Association, through its Board of Directors, shall have the power and authority to make and collect Assessments as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. GENERAL ASSESSMENTS. General assessments shall be determined annually for the purpose of maintenance and management of the Association, the Common Area, and for the purpose of promoting the safety and the welfare of the Members. Without limiting the foregoing, general assessments shall be used for the payment of: operation, maintenance and management of the Association and the Common Area; property taxes and assessments against and insurance coverage for the Common Area; legal and accounting fees; maintenance of the streets. and streetscape within the Property; security costs; reasonable management fees; normal repairs and replacements; charges for utilities used upon the Common Area; cleaning services; expenses and liabilities incurred 13 r of the Property or anticipated expenses by the Association which are not anticipated to be incurred on a regular annual basis, shall be excluded from the computation. Section 4. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The Association shall have the power and authority to levy and collect a special assessment from Members for all reasonable purposes including, but not limited to, the following: the acquisition of property by the Association; the cost of construction of capital improvements to the Common Area; the cost of construction, reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of a capital improvement, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto; and the expense of indemnification of each Director and Officer of the Association. A special assessment shall be collectable in such manner as the Board of Directors shall determine. If a special assessment shall exceed the general assessment for the Member in that year in which the special assessment is to be held, it shall require the approval of the Members of the Association, to be obtained at a duly convened regular or special meeting at which a quorum exists as defined in the Bylaws and which is called at least in part to secure this approval. Approval shall be by an affirmative vote of a majority of the votes present in person or by proxy. Section 5. EMERGENCY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The Association may levy an emergency special assessment when, in the sole determination of the Board of Directors, there is potential danger of damage to persons or property. Such emergency special assessments may be used to pay for preventive, protective, or remedial construction, reconstruction, improvements, repairs, or replacements. Events justifying emergency special assessments include, but are not limited to, hurricanes, floods and fires. Emergency special assessments shall be collectable from Members in such manner as the Board of Directors shall determine. Section 6. EFFECT OF NONPAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS. The Association is hereby granted the right to assess and collect late fees and impose and foreclose liens upon each and every Lot and upon all appurtenances thereto and improvements thereon, which liens shall secure and do secure the monies for all Assessments now or hereafter levied against the Owner of such Lot. Such liens shall also secure interest and any charges and late fees due and owing on any delinquent Assessment, as may be determined by the Board. Such liens shall also secure fines, and all costs and expenses of collection, including reasonable attorney's fees whether suit be brought or not, which may be incurred by the Association, in enforcing the lien. The Association is hereby granted the right to accelerate the balance of the calendar year's Assessment and to consolidate said balance with any delinquent amount. The lien for Assessments shall be a charge on the land. and a continuing lien upon. the . Lot against which each such Assessment is made. In addition, each Member shall be personally liable to the Association, for the payment of' all Assessments, of whatever 15 .,. nature, including interest and any charges and late fees or delinquent Assessments and together with all costs and expenses of collecting such Assessments including reasonable attorneys' fees whether suit be brought or not, which may be levied by the Association. (a) Interest on Assessment and Acceleration Notice. An Assessment which is not paid when due shall bear interest from the date when due at the highest rate allowed by law per annum until paid, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. In the event that the Member shall be more than fifteen (15) days delinquent in the payment of any Assessment, the Board may, after thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Member, declare due and payable any and all Assessments applicable to such Lot for the year in which such delinquency occurs, and to foreclose said lien at the discretion of the Board. Payments received will be applied in the following order: to late fees, interest, costs, attorneys fees, then assessments. (b) Lien on Lot. The lien for delinquent Assessments shall remain attached to the Lot and Residential Unit until discharged, as provided herein. A Member may not waive or otherwise avoid liability for the Assessments provided for herein by non-use of the Common Area or by abandonment of its Lot or the Common Area. Section 7. ASSESSMENTS SUBORDINATE TO INSTITUTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGE. The lien for Assessments shall be subordinate and inferior to any recorded Institutional First Mortgage in accordance with Florida law. The Association may, but shall not be obligated to, maintain a register of Institutional First Mortgagees. The written statement of the Association that a lien of the Association is subordinate to a mortgage shall be dispositive of any question of subordination. Section 8. ASSESSMENTS MADE TO FINANCE LITIGATION AGAINST THE DEVELOPER. In the event the Association, on its behalf or on behalf of some or all of its Members, commences to or seeks to commence litigation against the Developer based on matters related to Jonathans Grove and, in regard to such litigation attempts to levy an Assessment of any nature, to finance such contemplated or actual litigation or an appeal therefrom, that portion of the property which is owned by the Developer shall be exempt from such Assessment. (a) Nothing contained in the foregoing shall relieve the Developer of its obligation to pay Assessments on the Property where required to do so, provided such Assessments are not used for the purpose of financing litigation, or appeals therefrom, againsr the Developer. 16 Section 9. EXEMPT PROPERTY. The Board of Directors shall exempt the following property in the Jonathans Grove P.U.D. from general, special and emergency special assessments, charges and liens created herein if such property is used, and. so long as such property is used for the purposes set forth in this Declaration. Nothing contained herein shall exempt the properties described in this Section from the requirements as provided in Article VII of this Declaration. The following property is property for the benefi t of all Members and residents and shall be exempt from general, special and emergency special assessments, and charges and liens related thereto. Costs related to the properties shall be included in the Assessments made to the Members: (a) Any easements or other interests therein dedicated and accepted by a public authority and dedicated to public use. (b) The Common Area. (c) To the extent agreed to by the Board of Directors, all portions of the Property which are exempt from ad valorem taxation by the laws of the State of Florida. Section 10. PAYMENTS BY DEVELOPER. In lieu of the payment of any general assessments, Developer, at its election, shall be responsible in the first two years of operation of the Property only for the payment of that portion of the actual Common Expenses which exceeds the amount paid by Members other than the Developer, (the "Deficit II). The Developer shall pay the Deficit on a quarterly basis, as needed for the continued operation of the Association. Developer may elect at any time within thirty (30) days of the end of any quarter to pay Assessments attributable to each Lot owned by the Developer, rather than to pay the Deficit, during the forthcoming quarter. Section 11. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION. All initial purchasers of Residential Units shall be required to make a one time contribution of at least $150 per Lot, as may be increased hereafter by the Developer, available for the purposes and uses as determined by the Board. Additionally, Owners shall pay the costs to establish an adequate reserve fund for replacement and/or capital refurbishment of the Common Areas in the amounts determined proper and sufficient by the Board. Said initial contribution and subsequent reserve funds are referred to as the "Capital Contributions". Each Owner acknowledges, understands and consents that Capital Contributions are the exclusive property of the Association as a whole, and that no Owner shall have any interest, claim or right to any such Capital Contributions or funds composed of the same. 17 -- ARTICLE XI ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS Section 1. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BY THE ASSOCIATION. The Association shall have jurisdiction in only aesthetic matters over all original construction and landscaping on any portion of the property. The Association can set architectural standards and procedures in only aesthetic ~atters which the Unit Owners shall be required to comply with. The Association shall have full authority to prepare and to amend the standards and procedures as it deems appropriate. The Developer may, it its sole discretion, impose standards for construction and development which may be greater or more stringent that the Association and/or the local standards prescribed in applicable building, zoning, or other local governmental codes. Section 2. MODIFICATIONS COMMITTEE. The Modifications Committee (the "M.C.") of the Board of Directors shall have ex- clusive jurisdiction in only aesthetic matters over modifications, additions, or alterations made on or to existing Residential Units or structures and the open space, if any, appurtenant thereto and any other improvements made upon the Property subject to final review by the Board of Directors; provided, however, that the H.C. may delegate this authority, subject to the H.C.'s review, to the appropriate board or committee of any association, or so long as the H.C. has determined that such board or committee has in force review and enforcement practices, procedures and appropriate standards at least equal to those of the H.C. Such delegation may be revoked and jurisdiction reassumed at any time by written notice from the H.C. (a) The H.C. may promulgate detailed standards and procedures governing its area of responsibility and practice in only aesthetic matters. In addition thereto, the following guidelines shall apply. Plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, color, size, materials, and location of such modifications, additions, or alterations, shall be submitted to the H.C. for approval as to quality of workmanship and design and harmony of external design with existing structures, and as to location in relation to surrounding structures, topography, and finish grade elevation. Further, the M. C. does not have the right to approve of plans that are in violation of any county ordinance, and/or regulations and/or Southern Standard Building Code. Further, should said municipalities, county, and/or the Southern Building Code require as a condition precedent, approval of a municipality, county, and/or a regional commission, said approval shall be a condition precedent to submission to the H.C.. Owner shall be responsible for all building permits, approvals, and inspections, if any. No permission or approval shall be 18 . required to repaint in accordance with an originally approved color scheme, or to rebuild or replace in accordance with originally approved plans and specifications. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit. the right of an Owner to remodel the interior of his residence, or to paint the interior of his residence any color desired, unless said remodeling or painting is determined by the M.C. to be in conspicuous view, mandating the necessity of M.C. approval. In the event that the M.C. fails to approve or to disapprove such plans or to request addi tional information reasonably required within forty-five (45) days after submission, the plans shall be deemed approved. ARTICLE XII TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP AND LEASING Section 1. NOTICE. In order to maintain a community of congenial residents who are financially responsible and thus protect the value of the Property, the transfer of a Residential Unit by any Member other than Developer shall be subject to the following provisions, which provisions each Member covenants to observe: (a) ~. A Member intending to make a bona fide sale of his Residential Unit, or any interest therein, shall give to the Association, notice of such intention, in writing, together with the name and address of the intended purchaser, and such other information concerning the intended purchaser as the Association may reasonably require. (b) Lease. Any Member intending to make a bona fide lease of his Residential Unit, or any interest therein, shall give to the Association, notice of such intention in writing, together with the name and address of the intended lessee, the term of the lease, a copy of the lease and such other information concerning the intended lessee as the Association may reasonably require. All such leases shall be in writing and shall be for a term of not less than three (3) months, and a Residential Unit shall not be leased more than four (4) times in any twelve ( 1 2 ) month period. Further, all leases of Residential Units shall provided that the lessee shall be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of this Declaration and that any failure by the lessee to comply with such terms and provisions shall constitute a material breach of the lease. The lease may also state who shall be respon- sible for payment of Assessments which shall be assessed by the Association, provided however nothing contained in such lease shall modify. the Member's obligation for payment of Assessment to the Association. The Association may require such other lease provisions as it shall from time to time deem appropriate. Unless expressly provided to the contrary in a 19 - lease, a Member, by leasing his Residential Unit, automa- tically delegates his rights of use and enjoyment of the Common Area to the lessee of the Residential Unit and in so doing, the Member relinquishes said rights during the term of the lease. Section 2. GIFT. DEVISE OR INHERITANCE. OTHER TRANSFERS. An Owner who has obtained title by gift, devise or inheritance, or by any other manner not previously mentioned, shall give to the Association, notice of the acquisition of title, together with such information concerning the Owner as the Association may require. Section 3. FAILURE TO GIVE NOTICE. If the above required notice to the Association is not given, the Association may deny the unauthorized Owner, lessee or occupant of a Residential Unit the use of the Common hrea, and may take such other action at law and/or equity to divest the unauthorized Owner, lessee or occupant of record title and/or possession of the Lot and the Residential Unit situated thereon. Section 4. CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL. (a) Timina and processina Fee. Except as otherwise provided hereinbelow, within ten (10) days of receipt of such notice and complete information, the Association shall cause a Certificate of Approval to be executed by any Officer or authorized agent of the Association. The Association shall have the right to charge the Member a fee not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) for the processing of this information. (b) Notice of Disaooroval. In the event that a Member is delinquent in paying any Assessment or that a Member, his family, guests, tenants, licensees or invitees are not in compliance with any provisions of this Declaration, or any Rules and Regulations adopted by the Association, the Association shall have the right to disapprove the proposed sale or lease by sending a notice of disapproval to the Member within ten (10) days after receipt of notice and information. In the event the delinquent Assessment is paid or the violation is corrected, the Association shall cause a Certificate of Approval to be executed by any Officer or authorized agent of the Association, with ten (10) days after receipt of proof satisfactory to the Association, that the delinquent Assessment has been paid or the violation corrected. Section 5. TRANSFERS VOID. Any sale, lease, gift, devise, or other transfer not authorized pursuant to the terms of this Declaration shall be void unless a Certificate of Approval of the Association is subsequently obtained. 20 Section 6. EXCEPTIONS. The foregoing provisions of this Article shall not apply to an Institutional First Mortgagee that acquires its title as the result of owning a mortgage upon the Lot concerned, and this shall be so, whether the title is acquired by deed from the mortgagor, his successors or assigns, or through foreclosure; nor shall such provisions apply to a transfer, sale, or lease by an Institutional Mortgagee that so acquires its title. Neither shall such provisions require the approval of a purchaser who acquires title to a Lot at a duly advertised public sale with open bidding provided by law, such as, but not limited to, execution sale, foreclosure sale, judicial sale, or tax sale, nor shall such provisions apply to any transfer by the Developer. ARTICLE XIII PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES Section 1. GENERAL. Nothing shall be done on or in any Lot or Residential Unit which may be or may become an annoyance to the Association or to any of its Members. In the event of any question as to what may be or may become an annoyance, such question shall be submitted to the Board of the Association for a decision in writing. Section 2. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES. No portion of the Property shall be used for other than residential purposes and purposes incidental or accessory thereto, except as may be authorized by the Developer in connection with the promotion and sale of Residential Units, or as may be permitted under the Planned Unit Development Zoning. Section 3. CLOTHES DRYING AREAS. No portion of any Lot shall be used as drying or hanging area for laundry of any kind, unless totally camouflaged from public view. Section 4. REMOVAL OF SOD AND SHRUBBERY: ALTERATION OF DRAINAGE. ETC. Except for the Developer's acts and activities in the development of the Property, no sod, topsoil, muck, trees or shrubbery shall be removed from the Property or any Lot thereon, and no change in the condition of the soil or the level of the land of the Property or any Lot thereon shall be made, which results in any permanent change in the flow or drainage of surface water of or wi thin the property, without the prior written consent of the Board, and the South Florida Water Management District. Section 5. ARTIFICIAL VEGETATION. No artificial grass, plants or other artificial vegetation shall be placed or maintained upon the exterior portion of any Lot, unless approved by the Board. 21 - Section 6. ANTENNAE AND AERIALS. Except as may be permitted by the Board, no antennae, satellite dish, aerials or cable reception equipment shall be placed or erected upon the Property or affixed in any manner to the exterior of any building. Section 7. GARBAGE. In order to preserve the beauty of the Property, no garbage, trash, refuse or rubbish shall be deposited, dumped or kept upon any portion of the Property except in closed containers, dumpsters or other garbage collection facilities deemed suitable by the Board and proper-sized, closed plastic bags for curb side pickup as required, but no sooner than twelve (12) hours before the scheduled pickup. Garbage cans should not be loaded to exceed thirty (30) gallons and shall be on wheels. All containers, dumpsters and other garbage collection facilities shall be screened from view from outside the Lot upon which they are located and kept in a clean condition with no noxious or offensive odors emanating from them. Section 8. SUBDIVISION AND PARTITION. The Lots shall not be subdivided further than as provided in this Declaration or in any plat of the Property. Section 9. TEMPORARY BUILDINGS. No tents, trailers, vans, shacks or other temporary buildings or structures shall be constructed or otherwise placed upon the property except in connection with construction, development or sales activities permitted under this Declaration or with the prior written consent of the Developer. Section 10. BOATS. MOTOR VEHICLES. TRAILERS. ETC.. (a) The residents of any Lot may keep within their Lot, in a designated parking area, no more than one (1) small truck or van of the type commonly used as a private passenger vehicle, so long as NO commercial equipment nor lettering or graphics is exposed. Commercial lettering shall be defined as any lettering or graphics referring to a commercial business, undertaking, or service. {b) No vehicle which is unlicensed or inoperable may be kept on the Property unless kept fully enclosed inside a garage. (c) No commercial vehicles of any kind shall be permitted to be parked for a period of more than four (4) hours, unless the same is temporarily present and necessary in the actual construction or repair of a Unit or to the service of the same. 22 . (d) No commercial vehicle of any kind shall be parked over- night, and no boat, boat trailers, buses, or trailers of any kind, campers, recreation vehicles or mobile homes shall be permitted to be parked within the Property at any time unless kept fully enclosed inside a garage, the door to which is kept closed. (e) No repair work to any type of motor vehicle, boat or trailer shall be conducted on any Lot other than very minQr repairs, cleaning or waxing which is completed in less than 24 hours. (f) No truck, commercial vehicle, boat, camper or mobile home shall be used as a domicile or residence, either permanent or temporary. (g) No motorized vehicle (including without limitation all- terrain vehicles or cycles, "dirtbikes" and/or other off-road recreational vehicles) shall be operated anywhere within the property except on streets or roadways and then only if the vehicle and the driver is appropriately licensed. (h) In addition to other remedies of the Association under this Declaration, the Board shall have the right to impose a fine upon any Member for any breach of violation of this Section, and, in addition, the right to tow away, or cause to be towed away, any boat, motor vehicle, trailer, etc., placed, parked or stored wi thin the Property in violation of this Section. The amount of any fine imposed by the Board and the cost of any towing and related storage charges, if any, incurred by the Board, shall be assessed against the responsible Member and shall become lien upon his Lot or Residential Unit and shall become effective, and shall be enforced and collected, in the manner provided in Article X. Section 11. SIGNS. No signs of any kind, including window signs, shall be displayed in public view upon any Lot or Residential Unit, except for the following: (a) The Developer may place professional signs on the property, advertising the Property for sale. (b) The size and design of all signs except those described in subsection (a) shall be subject to approval by the Board. Section 12. ANIMALS AND PETS. Only common household pets, no more than two (2) per species, may be kept upon any Lot or Residential Unit, but in no event for the purpose of breeding, or for any commercial purpose whatsoever. No other animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be kept, raised, bred or maintained on 23 . any portion of Property. Permitted pets shall be appropriately leashed and controlled in accordance with such Rules and Regulations as may be promulgated from time to time by the Board. Under no circumstances shall animals be permitted within the Common Area, unless in a section of the Common Area expressly designated for their use by the Board. Section 13. BARBECUES. Residents and their guests shall be permitted to locate and use moveable barbecues upon their respective Lots, provided they are located and used in the rear of the Residential Units, and shall be subject to such Rules and Regulations as may be promulgated from time by the Board, and shall be subject to any City, state or County requirements. Section 14. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE AREAS. No automobile garage shall be enclosed or converted to another use. Section 15. INCREASE IN INSURANCE RATES. No Member shall engage in any action which may reasonably be expected to result in an increase in the rate of any insurance policy or policies covering any portion of the Property not owned by the Member. Section 16. FRONT YARDS. No fences, walls, or other permanent/fixed structures are permitted within the Front Yard area of each Lot, and no more than two air condi tioner uni ts are permitted between two Residential Unit buildings. ARTICLE XIV REMEDIES. WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY Section 1. REMEDIES FOR VIOLATIONS. Violation or breach of any condition, restriction or covenant herein contained shall give to the Developer and/or the Association and/or any aggrieved Members jointly and severally, in addition to all other remedies prescribed herein, the right to proceed at law or in equity to compel compliance with the terms of said conditions, restrictions or covenants, and/or to prevent the violation or breach of any of them. The expense of such litigation shall be borne by the Member who is the subject of the litigation, or by the Association, provided such proceeding results in a finding that such party was in violation of this Declaration or a part thereof. Expenses of litigation shall include, but not be limited to, reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the party or parties in seeking such enforcement. (a) Fines. The Board may impose a fine or penalty on any Member or occupant of a Residential Unit who does damage to the Common Area or for willful breach of prohibited activitie.s after notice and opportunity to remedy, as provided for in this Article, or may charge such Member or occupant for all expenses incurred by the Association to repair or repl.ace the 24 . Section 22. RESIDENTIAL UNIT OR UNIT shall refer to any dwelling Uni t constructed on a Lot or Lots together with other improvements constructed thereon within the Property for use and occupancy as a residence by a single family. Section 23. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM shall mean and refer to those lakes, canals, water control structures and other facilities created and used for drainage of the Property and for recreational purposes, in accordance with the terms of the Association Documents. ARTICLE II PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION Section 1. EXISTING PROPERTY. The initial property which shall be subject to this Declaration upon the recordation hereof in the Public Records of the County, is that Property defined and described herein. Section 2. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY. Developer may, at any time and from time to time, subject additional property to this Declaration by recording in the Public Records of the County an amendment to this Declaration describing such additional property. , ARTICLE III PROPERTY RIGHTS Section 1. TITLE TO THE COMMON AREA. Title to the Common Area within the Property shall be dedicated by the Developer to the Association free and clear of all encumbrances before the first Lot is conveyed to an Owner. Section 2. GENERAL EASEMENTS. Each of the following easements, as same may now or hereafter be shown on any plat or plats of record or in any other document filed as to any part of the Property, are hereby reserved and otherwise created, dedicated, and conveyed in favor of the Association, all Owners, the Developer, and their respective licensees, invitees, grantees, successors, and assigns unless said licensees, invitees, grantees, successors, and assigns are the subject of an action of the Board prohibiting their entry onto the Property, and are covenants and servitudes running with the title to the property: (a) utilities. An easement for utilities, including, but not limited to, electricity, telephone,- water and wastewater services, lift stations, drainage, and irrigation systems, or as may be required for utility services, including the maintenance and operation of wells, well sites, and systems 4 " for drainage, irrigation and effluent areas in order to ~dequately serve all or any part of the Property, and all 1mprovements thereon. (b) Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic. An easement for pedes~rian and vehicular traffic over, through and across the Goldf1nch Way, but the same shall not give or create in any person the ri,ght to drive or park upon any portion of the Property not 1ntended for such common use designated as such by the Developer. . (c) Emeraencv Vehicles. An easement for the right of all lawful emeroencv vehicles. eouiDm~nf- ...nn nCY'"C!,.,nC! -In ,..........~_j.,J__ for drainage, irrigation and effluent areas in order to adequately serve all or any part of the Property, and all improvements thereon. (b) Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic. An easement for pedestrian and vehicular traffic over, through and across the Goldfinch Way, but the same shall not give or create in any person the right to drive or park upon any portion of the Property not intended for such common use designated as such by the Developer. (c) Emeraency Vehicles. An easement for the right of all lawful emergency vehicles, equipment and persons in connection therewith to pass over and across all portions of the Property to service the Owners, residents and all improvements. (d) Maintenance and Reoair. Easements for maintenance and repair and easements to enter over,. through and upon all portions of the Property for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and replacing the Common Area. (e) Inaress and Earess Easements for Lots. An easement for ingress and egress from and to each Lot, the Common Area and such other facilities as may be herein described. (f) Securitv System. An easement for any security system which may be constructed in or on the Property, or as may be required for security purposes by the Board in order adequately to secure all or any portion of the Property, and any improvements thereon. (g) Construction. An easement to enter upon, through and over and use any portion of the Property in connection with any construction on the Property as determined by the Developer. (h) Maintenance of Water Manaaement System. An easement or easements for access to, maintenance, repairs and operation of the Surface Water Management System, including the littoral zone. (i) Easements for the Develooer. Easements are hereby reserved throughout the Common Area, including, without limitation, the streets and the easements shown on the plat or plats of the Property, by the Developer, for its use and the use of its agents, with the development, marketing and sale of the Property. 5 (j) Easements for the Association. The Developer and the Association shall have the right to grant such addi tional easements (including, without limitation, easements to private cable television service companies) or to relocate existing easements throughout the Property as the Developer or the Association may deem necessary or desirable for the proper operation and maintenance of the Property, or any portion thereof, provided that such addi tional easements or relocation of existing easements do not prevent or unreasonably interfere with the Owners use or enjoyment of the Property. (k) Restrictions on Owner Easements. No Owner shall grant any easement upon any portion of the Property to any person or entity, without the prior written consent of the Board, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. (I) Reciorocal Easement. The Owner of each Lot shall have an open area easement on the Lot of any adjacent Unit which is constructed on a common boundary line, within one and one-half ( 1 -1 /2) feet of said common boundary 1 ine, rear yards excluded, for the placement of utility service meters. (m) Encroachments. If any portion of the Common Areas encroaches upon any Lot, or if any Unit or other original constructed improvement by the Developer under the original building permit(s) encroaches upon any Lot or upon any portion of the Common Areas, or if any encroachment shall hereafter occur as a result of (i) construction or reconstruction of any improvements, (ii) settling or shifting of any improvements, (iii) any addition, alteration or repair to the Common Areas made by or with the consent of the Association, (iv) any repair or restoration of any improvements of any Unit after damage by fire or other casualty, or any taking by condemnation or eminent domain proceedings of all or any portion of any Unit of the Common Areas, or (v) any non- purposeful or non-negligent act of an Owner except as may be authorized by the Association, then, in any such event, a valid easement shall exist for such encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the improvements shall stand. A gate or fence post which merely touches an improve- ment constructed on a common boundary line of an adjacent Lot shall not be considered an encroachment. (n) Service Easements. Developer hereby grants to delivery, pick up and fire protection services, police and other authori ties of the law, mail carriers , representatives of electrical, telephone, cable television and other utilities 6 provided for herein, and to such other Persons as the Developer or the Association may from time to time designate, the nonexclusive, perpetual right of ingress and egress over and across the Common Areas, now or hereafter created, for the purpose of performing their services and investigations. (0) Additional Riaht-of-Wav. In the event that any sidewalks which are constructed parallel to any roadway located within the Property are located all or partially within any Lot on the Property, then a nonexclusive, perpetual right-of-way shall exist on any portion of said sidewalks which are located with the Lot. ARTICLE IV ASSOCIATION Section 1. ASSOCIATION. The Developer has caused to be incorporated, the Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida corporation not-for-profit, in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, a copy which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. The Association has not been formed, organized, or incorporated in such a manner to qualify for tax exempt status under any provision of the Internal Revenue Code. It shall have the duties imposed in its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, and in accordance with this Declaration. The Association is or will become vested with primary authority and control over all of the Common Area and is or will become the owner of all real and personal property known as the Common Area. The Association is the organization with the sole responsibility to make and collect Assessments from all Members, which Assessments will be made in accordance with Article X. The Association may also make and collect charges for maintenance services against any Owner, or the Developer, as more fully set forth in Article X of this Declaration. The Association shall have the right to a lien for the charges and assessments to which it is entitled in accordance with Article X of this Declaration. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 1. MEMBERSHIP. Every Owner of a Lot shall automatically become a Member of the Association upon acquisition of fee simple title to any Lot, by filing a deed therefor in the Public Records of the County. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot. Membership shall continue until such time as the Member transfers or conveys his interest of record or the interest is transferred or conveyed by operation of law at which time membership, with respect to the 7 Common Area. For the purpose of this Article, whenever a family member, guest, invitee, lessee, employee or agent of a Member causes such damage to the Common Area, or otherwise commits an act which constitutes a prohibited activity, the Member shall be deemed to have caused such damage. Any fine imposed in accordance with this Section shall be a personal obligation of the Member and shall constitute a charge against its Lot or Residential Unit until paid. (b) Abatement. In addition to the foregoing right, the Association shall have the right, whenever there shall have been built or placed on any Lot any structure or improvement which is in violation of these restrictions, to enter in and upon the said Lot or Residential Unit where such violation exists and summarily to abate or remove the same at the sole expense of the Member. Entry and abatement may be made only after the Association has complied with the requirements of Section 4 of this Article. If the Association determines that a violation of these restrictions exists, entry and abatement or removal shall not be deemed a trespass, an express easement by the Member being hereby granted. (c) Violation Fines. The Board shall have the authority to impose fines upon any Member or occupant who violates the terms of this Declaration, as same may be established. The imposition of fines shall only be made in accordance with the terms of Section 4 of this Article. Section 2. WAIVER AND FAILURE TO ENFORCE. Each and all of the covenants, conditions, restrictions and agreements contained herein shall be deemed and construed to be continuing. The extinguishment of any right or power herein contained shall not impair or affect any of the covenants, conditions, restrictions or agreements so far as any future or other breach is concerned. Failure to enforce any building restriction, covenant, condition, obligation, reservation, right, power or charge herein contained, however long continued, shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to enforce such covenant as to the breach or violation. Failure to enforce same shall not give rise to any liability on the part of the Developer or the Association with respect to parties aggrieved by such failure. Section 3. SEVERABILITY. Invalidation of anyone of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF CERTAIN COVENANTS OF THIS DECLARATION. The Association shall not impose a fine (a late charge does not constitute a fine), or suspend voting rights of a Member or occupant for the viola.tion of 25 the terms and covenants of this Declaration, Bylaws or any Rules or Regulations which may be promulgated by the Association unless and until the following procedure is followed: (a) Demand Letter. W~itten demand to cease and desist from an alleged violation shall be served by the Board or its authorized delegate upon the Member or occupant allegedly in violation which shall specify: (i) The alleged violation; (ii) The action required to abate the violation; and (iii) A time period, of not less than ten (10) days, except where immediate action is appropriate during which the violation may be abated without further sanction, if such violation is a continuing one, or a statement that any further occurrence of the same violation may result in the imposition of a sanction after notice and hearing if the violation is not continuing. (b) Notice. The Association shall notify the Owner of the infraction or infractions. Included in the notice shall be the date and time of the next Board of Directors meeting at which time the Owner may present reasons why penalties should not be imposed. (c) Hearina. Evidence of noncompliance shall be presented to the Board of Directors after which the Board of Directors shall hear evidence and reasons why penalties should not be imposed if offered by the Owner. A written decision of the Board of Directors shall be submitted to the Owner by no later than thirty (30) days after the Board of Directors' meeting. (d) Penalties. The Board of Directors may impose individual assessments as fines against the property owned by the Owner as follows: 1 . First noncompliance or violation: a fine not in excess of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). 2. Second noncompliance or violation: a find not in excess of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). 3. Third and subsequent noncompliance, or violation or violations that are of a continuing nature: a fine not in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). (e) Payment of Penalties. Fines shall be paid no later than thirty (30) days after notice of the imposition or assessment of the penalties. 26. (f) Collection of Fines. Fines shall be treated as an individual assessment otherwise due to the Association. (g) Annlication of Penal ties. All monies received from fines shall be allocated as directed by the Board of Directors. (h) Nonexclusive Remedv. These fines shall not be construed to be exclusive, and shall exist in addition to all other rights and remedies to which the Association may be otherwise legally entitled; however, any penalty paid by the offending Owner shall be deducted from or offset against any damages that the Association may otherwise be entitled to recover by law from such Owner. (i) Anneal. Following a hearing before the Board, the alleged violator or aggrieved party shall have the right to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County. To perfect this right, the appeal must be filed within thirty (30) days after the hearing date. ARTICLE XV DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS AND VETO POWER Section 1. DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS. The Developer hereby reserves to itself, and the grantee of any Lot or Residential Unit hereby agrees, by acceptance of a deed of conveyance thereto, that the Developer shall have the following rights, without limitation or qualification or the necessity of consent or approval by the Members, so long as the Developer owns any portion of the Property, including property owned by the Developer as the result of any reconveyance of the Property, or until the Developer causes to be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a Certificate of Termination of Interest in the Property which Certificate terminates any and all right, title, interest and obligation of the Developer in the Property. (a) The right to dispense pesticides throughout the Property; (b) The right to establish easements for itself over any portion of the Property owned by the Developer; (c) The right to maintain Lots and the Residential Units situated thereon if the Members fail to do so, including, wherever there shall have been built on any Lot any structure or improvement which is violation of this Declaration, the right to enter in and upon the said Lot or Residential Unit where such violation exists and summarily to abate or remove the same at the sole expense of the Member; (d) The right to maintain. an easement, for cOnstruction staging purposes, across any Lot within the Property; and 27 (e) So long as the Developer retains control of the Board of Directors of the Association, the Developer shall have the right to appoint Members of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the Bylaws of the Association and to approve or disapprove the appointment of all Officers of the Association. In the event the Developer shall enter into any contracts or other agreements for the benefit of the Members, the Developer may, at its option, assign its obligations under the agreements to the Association, and in such event, the Association shall be required to accept such obligations. Section 2. VETO POWER. The Developer hereby expressly reserves to itself, and any grantee of any Lot or Residential Unit hereby agrees, by acceptance of a deed of conveyance thereto, that the Developer shall have the right to veto any or all of the following events so long as the Developer owns any part of the Property, including property owned by the Developer as the result of any reconveyance of the Property, or until the Developer causes to be recorded a Certificate of Termination of Interest in the Property, which Certificate terminates any and all right, title, interest and obligation of the Developer in the Property. (a) Attempted amendment of this Declaration, or any exhibits hereon; (b) Any management contracts entered into by the Association or the Board; (c) Any reduction made to any security system within the Property; (d) Attempted relocation or removal of any recreational facilities or amenities within the Property; (e) Any assessment for capi tal improvements which are imposed by the Association on any portion of the Property owned by the Developer; (f) Any settlement of any claim made by the Association to collect upon any policy of casualty insurance which insures the Common Area; (g) Any attempted cancellation or reduction of insurance coverage insuring all or any part of the Property; (h) Any attempted dissolution of the Association by a vote of the Members of the Association; and (i) Any attempted dedication of any.portion of the Common Area to the City, the County or other governmental entity. 28 ARTICLE XVI MORTGAGEES' RIGHTS The following provisions are for the benefit of holders of Insti tutional First Mortgages on Residential Units wi thin the property. To the extent applicable, necessary, or proper, the provisions of this Article apply to both this Declaration and to the Bylaws of the Association. Notwithstanding the requirements of Article XVIII, the Board may amend the terms and provisions of this Article without the consent of the Owners. Section 1. NOTICES OF ACTION. A holder, insurer, or guarantor of a Institutional First Mortgage, which provides written request to the Association (such request to state the name and address of such holder, insurer, or guarantor and the Residential Unit number or street address of the mortgaged premises), thereby becoming an "eligible holder", will be entitled to timely written notice of: (a) Any condemnation loss or any casualty loss which affects a material portion of the property or which affects any Residential Unit on which there is a first mortgage held, insured, or guaranteed by such eligible holder; (b) Any delinquency in the payment of assessments or charges owed by an Owner of a Residential Unit subject to the Institutional First Mortgage of such eligible holder, where such delinquency has continued for a period of sixty (60) days; provided, however, notwithstanding this provision, any holder of an Institutional First Mortgage, upon request, is entitled to written notice from the Association of any default in the performance by an Owner of a Residential Unit of any obligation under the Declaration or Bylaws of the Association which is not cured within sixty (60) days; (c) Any lapse, cancellation, or material modification of any insurance policy maintained by the Association; or (d) Any proposed action which would require the consent of a specified percentage of holders of Institutional First Mortgages. Section 2. FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION PROVISION. So long as required by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (the "Mortgage Corporation"), the following provisions apply in addition to and not in lieu of the foregoing. Unless two-thirds (2/3) of the Institutional First Mortgagees of Owners, or two- thirds (2/3) of the Members give their consent, the Association shall not: 29 (a) By act or omission seek to abandon, partition, subdivide, encumber, sell, or transfer a material portion of the Common Area which the Association owns, directly or indirectly (the granting of easements for public utilities or other similar purposes consistent with the intended use of the Common Area shall not be deemed a transfer wi thin the meaning of this subsection); (b) Change the assessments, dues, against a Member; method of or other determining the obligations, charges which may be levied (c) By act or omission change, waive, or abandon any scheme of r.egulations or enforcement thereof pertaining to the archi tectural design or the exterior appearance and maintenance of Residential Units and of the Common Area (the issuance and amendment of architectural standards and procedures and regulations and use restrictions under Articles XI and XIII hereof shall not constitute a change, waiver, or abandonment within the meaning of this subsection); (d) Fail to maintain all risk coverage insurance, as may be required by this Declaration; or (e) Use hazard insurance proceeds for any Common Area losses for other than the repair, replacement, or reconstruction of such property. Section 3. Nothing contained in Article XVI, Section 2, of this Declaration shall be construed to reduce the percentage vote that must otherwise be obtained under the Declaration for any of the acts set out in said Section 2. Section 4. Insti tutional First Mortgagees of Owners may, jointly or singularly, pay taxes or other charges which are in default and which mayor have become a charge against the Common Area and may pay overdue premiums on casualty insurance policies, or secure new casualty insurance coverage upon the lapse of a policy, for the Common Area, and Institutional First Mortgagees making such payments shall be entitled to immediate reimbursement from the Association. Section properties, Declaration, amendment of is a Class B 5. HUD/VA Provision. Annexation of addi tional dedication of Common Area, amendment of the dissolution and amendment of the Articles, and the Bylaws, requires HUD/VA approval as long as there membership. ARTICLE XVII INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Every Director and Officer of the Association, shall be indemnified by the Association against all expenses and liability, including attorneys' fees, reasonably incurred by or imposed upon 30 r him in connection with any proceeding to which he may be a party or which he may become involved by reason of his being or having been a Director or Officer, whether or not his being or having been a Director or Officer, whether or not he is a Director or Officer at the time such expenses are incurred, except in such cases where the Director or Officer, is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his duties; provided, however, that in the event of any claim for reimbursement or indemnification hereunder based upon a settlement by the Director or Officer seeking such reimbursement or indemnification, the indemnification herein shall apply only if the Board of Directors approves such settlement and reimbursement as being in the best interest of the Association. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to, but not exclusive of all other rights to which such Officer or Director, may be enti tIed. This obligation shall be funded by Directors and Officers liability insurance as is reasonably available wherever possible, which insurance shall be a Common Expense of the Members. ARTICLES XVIII GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. AMENDMENT. This Declaration may be amended in the following manner. (a) Prior to the sale of the first Residential Unit to a Member, the Developer may amend this Declaration on its own initiative. (b) Subsequent to the sale of the first Residential Unit to a Member, the Declaration may be amended at any time and from time to time upon the execution and recordation of an instrument approved by Members holding not less than three- fourths (3/4) of the voting interests of the membership, provided that, so long as the Developer is the Owner of any Lot or any property affected by this Declaration or amendment hereto, no amendment will be effective without the Developer's express written consent. (c) Any amendment which would affect the Surface Water Management System, including the water management portions of the Common Area, must have the prior approval of the South Florida Water Management District. Section 2. ASSIGNMENT. All of the rights, powers, obliga- tions, easements and estates reserved by, or granted to the Developer or the Association, may be assigned by the Developer or the Association, respectively, as the case-may be. Any assignment by the Association must be approved in writing by the Developer. After such assignment, the assignee shall have the same rights and powers, and be subject to the same obligations and duties as were the Developer or the Association prior to the assignment, and the 31 .. Developer and the Association shall be relieved and released of all obligations with respect to such rights, powers, obligations, easements or estate$ arising after such an assignment. Section 3. OWNER'S ACCEPTANCE OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. Every Owner, by virtue of his acceptance of the deed of conveyance to his Lot or Residential Unit and other parties by virtue of their occupancy or use of any part of the Property, hereby approve all of the terms and conditions, duties and obligations contained in this Declaration and all Exhibits thereto. Section 4. HEADINGS. CAPTIONS AND TITLES. The headings, captions and titles contained herein are for ease of reference only, and do not constitute substantive provisions of this instrument. They shall in no way affect the subject matter or any of the terms and provisions under them nor the terms and provisions of this Declaration. Section. 5. CONTEXT. Whenever the context so requires or admits, any pronoun used herein may be deemed to mean the corresponding masculine, feminine or neuter form and the singular form of any nouns and pronouns may be deemed to mean the corresponding plural form, and vice versa. Section 6. ADDITIONAL USE RESTRICTIONS. Addi tional use restrictions may be filed and imposed by the Developer in connection with the recordation of any plat affecting all or any part of the Property, provided the same are not inconsistent with the provisions hereof. Section 7. RESTRICTIONS PREVAIL OVER LESS STRINGENT GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. Where the covenants and restrictions set forth in this Declaration impose minimum standards in excess of government building or zoning regulations, these covenants and restrictions shall prevail. Section 8. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECLARATION. This Declaration shall become effective upon its recordation in the Public Records of the County, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. ARTICLE XIX TERM All of the covenants, restrictions and other provisions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the Property for a term of twenty-five (25) years from the date of recordation of this Declaration, after which time they shall be automatically extended 32 . for successive periods of ten (10) years each, unless an instrument executed by at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the votes of the Members then existing has been recorded, agreeing to change or terminate these covenants and restrictions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the Association have caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its undersigned duly authorized Officers, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER: IN IiOME , I /" j/ f' / ~ <~c: ic ar leis ey \,.'r.'~j.. (, Vice President ~~~\->'7'. ~ .',../, Division Manager .. ';' ... ,_.~_. . /.. .' ('...): " .r'.... ~ - .__'1 .., . .-:::: : ..... .7. . .';., ." :. e. 0_ ^ - '. '. C'). ~.:.J -: . (Corporate SeaI.~ ",:, . ~~ ~ ~ J . -; -~ ~ '~.~ d ~ .. ~ . . ....r o. ..... ~~'/'. .-..... ,~-.... . . . ". . :.,.. ...-"'\ \ , I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an Off,fc.iel(.dUiy authorized to take acknowledgments, personally appeared'Richard'N. Kleisley, the Vice President of M/I SCHOTTENSTEIN HOMES, INC., an Ohio corporation, and he acknowledged before me that he executed the foregoing instrument in the name of and on behalf of said corporation; that he is duly authorized by said corporation to do so; and that the foregoing instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. He is personally known to me or has produced _______ , as identification and who did not take an oath. M/I ! ~~ Witnes STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH WITNESS my afOr[::s han,dS' 7_~_ nd official ~~ in Fhe County and State _ ., day of ~Jd"l' il./ ,1994. /0~ , Commission No. , Name of Notary typed, printed, or stamped (NOTARY SEAL) G) 8IWIIN ""IIIM ~ W--lIl111'CC-.o! "'-"-'1_ ... 1-.1Ilnt..., NlllallIIIMIlIra ' 33 .. ASSOCIATION: (Corporate .' .. .= .:.}i ~..:~::,..,J -~ ;' .. ~ ,.-. ,. :.. ( . : -: : J ; ,-. seai')'. . ~ witnes ./ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH j..... , . . . . . j 1 : ., ~ ,;'. ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an Officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Charles C. Sharman, the President of JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation, and he acknowledged before me that he executed the foregoing instrument in the name of and on behalf of said corporation; that he is duly authorized by said corporation to do so; and that the foregoing instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. He is Dersonally knnwn to me or has produced , as identification and who did not take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official se~ in the County and State aforesaid, this / / 0 day of (..l y-u -' f./ , 1994. ~~ '))-Ud~~ , Commission No. , Name of Notary typed, printed, or stamped -........ " ........ ~-- ~.. nalll L~ All IGMII ~\.. ;J~ ~t.... Y--" 34 .. '.~ . \ ~ of jf)l j,tat~ -- ~.- - Or 'b ~ ~- 1 a . - . . Irpartmrnt of 8t8fr I certify the attached is a true and correct copy of the Articles of Incorporation of JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation, filed on March 21. 1994. as shown by the records of this office. I further certify the document was electronically received under FAH audit number H94000002670. This certificate is issued in accordance with section 15.16, Florida Statutes, and authenticated by the code noted below. The document number of this corporation is N94000001403. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida, at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Twenty-second day of March, 1994 Authentication Code: 694A00012685-032294-N94000001403-1/1 ~n a ~ ~ H ~~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ a ~~ Jim 'mit~ - IIRHHR I FAX AUDI~ HO.: H94000002670 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. A Florida Corporation Not for Profit Exhibit "A" to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc. PREPARED BY & RETURN TO: WC 53 Curtis L. Shenkman, Esq. DeSantis, Gaskill & Hunston, P.A. 11891 u.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Florida Bar No. 0438911 MIBom&a\Jonathan\JonsGrov.Art\3-8-94 FAX AUDIT HO.: H94000002670 . II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. FAX AUDIT 110.: H94000002670 INDEX TO ATICLES OF INCORPORATION OF JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Florida Corporation Not for Profit I. NAME AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS PURPOSE POWERS Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. COMMON LAW AND STATUTORY POWERS NECESSARY POWERS FUNDS AND TITLE TO PROPERTIES LIMITATIONS MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS INDEMNIFICATION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS SUBSCRIBERS BYLAWS AMENDMENTS REGISTERED AGENT AND REGISTERED OFFICE Page 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 CERTIFICATE DESIGNATING PLACE OF BUSINESS 8 FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS WITHIN THIS STATE, NAMING AGENT UPON WHOM PROCESS MAY BE SERVED FAX AUDIT HO.:. H94000002670 .. FAX AUDI~ KO.: H94000002670 ACKNOWLEDGMENT ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. The undersigned, being of full age and competent to contract in the state of Florida do, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 617, Florida Statutes, hereby voluntarily make, subscribe, acknowledge and file in the office of the Secretary of State, State of Florida, for the purpose of forming a corporation not for profit in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, these Articles of Incorporation, as provided under the law: ARTICLE I NAME AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS The name of this corporation shall be Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc. , hereinafter referred to as the "Association" and its duration shall be perpetual. The principal office of the Association shall initially be located at: 901 North Lake Destiny Drive, Suite 185 Maitland, Florida 32751 or at such other place as may be designated, from time to time, by the Board of Directors. ARTICLES II PURPOSE The purpose for which the Association is organized is to engage as a corporation not for profit in protecting the value of the property of the members of the Association, to exercise all the powers and privileges and to perform all of the duties and obligation. of the Association as defined and set forth in that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Jonathans Grove Bomeowners Association, Inc. (the "Declaration") to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, including the establishment and enforcement of payment of charges and assessments contained therein, .and to engage in such other lawful activities aS,may be to 1 FAX AUDIT KO.: H94000002670 .. FAX AUDIT RO., H94000002670 ARTICLE IX BYLAWS The Bylaws of the Association may be adopted, amended, altered or rescinded as provided therein; provided, however, that at no time shall the Bylaws conflict with these Articles of Incorporation or the Declaration. until such time as the Developer relinquishes control of the Association, no amendments to the Bylaws shall be effective unless the Developer shall have joined in and consented thereto in writing. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS SECTION 1. Alteration, amendment or rescission of these Articles shall be proposed and adopted in the following manner: (a) The Board shall adopt a resolution setting forth the proposed amendment, and directing that it be submitted to a vote at a meeting of the Members, which may be either at the annual or a special meeting. (b) Written notice setting forth a proposed amendme'nt or a summary of the changes to be effected thereby shall be given to each Member entitled to vote thereon, which meeting may not occur less that ten (10) days nor later than thirty (30) days from the giving of notice of the meeting to consider the proposed amendment. (c) At such meeting of the Members, a vote of the Members entitled to vote thereon, as provided in the Declaration, shall be taken on the proposes amendment. The proposed amendment shall.be adopted upon receiving the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by the Members present in person or by proxy at such meeting. SECTIOR 2. Any number of amendments may be submitted to the Members and voted upon by them at one meeting. SECTION 3. If a majority of the Members eligible to vote sign a written statement manifesting their intentions that an amendment to the Articles be adopted, theft the amendment shall thereby be. adopted as though the procedure set forth in Section.1 of this Article has been satisfied. 6 FAX AUDIT RO., H94000002670 . FAX AUDI~ RO. I H94000002670 SECTION 4. For so long as either the Developer is the OWner of any lot or any property affected by these Articles or amendment hereto, no amendment will be effective without the Developer's express written consent. SECTION 5. These Articles of Incorporation of the Association may be amended, altered or rescinded as provided in Florida Statute Chapter 617. ARTICLE XI REGISTERED AGENT AND REGISTERED OFFICE The name of the initial registered agent shall be Charles C. Sharman, whose street address is 901 North Lake Destiny Drive, Suite 185 Maitland, Florida, 32751. The Association shall have the right to designate subsequent registered agents without amending these Articles of Incorporation, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the subscriber hereto, hAve hereunto set my hand and seal this l../iI]J. day of MKr1-CA-, 1994. rIes C. Incorpor or '- ( ~. ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing Articles e}-. In~ration were acknowledged before me this 1~?3 day of '(~ n -. , 1994 by Charles C. Sharman, personally known to me or who produced a Florida Drivers License as indentification, the incorporator and subscriber named therein. . / ( ~ )jy: ~,c. 7L~ €- Notary Publ c, tate,\o,FlorJ.da Printed Nam:.., 'j 1/;'7 - /G"" My commission Number:r ~ My Commission Expires: (NOTARY SEAL) SIWIJN t.iJS8NJVE tlf CCJI'- 'cc..,. ElCP\III: __ 30. 1_ .....1IIN *-Y NIl ~ 7 FAX AUDI~ KO. I H94000002670 . FU AUDI~ RO. I H94000002670 CERTIFICATE DESIGNATING PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS WITHIN THIS STATE, NAMING AGENT UPON WHOM PROCESS MAY BE SERVED Pursuant to Section 48.091 and 617.023, Florida Statutes, the following is submitted in compliance with said Statutes: THAT, Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc., desiring to organize under the laws of the State of Florida, with its principal offices at 901 North Lake Destiny Drive, Suite 185, Maitland, Florida, 32751 has named Charles C. Sharman, whose address is 901 North Lake Destiny Drive, Suite 185, Maitland, Florida, 32751, as its agent to accept service of process within the State of Florida. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Having been named to accept service of process for the above stated Association, at the place designated in this Certificate, Charles C. Sharman hereby accepts the responsibility to act in this capacity, and agree to comply with the provisions of said Statute relative to keeping open said office. Dated this \lo~ day of M~ , 1994 Jonathans Grove Association, By: CrIes C. Registered Florida 8 FU AUDI~ RO.: H94000002670 II" Prepared by & Return To: W/C 53 Curtis L. Shenkman, Esq. DeSantis, Gaskill & Bunston, P.A. 11891 U.S. Highway One P.O. Box 14127 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408-0127 MIBomes\Jonathan\JonBGrov.syl\3-8-94 BYLAWS OF JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Exhibit "B" to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc. , INDEX TO BYLAWS OF JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. PAGE I. NAME, PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AND DEFINITIONS 1 1. NAME 1 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE 1 3. DEFINITIONS I II. THE ASSOCIATION: MEMBERSHIP, MEETINGS, I QUORUM, VOTING, PROXIES 1. MEMBERSHIP 1 2. PLACE OF MEETINGS 1 3. ANNUAL MEETINGS 2 4. SPECIAL MEETINGS 2 5. NOTICE OF MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 2 6. WAIVER OF NOTICE 2 7. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETINGS 2 8. VOTING 3 9. PROXIES 3 10. MAJORITY 3 11. QUORUM 4 12. CONDUCT OF MEETINGS 4 13. ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING 4 III. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: NUMBER, POWERS, MEETINGS 4 A. COMPOSITION AND SELECTION 4 1. GOVERNING BODY; COMPOSITION 4 2. DIRECTORS DURING DEVELOPER CONTROL 4 3. NUMBER OF DIRECTORS 4 4. NOMINATION OF DIRECTORS 5 5. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS 5 6. TERM OF OFFICE 6 7. REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS 6 8. VOTING PROCEDURE FOR DIRECTORS 6 B. MEETINGS 6 9. ANNUAL MEETINGS 6. i .. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. POWERS MANAGEMENT AGENT ACCOUNTS AND REPORTS BORROWING RIGHTS OF THE ASSOCIATION VIOLATION PROCEDURE DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS AND VETO POWER PAGE 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 10. REGULAR MEETINGS 11. SPECIAL MEETINGS 12. WAIVER OF NOTICE . 13. QUORUM OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS 14. COMPENSATION 15. CONDUCT OF MEETINGS 16. OPEN MEETINGS 17. EXECUTIVE SESSION 18. ACTION WITHOUT A FORMAL MEETING C. POWERS AND DUTIES IV. OFFICERS 1. OFFICERS 12 2. ELECTION, TERM OF OFFICE, AND VACANCIES 12 3. REMOVAL 13 4 . POWERS AND DUTIES 13. 5. RESIGNATION 13 6. AGREEMENTS, CONTRACTS, DEEDS AND LEASES 13 7. COMPENSATION 13 V. COMMITTEES 1. GENERAL 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 VI. MISCELLANEOUS 1 . FISCAL YEAR 2. PARLIAMENTARY RULES 3. CONFLICTS 4. BOOKS AND RECORDS 5. NOTICES 6. AMENDMENT 7 . VALIDITY ii .. BYLAWS OF JONATHANS GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. INC. ARTICLE I NAME. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. AND DEFINITIONS section 1. NAME. The name of the Association shall be Jonathans Grove HomeOWT.lE!rs Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Association". Section 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The initial principal office of the Association shall be located at 901 North Lake Destiny Drive, Suite 185, Maitland, Florida 32751. The Association may have. such other office or offices as the Board of Directors may determine. Section 3. DEFINITIONS. The words used in these Bylaws shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc. (said Declaration, as amended, renewed, or extended from time to time, is hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Declaration"), unless the context shall prohibit. ARTICLE II THE ASSOCIATION: MEMBERSHIP. MEETINGS. QUORUM. VOTING. PROXIES Section 1. MEMBERSHIP. The Association shall have two (2) classes of voting membership, as more particularly set forth in Article V, Section 2, of the Declaration, the terms of which pertaining to membership are specifically incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. PLACE OF MEETINGS. Meetings of the Association shall be held at the principal office of the Association or at such other suitable place convenient to the Members as may be designated by the Board of Directors. 1 . Section 3. ANNUAL MEETINGS. The first annual meeting of the Members shall be held wi thin one year from the date of incorporation of the Association, and each subsequent annual meeting shall be held in the month of November at auch day and hour as may be determined by the Board of Directors. Section 4. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the President or by the Board of Directors, or upon written request of the Members who are entitled to vote one-third (1/3) of all of the votes of the Class A membership. The notice of any special meeting shall state the date, time, and place of such meeting and the purpose thereof. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice. Section 5. NOTICE OF MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to send by regular mail or otherwise cause to be personally delivered to every Member entitled to vote a notice of each annual or special meeting of the Members stating the purpose of the meeting, as well as the time and place where it is to be held. If a Member wishes notice to be given at an address other than the official address registered by the member with the Association, said Member shall have so designated by notice in writing to the Secretary such other address. The mailing or other delivery of notice of a meeting in the manner provided in this Section shall be considered service of notice. Notices shall be served not less than ten (10) no more than forty-five (45) days before a meeting, unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws. Section 6. WAIVER OF NOTICE. Waiver of notice of any meeting of the Members shall be deemed the equivalent of proper notice. Any Member may, in writing, waive notice of any meeting of the Members, either before or after such meeting. Attendance at a meeting by a Member, whether in person or by proxy, shall be deemed waiver by such Member of notice of the time, date, and place thereof, unless such Member specifically objects to lack of proper notice at the time the meeting is called to order. Attendance at a special meeting shall also be deemed waiver of notice of all business transacted thereat unless objection to the calling or convening of the meeting, of which proper notice was not given, is raised before any business is put to a vote. Section 7. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETINGS. . I f any meetings of the Association cannot be held because a quorum is not present, a majority of the Members who are present at such meeting, either in person or by proxy, may adjourn the meeting to a time not more than thirty (30) days from the time the original meeting was called. Notice of the time and place for the recalled meeting shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the. Common Area of the Association. At such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business which might have been transacted. at the 2 .. meeting originally called may be transacted. If a time and place for the adjourned meeting or if, for any reason, a new date is fixed for the adjourned meeting after adjournment, notice of the time and place of the adjourned meeting shall be given to Members in the manner prescribed in Section 5 of this Article. The Members present at a-duly called or held meeting at which a quorum is present may continue to do business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough Members to leave less than a quorum, provided that any action taken shall be approved by at least a majority of the Members required to constitute a quorum. In the event that a meeting is recessed for any reason, no additional notice shall be required. Section 8. VOTING. The voting rights of the Members shall be set forth in Article V of the Declaration, and such voting rights provisions are specifically incorporated herein. Section 9. PROXIES. At all meetings of Members, each Member may vote in person or by limited proxy. Members shall not vote by general proxy. Limited and general proxies shall be used to establish a quorum. A proxy may be given to any Member or Director of the Association, or to the Board of Directors. Any proxy given shall be effective only for the specific meeting for which originally given and any lawfully adjourned meetings thereof. In no event shall any proxy be valid for a period longer than ninety (90) days after the date of the first meeting for which it was given. For election of members of the Board of Directors, Members shall vote in person at a meeting of the Members of by a ballot that the Member personally casts. All proxies shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary before the appointed time of each meeting. Proxies which are filed without designating the name of the proxy holder shall be considered null and void. Every proxy shall be revocable at any time at the pleasure of the Member executing it and shall automatically cease upon conveyance by the Member of his or her Lot within the Property or, in the case of a Member holding title as an individual, upon receipt of notice by the Secretary of the death or judicially declared incompetence of that Member. A proxy or ballot may provide an opportunity to specify approval or disapproval with respect to any proposal. The Board of Directors may authorize the issuance of absentee ballots in its sole discretion, which may be consolidated with the proxy into a single document. Section 10. MAJORITY. As used in these Bylaws, the term "majority" shall mean those votes, Members, or other group as the context may indicate totaling more than fifty percent (50%) of the total number. 3 r Section 11. QUORUM. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or in the Declaration, the presence in person or by proxy of one third (1/3) of the total votes outstanding shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Association. In the event a quorum is not present, Members may join in the minutes thereof and such a signing shall constitute the presence of such parties for the purpose of determining a quorum. Section 12. CONDUCT OF MEETINGS. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association, and the Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and record in a minute book all resolutions adopted at the meetings, as well as a record of all transactions occurring thereat. In the event that the President is unavailable, the President shall appoint another Director to act in his place and stead. Section 13. ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING. Any action which may' be taken by the vote of Members at an annual or special meeting, may be taken without a meeting as and to the extent permitted by Florida law. ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS: NUMBER. POWERS. MEETINGS A. COMPOSITION AND SELECTION Section 1. GOVERNING BODY: COMPOSITION. The affairs of the Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors. Except as provided in Section 2 of this Article, the Directors shall be Members of the Association. Section 2. DIRECTORS DURING DEVELOPER CONTROL. A majority of the Directors on the Board shall be appointed by the Developer, acting in its sole discretion and shall serve at the pleasure of the Developer until Class A Members hold seventy-five (75%) percent of the total number of votes of the voting membership. The Developer may earlier surrender this right to appoint Directors. The Developer shall notify the Secretary of the Association of the Directors which it is appointing to the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. The Directors appointed by the Developer need not be members of the Association. All Directors who are not appointed by the Developer shall be Members of the Association Section 3. NUMBER OF DIRECTORS. The number of Directors on the Board shall be not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7), as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine by resolution. 4 .. Section 4. NOMINATION OF DIRECTORS. Nominations may be made by the Nomination Committee or as hereinafter provided. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chairman, who shall be a member of the Board of Directors, and one or more Members of the Association. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors prior to each annual meeting of the Members to serve from the close of such annual meeting until the close of the next annual meeting, and such appointment shall be announced at each such annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall make as many nominations for election to the Board of Directors as it shall in its discretion determine, but in no event less than the number of vacancies or terms to be filled. Nominations may occur from the floor. All candidates shall have a reasonable opportunity to communicate their qualifications to the Members and to solicit votes. Solicitation of proxies without disclosure of candidacy shall not be permitted. Section 5. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. (a) When Class A Members shall hold at least twenty-five (25%) percent of the total number of votes of the voting membership, they shall be entitled to elect one (1) member of the Board of Directors at the next annual meeting. (b) When Class A Members shall percent of the total number of votes of shall be entitled to elect two ( 2 ) Directors at the next annual meeting. hold at least fifty (50%) the voting membership, they members of the Board of (c) When Class A Members shall hold at least seventy five (75%) percent of the total number of votes of the voting membership, they shall be entitled to elect three (3) members of the Board of Directors at the next annual meeting. At this annual meeting, and for all annual meetings thereafter until there no longer remains any portion of the Property for sale by the Developers, the Developer shall be entitled to appoint one (1) member of the Board of Directors. (d) In the event that, in accordance with the Declaration, a Certificate of Termination is filed by the Developer prior to control of seventy-five (75%) percent of the total number of votes by the Class A Members, the Class A Members shall be entitled to elect four (4) members of the Board of Directors at the next annual meeting. At this annual meeting, and for all annual meetings thereafter until there no longer remains any portion of the Property for sale by Developer, the Developer shall be entitled to appoint one (1) member of the Board of Directors. 5 w Section 6. TERM OF OFFICE. Except for the initial Directors designated in the Articles of Incorporation and any other Directors appointed by the Developer, a Director shall be elected to serve until the next annual meeting or until his successor has been elected or qualified. Section 7. REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS. At any regular or special meeting of the Association duly called, anyone or more of the members of the Board of Directors, other than those appointed by the Developer, may be removed, with cause, by a majority vote of the Members, and successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy thus created. A Director whose removal has been . proposed by the Members shall be given at least ten (10) days notice of the calling of the meeting and the purpose thereof and shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting. Additionally, any Director who has three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from Board meetings or who is delinquent in the payment of an Assessment for more than sixty (60) days may be removed by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors. In the event of death, resignation or removal of a Director, his successor shall be elected by a majority of the remaining members of the Board and shall serve for the unexpired term of the predecessor. Section 8. VOTING PROCEDURE FOR DIRECTORS. The first election of the Board shall be conducted at the first annual meeting of the Association, at which time the Developer shall announce the Directors which are appointed to the Board. At such election, and at all elections thereafter, the Members may cast, in respect to each vacancy, as many votes as the are entitled to exercise under the provisions of the Declaration. The candidates receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected. Cumulative and proxy voting for the election of Directors shall not be permitted. B. BOARD MEETINGS. Section 9. ANNUAL MEETINGS. Each year, the first meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held within ten (10) days after each annual meeting of the Members of the Association, at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Board. Section 10. REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such time and place as shall be determined from time to time by a majority of the Directors, but at least four (4) such meetings shall be held during each fiscal year with at least one (1) per quarter. Notice of the time and place of the meeting (a) shall be posted at a prominent place within the Association Property at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, 6 . except in an emergency, and (b) shall be communicated to Directors in the manner set forth in Section 11 of this Article, but not less than forty-eight ( 48 ) hours, pr ior to the meeting; provided, however, that notice of a meeting need not be given to any Director who may si.gn a waiver of notice or a written consent to holding of the meeting. Section 11. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held when called by written notice signed by the President of the Association, or by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors. The notice shall specify the time and place of the meeting and the nature of any special business to be considered. The notice shall be given to each Director by one of the following methods: (a) personal delivery; (b) written notice by first class mail; (c) telephone communication, either directly to the Director or to a person at the Director's office who would reasonably be expected to communicate such notice promptly to the Director; or (d) by telegram, charges prepaid. All such notices shall be given or sent to the Director's address or telephone number as shown on the records of the Association. Notices sent by first class mail shall be deposited into a United States mailbox at least seventy-two (72) hours before the time set for the meeting. Notices given by personal delivery, telephone, or telegraph shall be delivered, telephoned, or given to the telegraph company at least forty-eight (48) hours before the time set for the meeting, unless an emergency situation requires waiver of this requirement as may be determined by the Board. Notices shall be posted at a prominent place within the Association Property not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled time of the meeting. Section 12. WAIVER OF NOTICE. The transactions of any meeting of the Board of Directors, however called and noticed or wherever held, shall be as valid as though taken at a meeting duly held after regular call and notice if (a) a quorum is present, and (b) either before or after the meeting each of the Directors not present signs a written waiver of notice, a consent to holding the meeting, or an approval of the minutes. The waiver of notice or consent need not specify the purpose of the meeting. Notice of a meeting shall also be deemed given to any Director who attends the meeting without protesting before or at its commencement about the lack of adequate notice. Section l3. QUORUM OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS. At all meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the votes of a majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the decision of the Board of Directors. A meeting at which a quorum is initially present may 7 w continue to transact business, notwithstanding the withdrawal of Directors, if any action taken is approved by at least a majority of the required quorum for that meeting. At an adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business which might have been transacted at the meeting originally called may be transacted without further notice. Section 14. COMPENSATION. No Director shall receive any compensation from the Association for acting in such capacity or capacities, unless approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting. section 15. CONDU(:T OF MEETINGS. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors, and the Secretary shall keep a minute book for the Board of Directors, recording therein all resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors and a record of all transactions and proceedings occurring at such meetings. In the absence of the President, any Director designated by the President shall act in his place and stead. Members of the Board shall be deemed present in person at a meeting of such Board if a conference telephone or similar communications equipment is used by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time. Section 16. OPEN MEETINGS. All meetings of the Board shall be open to all Members, but Members other than Directors may not participate in any discussion or deliberation unless expressly so authorized by the President or Director presiding over the meeting. Section 17. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Board may adjourn a meeting and reconvene in executive session to discuss and vote upon personnel matters, litigation is which the Association is or may become involved, and orders of business of a similar confidential nature. Section 18. ACTION WITHOUT A FORMAL MEETING. Any action to be taken at a meeting of the Board or any action that may be taken at a meeting of the Board may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by a majority of all of the Directors. An explanation of the action taken shall be posted at a prominent place or places within the Common Area within three (3) days after the written consents of a majority of all the Board members have been obtained, except for items discussed in executive session. C. POWERS AND DUTIES Section 19. POWERS. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the affairs of the Association and shall have all 8 I' of the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the Association's affairs and, as provided by law, may do all acts and things as are not by the Declaration, Articles, or these Bylaws directed to be done and exercised exclusively by the Members. In addition to the duties imposed by these Bylaws or by any Resolution of the Association that may be hereafter adopted, the Board of Directors shall have the power to and be responsible for the following, by way of explanation, but not limitation: (a) preparation and adoption of an annual budget in which there shall be established the contribution of each Member to the Common Expenses~ (b) making general, special and emergency special assessments to defray the Common Expenses, establishing the means and methods of collecting. such Assessments, and establishing the period of the installment payments of such Assessments, as more particularly set forth in the Declaration. (Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, the annual assessment against the proportionate share of the Common Expenses shall be due and payable by each Member in monthly installments.)~ (c) collecting the Assessments, depositing the proceeds thereof in a financial institution which it shall approve, and using the proceeds to administer the Association, (d) opening of bank accounts on behalf of the Association and designating the signatories required; (e) providing for the operation, care, upkeep, and maintenance of all of the Common Area~ ( f) designating, hiring, and dismissing the personnel for the Association necessary for its maintenance, operation, repair, and replacement of the Common Area and, where appropriate, providing for the compensation of such personnel and for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and material to be used by such personnel in the performance of their duties. Bids for work to be performed shall be considered official records and shall be maintained for a period of one year; (g) making and amending Rules and Regulations; (h) making or contracting for the making of repairs, additions, and improvements to or alterations of the Common Area in accordance with the other provisions of the Declaration and these Bylaws after damage or destruction by fire or other casualty~ 9 . (i) enforcing by legal means the provisions of the Declaration, these Bylaws, and any Rules and Regulations adopted by it and bringing any proceedings which may be instituted by the Association on behalf of or against the Members; (j) obtaining and carrying insurance against casualties and liabilities, as may be available, as provided in Article VIII of the Declaration, and paying the premium cost thereof; and (k) keeping books for a period not less than seven (7) years with detailed accounts of the receipts and expenditures affecting the Association and its administration, specifying the maintenance and repair expenses and any other expenses incurred. The said books and vouchers accrediting the entries thereupon shall be available for examination by the Members, and their mortgagees, their duly authorized agents, accountants, or attorney, during reasonable business hours on working days as may be determined by the Board of Directors. All books and records shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. Section 20. MANAGEMENT AGENT. (a) The Board of Directors may employ for the Association a professional management agent or agents at a compensation established by the Board of Directors to perform such duties and services as the Board shall authorize. The Board of Directors may delegate to the management agent or manager, subject to the Board's supervision, all of the powers granted to the Board of Directors by these Bylaws, other than the powers set for the in subparagraphs (a), (b), (d), (g), and (i) of Section 19 of this Article. The Developer, or an affiliate, may be employed as managing agent or manager. (b) No management contract may have a term in excess of one (I) year and must permit termination by either party without cause and without a termination fee upon thirty (30) days or less written notice. (c) No remuneration shall be accepted by the management agent from vendors, independent contractors, or others providing goods or services to the Association, whether in the form of commissions, finder's fees, service fees, prizes, gifts, or otherwise; anything of value received shall benefit the Association. (d) Any financial or other interest which the management agent may have in any firm providing goods or services to the Association shall be disclosed promptly to the Board of Directors. Section 21. ACCOUNTS AND REPORTS. The following management standards .of. performance will be followed unless the Board by resolution specifically determines otherwise. 10 . (a) Accrual accounting, as defined by generally accepted accounting principles, shall be employed. (b) Accounting and controls should conform with established American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) guidelines and principles. A segregation of accounting duties should be maintained, and disbursements by check shall require two (2) signatures, unless otherwise determined by the Board. Cash disbursements shall be limited to amounts of fifty ($50.00) dollars and under. (c) Cash accounts of the Association shall not be commingled with other accounts. (d) Annual financial reports shall be prepared for the Board of the Association containing a balance sheet as of the last day of the Association's fiscal year, and an income statement for said fiscal year, which shall be distributed to the Board within ninety (90) days after the close of the fiscal year. (e) Any Institutional First Mortgagee shall, upon written request to the Board, receive a copy of the Association's annual financial report for the immediately preceding year. (f) The Official Records of the Association are: (1) a copy of the plans, permits, warranties, and other items provided by the developer; (2) a copy of the By-Laws of the Association and of each amendment to the By-Laws; (3) a certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the Association and of each amendment thereto, (4) a copy of the current rules of the Association; (5) a book or books that contain the minutes of all meetings of the Association, of the Board of Directors, and of members, which minutes shall be retained for a period of not less than 7 years; (6) a current roster of all members and their mailing addresses, parcel identifications, and, if known, telephone numbers; (7) all current insurance policies of the Association or a copy thereof; (8) a current copy of any management agreement, lease, or other contract to which the Association is a party or under which the Association or the parcel Owners have an obligation or responsibility; (9) accounting records for the Association and separate accounting records for each parcel. Section 22. BORROWING. The Board of Directors shall have the power to borrow money for the purpose of repair or restoration of the Common Area and facilities without the approval of the Members of the Association, provided, however, the Board shall obtain membership approval in the same manner as set for the in Article X, Section 4, of the Declaration concerning special assessments in the event that the proposed borrowing is for the purpose of modifying, 11 . improving, or adding ameni ties, and the total amount of such borrowing exceeds or would exceed twenty (20%) percent of the annual budget of the Association for that fiscal year. section 23. RIGHTS OF THE ASSOCIATION. with respect to the maintenance of the Common Area or other Association responsibilities, and in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and the Declaration, the Association shall have the right to contract with any person or entity for the performance of various duties and functions. Without limiting the foregoing, this right shall entitle the Association to enter into common management, operational, or other agreements with trusts, condominiums, cooperatives, or other Associations or Condominium Associations, both within and without the Property. Such agreements shall require the consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the total votes of all Directors of the Association. Section 24. VIOLATION PROCEDURE. The Board shall not imposes a fine (a late charge does not constitute a fine), or suspend voting rights of a Member or occupant for violations of these Bylaws unless and until the procedure as set for the in Article XIV, Section 4 of the Declaration is followed. Section 25. DEVELOPER'S RIGHTS AND VETO POWER. The Developer shall have the rights and veto power as set forth in Article XV of the Declaration. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1. OFFICERS. The Officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board of Directors may elect such other Officers, including one or more Assistant Treasurers, as it shall deem desirable, such Officers to have the authority and to perform the duties prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person, excepting the offices of President and Secretary. The President and Treasurer shall be elected from among the members of the Board of Directors. Section 2. ELECTION. TERM OF OFFICE. AND VACANCIES. The Officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Board of Director. at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following each annual meeting of the Members, as herein set forth in Article III. A vacancy in any office arising because of death, resignation, removal, or otherwise may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term. If the Association fails to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors sufficient to constitute a quorum in accordance with these By-Laws, 12 r any parcel OWner may apply to the Circuit Court that has jurisdiction over the community served by the Association for the appointment of a receiver to manage the affairs of the Association. At least 30 days before applying to the Circuit Court, the parcel Owner shall mail to the Association and post, in a conspicuous place on the property of th~ community served by the Association, a notice describing the intended action, giving the Association the opportunity to fill the vacancies. If during such time the Association fails to fill the vacancies, the parcel Owner may proceed with the petition. If a receiver is appointed, the Association shall be responsible for the salary of the receiver, court costs, and attorney's fees. The receiver shall have all powers and duties of Q duly constituted Board of Directors and shall serve until the Association fills vacancies on the Board sufficient to constitute a quorum. section 3. REMOVAL. Any Officer may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interests of the Association will be served thereby. section 4. POWERS AND DUTIES. The Officers of the Association shall each have such powers and duties as generally pertain to their respective offices, as well as such powers and duties as may from time to time be specifically conferred or imposed upon them by the Board of Directors. The President shall be the chief executive Officer of the Association. The Treasurer shall have primary responsibility for the preparation of the budget as provided for in the Declaration and my delegate all or part of the preparation and notification duties to a finance committee, management agent or in such other manner as deemed appropriate by the Board. Section 5. RESIGNATION. Any Officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors, the president, or the Secretary. Such resignation shall take effect on the date of the receipt of such notice or at any later time specified therein, and unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Section 6 . AGREEMENTS. CONTRACTS. DEEDS AND LEASES. All agreements, contract, deeds, leases, and other instruments of the Association shall be executed by at least two (2) Officers or by such other person or persons as may be designated by resolution of the Board of Directors. Section 7. COMPENSATION. No Officer shall receive any compensation from the Association for acting in such capacity or capacities, unless approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting. 13 r ARTICLE V COMMITTEES Section 1. GENERAL. Committees to perform such tasks and to serve for .uch periods as may be designated by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present are hereby authorized. Such committees shall perform such duties and have such powers as may be provided in the resolution. Each committee shall be composed as required by law and shall operate in accordance with the terms of the resolution of the Board of Directors designating the committee or with rules adopted by the Board of Directors. Such committees shall be in addition to those hereinafter described. ARTICLE VI MISCELLANEOUS Section 1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year or as may be otherwise determined by the Board. Section 2. PARLIAMENTARY RULES. Except as may be modified by Board resolution establishing modified procedures, Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the conduct of Association proceedings when not in conflict with Florida law, the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws. Section 3. CONFLICTS. If there are conflicts or inconsistencies between the prov~s~ons of Florida law, the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, and these Bylaws, the provisions of Florida law, the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws (in that order) shall prevail. Section 4. BOOKS AND RECORDS. (a) InsDection by Members. The membership register, books of account, and minutes of meetings of the Members, the Board, and committees shall be made available for inspection and copying by any Member of the Association for by its duly appointed representative, by the Developer, and by Institutional First Mortgageea, at any reasonable time and for a purpose reasonably related to their interests at the office of the Association or at such other place wi thin Palm Beach County as the Board shall prescribe. 14 . (b) Rules for Inspection reasonable rules with respect to: (i) notice to be given to the custodian of the records by any authorized person desiring to make the inspection; The Board shall establish (ii) hours and days of the week when such an inspection may be made; and ( iii) payment of the cost of reproducing copies of documents requested by any authorized person. (c) Inspection by Directors. Every Director shall have the absolute right at any reasonable time to inspect all books, records and documents of the Association and the physical properties owned or controlled by the Association. The right of inspection by a Director includes the right to make extracts and copies of documents at the expense of the Association. Section 5. NOTICES. Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws, all notices, demands, bills, statement, or other communications under these Bylaws shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally or if sent by regular mails (a) if to a Member, at the address which the Member has designated in writing and filed with the Secretary or, if no such address has been designated, at the legal address of such Member; or (b) if to the Association, the Board of Directors, or the management agent, at the principal office of the Association or the management agent, if any, or at such other address as shall be designated by notice in writing to the Members pursuant to this Section. Section 6. AMENDMENT. Prior to the sale of the first Residential Unit, the Developer may amend these Bylaws. These Bylaws may be otherwise amended, altered or rescinded by the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting; provided, however, that at no time shall the Bylaws conflict with the terms of the Declaration or the Articles of Incorporation or the Master Association Declaration. Until such time as the Developer relinquish.. control of the Association, no amendments to those Bylaws shall be effective unless the Developer shall have joined in and consented thereto in writing. No Amendment, alteration of modification of these Bylaws shall be made which affects the rights or privileges of any Institutional First Mortgagee, nor may these Bylaws be rescinded without the express, prior written consent of all Institutional First Mortgagees so affected, and any attempt to amend, alter, modify or rescind contrary to this prohibition shall be of. no force or effect. . 15 . Section 7. VALIDITY. If any provision of these Bylaws, or part thereof, shall be adjudged invalid or become unenforceable in law or in equity, the same shall not affect the validity of any other provision, or part thereof and the remaining provisions of this instrument shall nevertheless be and remain in full force and effect. The foregoing were adopted as Bylaws of Jonathans Grove Homeowners Association, Inc., a corporation not for profit under the laws of the state of Florida, at the first meeting of the initial Board on the FIFTEENTH d:-::. Of~:I~ .' : , 1994. ~. /f:'(if~f. ~ e ek arm President . ..r " . *' " '~.. . .-:...~:, ~ ,::~~,;.; ..., STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) , , ,. '. ..... 1.1 .f' ,. - " ',"', 1" I') KAT .prgs1:1Gedo instrument wa~j;cknowledged before me this , 19~, by CHUCK SHARMAN and , who are personally known to me or liRe have-- as identification. [NOTARY SEAL] J4ht ~ Li!. Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires: "'~~""'" SARA L LEITH !.1~>'I"'~{~ MY COt~MlSSION' cc ~ ~ fl: EXPIRES: FtllruIrY 22. 1987 ~1.~ . 'I BGlldId ThN NOlIIY P\:IlIC ~ ,Rr...,. 16 r PAX AUDIT HO.: H94000002670 the mutual benefit of the Members and their property. All terms used herein which are defined in the Declaration shall have the same meaning herein as therein. ARTICLE III POWERS The powers of the Association shall include and be governed by the following provisions: Section 1. COMMON LAW AND STATUTORY POWERS. The Association shall have all of the common law and statutory powers of a corporation not for profit including, but not limited to, those powers set forth and described in Chapter 617, Florida Statutes, as the same may be amended from time to time, together with, or as limited by, those powers conferred on the Association by the Declaration, these Articles, and the Bylaws of the Association, all as may be amended from time to time. Section 2. NECESSARY POWERS. The Association shall have all of the power& reasonably necessary to implement its purpose, including, but not limited to, the following: A. To operate and manage the Common Area in accordance with the purpose and intent contained in the Declaration; B. To make and collect Assessments against Members to defray the Common Expenses; C. To use the proceeds of Assessments in the exercise of its powers and duties; D. To maintain, repair, replace and operate the Common Area and the improvements located thereon; E. To reconstruct improvements upon the Common Area after casualty; F. To make and amend the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Association respecting the use of the Property; G. To pay all taxes and other assessments which are. liens against the Common Area; 2 PAX AUDIT HO.: H94000002670 . PAX AUDI'! HO. I H94000002670 H. To enforce by legal means the prov~s~ons of the Declaration, these Articles, the Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the Association; I. To provide for management and maintenance, and, in its discretion, to authorize a management agent to assist the Association in carrying out its powers and duties by performing such functions as collection of assessments, preparation of records, enforcement schedules and maintenance of the Common Area. The Association shall, however, retain at all times the powers and duties granted it by common law, Florida Statutes and local ordinances including, but not limited to, the making of assessments, the promulgation of Rules and Regulations, and the execution of contracts on behalf of the Association; J. To possess, enjoy and exercise all powers necessary to implement, enforce, and carry into effect the powers above described, including the power to acquire, hold, and convey real and personal property; K. To do and perform all such other acts and things permitted and to exercise all powers granted to a corporation not for profit under the laws of the state of Florida as those laws now exist or as they may hereafter provide. Section 3. FUNDS AND TITLE TO PROPERTIES. All funds and ti tIe to all properties acquired by the Association and the proceeds thereof shall be held only for the benefit of the Members in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration. Section 4. LIMITATIONS. The powers of the Association shall be subject to and be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Membership and voting rights shall be as set forth in the Declaration and Bylaws. 3 FAX AUDI'! HO.: H94000002670 .. PAZ AuDIT 80. a H94000002670 ARTICLE V BOARD OF DIRECTORS The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors. Until such time as the Developer relinquishes control of the Association, as described in the Declaration and Bylaws, the Developer shall have the right to appoint a majority of the members of the Board of Directors. Further, no Director appointed by the Developer or the Board of Directors need be a Member; however, all Directors elected by members other than the Developer on the Board of Directors must be Members. The initial Board shall consist of three (3) Directors. The Developer shall be entitled at any time, and from time to time, to remove or replace any Director originally appointed by the Developer. The Developer may waive or relinquish in whole or in part any of its rights to appoint anyone or more of the Directors it is entitled to appoint. The following persons shall constitute the initial Board of Directors: Name Jack B. Hansen Address 90l North Lake Destiny Drive Suite 185 Maitland, Florida 32751 901 North Lake Destiny Drive Suite 185 Maitland, Florida 32751 901 North Lake Destiny Drive Suite 185 Maitland, Florida 32751 Charles C. Sharman Katherine A. Montgomery ARTICLE VI OFFICERS The Officers named herein shall serve until replaced by the Developer or until the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors, which ever shall occur first. Offioers elected at the first meeting of the Board shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Board of Directors, or until their successors shall have been appointed and shall qualify. So long as the Developer retains control of the Association, as defined in the Declaration, 4 PAZ AUDIT 80. a H94000002670 p ..0 AUDI~ 80. I H94000002670 no Officer elected by the Board shall serve the Association until such time as the Developer approves the Officer. Upon the election of an Officer by the Board of Directors, whether the election of an Officer by the Board of Directors, whether the election occurs at the annual meeting or otherwise, the Board shall forthwith submit the name of such newly appointed Officer or Officers, as the case may be, in writing, to the Developer. The Developer shall approve or disapprove said Officer, or Officers, within twenty (20) days after receipt of said name or names. In the event the Developer fails to act within such time period, such failure shall be deemed approval by the Developer. The initial Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The following persons shall serve as initial Officers of the Association: ~ TITLE Charles C. Sharman President Jack B. Hansen Vice President Katherine A. Montgomery SecretaryllTreasurer ARTICLE VII INDEMNIFICATION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Every Officer and Director of the Association shall be indemnified by the Association as provided in the Declaration and Florida Statute Chapter 617. ARTICLE VIII SUBSCRIBERS The name and address of the incorporator and subscriber to these Articl.. of Incorporation is: Name Address Charles C. Sharman 90l North Lake Destiny Drive Suite 185 Maitland, Florida 32751 5 . ..0 AUDI~ RO. I H94000002670 -