REVIEW COMMENTS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM *92-160 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & zoning Director FROM: Carel Fisher, Assistant Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Modifications - Kidstop II DATE: July 27, 1992 The Public Works Department approve Site Plan Modifications for Kidstop II per previous memo indicating over-head clearance. Ca~ Assistant Public Works Director CF/cr ~,,~o #€ , ~~L ~\\\ t ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-213 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: July 28, 1992 RE: Technical Review Board Comments Kidstop II Kuoppala & Associates, P.A. Metric Engineering Inc. Please be advised that staff comments (Memo No. 92-182) have not been resolved in the applicants' resubmittal. We recommend a meeting be scheduled, with the applicant, to resolve major comments #4 and #7. Should the comments not be resolved at this meeting, we would then recommend that the project not be allowed to move forward. ,1, - ~.6~ ~~- vincent A. Fi';iZi~ V- Admin. Coord. of Engr. VAF:WRS/ck Note: Memorandum #92-182 stands as originally submitted. N~O ~C~ ~ ~ 'L' ';)~ \, .~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-169 July 22, 1992 TO: Chris Cutro Planning DIf;:.r tor THRU: Don Jaeger Building 0 ~al FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: NEW SITE PLAN - 2nd REVIEW KIDSTOP II DAY SCHOOL The Building Department recommends that the above referenced project be forwarded to the Planning & Development Board. However, the Building Department's previous comments (see memo attached) should be complied with prior to permit issuance. Aft1:~ AN: bh Attachment or.:':',-~'.. ...~n ri' J'" 2 'L \~~L KIDSTOP2.DOC / BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-168 July IS, 1992 I TO: Chris Cutro Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger NY1~ Building Of~~ial FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS - SITE PLAN REVIEW KIDSTOP II DAY SCHOOL The Building Department's comments can be addressed at time of permit. They are as follows: 1. Approval by the utility companies is needed for the sign located in the utility easement. 2. When two or more buildings are on the same site and one wall is not a minimum 4-hour fire wall, the percentage of openings and fire wall ratings must comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code. This condition would not apply if the buildings were tied together at the breezeway and a single building was created. 3. State on the plans if the driveway will be asphalt or concrete (not both), in order that the appropriate codes will be addressed. ~ ~ . ..' B~' Newbold, 38-7480 Al AN: bh KIDSTOP2.DOC MEMORANDUM Utilities #92-297 Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning D FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities TO: / DATE: July 27, 1992 SUBJECT: Kidstop II Site Plan - Second Review We have reviewed the amended site plans for Kidstop II and find it in compliance with our previous comments. The 1 1/2" water meter reservation fee is $1,205.02 and will be due and payable in accordance with Ord. 91.59 (Sec. 26-34(E)). Please refer any questions on this matter to Mike Kazunas of this office. 19b xc: Mike Kazunas Pet er Mazze 11 a File Time: Utility Engineer - 1 hour RECEIVED Jut 2 8 1992 M E M 0 RAN DUM POLICE #92-141 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Community Relations Division Police Department DATE: 23 July 92 SUBJECT: Second Review - New Site Plan - Kidstop II I have reviewed the new site plan for Kidstop II and find everything satisfactory. ~ LE. Donala I. Thras er . Community Relations Division Police Department DIT/dmj c\\iED ~~C.... .\'" 1- '3 \\j"!,'l. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-152 July 21, 1992 T Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Mike Kazunas, City Engineer Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utility Director Lt. Don Thrasher, police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent K_~V19fial~h~~o ester/Environmentalist //l-e'4( to' Christoph r t ,planning & Zoning Director .;ReI I . RE: Second Review - New Site Plan Project - Kidstop II Location - 3800 Quantum Boulevard File No. - 684 RECEIVED JUL 24 PLANNING DEPT. " / / / I I ! ~~t t't. ~~~\. '\ \ r I / -," I' ....~// Attached is the amended site plan for the above referenced development for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments made previously by your department. If the comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met or must be met by correcting the site plan again, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. Finally we would ask that you recommend to us if the plan should be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for review or held for further revisions by the applicant. Please return your memo and the revised plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on July 28, 1992. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Mike Haag at 228 who is coordinating the review of this development. j4- W~ xc: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger Ed Allen Charlie Frederick Edward Hillery John Guidry Project File Chronological File 7j,o/q ~ II/ifill Aile ~(~ eEA JIO'V J?6L.At~~ fR ~ ~ e ,-,'"t": C:2REVIEW.SDD IV 0 () u 1S t/iw\) /AJ ~ {SS4 t'S ON TIt( s RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #92-264 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~~ RE: Kidstop II - Second Review DATE: July 27, 1992 I. The applicant must provide a written document to correlate to the site plan tree management sheet. This document must be prepared prior to permitting the clearing permit for the site. 2. The applicant has not yet supplied a letter from Quantum Associates that the site will not be a microsite set aside area. The note on the tree management sheet must be documented from the association. KH:ad Time: Forester/Environmentalist: 15 minutes Secretary: 15 minutes RECEIVED JUl 2 11992 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #92-229 TO: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~tt- RE: Kid Stop II - Quantum Park DATE: July 20, 1992 I. The applicant in Amendment #3, dated designate if this preservation. accordance with the Ecological Report, December 20, 1988 of Quantum Park must site will be considered for microsite 2. The applicant should prepare a tree management plan for the existing tree or in conjunction with the Tree Preservation Ordinance [Env. Reg. 7.5 - 7.5 - 12, - 13 pp. 598 - 599]. See = 15 min. Forester = 15 min. KJH:JG RECE'VED JUt 2 0 199Z FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-244 WDC '1'0 : PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: JULY 21, 1992 RE: TRC - KIDSTOP II LOT 38, QUANTUM BLVD. THERE ARE NO FIRE DEPARTMENT OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTED. c::::. kidstop.wdc pg MEH:>RANOOH UTILITIES DEPAR'IMENT NO. 92 - 261 FRCM: John A. Guidry, utilities Director TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoni DATE: July 8, 1992 SUBJECT: Site Plan review - Kidstop II. We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1) The capacity reservation fee must be paid within 30 days of City ComrrUssion approval. Please indicate anticipated meter sizing and/or projected water demands for this facility so that we may calculate the appropriate fee. This information must be furnished before the proiegt is_ fo~ard~ to the City ComrrUssion. (Sect. 26-34(E)) 2) All water and sewer utilities to be owned and operated by the city shall be constructed in accordance with city standards. (Sect. 26-33(b)) 3) We believe Dept. of H.R.S. pe~ts will be required for the water main extension. (Sects. 26-11,-12) 4) Reduced pressure backflow preventer(s) may be required on the danestic water service line, and will definitely be required on the fire sprinkler line. (Sect. 26-107) 5) show all proposed or existing an-site utilities easements. (Sect. 26-33(a) ) 6) This Department must approve plans for the water and sewer utilities construction prior to issuance of a building pe~t. (Sect. 26-15) Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. .... JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: File " ) TIME: Assistant to the Director - 1 hour IS minutes ~---~ ~\ .~-~ ., M E M 0 RAN DUM 92-131 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Community Relations Division, Police Department DATE: 10 July 92 SUBJECT: Review new site plan - Kidstop II After review of the site plan I am recommending the following: 1). Directional arrows be painted on the pavement. (City Ordinance 5-142C) 2). Parking lot lighting to be photocell activated. (City Ordinance 5-138, Public Safety) t. Donald I. Thrasher Community Relations Division Police Department DIT/dmj RECF:t\IED J 1I , 1 3 199! .,a !~ .; RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #92-225 FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director John Wi1dner, Superintendent of Parks ,~ Kidstop II I TO: RE: DATE: July 13, 1992 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the site plan for the Kidstop II Child Care Center. There are no recreation related issues on this project. No further review is required by this department unless revisions include residential development. JW: cm ... ... ~CfJ~fD JUl. \.\ "'\\-'I~ OE."'. p\-A.N I'll \.... ~